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// SuperTuxKart - a fun racing game with go-kart
// Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SuperTuxKart-Team
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "modes/linear_world.hpp"
2014-03-17 17:07:55 -04:00
#include "achievements/achievements_manager.hpp"
#include "config/player_manager.hpp"
#include "audio/music_manager.hpp"
#include "audio/sfx_base.hpp"
#include "audio/sfx_manager.hpp"
#include "config/user_config.hpp"
#include "karts/abstract_kart.hpp"
#include "karts/controller/controller.hpp"
#include "karts/kart_properties.hpp"
#include "physics/physics.hpp"
#include "race/history.hpp"
#include "states_screens/race_gui_base.hpp"
#include "tracks/track_sector.hpp"
#include "tracks/track.hpp"
#include "utils/constants.hpp"
#include "utils/string_utils.hpp"
#include "utils/translation.hpp"
#include <iostream>
/** Constructs the linear world. Note that here no functions can be called
* that use World::getWorld(), since it is not yet defined.
LinearWorld::LinearWorld() : WorldWithRank()
m_last_lap_sfx = sfx_manager->createSoundSource("last_lap_fanfare");
m_last_lap_sfx_played = false;
m_last_lap_sfx_playing = false;
m_fastest_lap = 9999999.9f;
} // LinearWorld
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Actually initialises the world, i.e. creates all data structures to
* for all karts etc. In init functions can be called that use
* World::getWorld().
void LinearWorld::init()
m_last_lap_sfx_played = false;
m_last_lap_sfx_playing = false;
// The values are initialised in reset()
} // init
/** The destructor frees al data structures.
} // ~LinearWorld
/** Called before a race is started (or restarted). It resets the data
* structures that keep track of position and distance long track of
* all karts.
void LinearWorld::reset()
m_last_lap_sfx_played = false;
m_last_lap_sfx_playing = false;
const unsigned int kart_amount = m_karts.size();
for(unsigned int i=0; i<kart_amount; i++)
} // next kart
// At the moment the last kart would be the one that is furthest away
// from the start line, i.e. it would determine the amount by which
// the track length must be extended (to avoid negative numbers in
// estimateFinishTimeForKart()). On the other hand future game modes
// might not follow this rule, so check the distance for all karts here:
m_distance_increase = m_track->getTrackLength();
for(unsigned int i=0; i<kart_amount; i++)
m_distance_increase = std::min(m_distance_increase,
// Track length - minimum distance is how much the track length must
// be increased to avoid negative values in estimateFinishTimeForKart
// Increase this value somewhat in case that a kart drivess/slides
// backwards a little bit at start.
m_distance_increase = m_track->getTrackLength() - m_distance_increase
+ 5.0f;
if(m_distance_increase<0) m_distance_increase = 1.0f; // shouldn't happen
// First all kart infos must be updated before the kart position can be
// recomputed, since otherwise 'new' (initialised) valued will be compared
// with old values.
#ifdef DEBUG
//FIXME: this could be defined somewhere in a central header so it can
// be used everywhere
#define assertExpr( ARG1, OP, ARG2 ) if (!(ARG1 OP ARG2)) \
{ \
std::cerr << "Failed assert " << #ARG1 << #OP << #ARG2 << " @ " \
<< __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ \
<< "; values are (" << ARG1 << #OP << ARG2 << ")\n"; \
assert(false); \
for (unsigned int i=0; i<kart_amount; i++)
for (unsigned int j=i+1; j<kart_amount; j++)
assertExpr( m_karts[i]->getPosition(), !=,
m_karts[j]->getPosition() );
} // reset
/** General update function called once per frame. This updates the kart
* sectors, which are then used to determine the kart positions.
* \param dt Time step size.
void LinearWorld::update(float dt)
// run generic parent stuff that applies to all modes. It
// especially updates the kart positions.
if (m_last_lap_sfx_playing &&
m_last_lap_sfx->getStatus() != SFXManager::SFX_PLAYING)
m_last_lap_sfx_playing = false;
const unsigned int kart_amount = getNumKarts();
// Do stuff specific to this subtype of race.
// ------------------------------------------
for(unsigned int n=0; n<kart_amount; n++)
KartInfo& kart_info = m_kart_info[n];
AbstractKart* kart = m_karts[n];
// Nothing to do for karts that are currently being
// rescued or eliminated
if(kart->getKartAnimation()) continue;
kart_info.m_overall_distance = kart_info.m_race_lap
* m_track->getTrackLength()
+ getDistanceDownTrackForKart(kart->getWorldKartId());
} // for n
// Update all positions. This must be done after _all_ karts have
// updated their position and laps etc, otherwise inconsistencies
// (like two karts at same position) can occur.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
for (unsigned int i=0; i<kart_amount; i++)
// ---------- update rank ------
if (m_karts[i]->hasFinishedRace() ||
m_karts[i]->isEliminated() ) continue;
// During the last lap update the estimated finish time.
// This is used to play the faster music, and by the AI
if (m_kart_info[i].m_race_lap == race_manager->getNumLaps()-1)
m_kart_info[i].m_estimated_finish =
#ifdef DEBUG
// Debug output in case that the double position error occurs again.
std::vector<int> pos_used;
pos_used.resize(kart_amount+1, -99);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<kart_amount; i++)
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
for(unsigned int j=0; j<kart_amount; j++)
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::verbose("[LinearWorld]", "kart id=%u, position=%d, finished=%d, laps=%d, "
"distanceDownTrack=%f overallDistance=%f %s",
j, m_karts[j]->getPosition(),
(m_karts[j]->getPosition() == m_karts[i]->getPosition()
? "<--- !!!" : "") );
} // update
/** Is called by check structures if a kart starts a new lap.
* \param kart_index Index of the kart.
void LinearWorld::newLap(unsigned int kart_index)
KartInfo &kart_info = m_kart_info[kart_index];
AbstractKart *kart = m_karts[kart_index];
2014-03-17 17:07:55 -04:00
// Reset reset-after-lap achievements
StateManager::ActivePlayer *c = kart->getController()->getPlayer();
PlayerProfile *p = PlayerManager::getCurrentPlayer();
2014-03-17 17:07:55 -04:00
if (c && c->getConstProfile() == p)
2014-03-17 17:30:17 -04:00
2014-03-17 17:07:55 -04:00
// Only update the kart controller if a kart that has already finished
// the race crosses the start line again. This avoids 'fastest lap'
// messages if the end controller does a fastest lap, but especially
// allows the end controller to switch end cameras
const int lap_count = race_manager->getNumLaps();
// Only increase the lap counter and set the new time if the
// kart hasn't already finished the race (otherwise the race_gui
// will begin another countdown).
if(kart_info.m_race_lap+1 <= lap_count)
m_kart_info[kart_index].m_overall_distance =
m_kart_info[kart_index].m_race_lap * m_track->getTrackLength()
+ getDistanceDownTrackForKart(kart->getWorldKartId());
// Last lap message (kart_index's assert in previous block already)
if (raceHasLaps() && kart_info.m_race_lap+1 == lap_count)
m_race_gui->addMessage(_("Final lap!"), kart,
3.0f, video::SColor(255, 210, 100, 50), true);
if(!m_last_lap_sfx_played && lap_count > 1)
if (UserConfigParams::m_music)
m_last_lap_sfx_played = true;
m_last_lap_sfx_playing = true;
// In case that no music is defined
if(music_manager->getCurrentMusic() &&
music_manager->getMasterMusicVolume() > 0.2f)
m_last_lap_sfx_played = true;
m_last_lap_sfx_playing = false;
else if (raceHasLaps() && kart_info.m_race_lap > 0 &&
kart_info.m_race_lap+1 < lap_count)
m_race_gui->addMessage(_("Lap %i", kart_info.m_race_lap+1),
kart, 3.0f, video::SColor(255, 210, 100, 50),
// The race positions must be updated here: consider the situation where
// the first kart does not cross the finish line in its last lap, instead
// it passes it, the kart reverses and crosses the finishing line
// backwards. Just before crossing the finishing line the kart will be on
// the last lap, but with a distance along the track close to zero.
// Therefore its position will be wrong. If the race position gets updated
// after increasing the number of laps (but before tagging the kart to have
// finished the race) the position will be correct (since the kart now
// has one additional lap it will be ahead of the other karts).
// Without this call the incorrect position for this kart would remain
// (since a kart that has finished the race does not get its position
// changed anymore), potentially resulting in a duplicated race position
// (since the first kart does not have position 1, no other kart can get
// position 1, so one rank will be duplicated).
// Similarly the situation can happen if the distance along track should
// go back to zero before actually crossing the finishing line. While this
// should not happen, it could potentially be caused by floating point
// errors. In this case the call to updateRacePosition will avoid
// duplicated race positions as well.
// Race finished
if(kart_info.m_race_lap >= race_manager->getNumLaps() && raceHasLaps())
float time_per_lap;
if (kart_info.m_race_lap == 1) // just completed first lap
else //completing subsequent laps
time_per_lap=getTime() - kart_info.m_lap_start_time;
// if new fastest lap
if(time_per_lap < m_fastest_lap && raceHasLaps() &&
m_fastest_lap = time_per_lap;
std::string s = StringUtils::timeToString(time_per_lap);
irr::core::stringw m_fastest_lap_message;
//I18N: as in "fastest lap: 60 seconds by Wilber"
m_fastest_lap_message += _C("fastest_lap", "%s by %s", s.c_str(),
m_race_gui->addMessage(m_fastest_lap_message, NULL,
3.0f, video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
m_race_gui->addMessage(_("New fastest lap"), NULL,
3.0f, video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
} // end if new fastest lap
kart_info.m_lap_start_time = getTime();
} // newLap
/** Gets the sector a kart is on. This function returns UNKNOWN_SECTOR if the
* kart_id is larger than the current kart info. This is necessary in the case
* that a collision with the track happens during resetAllKarts: at this time
* m_kart_info is not initialised (and has size 0), so it would trigger this
* assert. While this normally does not happen, it is useful for track
* designers that STK does not crash.
* \param kart_id The world kart id of the kart for which to return
* the sector.
int LinearWorld::getSectorForKart(const AbstractKart *kart) const
return QuadGraph::UNKNOWN_SECTOR;
return m_kart_info[kart->getWorldKartId()].getTrackSector()
} // getSectorForKart
/** Returns the distance the kart has travelled along the track since
* crossing the start line..
* \param kart_id Index of the kart.
float LinearWorld::getDistanceDownTrackForKart(const int kart_id) const
assert(kart_id < (int)m_kart_info.size());
return m_kart_info[kart_id].getTrackSector()->getDistanceFromStart();
} // getDistanceDownTrackForKart
/** Gets the distance of the kart from the center of the driveline. Positive
* is to the right of the center, negative values to the left.
* \param kart_id Index of kart.
float LinearWorld::getDistanceToCenterForKart(const int kart_id) const
assert(kart_id < (int)m_kart_info.size());
return m_kart_info[kart_id].getTrackSector()->getDistanceToCenter();
} // getDistanceToCenterForKart
int LinearWorld::getLapForKart(const int kart_id) const
assert(kart_id < (int)m_kart_info.size());
return m_kart_info[kart_id].m_race_lap;
} // getLapForKart
/** Returns the estimated finishing time. Only valid during the last lap!
* \param kart_id Id of the kart.
float LinearWorld::getEstimatedFinishTime(const int kart_id) const
assert(kart_id < (int)m_kart_info.size());
assert(m_kart_info[kart_id].m_race_lap == race_manager->getNumLaps()-1);
return m_kart_info[kart_id].m_estimated_finish;
} // getEstimatedFinishTime
float LinearWorld::getTimeAtLapForKart(const int kart_id) const
assert(kart_id < (int)m_kart_info.size());
return m_kart_info[kart_id].m_time_at_last_lap;
} // getTimeAtLapForKart
void LinearWorld::getKartsDisplayInfo(
std::vector<RaceGUIBase::KartIconDisplayInfo> *info)
int laps_of_leader = -1;
float time_of_leader = -1;
// Find the best time for the lap. We can't simply use
// the time of the kart at position 1, since the kart
// might have been overtaken by now
const unsigned int kart_amount = getNumKarts();
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < kart_amount ; i++)
RaceGUIBase::KartIconDisplayInfo& rank_info = (*info)[i];
AbstractKart* kart = m_karts[i];
// reset color
rank_info.m_color = video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
rank_info.lap = -1;
if(kart->isEliminated()) continue;
const float lap_time = getTimeAtLapForKart(kart->getWorldKartId());
const int current_lap = getLapForKart( kart->getWorldKartId() );
rank_info.lap = current_lap;
if(current_lap > laps_of_leader)
// more laps than current leader --> new leader and
// new time computation
laps_of_leader = current_lap;
time_of_leader = lap_time;
} else if(current_lap == laps_of_leader)
// Same number of laps as leader: use fastest time
// we now know the best time of the lap. fill the remaining bits of info
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < kart_amount ; i++)
RaceGUIBase::KartIconDisplayInfo& rank_info = (*info)[i];
KartInfo& kart_info = m_kart_info[i];
AbstractKart* kart = m_karts[i];
const int position = kart->getPosition();
// Don't compare times when crossing the start line first
if(laps_of_leader>0 &&
(getTime() - getTimeAtLapForKart(kart->getWorldKartId())<5.0f ||
rank_info.lap != laps_of_leader) &&
{ // Display for 5 seconds
std::string str;
if(position == 1)
str = " " + StringUtils::timeToString(
getTimeAtLapForKart(kart->getWorldKartId()) );
float timeBehind;
timeBehind = (kart_info.m_race_lap==laps_of_leader
? getTimeAtLapForKart(kart->getWorldKartId())
: getTime())
- time_of_leader;
str = "+" + StringUtils::timeToString(timeBehind);
rank_info.m_text = irr::core::stringw(str.c_str());
rank_info.m_text = "";
int numLaps = race_manager->getNumLaps();
{ // kart is finished, display in green
else if(kart_info.m_race_lap>=0 && numLaps>1)
int col = (int)(255*(1.0f-(float)kart_info.m_race_lap
/((float)numLaps-1.0f) ));
} // next kart
} // getKartsDisplayInfo
/** Estimate the arrival time of any karts that haven't arrived yet by using
* their average speed up to now and the distance still to race. This
* approach guarantees that the order of the karts won't change anymore
* (karts ahead will have covered more distance and have therefore a higher
* average speed and therefore finish the race earlier than karts further
* behind), so the position doesn't have to be updated to get the correct
* scoring.
* As so often the devil is in the details: a kart that hasn't crossed the
* starting line has a negative distance (when it is crossing the start line
* its distance becomes 0), which can result in a negative average speed
* (and therefore incorrect estimates). This is partly taken care of by
* adding m_distance_increase to the distance covered by a kart. The value
* of m_distance_increase is a bit more than the distance the last kart
* has from the start line at start time. This guarantees that the distance
* used in computing the average speed is positive in most cases. Only
* exception is if a kart is driving backwards on purpose. While this
* shouldn't happen (the AI doesn't do it, and if it's a player the game
* won't finish so the time estimation won't be called and so the incorrect
* result won't be displayed), this is still taken care of: if the average
* speed is negative, the estimated arrival time of the kart is set to
* 99:00 plus kart position. This means that even in this case all karts
* will have a different arrival time.
* \pre The position of the karts are set according to the distance they
* have covered.
* \param kart The kart for which to estimate the finishing times.
float LinearWorld::estimateFinishTimeForKart(AbstractKart* kart)
const KartInfo &kart_info = m_kart_info[kart->getWorldKartId()];
float full_distance = race_manager->getNumLaps()
* m_track->getTrackLength();
if(full_distance == 0)
full_distance = 1.0f; // For 0 lap races avoid warning below
#ifdef DEBUG
if(kart_info.m_overall_distance > full_distance)
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", "Full distance < distance covered for kart '%s':",
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", "%f < %f", full_distance, kart_info.m_overall_distance);
// Avoid potential problems (floating point issues, coding bug?) if a
// kart has driven more than the full distance, but not finished:
// Return the current time plus initial position to spread arrival
// times a bit. This code should generally not be used at all, it's
// just here to avoid invalid finishing times.
if(kart_info.m_overall_distance > full_distance)
return getTime() + kart->getInitialPosition();
// Finish time is the time needed for the whole race with
// the computed average speed computed. The distance is always positive
// due to the way m_distance_increase was computed, so average speed
// is also always positive.
float average_speed = getTime()==0
? 1.0f
: (m_distance_increase + kart_info.m_overall_distance)
/ getTime();
// Avoid NAN or invalid results when average_speed is very low
// or negative (which can happen if a kart drives backwards and
// m_overall distance becomes smaller than -m_distance_increase).
// In this case set the time to 99 minutes, offset by kart
// position (to spread arrival times for all karts that arrive
// even later). This works for up to 60 karts (otherwise the
// time displayed would become too long: 100:xx:yy).
return 99*60.0f + kart->getPosition();
float est_time = getTime() + (full_distance - kart_info.m_overall_distance)
/ average_speed;
// Avoid times > 99:00 - in this case use kart position to spread
// arrival time so that each kart has a unique value. The pre-condition
// guarantees that this works correctly (higher position -> less distance
// covered -> later arrival time).
return 99*60.0f + kart->getPosition();
return est_time;
} // estimateFinishTimeForKart
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014-03-29 06:33:43 -04:00
/** Returns the number of rescue positions on a given track, which in
* linear races is just the number of driveline quads.
unsigned int LinearWorld::getNumberOfRescuePositions() const
return QuadGraph::get()->getNumNodes();
} // getNumberOfRescuePositions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int LinearWorld::getRescuePositionIndex(AbstractKart *kart)
KartInfo& info = m_kart_info[kart->getWorldKartId()];
// Setting XYZ for the kart is important since otherwise the kart
// will not detect the right material again when doing the next
// raycast to detect where it is driving on (--> potential rescue loop)
return info.getTrackSector()->getCurrentGraphNode();
} // getRescuePositionIndex
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
btTransform LinearWorld::getRescueTransform(unsigned int index) const
const Vec3 &xyz = QuadGraph::get()->getQuadOfNode(index).getCenter();
btTransform pos;
pos.setRotation(btQuaternion(btVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
return pos;
} // getRescueTransform
/** Find the position (rank) of every kart. ATM it uses a stable O(n^2)
* algorithm by counting for each kart how many other karts are ahead of
* it.
void LinearWorld::updateRacePosition()
// Mostly for debugging:
const unsigned int kart_amount = m_karts.size();
#ifdef DEBUG
bool rank_changed = false;
// NOTE: if you do any changes to this loop, the next loop (see
// DEBUG_KART_RANK below) needs to have the same changes applied
// so that debug output is still correct!!!!!!!!!!!
for (unsigned int i=0; i<kart_amount; i++)
AbstractKart* kart = m_karts[i];
// Karts that are either eliminated or have finished the
// race already have their (final) position assigned. If
// these karts would get their rank updated, it could happen
// that a kart that finished first will be overtaken after
// crossing the finishing line and become second!
if(kart->isEliminated() || kart->hasFinishedRace())
// This is only necessary to support debugging inconsistencies
// in kart position parameters.
setKartPosition(i, kart->getPosition());
KartInfo& kart_info = m_kart_info[i];
int p = 1 ;
const unsigned int my_id = kart->getWorldKartId();
const float my_distance = m_kart_info[my_id].m_overall_distance;
// Count karts ahead of the current kart, i.e. kart that are
// already finished or have covered a larger overall distance.
for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < kart_amount ; j++)
// don't compare a kart with itself and ignore eliminated karts
if(j == my_id || m_karts[j]->isEliminated())
// If the other kart has:
// - finished the race (but this kart hasn't)
// - or is ahead
// - or has the same distance (very unlikely) but started earlier
// it is ahead --> increase position
if((!kart->hasFinishedRace() && m_karts[j]->hasFinishedRace()) ||
m_kart_info[j].m_overall_distance > my_distance ||
(m_kart_info[j].m_overall_distance == my_distance &&
m_karts[j]->getInitialPosition()<kart->getInitialPosition() ) )
} //next kart
#ifndef DEBUG
setKartPosition(i, p);
rank_changed |= kart->getPosition()!=p;
if (!setKartPosition(i,p))
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::error("[LinearWorld]", "Same rank used twice!!");
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", "Info used to decide ranking :");
for (unsigned int d=0; d<kart_amount; d++)
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", "Kart %s has finished (%d), is at lap (%u),"
"is at distance (%u), is eliminated(%d)",
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", "Who has each ranking so far :");
for (unsigned int d=0; d<i; d++)
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", "%s has rank %d", m_karts[d]->getIdent().c_str(),
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", " --> And %s is being set at rank %d",
kart->getIdent().c_str(), p);
// Switch on faster music if not already done so, if the
// first kart is doing its last lap, and if the estimated
// remaining time is less than 30 seconds.
if(!m_faster_music_active &&
kart_info.m_race_lap == race_manager->getNumLaps()-1 &&
p==1 &&
useFastMusicNearEnd() &&
kart_info.m_estimated_finish > 0 &&
kart_info.m_estimated_finish - getTime() < 30.0f )
} // for i<kart_amount
// Define this to get a detailled analyses each time a race position
// changes.
#ifdef DEBUG
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", "Counting laps at %u seconds.", getTime());
for (unsigned int i=0; i<kart_amount; i++)
AbstractKart* kart = m_karts[i];
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", "counting karts ahead of %s (laps %u,"
" progress %u, finished %d, eliminated %d, initial position %u.",
// Karts that are either eliminated or have finished the
// race already have their (final) position assigned. If
// these karts would get their rank updated, it could happen
// that a kart that finished first will be overtaken after
// crossing the finishing line and become second!
if(kart->isEliminated() || kart->hasFinishedRace()) continue;
KartInfo& kart_info = m_kart_info[i];
int p = 1 ;
const int my_id = kart->getWorldKartId();
const float my_distance = m_kart_info[my_id].m_overall_distance;
for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < kart_amount ; j++)
if(j == my_id) continue;
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", " %u: %s because it is eliminated.",
p, m_karts[j]->getIdent().c_str());
if(!kart->hasFinishedRace() && m_karts[j]->hasFinishedRace())
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", " %u: %s because it has finished the race.",
p, m_karts[j]->getIdent().c_str());
if(m_kart_info[j].m_overall_distance > my_distance)
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", " %u: %s because it is ahead %u.",
p, m_karts[j]->getIdent().c_str(),
if(m_kart_info[j].m_overall_distance == my_distance &&
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::debug("[LinearWorld]"," %u: %s has same distance, but started ahead %d",
p, m_karts[j]->getIdent().c_str(),
} // next kart j
} // for i<kart_amount
2014-02-06 17:17:49 -05:00
Log::debug("LinearWorld]", "-------------------------------------------");
} // if rank_changed
} // updateRacePosition
/** Checks if a kart is going in the wrong direction. This is done only for
* player karts to display a message to the player.
* \param i Kart id.
void LinearWorld::checkForWrongDirection(unsigned int i)
if(!m_karts[i]->getController()->isPlayerController()) return;
m_karts[i]->getKartAnimation()) return;
const AbstractKart *kart=m_karts[i];
// If the kart can go in more than one directions from the current track
// don't do any reverse message handling, since it is likely that there
// will be one direction in which it isn't going backwards anyway.
int sector = m_kart_info[i].getTrackSector()->getCurrentGraphNode();
// check if the player is going in the wrong direction
float angle_diff = kart->getHeading() -
if(angle_diff > M_PI) angle_diff -= 2*M_PI;
else if (angle_diff < -M_PI) angle_diff += 2*M_PI;
// Display a warning message if the kart is going back way (unless
// the kart has already finished the race).
if (( angle_diff > DEGREE_TO_RAD* 120.0f ||
angle_diff < -DEGREE_TO_RAD*120.0f) &&
kart->getVelocityLC().getY() > 0.0f &&
!kart->hasFinishedRace() )
m_race_gui->addMessage(_("WRONG WAY!"), kart,
/* time */ -1.0f,
/*important*/ true,
/*big font*/ true);
} // if angle is too big
} // checkForWrongDirection