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' P1 Spin Interpreter for P2
' Copyright (c) 2014, Dave Hein
' See end of file for terms of use.
_clkmode = xtal1+pll16x
_clkfreq = 80_000_000
orgh $380
' Add address offset to Spin header
startup mov temp1, ptestprog
add temp1, #6
mov temp3, #5
:loop rdword temp2, temp1
add temp2, ptestprog
wrword temp2, temp1
add temp1, #2
djnz temp3, @:loop
' Clear VAR area
mov temp1, ptestprog
add temp1, #8 ' Get address of vbase
rdword temp2, temp1 ' Get vbase
add temp1, #2 ' Get address of dbase
rdword temp3, temp1 ' Get dbase
sub temp3, temp2 ' Compute number of bytes
shr temp3, #2 ' Compute number of longs
mov temp4, #0
:loop1 wrlong temp4, temp2
add temp2, #4
djnz temp3, @:loop1
' Initialize stack frame and result variable
mov temp1, ptestprog
add temp1, #10 ' Get address of dbase
rdword temp1, temp1 ' Get dbase
mov temp2, #0
wrlong temp2, temp1 ' Initialize result to zero
sub temp1, #2
wrword pexitcode, temp1 ' Set return address to exit code
sub temp1, #6
mov temp2, #2
wrword temp2, temp1 ' Write first word of stack frame
' Start the Spin interpreter
mov temp1, pinterp
mov temp2, ptestprog
add temp2, #4
coginit temp1, temp2, #0
temp1 long 0
temp2 long 0
temp3 long 0
temp4 long 0
pinterp long @interp
ptestprog long @testprog
ppbase long @pbase
pexitcode long @exitcode
' This table decodes the Spin bytecode.
' 0/8 1/9 2/A 3/B 4/C 5/D 6/E 7/F
word {00} ldfrmr, ldfrmr, ldfrmr, ldfrmr, _jmp, _call, callobj,callobx
word {08} _tjz, _djnz, _jz, _jnz, casedon,caseval,caseran,lookdon
word {10} lookupv,lookdnv,lookupr,lookdnr,_pop, _run, _strsiz,_strcmp
word {18} _bytefl,_wordfl,_longfl,_waitpe,_bytemv,_wordmv,_longmv,_waitpn
word {20} _clkset,cogstp, lckret, _waitcn,rwregx, rwregx, rwregx, _waitvi
word {28} _cogini,lcknewr,lcksetr,lckclrr,_cogini,lcknew, lckset, lckclr
word {30} _abort, abrtval,_ret, retval, ldlix, ldlix, ldlix, ldlip
word {38} ldbi, ldwi, ldmi, ldli, unsupp, rwregb, rwregbs,rwreg
word {40} ldlvc, stlvc, exlvc, lalvc, ldlvc, stlvc, exlvc, lalvc
word {48} ldlvc, stlvc, exlvc, lalvc, ldlvc, stlvc, exlvc, lalvc
word {50} ldlvc, stlvc, exlvc, lalvc, ldlvc, stlvc, exlvc, lalvc
word {58} ldlvc, stlvc, exlvc, lalvc, ldlvc, stlvc, exlvc, lalvc
word {60} ldllc, stllc, exllc, lallc, ldllc, stllc, exllc, lallc
word {68} ldllc, stllc, exllc, lallc, ldllc, stllc, exllc, lallc
word {70} ldllc, stllc, exllc, lallc, ldllc, stllc, exllc, lallc
word {78} ldllc, stllc, exllc, lallc, ldllc, stllc, exllc, lallc
word {80} ldba, stba, exba, la_a, ldbo, stbo, exbo, la_o
word {88} ldbv, stbv, exbv, la_v, ldbl, stbl, exwl, la_l
word {90} ldbax, stbax, exbax, labax, ldbox, stbox, exbox, labox
word {98} ldbvx, stbvx, exbvx, labvx, ldblx, stblx, exblx, lablx
word {A0} ldwa, stwa, exwa, la_a, ldwo, stwo, exwo, la_o
word {A8} ldwv, stwv, exwv, la_v, ldwl, stwl, exwl, la_l
word {B0} ldwax, stwax, exwax, lawax, ldwox, stwox, exwox, lawox
word {B8} ldwvx, stwvx, exwvx, lawvx, ldwlx, stwlx, exwlx, lawlx
word {C0} ldla, stla, exla, la_a, ldlo, stlo, exlo, la_o
word {C8} ldlv, stlv, exlv, la_v, ldll, stll, exll, la_l
word {D0} ldlax, stlax, exlax, lalax, ldlox, stlox, exlox, lalox
word {D8} ldlvx, stlvx, exlvx, lalvx, ldllx, stllx, exllx, lallx
word {E0} _ror, _rol, _shr, _shl, _min, _max, _neg, _com
word {E8} _and, _abs, _or, _xor, _add, _sub, _sar, _rev
word {F0} _andl, encode, _orl, decode, _mul, _mulh, _div, _mod
word {F8} _sqrt, _cmplt, _cmpgt, _cmpne, _cmpeq, _cmple, _cmpge, _notl
' This table decodes the extra byte that is used to perform extended operations.
' 0/8 1/9 2/A 3/B 4/C 5/D 6/E 7/F
word {00} store, unsupx, repeatx,unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, repeats,unsupx
word {08} randf, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, randr, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx
word {10} sexb, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, sexw, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx
word {18} postclr,unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, postset,unsupx, unsupx, unsupx
word {20} unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, preinc, unsupx
word {28} unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, postinc,unsupx
word {30} unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, predec, unsupx
word {38} unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, postdec,unsupx
word {40} _rorx, _rolx, _shrx, _shlx, _minx, _maxx, _negx, _comx
word {48} _andx, _absx, _orx, _xorx, _addx, _subx, _sarx, _revx
word {50} _andlx, encodex,_orlx, decodex,_mulx, _mulhx, _divx, _modx
word {58} _sqrtx, _cmpltx,_cmpgtx,_cmpnex,_cmpeqx,_cmplex,_cmpgex,_notlx
word {60} unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx
word {68} unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx
word {70} unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx
word {78} unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx, unsupx
' Bytecodes for cogstop(cogid)
exitcode byte $3f, $89, $21
org 0
' Copy 5 Spin state variable to registers
interp setinda #pbase
reps #5, #1
cogid id
rdword inda++,++ptra
jmp #loop
long 0[3]
' Push x to the stack
pushx1 wrlong x, dcurr
add dcurr, #4
' This is the main loop that fetches bytecodes and executes them
loop mov t1, jumps
rdbyte op,pcurr 'get opcode
add pcurr,#1
add t1, op
add t1, op
rdword t2, t1
jmp t2
' This code handles extended operators, such as ++ and +=
exoplong add adr, op2
exoplong1 rdlong x, adr
mov savex, #exoplong2
jmp #exop1
exopword add adr, op2
exopword1 rdword x, adr
mov savex, #exopword2
jmp #exop1
exopbyte add adr, op2
exopbyte1 rdbyte x, adr
mov savex, #exopbyte2
exop1 rdbyte op2,pcurr
mov t1, op2
and t1, #$7f
shl t1, #1
add t1, jumpx
rdword t2, t1
add pcurr,#1
jmp t2
' This code saves the result from the extended operation
postsave add savex, #1
jmp savex
exopbyte2 mov y, x
postbyte wrbyte y, adr
and x, #$ff
jmp #exopdone
exopword2 mov y, x
postword wrword y, adr
and x, maskword
jmp #exopdone
exoplong2 mov y, x
postlong wrlong y, adr
exopdone test op2, #$80 wc 'check for load bit
mov savex, #pushx1
if_c jmp #pushx1
if_nc jmp #loop
' Load Immediate Instructions
' Load Long Immediate 1, 0 and -1
ldlix sub op, #$35
mov x, op
jmp #pushx1
' Load Long Immediate Packed
ldlip mov x, #2
rdbyte y,pcurr 'constant mask, get data byte
add pcurr,#1
rol x,y 'decode, x = 2 before
test y,#%001_00000 wc 'decrement?
if_c sub x,#1
test y,#%010_00000 wc 'not?
if_c xor x,masklong
jmp #pushx1
' Load Byte Immediate
ldbi call #fetchbyte
jmp #pushx1
' Load Word Immediate
ldli call #fetchbyte
mov a, #3
jmp #addbytes
' Load Word Immediate
ldmi call #fetchbyte
mov a, #2
jmp #addbytes
' Load Word Immediate
ldwi call #fetchbyte
mov a, #1
addbytes shl x, #8
rdbyte y, pcurr
add pcurr, #1
or x, y
djnz a, @addbytes
jmp #pushx1
' Compact Local Variable Instructions
' Load Long Local Compact
ldllc mov op2, dbase
mov adr, op
and adr, #$1c
ldlong add adr, op2
rdlong x, adr
jmp #pushx1
' Store Long Local Compact
stllc mov adr, op
and adr, #$1c
mov op2, dbase
stlong add adr, op2
call #popx1
wrlong x, adr
jmp #loop
' Execute Long Local Compact
exllc mov adr, op
and adr, #$1c
mov op2, dbase
jmp #exoplong
' Load Address Long Local Compact
lallc and op, #$1c
add op, dbase
mov x, op
jmp #pushx1
' DAT Variable Instructions
' Load Long Object
ldlo call #getadrz
mov adr, pbase
jmp #ldlong
' Store Long Object
stlo call #getadrz
mov adr, pbase
jmp #stlong
' Execute Long Object
exlo call #getadrz
mov adr, pbase
jmp #exoplong
' Load Address Object
la_o call #getadrz
mov x, op2
add x, pbase
jmp #pushx1
' Indexed DAT Variable Instructions
' Load Byte Object with Index
ldbox call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
add adr, pbase
jmp #ldbyte
ldbyte add adr, op2
rdbyte x, adr
jmp #pushx1
ldword add adr, op2
rdword x, adr
jmp #pushx1
' Store Byte Object with Index
stbox call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
add adr, pbase
jmp #stbyte
stbyte add adr, op2
call #popx1
wrbyte x, adr
jmp #loop
stword add adr, op2
call #popx1
wrword x, adr
jmp #loop
' Load Address Byte Object with Index
labox call #getadrz
call #popx1
add x, op2
add x, pbase
jmp #pushx1
' Absolute Address Instructions
' Load Byte Absolute
ldba call #popy1
jmp #ldba1
' Load Word Absolute
ldwa call #popy1
jmp #ldwa1
' Load Long Absolute
ldla call #popy1
if_z jmp #ldclkfreq
jmp #ldla1
ldbax call #popay
add y, a
ldba1 rdbyte x, y
jmp #pushx1
' Load Word Absolute with Index
ldwax call #popay
shl a, #1
add y, a
ldwa1 rdword x, y
jmp #pushx1
' Load Long Absolute with Index
ldlax call #popay
shl a, #2
add y, a
ldla1 rdlong x, y
jmp #pushx1
' Jump Instructions
' Test and Jump on Zero
_tjz call #getadrs
call #popx1
if_nz add dcurr, #4
jmp #_jz1
' Jump on Zero
_jz call #getadrs
call #popx1
_jz1 if_z add pcurr, op2
jmp #loop
' Decrement and Jump on NonZero
_djnz call #getadrs
call #popx1
sub x, #1 wz
if_nz add pcurr, op2
if_nz jmp #pushx1
jmp #loop
' Jump on NonZero
_jnz call #getadrs
call #popx1
if_nz add pcurr, op2
jmp #loop
' Jump
_jmp call #getadrs
add pcurr, op2
jmp #loop
' Math Instructions
_shr call #popyx
shr x, y
jmp savex
_shl call #popyx
shl x, y
jmp savex
_ror call #popyx
rol x, y
jmp savex
_rol call #popyx
rol x, y
jmp savex
' Complement
_com call #popx1
xor x, masklong
jmp savex
_and call #popyx
and x, y
jmp savex
' Absolute
_abs call #popx1
abs x, x
jmp savex
_or call #popyx
or x, y
jmp savex
' Add
_add call #popyx
add x, y
jmp savex
' Subtract
_sub call #popyx
sub x, y
jmp savex
_neg call #popx1
neg x, x
jmp savex
_xor call #popyx
xor x, y
jmp savex
_sar call #popyx
sar x, y
jmp savex
' Or Logical
_orl call #popx1
if_nz neg x, #1
call #popy1
if_nz neg x, #1
jmp savex
_andl call #popx1
if_nz neg x, #1
call #popy1
if_z mov x, #0
jmp savex
_notl call #popx1
muxz x, masklong
jmp savex
_mul call #popyx
mul32 x, y
getmull x
jmp savex
_mulh call #popyx
mul32 x, y
getmulh x
jmp savex
_div call #popyx
div32 x, y
getdivq x
jmp savex
_mod call #popyx
div32 x, y
getdivr x
jmp savex
' Compare if Less Than
_cmplt call #popyx
cmps x, y wz, wc
muxc x, masklong
jmp savex
' Compare if Greater Than
_cmpgt call #popyx
cmps x, y wz, wc
if_nz_and_nc neg x, #1
if_z_or_c mov x, #0
jmp savex
' Compare if Less than or Equal
_cmple call #popyx
cmps x, y wz, wc
if_nz_and_nc mov x, #0
if_z_or_c neg x, #1
jmp savex
' Compare if Not Equal
_cmpne call #popyx
sub x, y wz
if_nz neg x, #1
jmp savex
' Compare if Equal
_cmpeq call #popyx
sub x, y wz
jmp #_notlx
' Compare if Greater than or Equal
_cmpge call #popyx
cmps x, y wz, wc
muxnc x, masklong
jmp savex
retval call #popx1
jmp #_ret1
_ret rdlong x,dbase
_ret1 call #return1
pushz if_z jmp #pushx1
if_nz jmp #loop
' Calling and Return Instructions
return1 mov dcurr,dbase 'restore dcurr
sub dcurr,#2 'pop pcurr
rdword pcurr,dcurr
sub dcurr,#2 'pop dbase
rdword dbase,dcurr
sub dcurr,#2 'pop vbase
rdword vbase,dcurr
sub dcurr,#2 'pop pbase (and flags)
rdword pbase,dcurr
test pbase,#%01 wz 'get push flag
test pbase,#%10 wc 'get abort flag
and pbase,maskpar 'trim pbase
' Load Stack Frame
ldfrma jmp #loadframe
callobj mov a, #0
callobj1 call #getcallparms
add pbase, x
add vbase, y
_call mov a, #0
call #getcallparms
jmp #callmethod
' Read values from the Method Table
getcallparms rdbyte y,pcurr 'get method table entry number
add pcurr,#1
add y,a 'add index
shl y,#2 'lookup words from table
add y,pbase
rdlong y,y
mov x,y 'get low word
and x,maskword
shr y,#16 'get high word
' Call Method
callmethod mov dbase,dcall 'get new dcall
rdword dcall,dcall 'set old dcall
wrword pcurr,dbase 'set return pcurr
add dbase,#2 'set call dbase
add dcurr,y 'set call dcurr
mov pcurr,pbase 'set call pcurr
add pcurr,x
jmp #loop
loadframe or op,pbase 'add pbase into flags
wrword op,dcurr 'push pbase plus flags
add dcurr,#2
wrword vbase,dcurr 'push vbase
add dcurr,#2
wrword dbase,dcurr 'push dbase
add dcurr,#2
wrword dcall,dcurr 'push dcall
mov dcall,dcurr 'set new dcall
add dcurr,#2
mov x, #0 'init result to 0
jmp #pushx1
_cogini1 coginit y, a, #0
jmp #pushz
' Helper Functions
' Get Unsigned Address
getadrz rdbyte op2,pcurr
test op2,#$80 wc
and op2,#$7F
jmp #getadr2
' Get Signed Address
getadrs rdbyte op2,pcurr
test op2,#$80 wc
shl op2,#25
sar op2,#25
getadr2 add pcurr,#1
if_nc ret
rdbyte t2,pcurr
add pcurr,#1
shl op2,#8
or op2,t2
' Fetch a bytecode
fetchbyte rdbyte x, pcurr
add pcurr, #1
' Pop a from the stack
popayx sub dcurr,#4
rdlong a,dcurr
' Pop y from the stack
popyx sub dcurr,#4
rdlong y,dcurr
' Pop x from the stack
popx1 sub dcurr,#4
rdlong x,dcurr wz
' Pop a from the stack
popay sub dcurr,#4
rdlong a,dcurr
' Pop y from the stack
popy1 sub dcurr, #4
rdlong y, dcurr wz
' Pop adr from the stack
pop_adr sub dcurr,#4
rdlong adr,dcurr
' Extended Instructions
store call #popx1
jmp savex
postclr mov y, #0
jmp #postsave
postset neg y, #1
jmp #postsave
postinc mov y, x
add y, #1
jmp #postsave
postdec mov y, x
sub y, #1
jmp #postsave
_rolx call #popy1
rol x, y
jmp savex
_shlx call #popy1
shl x, y
jmp savex
_divx call #popy1
jmp #_div+1
_modx call #popy1
jmp #_mod+1
_notlx muxz x, masklong
jmp savex
_rorx call #popy1
ror x, y
jmp savex
_shrx call #popy1
shr x, y
jmp savex
_andx call #popy1
and x, y
jmp savex
_absx abs x, x
jmp savex
_negx neg x, x
jmp savex
_comx xor x, masklong
jmp savex
_orx call #popy1
or x, y
jmp savex
' Read/Write Register Instructions
rwreg0 rdbyte op, pcurr
add pcurr, #1
mov adr, op
rwreg1 and adr, #$1f
add adr, #$1e0
call #mapreg
mov regrevflag, #0
mov reglsb, t1
mov regnbits, t2
sub regnbits,reglsb wc
if_c neg regnbits, regnbits
if_c mov reglsb, t2
if_c mov regrevflag, #1
xor regnbits, #31
neg regmask, #1
shr regmask, regnbits
test op, #$20 wz
if_z jmp #ldreg
streg sets streg1, adr
setd streg2, adr
call #popx1
and x, regmask
cmp regrevflag, #0 wz
if_nz rev x, regnbits
shl regmask, reglsb
streg1 mov y, 0-0
andn y, regmask
shl x, reglsb
or y, x
streg2 mov 0-0, y
jmp #loop
ldreg sets ldreg1, adr
cmp adr, #$1f1 wz
if_z getcnt x
ldreg1 if_nz mov x, 0-0
mov regsave, x
shr x, reglsb
and x, regmask
cmp regrevflag, #0 wz
if_nz rev x, regnbits
test op, #$40 wz
if_z jmp #pushx1
mov savex, #exopreg2
jmp #exop1
exopreg2 mov y, x
postreg setd exopreg3, adr
and x, regmask
and y, regmask
cmp regrevflag, #0 wz
if_nz rev y, regnbits
shl y, reglsb
shl regmask, reglsb
andn regsave, regmask
or y, regsave
exopreg3 mov 0-0, y
jmp #exopdone
' Mapping for port A
mapreg cmp adr, #$1f2 wz 'P1 INA
if_z mov adr, #$1f4 'P2 PINA
if_z ret
cmp adr, #$1f4 wz 'P1 OUTA
if_z mov adr, #$1f8 'P2 OUTA
if_z ret
cmp adr, #$1f6 wz 'P1 DIRA
if_z mov adr, #$1fc 'P2 DIRA
' Mapping for port C
mapreg cmp adr, #$1f2 wz 'P1 INA
if_z mov adr, #$1f6 'P2 PINC
if_z ret
cmp adr, #$1f4 wz 'P1 OUTA
if_z mov adr, #$1fa 'P2 OUTC
if_z ret
cmp adr, #$1f6 wz 'P1 DIRA
if_z mov adr, #$1fe 'P2 DIRC
regrevflag long 0
reglsb long 0
regmask long 0
regnbits long 0
regsave long 0
' Constants and Variables
bitcycles long 80000000 / 115200
jumps long @jump_table
jumpx long @jump_table_ex
savex long pushx1
masklong long $FFFFFFFF
maskword long $FFFF
maskpar long $0000FFFC
fit $1E9
org $1E9
id res 1
dcall res 1
pbase res 1
vbase res 1
dbase res 1
pcurr res 1
dcurr res 1
fit $1F0
org 0
x res 1
y res 1
a res 1
t1 res 1
t2 res 1
op res 1
op2 res 1
adr res 1
' These instructions execute from hub memory
' casedone
casedon sub dcurr, #8
rdlong pcurr, dcurr
add pcurr, pbase
jmp #loop
' casevalue
caseval call #getadrs
call #popyx
add dcurr, #4
cmp x, y wz
if_z add pcurr, op2
jmp #loop
' caserange
caseran call #getadrs
call #popayx
add dcurr, #4
cmps a, y wz, wc
if_nz_and_nc jmp #caseran1
cmps a, x wz, wc
if_nz_and_nc jmp #loop
cmps x, y wz, wc
if_nz_and_nc jmp #loop
add pcurr, op2
jmp #loop
caseran1 cmps y, x wz, wc
if_nz_and_nc jmp #loop
cmps x, a wz, wc
if_nz_and_nc jmp #loop
add pcurr, op2
jmp #loop
' lookdone
lookdon sub dcurr, #12
mov x, #0
jmp #pushx1
' lookupval
lookupv call #pop_adr
call #popayx
add dcurr, #12
cmps a, x wz, wc
if_c jmp #lookupv1
if_z jmp #lookupv2
add x, #1
sub dcurr, #12
wrlong x, dcurr
add dcurr, #12
jmp #loop
lookupv1 mov pcurr, y
add pcurr, pbase
sub dcurr, #12
mov x, #0
jmp #pushx1
lookupv2 mov pcurr, y
add pcurr, pbase
sub dcurr, #12
mov x, adr
jmp #pushx1
' lookdnval
lookdnv call #popyx
add dcurr, #4
cmp x, y wz
if_nz jmp #lookdnv1
sub dcurr, #8
rdlong pcurr, dcurr
add pcurr, pbase
jmp #loop
lookdnv1 sub dcurr, #12
rdlong x, dcurr
add x, #1
wrlong x, dcurr
add dcurr, #12
jmp #loop
' lookuprange
lookupr call #popyx
mov t1, y
mov t2, x
call #popayx
add dcurr, #12
mov adr, t1
sub adr, t2
abs adr, adr
sub a, x wc
if_c jmp #lookupr1
cmp a, adr wc, wz
if_c_or_z jmp #lookupr2
add x, adr
add x, #1
sub dcurr, #12
wrlong x, dcurr
add dcurr, #12
jmp #loop
lookupr1 sub dcurr, #12
mov pcurr, y
add pcurr, pbase
mov x, #0
jmp #pushx1
lookupr2 sub dcurr, #12
mov pcurr, y
add pcurr, pbase
cmp t2, t1 wc, wz
mov x, t2
if_c_or_z add x, a
if_nc_and_nz sub x, a
jmp #pushx1
' lookdnrange
lookdnr call #popayx
add dcurr, #4
mov t1, a
mov t2, y
max t1, y ' Get minimum
min t2, a ' Get maximum
cmps x, t1 wc
if_c jmp #lookdnr1
cmps t2, x wc
if_c jmp #lookdnr1
sub dcurr, #8
rdlong pcurr, dcurr
add pcurr, pbase
call #pop_adr
cmps y, a wc
sub x, y
if_nc neg x, x
add x, adr
jmp #pushx1
lookdnr1 sub dcurr, #12
rdlong x, dcurr
add x, #1
add x, t2
sub x, t1
wrlong x, dcurr
add dcurr, #12
jmp #loop
_waitcn call #popx1
waitcnt x, #0
jmp #loop
_waitpe call #popayx
test a, #1 wz
getcnt t1
' Port A and B
:loop if_nz waitpeq x, y, #1 wc
if_z waitpeq x, y, #0 wc
' Port C and D
:loop if_nz waitpeq x, y, #3 wc
if_z waitpeq x, y, #2 wc
if_c jmp #:loop
jmp #loop
_waitpn call #popayx
test a, #1 wz
getcnt t1
:loop if_z waitpne x, y, #1 wc
if_nz waitpne x, y, #0 wc
if_c jmp #:loop
jmp #loop
cogstp call #popx1
cogstop x
jmp #loop
_cogini call #popayx 'coginit, pop parameters
test x, #8 wc
and x, #7
setnib _cogini1, x, #6
test op,#%100 wz 'push result?
if_nc jmp #_cogini1
cognew y, a wc
if_c neg x, #1 '-1 if c, else 0..7
if_nc mov x, y '-1 if c, else 0..7
jmp #pushz
callobx call #popx1
mov a, x
jmp #callobj1
_pop call #popx1
sub dcurr, x
jmp #loop
abrtval call #popx1
jmp #_abort1
_abort rdlong x,dbase
_abort1 call #return1
if_nc jmp #_abort1
jmp #pushz
rwreg mov t2, #31
mov t1, #0
jmp #rwreg0
rwregb call #popx1
and x, #31
mov t2, x
mov t1, x
jmp #rwreg0
rwregbs call #popyx
and x, #31
and y, #31
mov t2, x
mov t1, y
jmp #rwreg0
rwregx call #pop_adr
or adr, #$10
shl op, #5
jmp #rwreg1
' Prepare to start a Spin cog
'run(metindex, stackaddr)
_run call #popyx
'stackptr := (metindex >> 8) << 2
mov adr, x
shr adr, #8
shl adr, #2 wz
'metindex := ((metindex & 255) << 2) + PBASE
and x, #255
shl x, #2
add x, pbase
'skip bytemove if no parms
if_z jmp #_run1
't2 := stackaddr + 12
mov t2, y
add t2, #12
't1 := DCURR - stackptr
mov t1, dcurr
sub t1, adr
'a := stackptr
mov a, adr
'bytemove(t2, t1, a)
:loop rdbyte op2, t1
add t1, #1
wrbyte op2, t2
add t2, #1
djnz a, @:loop
sub dcurr, adr
'long[stackaddr] := -1
_run1 neg t1, #1
wrlong t1, y
add y, #4
'long[stackaddr][1] := (@exitcode << 16)
mov t1, ##@exitcode
shl t1, #16
wrlong t1, y
add y, #4
'word[stackaddr][2] := 0
mov t1, #0
wrlong t1, y
'stackptr += stackaddr + 12
add adr, y
add adr, #4
'word[stackptr][1] := pbase
add adr, #2
wrword pbase, adr
'word[stackptr][2] := vbase
add adr, #2
wrword vbase, adr
'word[stackptr][3] := stackaddr + 8
add adr, #2
wrword y, adr
'word[stackptr][4] := word[metindex] + PBASE
add adr, #2
rdword t1, x
add t1, pbase
wrword t1, adr
'word[stackptr][5] := word[metindex][1] + stackptr
add adr, #2
add x, #2
rdword t1, x
add t1, adr
sub t1, #10
wrword t1, adr
sub adr, #10
'(-1, @interp, stackptr)
neg t1, #1
wrlong t1, dcurr
add dcurr, #4
mov t1, ##@interp
wrlong t1, dcurr
add dcurr, #4
wrlong adr, dcurr
add dcurr, #4
jmp #loop
' String, Block Move and Block Fill Instructions
' strsize
_strsiz call #popx1
mov y, x
:loop rdbyte a, x wz
if_nz add x, #1
if_nz jmp #:loop
sub x, y
jmp #pushx1
' strcomp
_strcmp call #popyx
:loop rdbyte t1, x wz
add x, #1
if_z jmp #_strcmp1
rdbyte t2, y wz
add y, #1
if_z jmp #_strcmp2
cmp t1, t2 wz
if_z jmp #:loop
_strcmp2 mov x, #0
jmp #pushx1
_strcmp1 rdbyte t2, y wz
jmp #_notlx
' longfill
_longfl call #popayx
:loop wrlong y, x
add x, #4
djnz a, @:loop
jmp #loop
' wordfill
_wordfl call #popayx
:loop wrword y, x
add x, #2
djnz a, @:loop
jmp #loop
' bytefill
_bytefl call #popayx
:loop wrbyte y, x
add x, #1
djnz a, @:loop
jmp #loop
' longmove
_longmv call #popayx
:loop rdlong t1, y
add y, #4
wrlong t1, x
add x, #4
djnz a, @:loop
jmp #loop
' wordmove
_wordmv call #popayx
:loop rdword t1, y
add y, #2
wrword t1, x
add x, #2
djnz a, @:loop
jmp #loop
' bytemove
_bytemv call #popayx
:loop rdbyte t1, y
add y, #1
wrbyte t1, x
add x, #1
djnz a, @:loop
jmp #loop
' Lock instructions
lcknewr locknew x wc
if_c neg x, #1
jmp #pushx1
lcksetr call #popx1
lockset x wc
if_c neg x, #1
if_nc mov x, #0
jmp #pushx1
lckclrr call #popx1
lockclr x wc
if_c neg x, #1
if_nc mov x, #0
jmp #pushx1
lcknew locknew x
jmp #loop
lckset call #popx1
lockset x
jmp #loop
lckclr call #popx1
lockclr x
jmp #loop
lckret call #popx1
lockret x
jmp #loop
' Local Variable Instructions
' Load Long Var
ldll call #getadrz
mov adr, dbase
jmp #ldlong
' Store Long Var
stll call #getadrz
mov adr, dbase
jmp #stlong
' Execute Long Var
exll call #getadrz
mov adr, dbase
jmp #exoplong
' Load Address Var
la_l call #getadrz
mov x, op2
add x, dbase
jmp #pushx1
' Load Word Var
ldwl call #getadrz
mov adr, dbase
jmp #ldword
' Store Word Var
stwl call #getadrz
mov adr, dbase
jmp #stword
' Execute Word Var
exwl call #getadrz
mov adr, dbase
jmp #exopword
' Load Byte Var
ldbl call #getadrz
mov adr, dbase
jmp #ldbyte
' Store Byte Var
stbl call #getadrz
mov adr, dbase
jmp #stbyte
' Execute Byte Var
exbl call #getadrz
mov adr, dbase
jmp #exopbyte
' Compact VAR Variable Instructions
' Load Long Local Compact
ldlvc mov op2, vbase
mov adr, op
and adr, #$1c
jmp #ldlong
' Store Long Local Compact
stlvc mov adr, op
and adr, #$1c
mov op2, vbase
jmp #stlong
' Execute Long Local Compact
exlvc mov adr, op
and adr, #$1c
mov op2, vbase
jmp #exoplong
' Load Address Long Local Compact
lalvc and op, #$1c
add op, vbase
mov x, op
jmp #pushx1
' VAR Variable Instructions
' Load Long Var
ldlv call #getadrz
mov adr, vbase
jmp #ldlong
' Store Long Var
stlv call #getadrz
mov adr, vbase
jmp #stlong
' Load Word Var
ldwv call #getadrz
mov adr, vbase
jmp #ldword
' Store Word Var
stwv call #getadrz
mov adr, vbase
jmp #stword
' Load Byte Var
ldbv call #getadrz
mov adr, vbase
jmp #ldbyte
' Store Byte Var
stbv call #getadrz
mov adr, vbase
jmp #stbyte
' Execute Long Var
exlv call #getadrz
mov adr, vbase
jmp #exoplong
' Execute Word Var
exwv call #getadrz
mov adr, vbase
jmp #exopword
' Execute Byte Var
exbv call #getadrz
mov adr, vbase
jmp #exopbyte
' Load Address Var
la_v call #getadrz
mov x, op2
add x, vbase
jmp #pushx1
' Indexed Local Variable Instructions
' Load Long Local with Index
ldllx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #2
add adr, dbase
jmp #ldlong
' Store Long Local with Index
stllx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #2
add adr, dbase
jmp #stlong
' Execute Long Local with Index
exllx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #2
add adr, dbase
jmp #exoplong
' Load Address Long Local with Index
lallx call #getadrz
call #popx1
shl x, #2
add x, op2
add x, dbase
jmp #pushx1
' Load Word Local with Index
ldwlx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #1
add adr, dbase
jmp #ldword
' Store Word Local with Index
stwlx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #1
add adr, dbase
jmp #stword
' Execute Word Local with Index
exwlx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #1
add adr, dbase
jmp #exopword
' Load Address Word Local with Index
lawlx call #getadrz
call #popx1
shl x, #1
add x, op2
add x, dbase
jmp #pushx1
' Load Byte Local with Index
ldblx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
add adr, dbase
jmp #ldbyte
' Store Byte Local with Index
stblx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
add adr, dbase
jmp #stbyte
' Execute Byte Local with Index
exblx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
add adr, dbase
jmp #exopbyte
' Load Address Byte Local with Index
lablx call #getadrz
call #popx1
add x, op2
add x, dbase
jmp #pushx1
' Indexed VAR Variable Instructions
' Load Long VAR with Index
ldlvx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #2
add adr, vbase
jmp #ldlong
' Store Long VAR with Index
stlvx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #2
add adr, vbase
jmp #stlong
' Execute Long VAR with Index
exlvx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #2
add adr, vbase
jmp #exoplong
' Load Address Long VAR with Index
lalvx call #getadrz
call #popx1
shl x, #2
add x, op2
add x, vbase
jmp #pushx1
' Load Word VAR with Index
ldwvx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #1
add adr, vbase
jmp #ldword
' Store Word VAR with Index
stwvx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #1
add adr, vbase
jmp #stword
' Execute Word VAR with Index
exwvx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #1
add adr, vbase
jmp #exopword
' Load Address Word VAR with Index
lawvx call #getadrz
call #popx1
shl x, #1
add x, op2
add x, vbase
jmp #pushx1
' Load Byte VAR with Index
ldbvx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
add adr, vbase
jmp #ldbyte
' Store Byte VAR with Index
stbvx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
add adr, vbase
jmp #stbyte
' Execute Byte VAR with Index
exbvx call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
add adr, vbase
jmp #exopbyte
' Load Address Byte VAR with Index
labvx call #getadrz
call #popx1
add x, op2
add x, vbase
jmp #pushx1
' DAT Variable Instructions
' Load Word Object
ldwo call #getadrz
mov adr, pbase
jmp #ldword
' Store Word Object
stwo call #getadrz
mov adr, pbase
jmp #stword
' Execute Word Object
exwo call #getadrz
mov adr, pbase
jmp #exopword
' Load Byte Object
ldbo call #getadrz
mov adr, pbase
jmp #ldbyte
' Store Byte Object
stbo call #getadrz
mov adr, pbase
jmp #stbyte
' Execute Byte Object
exbo call #getadrz
mov adr, pbase
jmp #exopbyte
' Indexed DAT Variable Instructions
' Load Long Object with Index
ldlox call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #2
add adr, pbase
jmp #ldlong
' Store Long Object with Index
stlox call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #2
add adr, pbase
jmp #stlong
' Execute Long Object with Index
exlox call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #2
add adr, pbase
jmp #exoplong
' Load Address Long Object with Index
lalox call #getadrz
call #popx1
shl x, #2
add x, op2
add x, pbase
jmp #pushx1
' Load Word Object with Index
ldwox call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #1
add adr, pbase
jmp #ldword
' Store Word Object with Index
stwox call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #1
add adr, pbase
jmp #stword
' Execute Word Object with Index
exwox call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
shl adr, #1
add adr, pbase
jmp #exopword
' Load Address Word Object with Index
lawox call #getadrz
call #popx1
shl x, #1
add x, op2
add x, pbase
jmp #pushx1
' Execute Byte Object with Index
exbox call #getadrz
call #pop_adr
add adr, pbase
jmp #exopbyte
' Absolute Address Instructions
' Store Byte Absolute
stba call #popyx
jmp #stba1
' Store Word Absolute
stwa call #popyx
jmp #stwa1
' Store Long Absolute
stla call #popyx
jmp #stla1
' Execute Long Absolute
exla sub dcurr, #4
rdlong adr, dcurr
jmp #exoplong1
' Execute Word Absolute
exwa sub dcurr, #4
rdlong adr, dcurr
jmp #exopword1
' Execute Byte Absolute
exba sub dcurr, #4
rdlong adr, dcurr
jmp #exopbyte1
' Load Address Absolute (NOP)
la_a jmp #loop
' Absolute Address with Index Instructions
' Load Byte Absolute with Index
' Store Byte Absolute with Index
stbax call #popayx
add y, a
stba1 wrbyte x, y
jmp #loop
' Store Word Absolute with Index
stwax call #popayx
shl a, #1
add y, a
stwa1 wrword x, y
jmp #loop
' Store Long Absolute with Index
stlax call #popayx
shl a, #2
add y, a
stla1 wrlong x, y
jmp #loop
' Execute Long Absolute with Index
exlax call #popay
shl a, #2
mov adr, y
add adr, a
jmp #exoplong1
' Load Address Long Absolute with Index
lalax call #popyx
shl y, #2
add x, y
jmp #pushx1
' Execute Word Absolute with Index
exwax call #popay
shl a, #1
mov adr, y
add adr, a
jmp #exopword1
' Load Address Word Absolute with Index
lawax call #popyx
shl y, #1
add x, y
jmp #pushx1
' Execute Word Absolute with Index
exbax call #popay
mov adr, y
add adr, a
jmp #exopbyte1
' Load Address Byte Absolute with Index
labax call #popyx
add x, y
jmp #pushx1
' Extended Instructions
sexb shl x, #24
sar x, #24
jmp savex
sexw shl x, #16
sar x, #16
jmp savex
preinc add x, #1
jmp savex
predec sub x, #1
jmp savex
' Repeat-from-to-step Instruction
repeats call #popay
sub dcurr, #4
rdlong t1, dcurr
jmp #repeaty
' Repeat-from-to Instruction
call #popay 'pop data (a=to, y=from, t1=step)
mov t1, #1
repeaty call #getadrs
cmps a,y wc 'reverse range?
sumc x,t1 'add/sub step to/from var
call #range 'check if x in range y..a according to c
if_nc add pcurr,op2 'if in range, branch
mov op2, #0 'ensure we don't push to the stack
jmp savex
' Check range
' must be preceded by: cmps a,y wc
range if_c xor a,y 'if reverse range, swap range values
if_c xor y,a
if_c xor a,y
cmps x,y wc 'c=0 if x within range
if_nc cmps a,x wc
randf neg t1, #1 wz
jmp #rand1
randr mov t1, #0 wz
rand1 min x,#1
mov y,#32
mov a,#%10111
if_z ror a,#1
rand2 test x,a wc
if_nz rcr x,#1
if_z rcl x,#1
djnz y,@rand2
jmp savex
_sarx call #popy1
sar x, y
jmp savex
_mulx call #popy1
mul32 x, y
getmull x
jmp savex
_mulhx call #popy1
mul32 x, y
getmulh x
jmp savex
_addx call #popy1
add x, y
jmp savex
_subx call #popy1
sub x, y
jmp savex
_xorx call #popy1
xor x, y
jmp savex
' Math Instructions
_min call #popyx
min x, y
jmp savex
_max call #popyx
max x, y
jmp savex
_rev call #popyx
rev x, y
jmp savex
decode call #popy1
mov x, #1
shl x, y
jmp savex
encode call #popy1
mov x, #1
encode1 if_z jmp savex
add x, #1
shr y, #1 wz
jmp #encode1
_sqrt call #popx1
_sqrtx sqrt32 x
getsqrt x
jmp savex
' Extended Math Instructions
_andlx cmp x, #0 wz
jmp #_andl+1
_orlx cmp x, #0 wz
jmp #_orl+1
_cmpltx call #popy1
jmp #_cmplt+1
_cmpgtx call #popy1
jmp #_cmpgt+1
_cmpnex call #popy1
jmp #_cmpne+1
_cmpeqx call #popy1
jmp #_cmpeq+1
_cmplex call #popy1
jmp #_cmple+1
_cmpgex call #popy1
jmp #_cmpge+1
_minx call #popy1
min x, y
jmp savex
_maxx call #popy1
max x, y
jmp savex
_revx call #popy1
rev x, y
jmp savex
decodex mov y, x
jmp #decode+1
encodex mov y, x
jmp #encode+1
' This code is used when absolute address 0 is accessed
ldclkfreq mov x, ##_clkfreq
jmp #pushx1
' Trap for unsupported instructions
unsupp mov op2, #0
unsupx mov t1, ##@str1
call #putstr
mov t1, op
call #puthex
mov x, #" "
call #putch
mov t1, op2
call #puthex
mov x, #13
call #putch
cogid x
cogstop x
puthex rol t1, #28
call #puthexdigit
rol t1, #4
call #puthexdigit
puthexdigit mov x, #15
and x, t1
mov y, ##@hexdigits
add y, x
rdbyte x, y
call #putch
putstr rdbyte x, t1 wz
if_z ret
add t1, #1
call #putch
jmp #putstr
putch or x, #$100
shl x, #1
mov y, #10
getcnt a
add a, bitcycles
:loop ror x, #1 wc
'setpc #30
setpc #90
waitcnt a, bitcycles
djnz y, @:loop
str1 byte "Unsupported opcode ", 0
hexdigits byte "0123456789ABCDEF"
' Spin program binary file
testprog file "test.binary"
| TERMS OF USE: MIT License |
|Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy |
|of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal|
|in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights |
|to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell |
|copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is |
|furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: |
| |
|The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in |
|all copies or substantial portions of the Software. |
| |