In this case only diffuseMatColor really matters, other values are constant.
It improves performance on GLES renderer and it's also noticeably faster for GL on desktop.
For example:
- fps increased for me from 60 to 69 on Hacienda with intel HD 4000
- from 43 to 49 on lighthouse
There is much less difference on nvidia graphics card, but still it gives small performance improvement.
* Save and use usernames in replay files
* Store usernames of each racer in recorded replay files
* Display those usernames in a column of the replay selection UI
and in race result dialogs
* RaceResultGUI::getKartDisplayName functionality moved into
* Move Controller::getName definition to avoid unnecessary #include
* Backwards compatibility: use kart name if username is not in replay
* Fix code style issues
The issues on android 4.4 + qualcomm should be already fixed in 8653d410f8a3a35175e87d413bc3229bbb9f8fae and d44802a4825f765645d63bca25ef697a83a47ce7
I also added few lightweight tracks and karts to the apk
It's possible that STK was using these files for compilation when cmake was run from main directory. In this case compiled files are stored in stk-code/lib, so that CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR is stk-code/lib/irrlicht rather than stk-code/build/lib/irrlicht and we include whole lib/libpng rather than non-existing directory.
There are some android devices that are 320x240, 400x240 etc... Bare minimum to run STK is 640x480. Otherwise some important gui elements are not displayed and it may crash in guiengine.
Added a fallback with basic configuration if requested config failed.
Also better check if choose config is success (num_configs can be >0 even if egl config is null)
We include CIrrDeviceLinux in our edit box widget and it doesn't respect irrlicht cmake flags, so that it tries to include opengl headers even if we selected gles renderer. Just move it to the cpp file to avoid redeclaration errors.
Should be a bit safer when user wants to close the game very early (i.e. when assets are extracting) and we get destroy event before irr_driver is actually initialized.