BlockTypePalette: Improved loading speed in MSVC Debug builds.

This commit is contained in:
Mattes D 2020-01-13 22:38:33 +01:00
parent 3d699c0dc4
commit a0d2e934eb
2 changed files with 134 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,30 @@
/** Returns the index into aString >= aStartIdx at which the next separator occurs.
Separator is one of \t, \n or \r.
Returns AString::npos if no such separator. */
static size_t findNextSeparator(const AString & aString, size_t aStartIdx = 0)
for (size_t i = aStartIdx, len = aString.length(); i < len; ++i)
switch (aString[i])
case '\t':
case '\n':
case '\r':
return i;
return AString::npos;
@ -196,89 +220,150 @@ void BlockTypePalette::loadFromJsonString(const AString & aJsonPalette)
void BlockTypePalette::loadFromTsv(const AString & aTsvPalette, bool aIsUpgrade)
auto lines = StringSplitAndTrim(aTsvPalette, "\n");
static const AString hdrTsvRegular = "BlockTypePalette";
static const AString hdrTsvUpgrade = "UpgradeBlockTypePalette";
// Check the file signature:
auto idx = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette);
if ((idx == AString::npos) || (aTsvPalette[idx] == '\t'))
throw LoadFailedException("Invalid signature");
auto signature = aTsvPalette.substr(0, idx);
bool isUpgrade = (signature == hdrTsvUpgrade);
if (!isUpgrade && (signature != hdrTsvRegular))
throw LoadFailedException("Unknown signature");
if (aTsvPalette[idx] == '\r') // CR of the CRLF pair, skip the LF:
idx += 1;
// Parse the header:
int fileVersion = 0;
bool hasHadVersion = false;
AString commonPrefix;
auto numLines = lines.size();
for (size_t idx = 1; idx < numLines; ++idx)
int line = 2;
auto len = aTsvPalette.length();
while (true)
const auto & line = lines[idx];
if (line.empty())
auto keyStart = idx + 1;
auto keyEnd = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette, idx + 1);
if (keyEnd == AString::npos)
// End of headers, erase them from lines[] and go parse the data
lines.erase(lines.begin(), lines.begin() + static_cast<AStringVector::difference_type>(idx) + 1);
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Invalid header key format on line %u", line));
if (keyEnd == idx + 1) // Empty line, end of headers
if (aTsvPalette[keyEnd] == '\r') // CR of the CRLF pair, skip the LF:
idx = keyEnd;
auto s = StringSplit(line, "\t");
if (s.size() != 2)
auto valueEnd = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette, keyEnd + 1);
if ((valueEnd == AString::npos) || (aTsvPalette[valueEnd] == '\t'))
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Invalid header format on line %u", idx + 1));
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Invalid header value format on line %u", line));
if (s[0] == "FileVersion")
auto key = aTsvPalette.substr(keyStart, keyEnd - keyStart);
if (key == "FileVersion")
unsigned version = 0;
auto value = aTsvPalette.substr(keyEnd + 1, valueEnd - keyEnd - 1);
if (!StringToInteger(value, version))
fileVersion = std::stoi(s[1]);
throw LoadFailedException("Invalid FileVersion value");
catch (const std::exception & exc)
else if (version != 1)
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Invalid file version: \"%d\" (%s)", s[1], exc.what()));
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Unknown FileVersion: %u. Only version 1 is supported.", version));
hasHadVersion = true;
else if (s[0] == "CommonPrefix")
else if (key == "CommonPrefix")
commonPrefix = s[1];
commonPrefix = aTsvPalette.substr(keyEnd + 1, valueEnd - keyEnd - 1);
idx = valueEnd;
if (aTsvPalette[idx] == '\r') // CR of the CRLF pair, skip the LF:
if (fileVersion != 1)
if (!hasHadVersion)
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Unknown file version (%d), only version 1 is supported", fileVersion));
throw LoadFailedException("No FileVersion value");
// Parse the data:
size_t minSplit = aIsUpgrade ? 3 : 2;
for (const auto & line: lines)
while (idx + 1 < len)
auto s = StringSplit(line, "\t");
auto numSplit = s.size();
if (numSplit < minSplit)
auto lineStart = idx + 1;
auto idEnd = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette, lineStart);
if ((idEnd == AString::npos) || (aTsvPalette[idEnd] != '\t'))
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Not enough values on data line: \"%s\"", line));
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Incomplete data on line %u (id)", line));
UInt32 id;
if (!StringToInteger(aTsvPalette.substr(lineStart, idEnd - lineStart), id))
id = static_cast<UInt32>(std::stoi(s[0]));
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Failed to parse id on line %u", line));
catch (const std::exception & exc)
size_t metaEnd = idEnd;
if (isUpgrade)
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Invalid block ID: \"%s\" (%s)", s[0], exc.what()));
size_t idx = 1;
if (aIsUpgrade)
id = id * 16;
metaEnd = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette, idEnd + 1);
if ((metaEnd == AString::npos) || (aTsvPalette[metaEnd] != '\t'))
id = id + static_cast<UInt32>(Clamp(std::stoi(s[1]), 0, 15));
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Incomplete data on line %u (meta)", line));
catch (const std::exception & exc)
UInt32 meta = 0;
if (!StringToInteger(aTsvPalette.substr(idEnd + 1, metaEnd - idEnd - 1), meta))
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Invalid block meta: \"%s\" (%s)", s[1], exc.what()));
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Failed to parse meta on line %u", line));
idx = 2;
if (meta > 15)
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Invalid meta value on line %u: %u", line, meta));
id = (id * 16) | meta;
const auto & blockTypeName = s[idx];
idx += 1;
std::map<AString, AString> state;
while (idx + 1 < numSplit)
auto blockTypeEnd = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette, metaEnd + 1);
if (blockTypeEnd == AString::npos)
state[s[idx]] = s[idx + 1];
idx += 2;
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Incomplete data on line %u (blockTypeName)", line));
addMapping(id, commonPrefix + blockTypeName, state);
auto blockTypeName = aTsvPalette.substr(metaEnd + 1, blockTypeEnd - metaEnd - 1);
auto blockStateEnd = blockTypeEnd;
AStringMap blockState;
while (aTsvPalette[blockStateEnd] == '\t')
auto keyEnd = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette, blockStateEnd + 1);
if ((keyEnd == AString::npos) || (aTsvPalette[keyEnd] != '\t'))
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Incomplete data on line %u (blockState key)", line));
auto valueEnd = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette, keyEnd + 1);
if (valueEnd == AString::npos)
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Incomplete data on line %u (blockState value)", line));
auto key = aTsvPalette.substr(blockStateEnd + 1, keyEnd - blockStateEnd - 1);
auto value = aTsvPalette.substr(keyEnd + 1, valueEnd - keyEnd - 1);
blockState[key] = value;
blockStateEnd = valueEnd;
addMapping(id, commonPrefix + blockTypeName, std::move(blockState));
if (aTsvPalette[blockStateEnd] == '\r') // CR of the CRLF pair, skip the LF:
idx = blockStateEnd;

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@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ static void testLoadTsvRegular(void)
auto str = "\