auria a6460ee84c gamepads can now be configured! I cannot test if it works when you have mutliple gamepad models, people will need to help me here
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 178a84e3-b1eb-0310-8ba1-8eac791a3b58
2009-05-31 02:04:14 +00:00

1257 lines
42 KiB

#include "gui/screen.hpp"
#include "gui/engine.hpp"
#include "gui/my_button.hpp"
#include "io/file_manager.hpp"
#include <irrlicht.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#ifndef round
# define round(x) (floor(x+0.5f))
using namespace irr;
using namespace core;
using namespace scene;
using namespace video;
using namespace io;
using namespace gui;
using namespace GUIEngine;
#include "gui/widget.hpp"
static unsigned int id_counter = 0;
static unsigned int id_counter_2 = 1000; // for items that can't be reached with keyboard navigation but can be clicked
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** When switching to a new screen, this function will be called to reset ID counters
* (so we start again from ID 0, and don't grow to big numbers) */
void Widget::resetIDCounters()
id_counter = 0;
id_counter_2 = 1000;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
x = -1;
y = -1;
w = -1;
h = -1;
id = -1;
m_element = NULL;
m_type = WTYPE_NONE;
m_selected = false;
m_event_handler = NULL;
m_show_bounding_box = false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Receives as string the raw property value retrieved from XML file.
* Will try to make sense of it, as an absolute value or a percentage.
* Return values :
* Will write to either absolute or percentage, depending on the case.
* Returns false if couldn't convert to either
bool Widget::convertToCoord(std::string& x, int* absolute /* out */, int* percentage /* out */)
bool is_number;
int i;
std::istringstream myStream(x);
is_number = (myStream >> i)!=0;
if(!is_number) return false;
if( x[x.size()-1] == '%' ) // percentage
*percentage = i;
return true;
else // absolute number
*absolute = i;
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Finds its x, y, w and h coords from what is specified in the XML properties.
* Most notably, expands coords relative to parent and percentages.
void Widget::readCoords(Widget* parent)
/* determine widget position and size if not already done by sizers */
std::string x = m_properties[PROP_X];
std::string y = m_properties[PROP_Y];
std::string width = m_properties[PROP_WIDTH];
std::string height = m_properties[PROP_HEIGHT];
/* retrieve parent size (or screen size if none). Will be useful for layout
and especially for percentages. */
unsigned int parent_w, parent_h, parent_x, parent_y;
if(parent == NULL)
core::dimension2d<s32> frame_size = GUIEngine::getDriver()->getCurrentRenderTargetSize();
parent_w = frame_size.Width;
parent_h = frame_size.Height;
parent_x = 0;
parent_y = 0;
parent_w = parent->w;
parent_h = parent->h;
parent_x = parent->x;
parent_y = parent->y;
// ---- try converting to number
// x coord
int abs_x = -1, percent_x = -1;
if(convertToCoord(x, &abs_x, &percent_x ))
if(abs_x > -1) this->x = parent_x + abs_x;
else if(abs_x < -1) this->x = parent_x + (parent_w + abs_x);
else if(percent_x > -1) this->x = parent_x + parent_w*percent_x/100;
// y coord
int abs_y = -1, percent_y = -1;
if(convertToCoord(y, &abs_y, &percent_y ))
if(abs_y > -1) this->y = parent_y + abs_y;
else if(abs_y < -1) this->y = parent_y + (parent_h + abs_y);
else if(percent_y > -1) this->y = parent_y + parent_h*percent_y/100;
// ---- if this widget has an icon, get icon size. this can helpful determine its optimal size
int texture_w = -1, texture_h = -1;
if(m_properties[PROP_ICON].size() > 0)
ITexture* texture = GUIEngine::getDriver()->getTexture(
(file_manager->getDataDir() + "/" + m_properties[PROP_ICON]).c_str()
if(texture != NULL)
texture_w = texture->getSize().Width;
texture_h = texture->getSize().Height;
// ---- if this widget has a label, get text length. this can helpful determine its optimal size
int label_w = -1, label_h = -1;
if(m_properties[PROP_TEXT].size() > 0)
IGUIFont* font = GUIEngine::getFont();
core::dimension2d< s32 > dim = font->getDimension( stringw(m_properties[PROP_TEXT].c_str()).c_str() );
label_w = dim.Width;
// FIXME - won't work with multiline labels. thus, for now, when multiple
// lines are required, we need to specify a height explicitely
label_h = dim.Height;
// ---- read dimension
// width
int abs_w = -1, percent_w = -1;
if(convertToCoord(width, &abs_w, &percent_w ))
if(abs_w > -1) this->w = abs_w;
else if(percent_w > -1) this->w = (int)round(parent_w*percent_w/100.0);
else if(texture_w > -1) this->w = texture_w;
else if(label_w > -1) this->w = label_w;
// height
int abs_h = -1, percent_h = -1;
if(convertToCoord(height, &abs_h, &percent_h ))
if(abs_h > -1) this->h = abs_h;
else if(percent_h > -1) this->h = parent_h*percent_h/100;
else if(texture_h > -1 && label_h > -1) this->h = texture_h + label_h;
else if(texture_h > -1) this->h = texture_h;
else if(label_h > -1) this->h = label_h;
// ---- can't make widget bigger than parent
if(this->h > (int)parent_h)
float ratio = (float)parent_h/this->h;
this->w = (int)(this->w*ratio);
this->h = (int)(this->h*ratio);
if(this->w > (int)parent_w)
float ratio = (float)parent_w/this->w;
this->w = (int)(this->w*ratio);
this->h = (int)(this->h*ratio);
// ------ check for given max size
if(m_properties[PROP_MAX_WIDTH].size() > 0)
const int max_width = atoi( this->m_properties[PROP_MAX_WIDTH].c_str() );
if(this->w > max_width) this->w = max_width;
if(m_properties[PROP_MAX_HEIGHT].size() > 0)
const int max_height = atoi( this->m_properties[PROP_MAX_HEIGHT].c_str() );
if(this->h > max_height) this->h = max_height;
#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Button Widget
void ButtonWidget::add()
rect<s32> widget_size = rect<s32>(x, y, x + w, y + h);
stringw message = m_properties[PROP_TEXT].c_str();
m_element = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(widget_size, NULL, ++id_counter, message.c_str(), L"");
id = m_element->getID();
void ButtonWidget::setLabel(const char* label)
m_element->setText( stringw(label).c_str() );
#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Label Widget
void LabelWidget::add()
rect<s32> widget_size = rect<s32>(x, y, x + w, y + h);
const bool word_wrap = m_properties[PROP_WORD_WRAP] == "true";
stringw message = m_properties[PROP_TEXT].c_str();
if(m_properties[PROP_TEXT_ALIGN] == "center") align = EGUIA_CENTER;
else if(m_properties[PROP_TEXT_ALIGN] == "right") align = EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT;
EGUI_ALIGNMENT valign = EGUIA_CENTER ; // TODO - make confiurable through XML file?
IGUIStaticText* irrwidget = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addStaticText(message.c_str(), widget_size, false, word_wrap, NULL, -1);
m_element = irrwidget;
irrwidget->setTextAlignment( align, valign );
id = m_element->getID();
#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Check Box Widget
m_state = true;
m_event_handler = this;
void CheckBoxWidget::add()
rect<s32> widget_size = rect<s32>(x, y, x + w, y + h);
stringw message = m_properties[PROP_TEXT].c_str();
//m_element = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addCheckBox(true /* checked */, widget_size, NULL, ++id_counter, message.c_str());
m_element = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(widget_size, NULL, ++id_counter, L"");
id = m_element->getID();
bool CheckBoxWidget::transmitEvent(Widget* w, std::string& originator)
/* toggle */
m_state = !m_state;
/* notify main event handler */
return true;
#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Icon Button
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IconButtonWidget::IconButtonWidget(const bool clickable)
IconButtonWidget::clickable = clickable;
label = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void IconButtonWidget::add()
ITexture* texture = GUIEngine::getDriver()->getTexture((file_manager->getDataDir() + "/" +m_properties[PROP_ICON]).c_str());
const int texture_w = texture->getSize().Width, texture_h = texture->getSize().Height;
if(w < texture_w) ... ;
if(h < texture_h) ... ;
rect<s32> widget_size;
widget_size = rect<s32>(x, y, x + w, y + h);
IGUIButton* btn = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(widget_size, NULL, ++id_counter, L"");
m_element = btn;
// irrlicht widgets don't support scaling while keeping aspect ratio
// so, happily, let's implement it ourselves
const int x_gap = (int)((float)w - (float)texture_w * (float)h / texture_h);
widget_size = rect<s32>(x + x_gap/2, y, x + w - x_gap/2, y + h);
IGUIImage* btn = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addImage(widget_size, NULL, ++id_counter_2);
m_element = btn;
stringw message = m_properties[PROP_TEXT].c_str();
if(message.size() > 0)
widget_size += position2d<s32>(0, widget_size.getHeight());
label = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addStaticText(message.c_str(), widget_size);
label->setTextAlignment(EGUIA_CENTER, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT);
id = m_element->getID();
if(clickable) m_element->setTabOrder(id);
IGUISpriteBank* sprite_bank = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->getSkin()->getSpriteBank();
// GUIEngine::getDriver()->makeColorKeyTexture(GUIEngine::getDriver()->getTexture("irrlichtlogo2.png"), position2di(0,0));
sprite_bank->addTexture( GUIEngine::getDriver()->getTexture("irrlichtlogo2.png") );
SGUISprite sprite;
sprite.frameTime = 3000;
SGUISpriteFrame frame;
core::array<core::rect<s32> >& rectangles = sprite_bank->getPositions();
frame.rectNumber = rectangles.size()-1;
frame.textureNumber = sprite_bank->getTextureCount() - 1;
button->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_UP, sprite_bank->getSprites().size()-1);
button->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN, sprite_bank->getSprites().size()-1);
void IconButtonWidget::setLabel(std::string new_label)
std::cout << "trying to set label " << new_label.c_str() << std::endl;
if(label == NULL) return;
std::cout << "set label " << new_label.c_str() << std::endl;
label->setText( stringw(new_label.c_str()).c_str() );
#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Ribbon
RibbonWidget::RibbonWidget(const RibbonType type)
m_selection = 0;
m_ribbon_type = type;
m_focus = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RibbonWidget::select(std::string item)
const int subbuttons_amount = m_children.size();
for(int i=0; i<subbuttons_amount; i++)
if(m_children[i].m_properties[PROP_ID] == item)
m_selection = i;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool RibbonWidget::rightPressed()
if(m_selection >= m_children.size())
if(m_event_handler != NULL)
((RibbonGridWidget*)m_event_handler)->scroll(1); // FIXME? - find cleaner way to propagate event to parent
m_selection = m_children.size()-1;
else m_selection = 0;
m_focus = m_children.get(m_selection);
return m_ribbon_type != RIBBON_TOOLBAR;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool RibbonWidget::leftPressed()
if(m_selection < 0)
if(m_event_handler != NULL)
((RibbonGridWidget*)m_event_handler)->scroll(-1); // FIXME? - find cleaner way to propagate event to parent
m_selection = 0;
else m_selection = m_children.size()-1;
m_focus = m_children.get(m_selection);
return m_ribbon_type != RIBBON_TOOLBAR;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RibbonWidget::focused()
if(m_event_handler != NULL) ((RibbonGridWidget*)m_event_handler)->updateLabel( this );
if(m_focus == NULL) m_focus = m_children.get(m_selection);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool RibbonWidget::mouseHovered(Widget* child)
const int subbuttons_amount = m_children.size();
m_focus = child;
for(int i=0; i<subbuttons_amount; i++)
if(m_children.get(i) == child)
if(m_selection == i) return false; // was already selected, don't send another event
if(m_ribbon_type == RIBBON_TOOLBAR) m_selection = i; // don't change selection on hover for others
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RibbonWidget::updateSelection()
const int subbuttons_amount = m_children.size();
for(int i=0; i<subbuttons_amount; i++)
m_children[i].m_selected = (i == m_selection);
if(subbuttons_amount > 0 && m_ribbon_type == RIBBON_TOOLBAR) m_focus = m_children.get(m_selection);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool RibbonWidget::transmitEvent(Widget* w, std::string& originator)
const int subbuttons_amount = m_children.size();
for(int i=0; i<subbuttons_amount; i++)
if(m_children[i].m_properties[PROP_ID] == originator)
m_selection = i;
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RibbonWidget::add()
rect<s32> widget_size = rect<s32>(x, y, x + w, y + h);
IGUIButton * btn = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(widget_size, NULL, ++id_counter, L"");
m_element = btn;
const int subbuttons_amount = m_children.size();
// ---- check how much space each child button will take and fit them within available space
int total_needed_space = 0;
for(int i=0; i<subbuttons_amount; i++)
if(m_children[i].m_type != WTYPE_ICON_BUTTON && m_children[i].m_type != WTYPE_BUTTON)
std::cerr << "/!\\ Warning /!\\ : ribbon widgets can only have (icon)button widgets as children " << std::endl;
total_needed_space += m_children[i].w;
int free_h_space = w - total_needed_space;
int biggest_y = 0;
const int button_y = 10;
float global_zoom = 1;
const int min_free_space = 50;
global_zoom = (float)w / (float)( w - free_h_space + min_free_space );
free_h_space = (int)(w - total_needed_space*global_zoom);
const int one_button_space = (int)round((float)w / (float)subbuttons_amount);
// ---- add children
for(int i=0; i<subbuttons_amount; i++)
const int widget_x = one_button_space*(i+1) - one_button_space/2;
IGUIButton * subbtn;
if(/*m_children[i].m_type == WTYPE_BUTTON*/ getRibbonType() == RIBBON_TABS)
rect<s32> subsize = rect<s32>(widget_x - one_button_space/2+2, 0,
widget_x + one_button_space/2-2, h);
stringw message = m_children[i].m_properties[PROP_TEXT].c_str();
if(m_children[i].m_type == WTYPE_BUTTON)
subbtn = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(subsize, btn, ++id_counter_2, message.c_str(), L"");
else if(m_children[i].m_type == WTYPE_ICON_BUTTON)
rect<s32> icon_part = rect<s32>(15,
rect<s32> label_part = rect<s32>(subsize.getHeight()+15,
// use the same ID for all subcomponents; since event handling is done per-ID, no matter
// which one your hover, this widget will get it
int same_id = ++id_counter_2;
subbtn = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(subsize, btn, same_id, L"", L"");
MyGUIButton* icon = new MyGUIButton(GUIEngine::getGUIEnv(), subbtn, same_id, icon_part, true);
icon->setImage( GUIEngine::getDriver()->getTexture((file_manager->getDataDir() + "/" + m_children[i].m_properties[PROP_ICON]).c_str()) );
IGUIStaticText* label = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addStaticText(message.c_str(), label_part,
false /* border */,
true /* word wrap */,
subbtn, same_id);
label->setTextAlignment(EGUIA_CENTER, EGUIA_CENTER);
m_children[i].m_element = subbtn;
else if(m_children[i].m_type == WTYPE_ICON_BUTTON)
const bool has_label = m_children[i].m_properties[PROP_TEXT].size() > 0;
// how much space to keep for the label under the button
const int needed_space_under_button = has_label ? 30 : 10; // quite arbitrary for now
// if button too high to fit, scale down
float zoom = global_zoom;
while(button_y + m_children[i].h*zoom + needed_space_under_button > h) zoom -= 0.01f;
// ---- add bitmap button part
const float image_w = m_children[i].w*zoom;
rect<s32> subsize = rect<s32>(widget_x - (int)(image_w/2.0f), button_y,
widget_x + (int)(image_w/2.0f), button_y + (int)(m_children[i].h*zoom));
subbtn = new MyGUIButton(GUIEngine::getGUIEnv(), btn, ++id_counter_2, subsize, true);
m_children[i].m_element = subbtn;
subbtn->setImage( GUIEngine::getDriver()->getTexture((file_manager->getDataDir() + "/" + m_children[i].m_properties[PROP_ICON]).c_str()) );
// ---- label part
subsize = rect<s32>(widget_x - one_button_space/2,
(int)((button_y + m_children[i].h)*zoom) + 5 /* leave 5 pixels between button and label */,
widget_x + (int)(one_button_space/2.0f), h);
stringw message = m_children[i].m_properties[PROP_TEXT].c_str();
IGUIStaticText* label = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addStaticText(message.c_str(), subsize, false, true, btn);
label->setTextAlignment(EGUIA_CENTER, EGUIA_CENTER);
const int final_y = subsize.getHeight() + label->getTextHeight();
if(final_y > biggest_y) biggest_y = final_y;
std::cerr << "/!\\ Warning /!\\ : Invalid contents type in ribbon" << std::endl;
m_children[i].id = subbtn->getID();
m_children[i].m_event_handler = this;
}// next sub-button
id = m_element->getID();
void RibbonWidget::setLabel(const int id, std::string new_name)
if(m_labels.size() == 0) return; // ignore this call for ribbons without labels
assert(id >= 0);
assert(id < m_labels.size());
m_labels[id].setText( stringw(new_name.c_str()).c_str() );
#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Spinner
SpinnerWidget::SpinnerWidget(const bool gauge)
m_gauge = gauge;
void SpinnerWidget::add()
// retrieve min and max values
std::string min_s = m_properties[PROP_MIN_VALUE];
std::string max_s = m_properties[PROP_MAX_VALUE];
int i;
std::istringstream myStream(min_s);
bool is_number = (myStream >> i)!=0;
if(is_number) m_min = i;
else m_min = 0;
int i;
std::istringstream myStream(max_s);
bool is_number = (myStream >> i)!=0;
if(is_number) m_max = i;
else m_max = 10;
m_value = (m_min + m_max)/2;
// create sub-widgets if they don't already exist
if(m_children.size() == 0)
std::string& icon = m_properties[PROP_ICON];
m_graphical = icon.size()>0;
m_children.push_back( new Widget() );
m_children.push_back( new Widget() );
m_children.push_back( new Widget() );
rect<s32> widget_size = rect<s32>(x, y, x + w, y + h);
IGUIButton * btn = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(widget_size, NULL, ++id_counter, L"");
m_element = btn;
// left arrow
rect<s32> subsize_left_arrow = rect<s32>(0 ,0, h, h);
IGUIButton * left_arrow = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(subsize_left_arrow, btn, ++id_counter_2, L" ");
m_children[0].m_element = left_arrow;
m_children[0].m_type = WTYPE_BUTTON;
m_children[0].m_event_handler = this;
m_children[0].m_properties[PROP_ID] = "left";
m_children[0].id = m_children[0].m_element->getID();
// label
char imagefile[128];
std::string icon = file_manager->getDataDir() + "/" + m_properties[PROP_ICON];
snprintf(imagefile, 128, icon.c_str(), m_value);
ITexture* texture = GUIEngine::getDriver()->getTexture(imagefile);
const int texture_width = texture->getSize().Width;
const int free_h_space = w-h*2-texture_width; // to center image
rect<s32> subsize_label = rect<s32>(h+free_h_space/2, 0, w-h+free_h_space/2, h);
//IGUIButton* subbtn = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(subsize_label, btn, ++id_counter_2, L"");
IGUIImage * subbtn = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addImage(subsize_label, btn, ++id_counter_2);
m_children[1].m_element = subbtn;
m_children[1].m_type = WTYPE_ICON_BUTTON;
m_children[1].id = subbtn->getID();
rect<s32> subsize_label = rect<s32>(h, 0, w-h, h);
IGUIStaticText* label = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addStaticText(stringw(m_value).c_str(), subsize_label,
false /* border */, true /* word wrap */,
btn, ++id_counter_2);
m_children[1].m_element = label;
m_children[1].m_type = WTYPE_LABEL;
m_children[1].id = label->getID();
label->setTextAlignment(EGUIA_CENTER, EGUIA_CENTER);
// right arrow
rect<s32> subsize_right_arrow = rect<s32>(w-h, 0, w, h);
IGUIButton * right_arrow = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(subsize_right_arrow, btn, ++id_counter_2, L" ");
m_children[2].m_element = right_arrow;
m_children[2].m_type = WTYPE_BUTTON;
m_children[2].m_event_handler = this;
m_children[2].m_properties[PROP_ID] = "right";
m_children[2].id = m_children[2].m_element->getID();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool SpinnerWidget::rightPressed()
if(m_value+1 <= m_max) setValue(m_value+1);
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool SpinnerWidget::leftPressed()
if(m_value-1 >= m_min) setValue(m_value-1);
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool SpinnerWidget::transmitEvent(Widget* w, std::string& originator)
if(originator == "left") leftPressed();
else if(originator == "right") rightPressed();
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SpinnerWidget::addLabel(std::string label)
m_min = 0;
m_max = m_labels.size()-1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SpinnerWidget::setValue(const int new_value)
m_value = new_value;
char imagefile[128];
std::string icon = file_manager->getDataDir() + "/" + m_properties[PROP_ICON];
snprintf(imagefile, 128, icon.c_str(), m_value);
else if(m_labels.size() > 0)
m_children[1].m_element->setText( stringw(m_labels[new_value].c_str()).c_str() );
m_children[1].m_element->setText( stringw(m_value).c_str() );
#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Ribbon Grid Widget
RibbonGridWidget::RibbonGridWidget(const int max_rows)
m_scroll_offset = 0;
m_needed_cols = 0;
m_col_amount = 0;
m_has_label = false;
m_max_rows = max_rows;
m_left_widget = NULL;
m_right_widget = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RibbonGridWidget::add()
// Work-around for FIXME below... first clear children to avoid duplicates since we're adding everything again everytime
m_has_label = m_properties[PROP_TEXT] == "bottom";
const int label_height = m_has_label ? 25 : 0;
int child_width, child_height;
child_width = atoi(m_properties[PROP_CHILD_WIDTH].c_str());
child_height = atoi(m_properties[PROP_CHILD_HEIGHT].c_str());
if( child_width == 0 || child_height == 0 )
std::cerr << "/!\\ Warning /!\\ : ribbon grid widgets require 'child_width' and 'child_height' arguments" << std::endl;
child_width = 256;
child_height = 256;
// decide how many rows and column we can show in the available space
int row_amount = (int)round((h-label_height) / (float)child_height);
//if(row_amount < 2) row_amount = 2;
if(row_amount > m_max_rows) row_amount = m_max_rows;
const float row_height = (float)(h - label_height)/(float)row_amount;
float ratio_zoom = (float)row_height / (float)(child_height - label_height);
m_col_amount = (int)round( w / ( child_width*ratio_zoom ) );
// std::cout << "w=" << w << " child_width=" << child_width << " ratio_zoom="<< ratio_zoom << " m_col_amount=" << m_col_amount << std::endl;
//if(m_col_amount < 5) m_col_amount = 5;
// add rows
for(int n=0; n<row_amount; n++)
RibbonWidget* ribbon;
if(m_max_rows == 1) // cheap way to detect if it's a regular grid or a scrollable_ribbon. FIXME
ribbon = new RibbonWidget(RIBBON_COMBO);
ribbon = new RibbonWidget(RIBBON_TOOLBAR);
ribbon->x = x;
ribbon->y = y + (int)(n*row_height);
ribbon->w = w;
ribbon->h = (int)(row_height);
ribbon->m_type = WTYPE_RIBBON;
ribbon->m_properties[PROP_ID] = this->m_properties[PROP_ID];
ribbon->m_event_handler = this;
// add columns
for(int i=0; i<m_col_amount; i++)
IconButtonWidget* icon = new IconButtonWidget();
// set size to get proper ratio (as most textures are saved scaled down to 256x256)
icon->m_properties[PROP_WIDTH] = m_properties[PROP_CHILD_WIDTH];
icon->m_properties[PROP_HEIGHT] = m_properties[PROP_CHILD_HEIGHT];
if(m_properties[PROP_TEXT] == "all") icon->m_properties[PROP_TEXT] = " ";
// std::cout << "ribbon text = " << m_properties[PROP_TEXT].c_str() << std::endl;
icon->m_type = WTYPE_ICON_BUTTON;
ribbon->m_children.push_back( icon );
m_children.push_back( ribbon );
m_rows.push_back( ribbon );
// add label at bottom
rect<s32> label_size = rect<s32>(x, y + h - label_height, x+w, y+h);
m_label = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addStaticText(L"Selecte a track...", label_size, false, true /* word wrap */, NULL, -1);
m_label->setTextAlignment( EGUIA_CENTER, EGUIA_CENTER );
// add arrow buttons on each side
// FIXME? these arrow buttons are outside of the widget's boundaries
if(m_left_widget != NULL)
// FIXME - do proper memory management, find why it crashes when i try to clean-up
//delete m_left_widget;
//delete m_right_widget;
m_left_widget = new Widget();
m_right_widget = new Widget();
const int average_y = y + (h-label_height)/2;
const int button_w = 30, button_h = 50;
rect<s32> right_arrow_location = rect<s32>(x + w,
average_y - button_h/2,
x + w + button_w,
average_y + button_h/2);
stringw rmessage = ">>";
IGUIButton* right_arrow = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(right_arrow_location, NULL, ++id_counter_2, rmessage.c_str(), L"");
m_right_widget->m_element = right_arrow;
m_right_widget->m_event_handler = this;
m_right_widget->m_properties[PROP_ID] = "right";
m_right_widget->id = right_arrow->getID();
m_children.push_back( m_right_widget );
rect<s32> left_arrow_location = rect<s32>(x - button_w,
average_y - button_h/2,
average_y + button_h/2);
stringw lmessage = "<<";
IGUIButton* left_arrow = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(left_arrow_location, NULL, ++id_counter_2, lmessage.c_str(), L"");
m_left_widget->m_element = left_arrow;
m_left_widget->m_event_handler = this;
m_left_widget->m_properties[PROP_ID] = "left";
m_left_widget->id = left_arrow->getID();
m_children.push_back( m_left_widget );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool RibbonGridWidget::rightPressed()
RibbonWidget* w = getSelectedRibbon();
if(w != NULL)
if(m_rows[0].m_ribbon_type == RIBBON_TOOLBAR) return false;
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool RibbonGridWidget::leftPressed()
RibbonWidget* w = getSelectedRibbon();
if(w != NULL)
if(m_rows[0].m_ribbon_type == RIBBON_TOOLBAR) return false;
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool RibbonGridWidget::transmitEvent(Widget* w, std::string& originator)
return false;
return false;
// if it's something else, it might be a ribbon child with its own parent
if(w->m_event_handler != NULL && w->m_event_handler != this)
return w->m_event_handler->transmitEvent(w, originator);
// if we got there, must be a ribbon itself. in this case we can just transmit the event directly
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RibbonGridWidget::scroll(const int x_delta)
m_scroll_offset += x_delta;
const int max_scroll = std::max(m_col_amount, m_needed_cols) - 1;
if(m_scroll_offset < 0) m_scroll_offset = max_scroll;
else if(m_scroll_offset > max_scroll) m_scroll_offset = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool RibbonGridWidget::mouseHovered(Widget* child)
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** RibbonGridWidget is made of several ribbons; each of them thus has
its own selection independently of each other. To keep a grid feeling
(i.e. you remain in the same column when pressing up/down), this method is
used to ensure that all children ribbons always select the same column */
void RibbonGridWidget::propagateSelection()
// find selection in current ribbon
RibbonWidget* selected_ribbon = (RibbonWidget*)getSelectedRibbon();
if(selected_ribbon == NULL) return;
const int i = selected_ribbon->m_selection;
// set same selection in all ribbons
const int row_amount = m_rows.size();
for(int n=0; n<row_amount; n++)
RibbonWidget* ribbon = m_rows.get(n);
if(ribbon != selected_ribbon)
ribbon->m_selection = i;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RibbonGridWidget::focused()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RibbonGridWidget::updateLabel(RibbonWidget* from_this_ribbon)
if(!m_has_label) return;
RibbonWidget* row = from_this_ribbon ? from_this_ribbon : (RibbonWidget*)getSelectedRibbon();
if(row == NULL) return;
std::string selection_id = row->getSelectionIDString();
const int amount = m_items.size();
for(int n=0; n<amount; n++)
if(m_items[n].m_code_name == selection_id)
m_label->setText( stringw(m_items[n].m_user_name.c_str()).c_str() );
m_label->setText( L"Random" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RibbonGridWidget::addItem( std::string user_name, std::string code_name, std::string image_file )
ItemDescription desc;
desc.m_user_name = user_name;
desc.m_code_name = code_name;
desc.m_sshot_file = image_file;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RibbonGridWidget::setSelection(int item_id)
if(m_rows.size() > 1)
std::cout << "/!\\ Warning, RibbonGridWidget::setSelection only makes sense on 1-row ribbons (since there can't logically be a selection with more than one row)\n";
// scroll so selection is visible
m_scroll_offset = item_id;
// set selection again, because scrolling made it wrong
RibbonWidget* ribbon = m_rows.get(0);
void RibbonGridWidget::setSelection(const std::string& code_name)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RibbonGridWidget::updateItemDisplay()
int icon_id = 0;
const int row_amount = m_rows.size();
const int item_amount = m_items.size();
m_needed_cols = (int)ceil( (float)item_amount / (float)row_amount );
const int max_scroll = std::max(m_col_amount, m_needed_cols) - 1;
for(int n=0; n<row_amount; n++)
RibbonWidget& row = m_rows[n];
for(int i=0; i<m_col_amount; i++)
IconButtonWidget* icon = dynamic_cast<IconButtonWidget*>(&row.m_children[i]);
assert(icon != NULL);
IGUIButton* button = dynamic_cast<IGUIButton*>(icon->m_element);
assert(button != NULL);
int col_scroll = i + m_scroll_offset;
while(col_scroll > max_scroll) col_scroll -= max_scroll+1;
icon_id = (col_scroll)*row_amount + n;
if( icon_id < item_amount )
std::string track_sshot = file_manager->getDataDir() + "/" + m_items[icon_id].m_sshot_file;
button->setImage( GUIEngine::getDriver()->getTexture( track_sshot.c_str() ));
button->setPressedImage( GUIEngine::getDriver()->getTexture( track_sshot.c_str()) );
icon->m_properties[PROP_ID] = m_items[icon_id].m_code_name;
row.setLabel(i, m_items[icon_id].m_user_name);
button->setImage( GUIEngine::getDriver()->getTexture( (file_manager->getGUIDir() + "/track_random.png").c_str() ) );
button->setPressedImage( GUIEngine::getDriver()->getTexture( (file_manager->getGUIDir() + "/track_random.png").c_str() ) );
icon->m_properties[PROP_ID] = "gui/track_random.png";
} // next column
} // next row
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const std::string& RibbonGridWidget::getSelectionIDString()
RibbonWidget* row = (RibbonWidget*)(m_rows.size() == 1 ? m_rows.get(0) : getSelectedRibbon());
if(row != NULL) return row->getSelectionIDString();
static const std::string nothing = "";
return nothing;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RibbonWidget* RibbonGridWidget::getRowContaining(Widget* w) const
const int row_amount = m_rows.size();
for(int n=0; n<row_amount; n++)
const RibbonWidget* row = &m_rows[n];
if(row != NULL)
if(m_children.contains( w ) ) return (RibbonWidget*)row;
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RibbonWidget* RibbonGridWidget::getSelectedRibbon() const
const int row_amount = m_rows.size();
for(int n=0; n<row_amount; n++)
const RibbonWidget* row = &m_rows[n];
if(row != NULL)
if( GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->hasFocus(row->m_element) ||
m_element->isMyChild( GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->getFocus() ) ) return (RibbonWidget*)row;
return NULL;
#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Model View Widget
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ModelViewWidget::add()
rect<s32> widget_size = rect<s32>(x, y, x + w, y + h);
stringw message = m_properties[PROP_TEXT].c_str();
m_element = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addMeshViewer(widget_size, NULL, ++id_counter_2);
id = m_element->getID();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ModelViewWidget::setModel(SAnimatedMesh* mesh)
((IGUIMeshViewer*)m_element)->setMesh( mesh );
video::SMaterial mat = mesh->getMeshBuffer(0)->getMaterial(); //mesh_view->getMaterial();
mat.setFlag(EMF_LIGHTING , false);
//mat.setFlag(EMF_GOURAUD_SHADING, false);
//mat.setFlag(EMF_NORMALIZE_NORMALS, true);
#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark List Widget
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ListWidget::add()
rect<s32> widget_size = rect<s32>(x, y, x + w, y + h);
IGUIListBox* list = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addListBox (widget_size, NULL, ++id_counter);
id = list->getID();
list->addItem( L"Hiker" );
list->addItem( L"Conso" );
list->addItem( L"Auria" );
list->addItem( L"MiniBjorn" );
list->addItem( L"Arthur" );
m_element = list;