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2020-01-03 12:46:35 +08:00
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2002-2008 Kiyoshi Matsui <kmatsui@t3.rim.or.jp>
* All rights reserved.
* Some parts of this code are derived from the public domain software
* DECUS cpp (1984,1985) written by Martin Minow.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* S U P P O R T . C
* S u p p o r t R o u t i n e s
* The common routines used by several source files are placed here.
* The following are global functions.
* get_unexpandable() Gets the next unexpandable token in the line, expanding
* macros.
* Called from #if, #line and #include processing routines.
* skip_nl() Skips over a line.
* skip_ws() Skips over white spaces but not skip over the end of the line.
* skip_ws() skips also COM_SEP and TOK_SEP.
* scan_token() Reads the next token of any type into the specified output
* pointer, advances the pointer, returns the type of token.
* scan_quote() Reads a string literal, character constant or header-name from
* the input stream, writes out to the specified buffer and
* returns the advanced output pointer.
* get_ch() Reads the next byte from the current input stream, handling
* end of (macro/file) input and embedded comments appropriately.
* cnv_trigraph() Maps trigraph sequence to C character.
* cnv_digraph() Maps digraph sequence to C character.
* id_operator() See whether the identifier is an operator in C++.
* unget_ch() Pushs last gotten character back on the input stream.
* unget_string() Pushs sequence on the input stream.
* save_string() Saves a string in malloc() memory.
* get_file() Initializes a new FILEINFO structure, called when #include
* opens a new file, or from unget_string().
* xmalloc() Gets a specified number of bytes from heap memory.
* If malloc() returns NULL, exits with a message.
* xrealloc() realloc(). If it fails, exits with a message.
* get_src_location() Trace back line-column datum into pre-line-splicing
* phase. A function for -K option.
* cfatal(), cerror(), cwarn()
* These routines format print messages to the user.
* mcpp_fputc(), mcpp_fputs(), mcpp_fprintf()
* Wrap library functions to support alternate output to memory
* buffer.
#include "mcpp.H"
#include "system.H"
#include "internal.H"
static void scan_id( int c);
/* Scan an identifier */
static char * scan_number( int c, char * out, char * out_end);
/* Scan a preprocessing number */
static char * scan_number_prestd( int c, char * out, char * out_end);
/* scan_number() for pre-Standard mode */
#if OK_UCN
static char * scan_ucn( int cnt, char * out);
/* Scan an UCN sequence */
static char * scan_op( int c, char * out);
/* Scan an operator or a punctuator */
static char * parse_line( void);
/* Parse a logical line and convert comments */
static char * read_a_comment( char * sp, size_t * sizp);
/* Read over a comment */
static char * get_line( int in_comment);
/* Get a logical line from file, handle line-splicing */
static char * at_eof( int in_comment);
/* Check erroneous end of file */
static void do_msg( const char * severity, const char * format
, const char * arg1, long arg2, const char * arg3);
/* Putout diagnostic message */
static char * cat_line( int del_bsl);
/* Splice the line */
static void put_line( char * out, FILE * fp);
/* Put out a logical line */
static void dump_token( int token_type, const char * cp);
/* Dump a token and its type */
#define EXP_MAC_IND_MAX 16
/* Information of current expanding macros for diagnostic */
static struct {
const char * name; /* Name of the macro just expanded */
int to_be_freed; /* Name should be freed later */
} expanding_macro[ EXP_MAC_IND_MAX];
static int exp_mac_ind = 0; /* Index into expanding_macro[] */
static int in_token = FALSE; /* For token scanning functions */
static int in_string = FALSE; /* For get_ch() and parse_line()*/
static int squeezews = FALSE;
#define MAX_CAT_LINE 256
/* Information on line catenated by <backslash><newline> */
/* and by line-crossing comment. This is for -K option. */
typedef struct catenated_line {
long start_line; /* Starting line of catenation */
long last_line; /* Ending line of catanation */
size_t len[ MAX_CAT_LINE + 1];
/* Length of successively catenated lines */
static CAT_LINE bsl_cat_line;
/* Datum on the last catenated line by <backslash><newline> */
static CAT_LINE com_cat_line;
/* Datum on the last catenated line by a line-crossing comment */
static int use_mem_buffers = FALSE;
void init_support( void)
in_token = in_string = squeezews = FALSE;
bsl_cat_line.len[ 0] = com_cat_line.len[ 0] = 0;
typedef struct mem_buf {
char * buffer;
char * entry_pt;
size_t size;
size_t bytes_avail;
static MEMBUF mem_buffers[ NUM_OUTDEST];
void mcpp_use_mem_buffers(
int tf
int i;
use_mem_buffers = tf ? TRUE : FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_OUTDEST; ++i) {
if (mem_buffers[ i].buffer)
/* Free previously allocated memory buffer */
free( mem_buffers[ i].buffer);
if (use_mem_buffers) {
/* Output to memory buffers instead of files */
mem_buffers[ i].buffer = NULL;
mem_buffers[ i].entry_pt = NULL;
mem_buffers[ i].size = 0;
mem_buffers[ i].bytes_avail = 0;
int using_mem_buffers( void)
return use_mem_buffers;
#define BUF_INCR_SIZE (NWORK * 2)
#define MAX( a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
static char * append_to_buffer(
MEMBUF * mem_buf_p,
const char * string,
size_t length
if (mem_buf_p->bytes_avail < length + 1) { /* Need to allocate more memory */
size_t size = MAX( BUF_INCR_SIZE, length);
if (mem_buf_p->buffer == NULL) { /* 1st append */
mem_buf_p->size = size;
mem_buf_p->bytes_avail = size;
mem_buf_p->buffer = xmalloc( mem_buf_p->size);
mem_buf_p->entry_pt = mem_buf_p->buffer;
} else {
mem_buf_p->size += size;
mem_buf_p->bytes_avail += size;
mem_buf_p->buffer = xrealloc( mem_buf_p->buffer, mem_buf_p->size);
mem_buf_p->entry_pt = mem_buf_p->buffer + mem_buf_p->size
- mem_buf_p->bytes_avail;
/* Append the string to the tail of the buffer */
memcpy( mem_buf_p->entry_pt, string, length);
mem_buf_p->entry_pt += length;
mem_buf_p->entry_pt[ 0] = '\0'; /* Terminate the string buffer */
mem_buf_p->bytes_avail -= length;
return mem_buf_p->buffer;
static int mem_putc(
int c,
char string[ 1];
string[ 0] = (char) c;
if (append_to_buffer( &(mem_buffers[ od]), string, 1) != NULL)
return 0;
return !0;
static int mem_puts(
const char * s,
if (append_to_buffer( &(mem_buffers[od]), s, strlen(s)) != NULL)
return 0;
return !0;
char * mcpp_get_mem_buffer(
return mem_buffers[ od].buffer;
#endif /* MCPP_LIB */
#define DEST2FP(od) \
(od == OUT) ? fp_out : \
((od == ERR) ? fp_err : \
((od == DBG) ? fp_debug : \
* The following mcpp_*() wrapper functions are intended to centralize
* the output generated by MCPP. They support memory buffer alternates to
* each of the primary output streams: out, err, debug. The memory buffer
* output option would be used in a setup where MCPP has been built as a
* function call - i.e. mcpp_lib_main().
int mcpp_lib_fputc(
int c,
if (use_mem_buffers) {
return mem_putc( c, od);
} else {
FILE * stream = DEST2FP( od);
return (stream != NULL) ? fputc( c, stream) : EOF;
int (* mcpp_fputc)( int c, OUTDEST od) = mcpp_lib_fputc;
int mcpp_lib_fputs(
const char * s,
if (use_mem_buffers) {
return mem_puts( s, od);
} else {
FILE * stream = DEST2FP( od);
return (stream != NULL) ? fputs( s, stream) : EOF;
int (* mcpp_fputs)( const char * s, OUTDEST od) = mcpp_lib_fputs;
#include <stdarg.h>
int mcpp_lib_fprintf(
const char * format,
va_list ap;
FILE * stream = DEST2FP( od);
if (stream != NULL) {
int rc;
va_start( ap, format);
if (use_mem_buffers) {
static char mem_buffer[ NWORK];
rc = vsprintf( mem_buffer, format, ap);
if (rc != 0) {
rc = mem_puts( mem_buffer, od);
} else {
rc = vfprintf( stream, format, ap);
va_end( ap);
return rc;
} else {
return EOF;
int (* mcpp_fprintf)( OUTDEST od, const char * format, ...) = mcpp_lib_fprintf;
void mcpp_reset_def_out_func( void)
mcpp_fputc = mcpp_lib_fputc;
mcpp_fputs = mcpp_lib_fputs;
mcpp_fprintf = mcpp_lib_fprintf;
void mcpp_set_out_func(
int (* func_fputc)( int c, OUTDEST od),
int (* func_fputs)( const char * s, OUTDEST od),
int (* func_fprintf)( OUTDEST od, const char * format, ...)
mcpp_fputc = func_fputc;
mcpp_fputs = func_fputs;
mcpp_fprintf = func_fprintf;
int get_unexpandable(
int c, /* First char of token */
int diag /* Flag of diagnosis */
* Get the next unexpandable token in the line, expanding macros.
* Return the token type. The token is written in work_buf[].
* The once expanded macro is never expanded again.
* Called only from the routines processing #if (#elif, #assert), #line and
* #include directives in order to diagnose some subtle macro expansions.
DEFBUF * defp = NULL;
FILEINFO * file;
FILE * fp = NULL;
LINE_COL line_col = { 0L, 0};
int token_type = NO_TOKEN;
int has_pragma;
while (c != EOS && c != '\n' /* In a line */
&& (fp = infile->fp /* Preserve current state */
, (token_type
= scan_token( c, (workp = work_buf, &workp), work_end))
== NAM) /* Identifier */
&& fp != NULL /* In source ! */
&& (defp = is_macro( NULL)) != NULL) { /* Macro */
expand_macro( defp, work_buf, work_end, line_col, & has_pragma);
/* Expand macro */
if (has_pragma)
cerror( "_Pragma operator found in directive line" /* _E_ */
, NULL, 0L, NULL);
file = unget_string( work_buf, defp->name); /* Stack to re-read */
c = skip_ws(); /* Skip TOK_SEP */
if (file != infile && macro_line != MACRO_ERROR && (warn_level & 1)) {
/* This diagnostic is issued even if "diag" is FALSE. */
cwarn( "Macro \"%s\" is expanded to 0 token" /* _W1_ */
, defp->name, 0L, NULL);
if (! option_flags.no_source_line)
dump_a_def( " macro", defp, FALSE, TRUE, fp_err);
if (c == '\n' || c == EOS) {
return NO_TOKEN;
if (diag && fp == NULL && defp && (warn_level & 1)) {
char tmp[ NWORK + 16];
char * tmp_end = tmp + NWORK;
char * tmp_p;
file = unget_string( infile->buffer, defp->name); /* To diagnose */
c = get_ch();
while (file == infile) { /* Search the expanded macro */
if (scan_token( c, (tmp_p = tmp, &tmp_p), tmp_end) != NAM) {
c = get_ch();
if (standard && str_eq( identifier, "defined")) {
cwarn( "Macro \"%s\" is expanded to \"defined\"" /* _W1_ */
, defp->name, 0L, NULL);
if (! standard && str_eq( identifier, "sizeof")) {
cwarn( "Macro \"%s\" is expanded to \"sizeof\"" /* _W1_ */
, defp->name, 0L, NULL);
c = get_ch();
if (file == infile) {
infile->bptr += strlen( infile->bptr);
if (token_type == OPE) {
unget_string( work_buf, NULL); /* Set again 'openum' */
scan_token( get_ch(), (workp = work_buf, &workp), work_end);
return token_type;
void skip_nl( void)
* Skip to the end of the current input line.
insert_sep = NO_SEP;
while (infile && infile->fp == NULL) { /* Stacked text */
infile->bptr += strlen( infile->bptr);
get_ch(); /* To the parent */
if (infile)
infile->bptr += strlen( infile->bptr); /* Source line */
int skip_ws( void)
* Skip over horizontal whitespaces.
int c;
do {
c = get_ch();
} while (char_type[ c] & HSP);
return c;
#define MBMASK 0xFF /* Mask to hide multibyte char */
int scan_token(
int c, /* The first character of the token */
char ** out_pp, /* Pointer to pointer to output buf */
char * out_end /* End of output buffer */
* Scan the next token of any type.
* The token is written out to the specified buffer and the output pointer
* is advanced. Token is terminated by EOS. Return the type of token.
* If the token is an identifier, the token is also in identifier[].
* If the token is a operator or punctuator, return OPE.
* If 'c' is token separator, then return SEP.
* If 'c' is not the first character of any known token and not a token
* separator, return SPE.
* In POST_STD mode, inserts token separator (a space) between any tokens of
* source.
char * out = *out_pp; /* Output pointer */
int ch_type; /* Type of character */
int token_type = 0; /* Type of token */
int ch;
if (standard)
in_token = TRUE; /* While a token is scanned */
c = c & UCHARMAX;
ch_type = char_type[ c] & MBMASK;
switch (ch_type) {
case LET: /* Probably an identifier */
switch (c) {
case 'L':
if (! standard)
goto ident;
ch = get_ch();
if (char_type[ ch] & QUO) { /* char_type[ ch] == QUO */
if (ch == '"')
token_type = WSTR; /* Wide-char string literal */
token_type = WCHR; /* Wide-char constant */
c = ch;
*out++ = 'L';
break; /* Fall down to "case QUO:" */
} else {
} /* Fall through */
default: /* An identifier */
scan_id( c);
out = stpcpy( out, identifier);
token_type = NAM;
if (token_type == NAM)
/* Else fall through -- i.e. WSTR, WCHR */
case QUO: /* String or character constant */
out = scan_quote( c, out, out_end, FALSE);
if (token_type == 0) { /* Without prefix L */
if (c == '"')
token_type = STR;
token_type = CHR;
} /* Else WSTR or WCHR */
case DOT:
ch = get_ch();
if ((char_type[ ch] & DIG) == 0) /* Operator '.' or '...' */
goto operat;
/* Else fall through */
case DIG: /* Preprocessing number */
out = (standard ? scan_number( c, out, out_end)
: scan_number_prestd( c, out, out_end));
token_type = NUM;
case PUNC:
operat: out = scan_op( c, out); /* Operator or punctuator */
token_type = OPE; /* Number is set in global "openum" */
default: /* Special tokens or special characters */
#if OK_UCN
if (mcpp_mode == STD && c == '\\' && stdc2) {
ch = get_ch();
if (ch == 'U' || ch == 'u')
goto ident; /* Universal-Characte-Name */
if (mcpp_mode == STD && (char_type[ c] & mbchk) && stdc3) {
char * bptr = infile->bptr;
mb_read( c, &infile->bptr, &out);
infile->bptr = bptr;
out = *out_pp;
goto ident; /* An identifier with multi-byte characters */
/* Mbchar cheking has been done in scan_quote() and others. */
if ((standard && (c == CAT || c == ST_QUOTE)) || (char_type[ c] & SPA))
token_type = SEP; /* Token separator or magic char*/
token_type = SPE;
/* Unkown token ($, @, multi-byte character or Latin */
*out++ = c;
*out = EOS;
if (out_end < out)
cfatal( "Buffer overflow scanning token \"%s\"" /* _F_ */
, *out_pp, 0L, NULL);
if (mcpp_debug & TOKEN)
dump_token( token_type, *out_pp);
if (mcpp_mode == POST_STD && token_type != SEP && infile->fp != NULL
&& (char_type[ *infile->bptr & UCHARMAX] & SPA) == 0)
insert_sep = INSERT_SEP; /* Insert token separator */
*out_pp = out;
in_token = FALSE; /* Token scanning has been done */
return token_type;
static void scan_id(
int c /* First char of id */
* Reads the next identifier and put it into identifier[].
* The caller has already read the first character of the identifier.
static char * const limit = &identifier[ IDMAX];
static int dollar_diagnosed = FALSE; /* Flag of diagnosing '$' */
#if OK_UCN
int uc2 = 0, uc4 = 0; /* Count of UCN16, UCN32 */
int mb = 0; /* Count of MBCHAR */
size_t len; /* Length of identifier */
char * bp = identifier;
if (c == IN_SRC) { /* Magic character */
*bp++ = c;
if ((mcpp_debug & MACRO_CALL) && ! in_directive) {
*bp++ = get_ch(); /* Its 2-bytes */
*bp++ = get_ch(); /* argument */
c = get_ch();
do {
if (bp < limit)
*bp++ = c;
#if OK_UCN
if (mcpp_mode == STD && c == '\\' && stdc2) {
int cnt;
char * tp = bp;
if ((c = get_ch()) == 'u') {
cnt = 4;
} else if (c == 'U') {
cnt = 8;
} else {
*bp++ = c;
if ((bp = scan_ucn( cnt, bp)) == NULL) /* Error */
if (cnt == 4)
else if (cnt == 8)
if (limit <= tp) /* Too long identifier */
bp = tp; /* Back the pointer */
goto next_c;
#endif /* OK_UCN */
if (mcpp_mode == STD && (char_type[ c] & mbchk) && stdc3) {
len = mb_read( c, &infile->bptr, &bp);
if (len & MB_ERROR) {
if (infile->fp)
"Illegal multi-byte character sequence." /* _E_ */
, NULL, 0L, NULL);
} else {
mb += len;
#endif /* OK_MBIDENT */
#if OK_UCN
c = get_ch();
} while ((char_type[ c] & (LET | DIG)) /* Letter or digit */
#if OK_UCN
|| (mcpp_mode == STD && c == '\\' && stdc2)
|| (mcpp_mode == STD && (char_type[ c] & mbchk) && stdc3)
*bp = EOS;
if (bp >= limit && (warn_level & 1)) /* Limit of token */
cwarn( "Too long identifier truncated to \"%s\"" /* _W1_ */
, identifier, 0L, NULL);
len = bp - identifier;
/* UCN16, UCN32, MBCHAR are counted as one character for each. */
#if OK_UCN
if (mcpp_mode == STD)
len -= (uc2 * 5) - (uc4 * 9);
if (mcpp_mode == STD)
len -= mb;
if (standard && infile->fp && len > std_limits.id_len && (warn_level & 4))
cwarn( "Identifier longer than %.0s%ld characters \"%s\"" /* _W4_ */
, NULL, (long) std_limits.id_len, identifier);
#endif /* IDMAX > IDLEN90MIN */
if (option_flags.dollar_in_name && dollar_diagnosed == FALSE
&& (warn_level & 2) && strchr( identifier, '$') != NULL) {
cwarn( "'$' in identifier \"%s\"", identifier, 0L, NULL); /* _W2_ */
dollar_diagnosed = TRUE; /* Diagnose only once */
char * scan_quote(
int delim, /* ', " or < (header-name) */
char * out, /* Output buffer */
char * out_end, /* End of output buffer */
int diag /* Diagnostic should be output */
* Scan off a string literal or character constant to the output buffer.
* Report diagnosis if the quotation is terminated by newline or character
* constant is empty (provided 'diag' is TRUE).
* Return the next output pointer or NULL (on error).
const char * const skip_line = ", skipped the line"; /* _E_ */
const char * const unterm_string
= "Unterminated string literal%s";
const char * const unterm_char
= "Unterminated character constant %s%.0ld%s";
const char * const empty_const
= "Empty character constant %s%.0ld%s";
const char * skip;
size_t len;
int c;
char * out_p = out;
/* Set again in case of called from routines other than scan_token(). */
if (standard)
in_token = TRUE;
*out_p++ = delim;
if (delim == '<')
delim = '>';
while ((c = get_ch()) != EOS) {
if (char_type[ c] & mbchk) {
/* First of multi-byte character (or shift-sequence) */
char * bptr = infile->bptr;
len = mb_read( c, &infile->bptr, (*out_p++ = c, &out_p));
if (len & MB_ERROR) {
if (infile->fp != NULL && compiling && diag) {
if (warn_level & 1) {
char * buf;
size_t chlen;
buf = xmalloc( chlen = infile->bptr - bptr + 2);
memcpy( buf, bptr, chlen - 1);
buf[ chlen - 1] = EOS;
"Illegal multi-byte character sequence \"%s\" in quotation", /* _W1_ */
buf, 0L, NULL);
free( buf);
} else { /* Valid multi-byte character (or sequence) */
goto chk_limit;
if (c == delim) {
} else if (c == '\\' && delim != '>') { /* In string literal */
#if OK_UCN
if (mcpp_mode == STD && stdc2) {
int cnt;
char * tp;
*out_p++ = c;
if ((c = get_ch()) == 'u') {
cnt = 4;
} else if (c == 'U') {
cnt = 8;
} else {
goto escape;
*out_p++ = c;
if ((tp = scan_ucn( cnt, out_p)) != NULL)
out_p = tp;
/* Else error */
continue; /* Error or not, anyway continue */
#endif /* OK_UCN */
*out_p++ = c; /* Escape sequence */
c = get_ch();
if (char_type[ c] & mbchk) {
/* '\\' followed by multi-byte char */
if (! standard && c == '\n') { /* <backslash><newline> */
out_p--; /* Splice the lines */
if (cat_line( TRUE) == NULL) /* End of file */
c = get_ch();
} else if (mcpp_mode == POST_STD && c == ' ' && delim == '>'
&& infile->fp == NULL) {
continue; /* Skip space possibly inserted by macro expansion */
} else if (c == '\n') {
if (diag && iscntrl( c) && ((char_type[ c] & SPA) == 0)
&& (warn_level & 1))
"Illegal control character %.0s0lx%02x in quotation" /* _W1_ */
, NULL, (long) c, NULL);
*out_p++ = c;
if (out_end < out_p) {
*out_end = EOS;
cfatal( "Too long quotation", NULL, 0L, NULL); /* _F_ */
if (c == '\n' || c == EOS)
if (c == delim)
*out_p++ = delim;
*out_p = EOS;
if (diag) { /* At translation phase 3 */
skip = (infile->fp == NULL) ? NULL : skip_line;
if (c != delim) {
if (mcpp_mode == OLD_PREP /* Implicit closing of quote*/
&& (delim == '"' || delim == '\''))
goto done;
if (delim == '"') {
if (mcpp_mode != POST_STD && option_flags.lang_asm) {
/* STD, KR */
/* Concatenate the unterminated string to the next line */
if (warn_level & 1)
cwarn( unterm_string
, ", catenated to the next line" /* _W1_ */
, 0L, NULL);
if (cat_line( FALSE) != NULL)
goto scan; /* Splice the lines */
/* Else end of file */
} else {
cerror( unterm_string, skip, 0L, NULL); /* _E_ */
} else if (delim == '\'') {
if (mcpp_mode != POST_STD && option_flags.lang_asm) {
/* STD, KR */
if (warn_level & 1)
cwarn( unterm_char, out, 0L, NULL); /* _W1_ */
goto done;
} else {
cerror( unterm_char, out, 0L, skip); /* _E_ */
} else {
cerror( "Unterminated header name %s%.0ld%s" /* _E_ */
, out, 0L, skip);
out_p = NULL;
} else if (delim == '\'' && out_p - out <= 2) {
if (mcpp_mode != POST_STD && option_flags.lang_asm) {
/* STD, KR */
if (warn_level & 1)
cwarn( empty_const, out, 0L, skip); /* _W1_ */
} else {
cerror( empty_const, out, 0L, skip); /* _E_ */
out_p = NULL;
goto done;
} else if (mcpp_mode == POST_STD && delim == '>' && (warn_level & 2)) {
"Header-name enclosed by <, > is an obsolescent feature %s" /* _W2_ */
, out, 0L, skip);
if (standard && out_p - out > std_limits.str_len && (warn_level & 4))
cwarn( "Quotation longer than %.0s%ld bytes" /* _W4_ */
, NULL, std_limits.str_len, NULL);
in_token = FALSE;
return out_p;
static char * cat_line(
int del_bsl /* Delete the <backslash><newline> ? */
* If del_bsl == TRUE:
* Delete <backslash><newline> sequence in string literal.
* FALSE: Overwrite the <newline> with <backslash>'n'.
* Return NULL on end of file. Called only from scan_quote().
* This routine is never called in POST_STD mode.
size_t len;
char * save1, * save2;
if (del_bsl) { /* Delete the <backslash><newline> */
infile->bptr -= 2;
len = infile->bptr - infile->buffer;
} else { /* Overwrite the <newline> with <backslash>'n' */
strcpy( infile->bptr, "\\n");
len = strlen( infile->buffer);
save1 = save_string( infile->buffer);
save2 = get_line( FALSE); /* infile->buffer is overwritten */
if (save2 == NULL) {
free( save1);
return NULL;
save2 = save_string( infile->buffer);
memcpy( infile->buffer, save1, len);
strcpy( infile->buffer + len, save2); /* Catenate */
free( save1);
free( save2);
if (! del_bsl)
len -= 2;
infile->bptr = infile->buffer + len;
return infile->bptr;
static char * scan_number(
int c, /* First char of number */
char * out, /* Output buffer */
char * out_end /* Limit of output buffer */
* Read a preprocessing number.
* By scan_token() we know already that the first c is from 0 to 9 or dot,
* and if c is dot then the second character is digit.
* Returns the advanced output pointer.
* Note: preprocessing number permits non-numeric forms such as 3E+xy,
* which are used in stringization or token-concatenation.
char * out_p = out; /* Current output pointer */
do {
*out_p++ = c;
if (c == 'E' || c == 'e' /* Sign should follow 'E', 'e', */
|| (stdc3 && (c == 'P' || c == 'p'))
/* 'P' or 'p'. */
) {
c = get_ch();
if (c == '+' || c == '-') {
*out_p++ = c;
c = get_ch();
#if OK_UCN
} else if (mcpp_mode == STD && c == '\\' && stdc3) {
int cnt;
char * tp;
if ((c = get_ch()) == 'u') {
cnt = 4;
} else if (c == 'U') {
cnt = 8;
} else {
*out_p++ = c;
if ((tp = scan_ucn( cnt, out_p)) == NULL) /* Error */
out_p = tp;
c = get_ch();
#endif /* OK_UCN */
} else if (mcpp_mode == STD && (char_type[ c] & mbchk) && stdc3) {
len = mb_read( c, &infile->bptr, &out_p);
if (len & MB_ERROR) {
if (infile->fp)
"Illegal multi-byte character sequence." /* _E_ */
, NULL, 0L, NULL);
#endif /* OK_MBIDENT */
} else {
c = get_ch();
} while ((char_type[ c] & (DIG | DOT | LET)) /* Digit, dot or letter */
#if OK_UCN
|| (mcpp_mode == STD && c == '\\' && stdc3)
|| (mcpp_mode == STD && (char_type[ c] & mbchk) && stdc3)
*out_p = EOS;
if (out_end < out_p)
cfatal( "Too long pp-number token \"%s\"" /* _F_ */
, out, 0L, NULL);
return out_p;
/* Original version of DECUS CPP with slight modifications, */
/* too exact for Standard preprocessing. */
static char * scan_number_prestd(
int c, /* First char of number */
char * out, /* Output buffer */
char * out_end /* Limit of output buffer */
* Process a number. We know that c is from 0 to 9 or dot.
* Algorithm from Dave Conroy's Decus C.
* Returns the advanced output pointer.
char * const out_s = out; /* For diagnostics */
int radix; /* 8, 10, or 16 */
int expseen; /* 'e' seen in floater */
int octal89; /* For bad octal test */
int dotflag; /* TRUE if '.' was seen */
expseen = FALSE; /* No exponent seen yet */
octal89 = FALSE; /* No bad octal yet */
radix = 10; /* Assume decimal */
if ((dotflag = (c == '.')) != FALSE) { /* . something? */
*out++ = '.'; /* Always out the dot */
if ((char_type[(c = get_ch())] & DIG) == 0) {
/* If not a float numb, */
goto nomore; /* All done for now */
} /* End of float test */
else if (c == '0') { /* Octal or hex? */
*out++ = c; /* Stuff initial zero */
radix = 8; /* Assume it's octal */
c = get_ch(); /* Look for an 'x' */
if (c == 'x' || c == 'X') { /* Did we get one? */
radix = 16; /* Remember new radix */
*out++ = c; /* Stuff the 'x' */
c = get_ch(); /* Get next character */
while (1) { /* Process curr. char. */
* Note that this algorithm accepts "012e4" and "03.4"
* as legitimate floating-point numbers.
if (radix != 16 && (c == 'e' || c == 'E')) {
if (expseen) /* Already saw 'E'? */
break; /* Exit loop, bad nbr. */
expseen = TRUE; /* Set exponent seen */
radix = 10; /* Decimal exponent */
*out++ = c; /* Output the 'e' */
if ((c = get_ch()) != '+' && c != '-')
else if (radix != 16 && c == '.') {
if (dotflag) /* Saw dot already? */
break; /* Exit loop, two dots */
dotflag = TRUE; /* Remember the dot */
radix = 10; /* Decimal fraction */
else { /* Check the digit */
switch (c) {
case '8': case '9': /* Sometimes wrong */
octal89 = TRUE; /* Do check later */
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
break; /* Always ok */
case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
if (radix == 16) /* Alpha's are ok only */
break; /* if reading hex. */
default: /* At number end */
goto done; /* Break from for loop */
} /* End of switch */
} /* End general case */
*out++ = c; /* Accept the character */
c = get_ch(); /* Read another char */
} /* End of scan loop */
if (out_end < out) /* Buffer overflow */
goto nomore;
* When we break out of the scan loop, c contains the first
* character (maybe) not in the number. If the number is an
* integer, allow a trailing 'L' for long. If not those, push
* the trailing character back on the input stream.
* Floating point numbers accept a trailing 'L' for "long double".
if (! (dotflag || expseen)) { /* Not floating point */
* We know that dotflag and expseen are both zero, now:
* dotflag signals "saw 'L'".
for (;;) {
switch (c) {
case 'l':
case 'L':
if (dotflag)
goto nomore;
dotflag = TRUE;
goto nomore;
*out++ = c; /* Got 'L' . */
c = get_ch(); /* Look at next, too. */
nomore: *out = EOS;
if (out_end < out)
goto overflow;
unget_ch(); /* Not part of a number */
if (octal89 && radix == 8 && (warn_level & 1))
cwarn( "Illegal digit in octal number \"%s\"" /* _W1_ */
, out_s, 0L, NULL);
return out;
cfatal( "Too long number token \"%s\"", out_s, 0L, NULL); /* _F_ */
return out;
#if OK_UCN
static char * scan_ucn(
int cnt, /* Bytes of sequence */
char * out /* Output buffer */
* Scan an UCN sequence and put the sequence to 'out'.
* Return the advanced pointer or NULL on failure.
* This routine is never called in POST_STD mode.
uexpr_t value; /* Value of UCN */
int i, c;
value = 0L;
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
c = get_ch();
if (! isxdigit( c)) {
if (infile->fp)
cerror( "Illegal UCN sequence" /* _E_ */
, NULL, 0L, NULL);
*out = EOS;
return NULL;
c = tolower( c);
*out++ = c;
c = (isdigit( c) ? (c - '0') : (c - 'a' + 10));
value = (value << 4) | c;
if (infile->fp /* In source */
&& ((value >= 0L && value <= 0x9FL
&& value != 0x24L && value != 0x40L && value != 0x60L)
/* Basic source character */
|| (stdc3 && (value >= 0xD800L && value <= 0xDFFFL))))
/* Reserved for special chars */
cerror( "UCN cannot specify the value %.0s\"%08lx\"" /* _E_ */
, NULL, (long) value, NULL);
return out;
#endif /* OK_UCN */
static char * scan_op(
int c, /* First char of the token */
char * out /* Output buffer */
* Scan C operator or punctuator into the specified buffer.
* Return the advanced output pointer.
* The code-number of the operator is stored to global variable 'openum'.
* Note: '#' is not an operator nor a punctuator in other than directive line,
* nevertheless is handled as a punctuator in this cpp for convenience.
int c2, c3, c4;
*out++ = c;
switch (c) {
case '~': openum = OP_COM; break;
case '(': openum = OP_LPA; break;
case ')': openum = OP_RPA; break;
case '?': openum = OP_QUE; break;
case ';': case '[': case ']': case '{':
case '}': case ',':
openum = OP_1;
openum = OP_2; /* Tentative guess */
if (openum != OP_2) { /* Single byte operators */
*out = EOS;
return out;
c2 = get_ch(); /* Possibly two bytes ops */
*out++ = c2;
switch (c) {
case '=':
openum = ((c2 == '=') ? OP_EQ : OP_1); /* ==, = */
case '!':
openum = ((c2 == '=') ? OP_NE : OP_NOT); /* !=, ! */
case '&':
switch (c2) {
case '&': openum = OP_ANA; break; /* && */
case '=': /* openum = OP_2; */ break; /* &= */
default : openum = OP_AND; break; /* & */
case '|':
switch (c2) {
case '|': openum = OP_ORO; break; /* || */
case '=': /* openum = OP_2; */ break; /* |= */
default : openum = OP_OR; break; /* | */
case '<':
switch (c2) {
case '<': c3 = get_ch();
if (c3 == '=') {
openum = OP_3; /* <<= */
*out++ = c3;
} else {
openum = OP_SL; /* << */
case '=': openum = OP_LE; break; /* <= */
case ':': /* <: i.e. [ */
if (mcpp_mode == STD && option_flags.dig)
openum = OP_LBRCK_D;
openum = OP_LT;
case '%': /* <% i.e. { */
if (mcpp_mode == STD && option_flags.dig)
openum = OP_LBRACE_D;
openum = OP_LT;
default : openum = OP_LT; break; /* < */
case '>':
switch (c2) {
case '>': c3 = get_ch();
if (c3 == '=') {
openum = OP_3; /* >>= */
*out++ = c3;
} else {
openum = OP_SR; /* >> */
case '=': openum = OP_GE; break; /* >= */
default : openum = OP_GT; break; /* > */
case '#':
if (standard && (in_define || macro_line)) /* in #define or macro */
openum = ((c2 == '#') ? OP_CAT : OP_STR); /* ##, # */
openum = OP_1; /* # */
case '+':
switch (c2) {
case '+': /* ++ */
case '=': /* openum = OP_2; */ break; /* += */
default : openum = OP_ADD; break; /* + */
case '-':
switch (c2) {
case '-': /* -- */
case '=': /* -= */
/* openum = OP_2; */
case '>':
if (cplus_val) {
if ((c3 = get_ch()) == '*') { /* ->* */
openum = OP_3;
*out++ = c3;
} else {
/* openum = OP_2; */
} /* else openum = OP_2; */ /* -> */
/* else openum = OP_2; */
default : openum = OP_SUB; break; /* - */
case '%':
switch (c2) {
case '=': break; /* %= */
case '>': /* %> i.e. } */
if (mcpp_mode == STD && option_flags.dig)
openum = OP_RBRACE_D;
openum = OP_MOD;
case ':':
if (mcpp_mode == STD && option_flags.dig) {
if ((c3 = get_ch()) == '%') {
if ((c4 = get_ch()) == ':') { /* %:%: i.e. ## */
openum = OP_DSHARP_D;
*out++ = c3;
*out++ = c4;
} else {
openum = OP_SHARP_D; /* %: i.e. # */
} else {
openum = OP_SHARP_D; /* %: i.e. # */
if (in_define) { /* in #define */
if (openum == OP_DSHARP_D)
openum = OP_CAT;
openum = OP_STR;
} else {
openum = OP_MOD;
default : openum = OP_MOD; break; /* % */
case '*':
if (c2 != '=') /* * */
openum = OP_MUL;
/* else openum = OP_2; */ /* *= */
case '/':
if (c2 != '=') /* / */
openum = OP_DIV;
/* else openum = OP_2; */ /* /= */
case '^':
if (c2 != '=') /* ^ */
openum = OP_XOR;
/* else openum = OP_2; */ /* ^= */
case '.':
if (standard) {
if (c2 == '.') {
c3 = get_ch();
if (c3 == '.') {
openum = OP_ELL; /* ... */
*out++ = c3;
} else {
openum = OP_1;
} else if (cplus_val && c2 == '*') { /* .* */
/* openum = OP_2 */ ;
} else { /* . */
openum = OP_1;
} else {
openum = OP_1;
case ':':
if (cplus_val && c2 == ':') /* :: */
/* openum = OP_2 */ ;
else if (mcpp_mode == STD && c2 == '>' && option_flags.dig)
openum = OP_RBRCK_D; /* :> i.e. ] */
else /* : */
openum = OP_COL;
default: /* Never reach here */
cfatal( "Bug: Punctuator is mis-implemented %.0s0lx%x" /* _F_ */
, NULL, (long) c, NULL);
openum = OP_1;
switch (openum) {
case OP_STR:
if (mcpp_mode == STD && c == '%') break; /* %: */
case OP_1:
case OP_NOT: case OP_AND: case OP_OR: case OP_LT:
case OP_GT: case OP_ADD: case OP_SUB: case OP_MOD:
case OP_MUL: case OP_DIV: case OP_XOR: case OP_COM:
case OP_COL: /* Any single byte operator or punctuator */
default: /* Two or more bytes operators or punctuators */
*out = EOS;
return out;
int id_operator(
const char * name
* Check whether the name is identifier-like operator in C++.
* Return the operator number if matched, return 0 if not matched.
* Note: these identifiers are defined as macros in <iso646.h> in C95.
* This routine is never called in POST_STD mode.
typedef struct id_op {
const char * name;
int op_num;
} ID_OP;
ID_OP id_ops[] = {
{ "and", OP_ANA},
{ "and_eq", OP_2},
{ "bitand", OP_AND},
{ "bitor", OP_OR},
{ "compl", OP_COM},
{ "not", OP_NOT},
{ "not_eq", OP_NE},
{ "or", OP_ORO},
{ "or_eq", OP_2},
{ "xor", OP_XOR},
{ "xor_eq", OP_2},
{ NULL, 0},
ID_OP * id_p = id_ops;
while (id_p->name != NULL) {
if (str_eq( name, id_p->name))
return id_p->op_num;
return 0;
void expanding(
const char * name, /* The name of (nested) macro just expanded. */
int to_be_freed /* The name should be freed later. */
* Remember used macro name for diagnostic.
if (exp_mac_ind < EXP_MAC_IND_MAX - 1) {
} else {
expanding_macro[ exp_mac_ind].name = name;
expanding_macro[ exp_mac_ind].to_be_freed = to_be_freed;
void clear_exp_mac( void)
* Initialize expanding_macro[] freeing names registered in
* name_to_be_freed[].
int i;
for (i = 1; i < EXP_MAC_IND_MAX; i++) {
if (expanding_macro[ i].to_be_freed) {
free( (void *) expanding_macro[ i].name);
expanding_macro[ i].to_be_freed = FALSE;
exp_mac_ind = 0;
int get_ch( void)
* Return the next character from a macro or the current file.
* Always return the value representable by unsigned char.
int len;
int c;
FILEINFO * file;
* 'in_token' is set to TRUE while scan_token() is executed (and
* scan_id(), scan_quote(), scan_number(), scan_ucn() and scan_op()
* via scan_token()) in Standard mode to simplify tokenization.
* Any token cannot cross "file"s.
if (in_token)
return (*infile->bptr++ & UCHARMAX);
if ((file = infile) == NULL)
return CHAR_EOF; /* End of all input */
if (mcpp_mode == POST_STD && file->fp) { /* In a source file */
switch (insert_sep) {
case NO_SEP:
case INSERT_SEP: /* Insert a token separator */
insert_sep = INSERTED_SEP; /* Remember this fact */
return ' '; /* for unget_ch(). */
case INSERTED_SEP: /* Has just inserted */
insert_sep = NO_SEP; /* Clear the flag */
if (! standard && squeezews) {
if (*file->bptr == ' ')
file->bptr++; /* Squeeze white spaces */
squeezews = FALSE;
if (mcpp_debug & GETC) {
mcpp_fprintf( DBG, "get_ch(%s) '%c' line %ld, bptr = %d, buffer"
, file->fp ? cur_fullname : file->real_fname ? file->real_fname
: file->filename ? file->filename : "NULL"
, *file->bptr & UCHARMAX
, src_line, (int) (file->bptr - file->buffer));
dump_string( NULL, file->buffer);
dump_unget( "get entrance");
* Read a character from the current input logical line or macro.
* At EOS, either finish the current macro (freeing temporary storage)
* or get another logical line by parse_line().
* At EOF, exit the current file (#included) or, at EOF from the MCPP input
* file, return CHAR_EOF to finish processing.
* The character is converted to int with no sign-extension.
if ((c = (*file->bptr++ & UCHARMAX)) != EOS) {
if (standard)
return c; /* Just a character */
if (! in_string && c == '\\' && *file->bptr == '\n'
&& in_define /* '\\''\n' is deleted in #define line, */
/* provided the '\\' is not the 2nd byte of mbchar. */
&& ! last_is_mbchar( file->buffer, strlen( file->buffer) - 2
&& ! keep_spaces)
) {
if (*(file->bptr - 2) == ' ')
squeezews = TRUE;
} else {
return c;
* Nothing in current line or macro. Get next line (if input from a
* file), or do end of file/macro processing, and reenter get_ch() to
* restart from the top.
if (file->fp && /* In source file */
parse_line() != NULL) /* Get line from file */
return get_ch();
* Free up space used by the (finished) file or macro and restart
* input from the parent file/macro, if any.
infile = file->parent; /* Unwind file chain */
free( file->buffer); /* Free buffer */
if (infile == NULL) { /* If at end of input */
free( file->filename);
free( file->src_dir);
free( file); /* full_fname is the same with filename for main file*/
return CHAR_EOF; /* Return end of file */
if (file->fp) { /* Source file included */
free( file->filename); /* Free filename */
free( file->src_dir); /* Free src_dir */
fclose( file->fp); /* Close finished file */
/* Do not free file->real_fname and file->full_fname */
cur_fullname = infile->full_fname;
cur_fname = infile->real_fname; /* Restore current fname*/
if (infile->pos != 0L) { /* Includer was closed */
infile->fp = fopen( cur_fullname, "r");
fseek( infile->fp, infile->pos, SEEK_SET);
} /* Re-open the includer and restore the file-position */
len = (int) (infile->bptr - infile->buffer);
infile->buffer = xrealloc( infile->buffer, NBUFF);
/* Restore full size buffer to get the next line */
infile->bptr = infile->buffer + len;
src_line = infile->line; /* Reset line number */
inc_dirp = infile->dirp; /* Includer's directory */
mcpp_set_out_func( infile->last_fputc, infile->last_fputs,
src_line++; /* Next line to #include*/
sharp( NULL, infile->include_opt ? 1 : (file->include_opt ? 0 : 2));
/* Need a #line now. Marker depends on include_opt. */
/* The file of include_opt should be marked as 1. */
/* Else if returned from include_opt file, it is the */
/* main input file, and should not be marked. */
/* Else, it is normal includer file, and marked as 2. */
newlines = 0; /* Clear the blank lines*/
if (mcpp_debug & MACRO_CALL) /* Should be re-initialized */
com_cat_line.last_line = bsl_cat_line.last_line = 0L;
} else if (file->filename) { /* Expanding macro */
if (macro_name) /* file->filename should be freed later */
expanding( file->filename, TRUE);
free( file->filename);
free( file); /* Free file space */
return get_ch(); /* Get from the parent */
static char * parse_line( void)
* ANSI (ISO) C: translation phase 3.
* Parse a logical line.
* Check illegal control characters.
* Check unterminated string literal, character constant or comment.
* Convert each comment to one space (or spaces of the comment length on
* 'keep_spaces' mode)..
* Squeeze succeding white spaces other than <newline> (including comments) to
* one space (unless keep_spaces == TRUE).
* The lines might be spliced by comments which cross the lines.
char * temp; /* Temporary buffer */
char * limit; /* Buffer end */
char * tp; /* Current pointer into temporary buffer */
char * sp; /* Pointer into input buffer */
size_t com_size;
int c;
if ((sp = get_line( FALSE)) == NULL) /* Next logical line */
return NULL; /* End of a file */
if (in_asm) { /* In #asm block */
while (char_type[ *sp++ & UCHARMAX] & SPA)
if (*--sp == '#') /* Directive line */
infile->bptr = sp;
return infile->bptr; /* Don't tokenize */
tp = temp = xmalloc( (size_t) NBUFF);
limit = temp + NBUFF - 2;
while (char_type[ c = *sp++ & UCHARMAX] & HSP) {
if (mcpp_mode != POST_STD)
/* Preserve line top horizontal white spaces */
/* as they are for human-readability */
*tp++ = c;
/* Else skip the line top spaces */
while ((c = *sp++ & UCHARMAX) != '\n') {
switch (c) {
case '/':
switch (*sp++) {
case '*': /* Start of a comment */
if ((sp = read_a_comment( sp, &com_size)) == NULL) {
free( temp); /* End of file with un- */
return NULL; /* terminated comment */
if (keep_spaces && mcpp_mode != OLD_PREP) {
if (tp + com_size >= limit - 1) /* Too long comment */
com_size = limit - tp - 1; /* Truncate */
while (com_size--)
*tp++ = ' '; /* Spaces of the comment length */
switch (mcpp_mode) {
case POST_STD:
if (temp < tp && *(tp - 1) != ' ')
*tp++ = ' '; /* Squeeze white spaces */
case OLD_PREP:
if (temp == tp
|| ! (char_type[ *(tp - 1) & UCHARMAX] & HSP))
*tp++ = COM_SEP; /* Convert to magic character */
if (temp == tp ||
! (char_type[ *(tp - 1) & UCHARMAX] & HSP))
*tp++ = ' '; /* Squeeze white spaces */
case '/': /* // */
if (! standard)
goto not_comment;
/* Comment when C++ or __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L */
/* Need not to convert to a space because '\n' follows */
if (! stdc2 && (warn_level & 2))
cwarn( "Parsed \"//\" as comment" /* _W2_ */
, NULL, 0L, NULL);
if (keep_comments) {
sp -= 2;
while (*sp != '\n') /* Until end of line */
mcpp_fputc( *sp++, OUT);
mcpp_fputc('\n', OUT);
wrong_line = TRUE;
goto end_line;
default: /* Not a comment */
*tp++ = '/';
sp--; /* To re-read */
case '\r': /* Vertical white spaces*/
/* Note that [CR+LF] is already converted to [LF]. */
case '\f':
case '\v':
if (warn_level & 4)
cwarn( "Converted %.0s0x%02lx to a space" /* _W4_ */
, NULL, (long) c, NULL);
case '\t': /* Horizontal space */
case ' ':
if (keep_spaces) {
if (c == '\t')
*tp++ = '\t';
*tp++ = ' '; /* Convert to ' ' */
} else if (! (char_type[ *(tp - 1) & UCHARMAX] & HSP)) {
*tp++ = ' '; /* Squeeze white spaces */
} else if (mcpp_mode == OLD_PREP && *(tp - 1) == COM_SEP) {
*(tp - 1) = ' '; /* Replace COM_SEP with ' ' */
case '"': /* String literal */
case '\'': /* Character constant */
infile->bptr = sp;
if (standard) {
tp = scan_quote( c, tp, limit, TRUE);
} else {
in_string = TRUE; /* Enable line splicing by scan_quote() */
tp = scan_quote( c, tp, limit, TRUE); /* (not by get_ch())*/
in_string = FALSE;
if (tp == NULL) {
free( temp); /* Unbalanced quotation */
return parse_line(); /* Skip the line */
sp = infile->bptr;
if (iscntrl( c)) {
cerror( /* Skip the control character */
"Illegal control character %.0s0x%lx, skipped the character" /* _E_ */
, NULL, (long) c, NULL);
} else { /* Any valid character */
*tp++ = c;
if (limit < tp) {
*tp = EOS;
cfatal( "Too long line spliced by comments" /* _F_ */
, NULL, 0L, NULL);
if (temp < tp && (char_type[ *(tp - 1) & UCHARMAX] & HSP))
tp--; /* Remove trailing white space */
*tp++ = '\n';
*tp = EOS;
infile->bptr = strcpy( infile->buffer, temp); /* Write back to buffer */
free( temp);
if (macro_line != 0 && macro_line != MACRO_ERROR) { /* Expanding macro */
temp = infile->buffer;
while (char_type[ *temp & UCHARMAX] & HSP)
if (*temp == '#' /* This line starts with # token */
|| (mcpp_mode == STD && *temp == '%' && *(temp + 1) == ':'))
if (warn_level & 1)
"Macro started at line %.0s%ld swallowed directive-like line" /* _W1_ */
, NULL, macro_line, NULL);
return infile->buffer;
static char * read_a_comment(
char * sp, /* Source */
size_t * sizp /* Size of the comment */
* Read over a comment (which may cross the lines).
int c;
char * saved_sp;
int cat_line = 0; /* Number of catenated lines */
if (keep_spaces) {
saved_sp = sp - 2; /* '-2' for beginning / and * */
*sizp = 0;
if (keep_comments) /* If writing comments */
mcpp_fputs( "/*", OUT); /* Write the initializer*/
c = *sp++;
while (1) { /* Eat a comment */
if (keep_comments)
mcpp_fputc( c, OUT);
switch (c) {
case '/':
if ((c = *sp++) != '*') /* Don't let comments */
continue; /* nest. */
if (warn_level & 1)
cwarn( "\"/*\" within comment", NULL, 0L, NULL); /* _W1_ */
if (keep_comments)
mcpp_fputc( c, OUT);
/* Fall into * stuff */
case '*':
if ((c = *sp++) != '/') /* If comment doesn't */
continue; /* end, look at next. */
if (keep_comments) { /* Put out comment */
mcpp_fputc( c, OUT); /* terminator, too. */
mcpp_fputc( '\n', OUT); /* Append '\n' to avoid */
/* trouble on some other tools such as rpcgen. */
wrong_line = TRUE;
if (keep_spaces) /* Save the length */
*sizp = *sizp + (sp - saved_sp);
if ((mcpp_debug & MACRO_CALL) && compiling) {
if (cat_line) {
com_cat_line.len[ cat_line] /* Catenated length */
= com_cat_line.len[ cat_line - 1]
+ strlen( infile->buffer) - 1;
/* '-1' for '\n' */
com_cat_line.last_line = src_line;
return sp; /* End of comment */
case '\n': /* Line-crossing comment*/
if (keep_spaces) /* Save the length */
*sizp = *sizp + (sp - saved_sp) - 1; /* '-1' for '\n' */
if ((mcpp_debug & MACRO_CALL) && compiling) {
/* Save location informations */
if (cat_line == 0) /* First line of catenation */
com_cat_line.start_line = src_line;
if (cat_line >= MAX_CAT_LINE - 1) {
*sizp = 0; /* Discard the too long comment */
cat_line = 0;
if (warn_level & 4)
"Too long comment, discarded up to here" /* _W4_ */
, NULL, 0L, NULL);
com_cat_line.len[ cat_line]
= com_cat_line.len[ cat_line - 1]
+ strlen( infile->buffer) - 1;
if ((saved_sp = sp = get_line( TRUE)) == NULL)
return NULL; /* End of file within comment */
/* Never happen, because at_eof() supplement closing*/
wrong_line = TRUE; /* We'll need a #line later */
default: /* Anything else is */
break; /* just a character */
} /* End switch */
c = *sp++;
} /* End comment loop */
return sp; /* Never reach here */
static char * mcpp_fgets(
char * s,
int size,
FILE * stream
return fgets( s, size, stream);
static char * get_line(
int in_comment
* ANSI (ISO) C: translation phase 1, 2.
* Get the next logical line from source file.
* Convert [CR+LF] to [LF].
#define cr_warn_level 1
#define cr_warn_level 2
static int cr_converted;
int converted = FALSE;
int len; /* Line length - alpha */
char * ptr;
int cat_line = 0; /* Number of catenated lines */
if (infile == NULL) /* End of a source file */
return NULL;
ptr = infile->bptr = infile->buffer;
if ((mcpp_debug & MACRO_CALL) && src_line == 0) /* Initialize */
com_cat_line.last_line = bsl_cat_line.last_line = 0L;
while (mcpp_fgets( ptr, (int) (infile->buffer + NBUFF - ptr), infile->fp)
!= NULL) {
/* Translation phase 1 */
src_line++; /* Gotten next physical line */
if (standard && src_line == std_limits.line_num + 1
&& (warn_level & 1))
cwarn( "Line number %.0s\"%ld\" got beyond range" /* _W1_ */
, NULL, src_line, NULL);
if (mcpp_debug & (TOKEN | GETC)) { /* Dump it to DBG */
mcpp_fprintf( DBG, "\n#line %ld (%s)", src_line, cur_fullname);
dump_string( NULL, ptr);
len = strlen( ptr);
if (NBUFF - 1 <= ptr - infile->buffer + len
&& *(ptr + len - 1) != '\n') {
/* The line does not yet end, though the buffer is full. */
if (NBUFF - 1 <= len)
cfatal( "Too long source line" /* _F_ */
, NULL, 0L, NULL);
cfatal( "Too long logical line" /* _F_ */
, NULL, 0L, NULL);
if (*(ptr + len - 1) != '\n') /* Unterminated source line */
if (len >= 2 && *(ptr + len - 2) == '\r') { /* [CR+LF] */
*(ptr + len - 2) = '\n';
*(ptr + --len) = EOS;
if (! cr_converted && (warn_level & cr_warn_level)) {
cwarn( "Converted [CR+LF] to [LF]" /* _W1_ _W2_ */
, NULL, 0L, NULL);
cr_converted = TRUE;
if (standard) {
if (option_flags.trig)
converted = cnv_trigraph( ptr);
if (mcpp_mode == POST_STD && option_flags.dig)
converted += cnv_digraph( ptr);
if (converted)
len = strlen( ptr);
/* Translation phase 2 */
len -= 2;
if (len >= 0) {
if ((*(ptr + len) == '\\') && ! last_is_mbchar( ptr, len)) {
/* <backslash><newline> (not MBCHAR) */
ptr = infile->bptr += len; /* Splice the lines */
wrong_line = TRUE;
if ((mcpp_debug & MACRO_CALL) && compiling) {
/* Save location informations */
if (cat_line == 0) /* First line of catenation */
bsl_cat_line.start_line = src_line;
if (cat_line < MAX_CAT_LINE)
/* Record the catenated length */
bsl_cat_line.len[ ++cat_line]
= strlen( infile->buffer) - 2;
/* Else ignore */
if (ptr - infile->buffer + len + 2 > std_limits.str_len + 1
&& (warn_level & 4)) /* +1 for '\n' */
cwarn( "Logical source line longer than %.0s%ld bytes" /* _W4_ */
, NULL, std_limits.str_len, NULL);
if ((mcpp_debug & MACRO_CALL) && compiling) {
if (cat_line && cat_line < MAX_CAT_LINE) {
bsl_cat_line.len[ ++cat_line] = strlen( infile->buffer) - 1;
/* Catenated length: '-1' for '\n' */
bsl_cat_line.last_line = src_line;
return infile->bptr = infile->buffer; /* Logical line */
/* End of a (possibly included) source file */
if (ferror( infile->fp))
cfatal( "File read error", NULL, 0L, NULL); /* _F_ */
if ((ptr = at_eof( in_comment)) != NULL) /* Check at end of file */
return ptr; /* Partial line supplemented */
if (option_flags.z) {
no_output--; /* End of included file */
keep_comments = option_flags.c && compiling && !no_output;
return NULL;
#define TRIOFFSET 10
int cnv_trigraph(
char * in
* Perform in-place trigraph replacement on a physical line. This was added
* to the C90. In an input text line, the sequence ??[something] is
* transformed to a character (which might not appear on the input keyboard).
const char * const tritext = "=(/)'<!>-\0#[\\]^{|}~";
/* ^ ^
* +----------+
* this becomes this
int count = 0;
const char * tp;
while ((in = strchr( in, '?')) != NULL) {
if (*++in != '?')
while (*++in == '?')
if ((tp = strchr( tritext, *in)) == NULL)
*(in - 2) = *(tp + TRIOFFSET);
memmove( in, in + 2, strlen( in + 1));
if (count && (warn_level & 16))
cwarn( "%.0s%ld trigraph(s) converted" /* _W16_ */
, NULL, (long) count, NULL);
return count;
int cnv_digraph(
char * in
* Perform in-place digraph replacement on a physical line.
* Called only in POST_STD mode.
int count = 0;
int i;
int c1, c2;
while ((i = strcspn( in, "%:<")), (c1 = *(in + i)) != '\0') {
in += i + 1;
c2 = *in;
switch (c1) {
case '%' :
switch (c2) {
case ':' : *(in - 1) = '#'; break;
case '>' : *(in - 1) = '}'; break;
default : continue;
case ':' :
switch (c2) {
case '>' : *(in - 1) = ']'; break;
default : continue;
case '<' :
switch (c2) {
case '%' : *(in - 1) = '{'; break;
case ':' : *(in - 1) = '['; break;
default : continue;
memmove( in, in + 1, strlen( in));
if (count && (warn_level & 16))
cwarn( "%.0s%ld digraph(s) converted" /* _W16_ */
, NULL, (long) count, NULL);
return count;
static char * at_eof(
int in_comment
* Check the partial line, unterminated comment, unbalanced #if block,
* uncompleted macro call at end of a file or at end of input.
* Supplement the line terminator, if possible.
* Return the supplemented line or NULL on unrecoverable error.
const char * const format
= "End of %s with %.0ld%s"; /* _E_ _W1_ */
const char * const unterm_if_format
= "End of %s within #if (#ifdef) section started at line %ld"; /* _E_ _W1_ */
const char * const unterm_macro_format
= "End of %s within macro call started at line %ld";/* _E_ _W1_ */
const char * const input
= infile->parent ? "file" : "input"; /* _E_ _W1_ */
const char * const no_newline
= "no newline, supplemented newline"; /* _W1_ */
const char * const unterm_com
= "unterminated comment, terminated the comment"; /* _W1_ */
const char * const backsl = "\\, deleted the \\"; /* _W1_ */
const char * const unterm_asm_format
= "End of %s with unterminated #asm block started at line %ld"; /* _E_ _W1_ */
size_t len;
char * cp;
cp = infile->buffer;
len = strlen( cp);
if (len && *(cp += (len - 1)) != '\n') {
*++cp = '\n'; /* Supplement <newline> */
*++cp = EOS;
if (mcpp_mode != OLD_PREP && (warn_level & 1))
cwarn( format, input, 0L, no_newline);
return infile->bptr = infile->buffer;
if (standard && infile->buffer < infile->bptr) {
/* No line after <backslash><newline> */
cp = infile->bptr;
*cp++ = '\n'; /* Delete the \\ */
*cp = EOS;
if (warn_level & 1)
cwarn( format, input, 0L, backsl);
return infile->bptr = infile->buffer;
if (in_comment) { /* End of file within a comment */
if (mcpp_mode != OLD_PREP && (warn_level & 1))
cwarn( format, input, 0L, unterm_com);
/* The partial comment line has been already read by */
/* read_a_comment(), so supplement the next line. */
strcpy( infile->buffer, "*/\n");
return infile->bptr = infile->buffer;
if (infile->initif < ifptr) {
IFINFO * ifp = infile->initif + 1;
if (standard) {
cerror( unterm_if_format, input, ifp->ifline, NULL);
ifptr = infile->initif; /* Clear information of */
compiling = ifptr->stat; /* erroneous grouping */
} else if (mcpp_mode == KR && (warn_level & 1)) {
cwarn( unterm_if_format, input, ifp->ifline, NULL);
if (macro_line != 0 && macro_line != MACRO_ERROR
&& ((mcpp_mode == STD && in_getarg) || ! standard)) {
if (standard) {
cerror( unterm_macro_format, input, macro_line, NULL);
macro_line = MACRO_ERROR;
} else if (warn_level & 1) {
cwarn( unterm_macro_format, input, macro_line, NULL);
if (in_asm && mcpp_mode == KR && (warn_level & 1))
cwarn( unterm_asm_format, input, in_asm, NULL);
return NULL;
void unget_ch( void)
* Back the pointer to reread the last character. Fatal error (code bug)
* if we back too far. unget_ch() may be called, without problems, at end of
* file. Only one character may be ungotten. If you need to unget more,
* call unget_string().
if (in_token) {
if (infile != NULL) {
if (mcpp_mode == POST_STD && infile->fp) {
switch (insert_sep) {
case INSERTED_SEP: /* Have just read an inserted separator */
insert_sep = INSERT_SEP;
cfatal( "Bug: unget_ch() just after scan_token()" /* _F_ */
, NULL, 0L, NULL);
if (infile->bptr < infile->buffer) /* Shouldn't happen */
cfatal( "Bug: Too much pushback", NULL, 0L, NULL); /* _F_ */
if (mcpp_debug & GETC)
dump_unget( "after unget");
FILEINFO * unget_string(
const char * text, /* Text to unget */
const char * name /* Name of the macro, if any*/
* Push a string back on the input stream. This is done by treating
* the text as if it were a macro or a file.
FILEINFO * file;
size_t size;
if (text)
size = strlen( text) + 1;
size = 1;
file = get_file( name, NULL, NULL, size, FALSE);
if (text)
memcpy( file->buffer, text, size);
*file->buffer = EOS;
return file;
char * save_string(
const char * text
* Store a string into free memory.
char * result;
size_t size;
size = strlen( text) + 1;
result = xmalloc( size);
memcpy( result, text, size);
return result;
FILEINFO * get_file(
const char * name, /* File or macro name */
const char * src_dir, /* Source file directory*/
const char * fullname, /* Full path list */
size_t bufsize, /* Line buffer size */
int include_opt /* Specified by -include opt (for GCC) */
* Common FILEINFO buffer initialization for a new file or macro.
FILEINFO * file;
file = (FILEINFO *) xmalloc( sizeof (FILEINFO));
file->buffer = xmalloc( bufsize);
file->bptr = file->buffer; /* Initialize line ptr */
file->buffer[ 0] = EOS; /* Force first read */
file->line = 0L; /* (Not used just yet) */
file->fp = NULL; /* No file yet */
file->pos = 0L; /* No pos to remember */
file->parent = infile; /* Chain files together */
file->initif = ifptr; /* Initial ifstack */
file->include_opt = include_opt; /* Specified by -include*/
file->dirp = NULL; /* No include dir yet */
file->real_fname = name; /* Save file/macro name */
file->full_fname = fullname; /* Full path list */
if (name) {
file->filename = xmalloc( strlen( name) + 1);
strcpy( file->filename, name); /* Copy for #line */
} else {
file->filename = NULL;
if (src_dir) {
file->src_dir = xmalloc( strlen( src_dir) + 1);
strcpy( file->src_dir, src_dir);
} else {
file->src_dir = NULL;
file->last_fputc = mcpp_lib_fputc;
file->last_fputs = mcpp_lib_fputs;
file->last_fprintf = mcpp_lib_fprintf;
if (infile != NULL) { /* If #include file */
infile->line = src_line; /* Save current line */
infile->last_fputc = mcpp_fputc;
infile->last_fputs = mcpp_fputs;
infile->last_fprintf = mcpp_fprintf;
infile = file; /* New current file */
return file; /* All done. */
static const char * const out_of_memory
= "Out of memory (required size is %.0s0x%lx bytes)"; /* _F_ */
char *
size_t size
* Get a block of free memory.
char * result;
if ((result = (char *) malloc( size)) == NULL) {
if (mcpp_debug & MEMORY)
cfatal( out_of_memory, NULL, (long) size, NULL);
return result;
char * (xrealloc)(
char * ptr,
size_t size
* Reallocate malloc()ed memory.
char * result;
if ((result = (char *) realloc( ptr, size)) == NULL && size != 0) {
/* 'size != 0' is necessary to cope with some */
/* implementation of realloc( ptr, 0) which returns NULL. */
if (mcpp_debug & MEMORY)
cfatal( out_of_memory, NULL, (long) size, NULL);
return result;
LINE_COL * get_src_location(
LINE_COL * p_line_col /* Line and column on phase 4 */
* Convert line-column datum of just after translation phase 3 into that of
* phase 2, tracing back line splicing by a comment and <backslash><newline>.
* Note: This conversion does not give correct datum on a line catenated by
* both of <backslash><newline> and line-crossing-comment at the same time.
* com_cat_line and bsl_cat_line have data only on last catenated line.
* com_cat_line.len[] and bsl_cat_line.len[] have the length of catenated
* line, and len[ 0] is always 0, followed by len[ 1], len[ 2], ..., as
* accumulated length of successively catenated lines.
long line;
size_t col;
size_t * cols;
CAT_LINE * l_col_p;
int i;
line = p_line_col->line;
col = p_line_col->col;
for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
l_col_p = i ? & bsl_cat_line : & com_cat_line;
if (l_col_p->last_line != line)
/* Else just catenated line */
cols = l_col_p->len + 1;
while (*cols < col)
if (col <= *cols) {
col -= *cols;
line = l_col_p->start_line + (cols - l_col_p->len);
p_line_col->line = line;
p_line_col->col = col + 1;
/* col internally start at 0, output start at 1 */
return p_line_col;
static void put_line(
char * out,
FILE * fp
* Put out a logical source line.
* This routine is called only in OLD_PREP mode.
int c;
while ((c = *out++) != EOS) {
if (c != COM_SEP) /* Skip 0-length comment */
mcpp_fputc( c, FP2DEST( fp));
static void do_msg(
const char * severity, /* "fatal", "error", "warning" */
const char * format, /* Format for the error message */
const char * arg1, /* String arg. for the message */
long arg2, /* Integer argument */
const char * arg3 /* Second string argument */
* Print filenames, macro names, line numbers and error messages.
* Also print macro definitions on macro expansion problems.
FILEINFO * file;
DEFBUF * defp;
int i;
size_t slen;
const char * arg_s[ 2];
char * arg_t[ 2];
char * tp;
const char * sp;
int c;
int ind;
fflush( fp_out); /* Synchronize output and diagnostics */
arg_s[ 0] = arg1; arg_s[ 1] = arg3;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* Convert special characters to visible */
sp = arg_s[ i];
if (sp != NULL)
slen = strlen( sp) + 1;
slen = 1;
tp = arg_t[ i] = (char *) malloc( slen);
/* Don't use xmalloc() so as not to cause infinite recursion */
if (sp == NULL || *sp == EOS) {
*tp = EOS;
while ((c = *sp++) != EOS) {
switch (c) {
case TOK_SEP:
if (mcpp_mode == OLD_PREP) /* COM_SEP */
break; /* Skip magic characters */
/* Else fall through */
case RT_END:
case CAT:
case ST_QUOTE:
if (! standard)
*tp++ = ' ';
break; /* Skip the magic characters*/
case IN_SRC:
if (! standard)
*tp++ = ' ';
if ((mcpp_debug & MACRO_CALL) && ! in_directive)
sp += 2; /* Skip two more bytes */
case MAC_INF:
if (mcpp_mode != STD) {
*tp++ = ' ';
/* Illegal control character, convert to a space*/
} else {
switch (*sp++) { /* Skip the magic characters*/
/* Fall through */
sp += 2;
case MAC_ARG_END :
if (! option_flags.v)
/* Fall through */
if (option_flags.v)
sp += 2;
case '\n':
*tp++ = ' '; /* Convert '\n' to a space */
*tp++ = c;
if (*(sp - 2) == '\n')
*tp = EOS;
/* Print source location and diagnostic */
file = infile;
while (file != NULL && (file->fp == NULL || file->fp == (FILE *)-1))
file = file->parent; /* Skip macro */
if (file != NULL) {
file->line = src_line;
mcpp_fprintf( ERR, "%s:%ld: %s: ", cur_fullname, src_line, severity);
mcpp_fprintf( ERR, format, arg_t[ 0], arg2, arg_t[ 1]);
mcpp_fputc( '\n', ERR);
if (option_flags.no_source_line)
goto free_arg;
/* Print source line, includers and expanding macros */
file = infile;
if (file != NULL && file->fp != NULL) {
if (mcpp_mode == OLD_PREP) {
mcpp_fputs( " ", ERR);
put_line( file->buffer, fp_err);
} else {
mcpp_fprintf( ERR, " %s", file->buffer);
/* Current source line */
file = file->parent;
while (file != NULL) { /* Print #includes, too */
if (file->fp == NULL) { /* Macro */
if (file->filename) {
defp = look_id( file->filename);
if ((defp->nargs > DEF_NOARGS_STANDARD)
&& ! (file->parent && file->parent->filename
&& str_eq( file->filename, file->parent->filename)))
/* If the name is not duplicate of parent */
dump_a_def( " macro", defp, FALSE, TRUE, fp_err);
} else { /* Source file */
if (file->buffer[ 0] == '\0')
strcpy( file->buffer, "\n");
if (mcpp_mode != OLD_PREP) {
mcpp_fprintf( ERR, " from %s: %ld: %s",
file->line ? file->full_fname /* Full-path-list */
: "<stdin>", /* Included by -include */
file->line, /* Current line number */
file->buffer); /* The source line */
} else {
mcpp_fprintf( ERR, " from %s: %ld: ", file->full_fname
, file->line);
put_line( file->buffer, fp_err);
file = file->parent;
if (! macro_name)
goto free_arg;
/* Additional information of macro definitions */
expanding_macro[ 0].name = macro_name;
for (ind = 0; ind <= exp_mac_ind; ind++) {
int ind_done;
for (ind_done = 0; ind_done < ind; ind_done++)
if (str_eq( expanding_macro[ ind].name
, expanding_macro[ ind_done].name))
break; /* Already reported */
if (ind_done < ind)
for (file = infile; file; file = file->parent)
if (file->fp == NULL && file->filename
&& str_eq( expanding_macro[ ind].name, file->filename))
break; /* Already reported */
if (file)
if ((defp = look_id( expanding_macro[ ind].name)) != NULL) {
if (defp->nargs <= DEF_NOARGS_STANDARD)
continue; /* Standard predefined */
dump_a_def( " macro", defp, FALSE, TRUE, fp_err);
/* Macro already read over */
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
free( arg_t[ i]);
void cfatal(
const char * format,
const char * arg1,
long arg2,
const char * arg3
* A real disaster.
do_msg( "fatal error", format, arg1, arg2, arg3);
longjmp( error_exit, -1);
void cerror(
const char * format,
const char * arg1,
long arg2,
const char * arg3
* Print a error message.
do_msg( "error", format, arg1, arg2, arg3);
void cwarn(
const char * format,
const char * arg1,
long arg2,
const char * arg3
* Maybe an error.
do_msg( "warning", format, arg1, arg2, arg3);
void dump_string(
const char * why,
const char * text
* Dump text readably.
* Bug: macro argument number may be putout as a control character or any
* other character, just after MAC_PARM has been read away.
const char * cp;
const char * chr;
int c, c1, c2;
if (why != NULL)
mcpp_fprintf( DBG, " (%s)", why);
mcpp_fputs( " => ", DBG);
if (text == NULL) {
mcpp_fputs( "NULL", DBG);
for (cp = text; (c = *cp++ & UCHARMAX) != EOS; ) {
chr = NULL;
switch (c) {
case MAC_PARM:
c = *cp++ & UCHARMAX; /* Macro parameter number */
mcpp_fprintf( DBG, "<%d>", c);
case MAC_INF:
if (! (mcpp_mode == STD && (mcpp_debug & MACRO_CALL)))
goto no_magic;
/* Macro informations inserted by -K option */
c2 = *cp++ & UCHARMAX;
if (option_flags.v || c2 == MAC_CALL_START
|| c2 == MAC_ARG_START) {
c = ((*cp++ & UCHARMAX) - 1) * UCHARMAX;
c += (*cp++ & UCHARMAX) - 1;
switch (c2) {
mcpp_fprintf( DBG, "<MAC%d>", c);
if (option_flags.v)
mcpp_fprintf( DBG, "<MAC_END%d>", c);
chr = "<MAC_END>";
c1 = *cp++ & UCHARMAX;
mcpp_fprintf( DBG, "<MAC%d:ARG%d>", c, c1 - 1);
if (option_flags.v) {
c1 = *cp++ & UCHARMAX;
mcpp_fprintf( DBG, "<ARG_END%d-%d>", c, c1 - 1);
} else {
chr = "<ARG_END>";
if (standard) {
chr = "<MAGIC>";
} /* Else fall through */
case CAT:
if (standard) {
chr = "##";
} /* Else fall through */
case ST_QUOTE:
if (standard) {
chr = "#";
} /* Else fall through */
case RT_END:
if (standard) {
chr = "<RT_END>";
} /* Else fall through */
case IN_SRC:
if (standard) {
if ((mcpp_debug & MACRO_CALL) && ! in_directive) {
int num;
num = ((*cp++ & UCHARMAX) - 1) * UCHARMAX;
num += (*cp++ & UCHARMAX) - 1;
mcpp_fprintf( DBG, "<SRC%d>", num);
} else {
chr = "<SRC>";
} else { /* Control character */
mcpp_fprintf( DBG, "<^%c>", c + '@');
case TOK_SEP:
if (mcpp_mode == STD) {
chr = "<TSEP>";
} else if (mcpp_mode == OLD_PREP) { /* COM_SEP */
chr = "<CSEP>";
} /* Else fall through */
if (c < ' ')
mcpp_fprintf( DBG, "<^%c>", c + '@');
mcpp_fputc( c, DBG);
if (chr)
mcpp_fputs( chr, DBG);
mcpp_fputc( '\n', DBG);
void dump_unget(
const char * why
* Dump all ungotten junk (pending macros and current input lines).
const FILEINFO * file;
mcpp_fputs( "dump of pending input text", DBG);
if (why != NULL) {
mcpp_fputs( "-- ", DBG);
mcpp_fputs( why, DBG);
mcpp_fputc( '\n', DBG);
for (file = infile; file != NULL; file = file->parent)
dump_string( file->real_fname ? file->real_fname
: file->filename ? file->filename : "NULL", file->bptr);
static void dump_token(
int token_type,
const char * cp /* Token */
* Dump a token.
static const char * const t_type[]
= { "NAM", "NUM", "STR", "WSTR", "CHR", "WCHR", "OPE", "SPE"
, "SEP", };
mcpp_fputs( "token", DBG);
dump_string( t_type[ token_type - NAM], cp);