65 lines
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65 lines
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#version 130
uniform sampler2D normals_and_depth;
uniform sampler2D noise_texture;
uniform mat4 invprojm;
uniform mat4 projm;
uniform vec4 samplePoints[16];
in vec2 uv;
out vec4 FragColor;
const float strengh = 4.;
const float radius = .4f;
#define SAMPLES 16
const float invSamples = strengh / SAMPLES;
vec3 rand(vec2 co)
return texture(noise_texture, co*20.16).xyz;
void main(void)
vec4 cur = texture(normals_and_depth, uv);
float curdepth = texture(normals_and_depth, uv).a;
vec4 FragPos = invprojm * (2.0f * vec4(uv, curdepth, 1.0f) - 1.0f);
FragPos /= FragPos.w;
// get the normal of current fragment
vec3 norm = normalize(cur.xyz * vec3(2.0) - vec3(1.0));
// Workaround for nvidia and skyboxes
float len = dot(vec3(1.0), abs(cur.xyz));
if (len < 0.2 || curdepth > 0.999) discard;
// Make a tangent as random as possible
vec3 randvect = rand(uv);
vec3 tangent = normalize(cross(norm, randvect));
vec3 bitangent = cross(norm, tangent);
float bl = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < SAMPLES; ++i) {
vec3 sampleDir = samplePoints[i].x * tangent + samplePoints[i].y * bitangent + samplePoints[i].z * norm;
sampleDir *= samplePoints[i].w;
vec4 samplePos = FragPos + radius * vec4(sampleDir, 0.0);
vec4 sampleProj = projm * samplePos;
sampleProj /= sampleProj.w;
bool isInsideTexture = (sampleProj.x > -1.) && (sampleProj.x < 1.) && (sampleProj.y > -1.) && (sampleProj.y < 1.);
// get the depth of the occluder fragment
float occluderFragmentDepth = texture(normals_and_depth, (sampleProj.xy * 0.5) + 0.5).a;
// Position of the occluder fragment in worldSpace
vec4 occluderPos = invprojm * vec4(sampleProj.xy, 2.0 * occluderFragmentDepth - 1.0, 1.0f);
occluderPos /= occluderPos.w;
bool isOccluded = isInsideTexture && (sampleProj.z > (2. * occluderFragmentDepth - 1.0)) && (distance(FragPos, occluderPos) < radius);
bl += isOccluded ? smoothstep(radius, 0, distance(samplePos, FragPos)) : 0.;
// output the result
float ao = 1.0 - bl * invSamples;
FragColor = vec4(ao);