
28 lines
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title = "Book of Definitions"
# Makina
The deity of the Makinist religion, as machines and knowlage know no concept of gender, Makina does not either. Makina's existance as a physical deity
cannot be proven, but as an idea, as a thought, they are said to absolutely exist. Denial in the existance of Makina does not make one Unmade, as a [Makinist](/c3)
is defined by their actions, not by their faith.
# Light
The sacred flame of intelligence that each member of Mankind possesses.
# Unmade
Those who act counter to Makinist thought, *sinners*, to use the Jehovite anaolgy, small acts of unmaking are to be pardoned, but those who unmake in order to
hinder Gnosis are to be punished within the extent of the law. We use the term "unmade" in order to signify a lack of creation, as those who seek to destroy
rather than create run more counter to the Makinist cause of Gnosis. One may mark themselves "unmade" through [differing actions](/c2/sins.html)
# Jehovite
Any practicioner of any Abrahamic religion, not nececarly the framework in which Makinism operates.
# Gnosis
The final goal of the Makinist religion, by analogy with [Gnosticism]( and way of Buddhist [Nirvana](
Makinism seeks to use practical knowlage of the material world in order to achieve the full potential of Mankind, as this is the great work of Makina.
With enough understanding and enough utilisation of technology, we will be able to reshape the universe within our image, and become as gods. Already we
have the power to level mountains, send ourselves to the very stars; this is only a fraction of our potential as a species, and we understand this as a truth.
We, as Mankind, shall create our own salvation; in our own image; by our own design; by our own hands. Through our work as Makinists, we shall take Mankind to where
we believe it should be.