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:header-args: :tangle main.lua :comments no
#+TITLE: Literate Flicky Clone
#+AUTHOR: Gonzalo Delgado
* Flicky
I love Flicky, it's such a tight fun arcade game. I'm going to attempt to clone it using LÖVE and literate programming to note down my ideas and plans, and also explain the code a bit.
It's unlikely this will ever be published, but I'm hoping to make more games in the future this way, and improve until I'm confident enough to put them up on the interwebs.
* Set up
I'll start off with a small [[https://love2d.org/wiki/Config_Files][~conf.lua~ file]], specifying the LÖVE version, the game title, and that it should run in full screen by default:
#+begin_src lua :tangle conf.lua
function love.conf(t)
t.version = "11.4"
t.window.fullscreen = true
t.title = "Literate Flicky Clone"
* Dependencies
I won't be using many dependencies, instead trying to code stuff on my own and using LÖVE's libraries sparingly. This is mainly because I like learning what makes games tick, but also I typically find LÖVE-related libraries hard to use and unnecessarily complicated, as well as poorly documented.
That being said, I do find *inspect* to be quite useful (I believe it should be a Lua built-in.)
#+begin_src lua
local inspect = require("inspect/inspect")
* Classy objects
I can't escape an object-oriented style, especially for games, not sure if this is a good or bad
thing though I'd love to make a game in a more functional style, but the code for games made with
LÖVE I read so far are all OO. I mainly need "classy objects" for inheritance, I find that to be a
great way to re-use code while providing a lot of flexibility.
Lua doesn't have classes though, but it does have objects with prototype capabilities through their
metatable property, which allow implementing something close to inheritance. Let's create a base
~Object~ "class" which allows inheritance.
~Object~ will have a ~new~ method which will create new instances. This is achieved by first setting ~Object~ as its own ~__index~ metamethod and then setting ~Object~ as the metatable of a new, empty Lua table. This has the effect of fields not present in the new table to be looked up in ~Object~ (mainly for looking up methods). All of that is encapsulated in an ~Object:new~ function:
#+begin_src lua :tangle object.lua
local inspect = require("inspect/inspect")
local Object = {}
Object.__index = Object
function Object:new(...)
local object = setmetatable({__index=self}, self)
object.__class = self
return object
~new~ calls an ~init~ method ala Python to allow subclasses to initialize themselves taking arbitrary arguments. ~Object~'s initializer simply keep a copy of the arguments being passed in.
#+begin_src lua :tangle object.lua
function Object:init(...)
self.__args = {...}
Now, inheritance will be a simple interface, an ~extend~ function that takes care of creating a new
"class" (a Lua table) and copying all metamethods in the parent's metatable (except ~__index~ and
any metamethod it already has) to it:
#+begin_src lua :tangle object.lua
function Object:extend(SubClass)
SubClass = SubClass or {}
for k, v in pairs(self) do
if k:match("^__") then
SubClass[k] = v
SubClass.__index = SubClass
SubClass.__super = self
return setmetatable(SubClass, self)
Also, we'll set a handy ~__super~ reference to the parent class, so subclasses can call its methods when extending them, enabling polymorphism.
I figured out enough of this on my own, but later found this written a lot better (and took lots of idead from) in different places:
- [[https://github.com/eevee/klinklang/blob/master/object.lua][Eevee's klingklang engine]]
- [[https://github.com/egordorichev/CurseOfTheArrow/blob/5b5c65ee2b6353324cb262422a9d2d7506911f5f/src/engine.lua#L49][Curse of the Arrow]]
- [[https://hump.readthedocs.io/en/latest/class.html][Hump]]
- [[https://github.com/rxi/classic][Classic]]
Finally, return this for module imports:
#+begin_src lua :tangle object.lua
return Object
* (2D) Vector Math
This will be a good project to (re)learn vector math and its application to physics stuff on videogames.
Let's start with the vector class extending ~Object~:
#+begin_src lua :tangle vector.lua
local inspect = require("inspect/inspect")
local Object = require("object")
local Vector = Object:extend()
~Vector~'s initializer will take an ~x~ and ~y~ value and store them as attributes, and also compute
its angle from them.
#+begin_src lua :tangle vector.lua
function Vector:init(x, y)
Vector.__super.init(self, x, y)
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.angle = math.atan2(self.x, self.y)
Next, we'll define mathematical operations by extending Lua's metamethods, to get nice stuff like ~vector1 + vector2~, ~number*vector~, ~#vector~ to get its length, etc.
#+begin_src lua :tangle vector.lua
function Vector:__add(v)
return self.__class:new(self.x + v.x, self.y + v.y)
function Vector:__sub(v)
return self.__class:new(self.x - v.x, self.y - v.y)
function Vector:__mul(obj)
if getmetatable(obj) == Vector then
-- dot product
return self.x*obj.x + self.y*obj.y
-- scalar product
return self.__class:new(self.x*obj, self.y*obj)
function Vector:__eq(v)
return self.x == v.x and self.y == v.y
function Vector:__lt(v)
return self.x < v.x and self.y < v.y
function Vector:__le(v)
return self.x <= v.x and self.y <= v.y
function Vector:__gt(v)
return self.x > v.x and self.y > v.y
function Vector:__ge(v)
return self.x >= v.x and self.y >= v.y
function Vector:__unm()
return self.__class:new(-self.x, -self.y)
function Vector:__len() -- magnitude
return math.sqrt(self.x^2 + self.y^2)
#+begin_src lua :tangle vector.lua
function Vector:normalize()
return self.__class:new(self.x/#self, self.y/#self)
-- Method to get the clockwise normal of the vector
function Vector:normal_cw()
return self.__class:new(self.y, -self.x)
-- Method to get the counterclockwise normal of the vector
function Vector:normal_ccw()
return self.__class:new(-self.y, self.x)
return Vector
#+begin_src lua
local Vector = require("vector")
* Helper functions
Let's create a module to contain helper functions:
#+begin_src lua :tangle helpers.lua
local helpers = {}
For whatever reason Lua doesn't have a sign function 🤷, let's define our own:
#+begin_src lua :tangle helpers.lua
function helpers.sign(n)
if n == 0 then
return 0
return math.abs(n)/n
Same with rounding numbers, need our own function for that:
#+begin_src lua :tangle helpers.lua
function helpers.round(num)
return num >= 0 and math.floor(num + 0.5) or math.ceil(num - 0.5)
Let's define a ~bound~ function to keep a value within bounds
#+begin_src lua :tangle helpers.lua
function helpers.bound(value, min, max)
if value and value < min then
return min
elseif value and value > max then
return max
return value
I think a functional ~map~ function can be helpful when loading the map and similar stuff
#+begin_src lua :tangle helpers.lua
function helpers.map(tbl, fun)
local result = {}
for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do
result[i] = fun(v)
return result
But ~map~ would feel too lonely being the only functional function around, let's also add ~filter~:
#+begin_src lua :tangle helpers.lua
function helpers.filter(tbl, fun)
local result = {}
for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do
if fun(v) then
table.insert(result, v)
return result
2024-09-10 06:45:47 -04:00
To achieve Flicky's screen wrap-around trick (or part of it at least), we'll start with a ~normalize~ function that given a number ~n~, it returns a new ~n~ that's within a range offset the original ~n~, so if the screen's width is 100, and ~n~ is ~110~, normalizing it would result in ~10~, if that makes sense:
#+begin_src lua :tangle helpers.lua
function helpers.normalize(n, min, max)
local range = max - min
return ((n - min) % range + range) % range + min
2024-09-10 06:45:47 -04:00
[[Try implementing wrap-around with polar coordinates and cosine][I'm planning on later replacing that with polar coordinates]] instead, think of levels being drawn on a cylinder, and the player seamlessly moving around it, so ~normalize~ will hopefully go away in the future.
We'll need a function to tell if two rectangles overlap for basic collision detection, with rectangles being Lua tables with these field names:
- x :: horizontal pixel position
- y :: vertical pixel position
- w :: width in pixels
- h :: height in pixels
#+begin_src lua :tangle helpers.lua
function helpers.rectangles_overlap(rect1, rect2)
local x_overlaps = rect1.x < rect2.x + rect2.w and rect1.x + rect1.w > rect2.x
local y_overlaps = rect1.y < rect2.y + rect2.h and rect1.y + rect1.h > rect2.y
return {x_overlaps and y_overlaps, x_overlaps, y_overlaps}
Finally return the helpers object containing all those functions, and load it from main:
#+begin_src lua :tangle helpers.lua
return helpers
#+begin_src lua
local helpers = require("helpers")
* Swept AABB
2024-09-10 06:45:47 -04:00
This is not being used yet, but I'm keeping it for now since I believe it'll be useful for better collision handling at high speeds, like falls, or enemies going directly at the player.
This is what I ended up learning with more difficulty than I expected. I could probably get away with something simpler for this game, but I want to learn as much as I can.
In any case, the idea here is to detect two rectangles colliding and avoid the "tunneling" problem
where rectangles moving at a high enough velocity move past each other rectangles that should have
I read a bunch of articles, but I'm now following [[https://gamedev.net/articles/programming/general-and-gameplay-programming/swept-aabb-collision-detection-and-response-r3084/][one from gamedev.net]], let's try and translate to
#+begin_src lua
function swept_aabb(box1, box2, dt)
local x_inv_entry, y_inv_entry, x_inv_exit, y_inv_exit
if box1.dx > 0 then
x_inv_entry = box2.x - (box1.x + box1.w)
x_inv_exit = (box2.x + box2.w) - box1.x
x_inv_entry = (box2.x + box2.w) - box1.x
x_inv_exit = box2.x - (box1.x + box1.w)
if (box1.dy > 0) then
y_inv_entry = box2.y - (box1.y + box1.h)
y_inv_exit = (box2.y + box2.h) - box1.y
y_inv_entry = (box2.y + box2.h) - box1.y
y_inv_exit = box2.y - (box1.y + box1.h)
local x_entry_time, y_entry_time, x_exit_time, y_exit_time
if (box1.dx == 0) then
x_entry_time = -math.huge
x_exit_time = math.huge
x_entry_time = x_inv_entry / box1.dx
x_exit_time = x_inv_exit / box1.dx
if (box1.dy == 0) then
y_entry_time = -math.huge
y_exit_time = math.huge
y_entry_time = y_inv_entry / box1.dy
y_exit_time = y_inv_exit / box1.dy
local entry_time = math.max(y_entry_time, x_entry_time)
local exit_time = math.min(y_exit_time, x_exit_time)
local normalx, normaly
if (entry_time > exit_time or x_entry_time < 0 and y_entry_time < 0 or x_entry_time > 1 or y_entry_time > 1) then
normalx = 0
normaly = 0
entry_time = 1
if x_entry_time > y_entry_time then
if x_inv_entry < 0 then
normalx = 1
normaly = 0
normalx = -1
normaly = 0
if y_inv_entry < 0 then
normalx = 0
normaly = 1
normalx = 0
normaly = -1
print("SWEPT AABB TIME:", entry_time )
return {normal={x=normalx, y=normaly}, dt=entry_time}
* Broad-Phasing collisions with solid tiles
2024-09-10 06:45:47 -04:00
This is also not wired into the game just yet, although I'm not sure this will be needed, so I may end up removing it.
This basically comes down to finding the (solid) tiles within the rectangle determined by the
initial and final positions of an entity (the player for now).
First, let's write a function to get that displacement rectangle:
#+begin_src lua
function get_displacement_rect(entity, next_pos)
local displacement_rect = {
if entity.dx > 0 then
displacement_rect.x = entity.x
displacement_rect.w = next_pos.x + entity.w - entity.x
elseif entity.dx < 0 then
displacement_rect.x = next_pos.x
displacement_rect.w = entity.x + entity.w - next_pos.x
if entity.dy > 0 then
displacement_rect.y = entity.y
displacement_rect.h = next_pos.y + entity.h - entity.y
elseif entity.dy < 0 then
displacement_rect.y = next_pos.y
displacement_rect.h = entity.y + entity.h - next_pos.y
return displacement_rect
Next, we'll need a function that returns a list of rectangles representing tiles found in the displacement rectangle:
#+begin_src lua
function distance(point_a, point_b)
return math.sqrt(math.pow(point_a.x - point_b.x, 2) + math.pow(point_a.y - point_b.y, 2))
function find_closest_tile_in_rectangle(entity, rect, game)
local closest
local center = {x=entity.x + entity.w/2, y=entity.y + entity.h/2}
local min_distance = math.huge
local top_left_tile = game:pixel_to_tile(rect)
local bottom_right_tile = game:pixel_to_tile({
x=rect.x + rect.w,
y=rect.y + rect.h,
for tx=top_left_tile.x, bottom_right_tile.x do
for ty=top_left_tile.y, bottom_right_tile.y do
local value = game:tile_value({x=tx, y=ty})
if value ~= 0 then
local tile_center = {x=game:x_to_pixel(tx) + game.map.tilewidth/2, y=game:y_to_pixel(ty) + game.map.tileheight/2}
local current_distance = distance(center, tile_center)
if current_distance < min_distance then
closest = {x=game:x_to_pixel(tx), y=game:y_to_pixel(ty), w=game.map.tilewidth, h=game.map.tileheight, value=value, tx=tx, ty=ty}
min_distance = current_distance
return closest
* Game states
I'm thinking there should be at least 4 game states:
- Title screen
- Play
- Game Over
- Ending
Let's start with the base ~GameState~ class, it should keep the shared logic of initialization, updating the input state, as well as drawing to the screen:
#+begin_src lua :tangle states.lua
local Object = require("object")
local Entity = require("entity")
local Enemy = require("enemy")
local Map = require("map")
local helpers = require("helpers")
local GameState = Object:extend()
function GameState:init()
self.input = {
self.ended = false
self.next = nil
function GameState:updateInput(dt)
self.input.start = love.keyboard.isDown("return")
self.input.right = love.keyboard.isDown("d", "right")
self.input.left = love.keyboard.isDown("a", "left")
self.input.up = love.keyboard.isDown("w", "up")
self.input.down = love.keyboard.isDown("down", "s")
self.input.jump = love.keyboard.isDown("space")
function GameState:update(dt)
function GameState:draw()
The first state (for now, we may later add a splash screen or similar) the game will be in is the title screen, from which the player can start the game or go to other states like options, cheats, etc. This boils down to extending the ~GameState:update~ method to check the _start_ button is pressed, in which case it'll create the next state to switch to, ~Play~:
#+name: titleState
#+begin_src lua :tangle no
local Title = GameState:extend()
function Title:update(dt)
Title.__super.update(self, dt)
if self.input.start then
self.ended = true
self.next = Play:new()
function Title:draw()
local font = love.graphics.getFont()
local height = font:getHeight()
local width = font:getWidth("MICHI")
love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1)
love.graphics.print("MICHI", 320/2, 24, 0, 2, 2, width/2, height/2)
width = font:getWidth("DRAGON")
love.graphics.print("DRAGON", 320/2, 64, 0, 2, 2, width/2, height/2)
width = font:getWidth("START")
love.graphics.print("START", 320/2, 128, 0, 1, 1, width/2, height/2)
So, let's define that ~Play~ state. Basically this takes the place of the old ~game~ object I started with in ~main.lua~. It'll be the biggest state and probably will be split out into sub-states of its own, but for now it'll be a single level which will eventually lead to the game over and game finished states (once deaths and level progression are implemented). Right now it will load a single level in the form of an instance of the new ~Map~ class, update the player ~Entity~ state, and draw the map and player to the screen.
Also, it'll spawn a couple entities for enemies that will just move around the screen.
#+name: playState
#+begin_src lua :tangle no
local Play = GameState:extend()
function Play:init()
self.map = Map:new("assets/map.lua")
self.current_frame = 0
self.physics = {
gravity=self.map.tileheight*9.8, -- somewhat exagerated gravity (3x)
maxdx=self.map.tilewidth*8, -- max horizontal speed
maxdy=self.map.tileheight*24, -- max vertical speed
jump=self.map.tileheight*512, -- instant jump impulse
self.physics.horizontal_acc = self.physics.maxdx*2 -- horizontal acceleration
self.physics.friction = self.physics.maxdx*1.5 -- horizontal friction
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self.player_entity = Entity:new(180, 100, 4, 8, self.physics.gravity, 2*8, self.physics.horizontal_acc, self.physics.friction, self.map)
self.enemies = {
Enemy:new(16, 24, 4, 8, self.physics.gravity, 2*8, self.physics.horizontal_acc, self.physics.friction, self.map),
Enemy:new(224, 24, 4, 8, self.physics.gravity, 2*8, self.physics.horizontal_acc, self.physics.friction, self.map),
Enemy:new(16, 48, 4, 8, self.physics.gravity, 2*8, self.physics.horizontal_acc, self.physics.friction, self.map),
Enemy:new(224, 48, 4, 8, self.physics.gravity, 2*8, self.physics.horizontal_acc, self.physics.friction, self.map),
function Play:updatePlayer(dt)
self.player_entity = self.player_entity:move(self.input, dt, self.current_frame)
function Play:updateCamera(dt)
function Play:updateItems(dt)
function Play:updateEnemies(dt)
for i, enemy in ipairs(self.enemies) do
self.enemies[i] = enemy:move({start=false, right=i%2~=0, left=i%2==0, up=false, down=false, jump=self.current_frame%7==0}, dt, self.current_frame)
function Play:updateChirps(dt)
function Play:update(dt)
Play.__super.update(self, dt)
2024-09-02 09:36:30 -04:00
self.current_frame = self.current_frame + 1
function Play:draw()
love.graphics.setColor(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
love.graphics.setColor(0, 0.8, 0.1)
for i, enemy in ipairs(self.enemies) do
#+begin_src lua :tangle states.lua :noweb yes
return {
#+begin_src lua
local states = require("states")
* Debugging
Let's add a function to draw some debug stuff, starting with just the player's position. I'll later set it up as a toggle with a key or similar.
#+begin_src lua :tangle no
function game:draw_debug_infos()
love.graphics.setColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
love.graphics.print("pos:("..math.floor(self.player_entity.pos.x)..", "..math.floor(self.player_entity.pos.y)..") g="..tostring(self.player_entity.grounded), 2, 2)
"vel:("..math.floor(self.player_entity.vel.x)..", "..math.floor(self.player_entity.vel.y)..")", 96, 2)
love.graphics.print("input:(L="..tostring(self.input.left)..",R="..tostring(self.input.right)..",U="..tostring(self.input.up)..",D="..tostring(self.input.down)..",J="..tostring(self.input.jump)..")", 2, 12)
* Map class
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I'm using the venerable [[https://www.mapeditor.org/][Tiled]] to create the level(s). Tiled is so nice it exports levels as .lua files containing a big table with all the information one can need.
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I'll need an interface for that though, to make it more manageable and fit my style of coding, so let's create a ~Map~ class that can provide useful functionality, such as:
- load the .lua file generated by Tiled
- spit out [[Tile class][~Tile~ objects]] that provide information such as their location and whether their solid
tiles or not
- draw the whole level to the screen
- query tiles by pixel position
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Of course, a ~Map~ will be an ~Object subclass:
#+begin_src lua :tangle map.lua
local Object = require("object")
local Tile = require("tile")
local helpers = require("helpers")
local inspect = require("inspect/inspect")
local Map = Object:extend()
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2024-09-10 06:45:47 -04:00
The map will be initialized with just the path to the Tiled Lua file, which it'll load and get some metadata from. Mainly, it'll look up a "platforms" layer, which is where I'm laying out the blocks that make up a level's platforms.
#+begin_src lua :tangle map.lua
function Map:init(filename)
2024-09-10 06:45:47 -04:00
local map = love.filesystem.load(filename)()
local platform_layers = helpers.filter(map.layers, function (layer) return layer.name == "platforms" end)
self.width = map.width
self.height = map.height
self.tilewidth = map.tilewidth
self.tileheight = map.tileheight
self.data = platform_layers[1].data
self.max_pixel = {x=map.width*map.tilewidth, y=map.height*map.tileheight}
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We'll need a way to iterate through each of the platform tiles of a level. Tiled provides a single-dimension array representing each tile on the map. Each element in the array is simply a number representing the tile's index (to be mapped to a spritesheet), with 0 meaning "no tile here".
We'll translate that to instances of our [[Tile class][~Tile~ class]] which will use that value for its ~solid~ attribute.
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I tried using the ~__ipairs~ metamethod to get a nice ~for i, tile in ipairs(map) do~ bit of code, but turns out ~__ipairs~ was deprecated and removed from Lua, bummer. Instead, we'll simply have a ~itertiles~ method that will do the same:
#+begin_src lua :tangle map.lua
function Map:itertiles()
local function iterator(map, index)
index = index + 1
local value = map.data[index]
if value ~= nil then
local tx = ((index - 1) % map.width) + 1
local ty = math.floor((index - 1) / map.width) + 1
local tile = Tile:new(tx, ty, map.tilewidth, map.tileheight, value)
return index, tile
return iterator, self, 0
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2024-09-10 06:45:47 -04:00
Having ~Map:itertiles~ makes drawing the map to the screen super simple:
#+begin_src lua :tangle map.lua
function Map:draw()
for i, tile in self:itertiles() do
love.graphics.setColor(0.9, 0.8, 0.7)
if tile.solid then
love.graphics.setColor(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", tile.pixel_rect.x, tile.pixel_rect.y, tile.w, tile.h)
love.graphics.setColor(0.9, 0.1, 0.3)
love.graphics.rectangle("line", tile.pixel_rect.x, tile.pixel_rect.y, tile.w, tile.h)
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2024-09-10 06:45:47 -04:00
Finally, we'll need the map to provide the tile for a given pixel position on the screen. This will be useful for how I'm doing collision detection.
#+begin_src lua :tangle map.lua
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function Map:get_tile_from_pixel(pixel)
local tile_x = math.floor(pixel.x/self.tilewidth) + 1
local tile_y = math.floor(pixel.y/self.tileheight) + 1
local value = self.data[tile_x + (tile_y - 1)*self.width]
return Tile:new(tile_x, tile_y, self.tilewidth, self.tileheight, value)
return Map
* Tile class
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Tiles will be represented as very simple objects consisting of basic attributes such as:
- width and height
- tile-space position (not pixel)
- whether their solid or not
I'm making tiles be vectors in order to easily find adjacent tiles by adding or subtracting unit vectors.
#+begin_src lua :tangle tile.lua
local Vector = require("vector")
local Tile = Vector:extend()
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The initializer is otherwise simple, storing the arguments and creating a ~pixel_rect~ table to easily map a tile to its pixels on the screen.
#+begin_src lua :tangle tile.lua
function Tile:init(x, y, w, h, value)
Tile.__super.init(self, x, y)
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.pixel_rect = {
x=(x - 1)*self.w,
y=(y - 1)*self.h,
self.value = value
self.solid = not (value == 0 or value == nil)
return Tile
* Entity class
If my mind's bandwidth allows, I may also learn some ECS, so let's start with an entity class that has position and velocity (which should later become components?).
In any case, an entity will have these attributes:
- ~pos~ :: the x and y coordinates of the entity's *center*
- ~vel~ :: the entity's velocity vector
- ~acc~ :: the entity's acceleration vector
- ~rect~ :: the entity's bounding rect, with ~x~ and ~y~ for the top left corner, and ~w~ and ~h~
for its width and height, respectively
Also, I want to create an API to allow controlling any entity's actions, namely:
- walk
- jump
- attack
- draw
All of that while having gravity always affect an entity. I'm thinking of starting off with walking and jumping, for which an entity object would provide ~move~ and ~jump~ methods respectively. The ~move~ method in particular would take a ~movement~ object, which specifies in which direction it's moving (left or right) or jumping, which is basically the game's ~input~ object.
#+begin_src lua :tangle entity.lua
local Object = require("object")
local Vector = require("vector")
local Tile = require("tile")
local helpers = require("helpers")
local inspect = require("inspect/inspect")
local Entity = Object:extend()
2024-09-02 09:36:30 -04:00
function Entity:init(x, y, w, h, gravity, max_jump_height, horizontal_acc, friction, map)
Entity.__super.init(self, x, y, w, h)
self.gravity = gravity
self.pos = Vector:new(x, y)
self.vel = Vector:new(0, 0)
self.maxvel = Vector:new(8*8, 8*24)
self.width = w
self.height = h
self.grounded = false
self.horizontal_acc = horizontal_acc
self.max_jump_height = max_jump_height
self.friction = friction
2024-09-02 09:36:30 -04:00
self.map = map
function Entity:get_rect()
return {x=self.pos.x - self.width/2, y=self.pos.y - self.height/2, w=self.width, h=self.height}
function Entity:draw()
local rect = self:get_rect()
love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0.8)
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", helpers.round(rect.x), helpers.round(rect.y), rect.w, rect.h)
love.graphics.setColor(1, 0, 0)
love.graphics.circle("fill", self.pos.x, self.pos.y, 1)
Each frame, we'll want to update an entity's state. This means updating its velocity and position
based on its previous state, and then adjusting that next state if there are collisions that would
prevent actually moving there.
The first step is to create a copy of the current state so we work on that rather than the actual entity, thus, let's define a ~copy~ method:
#+begin_src lua :tangle entity.lua
function Entity:copy()
2024-09-02 09:36:30 -04:00
local new = Entity:new(self.pos.x, self.pos.y, self.width, self.height, self.gravity, self.max_jump_height, self.horizontal_acc, self.friction, self.map)
new.vel.x = self.vel.x
new.vel.y = self.vel.y
new.grounded = self.grounded
return new
Next, let's define the ~move~ method, which takes a movement object (basically, the player's input),
and the time delta since the last frame, and will create a copy, update its velocity and position,
check for collisions, and return a new entity with the updated state.
First, let's do the horizontal movement (walking or flying?)
#+begin_src lua :tangle entity.lua
-- TODO: check if not grounded and allow air control
function Entity:move_horizontally(movement, dt)
local x_accel = 0
local next_state = self:copy()
if movement.right or movement.left then
if movement.right then
x_accel = self.horizontal_acc
x_accel = -self.horizontal_acc
if self.vel.x < 0 then
x_accel = self.friction
elseif self.vel.x > 0 then
x_accel = -self.friction
next_state.vel.x = helpers.bound(self.vel.x + x_accel*dt, -self.maxvel.x, self.maxvel.x)
2024-09-02 09:36:30 -04:00
next_state.pos.x = helpers.normalize(self.pos.x + next_state.vel.x*dt, self.width/2, self.map.max_pixel.x + self.width*1.5)
if self.vel.x < 0 and next_state.vel.x > 0 or self.vel.x > 0 and next_state.vel.x < 0 then
next_state.vel.x = 0
return next_state
Next, let's handle jumps with a method that assumes the player is allowed to jump, i.e. is grounded.
#+begin_src lua :tangle entity.lua
function Entity:jump(dt)
local next_state = self:copy()
next_state.grounded = false
next_state.vel.y = -math.sqrt(2*self.max_jump_height*self.gravity)
2024-09-02 09:36:30 -04:00
next_state.pos.y = helpers.bound(next_state.pos.y + next_state.vel.y*dt, 0, self.map.max_pixel.y - self.height/2)
return next_state
When the entity isn't grounded and isn't jumping, it's falling:
#+begin_src lua :tangle entity.lua
function Entity:fall(dt)
local next_state = self:copy()
next_state.grounded = false
next_state.vel.y = self.vel.y + self.gravity*dt
2024-09-02 09:36:30 -04:00
next_state.pos.y = helpers.bound(next_state.pos.y + next_state.vel.y*dt, 0, self.map.max_pixel.y - self.height/2)
return next_state
Lastly, we also need a way to /ground/ the entity, setting the ~grounded~ flag to ~true~, and its vertical velocity to 0.
#+begin_src lua :tangle entity.lua
function Entity:ground()
local next_state = self:copy()
next_state.grounded = true
next_state.vel.y = 0
return next_state
We'll need to check for collisions against solid tiles and adjust the entities position:
#+begin_src lua :tangle entity.lua
function Entity:adjust_for_collisions(old_state, dt, frame)
local next_state = self:copy()
local top_left_tile = self.map:get_tile_from_pixel({
x=next_state.pos.x - next_state.width/2,
y=next_state.pos.y - next_state.height/2,
local bottom_left_tile = self.map:get_tile_from_pixel({
x=next_state.pos.x - next_state.width/2,
y=next_state.pos.y + next_state.height/2,
local bottom_right_tile = self.map:get_tile_from_pixel({
x=next_state.pos.x + next_state.width/2,
y=next_state.pos.y + next_state.height/2,
local top_right_tile = self.map:get_tile_from_pixel({
x=next_state.pos.x + next_state.width/2,
y=next_state.pos.y - next_state.height/2,
local next_rect = next_state:get_rect()
if old_state.grounded and self.vel.y >= 0 then
self.vel.x < 0 and not bottom_left_tile.solid
or self.vel.x > 0 and not bottom_right_tile.solid
next_state = next_state:fall(dt)
if not self.grounded then
if self.vel.y < 0 and (
top_left_tile.solid and helpers.rectangles_overlap(next_rect, top_left_tile.pixel_rect)[2]
top_right_tile.solid and helpers.rectangles_overlap(next_rect, top_right_tile.pixel_rect)[2]
) then
next_state.pos.y = top_right_tile.y + top_right_tile.h - self.height/2
next_state.vel.y = 0
print(frame, "CEILING BUMP!")
elseif self.vel.y >= 0 and (
bottom_left_tile.solid and helpers.rectangles_overlap(next_rect, bottom_left_tile.pixel_rect)[3]
bottom_right_tile.solid and helpers.rectangles_overlap(next_rect, bottom_right_tile.pixel_rect)[3]
) then
next_state = next_state:ground()
next_state.pos.y = bottom_right_tile.pixel_rect.y - self.height/2
if old_state.vel.x < 0 then
if top_left_tile.solid and helpers.rectangles_overlap(next_rect, top_left_tile.pixel_rect)[2] then
next_state.vel.x = 0
next_state.pos.x = top_left_tile.pixel_rect.x + top_left_tile.pixel_rect.w + next_rect.w/2
elseif old_state.vel.x > 0 then
if top_right_tile.solid and helpers.rectangles_overlap(next_rect, top_right_tile.pixel_rect)[2] then
next_state.vel.x = 0
next_state.pos.x = top_right_tile.pixel_rect.x - next_rect.w/2
if next_state.grounded and next_state.vel.y ~= 0 then
next_state.vel.y = 0
return next_state
#+begin_src lua :tangle entity.lua
function Entity:move(movement, dt, frame)
local wasright = self.vel.x > 0
local wasleft = self.vel.x < 0
local justjumped = false
local accel = Vector:new(0, self.gravity)
local next_state = self:move_horizontally(movement, dt)
if self.grounded then
if movement.jump then
next_state = next_state:jump(dt)
next_state = next_state:fall(dt)
if not (next_state.pos == self.pos) then
if distance(self.pos, next_state.pos) > 8 then
print(frame, "ENTITY MOVING TOO FAST!", inspect(self.pos), inspect(next_state.pos))
-- swept AABB
next_state = next_state:adjust_for_collisions(self, dt, frame)
return next_state
return Entity
#+begin_src lua
local Entity = require("entity")
* Enemy class
Now that we have the ~Entity~ class, let's extend it for enemies. Initially this will only override the ~draw~ method to use a different color, but later we'll add more specific behavior (as well as different sprites) and maybe even more subclasses for each enemy type.
#+begin_src lua :tangle enemy.lua
local helpers = require("helpers")
local Entity = require("entity")
local Enemy = Entity:extend()
function Enemy:draw()
local rect = self:get_rect()
love.graphics.setColor(0.9, 0, 0.2)
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", helpers.round(rect.x), helpers.round(rect.y), rect.w, rect.h)
return Enemy
* Initialization
Next, we define ~love.load()~, which should take care of:
- loading graphics, setting the scale
- setting up animations
- loading the level and mapping it into data in the ~game~ object.
- initialize the player and other objects
- this will be moved to a level initialization function later on
I want a retro look, so pixels should look sharp, I could use a library like maid64, but I'll just keep things simple by:
- setting the nearest neighbor interpolation as the default scaling filter
- calculate the scaling factors for width and height, which will be used when drawing stuff
#+name: initGraphics
#+begin_src lua :tangle no
local screen_width = 320 --self.map.width*self.map.tilewidth
local screen_height = 200 -- self.map.height*self.map.tileheight
love.graphics.setDefaultFilter("nearest", "nearest")
local desktop_width, desktop_height = love.window.getDesktopDimensions()
scale_width = desktop_width/screen_width
scale_height = desktop_height/screen_height
Next, all we need to do is create the first game state players will see, which is the title screen. All the logic for switching to other states is self-contained:
#+name: initGameState
#+begin_src lua :tangle no
current_state = states.Title:new()
Putting it all together in LÖVE's ~load~ callback:
#+begin_src lua :noweb yes
local scale_width, scale_height, current_state
function love.load()
* Game logic
Flicky's gameplay seems basic at first, but there's quite a bit of stuff going on:
- controls :: move left and right, jump
- objective :: collect "Chirps" and take them to the exit
- Chirps will follow Flicky around until then
- enemies :: cats move around the level (there's other types of enemies in later levels)
- if they touch Flicky, a life is lost
- if they touch a Chirp, it stops following Flicky
- enemies respawn from fixed points
- enemies can be taken down if Flicky kicks throwable items like flower pots at them
- levels wrap around, giving the illusion of a bigger, infinite level
This means the game logic should keep track of a few things:
- Flicky's state
- position
- probably other physics stuff too, like velocity, etc.
- lives
- whether Flicky is carrying an item or not (maybe just an item attribute that can be ~nil~)
- Camera's position, based on Flick's position
- Chirps' position, and whether they're following Flicky
- I'm thinking Chirps could be small state machines
- Level-specific stuff
- Initial enemies position
- Enemy spawner positions
- How many enemies are active
- Maximum allowed enemies
- Platforms
- Game state stuff
- Collected chirps count
- Timer
At the most basic (i.e. the whole game being a single level) that results in a few main functions ~love.update(dt)~ will call:
* Updating each frame
At the highest level, updating each frame is pretty simple:
- update the current game state
- check if the current state has ended
- if it has, switch to its next state
#+begin_src lua
function love.update(dt)
if current_state.ended then
current_state = current_state.next
* Drawing to the screen
First up, let's reset the color every time we draw so it doesn't tint everything with the color that was used last:
#+name: resetColor
#+begin_src lua :tangle no
love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1)
Go through each tile in the map and query its value to draw solid tiles (value > 0) in color (this will later be replaced by drawing the actual tile graphics form the tilesheet.)
We'll also do scaling using the calculated scale factors from the game object:
#+begin_src lua :noweb yes
function love.draw()
love.graphics.scale(scale_width, scale_height)
* Ideas
I'm thinking once I have the core of the game working I can try introducing some throwing mechanics
like *Yoshi's Story*. Either throw the chicks/eggs themselves, or have some special pickup that can
be thrown at enemies.
* Devlog
** [2024-08-17 sáb]
Not a huge amount of work this week, but feeling good about it, noteworthy stuff so far:
- broke up entity movement and collision detection into separate methods
- jumping feels nice, and got the code layed out so I can set whatever max height I want
- collision with tiles still not perfect, but we're getting there
Next week I want to work on:
- game states (at least get a menu/title screen)
- add other entities to the game with stupid AI
- stretch: some pixel art
** [2024-09-02 lun]
I was able to work on game states but got detoured with making a ~Map~ class that would allow
iterating over instances of it returning each tile that makes up the map, and got into a Lua
iterators rabbit hole which ended up finding out ~__ipairs~ is no longer supported (for quite a
while), so I had to just make a plain iterator method (that led me to think *a lot* about my
choosing Lua for this.) In any case, I'm glad I was able to stub out the title screen along with the
game states architecture.
The game is currently not working, but this is what I did this week:
- ~GameState~ class
- Move gameplay code into ~Play~ ~GameState~ subclass
- Implement ~Title~ ~GameState~ subclass, working with input to switch to ~Play~ state
- Clean up a bunch of old code
- ~Map~ class to encapsulate tile logic, with iterator yielding ~Tile~ instances
- Got working title idea: "Michi Dragon"
- Started stubbing out title screen art
This week I'd like to:
- get game working again (fix map/tiles code)
- work on simple title screen art
- update literary parts for all the code I added last week
2024-09-24 08:05:42 -04:00
** [2024-09-24 mar]
Hadn't realized it's been such a while since I added a devlog, I'll start making specific commits
for these. I actually got a good rhythm going on now that some of the big ground-level stuff is
working somewhat decently. These are the latest updates:
- Game is working again!
- Game states themselves work nicely, there's a simple title screen from which the main play state can be accessed
- Updated and added a bunch of "literary" parts
- Added missing files to git
- Entities no longer endlessly bump with tiles when moving horizontally
- Started off with an ~Enemy~ class and added a few "enemies" moving around
Next up I'd love to work on these:
- collisions between entities (enemy/player)
- game over state
- pause (sub)state
- some pixel art for heck's sake
* Plan
** TODO Install dependencies (inspect, debugger) through ~luarocks~
** DONE Create object base "class" with copy metamethods functionality, explain literarily
** DONE Refactor ~Object:new~, ~Object:init~, introduce ~Object:extend~
** TODO Convert acceleration to vector in ~Entity:move~
** DONE Fix gravity always changing position in y axis on ~Entity:move~ :bug:
SCHEDULED: <2024-08-08 jue 14:00-15:00> DEADLINE: <2024-08-09 vie>
CLOCK: [2024-08-07 mié 11:42]--[2024-08-07 mié 12:11] => 0:29
** DONE Add ~grounded~ attribute to player/entity
** DONE ~love.load()~
** DONE [#A] Bugfix drawing offset by 1 in x and y
** DONE ~love.update(dt)~
** DONE ~love.draw()~
Explain ~game.map:box2d_draw~ call for debugging purposes.
** DONE Level wrap-around
** DONE Bugfix level wrap-around
Can't move past right side of the level, but going to the left works (?)
2024-09-10 06:45:47 -04:00
** DONE Update "literary" parts
2024-09-10 06:05:39 -04:00
DEADLINE: <2024-09-11 mié>
2024-09-10 06:45:47 -04:00
CLOCK: [2024-09-10 mar 07:08]--[2024-09-10 mar 07:45] => 0:37
** TODO Player slide
Tweak friction values
** TODO changing direction while in mid air should have lots of friction
2024-09-24 07:55:04 -04:00
** TODO Bugfix ~Enemy:draw~ not working
DEADLINE: <2024-09-30 lun>
I think the problem is actually with ~Enemy:move~ returning entities instead of enemy objects.
** DONE Refactor player, enemies, items code into entities
** DONE Add a couple enemy entities with stupid AI
2024-09-19 18:26:50 -04:00
DEADLINE: <2024-09-23 lun>
CLOCK: [2024-09-24 mar 08:12]--[2024-09-24 mar 08:51] => 0:39
maybe they just move left or right constantly, jump if they "see" a gap or blocking tile ahead.
** TODO Title screen art mock
DEADLINE: <2024-09-27 vie>
2024-09-10 06:05:39 -04:00
CLOCK: [2024-09-04 mié 11:45]--[2024-09-04 mié 12:08] => 0:23
CLOCK: [2024-08-20 mar 11:39]--[2024-08-20 mar 12:06] => 0:27
fonts I like:
- Essays
- dhurjati (maybe for a shmup)
- lmmono10-italic
- lmromanusl10-regular
- lmu10
- +qzcmi+
- +texgyrechorus-med+
** TODO Gameplay screen art mock
DEADLINE: <2024-10-02 mié>
** DONE Fix Tile class ~ipairs~
SCHEDULED: <2024-08-29 jue 10:30-11:30> DEADLINE: <2024-08-30 vie>
CLOCK: [2024-08-29 jue 10:42]--[2024-08-29 jue 11:14] => 0:32
Turns out Lua no longer supports the ~__ipairs~ metamethod (hasn't for years), bummer.
** DONE Collision with platforms above when jumping
** TODO Camera fixed on player position
Bonus points for a small offset left and right before moving camera position.
** DONE Implement game states
DEADLINE: <2024-08-30 vie>
CLOCK: [2024-08-21 mié 07:26]--[2024-08-21 mié 07:57] => 0:31
- [ ] Title/Menu
- [ ] Gameplay
- [ ] Game Over
- [ ] Finished game
** TODO Explain ~game~ object components
** TODO Refine player movement
** TODO Bugfix scaling and/or drawing
** DONE Maybe create a game class, player class, etc.
** TODO Explain 320x200 resolution
** TODO Fix aspect ratio
Using 16:10, should add "black bars" on the sides (or on top and bottom)
But how?
** DONE Bugfix jump code
Jumping is somewhat inconsistent, if you hold jump, final jump height varies quite a bit.
Got this one fixed by setting a fixed Y velocity when jump button is hit, rather than calculating a new acceleration with ~dt~.
(Should explain this in the literate part)
** TODO Set up some kind of debug mode (toggle?)
** TODO Define enemy spawner logic (a few different options)
** DONE Map player position correctly when drawing
** TODO Create lower-resolution internal game model
** DONE Consider dropping ~game.world~ and not using STI's box2d support
I'm following Code inComplete's Tiny Platformer article, coding the physics from scratch somewhat. Maybe start off like that and later try to refactor into LOVE's physics?
** Draw debug helpers
- [ ] draw player's "tile"
** DONE Draw platforms from ~game.platforms~ table
** TODO slide animation when direction button is released
** TODO Generic ~Object:copy~ method
2024-09-02 10:50:24 -04:00
** TODO Decouple ~GameState~ objects, map (maybe), and graphics
** DONE Fix collision with solid tile when moving horizontally
SCHEDULED: <2024-09-19 jue 15:45-16:30> DEADLINE: <2024-09-21 sáb>
CLOCK: [2024-09-19 jue 19:04]--[2024-09-19 jue 19:24] => 0:20
CLOCK: [2024-09-19 jue 08:12]--[2024-09-19 jue 08:58] => 0:46
CLOCK: [2024-08-13 mar 12:01]--[2024-08-13 mar 12:13] => 0:12
h = 8,
w = 4,
x = 197.17442941018,
y = 184
h = 8,
w = 8,
x = 192,
y = 184
Seems it's detecting the wrong tile in the next frame after a collision detection?
Need to check ~next_state.pos~ and resulting ~top_left_tile~ for this case.
289 ADJUSTED X 202
h = 8,
w = 4,
x = 199.85257872008,
y = 184
2024-09-02 10:50:24 -04:00
** TODO Implement game pause as ~Play~ substate
2024-09-19 18:26:50 -04:00
DEADLINE: <2024-09-24 mar>
2024-09-02 10:50:24 -04:00
** TODO replace hardcoded player initial position (180, 100) with marker/point from Tiled map
** TODO Reimplement ~draw_debug_infos~
2024-09-19 18:26:50 -04:00
DEADLINE: <2024-09-20 vie>
2024-09-02 10:50:24 -04:00
Need something more global, maybe that takes a game state instance or something.
** DONE Fix jump
SCHEDULED: <2024-08-13 mar 11:15-12:00>
2024-09-24 07:55:04 -04:00
** TODO Bugfix ceiling bump teleport
DEADLINE: <2024-10-07 lun>
** TODO Try implementing wrap-around with polar coordinates and cosine
DEADLINE: <2024-10-02 mié>
#+begin_src lua :tangle angularwrap.lua
-- Constants
local radius = 100 -- Radius of the "circle" that represents the screen width
local max_velocity = 4 * math.pi -- Max angular velocity (2 full circle per second)
local acceleration = 0.2 -- Angular acceleration
-- Initial state
local theta = 0 -- Initial angle (in radians)
local angular_velocity = 0 -- Initial angular velocity
local delta_time = 1/30 -- Time step (e.g., 1/30th of a second)
-- Function to update the entity's position
function update_position()
-- Apply angular acceleration
angular_velocity = angular_velocity + acceleration * delta_time
-- Cap the angular velocity at max_velocity
if angular_velocity > max_velocity then
angular_velocity = max_velocity
-- Update the angle (theta)
theta = theta + angular_velocity * delta_time
-- Ensure theta stays within [0, 2 * pi] to simulate wrap-around
if theta >= 2 * math.pi then
theta = theta - 2 * math.pi
elseif theta < 0 then
theta = theta + 2 * math.pi
-- Calculate the horizontal position using the cosine of the angle
local x_position = radius * math.cos(theta)
return x_position
-- Example usage
for i = 1, 60 do
local x = update_position()
print(string.format("Time: %.2f, X Position: %.2f", i * delta_time, x))