
164 lines
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Raw Normal View History

uniform sampler2D ntex;
uniform sampler2D dtex;
uniform sampler2DArrayShadow shadowtex;
//uniform sampler2D warpx;
///uniform sampler2D warpy;
uniform vec3 direction;
uniform vec3 col;
//uniform int hasclouds;
//uniform vec2 wind;
//uniform float shadowoffset;
2014-04-19 18:04:49 -04:00
layout (std140) uniform MatrixesData
mat4 ViewMatrix;
mat4 ProjectionMatrix;
mat4 InverseViewMatrix;
mat4 InverseProjectionMatrix;
mat4 ShadowViewProjMatrixes[4];
in vec2 uv;
out vec4 Diff;
out vec4 Spec;
vec3 DecodeNormal(vec2 n);
2014-04-06 17:57:54 -04:00
vec3 getSpecular(vec3 normal, vec3 eyedir, vec3 lightdir, vec3 color, float roughness);
float getShadowFactor(vec3 pos, float bias, int index)
2014-02-10 08:20:09 -05:00
2014-02-17 16:36:00 -05:00
//float a[5] = float[](3.4, 4.2, 5.0, 5.2, 1.1);
2014-03-21 16:51:23 -04:00
vec2 shadowoffset[4] = vec2[](
vec2(-1., -1.),
vec2(-1., 1.),
vec2(1., -1.),
vec2(1., 1.)
2014-02-17 16:36:00 -05:00
2014-04-19 18:04:49 -04:00
vec4 shadowcoord = (ShadowViewProjMatrixes[index] * InverseViewMatrix * vec4(pos, 1.0));
shadowcoord /= shadowcoord.w;
vec2 shadowtexcoord = shadowcoord.xy * 0.5 + 0.5;
2014-02-10 08:20:09 -05:00
// shadowcoord = (shadowcoord * 0.5) + vec3(0.5);
// float movex = decdepth(texture(warpx, shadowcoord.xy));
// float movey = decdepth(texture(warpy, shadowcoord.xy));
// float dx = movex * 2.0 - 1.0;
// float dy = movey * 2.0 - 1.0;
// shadowcoord.xy += vec2(dx, dy);*/
//float shadowmapz = 2. * texture(shadowtex, vec3(shadowtexcoord, shadowcoord.z).x - 1.;
// bias += smoothstep(0.001, 0.1, moved) * 0.014; // According to the warping
float sum = 0.;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
2014-04-19 20:20:09 -04:00
sum += texture(shadowtex, vec4(shadowtexcoord + shadowoffset[i] / 2048., float(index), 0.5 * (shadowcoord.z - bias * 0.01) + 0.5));
2014-02-10 08:20:09 -05:00
return sum / 4.;
2014-02-10 08:20:09 -05:00
void main() {
float z = texture(dtex, uv).x;
vec4 xpos = 2.0 * vec4(uv, z, 1.0) - 1.0;
2014-04-19 18:04:49 -04:00
xpos = InverseProjectionMatrix * xpos; /= xpos.w;
vec3 norm = normalize(DecodeNormal(2. * texture(ntex, uv).xy - 1.));
2014-04-06 16:19:10 -04:00
float roughness =texture(ntex, uv).z;
2014-04-06 15:23:09 -04:00
vec3 eyedir = -normalize(;
// Normalized on the cpu
2014-04-06 15:23:09 -04:00
vec3 L = direction;
2014-04-06 15:23:09 -04:00
float NdotL = max(0., dot(norm, L));
2014-04-06 17:57:54 -04:00
vec3 Specular = getSpecular(norm, eyedir, L, col, roughness) * NdotL;
2014-04-06 16:19:10 -04:00
vec3 outcol = NdotL * col;
// if (hasclouds == 1)
// {
// vec2 cloudcoord = (xpos.xz * 0.00833333) + wind;
// float cloud = texture(cloudtex, cloudcoord).x;
// //float cloud = step(0.5, cloudcoord.x) * step(0.5, cloudcoord.y);
// outcol *= cloud;
// }
// Shadows
2014-02-09 13:42:22 -05:00
float bias = 0.002 * tan(acos(NdotL)); // According to the slope
bias = clamp(bias, 0.001, 0.014);
float factor;
2014-04-19 18:21:30 -04:00
if (xpos.z < 5.)
factor = getShadowFactor(, bias, 0);
2014-04-19 18:21:30 -04:00
else if (xpos.z < 6.)
float a = getShadowFactor(, bias, 0), b = getShadowFactor(, bias, 1);
2014-04-19 18:21:30 -04:00
factor = mix(a, b, (xpos.z - 5.));
2014-04-19 18:21:30 -04:00
else if (xpos.z < 20.)
factor = getShadowFactor(, bias, 1);
2014-04-19 20:01:29 -04:00
else if (xpos.z < 21.)
float a = getShadowFactor(, bias, 1), b = getShadowFactor(, bias, 2);
2014-04-19 20:01:29 -04:00
factor = mix(a, b, (xpos.z - 20.));
2014-04-19 18:21:30 -04:00
else if (xpos.z < 50.)
factor = getShadowFactor(, bias, 2);
2014-04-19 20:01:29 -04:00
else if (xpos.z < 55.)
float a = getShadowFactor(, bias, 2), b = getShadowFactor(, bias, 3);
2014-04-19 20:01:29 -04:00
factor = mix(a, b, (xpos.z - 50.) / 5.);
2014-04-19 20:01:29 -04:00
else if (xpos.z < 145.)
factor = getShadowFactor(, bias, 3);
2014-04-19 20:01:29 -04:00
else if (xpos.z < 150.)
factor = mix(getShadowFactor(, bias, 3), 1., (xpos.z - 145.) / 5.);
factor = 1.;
Diff = vec4(1200. * factor * NdotL * col, 1.);
Spec = vec4(1200. * factor * Specular, 1.);
// float moved = (abs(dx) + abs(dy)) * 0.5;
// float avi = 0.002;
// float abi = 0.0025;
/* float avi = 0.0018;
float abi = 0.002;
float bias = avi * tan(acos(NdotL)); // According to the slope
bias += smoothstep(0.001, 0.1, moved) * abi; // According to the warping
bias = clamp(bias, 0.001, abi);
// This ID, and four IDs around this must match for a shadow pixel
float right = texture(shadowtex, shadowcoord.xy + vec2(shadowoffset, 0.0)).a;
float left = texture(shadowtex, shadowcoord.xy + vec2(-shadowoffset, 0.0)).a;
float up = texture(shadowtex, shadowcoord.xy + vec2(0.0, shadowoffset)).a;
float down = texture(shadowtex, shadowcoord.xy + vec2(0.0, -shadowoffset)).a;
float matching = ((right + left + up + down) * 0.25) - shadowread.a;
matching = abs(matching) * 400.0;
// If the ID is different, we're likely in shadow - cut the bias to cut peter panning
float off = 7.0 - step(abs(shadowread.a - depthread.a) - matching, 0.004) * 6.0;
bias /= off;
const float softness = 8.0; // How soft is the light?
float shadowed = step(shadowmapz + bias, shadowcoord.z);
float dist = (shadowcoord.z / shadowmapz) - 1.0;
float penumbra = dist * softness / gl_FragCoord.z;
penumbra *= shadowed;*/
/* outcol.r = (shadowcoord.z - shadowmapz) * 50.0;
outcol.g = moved;*/
// FragColor = vec4(outcol, 0.05);
// OtherOutput = vec4(shadowed, penumbra, shadowed, shadowed);