2019-08-28 08:29:02 +02:00
#include "Globals.h"
#include "../TestHelpers.h"
2020-09-08 09:46:16 +01:00
#include "Bindings/BlockTypePalette.h"
2021-05-04 16:11:56 +01:00
#include "OSSupport/Stopwatch.h"
2019-08-28 08:29:02 +02:00
/** Tests the BlockTypePalette's basic APIs - creation, addition, querying. */
static void testBasic()
LOGD("Testing the basic BlockTypePalette's APIs...");
// Check inserting different block type names:
BlockTypePalette pal;
TEST_EQUAL(pal.index("testblock", BlockState()), 0); // Insert the first entry
TEST_EQUAL(pal.index("testblock", BlockState()), 0); // Check that it's not inserted again
TEST_EQUAL(pal.maybeIndex("testblock", BlockState()), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(0, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(pal.maybeIndex("nonexistent", BlockState()).second, false);
TEST_EQUAL(pal.index("another", BlockState()), 1); // Insert the second entry
TEST_EQUAL(pal.index("another", BlockState()), 1); // Check that it's not inserted twice
TEST_EQUAL(pal.maybeIndex("another", BlockState()), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(1, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(pal.maybeIndex("testblock", BlockState()), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(0, true))); // The first one stayed
// Check same block type name, different BlockState:
BlockState bs1;
BlockState bs2("key1", "value1");
BlockState bs3({{"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}});
BlockState bs2Copy(bs2);
TEST_EQUAL(pal.index("multistate", bs1), 2);
TEST_EQUAL(pal.index("multistate", bs2), 3);
TEST_EQUAL(pal.index("multistate", bs3), 4);
TEST_EQUAL(pal.index("multistate", bs2Copy), 3); // Different BlockState instance, but same content
TEST_EQUAL(pal.count(), 5);
// Check the entry() API:
2019-12-01 14:41:46 +01:00
TEST_EQUAL(pal.entry(0), (std::make_pair<AString, BlockState>("testblock", BlockState())));
TEST_EQUAL(pal.entry(1), (std::make_pair<AString, BlockState>("another", BlockState())));
2019-08-28 08:29:02 +02:00
TEST_EQUAL(pal.entry(2), (std::make_pair<AString, BlockState>("multistate", BlockState(bs1)))); // make_pair requires a copy of the state
TEST_EQUAL(pal.entry(3), (std::make_pair<AString, BlockState>("multistate", BlockState(bs2))));
TEST_EQUAL(pal.entry(4), (std::make_pair<AString, BlockState>("multistate", BlockState(bs3))));
2019-12-01 14:41:46 +01:00
TEST_THROWS(pal.entry(5), BlockTypePalette::NoSuchIndexException);
2019-08-28 08:29:02 +02:00
/** Tests creating the transform map between two palettes. */
2019-12-01 14:41:46 +01:00
static void testTransformAddMissing()
2019-08-28 08:29:02 +02:00
2019-12-01 14:41:46 +01:00
LOGD("Testing the createTransformMapAddMissing API...");
2019-08-28 08:29:02 +02:00
// Create two palettes with some overlap:
BlockTypePalette pal1, pal2;
2019-12-01 14:41:46 +01:00
/* 0 */ pal1.index("block1", BlockState());
/* 1 */ pal1.index("block2", BlockState());
/* 2 */ pal1.index("block3", BlockState());
/* 3 */ pal1.index("block4", BlockState());
/* 4 */ pal1.index("block5", BlockState("key1", "value1"));
/* 0 */ pal2.index("block0", BlockState());
/* 1 */ pal2.index("block2", BlockState()); // overlap
/* 2 */ pal2.index("block4", BlockState()); // overlap
/* 3 */ pal2.index("block4", BlockState("key1", "value1"));
/* 4 */ pal2.index("block5", BlockState("key1", "value1")); // overlap
/* 5 */ pal2.index("block6", BlockState("key1", "value1"));
2019-08-28 08:29:02 +02:00
// Check the transform map:
2019-12-01 14:41:46 +01:00
auto trans = pal1.createTransformMapAddMissing(pal2);
2019-08-28 08:29:02 +02:00
TEST_EQUAL(pal1.maybeIndex("block1", BlockState()), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(0, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(pal1.maybeIndex("block2", BlockState()), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(1, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(pal1.maybeIndex("block3", BlockState()), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(2, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(pal1.maybeIndex("block4", BlockState()), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(3, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(pal1.maybeIndex("block5", BlockState("key1", "value1")), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(4, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(pal1.maybeIndex("block0", BlockState()), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(5, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(pal1.maybeIndex("block4", BlockState("key1", "value1")), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(6, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(pal1.maybeIndex("block6", BlockState("key1", "value1")), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(7, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(trans.size(), 6);
2019-12-01 14:41:46 +01:00
TEST_EQUAL(trans[0], 5); // Added
TEST_EQUAL(trans[1], 1); // Mapped
TEST_EQUAL(trans[2], 3); // Mapped
TEST_EQUAL(trans[3], 6); // Added
TEST_EQUAL(trans[4], 4); // Mapped
TEST_EQUAL(trans[5], 7); // Added
2019-08-28 08:29:02 +02:00
2019-12-01 14:41:46 +01:00
/** Tests creating the transform map between two palettes, with fallback. */
static void testTransformWithFallback()
2019-08-28 08:29:02 +02:00
2019-12-01 14:41:46 +01:00
LOGD("Testing the createTransformMapWithFallback API...");
// Create two palettes with some overlap:
BlockTypePalette pal1, pal2;
/* 0 */ pal1.index("block1", BlockState());
/* 1 */ pal1.index("block2", BlockState());
/* 2 */ pal1.index("block3", BlockState());
/* 3 */ pal1.index("block4", BlockState());
/* 4 */ pal1.index("block5", BlockState("key1", "value1"));
/* 0 */ pal2.index("block0", BlockState());
/* 1 */ pal2.index("block2", BlockState()); // overlap
/* 2 */ pal2.index("block4", BlockState()); // overlap
/* 3 */ pal2.index("block4", BlockState("key1", "value1"));
/* 4 */ pal2.index("block5", BlockState("key1", "value1")); // overlap
/* 5 */ pal2.index("block6", BlockState("key1", "value1"));
// Check the transform map:
auto trans = pal1.createTransformMapWithFallback(pal2, 0);
TEST_EQUAL(trans.size(), 6);
TEST_EQUAL(trans[0], 0); // Fallback
TEST_EQUAL(trans[1], 1); // Mapped
TEST_EQUAL(trans[2], 3); // Mapped
TEST_EQUAL(trans[3], 0); // Fallback
TEST_EQUAL(trans[4], 4); // Mapped
TEST_EQUAL(trans[5], 0); // Fallback
2019-08-28 08:29:02 +02:00
2019-12-01 14:41:46 +01:00
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
/** Tests that loading fails for nonsense input */
static void testLoadErrors(void)
LOG("Testing palette load error reporting.");
BlockTypePalette palette;
TEST_THROWS(palette.loadFromString(""), BlockTypePalette::LoadFailedException);
TEST_THROWS(palette.loadFromString("[]"), BlockTypePalette::LoadFailedException);
TEST_THROWS(palette.loadFromString("a = {}"), BlockTypePalette::LoadFailedException);
TEST_THROWS(palette.loadFromString("{x = 1}"), BlockTypePalette::LoadFailedException); // Lua style
TEST_THROWS(palette.loadFromString("$#^%&"), BlockTypePalette::LoadFailedException);
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
/** Tests that loading a simple JSON palette succeeds. */
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
static void testLoadJsonSimple(void)
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
LOG("Testing loading a simple JSON palette");
BlockTypePalette palette;
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
auto example = " \
{ \
\"minecraft:air\": { \
\"states\": [ \
{ \
\"id\": 0, \
\"default\": true \
} \
] \
} \
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:air", BlockState()), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(0, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:air", BlockState({{"foo", "baz"}})).second, false);
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:a", BlockState()).second, false);
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
/** Tests loading a complex block with multiple states and duplicates. */
static void testLoadJsonComplex(void)
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
LOG("Testing loading a complex JSON palette");
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
BlockTypePalette palette;
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
auto str = " \
{ \
\"minecraft:oak_sapling\": { \
\"properties\": { \
\"stage\": [ \
\"0\", \
\"1\" \
] \
}, \
\"states\": [ \
{ \
\"properties\": { \
\"stage\": \"0\" \
}, \
\"id\" : 21, \
\"default\" : true \
}, \
{ \
\"properties\": { \
\"stage\": \"1\" \
}, \
\"id\" : 22 \
}, \
{ \
\"properties\": { \
\"stage\": \"1\" \
}, \
\"id\" : 23 \
] \
} \
// Note: The palette has a duplicate entry with differrent IDs, the latter ID wins
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:oak_sapling", {{"stage", "10"}}).second, false);
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:oak_sapling", {{"stage", "0"}}), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(21, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:oak_sapling", {{"stage", "1"}}), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(23, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:oak_sapling", {{"foo", "baz"}}).second, false);
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:oak_sap", {{"stage", "0"}}).second, false);
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
/** Tests loading a palette from simple regular TSV text data. */
static void testLoadTsvRegular(void)
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
LOG("Testing loading a simple regular TSV palette");
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
BlockTypePalette palette;
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
auto str = "\
2020-01-13 22:38:33 +01:00
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:air", BlockState()), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(0, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:stone", BlockState()), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(1, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:grass", BlockState({{"snow_covered", "0"}})), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(2, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:grass", BlockState({{"snow_covered", "1"}})), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(3, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:air", BlockState({{"snow_covered", "0"}})).second, false);
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:grass", BlockState({{"snow_covered", "2"}})).second, false);
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:grass", BlockState()).second, false);
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
/** Tests loading a palette from simple upgrade TSV text data. */
static void testLoadTsvUpgrade(void)
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
LOG("Testing loading a simple upgrade TSV palette");
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
BlockTypePalette palette;
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
auto str = "\
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:air", BlockState()), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(0, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:stone", BlockState()), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(16, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:grass", BlockState({{"snow_covered", "0"}})), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(32, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:grass", BlockState({{"snow_covered", "1"}})), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(33, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:air", BlockState({{"snow_covered", "0"}})).second, false);
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:grass", BlockState({{"snow_covered", "2"}})).second, false);
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:grass", BlockState()).second, false);
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
/** Tests loading a palette from a real-life protocol base file (1.13). */
static void testLoadFromBaseFile(void)
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
LOG("Testing loading a palette from file \"base.btp.txt\" (1.13)");
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
BlockTypePalette palette;
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
auto fileContents = cFile::ReadWholeFile("base.btp.txt");
cStopwatch sw("Loading palette");
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:air", BlockState()), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(0, true)));
TEST_EQUAL(palette.maybeIndex("minecraft:stone", BlockState()), (std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(1, true)));
BlockState({{"persistent", "false"}, {"distance", "6"}})
(std::make_pair<UInt32, bool>(225, true))
BlockState({{"persistent", "false"}})
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
/** Tests loading an upgrade-palette from a real-life upgrade file. */
static void testLoadFromUpgradeFile(void)
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
LOG("Testing loading an upgrade palette from file \"UpgradeBlockTypePalette.txt\".");
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
BlockTypePalette palette;
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
auto fileContents = cFile::ReadWholeFile("UpgradeBlockTypePalette.txt");
cStopwatch sw("Loading upgrade palette");
TEST_EQUAL(palette.entry(0), (std::make_pair<AString, BlockState>("minecraft:air", {})));
TEST_EQUAL(palette.entry(44 * 16 + 8), (std::make_pair<AString, BlockState>("minecraft:stone_slab", {{"type", "top"}})));
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
2019-12-01 14:41:46 +01:00
2019-12-02 16:45:55 +01:00
2019-12-20 22:10:24 +01:00
2019-12-01 14:41:46 +01:00