339 lines
13 KiB

header file for C++ by KD8CEC
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef _UBITX_HEADER__
#define _UBITX_HEADER__
#include <Arduino.h> //for Linux, On Linux it is case sensitive.
// Compile-Time Options
// uBITX Board Version - KC4UPR: updated to v5
#define UBITX_BOARD_VERSION 5 //v1 ~ v4 : 4, v5: 5
//Depending on the type of LCD mounted on the uBITX, uncomment one of the options below.
//You must select only one.
//#define UBITX_DISPLAY_LCD1602P //LCD mounted on unmodified uBITX (Parallel)
//#define UBITX_DISPLAY_LCD1602I //I2C type 16 x 02 LCD
//#define UBITX_DISPLAY_LCD1602I_DUAL //I2C type 16 x02 LCD Dual
//#define UBITX_DISPLAY_LCD2004P //24 x 04 LCD (Parallel)
//#define UBITX_DISPLAY_LCD2004I //I2C type 24 x 04 LCD
//#define UBITX_DISPLAY_NEXTION_SAFE //Only EEProm Write 770~775
#define I2C_LCD_MASTER_ADDRESS_DEFAULT 0x27 //0x27 //DEFAULT, if Set I2C Address by uBITX Manager, read from EEProm
#define I2C_LCD_SECOND_ADDRESS_DEFAULT 0x3F //0x27 //only using Dual LCD Mode
//Select betwen Analog S-Meter and DSP (I2C) Meter
//#define EXTEND_KEY_GROUP2 //Numeric (0~9), Point(.), Enter //Not supported in Version 1.0x
//Custom LPF Filter Mod
#define FACTORY_RECOVERY_BOOTUP //Whether to enter Factory Recovery mode by pressing FKey and turning on power
#define ENABLE_ADCMONITOR //Starting with Version 1.07, you can read ADC values directly from uBITX Manager. So this function is not necessary.
extern byte I2C_LCD_MASTER_ADDRESS; //0x27 //if Set I2C Address by uBITX Manager, read from EEProm
extern byte I2C_LCD_SECOND_ADDRESS; //only using Dual LCD Mode
#define SMeterLatency 3 //1 is 0.25 sec
// User Select feather list
//Enable all features
#define FN_BAND 1 //592
#define FN_VFO_TOGGLE 1 //78
#define FN_MODE 1 //20
#define FN_RIT 1 //58
#define FN_SPLIT 1 //62
#define FN_IFSHIFT 1 //238
#define FN_ATT 1 //128
#define FN_CW_SPEED 1 //152
#define FN_VFOTOMEM 1 //254
#define FN_MEMTOVFO 1 //188
#define FN_MEMORYKEYER 1 //156
#define FN_WSPR 1 //1044
#define FN_SDRMODE 1 //68
#define FN_CALIBRATION 1 //666
#define FN_CARRIER 1 //382
#define FN_CWCARRIER 1 //346
#define FN_CWTONE 1 //148
#define FN_CWDELAY 1 //98
#define FN_TXCWDELAY 1 //94
#define FN_KEYTYPE 1 //168
#define FN_ADCMONITOR 1 //516
#define FN_TXONOFF 1 //58
//Test Configuration (88%)
#define FN_BAND 0 //592
#define FN_VFO_TOGGLE 0 //78
#define FN_MODE 0 //20
#define FN_RIT 0 //58
#define FN_SPLIT 0 //62
#define FN_IFSHIFT 0 //238
#define FN_ATT 0 //128
#define FN_CW_SPEED 1 //152
#define FN_VFOTOMEM 0 //254
#define FN_MEMTOVFO 0 //188
#define FN_MEMORYKEYER 1 //156
#define FN_WSPR 0 //1044
#define FN_SDRMODE 1 //68
#define FN_CALIBRATION 1 //666
#define FN_CARRIER 1 //382
#define FN_CWCARRIER 1 //346
#define FN_CWTONE 1 //148
#define FN_CWDELAY 1 //98
#define FN_TXCWDELAY 1 //94
#define FN_KEYTYPE 1 //168
#define FN_ADCMONITOR 1 //516
#define FN_TXONOFF 1 //58
//Recommended Character LCD Developer 87%
#define FN_BAND 1 //592
#define FN_VFO_TOGGLE 1 //78
#define FN_MODE 1 //20
#define FN_RIT 1 //58
#define FN_SPLIT 1 //62
#define FN_IFSHIFT 1 //238
#define FN_ATT 0 //128
#define FN_CW_SPEED 0 //152 //using MM
#define FN_VFOTOMEM 1 //254
#define FN_MEMTOVFO 1 //188
#define FN_MEMORYKEYER 1 //156
#define FN_WSPR 1 //1044
#define FN_SDRMODE 1 //68
#define FN_CALIBRATION 0 //667 //using MM
#define FN_CARRIER 0 //382 //using MM
#define FN_CWCARRIER 0 //346 //using MM
#define FN_CWTONE 0 //148 //using MM
#define FN_CWDELAY 0 //98 //using MM
#define FN_TXCWDELAY 0 //94 //using MM
#define FN_KEYTYPE 0 //168 //using MM
#define FN_ADCMONITOR 0 //516 //using MM
#define FN_TXONOFF 1 //58
//Recommended for Nextion, TJC LCD 88%
#define FN_BAND 1 //600
#define FN_VFO_TOGGLE 1 //90
#define FN_MODE 1 //318
#define FN_RIT 1 //62
#define FN_SPLIT 1 //2
#define FN_IFSHIFT 1 //358
#define FN_ATT 1 //250
#define FN_CW_SPEED 0 //286
#define FN_VFOTOMEM 0 //276
#define FN_MEMTOVFO 0 //234
#define FN_MEMORYKEYER 1 //168
#define FN_WSPR 1 //1130
#define FN_SDRMODE 1 //70
#define FN_CALIBRATION 0 //790
#define FN_CARRIER 0 //500
#define FN_CWCARRIER 0 //464
#define FN_CWTONE 0 //158
#define FN_CWDELAY 0 //108
#define FN_TXCWDELAY 0 //106
#define FN_KEYTYPE 0 //294
#define FN_ADCMONITOR 0 //526 //not available with Nextion or Serial UI
#define FN_TXONOFF 1 //70
// End of User Select Mode and Compil options
#define USE_I2C_LCD
#elif defined(UBITX_DISPLAY_LCD1602I_DUAL)
#define USE_I2C_LCD
#elif defined(UBITX_DISPLAY_LCD2004I)
#define USE_I2C_LCD
#elif defined(UBITX_CONTROL_MCU)
// Hardware, Define PIN Usage
* We need to carefully pick assignment of pin for various purposes.
* There are two sets of completely programmable pins on the Raduino.
* First, on the top of the board, in line with the LCD connector is an 8-pin connector
* that is largely meant for analog inputs and front-panel control. It has a regulated 5v output,
* ground and six pins. Each of these six pins can be individually programmed
* either as an analog input, a digital input or a digital output.
* The pins are assigned as follows (left to right, display facing you):
* Pin 1 (Violet), A7, SPARE => Analog S-Meter
* Pin 2 (Blue), A6, KEYER (DATA)
* Pin 3 (Green), +5v
* Pin 4 (Yellow), Gnd
* Pin 5 (Orange), A3, PTT
* Pin 6 (Red), A2, F BUTTON
* Pin 7 (Brown), A1, ENC B
* Pin 8 (Black), A0, ENC A
*Note: A5, A4 are wired to the Si5351 as I2C interface
* *
* Though, this can be assigned anyway, for this application of the Arduino, we will make the following
* assignment
* A2 will connect to the PTT line, which is the usually a part of the mic connector
* A3 is connected to a push button that can momentarily ground this line. This will be used for RIT/Bandswitching, etc.
* A6 is to implement a keyer, it is reserved and not yet implemented
* A7 is connected to a center pin of good quality 100K or 10K linear potentiometer with the two other ends connected to
* ground and +5v lines available on the connector. This implments the tuning mechanism
#define ENC_A (A0)
#define ENC_B (A1)
#define FBUTTON (A2)
#define PTT (A3) // 8?
#define DIGITAL_KEY (A3) // 8?
#define DIGITAL_DOT (12)
#define DIGITAL_DASH (11)
#define ANALOG_KEYER (A6)
#define ANALOG_SPARE (A7)
#define ANALOG_SMETER (A7) //by KD8CEC
* The second set of 16 pins on the Raduino's bottom connector are have the three clock outputs and the digital lines to control the rig.
* This assignment is as follows :
* Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
* These too are flexible with what you may do with them, for the Raduino, we use them to :
* - TX_RX line : Switches between Transmit and Receive after sensing the PTT or the morse keyer
* - CW_KEY line : turns on the carrier for CW
#define TX_RX (7) //Relay
#define CW_TONE (6)
#define TX_LPF_A (5) //Relay
#define TX_LPF_B (4) //Relay
#define TX_LPF_C (3) //Relay
#define CW_KEY (2)
//DSP (I2C) Meter
//S-Meter Address
#define I2CMETER_ADDR 0x58
//VALUE TYPE============================================
#define I2CMETER_CALCS 0x59 //Calculated Signal Meter
#define I2CMETER_UNCALCS 0x58 //Uncalculated Signal Meter
#define I2CMETER_CALCP 0x57 //Calculated Power Meter
#define I2CMETER_UNCALCP 0x56 //UnCalculated Power Meter
#define I2CMETER_CALCR 0x55 //Calculated SWR Meter
#define I2CMETER_UNCALCR 0x54 //Uncalculated SWR Meter
// for public, Variable, functions
#define TX_SSB 0
#define TX_CW 1
#define printLineF1(x) (printLineF(1, x))
#define printLineF2(x) (printLineF(0, x))
//0x00 : None, 0x01 : MODE, 0x02:BAND+, 0x03:BAND-, 0x04:TUNE_STEP, 0x05:VFO Toggle, 0x06:SplitOn/Off, 0x07:TX/ON-OFF, 0x08:SDR Mode On / Off, 0x09:Rit Toggle
#define FKEY_PRESS 0x78
#define FKEY_MODE 0x01
#define FKEY_BANDUP 0x02
#define FKEY_BANDDOWN 0x03
#define FKEY_STEP 0x04
#define FKEY_VFOCHANGE 0x05
#define FKEY_SPLIT 0x06
#define FKEY_TXOFF 0x07
#define FKEY_SDRMODE 0x08
#define FKEY_RIT 0x09
#define FKEY_ENTER 0x0A
#define FKEY_POINT 0x0B
#define FKEY_DELETE 0x0C
#define FKEY_CANCEL 0x0D
#define FKEY_NUM0 0x10
#define FKEY_NUM1 0x11
#define FKEY_NUM2 0x12
#define FKEY_NUM3 0x13
#define FKEY_NUM4 0x14
#define FKEY_NUM5 0x15
#define FKEY_NUM6 0x16
#define FKEY_NUM7 0x17
#define FKEY_NUM8 0x18
#define FKEY_NUM9 0x19
#define FKEY_TYPE_MAX 0x1F
extern uint8_t SI5351BX_ADDR; //change typical -> variable at Version 1.097, address read from eeprom, default value is 0x60
//EEProm Address : 63
extern unsigned long frequency;
extern byte WsprMSGCount;
extern byte sMeterLevels[9];
extern int currentSMeter; //ADC Value for S.Meter
extern byte scaledSMeter; //Calculated S.Meter Level
extern byte KeyValues[16][3]; //Set : Start Value, End Value, Key Type, 16 Set (3 * 16 = 48)
extern byte TriggerBySW; //Action Start from Nextion LCD, Other MCU
extern void printLine1(const char *c);
extern void printLine2(const char *c);
extern void printLineF(char linenmbr, const __FlashStringHelper *c);
extern void printLineFromEEPRom(char linenmbr, char lcdColumn, byte eepromStartIndex, byte eepromEndIndex, char offsetType);
extern byte delay_background(unsigned delayTime, byte fromType);
extern int btnDown(void);
extern char c[30];
extern char b[30];
extern int enc_read(void);
extern void si5351bx_init(void);
extern void si5351bx_setfreq(uint8_t clknum, uint32_t fout);
extern void si5351_set_calibration(int32_t cal);
extern void initOscillators(void);
extern void Set_WSPR_Param(void);
extern void TXSubFreq(unsigned long P2);
extern void startTx(byte txMode, byte isDisplayUpdate);
extern void stopTx(void);
extern void setTXFilters(unsigned long freq);
extern void SendWSPRManage(void);
extern char byteToChar(byte srcByte);
extern void DisplayCallsign(byte callSignLength);
extern void DisplayVersionInfo(const char* fwVersionInfo);
//I2C Signal Meter, Version 1.097
extern int GetI2CSmeterValue(int valueType); //ubitx_ui.ino
#endif //end of if header define