Updated 2024-07-07 10:39:42 -04:00
Speech Timing Server for things like Toastmaster Speeches
Updated 2024-07-07 10:39:42 -04:00
https://sohbet.page chat sohbet sohbet odaları ücretsiz telefon tablet uyumlu güvenli mobil chat parasız sohbet siteleri.
Updated 2024-07-07 10:39:41 -04:00
Updated 2024-07-07 10:39:41 -04:00
Updated 2024-07-07 10:39:41 -04:00
Updated 2024-07-07 10:39:40 -04:00
A set of POSIX* shell scripts designed for personal use. No guarantees when it comes to quality, as these are also used for various minor experiments of mine.
Updated 2024-07-07 10:39:38 -04:00