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@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
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<title>1.1 GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain</title>
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<h1>1.1 GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain</h1>
Arm maintains a GCC cross-compiler available as binaries that run on Linux and
Windows.<br>It is available on their
<a href="https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/developer-tools/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm">
arm developer site</a>.
<h2>Installation on Windows</h2>
So far there are only win32 versions available for download either as
<b>.exe</b> installers or <b>.zip</b> archives. File naming convention helps to
identify the type of release (preview, major or update).
By default each release installs to its own directory instead of upgrading the
previous one. This way several releases can coexist and you can select which
one you use for a specific project. One downside to this is that the directory
and filename convention is heavy. For practical use, you need to configure an
IDE or encapsulate those paths and names in <b>Makefile</b> variables.
### Build environment selection
GCCDIR = "D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"
BINPFX = $(GCCDIR)/bin/arm-none-eabi-
CC = $(BINPFX)gcc
### Build rules
.PHONY: version
$(CC) --version
<li> <b>GCCDIR</b> holds the path to the folder where the toolchain is installed.
When I install a new release, I need to update this path.
<li> All the commands to build are located in one <b>bin</b> subfolder and they
share the same name prefix <b>arm-none-eabi-</b>. So I have created a
<b>BINPFX</b> to easily identify the commands.
$ make
"D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-m
ingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc --version
arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe (Arm GNU Toolchain 13.3.Rel1 (Build arm-13.24)) 13.3.1 202
Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
<h2>Installation on Linux</h2>
Installation on Linux means downloading the Linux x86_64 tarball and extracting
it. I use the <b>~/Packages</b> folder for this type of distribution. This
means that the <b>Makefile</b> on Linux will be the same as the Windows one
except for the value of the <b>GCCDIR</b> variable.
GCCDIR = $(HOME)/Packages/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi
By selecting the path based on the development environment, there is no need
to make changes while switching between OS. <b>Gmake</b> has the built-in
variable <b>MAKE_HOST</b> that can be tested for this.
### Build environment selection
ifeq (linux, $(findstring linux, $(MAKE_HOST)))
GCCDIR = $(HOME)/Packages/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi
GCCDIR = "D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"
BINPFX = $(GCCDIR)/bin/arm-none-eabi-
CC = $(BINPFX)gcc
### Build rules
.PHONY: version
$(CC) --version
I use the path prefix <b>$(HOME)/Packages</b> instead of <b>~/Packages</b> when
defining <b>GCCDIR</b> as some sub-processes called by <i>gmake</i> may have
issues with <b>~</b> expansion (in this case <i>ld</i>). This way <i>gmake</i>
will handle the expansion before calling the sub-processes.
<h2>Toolchains chain of events</h2>
In order to generate a file that can be loaded in the micro-controller, I
need to sketch the chain of events that will take place.
<li> <b>Compile</b> source codes (<b>.c</b>) to object modules (<b>.o</b>)
<li> <b>Link</b> all the object modules (<b>.o</b>) together into an
executable (<b>.elf</b>)
<li> <b>Convert</b> the executable (<b>.elf</b>) into a format suitable for
loading or flashing (<b>.bin</b> or <b>.hex</b>).
<h3>1. Compile</h3>
<b>Gmake</b> has default rules to built <b>.o</b> files out of <b>.c</b> files.
As I have already defined with <b>CC</b> the command to compile, I can make a
simple test of this step by creating an empty <b>.c</b> file and checking what
happens when I try to compile it.
$ touch empty.c
$ make empty.o
"D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-m
ingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -o empty.o empty.c
Compilation is succesful and <b>empty.o</b> file is generated.
<h3>2. Link</h3>
To link the object module generated in the first step, I need to
<li> specify the command to link (<b>ld</b>)
<li> provide the name of a link script
<li> create a rule that calls the linker to generate an executable <b>.elf</b>
file from the object module <b>.o</b> file.
There are sample link scripts that come with the toolchain, they are located
in the subfolder <b>share/gcc-arm-none-eabi/samples/ldscripts</b>. For now I can
use the simplest script: <b>mem.ld</b>.
### Build environment selection
ifeq (linux, $(findstring linux, $(MAKE_HOST)))
GCCDIR = $(HOME)/Packages/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi
GCCDIR = "D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"
BINPFX = $(GCCDIR)/bin/arm-none-eabi-
CC = $(BINPFX)gcc
LD = $(BINPFX)ld
LD_SCRIPT = $(GCCDIR)/share/gcc-arm-none-eabi/samples/ldscripts/mem.ld
### Build rules
%.elf: %.o
$(LD) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) -o $@ $<
$ make empty.elf
"D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-m
ingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"/bin/arm-none-eabi-ld -T"D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU
Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"
/share/gcc-arm-none-eabi/samples/ldscripts/mem.ld -o empty.elf empty.o
Link terminates successfully and creates <b>empty.elf</b>.
<h3>3. Convert</h3>
Finally, I use the command <b>objcopy</b> to convert the executable <b>.elf</b>
file into binary or intel hex format suitable to load in the micro-controller.
### Build environment selection
ifeq (linux, $(findstring linux, $(MAKE_HOST)))
GCCDIR = $(HOME)/Packages/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi
GCCDIR = "D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"
BINPFX = $(GCCDIR)/bin/arm-none-eabi-
CC = $(BINPFX)gcc
LD = $(BINPFX)ld
OBJCOPY = $(BINPFX)objcopy
LD_SCRIPT = $(GCCDIR)/share/gcc-arm-none-eabi/samples/ldscripts/mem.ld
### Build rules
%.elf: %.o
$(LD) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) -o $@ $<
%.bin: %.elf
$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
%.hex: %.elf
$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $< $@
Now, if I start in a directory that contains only this <b>Makefile</b> and an
empty <b>empty.c</b> file, I can successfully build.
$ make empty.bin empty.hex
"D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-m
ingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -o empty.o empty.c
"D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-m
ingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"/bin/arm-none-eabi-ld -T"D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU
Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"
/share/gcc-arm-none-eabi/samples/ldscripts/mem.ld -o empty.elf empty.o
"D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-m
ingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary empty.elf empty
"D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-m
ingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex empty.elf empty.h
rm empty.o empty.elf
Notice that <b>gmake</b> automatically removes the intermediary <b>.o</b> and
<b>.elf</b> files on completion.
The generated <b>empty.bin</b> is empty.
<h2>Cleaning up</h2>
I want to keep the output of the build easy to understand without the clutter
of the long command names. Also I need a way to clean the working directory
back to its initial state.
<li>By prefixing <b>BINPFX</b> with <i>@</i>, commands will not be displayed by
<i>gmake</i> when they are executed. Adding an <b>echo</b> of the command
target in the rules helps to keep track of the build progression.
<li>A new <b>clean</b> rule will remove all generated files.
### Build environment selection
ifeq (linux, $(findstring linux, $(MAKE_HOST)))
GCCDIR = $(HOME)/Packages/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi
GCCDIR = "D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"
BINPFX = @$(GCCDIR)/bin/arm-none-eabi-
CC = $(BINPFX)gcc
LD = $(BINPFX)ld
OBJCOPY = $(BINPFX)objcopy
LD_SCRIPT = $(GCCDIR)/share/gcc-arm-none-eabi/samples/ldscripts/mem.ld
### Build rules
.PHONY: clean
@echo CLEAN
@rm -f *.o *.elf *.bin *.hex
%.elf: %.o
@echo $@
$(LD) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) -o $@ $<
%.bin: %.elf
@echo $@
$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
%.hex: %.elf
@echo $@
$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $< $@
$ make clean
$ make empty.bin empty.hex
rm empty.o empty.elf
At this stage, I have a working toolchain and I am able to build from an empty
source file (<b>empty.c</b>) to an empty binary file (<b>empty.bin</b>).
<a href="12_bootstrap.html">Next</a>, I will select a micro-controller
from the STM32 family and generate a binary file that it can execute.
<hr>© 2020-2024 Renaud Fivet

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<title>1.2 Bootstrap</title>
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<h1>1.2 Bootstrap</h1>
<h2>Revising the link script</h2>
To validate the toolchain, I picked up <b>mem.ld</b>, the simplest sample link
script, and used it as it is.
/* Linker script to configure memory regions.
* Need modifying for a specific board.
* FLASH.ORIGIN: starting address of flash
* FLASH.LENGTH: length of flash
* RAM.ORIGIN: starting address of RAM bank 0
* RAM.LENGTH: length of RAM bank 0
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x0, LENGTH = 0x20000 /* 128K */
RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 0x2000 /* 8K */
It needs to be modified with actual flash and ram locations and sizes.
Also this link script does not contain any information for the linker to know
how to locate the output of the C compiler. Code, constant data and initial
value of variables need to be located in flash, variables and stack need to be
located in ram. I need a better link script that specify all of that.
<b>nokeep.ld</b> in the sample scripts folder is the one I need.
/* Linker script to configure memory regions.
* Need modifying for a specific board.
* FLASH.ORIGIN: starting address of flash
* FLASH.LENGTH: length of flash
* RAM.ORIGIN: starting address of RAM bank 0
* RAM.LENGTH: length of RAM bank 0
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x0, LENGTH = 0x20000 /* 128K */
RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 0x2000 /* 8K */
/* Linker script to place sections and symbol values. Should be used together
* with other linker script that defines memory regions FLASH and RAM.
* It references following symbols, which must be defined in code:
* Reset_Handler : Entry of reset handler
* It defines following symbols, which code can use without definition:
* __exidx_start
* __exidx_end
* __StackTop
* __stack
From this snippet I can see that not only flash and ram parameters but also
the entry point for code execution, <b>Reset_Handler</b>, needs to be provided.
As a check, lets change the link script to <b>nokeep.ld</b> in <b>Makefile</b>
and generate an executable <b>.elf</b> from the empty source code file
LD_SCRIPT = $(GCCDIR)/share/gcc-arm-none-eabi/samples/ldscripts/nokeep.ld
$ make empty.elf
D:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain\arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mi
ngw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi\bin\arm-none-eabi-ld.exe: warning: cannot find entry
symbol Reset_Handler; defaulting to 00000000
rm empty.o
The linker gives a warning and fallback on a default address as entry point.
So lets create <b>boot.c</b> with an idle loop as <b>Reset_Handler</b>:
void Reset_Handler( void) {
for( ;;) ;
In order to better understand the output of the link phase, I make the
following changes to the <b>Makefile</b>:
<li> Add debug information by passing the <b>-g</b> flag to the C compiler.
<li> Call the linker with the flags <b>-Map=$*.map -cref</b> to produce a link
map that also includes a cross reference table.
<li> List the size of the sections by using the <b>size</b> command.
<li> call <b>objdump -hS</b> to generate a disassembly listing that includes a
list of the sections and makes use of the debug info to mix C source with
assembly code.
<li> Insure that the <b>clean</b> rule removes the newly generated <b>.map</b> and
<b>.lst</b> files.
OBJDUMP = $(BINPFX)objdump
SIZE = $(BINPFX)size
@echo CLEAN
@rm -f *.o *.elf *.map *.lst *.bin *.hex
%.elf: %.o
@echo $@
$(LD) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) -Map=$*.map -cref -o $@ $<
$(SIZE) $@
$(OBJDUMP) -hS $@ > $*.lst
$ make boot.elf
text data bss dec hex filename
12 0 0 12 c boot.elf
rm boot.o
I can see that this build results in 12 bytes of code in the text section.
More details can be found in the <b>boot.map</b> and <b>boot.lst</b> files.
<h2>Targeting the STM32F030F4P6</h2>
To be able to build a boot code that could bootstrap a board equipped with a
STM32F030F4P6, I need to know the following about this micro-controller:
<li> <b>Core</b>: Arm 32 bit <b>Cortex-M0</b> CPU.
<li> 16KB <b>Flash</b> located at 0x08000000.
<li> 4KB <b>Ram</b> located at 0x20000000.
I make a copy of the sample <b>nokeep.ld</b> link script in my working folder
under the name <b>f030f4.ld</b> and change the <b>MEMORY</b> region accordingly.
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 16K
RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 4K
The <b>Makefile</b> needs the following changes:
<li> Specify <b>f030f4.ld</b> as the link script
<li> C compiler flags to generate thumb Cortex-M0 code.
<li> Request the C compiler to generate extra warning and optimize for size.
CPU = -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m0
CFLAGS = $(CPU) -g -Wall -Wextra -Os
LD_SCRIPT = f030f4.ld
At boot time, the Arm core fetches the initial address of the stack pointer
and the address where to start execution from the first two entries of its
interrupt routine table. I have to modify <b>boot.c</b> to initialize such a
table in accord with the symbols defined in the link script.
/* Memory locations defined by linker script */
extern long __StackTop ; /* &__StackTop points after end of stack */
void Reset_Handler( void) ; /* Entry point for execution */
/* Interrupt vector table:
* 1 Stack Pointer reset value
* 15 System Exceptions
* NN Device specific Interrupts
typedef void (*isr_p)( void) ;
isr_p const isr_vector[ 2] __attribute__((section(".isr_vector"))) = {
(isr_p) &__StackTop,
/* System Exceptions */
} ;
void Reset_Handler( void) {
for( ;;) ;
<b>__StackTop</b> is defined by the linker script and is located after the end
of the RAM. I use the GNU C extension <b>__attribute__()</b> to name the section
where I want the interrupt vector to be included. If you check the linker
script you will see that it places <b>.isr_vector</b> at the start of the
<b>text</b> area which is located at the beginning of the flash memory. I chose
to name the interrupt vector table <b>isr_vector</b> to match the section name
<b>.isr_vector</b>, but it is really the section name that matters here.
$ make boot.hex
text data bss dec hex filename
10 0 0 10 a boot.elf
rm boot.elf boot.o
A build produces 10 bytes of code, I can check the disassembly in the
<b>boot.lst</b> file.
Disassembly of section .text:
08000000 &lt;isr_vector>:
8000000: 00 10 00 20 09 00 00 08 ... ....
08000008 &lt;Reset_Handler>:
/* System Exceptions */
} ;
void Reset_Handler( void) {
for( ;;) ;
8000008: e7fe b.n 8000008 &lt;Reset_Handler>
<li> The interrupt vector table is at address <b>0x08000000</b>, the beginning
of the flash.
<li> Its first entry, the initial stack pointer value, is the address
<b>0x20001000</b>, which is the first location after the end of the 4K RAM.
<li> Its next entry is <b>0x08000009</b>. I expect <b>0x08000008</b> here, as
this is the first location after the small interrupt vector table I created.
The lowest bit is set to 1 to mark that it is indeed the address of an interrupt
routine. So the value is correct even if an odd address value is not possible
for an opcode location.
<li> Finally, I found the code for our idle loop at <b>0x08000008</b> as
I have built a first executable targeting a member of the STM32 family.
<a href="13_flash.html">Next</a>, I will take a board with a STM32F030F4P6 and
check if the code generated behaves as expected.
Below is the <b>Makefile</b> for reference. If you happen to cut&paste from this
web page to a file, remember that <b><i>gmake</i></b> expects rules to be tab
### Build environment selection
ifeq (linux, $(findstring linux, $(MAKE_HOST)))
GCCDIR = $(HOME)/Packages/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi
GCCDIR = "D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"
BINPFX = @$(GCCDIR)/bin/arm-none-eabi-
CC = $(BINPFX)gcc
LD = $(BINPFX)ld
OBJCOPY = $(BINPFX)objcopy
OBJDUMP = $(BINPFX)objdump
SIZE = $(BINPFX)size
CPU = -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m0
CFLAGS = $(CPU) -g -Wall -Wextra -Os
LD_SCRIPT = f030f4.ld
### Build rules
.PHONY: clean
@echo CLEAN
@rm -f *.o *.elf *.map *.lst *.bin *.hex
%.elf: %.o
@echo $@
$(LD) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) -Map=$*.map -cref -o $@ $<
$(SIZE) $@
$(OBJDUMP) -hS $@ > $*.lst
%.bin: %.elf
@echo $@
$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
%.hex: %.elf
@echo $@
$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $< $@
<hr>© 2020-2024 Renaud Fivet

docs/13_flash.html Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>1.3 Flash Boot Debug</title>
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<h1>1.3 Flash Boot Debug</h1>
Now that I have an executable bootstrap, I need to flash an actual board
with it to check if it works as expected. On a member of the STM32F030
family, there are two options for flashing:
<li> Use the Software Debug (<b>SWD</b>) interface with a ST-Link adapter and an
utility software to flash.
<li> Use the serial interface to communicate with the boot loader in System
Memory via an USB to serial adapter.
As the bootstrap code I want to test does nothing except giving control
to an idle loop, I will need extra debugging on top of the flashing
functionality, so the SWD interface is a must for what I want to achieve
<h3>1. SWD interface</h3>
Arm Serial Wire Debug Port (<b>SW-DP</b>) is provided as a two wire interface.
On the STM32F030, the functionality is activated at reset on two pins
(PA13=SWCLK, PA14=SWDIO). Most boards available online have pre-soldered
pins for Vcc=3.3V, Gnd, SWCLK and SWDIO.
<h3>2. ST-Link v2</h3>
ST-Link is an in-circuit debugger/programmer for the STM8 and STM32
chipsets. There are three versions of the product as well as mini
versions. STM32 Discovery and Nucleo boards have an onboard ST-Link v2.
I am using ST-Link v2 mini clones. For simple use cases, the ST-Link can
provide power to the board to flash or test.
<img src="img/13_stlink.png"
alt="ST-Link v2 mini clone connected to STM32F030F4P6 based board">
<h3>3. STM32 Cube Programmer</h3>
Referenced as
<a href="https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/development-tools/software-development-tools/stm32-software-development-tools/stm32-programmers/stm32cubeprog.html">
on STMicroelectronics website, the STM32 Cube Programmer comes with USB
drivers and a firmware upgrade utility for the ST-Link. Its a java
based application with available distribution for Win32, Win64, Mac and Linux.
There are regular updates to support the latest chipsets. I am currently
using version v2.17.0.
<h2>Roadtesting the Bootstrap</h2>
First I activate the connection in the programmer.
14:37:31 : STM32CubeProgrammer API v2.17.0 | Windows-64Bits
14:37:38 : UR connection mode is defined with the HWrst reset mode
14:37:38 : ST-LINK SN : 55FF6B065177495619420887
14:37:38 : ST-LINK FW : V2J45S7
14:37:38 : Board : --
14:37:38 : Voltage : 3.27V
14:37:38 : SWD freq : 4000 KHz
14:37:38 : Connect mode: Hot Plug
14:37:38 : Reset mode : Software reset
14:37:38 : Device ID : 0x444
14:37:38 : Revision ID : Rev 1.0
14:37:38 : Debug in Low Power mode is not supported for this device.
14:37:39 : Bank : 0x00
14:37:39 : Address : 0x1ffff800
14:37:39 : Size : 16 Bytes
14:37:39 : UPLOADING ...
14:37:39 : Size : 1024 Bytes
14:37:39 : Address : 0x8000000
14:37:39 : Read progress:
14:37:39 : Data read successfully
14:37:39 : Time elapsed during the read operation is: 00:00:00.007
Then program and verify the bootstrap code. Either binary, Intel hex or
Motorola S rec format are supported. Our <b>Makefile</b> as rules for binary
and Intel hex, <b><i>objcopy</i></b> also support Motorola S record as an output
format. Last build produced <b>boot.hex</b>.
14:40:24 : Memory Programming ...
14:40:24 : Opening and parsing file: boot.hex
14:40:24 : File : boot.hex
14:40:24 : Size : 10.00 B
14:40:24 : Address : 0x08000000
14:40:24 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:
14:40:24 : Erasing internal memory sector 0
14:40:24 : Download in Progress:
14:40:24 : File download complete
14:40:24 : Time elapsed during download operation: 00:00:00.130
14:40:24 : Verifying ...
14:40:24 : Read progress:
14:40:24 : Download verified successfully
14:40:24 : RUNNING Program ...
14:40:24 : Address: : 0x08000000
14:40:24 : Application is running, Please Hold on...
14:40:24 : Start operation achieved successfully
Finally check the registers in the MCU Core Panel:
MSP: 0x20001000
PC: 0x8000008
After reset, the stack pointer has been initialized and the program
counter is on the idle loop under execution.
If I check the Programming Manual
<a href="https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/search.html#q=PM0215-t=resources-page=1">
PM0215 <i>STM32F0 series Cortex-M0 programming manual</i></a>, I can
read the following about the registers <b>MSP</b> and <b>PC</b>:
Stack pointer (SP) register R13
In Thread mode, bit[1] of the CONTROL register indicates the stack
pointer to use:
● 0: Main Stack Pointer (MSP)(reset value). On reset, the processor
loads the MSP with the value from address 0x00000000.
● 1: Process Stack Pointer (PSP).
Program counter (PC) register R15
Contains the current program address. On reset, the processor loads the PC
with the value of the reset vector, which is at address 0x00000004.
Bit[0] of the value is loaded into the EPSR T-bit at reset and must be 1.
- According to this, initial values for <b>MSP</b> and <b>PC</b> registers are
fetched from address <b>0x00000000</b> and <b>0x00000004</b> respectively, but
I have located the isr table at the beginning of the Flash memory at
address <b>0x08000000</b>! This works because the memory space at address 0
is a mirror of another memory area. Which area is mirrored depends of
the state of the <b>BOOT0</b> pin. On the board I am testing, there is a
jumper to select either Flash or System memory by setting the state of
the <b>BOOT0</b> pin to high or low.
- The <b>ESPR T-bit</b>, mentioned in the description of the <b>PC</b>
register is the Thumb bit. As I highlighted before when I checked the
output of our first build, bit 0 of the second entry in our isr table is
set to 1 as requested by this specification.
I used the Serial Wire Debug (SWD) interface to flash and debug our bootstrap
in an actual board using a ST-Link hardware adapter and STM32 Cube Programmer
<a href="14_ledon.html">Next</a>, I will provide feedback of execution directly
through the board.
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<h1>1.4 User LED ON</h1>
Turning the user LED on is the simplest direct feedback you can get from
a board. Most boards you can buy online have two LEDs: power and user.
In order to know where the user LED is connected and how to drive it on,
you need to know the board you are developing for.
<h2>Meet your board</h2>
The board I am using is made by VCC-GND Studio and its specifications
can be found
<a href="https://stm32-base.org/boards/STM32F030F4P6-VCC-GND.html">here</a>.
Taking a look at the schematics I can see that the user LED is connected to
GPIO B1 and will turn on when that pin is driven low.
<img alt="user LED connected to GPIO B1" src="img/14_ledpb1.png">
This board is based on the micro-controller STM32F030F4P6, so let's
learn about its implementation of GPIOs.
<h2>Know your chipset</h2>
From the datasheet
<a href="https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/search.html#q=DS9773-t=resources-page=1">
I learn that pin 14 of the 20 pin package defaults as PB1 after reset.
It's a 3.3V tolerant I/O pin and can be configured either as an output,
an input or one of several alternate functions. The GPIO peripherals are
connected on the AHB2 Bus which means that they can be controlled
through their registers visible in the AHB2 sub-range of the Peripherals
range of address. For GPIO B, that means the address range 0x48000400 to
Diving in the reference manual
<a href="https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/search.html#q=%20RM0360-t=resources-page=1">
I find the layout of the GPIO B registers and their initial state plus
the info that peripheral clocks need to be enabled through the Reset and
Clock Controller (<b>RCC</b>) connected on the AHB1 bus. So I need to activate
the clocks of GPIO B through the RCC before I can access its registers.
To turn the user LED on, I need to
<li> Enable the clock of GPIO B
<li> Configure B1 mode as an output by selecting mode 01
<li> Configure B1 type as a push-pull, which is the reset value (0)
<li> Set B1 value to 0, which is the reset value (0)
<h2>Code and Build</h2>
I start by making a copy of <b>boot.c</b> into <b>ledon.c</b> and rework the
<b>Reset_Handler</b> to light up the LED before entering the idle loop.
/* Memory locations defined by linker script */
extern long __StackTop ; /* &__StackTop points after end of stack */
void Reset_Handler( void) ; /* Entry point for execution */
/* Interrupt vector table:
* 1 Stack Pointer reset value
* 15 System Exceptions
* NN Device specific Interrupts
typedef void (*isr_p)( void) ;
isr_p const isr_vector[ 2] __attribute__((section(".isr_vector"))) = {
(isr_p) &__StackTop,
/* System Exceptions */
} ;
#define RCC ((volatile long *) 0x40021000)
#define RCC_AHBENR RCC[ 5]
#define RCC_AHBENR_IOPBEN 0x00040000 /* 18: I/O port B clock enable */
#define GPIOB ((volatile long *) 0x48000400)
void Reset_Handler( void) {
/* User LED ON */
RCC_AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_IOPBEN ; /* Enable IOPB periph */
GPIOB_MODER |= 1 << (1 * 2) ; /* PB1 Output [01], over default 00 */
/* OTYPER Push-Pull by default */
/* PB1 output default LOW at reset */
for( ;;) ;
- I use the C preprocessor to specify the mapping of the peripheral
- The naming convention is from the Reference Manual, the address
locations from the Data Sheet.
- Registers are indicated as <b>volatile</b> as they may change out of the code
control, this way the compiler will avoid optimizations based on known states.
To build I just request the format I need, either <b>.bin</b> or <b>.hex</b>.
$ make ledon.hex
text data bss dec hex filename
40 0 0 40 28 ledon.elf
rm ledon.elf ledon.o
Once the board has been flashed with this code, the user LED lights up
at reset. It turns out to be blue. &#x1F60E;
<img alt="User LED on" src="img/14_ledon.png">
I covered the basic of GPIO output programming by turning the user LED
<a href="15_blink.html">Next</a>, I will implement the classic blinking
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<h1>1.5 Blinking user LED</h1>
Turning the user LED on shows that the board is alive, making it blink
shows that it has a pulse!&nbsp; A steady power LED with a pulsing user LED is
easy to interpret.
As I already manage to turn the LED on, making it blink is quite
<h2>Code and build</h2>
I make a copy of <b>ledon.c</b> into <b>blink.c</b> and modify it as follow:
<li>Introduce the Output Data Register (<b>ODR</b>) of <b>GPIOB</b> peripheral
to the compiler as <b>GPIOB_ODR</b>. This is where the pin state is programmed.
<li>Modify the idle loop to toggle PB1 after a delay. The delay is coded
as an active wait loop on decrementing a counter.
/* Memory locations defined by linker script */
extern long __StackTop ; /* &__StackTop points after end of stack */
void Reset_Handler( void) ; /* Entry point for execution */
/* Interrupt vector table:
* 1 Stack Pointer reset value
* 15 System Exceptions
* NN Device specific Interrupts
typedef void (*isr_p)( void) ;
isr_p const isr_vector[ 2] __attribute__((section(".isr_vector"))) = {
(isr_p) &__StackTop,
/* System Exceptions */
} ;
#define RCC ((volatile long *) 0x40021000)
#define RCC_AHBENR RCC[ 5]
#define RCC_AHBENR_IOPBEN 0x00040000 /* 18: I/O port B clock enable */
#define GPIOB ((volatile long *) 0x48000400)
#define GPIOB_ODR GPIOB[ 5]
void Reset_Handler( void) {
int delay ;
/* User LED ON */
RCC_AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_IOPBEN ; /* Enable IOPB periph */
GPIOB_MODER |= 1 << (1 * 2) ; /* PB1 Output [01], over default 00 */
/* OTYPER Push-Pull by default */
/* PB1 output default LOW at reset */
/* User LED blink */
for( ;;) {
for( delay = 1000000 ; delay ; delay--) ; /* delay between toggling */
GPIOB_ODR ^= 1 << 1 ; /* toggle PB1 (User LED) */
I set the value of the delay counter at one million. By default the
internal clock is set to 8MHz at reset, which means the delay will still
be less than one second.
$ make blink.hex
text data bss dec hex filename
68 0 0 68 44 blink.elf
rm blink.o blink.elf
As the <a href="vid/15_blink.mp4">video</a> shows, the delay is roughly
600ms. I captured three on/off transitions in this three second video, looking
through the frames gives me a better estimation.
This is just a small increment on my previous step, but thats iterative
development in a nutshell. Also I didn't come with a reasonable value
for the delay counter at first, it's easy to underestimate how fast
micro-controllers are.
<a href="16_ledtick.html">Next</a>, interrupt driven blinking, because
active wait delay is just not cool.
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<h1>1.6 The Tick</h1>
<img alt="Its blue! It blinks! Its the Tick!" src="img/16_tick.png">
In previous iteration, I made the user LED blink using an active delay
loop. I have two issues with this implementation:
<li> Its hard to control the delay timing accurately
<li> Active loops are not cool
So I am going to call in some serious reinforcement, which means one of
the Arm Core Peripherals: the System Tick.
What the System Tick does is very similar to my active delay loop as
can be seen from the following pseudo-code.
while( enabled) {
if( --current_value == 0) {
current_value = reload_value ;
countflag = true ;
if( interrupt_enabled)
SysTick_Handler() ;
Its an auto decremented counter that reloads and sets a flag when
reaching zero. It can trigger a system interrupt if requested to. Its
default clock is the processor clock and can be switched to external
clock. Details can be found in the Programming Manual as this is part of
Arm Core.
<h2>Code, build and test</h2>
I copy <b>blink.c</b> into <b>ledtick.c</b> to make the following
<li> Expand the interrupt vector to make room for all 15 System Exceptions
from <b>Reset_Handler</b> to <b>SysTick_Handler</b>.
<li> Introduce the <b>SysTick</b> core peripheral to the compiler, using
pre-processor macroes to give the location of SysTick registers. As this
is a core peripheral, its in a different address space than the
peripherals I have seen so far.
<li> Start the <b>Reset_Handler</b> by initializing and enabling the System
Tick. The reload value register is initialized with a constant based on
the internal clock value divided by 8. As I want one tick per second and
the default internal clock is 8 MHz, SysTick will have to count one
million steps, from 999999 to 0. So the reload value is 999999.
<li> Create the <b>SysTick_Handler</b> interrupt routine which toggles GPIO
<li> Replace the previous active delay loop by a <b>cool</b> idle loop.
Instead of doing nothing actively, I instruct the processor to wait for
interrupt, which means it will suspend until waked up by the SysTick.
This is one way to lower power consumption, besides, waiting for SysTick
interrupt is really the only thing left to do.
/* Memory locations defined by linker script */
extern long __StackTop ; /* &__StackTop points after end of stack */
void Reset_Handler( void) ; /* Entry point for execution */
void SysTick_Handler( void) ;
/* Interrupt vector table:
* 1 Stack Pointer reset value
* 15 System Exceptions
* NN Device specific Interrupts
typedef void (*isr_p)( void) ;
isr_p const isr_vector[ 16] __attribute__((section(".isr_vector"))) = {
(isr_p) &__StackTop,
/* System Exceptions */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
} ;
#define SYSTICK ((volatile long *) 0xE000E010)
#define RCC ((volatile long *) 0x40021000)
#define RCC_AHBENR RCC[ 5]
#define RCC_AHBENR_IOPBEN 0x00040000 /* 18: I/O port B clock enable */
#define GPIOB ((volatile long *) 0x48000400)
#define GPIOB_ODR GPIOB[ 5]
void Reset_Handler( void) {
/* By default SYSCLK == HSI [8MHZ] */
SYSTICK_RVR = 1000000 - 1 ; /* HBA / 8 */
SYSTICK_CSR = 3 ; /* HBA / 8, Interrupt ON, Enable */
/* SysTick_Handler will execute every 1s from now on */
/* User LED ON */
RCC_AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_IOPBEN ; /* Enable IOPB periph */
GPIOB_MODER |= 1 << (1 * 2) ; /* PB1 Output [01], over default 00 */
/* OTYPER Push-Pull by default */
/* PB1 output default LOW at reset */
for( ;;)
__asm( "WFI") ; /* Wait for interrupt */
void SysTick_Handler( void) {
GPIOB_ODR ^= 1 << 1 ; /* Toggle PB1 (User LED) */
I didnt initialize the GPIO B before enabling the SysTick as I have a
whole second before the first interrupt will tick in.
Build is straightforward.
$ make ledtick.hex
text data bss dec hex filename
148 0 0 148 94 ledtick.elf
rm ledtick.o ledtick.elf
If I compare with blink.hex, 56 bytes of the 80 bytes code increase are
due to the expansion of the interrupt vector.
Once flashed in the board I can see that the LED changes state every second.
I now have the foundation for timing and a first taste of shifting
execution between the main loop and an interrupt routine.
Code size has been growing steadily since the first bootstrap. On the
other hand, except for the stack, I have not used RAM memory so far.
│ │ text │ data │ bss │
<b>boot</b> │ 10 │ 0 │ 0 │
<b>ledon</b> │ 40 │ 0 │ 0 │
<b>blink</b> │ 68 │ 0 │ 0 │
<b>ledtick</b> │ 148 │ 0 │ 0 │
<a href="17_cstartup.html">Next</a>, I will focus on RAM initialization.
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<h1>1.7 C Startup</h1>
The C compiler uses a memory model where the RAM is divided into four
contiguous sections. The linker provides the symbols needed to make sure
the initial state meet the requirements of this memory model. So I need
to write a piece of code to use those symbols to initialize or clear the
RAM accordingly.
│ data │ static initialized, initial values in flash │
│ bss │ static unassigned, cleared │
│ heap │ dynamically allocated, user managed │
│ stack │ automatically allocated, stack frame managed │
My bootstrap since the first <b>boot.c</b> already initializes the stack. I
need now to copy the initial values from flash to the <b>data</b> section and
clear the <b>bss</b> section.
You can check your understanding of the C memory model by looking at the
C test code below and figuring where the linker will allocate the
/** Test code: main.c *********************************************************/
const char hexa[] = "0123456789abcdef" ;
long first = 1 ;
long i ;
int main( void) {
static char c = 'a' ;
char *cp = &c ;
*cp += i ;
i += hexa[ 13] - c + first++ ;
return 0 ;
<li> <b>data</b> section holds <code>first</code> and <code>c</code>, for a
total of 8 bytes as sections are word aligned.
<li> <b>bss</b> section holds <code>i</code> for a total of 4 bytes.
<li> <b>text</b> section holds <code>hexa</code> with all the const data
located after the code. As it is a zero terminated string, it occupies 17 bytes
and is padded with 3 zero for word alignment.
<li> <b>text</b> section holds the initial value of <code>first</code> and
<code>c</code> for a total of 8 bytes located after the const data.
<li> <b>stack</b> section holds <code>cp</code>, it is dynamically managed by
the code generated by the C compiler.
<li> after executing <code>main()</code>, <code>hexa</code> and <code>c</code>
are unchanged, <code>first</code> has the value 2, <code>i</code> has the
value 4 and <code>cp</code> has been deallocated.
<h2>Evolving the bootstrap</h2>
First I make a copy of <b>boot.c</b> into <b>cstartup.c</b>.
I add the symbols defined by the linker script:
<li> <code>__etext</code>, start of initial value copy in FLASH.
<li> <code>__data_start</code>, start of initialized data in RAM.
<li> <code>__bss_start</code>, start of unitialized data in RAM, it is the same
location as <code>__data_end</code>.
<li> <code>__bss_end</code>, first location after the bss section.
I rework <code>Reset_handler()</code> to:
<li> Initialize the <b>data</b> section with the initial values stored in flash.
<li> Clear the <b>bss</b> section
<li> Call the <code>main()</code> C function.
<li> Fallback to idle loop after <code>main()</code> has been executed.
Finally I append the test code for validation.
/* Memory locations defined by linker script */
extern long __StackTop ; /* &__StackTop points after end of stack */
void Reset_Handler( void) ; /* Entry point for execution */
extern const long __etext[] ; /* start of initialized data copy in flash */
extern long __data_start__[] ;
extern long __bss_start__[] ;
extern long __bss_end__ ; /* &__bss_end__ points after end of bss */
/* Interrupt vector table:
* 1 Stack Pointer reset value
* 15 System Exceptions
* NN Device specific Interrupts
typedef void (*isr_p)( void) ;
isr_p const isr_vector[ 2] __attribute__((section(".isr_vector"))) = {
(isr_p) &__StackTop,
/* System Exceptions */
} ;
extern int main( void) ;
void Reset_Handler( void) {
const long *f ; /* from, source constant data from FLASH */
long *t ; /* to, destination in RAM */
/* Assume:
** __bss_start__ == __data_end__
** All sections are 4 bytes aligned
f = __etext ;
for( t = __data_start__ ; t < __bss_start__ ; t += 1)
*t = *f++ ;
while( t < &__bss_end__)
*t++ = 0 ;
main() ;
for( ;;) ;
/** Test code: main.c *********************************************************/
const char hexa[] = "0123456789abcdef" ;
long first = 1 ;
long i ;
int main( void) {
static char c = 'a' ;
char *cp = &c ;
*cp += i ;
i += hexa[ 13] - c + first++ ;
return 0 ;
Building a binary, I can see that the <b>data</b> and <b>bss</b> sections are
not empty anymore and their sizes match my estimations.
$ make cstartup.bin
text data bss dec hex filename
121 8 4 133 85 cstartup.elf
rm cstartup.o cstartup.elf
If I look further in the <b>cstartup.map</b> generated by the linker.
.text 0x08000000 0x79
.isr_vector 0x08000000 0x8 cstartup.o
0x08000000 isr_vector
.text 0x08000008 0x34 cstartup.o
0x08000008 Reset_Handler
.text.startup 0x0800003c 0x2c cstartup.o
0x0800003c main
.rodata 0x08000068 0x11 cstartup.o
0x08000068 hexa
.data 0x20000000 0x8 load address 0x0800007c
0x20000000 __data_start__ = .
.data 0x20000000 0x8 cstartup.o
0x20000004 first
0x20000008 . = ALIGN (0x4)
0x20000008 __data_end__ = .
.bss 0x20000008 0x4 load address 0x08000084
0x20000008 . = ALIGN (0x4)
0x20000008 __bss_start__ = .
.bss 0x20000008 0x0 cstartup.o
COMMON 0x20000008 0x4 cstartup.o
0x20000008 i
0x2000000c . = ALIGN (0x4)
0x2000000c __bss_end__ = .
0x20001000 __StackTop = (ORIGIN (RAM) + LENGTH (RAM))
<li> <code>hexa</code> is located in <b>.rodata</b> at 0x08000068
<li> <code>first</code> is located in <b>.data</b> at 0x20000004
<li> <code>i</code> is located in <b>.bss</b> at 0x20000008
<li> <code>c</code> is not listed as it doesnt have global scope, but I can
guess its located at 0x20000000.
<li> Initial values for the <b>.data</b> section are located at 0x0800007c.
A hexadecimal dump of <b>cstartup.bin</b> confirms that the initial value
of <code>c</code> is at offset 0x7c, which also means that <code>c</code> has
been located at 0x20000000.
$ hexdump -C cstartup.bin
00000000 00 10 00 20 09 00 00 08 10 b5 08 4a 08 4b 09 49 |... .......J.K.I|
00000010 8b 42 06 d3 00 21 08 4a 93 42 05 d3 00 f0 0e f8 |.B...!.J.B......|
00000020 fe e7 01 ca 01 c3 f3 e7 02 c3 f5 e7 7c 00 00 08 |............|...|
00000030 00 00 00 20 08 00 00 20 0c 00 00 20 30 b5 08 49 |... ... ... 0..I|
00000040 08 48 0a 78 04 68 4b 68 12 19 d2 b2 5d 1c 9b 1a |.H.x.hKh....]...|
00000050 64 33 1b 19 4d 60 03 60 0a 70 00 20 30 bd c0 46 |d3..M`.`.p. 0..F|
00000060 00 00 00 20 08 00 00 20 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 |... ... 01234567|
00000070 38 39 61 62 63 64 65 66 00 00 00 00 61 00 00 00 |89abcdef....a...|
00000080 01 00 00 00 |....|
I use the STM32 Cube Programmer to check that the code behaves as
expected by checking the RAM content after <code>main()</code> has been
<img alt="RAM display in STM32 Cube Programmer" src="img/17_cube.png"
I have now a sample bootstrap that puts the RAM memory in a state
required for a C startup.
<a href="18_3stages.html">Next</a>, I will merge the C startup initialization with
the <b>ledtick</b> code.
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<h1>1.8 Three-stage Rocket</h1>
As I merge the cstartup with the ledtick code, I split the
functionalities between three files according to the three phases: boot,
initialization and main execution.
<li> <b>startup.c</b> is mainly concerned with the early set up of the board:
initializing the memory, calling system initialization and then
executing the main C function if initialization is successful.
<li> <b>init.c</b> holds the middleware implementation and will abstract the
peripherals into higher level interfaces. Its entry point is the
<code>init()</code> function.
<li> the <code>main()</code> C function will be the focus of the last file and
it should be written in a subset of standard C. As an example I will use
/* success.c -- success does nothing, successfully */
#include &lt;stdlib.h>
int main( void) {
Beside the interrupt vector and the <code>Reset_Handler()</code> that calls
<code>init()</code> and <code>main()</code>, I have created stubs for all the
System Exceptions listed in the Programming Manual. For those, if there is no
implementation avalable in <b>init.c</b>, the linker will use the
<code>Default_Handler()</code> provided with the <code>__attribute__()</code>
Gnu C extension.
/* Memory locations defined by linker script */
extern long __StackTop ; /* &__StackTop points after end of stack */
void Reset_Handler( void) ; /* Entry point for execution */
extern const long __etext[] ; /* start of initialized data copy in flash */
extern long __data_start__[] ;
extern long __bss_start__[] ;
extern long __bss_end__ ; /* &__bss_end__ points after end of bss */
/* Stubs for System Exception Handler */
void Default_Handler( void) ;
#define dflt_hndlr( fun) void fun##_Handler( void) \
dflt_hndlr( NMI) ;
dflt_hndlr( HardFault) ;
dflt_hndlr( SVCall) ;
dflt_hndlr( PendSV) ;
dflt_hndlr( SysTick) ;
/* Interrupt vector table:
* 1 Stack Pointer reset value
* 15 System Exceptions
* NN Device specific Interrupts
typedef void (*isr_p)( void) ;
isr_p const isr_vector[ 16] __attribute__((section(".isr_vector"))) = {
(isr_p) &__StackTop,
/* System Exceptions */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0,
} ;
extern int init( void) ;
extern int main( void) ;
void Reset_Handler( void) {
const long *f ; /* from, source constant data from FLASH */
long *t ; /* to, destination in RAM */
/* Assume:
** __bss_start__ == __data_end__
** All sections are 4 bytes aligned
f = __etext ;
for( t = __data_start__ ; t < __bss_start__ ; t += 1)
*t = *f++ ;
while( t < &__bss_end__)
*t++ = 0 ;
if( init() == 0)
main() ;
for( ;;)
__asm( "WFI") ; /* Wait for interrupt */
void Default_Handler( void) {
for( ;;) ;
Except for the future addition of stubs to handle the device specific
interrupts, this file will not grow much anymore.
This is the embryo of an hardware abstraction layer where most of the
device specific code will be added. The current code is the peripherals
part of <b>ledtick.c</b>.
#define SYSTICK ((volatile long *) 0xE000E010)
#define RCC ((volatile long *) 0x40021000)
#define RCC_AHBENR RCC[ 5]
#define RCC_AHBENR_IOPBEN 0x00040000 /* 18: I/O port B clock enable */
#define GPIOB ((volatile long *) 0x48000400)
#define GPIOB_ODR GPIOB[ 5]
int init( void) {
/* By default SYSCLK == HSI [8MHZ] */
SYSTICK_RVR = 1000000 - 1 ; /* HBA / 8 */
SYSTICK_CSR = 3 ; /* HBA / 8, Interrupt ON, Enable */
/* SysTick_Handler will execute every 1s from now on */
/* User LED ON */
RCC_AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_IOPBEN ; /* Enable IOPB periph */
GPIOB_MODER |= 1 << (1 * 2) ; /* PB1 Output [01], over default 00 */
/* OTYPER Push-Pull by default */
/* PB1 output default LOW at reset */
return 0 ;
void SysTick_Handler( void) {
GPIOB_ODR ^= 1 << 1 ; /* Toggle PB1 (User LED) */
As I now build from multiple source files, I have modified the
<b>Makefile</b> to list the sources that combine together. All steps I have
done so far can be found in the commented <code>SRCS</code> lines. Single file
steps can be build explicitly (<code>make ledon.hex</code>) or implicitly
(<code>make</code>) after removing the comment on the corresponding
<code>SRCS</code> line. Multiple file steps can only be build implicitly when
their <code>SRCS</code> line is uncommented.
### Build environment selection
ifeq (linux, $(findstring linux, $(MAKE_HOST)))
GCCDIR = $(HOME)/Packages/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi
GCCDIR = "D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi"
BINPFX = @$(GCCDIR)/bin/arm-none-eabi-
CC = $(BINPFX)gcc
LD = $(BINPFX)ld
OBJCOPY = $(BINPFX)objcopy
OBJDUMP = $(BINPFX)objdump
SIZE = $(BINPFX)size
### STM32F030F4P6 based board
PROJECT = f030f4
#SRCS = boot.c
#SRCS = ledon.c
#SRCS = blink.c
#SRCS = ledtick.c
#SRCS = cstartup.c
SRCS = startup.c init.c success.c
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)
CPU = -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m0
CFLAGS = $(CPU) -g -Wall -Wextra -Os
### Build rules
.PHONY: clean all
all: $(PROJECT).hex $(PROJECT).bin
@echo CLEAN
@rm -f *.o *.elf *.map *.lst *.bin *.hex
$(PROJECT).elf: $(OBJS)
@echo $@
$(LD) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) -Map=$(PROJECT).map -cref -o $@ $(OBJS)
$(SIZE) $@
$(OBJDUMP) -hS $@ > $(PROJECT).lst
%.elf: %.o
@echo $@
$(LD) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) -Map=$*.map -cref -o $@ $<
$(SIZE) $@
$(OBJDUMP) -hS $@ > $*.lst
%.bin: %.elf
@echo $@
$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
%.hex: %.elf
@echo $@
$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $< $@
A successful build will generate the files <b>f030f4.hex</b>, <b>f030f4.bin</b>,
<b>f030f4.map</b>, <b>f030f4.lst</b>.
<h2>Build and Test</h2>
Even if <b>stdlib.h</b> is included in <b>success.c</b>, there is no C
libraries needed to complete the build as only the constant
<code>EXIT_SUCCESS</code> from that header is used. Furthermore, default
location of the header files is derived by the compiler from the location of
$ make
text data bss dec hex filename
216 0 0 216 d8 f030f4.elf
Building shows an increase in code, still no data.
Once <b>f030f4.hex</b> is loaded into the board, the behavior is the same
as <b>ledtick.hex</b>. The new file structure and data initialization
didnt introduce any <del>bugs</del> changes, just code overhead.
This step was mainly to achieve a better structure for future evolution.
<a href="19_publish.html">Next</a>, I will make the code available in a
public git repository.
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<h1>1.9 Publish</h1>
As I have reached a stable point in previous step, I create a git
repository <b>stm32bringup</b>, publish it on
<a href="https://github.com/rfivet/stm32bringup">github.com</a> with a mirror
on <a href="https://git.sdf.org/rfivet/stm32bringup">git.sdf.org</a>.
I chose MIT license as open source license for the code.
The only rework of the C sources is the addition of a copyright notice
and conversion of tabs to spaces for portability.
<a href="index.html#part2">Next</a>, I will start working with USART
peripherals: select an USB adapter, flash the board using the UART
communication and say hello to the world.
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<title>2.1 UART Validation</title>
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<h1>2.1 UART Validation</h1>
Before I start writing some code that communicates over the Universal
Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (<b>USART</b>) peripheral, I need
to validate that I have working hardware and software tools.
<h2>Board Connectivity</h2>
Even if the peripheral is capable of doing synchronous communication
(thats the S in USART), asynchronous communication (thats the A) which
only needs 3 wires (GND, TX, RX, (no clock)) is usually what is needed
in non specialized cases.
Boards sold online often have dedicated pre-soldered pins for UART
connectivity similar to what I have seen before for the SWD interface.
The VCC-GND board I used previously doesnt have such dedicated pins but the
functionality is wired on the pins PA9 (<b>TX</b>) and PA10 (<b>RX</b>).
I will use a board with dedicated pins (GND, TX, RX, VCC 3.3V). Board
specifications can be found
<a href="https://stm32-base.org/boards/STM32F030F4P6-STM32F030F4-V2.00">
<img alt="STM32F030F4-V2.00" src="img/21_boardv200.png">
<h2>USB to UART adapter</h2>
An adapter is needed to connect to a PC. Either due to difference in
voltage (<b>RS232</b>) or serial protocol (<b>USB</b>). Pins PA9 and PA10 are
5V tolerant, so you could interface an Arduino Uno to a STM32 board to use
it as a USB to serial adapter if you happen to have a spare Arduino Uno.
I use an adapter based on <b>Silicon Labs CP2102</b> chipset.
Windows has USB driver available for Silicon Labs CP210x chipset family.
The adapter enumerates as <b>COM4</b> on my Windows PC.
I connect the adapter to the board to provide 3.3V and make sure to cross
RX and TX wires (STM32 RX <-> Adapter TX, STM32 TX <-> Adapter RX).
<h2>STM32 Cube Programmer UART connection</h2>
So far I have been using the ST-Link interface with STM32 Cube
Programmer to flash and debug. The application also support the UART
<h2>Embedded Boot Loader</h2>
A reset of the board while jumper <b>BOOT0</b> is removed will select the
System memory instead of the flash memory for execution. This is where
the serial flash loader protocol is implemented on chipset side.
<img alt="BOOT0 Jumper Selection" src="img/21_boot0.png">
The checklist goes like this:
<li> Board connected to USB adapter
<li> USB driver installed on Windows PC
<li> USB adapter plugged in and enumerates as a COM port
<li> STM32 Cube Programmer list the COM port in device selection menu
<li> BOOT0 jumper removed and board reset to start the embedded flash
<li> Board flash memory can be erased, written or read with the programmer.
I have now working hardware and software that communicate through the
serial link.
<a href="22_board.html">Next</a>, I will make sure the code I wrote so far is
working on the new board.
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<h1>2.2 Another Day, Another Board</h1>
As I switched to a new board, I need to check that the code I wrote so
far is still working as expected. Unfortunately the user LED on the new
board is wired differently than the first one.
<h2>Board Schematics</h2>
<img src="img/22_ledv200.png">
The new board uses <b>PA4</b> to turn the LED ON when <b>high</b>. Also, by
taking off a jumper, <b>PA4</b> can be used for other purposes.
The first board uses <b>PB1</b> to turn the LED ON when <b>low</b> as I have
seen previously <a href="14_ledon.html">here</a>.
I can adapt the code by adding the base address of <b>GPIOA</b> and
shifting pin location accordingly, but this type of variations is so
common that I want to make sure adaptations can be done easily without
<h2>Board Description</h2>
I want to be able to capture the board variations through simple definitions:
For the new board:
#define LED_IOP A
#define LED_PIN 4
#define LED_ON 1
And for the vcc-gnd board:
#define LED_IOP B
#define LED_PIN 1
#define LED_ON 0
I make a copy of <b>init.c</b> into <b>board.c</b> and rework the preprocessor
As I have several GPIO peripheral GPIOA .. GPIOF, I switch notation,
instead of writing, say, <code>GPIOA_MODER</code>, I will write either
<code>GPIOA[ MODER]</code> or <code>GPIO( A)[ MODER]</code>. This way I could
refer directly to <code>GPIO( LED_IOP)[ MODER]</code>.
I use conditional compilation based on <code>LED_ON</code>. If
<code>LED_ON</code> is high, I need an extra step during initialization
compare to <code>LED_ON</code> low. On the other hand, if <code>LED_ON</code>
is undefined, the code would be removed for a board that doesnt have a user
#define SYSTICK ((volatile long *) 0xE000E010)
#define CAT( a, b) a##b
#define HEXA( a) CAT( 0x, a)
#define RCC ((volatile long *) 0x40021000)
#define RCC_AHBENR RCC[ 5]
#define RCC_AHBENR_IOP( h) (1 << (17 + HEXA( h) - 0xA))
#define GPIOA ((volatile long *) 0x48000000)
#define GPIOB ((volatile long *) 0x48000400)
#define GPIO( x) CAT( GPIO, x)
#define MODER 0
#define ODR 5
/* user LED ON when PA4 is high */
#define LED_IOP A
#define LED_PIN 4
#define LED_ON 1
void SysTick_Handler( void) {
#ifdef LED_ON
GPIO( LED_IOP)[ ODR] ^= 1 << LED_PIN ; /* Toggle User LED */
int init( void) {
/* By default SYSCLK == HSI [8MHZ] */
SYSTICK_RVR = 1000000 - 1 ; /* HBA / 8 */
SYSTICK_CSR = 3 ; /* HBA / 8, Interrupt ON, Enable */
/* SysTick_Handler will execute every 1s from now on */
#ifdef LED_ON
/* User LED ON */
RCC_AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_IOP( LED_IOP) ; /* Enable IOPx periph */
GPIO( LED_IOP)[ MODER] |= 1 << (LED_PIN * 2) ; /* LED_IO Output [01],
** over default 00 */
/* OTYPER Push-Pull by default */
/* Pxn output default LOW at reset */
# if LED_ON
SysTick_Handler() ;
# endif
return 0 ;
<h2>Build and Test</h2>
I just need to add the <code>SRCS</code> definition in <b>Makefile</b>.
<pre>SRCS = startup.c board.c success.c</pre>
and build.
$ make
text data bss dec hex filename
224 0 0 224 e0 f030f4.elf
Once I have flashed the board with this new binary, I put back the BOOT0
jumper and press reset. This board user LED is red. &#x1F60E;
I made sure the code I have evolved so far works on the board with the
serial connection.
<a href="23_hello.html">Next</a>, I will do some serial transmission.
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<h1>2.3 Hello There!</h1>
Looking for a <i>“you had me at hello”</i> moment?&nbsp; Lets see how serial
transmission works for you.
I make a copy of <b>board.c</b> into <b>usart1tx.c</b> to add support for the
USART1 peripheral.
In order to make a first transmission, the peripherals have to be
initialized. As the TX/RX of USART1 are mapped on pin PA9 and PA10, I
need to configure GPIOA first.
<li> GPIOA needs to be enabled via RCC AHB Enable Register as GPIOs are on
AHB bus.
<li> PA9 and PA10 set to alternate mode.
<li> Alternate function USART1 selected for PA9 and PA10.
Then USART1 can be configured:
<li> USART1 enabled via RCC APB2 Enable Register as USARTs are on the APB
<li> Baud rate set to 9600 bauds.
<li> USART itself and transmission needs to be enabled via the Control
Register (CR1).
By default the transmission format is 8N1: 8 bit data, no parity and 1
stop bit.
/* USART1 9600 8N1 */
RCC_AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_IOP( A) ; /* Enable GPIOA periph */
GPIOA[ MODER] |= 0x0A << (9 * 2) ; /* PA9-10 ALT 10, over default 00 */
GPIOA[ AFRH] |= 0x110 ; /* PA9-10 AF1 0001, over default 0000 */
USART1[ BRR] = 8000000 / 9600 ; /* PCLK [8MHz] */
USART1[ CR1] |= USART_CR1_UE | USART_CR1_TE ; /* Enable USART & Tx */
Sending data is done by writing in the Transmission Data Register (<b>TDR</b>).
To check if it is ready for transmission you must check the state of the
TX Empty (<b>TXE</b>) bit in the Interrupt & Status Register (<b>ISR</b>).
I write a basic <code>kputc()</code> function that does busy waiting if the
<b>TDR</b> is not empty and insures that LF are mapped to CR LF. The k in
kputc refer to kernel, as kputc is a low level function that will be used
mostly for debugging. With the busy wait and the recursive code this
implementation is definitively not optimal, but its functional and
thats what matter most at this stage.
void kputc( unsigned char c) {
static unsigned char lastc ;
if( c == '\n' && lastc != '\r')
kputc( '\r') ;
/* Active wait while transmit register is full */
while( (USART1[ ISR] & USART_ISR_TXE) == 0) ;
USART1[ TDR] = c ;
lastc = c ;
The high level C function I need for this simple test is <code>puts()</code>.
I make my own implementation but I keep the same declaration as the standard
header that come with the C compiler.
int puts( const char *s) {
while( *s)
kputc( *s++) ;
kputc( '\n') ;
return 0 ;
Finally I use a standard C implementation for <b>hello.c</b>.
/* hello.c -- hello there */
#include &lt;stdio.h>
#include &lt;stdlib.h>
int main( void) {
puts( "hello, world") ;
To build I update the software composition in <b>Makefile</b> by adding a new
<code>SRCS</code> line.
<pre>SRCS = startup.c usart1tx.c hello.c</pre>
Calling make, I can see that there is now some variable in <b>BSS</b> section
of the RAM. It is <code>lastchar</code> local to <code>kputc()</code>. Because
of word alignment <code>BSS</code> occupies 4 bytes.
$ make
text data bss dec hex filename
413 0 4 417 1a1 f030f4.elf
After flashing the board with the new executable, I place back the
<b>BOOT0</b> jumper and press the reset button, the board user LED blinks
as usual but I can see the RX LED on the USB to UART adapter flash
briefly when I release the reset button.
On Windows PC, if I use PuTTY or Arduino IDE to open <b>COM4</b> at 9600
baud, every time I press and release the reset button I can see hello,
world displayed on a new line in the terminal window.
On Linux, when I plug in the USB to UART adapter, it enumerates as
<b>/dev/ttyUSB0</b>, so it is compatible with the USB driver for serial
ports. If I try to open it with Arduino IDE, I get an error message as I
need to belong to <b>dialout</b> group to open that TTY for reading and
<pre>sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER</pre>
Once added to <b>dialout</b>, I can open <b>/dev/ttyUSB0</b> at 9600 baud in
Arduino IDE, each time I press and release the board RESET button, I can see
hello, world displayed on a new line in the Serial Monitor window.
I have now a functional serial transmission channel through <b>USART1</b>. I
have only a first implementation for <code>puts()</code>, but I will add
support for other stdio functions when needed.
<a href="24_stm32flash.html">Next</a>, I will switch to an open source tool
for flashing over serial connection that works on both Windows and Linux.
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<h1>2.4 stm32flash</h1>
So far I have been flashing boards via UART or SWD interface using STM32
Cube Programmer. An open source alternative to flash via UART is
<h2>Linux Build and Install</h2>
<b>stm32flash</b> project is hosted on
<a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/stm32flash/">SourceForge</a>
and the git repository is mirrored on
<a href="https://gitlab.com/stm32flash/stm32flash">gitlab</a>.
I clone the repository from <b>Sourceforge</b> in my <b>Projects</b> folder.
$ cd ~/Projects
$ git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/stm32flash/code stm32flash-code
Cloning into 'stm32flash-code'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1357, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1357/1357), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (682/682), done.
remote: Total 1357 (delta 912), reused 996 (delta 671)
Receiving objects: 100% (1357/1357), 1.04 MiB | 74.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (912/912), done.
Build on Linux doesnt show any warnings.
$ cd stm32flash-code
$ make
cc -Wall -g -c -o dev_table.o dev_table.c
cc -Wall -g -c -o i2c.o i2c.c
cc -Wall -g -c -o init.o init.c
cc -Wall -g -c -o main.o main.c
cc -Wall -g -c -o port.o port.c
cc -Wall -g -c -o serial_common.o serial_common.c
cc -Wall -g -c -o serial_platform.o serial_platform.c
cc -Wall -g -c -o stm32.o stm32.c
cc -Wall -g -c -o utils.o utils.c
cd parsers && make parsers.a
make[1]: Entering directory '~/Projects/stm32flash-code/parsers'
cc -Wall -g -c -o binary.o binary.c
cc -Wall -g -c -o hex.o hex.c
ar rc parsers.a binary.o hex.o
make[1]: Leaving directory '~/Projects/stm32flash-code/parsers'
cc -o stm32flash dev_table.o i2c.o init.o main.o port.o serial_common.o serial_
platform.o stm32.o utils.o parsers/parsers.a
I test the newly compiled command first by calling it without argument
<code>./stm32flah</code> then with the serial port where the USB to UART
adapter is plugged in.
<code>./stm32flash</code> gives a detailed help of the command.
Calling it with the serial port argument where the board is plugged in
and set in bootloader mode gives a description of the chipset detected.
$ ./stm32flash /dev/ttyUSB0
stm32flash 0.7
Interface serial_posix: 57600 8E1
Version : 0x31
Option 1 : 0x00
Option 2 : 0x00
Device ID : 0x0444 (STM32F03xx4/6)
- RAM : Up to 4KiB (2048b reserved by bootloader)
- Flash : Up to 32KiB (size first sector: 4x1024)
- Option RAM : 16b
- System RAM : 3KiB
I install the command by moving the executable to my local bin directory.
<pre>$ mv stm32flash ~/bin</pre>
If everything goes well, I will later <code>strip</code> and compress (with
<code>upx</code>) the executable.
<h2>Regression Testing</h2>
As my board has been already flashed using STM32 Cube Programmer, I can
perform a simple regression test.
<li> Read the content of the chipset memory as previously flashed.
<li> Flash the same executable using Linux version of stm32flash.
<li> Read back the newly programmed chipset memory.
<li> Compare the two read-outs.
Reading 1 KB with stm32flash.
<pre>$ stm32flash -r read.bin -S 0x08000000:1024 /dev/ttyUSB0</pre>
Writing the executable in hex format.
<pre>$ stm32flash -w f030f4.hex /dev/ttyUSB0</pre>
Comparing the memory read-out using <code>od</code>, there is no difference.
<h2>Build and Install on Windows</h2>
There is a Windows binary that can be downloaded from <b>stm32flash</b> project
page on <b>SourceForge</b>. But I did clone and build using both <b>Cygwin</b>
and <b>MSYS2 64bit</b> environments on Windows.
The build phase gave more warnings than the Linux version, this is
mostly due to stricter warnings in the GCC compiler version.
Usage of <b>stm32flash</b> only differs in the name of the serial device, in my
case <b>COM4</b> instead of <b>/dev/ttyUSB0</b>.
There is several other Windows applications available on ST.com for
flashing STM32 chipsets: STM32 ST-Link Utility, STM32 Flash Loader
Demonstrator, ST Visual Programmer STM32. They have been marked as <b>NRND</b>
(Not Recommended for New Design), which means they wont support latest
chipsets as they are replaced by STM32 Cube Programmer.
<a href="25_prototype.html">Next</a>, I will write an application which make
better use of transmission than <b>hello</b>.
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<title>2.5 uptime prototype</title>
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<h1>2.5 uptime prototype</h1>
With the basic functionality available so far, I can write something in
the vein of the Unix <code>uptime</code> command.
$ man -k uptime
uptime (1) - Tell how long the system has been running.
I am going to make a quick prototype first to validate the concept.
I already have a one second based System Tick interrupt routine, so I
just need to make sure it updates a count of seconds. I make a copy of
<b>usart1tx.c</b> as <b>uplow.1.c</b> to make the changes. I use a number
suffix for the filename when I anticipate making several revisions.
volatile unsigned uptime ; /* seconds elapsed since boot */
#ifdef LED_ON
static void userLEDtoggle( void) {
GPIO( LED_IOP)[ ODR] ^= 1 << LED_PIN ; /* Toggle User LED */
void SysTick_Handler( void) {
uptime += 1 ;
#ifdef LED_ON
userLEDtoggle() ;
The global variable <code>uptime</code> is marked <code>volatile</code>, the
compiler needs this information to avoid optimization as the value changes
concurrently when an interrupt is triggered.
I move the user LED toggling code to a dedicated local function
<code>userLEDtoggle()</code> as this is not the only task of
<code>SysTick_Handler()</code> anymore and a call to toggle the LED is needed
during initialization. I adjust the initialization code accordingly.
I write a first <b>uptime.1.c</b> to print the count of seconds every time
the <code>uptime</code> counter value changes.
/* uptime.1.c -- tells how long the system has been running */
#include &lt;stdio.h>
extern volatile unsigned uptime ;
extern void kputc( unsigned char c) ;
void kputu( unsigned u) {
unsigned r = u % 10 ;
u /= 10 ;
if( u)
kputu( u) ;
kputc( '0' + r) ;
int main( void) {
static unsigned last ;
for( ;;)
if( last != uptime) {
last = uptime ;
kputu( last) ;
puts( " sec") ;
} else
__asm( "WFI") ; /* Wait for System Tick Interrupt */
As before for <code>kputc()</code>, the implementation of <code>kputu()</code>
to print an unsigned integer in decimal format is not optimal but still
I update <b>Makefile</b> with the composition.
<pre>SRCS = startup.c uplow.1.c uptime.1.c</pre>
Unfortunately, when I try to build an executable, the link phase fails.
$ make
D:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain\arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mi
ngw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi\bin\arm-none-eabi-ld.exe: uptime.1.o: in function `kp
D:\Projects\stm32bringup\docs/uptime.1.c:13:(.text+0x6): undefined reference to
D:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain\arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mi
ngw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi\bin\arm-none-eabi-ld.exe: D:\Projects\stm32bringup\do
cs/uptime.1.c:14:(.text+0x14): undefined reference to `__aeabi_uidiv'
make: *** [Makefile:45: f030f4.elf] Error 1
The compiler has generated code that references two functions
<code>__aeabi_uidivmod</code> and <code>__aeabi_uidiv</code> when compiling
the lines 13 and 14 of <b>uptime.1.c</b>.
unsigned r = u % 10 ;
u /= 10 ;
This happens because the compiler generates code for Cortex-M0 which has
no integer division support. So integer division needs to be implemented
by code as it is not supported by hardware.
I need to pass the linker a reference to GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain
library for Cortex-M0. The library file is <b>libggc.a</b>, the option -l and
-L of the linker tell what the library name is (-lgcc => libgcc.a) and
where to look for it.
LIBDIR = $(GCCDIR)/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/13.3.1/thumb/v6-m/nofp
LIBS = -lgcc
$(PROJECT).elf: $(OBJS)
@echo $@
$(LD) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) $(LIB_PATHS) -Map=$(PROJECT).map -cref -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
$(SIZE) $@
$(OBJDUMP) -hS $@ > $(PROJECT).lst
Once the Makefile has been updated, the build finish successfully.
$ make
text data bss dec hex filename
769 0 8 777 309 f030f4.elf
Checking the linker produced map file, <b>f030f4.map</b>, I can see which
library (<b>libgcc.a</b>) but also which modules in the library (
<b>_udivsi3.o</b> and <b>_dvmd_tls.o</b>) have been used to resolve the
symbols (<code>__aeabi_uidiv</code> and <code>__aeabi_idiv0</code>).
Archive member included to satisfy reference by file (symbol)
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mi
uptime.1.o (__aeabi_uidiv)
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mi
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/
3.3.1/thumb/v6-m/nofp\libgcc.a(_udivsi3.o) (__aeabi_idiv0)
I flash the board and start execution, the output works as expected, the
first line “<b>1 sec</b>” appears one second after reset with a new line
following every second after that.
<img alt="uptime v1 output" src="img/25_uptimev1.png">
<h2>Library management</h2>
With Cortex-M0 version of <b>libgcc.a</b> available I have some extra
flexibility in handling usage of the library.
<li> Work with a local copy of the <b>gcc</b> library.
<li> copy libgcc.a locally
<li> LIB_PATHS = -L.
<li> LIBS = -lgcc
<li> Work with a local copy of the modules extracted from the <b>gcc</b>
<li> ar x libgcc.a _udivsi3.o _dvmd_tls.o
<li> LIB_PATHS = -L.
<li> LIBS = _udivsi3.o _dvmd_tls.o
<li> Work with my own library made from the needed modules extracted from
the <b>gcc</b> library.
<li> ar x libgcc.a _udivsi3.o _dvmd_tls.o
<li> ar qc libstm32.a _udivsi3.o _dvmd_tls.o
<li> LIB_PATHS = -L.
<li> LIBS = -lstm32
The <code>ar</code> command distributed by the GNU Arm embedded toolchain is
the same <b>GNU ar</b> as the Linux or Cygwin and MSYS2 distributions on
Windows. So I use my native environment implementation for convenience.
This is true for the utility commands (<code>ar</code>, <code>objcopy</code>,
<code>objdump</code> and <code>size</code>) but not for <code>gcc</code> and
I have hacked a quick prototype of <code>uptime</code> and found an extra
dependency to Gnu Arm Embedded Toolchain: some modules included in
<b>libgcc.a</b> have to be included at link time as the chipset I am using has
no support for integer division. At this stage I will reuse the library as it
is, but I know where to look in the map file generated by the linker to find
which modules are included. If I ever need a better control of the link phase,
I can use <code>ar</code> to extract locally those modules from the library.
<a href="26_uptime.html">Next</a>, I will write <code>uptime</code> with a
better structure.
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<h1>2.6 uptime</h1>
Its time to throw away the prototype and write a production version of
<code>uptime</code>. There is several things I want to straighten up in
<li> <code>main()</code> is using assembly code to wait for interrupt.
Definitively not high level C.
<li> Also not high level C the lines <code>kputu( last) ; puts( ” sec”) ;</code>.
I should have <code>printf( “%u sec\n”, last) ;</code> instead.
<li> <code>kputc()</code> function prototype and the external variable
declaration for <code>uptime</code> should be included as a C header file.
Similar to what I did when I split the functionalities between files
according to the three stages of execution (boot, init, main), I will
reorganize the code according to three categories (system, library,
First I make clear what the system interface is by writing the header
<b>system.h</b>. Here belong the global variables external declarations and the
function prototypes.
/* system.h -- system services */
extern volatile unsigned uptime ; /* seconds elapsed since boot */
int init( void) ; /* System initialization, called once at startup */
void kputc( unsigned char c) ; /* character output */
int kputs( const char s[]) ; /* string output */
void yield( void) ; /* give way */
Next, I make a revision of <b>uplow.1.c</b> by making a copy into
I include <b>system.h</b> which is the interface that <b>uplow.2.c</b>
implements. I will have several implementations of the same interface,
so <b>system.h</b> is not just the interface published by <b>uplow.2.c</b>,
its <b>uplow.2.c</b> which is an implementation of <b>system.h</b>.
#include "system.h" /* implements system.h */
I extract the code for <b>puts()</b> as it is a library function that doesnt
really belong to the system.
I add the implementation of <b>kputs()</b> and <b>yield()</b>.
int kputs( const char s[]) { /* string output */
int cnt = 0 ;
int c ;
while( (c = *s++) != 0) {
kputc( c) ;
cnt += 1 ;
return cnt ;
void yield( void) { /* give way */
__asm( "WFI") ; /* Wait for System Tick Interrupt */
I create the implementation of <code>printf()</code> in <b>printf.c</b>.
<li> It uses the system interface <b>system.h</b>.
<li> I have eliminated the recursivity from my previous <code>kputu()</code>
version by adding characters at the beginning of a string.
<li> <code>kputu()</code> takes one additional divider parameter, so it can be
used to print unsigned integer in various format like octal, decimal and
hexadecimal. Current implementation will work for base 8 to 16, it wont
work for binary or base 36.
<li> <code>kputi()</code> outputs signed integer.
<li> <code>printf()</code> implements a subset of the format interpreter: %%,
%c, %d, %i, %o, %s, %u, %x, %X.
/* printf.c -- format and print data */
#include &lt;stdarg.h>
#include &lt;stdio.h>
#include "system.h" /* kputc(), kputs() */
static int kputu( unsigned u, unsigned d) {
char s[ 12] ; /* room for 11 octal digit + EOS */
char *p = &s[ sizeof s - 1] ; /* point to last byte */
*p = 0 ; /* null terminated string */
do {
unsigned r = u % d ;
u /= d ;
*--p = "0123456789ABCDEF"[ r] ;
} while( u) ;
return kputs( p) ;
static int kputi( int i) {
int flag = i < 0 ;
if( flag) {
i = -i ;
kputc( '-') ;
return flag + kputu( i, 10) ;
int printf( const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap ;
int cnt = 0 ;
int c ; /* current char in format string */
va_start( ap, fmt) ;
while( ( c = *fmt++) != 0)
if( c != '%') {
cnt += 1 ; kputc( c) ;
} else if( ( c = *fmt++) == 0) {
cnt += 1 ; kputc( '%') ;
break ;
} else
switch( c) {
case 'c':
cnt += 1 ; kputc( va_arg( ap, int /* char */)) ;
break ;
case 'o':
cnt += kputu( va_arg( ap, unsigned), 8) ;
break ;
case 'u':
cnt += kputu( va_arg( ap, unsigned), 10) ;
break ;
case 'x':
case 'X':
cnt += kputu( va_arg( ap, unsigned), 16) ;
break ;
case 'i':
case 'd':
cnt += kputi( va_arg( ap, int)) ;
break ;
case 's':
cnt += kputs( va_arg( ap, char *)) ;
break ;
cnt += 1 ; kputc( '%') ;
/* fallthrough */
case '%':
cnt += 1 ; kputc( c) ;
va_end( ap) ;
return cnt ;
I write my final version of uptime in <b>uptime.c</b>.
<li> It uses the system interface and standard library.
<li> Instead of a count of seconds elapsed it displays a breakdown in week,
days, hours, minutes and seconds.
/* uptime.c -- tells how long the system has been running */
#include &lt;stdio.h>
#include "system.h" /* uptime, yield() */
static void display( unsigned u, const char *s) {
if( u)
printf( " %d %s%s", u, s, &"s"[ u <= 1]) ;
int main( void) {
static unsigned last ;
for( ;;)
if( last != uptime) {
unsigned w, d, h, m ,s ;
last = uptime ;
d = h = m = 0 ;
s = last % 60 ;
w = last / 60 ;
if( w) {
m = w % 60 ;
w /= 60 ;
if( w) {
h = w % 24 ;
w /= 24 ;
if( w) {
d = w % 7 ;
w /= 7 ;
printf( "up") ;
display( w, "week") ;
display( d, "day") ;
display( h, "hour") ;
display( m, "minute") ;
display( s, "second") ;
printf( "\n") ;
} else
yield() ; /* Wait for System Tick Interrupt */
To build I add the composition in <b>Makefile</b>.
<pre>SRCS = startup.c uplow.2.c uptime.c printf.c</pre>
Unfortunately, the build fails at the link phase.
$ make
D:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain\arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mi
ngw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi\bin\arm-none-eabi-ld.exe: uptime.o: in function `main
undefined reference to `putchar'
make: *** [Makefile:49: f030f4.elf] Error 1
The linker found a reference to <code>putchar()</code> at line 41 of
printf( "\n") ;
I havent used <code>putchar()</code> in my code and line 41 is a
<code>printf( "\n")</code> that can be optimized to a
<code>putchar( '\n')</code>. This must be some high level C optimization of gcc.
I add the code for <code>putchar()</code> in <b>putchar.c</b> as it is a
standard library function.
/* putchar.c -- write a character to stdout */
#include &lt;stdio.h>
#include "system.h" /* kputc() */
int putchar( int c) {
kputc( c) ;
return c ;
Updating <b>Makefile</b> by adding <code>putchar.c</code> to the composition.
<pre>SRCS = startup.c uplow.2.c uptime.c printf.c putchar.c</pre>
The build now complete successfully.
$ make
text data bss dec hex filename
1797 0 12 1809 711 f030f4.elf
By checking the map file provided by the linker, I can see that the
number of low level modules referred by the code generated by the
compiler has increased. Both integer and unsigned division but also some
code to handle <code>switch()</code> statement are now referenced.
Archive member included to satisfy reference by file (symbol)
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/13.3.1/thumb/v6-m/nofp\libgcc.a(_thumb1_case_sqi.o)
printf.o (__gnu_thumb1_case_sqi)
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/13.3.1/thumb/v6-m/nofp\libgcc.a(_udivsi3.o)
uptime.o (__aeabi_uidiv)
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/13.3.1/thumb/v6-m/nofp\libgcc.a(_divsi3.o)
uptime.o (__aeabi_idiv)
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/13.3.1/thumb/v6-m/nofp\libgcc.a(_dvmd_tls.o)
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/13.3.1/thumb/v6-m/nofp\libgcc.a(_udivsi3.o) (__aeabi_idiv0)
I flash the board and start execution, the output works as expected.
<img alt="uptime" src="img/26_uptime.png">
It will take a while to see the days and weeks counts appear, so I will
need to power the board independently from its serial interface. For
test purpose I fast forward the execution by using a bigger value for
the increment of <code>uptime</code> in <code>SysTick_handler()</code>.
Rereading the code while writing this web page, I found a typo in the
week calculation. After that I retested with a bigger time increment to
make sure days and weeks values are correct. Its also clear that the
test coverage for the printf format interpreter is not sufficient as I have
coded more than is necessary to implement <b>uptime</b>.
I didnt expect gcc to optimize call to high level C functions,
replacing <code>printf()</code> by <code>putchar()</code>, thus forcing me to
write additional code. So far I am not concerned by execution speed, so this
type of optimization is a bit counter productive.
<a href="27_library.html">Next</a>, I will make sure that what belongs to the
library category fits in an actual library file.
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<title>2.7 C Library</title>
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<h1>2.7: C Library</h1>
So far I have used three Standard C library functions for output:
<code>printf()</code>, <code>putchar()</code> and <code>puts()</code>. Its
time to bundle them as a library. This will give me more flexibility as I will
not have to give a full list of the modules to link, the linker will handle
the missing dependencies by looking into the libraries.
I have already packaged <code>printf()</code> and <code>putchar()</code> in
stand alone modules. As I have removed my previous implementation of
<code>puts()</code> from the system, I need to create puts.c.
/* puts.c -- write a string to stdout */
#include &lt;stdio.h>
#include "system.h" /* kputc(), kputs() */
int puts( const char *s) {
kputs( s) ;
kputc( '\n') ;
return 0 ;
<h2>Updating Makefile</h2>
I need to tell <b>GNU make</b> how to manage and use the library, which
means updating <b>Makefile</b>.
Whats the name, the content and the rule to maintain the library:
AR = $(BINPFX)ar
LIBOBJS = printf.o putchar.o puts.o
LIBSTEM = stm32
$(AR) rc $@ $?
Where to look for and which libraries to use in the link phase:
LIBS = -l$(LIBSTEM) -lgcc
$(PROJECT).elf: $(OBJS) lib$(LIBSTEM).a
@echo $@ from $(OBJS)
$(LD) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) $(LIB_PATHS) -Map=$(PROJECT).map -cref -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
$(SIZE) $@
$(OBJDUMP) -hS $@ > $(PROJECT).lst
Library modules are implicitly part of the composition, so its not
necessary to list them anymore.
#SRCS = startup.c uplow.2.c uptime.c printf.c putchar.c
SRCS = startup.c uplow.2.c uptime.c
I include libraries in the list of files to delete when doing a make
@echo CLEAN
@rm -f *.o *.elf *.map *.lst *.bin *.hex *.a
<h2>Building uptime</h2>
Build terminates successfully producing the same executable as before.
$ make
f030f4.elf from startup.o uplow.2.o uptime.o
text data bss dec hex filename
1797 0 12 1809 711 f030f4.elf
Checking the map produced by the linker I can see that it fetched the
necessary modules for <code>printf()</code> and <code>putchar()</code> from the
newly created library.
Archive member included to satisfy reference by file (symbol)
.\libstm32.a(printf.o) uptime.o (printf)
.\libstm32.a(putchar.o) uptime.o (putchar)
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mi
.\libstm32.a(printf.o) (__gnu_thumb1_case_sqi)
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mi
uptime.o (__aeabi_uidiv)
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mi
uptime.o (__aeabi_idiv)
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mi
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/
3.3.1/thumb/v6-m/nofp\libgcc.a(_udivsi3.o) (__aeabi_idiv0)
<h2>Building hello</h2>
I can rebuild my <b>hello</b> application using the latest system
implementation and the newly made library.
<pre>SRCS = startup.c uplow.2.c hello.c</pre>
Build terminates successfully, the changes in size are due to the
difference in the system implementation.
$ make
f030f4.elf from startup.o uplow.2.o hello.o
text data bss dec hex filename
445 0 8 453 1c5 f030f4.elf
Checking the map file produced in the link phase, I can see that only
<b>puts.o</b> has been fetched from my local library.
Archive member included to satisfy reference by file (symbol)
.\libstm32.a(puts.o) hello.o (puts)
I had to deal with linking with <b>gcc</b> library
<a href="25_prototype.html">before</a>, so introducing my own library
implementation of the standard C library output functions is a simple step.
<a href="28_clocks.html">Next</a>, I will continue on the topic of asynchronous serial
transmission and look into baud rate and clock configuration.
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<h1>2.8 Baud Rate and Clocks</h1>
<blockquote> “The time has come,” the walrus said, “to talk of many things: Of baud
rates and clocks and quartz.”<br>
-- Les huit scaroles --
One thing to consider in any kind of transmission is the speed, how fast
or how slowly you can transmit data. I have configured <b>USART1</b> at
<b>9600&nbsp;baud</b>, keeping the other settings at default value (<b>8N1</b>),
so how fast is that?
<h2>A bit of theory</h2>
Lets interpret asynchronous serial transmission, 9600 baud, 8 bits, no
parity, 1 stop bit.
<li> Serial transmission means transmission on one wire, with each bit sent
one after the other, usually low bit first.
<li> Asynchronous means there is no extra wire for a clock, so transmitter
and receiver must agree on a bit rate and a transmission pattern.
<li> Transmission pattern, <b>8N1</b> in my case, is composed of a start bit,
a data length (<b>8</b> bits), parity (Even, Odd or <b>N</b>one) and <b>1</b>,
1.5 or 2 stop bits.
<li> Because there is no common transmitted clock, the receiver
resynchronizes based on the start bit/stop bit framing of the data. It
samples the line at 16 times the frequency of the agreed clock to detect
the change in the wire state.
In my case, <b>8N1</b> means that, because of the framing pattern, for
every byte of data sent, there is one extra start bit and one extra stop
bit sent, its ten bits per byte of data. At 9600 bauds that means 960
bytes per second, fast enough to transmit every characters of a 80×24
terminal screen in two seconds.
<h2>Baud rate accuracy</h2>
It sounds like a pretty robust transmission scheme, sampling at 16 times
the transmission clock isnt call oversampling for nothing. Am I
overdoing something here or just compensating for something I missed?
The thing is, I didnt program USART1 to transmit at 9600 baud. As my
default clock is 8MHz, I had to write in USART1 baud rate register a
value close to 8000000/9600 or 2500/3, 833 is close enough but my actual
transmission speed is closer to 9604, slightly faster than 9600 baud.
The error is small (4/10000) and the transmission works fine. Still
common baud rates are 300, 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.
It would be better if my clock frequency was 6MHz or 12MHz if I
want to work at higher baud rate.
Looking at the clock tree in the datasheet can be intimidating, its
definitively about several clocks.
<img alt="Clock Tree" src="img/28_clocktree.png">
The default configuration I have been using so far goes like this.
<li> HSI is the output of a 8MHz High Speed Internal RC oscillator.
<li> HSI is the default source of SYSCLK.
<li> HCLK, the clock of AHB domain, is SYSCLK divided by HPRE a pre-scaler
which default to 1.
<li> The system tick clock default configuration is HCLK/8.
<li> PCLK, the clock of APB domain, is HCLK divided by PPRE a pre-scaler
which default to 1.
<li> GPIO peripherals are on APB domain bus, they use PCLK.
<li> USART1 is also on APB domain bus, but its input clock can be selected,
PCLK is the default input.
From the peripherals point of view.
<li> SysTick Clock = HCLK/8 = SYSCLK/1/8 = HSI/1/8 = 8/1/8 MHz
<li> GPIOx Clock = PCLK = HCLK/1 = SYSCLK/1/1 = HSI/1/1 = 8/1/1 MHz
<li> USART1 Clock = PCLK = … = 8 MHz
As I want to have a clock frequency different than 8 MHz as input for
USART1, I can configure the Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) and switch SYSCLK to
take its input from the PLL instead of HSI.
The PLL output frequency must be in the range 16-48 MHz. As I am looking
for a frequency that can be divided by 3 to match most of the baud rate,
I will use 24 MHz.
<li> Select PLL input as HSI/2.
<li> Set PLLMUL to 6.
<li> Enable PLL and wait that it stabilizes.
<li> Select SYSCLK input as PLL.
<li> Wait for the switch to complete.
I can also activate the quartz if there is one soldered on the board.
Its usually the case but specially for STM32F030F4 which has only 20
pins, a quartz less design that free up two GPIO pins can be a day
saver. Quartz value from 4 to 32 MHz are supported and most design use 8
To set a 24 MHz clock with a 8 MHz High Speed External Oscillator (HSE):
<li> Enable HSE and wait that it stabilizes.
<li> Select HSE as input for the PLL with a pre divider of 2.
<li> Set PLLMUL to 6.
<li> Enable PLL and wait that it stabilizes.
<li> Select SYSCLK input as PLL.
<li> Wait for the switch to complete.
<li> Disable HSI.
I can use different values for the pre divider and post multiplier of
the PLL (/4, *12 or /1, *3 instead of /2, *6) but I want here to stay
aligned with the HSI/2 input selection when HSE quartz value is 8MHz.
I make a copy of <b>uplow.2.c</b> into <b>clocks.c</b> to make the changes.
I expand the board description part by adding <code>HSE</code>,
<code>PLL</code> and <code>BAUD</code> macro definitions. Based on those I can
handle four clock configurations: HSI, HSE, PLL HSI and PLL HSE.
/* user LED ON when PA4 is high */
#define LED_IOP A
#define LED_PIN 4
#define LED_ON 1
/* 8MHz quartz, configure PLL at 24MHz */
#define HSE 8000000
#define PLL 6
#define BAUD 9600
#ifdef PLL
# ifdef HSE
# define CLOCK HSE / 2 * PLL
# else /* HSI */
# define CLOCK 8000000 / 2 * PLL
# endif
# if CLOCK < 16000000
# error PLL output below 16MHz
# endif
# ifdef HSE
# define CLOCK HSE
# else /* HSI */
# define CLOCK 8000000
# endif
At compilation time there will be a check if the clock targeted is in
the supported range of the chipset and a warning given if the baud rate
generation is not accurate.
#if CLOCK > 48000000
# error clock frequency exceeds 48MHz
# warning baud rate not accurate at that clock frequency
I expand the definition of the Reset and Clock Control (RCC) peripheral
to add the necessary bit fields.
#define CAT( a, b) a##b
#define HEXA( a) CAT( 0x, a)
#define RCC ((volatile long *) 0x40021000)
#define RCC_CR RCC[ 0]
#define RCC_CR_HSION 0x00000001 /* 1: Internal High Speed clock enable */
#define RCC_CR_HSEON 0x00010000 /* 16: External High Speed clock enable */
#define RCC_CR_HSERDY 0x00020000 /* 17: External High Speed clock ready flag$
#define RCC_CR_PLLON 0x01000000 /* 24: PLL enable */
#define RCC_CR_PLLRDY 0x02000000 /* 25: PLL clock ready flag */
#define RCC_CFGR RCC[ 1]
#define RCC_CFGR_SW_MSK 0x00000003 /* 1-0: System clock SWitch Mask */
#define RCC_CFGR_SW_HSE 0x00000001 /* 1-0: Switch to HSE as system clock */
#define RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL 0x00000002 /* 1-0: Switch to PLL as system clock */
#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_MSK 0x0000000C /* 3-2: System clock SWitch Status Mask$
#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE 0x00000004 /* 3-2: HSE used as system clock */
#define RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL 0x00000008 /* 3-2: PLL used as system clock */
#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC 0x00010000
#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSI 0x00000000 /* HSI / 2 */
#define RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC_HSE 0x00010000 /* HSE */
#define RCC_CFGR_PLLXTPRE 0x00020000
#define RCC_CFGR_PLLXTPRE_DIV1 0x00000000 /* HSE */
#define RCC_CFGR_PLLXTPRE_DIV2 0x00020000 /* HSE / 2 */
#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL_MSK (0x00F << 18)
#define RCC_CFGR_PLLMUL( v) ((v - 2) << 18)
#define RCC_AHBENR RCC[ 5]
#define RCC_AHBENR_IOP( h) (1 << (17 + HEXA( h) - 0xA))
#define RCC_APB2ENR RCC[ 6]
#define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN 0x00004000 /* 14: USART1 clock enable */
The code to configure the clocks follow the steps I have described
before. The conditional compilation allows the generation of the four
possible cases: HSI, HSE, PLL HSI and PLL HSE.
/* By default SYSCLK == HSI [8MHZ] */
#ifdef HSE
/* Start HSE clock (8 MHz external oscillator) */
/* Wait for oscillator to stabilize */
do {} while( (RCC_CR & RCC_CR_HSERDY) == 0) ;
#ifdef PLL
/* Setup PLL HSx/2 * 6 [24MHz] */
/* Default 0: PLL HSI/2 src, PLL MULL * 2 */
# ifdef HSE
# endif
do {} while( (RCC_CR & RCC_CR_PLLRDY) == 0) ; /* Wait for PLL */
/* Switch to PLL as system clock SYSCLK == PLL [24MHz] */
# ifdef HSE
/* Switch to HSE as system clock SYSCLK == HSE [8MHz] */
# endif
#ifdef HSE
/* Switch off HSI */
Systick reload value is calculated based on <code>CLOCK</code> constant value.
SYSTICK_RVR = CLOCK / 8 - 1 ; /* HBA / 8 */
Similarly, USART1 baud rate register is calculated based on <code>CLOCK</code>
and <code>BAUD</code> constant value.
USART1[ BRR] = CLOCK / BAUD ; /* PCLK is default source */
I add a debug print at the end of <code>init()</code> to display which clock
configuration has been set.
#ifdef PLL
#ifdef HSE
"\n") ;
<h2>Build and test</h2>
To build, I first update the composition in Makefile.
<pre>SRCS = startup.c clocks.c uptime.c</pre>
Build complete successfully, this is for PLL HSE board configuration.
$ make
f030f4.elf from startup.o clocks.o uptime.o
text data bss dec hex filename
1901 0 12 1913 779 f030f4.elf
I use a board with a 8 MHz quartz soldered on and test the four clock
I have tuned the baud rate setting by using a higher frequency for the
system clock.&nbsp; The clock tree is complex and I have only looked at a part
of it.&nbsp; Nevertheless the implementation for the clock configuration give
me some flexibility and ease of setup.
<a href="29_interrupt.html">Next</a>, I will implement interrupt driven
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<h1>2.9 Interrupt Driven Transmission</h1>
Its time to revise the implementation of <code>kputc()</code>, remove the
recursive call to handle CR LF transmission and avoid the busy wait
loop. USART1 can trigger an interrupt when the Transmit Data Register
(<b>TDR</b>) is empty which is all I need to implement interrupt driven
<h2>Extending the interrupt vector</h2>
I need to add the device specific interrupts to the interrupt vector. So
far I have only mapped the initial Stack pointer and the 15 Core System
Exceptions. The STF0x0 chipsets have 32 device specific interrupts which
are listed in the <b><i>Reference Manual</i> RM0360</b>.
I make a copy of <b>startup.c</b> into <b>startup.txeie.c</b> to do the
changes. The name txeie refers to Transmit Data Register Empty Interrupt
/* Stubs for System Exception Handler */
void Default_Handler( void) ;
#define dflt_hndlr( fun) void fun##_Handler( void) \
dflt_hndlr( NMI) ;
dflt_hndlr( HardFault) ;
dflt_hndlr( SVCall) ;
dflt_hndlr( PendSV) ;
dflt_hndlr( SysTick) ;
dflt_hndlr( WWDG) ;
dflt_hndlr( RTC) ;
dflt_hndlr( FLASH) ;
dflt_hndlr( RCC) ;
dflt_hndlr( EXTI0_1) ;
dflt_hndlr( EXTI2_3) ;
dflt_hndlr( EXTI4_15) ;
dflt_hndlr( DMA_CH1) ;
dflt_hndlr( DMA_CH2_3) ;
dflt_hndlr( DMA_CH4_5) ;
dflt_hndlr( ADC) ;
dflt_hndlr( TIM1_BRK_UP_TRG_COM) ;
dflt_hndlr( TIM1_CC) ;
dflt_hndlr( TIM3) ;
dflt_hndlr( TIM6) ;
dflt_hndlr( TIM14) ;
dflt_hndlr( TIM15) ;
dflt_hndlr( TIM16) ;
dflt_hndlr( TIM17) ;
dflt_hndlr( I2C1) ;
dflt_hndlr( I2C2) ;
dflt_hndlr( SPI1) ;
dflt_hndlr( SPI2) ;
dflt_hndlr( USART1) ;
dflt_hndlr( USART2) ;
dflt_hndlr( USART3_4_5_6) ;
dflt_hndlr( USB) ;
/* Interrupt vector table:
* 1 Stack Pointer reset value
* 15 System Exceptions
* 32 Device specific Interrupts
typedef void (*isr_p)( void) ;
isr_p const isr_vector[ 16 + 32] __attribute__((section(".isr_vector"))) = {
(isr_p) &__StackTop,
/* System Exceptions */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0,
/* STM32F030xx specific Interrupts cf RM0360 */
} ;
<h2>kputc() and USART1_Handler()</h2>
I make a copy of <b>clocks.c</b> into <b>txeie.c</b> to make the changes to my
system layer.
I add the description of the TX Empty Interrupt Enable bit in the
Configuration Register of USART1:
<pre>#define USART_CR1_TXEIE (1 << 7) /* 7: TDR Empty Interrupt Enable */</pre>
I use a Round Robin buffer to synchronize <code>kputc()</code> and
<code>USART1_Handler()</code> making sure they dont write to the same location.
static unsigned char txbuf[ 8] ; // best if size is a power of 2 for cortex-M0
#define TXBUF_SIZE (sizeof txbuf / sizeof txbuf[ 0])
static unsigned char txbufin ;
static volatile unsigned char txbufout ;
<li> <code>kputc()</code> write in <code>txbuf[]</code> while
<code>USART1_Handler()</code> only read from it.
<li> <code>txbufin</code> is the index of the position where
<code>kputc()</code> will insert a character, its written by
<code>kputc()</code> and read by <code>USART1_Handler()</code>.
<li> <code>txbufout</code> is the index of the position where
<code>USART1_Handler()</code> will fetch a character, its written by
<code>USART1_Handler()</code> and read by <code>kputc()</code>. The value of
<code>txbufout</code> will change under interrupt, so it is marked as
<code>volatile</code> to make sure the compiler will not optimize the code in a
conflicting way.
<li> As the index calculation in the Round Robin buffer uses integer
division, it is best that the size of the buffer be a power of two on
Cortex-M0 chipset. This way the compiler will optimize <code>(idx+1) %
size</code> into <code>(idx+1) & (size-1)</code>, which is more efficient on chipset
with no support for integer division.
<li> I kept the buffer size small to be sure this code is well tested. With
a value of 8, this means the buffer can hold up to 7 characters.
void USART1_Handler( void) {
if( txbufout == txbufin) {
/* Empty buffer => Disable TXEIE */
} else {
static unsigned char lastc ;
unsigned char c ;
c = txbuf[ txbufout] ;
if( c == '\n' && lastc != '\r')
c = '\r' ;
txbufout = (txbufout + 1) % TXBUF_SIZE ;
USART1[ TDR] = c ;
lastc = c ;
void kputc( unsigned char c) { /* character output */
int nextidx ;
/* Wait if buffer full */
nextidx = (txbufin + 1) % TXBUF_SIZE ;
while( nextidx == txbufout)
yield() ;
txbuf[ txbufin] = c ;
txbufin = nextidx ;
/* Trigger transmission by enabling interrupt */
<li> <code>kputc()</code> enables the interrupt generation after a new
character is inserted in the buffer.
<li> <code>USART1_Handler()</code> disables the interrupt generation when the
buffer is empty.
<li> The conversion of LF to CR LF is done by the interrupt handler.
<li> <code>kputc()</code> now yields when the buffer is full.
<h2>Unmasking USART1 interrupt</h2>
I have configured USART1 peripheral to generate an interrupt when the
transmit data register is empty, now I have to tell the Core to pay
attention to USART1 specific interrupt line.
The 32 device specific interrupts are enabled through the Nested
Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC). <b>NVIC</b> is a core peripheral so its
description is in the Programming Manual. Enabling is done through the
Interrupt Set-Enable Register (ISER).
Set-Enable means writing a 1 enables while writing a 0 does nothing.
Reading reports the current settings. There is a corresponding
Clear-Enable register, to disable interrupts.
#define NVIC ((volatile long *) 0xE000E100)
#define NVIC_ISER NVIC[ 0]
#define unmask_irq( idx) NVIC_ISER = 1 << idx
#define USART1_IRQ_IDX 27
I add a call to the macro unmask_irq() after USART1 initialization.
/* Unmask USART1 irq */
unmask_irq( USART1_IRQ_IDX) ;
<h2>Build and test</h2>
I add the composition into Makefile
<pre>SRCS = startup.txeie.c txeie.c uptime.c</pre>
Build completes successfully
$ make
f030f4.elf from startup.txeie.o txeie.o uptime.o
text data bss dec hex filename
2097 0 20 2117 845 f030f4.elf
Checking the map and lst files I can verify that
<li> This code has grown by 128 bytes due to the 32 extra interrupt handlers.
<li> Previous implementation of <code>kputc()</code> was using 4 bytes of bss
to hold lastchar (1 byte). The new version uses 12 bytes to hold the round
robin buffer (8 bytes), its in and out indexes (2 bytes) and lastchar (1 byte).
<li> The compiler optimizes the modulo instruction in <code>% size</code> to
bit masking <code>& (size 1)</code> as the size 8 is a power of 2.
Flashing a device with the new executable, <b>uptime</b> works as the previous
There is no obvious benefit in doing transmission under interrupt at this
stage, my most complex application, <b>uptime</b>, prints one line every
second, there is plenty of idle time.
<a href="index.html#part3">Next</a>, I will use an external sensor to do some
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<h1>3.1 DHT11 Humidity & Temperature</h1>
The DHT11 is a low cost humidity and temperature sensor from Aosong
which is easy to buy online. It is not popular as it has a non standard
communication protocol and its precision is ±5% for humidity and ±2°C
for temperature so its often overlooked for more expensive solution.
<h2>Hardware consideration</h2>
The DHT11 comes in a 4 pin package where only 3 pins are used: vcc, gnd
and data io. It can be powered at 5V or 3.3V. At 3.3V I can connect its
data io pin to any of the STM32 GPIO pins, if I want to test how it
behaves when powered at 5V, I will have to use one of the 5V tolerant
pin of the STM32.
The io data line when idle need to be at high level, so a pull up
resistor is necessary.
I will use 3.3V, connect DHT11 data io pin to STM32 GPIOA0. The small
DHT11 boards I use all have a pull up resistor between vcc and io data.
<img alt="DHT11 Boards" src="img/31_dht11.png">
<h2>Measurement frequency</h2>
The DHT11 needs one second to settle after power up, after that it can
be queried no more often than every two seconds.
This requirement is easy to implement based on uptime 1 second counter.
<h2>Communication protocol</h2>
In idle state, the io data line is kept high by the pull up resistor and
DHT11 is waiting for a request.
To request data, the STM32 needs to keep the io data line at low level
for more than 18 ms.
Once the STM32 releases the line, the pull up will bring the level back to up
and the DHT11 will assert the beginning of transmission by first pulling it
down for 80 µs then up for 80 µs.
The DHT11 will transmit 40 bits (5 bytes), high bit first, encoding a
zero as 50 µs low followed by 26-28 µs high and a one as 50 µs low
followed by 70 µs high.
The last bit is followed by 50 µs low to signal the end of transmission
and the return to idle state.
To implement this protocol on STM32 side:
<li> GPIO pin as output low during 18 ms.
<li> GPIO pin as input to sample the line at a frequency that allow
differentiation of a 26-28 µs high (encoding a zero) versus a 70 µs
high (encoding a one).
<h2>Data encoding</h2>
The 5 transmitted bytes hold humidity, temperature and checksum.
<li> Byte 0: Integer part of humidity value.
<li> Byte 1: Fractional part of humidity value. Equals to zero.
<li> Byte 2: Integer part of temperature value.
<li> Byte 3: One digit fractional part of temperature value. 0-9, bit 7
indicate if temperature is below zero.
<li> Byte 4: Cheksum of bytes 0-3.
The STM32F030 has no support for floating point representation so I will
use ad hoc representation of the temperature value.
<h2>Implementing Low Level API</h2>
I need to implement the following low level functionalities:
<li> Configure a GPIOA pin as <b>input</b>. This is the default mode of most
GPIOA pins. In input mode the line is floating and the level can be
<li> Configure a GPIOA pin as <b>output</b>. The level will be asserted by
STM32. The default output value is LOW.
<li> <b>Read</b> a GPIOA pin level, either HIGH or LOW.
<li> <b>Sleep</b> for a duration specified in µs.
This is a minimal set of function based on the known state of the
system, <b>GPIOA</b> has already been enabled as I am using serial
transmission, the pins output level default to <b>LOW</b>, so I only need to
configure the pin as an output to pull down the line.
The sleep granularity is <b>1 µs</b>, I need to assert the line LOW for at
least 18 ms, so <b>1 ms</b> or even <b>10 ms</b> granularity would be fine.
I add the following lines to <b>system.h</b> to declare the interface I am
going to implement.
/* GPIOA low level API ********************************************************/
typedef enum {
LOW = 0,
} iolvl_t ;
void gpioa_input( int pin) ; /* Configure GPIOA pin as input */
void gpioa_output( int pin) ; /* Configure GPIOA pin as output */
iolvl_t gpioa_read( int pin) ; /* Read level of GPIOA pin */
void usleep( unsigned usecs) ; /* wait at least usec µs */
I make a copy of <b>txeie.c</b> into <b>gpioa.c</b> to implement the new API.
#define IDR 4
/* GPIOA low level API ********************************************************/
void gpioa_input( int pin) { /* Configure GPIOA pin as input */
GPIOA[ MODER] &= ~(3 << (pin * 2)) ; /* Apin as input [00] */
void gpioa_output( int pin) { /* Configure GPIOA pin as output */
GPIOA[ MODER] |= 1 << (pin * 2) ; /* Apin output (over [00]) */
iolvl_t gpioa_read( int pin) { /* Read level of GPIOA pin */
return LOW != (GPIOA[ IDR] & (1 << pin)) ;
I didnt use the GPIO Input Data Register (<b>IDR</b>) until now, so I add it
to the registers description.
<code>gpioa_output()</code> implementation is minimal. I know I am switching
only between input and output mode, so I dont need to mask the bit field
I use the System Tick to implement <code>usleep()</code>.
void usleep( unsigned usecs) { /* wait at least usec µs */
#if CLOCK / 8000000 < 1
# error HCLOCK below 8 MHz
usecs = SYSTICK_CVR - (CLOCK / 8000000 * usecs) ;
while( SYSTICK_CVR > usecs) ;
The System Tick generates an interrupt every second but I can read the
Current Value Register (<b>CVR</b>) to pause for smaller time period.
As I will read the sensor just after a new second count, I know that the
<b>CVR</b> value is close to maximum and I dont need to care for a roll
SysTick input clock is <b>HCLK/8</b>, this implementation will work for
<b>HCLK</b> equal to a multiple of 8 MHz (8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48).
<h2>DHT11 API</h2>
I create the header file <b>dht11.h</b> with the following interface.
/* dht11.h -- DHT11 API */
typedef enum {
} dht11_retv_t ;
/* 5 .. 95 %RH, -20 .. 60 °C */
extern unsigned char dht11_humid ; /* 5 .. 95 %RH */
extern signed char dht11_tempc ; /* -20 .. 60 °C */
extern unsigned char dht11_tempf ; /* .0 .. .9 °C */
void dht11_init( void) ;
dht11_retv_t dht11_read( void) ;
<li> Initialization: <code>dht11_init()</code>, once at startup.
<li> Call: <code>dht11_read()</code>, not more often than every two seconds,
starting one second after voltage stabilizes.
<li> Test for error: transmission protocol is based on strict timing and
data integrity is insured by checksum, so Timeout and Checksum error
need to be checked.
<li> Measurement available through global variables holding humidity,
integer part of temperature and one digit fractional part of
Based on this API, I write <b>dht11main.c</b>.
/* dht11main.c -- sample DHT11 sensor */
#include &lt;stdio.h>
#include "system.h"
#include "dht11.h"
int main() {
static unsigned last ;
dht11_init() ;
for( ;;)
if( last == uptime)
yield() ;
else {
last = uptime ;
if( last & 1) /* every 2 seconds starting 1 second after boot */
switch( dht11_read()) {
printf( "%u%%RH, %d.%uC\n", dht11_humid, dht11_tempc,
dht11_tempf) ;
break ;
puts( "Timeout") ;
break ;
puts( "Cksum error") ;
<h2>DHT11 API implementation</h2>
I first translate the specs into <b>pseudocode</b>.
dht11_retv_t dht11_read( void) {
unsigned char values[ 5] ;
/* Host START: pulls line down for > 18ms then release line, pull-up raises to HIGH */
dht11_output() ;
usleep( 18000) ;
dht11_input() ;
/* DHT START: takes line, 80µs low then 80µs high */
wait_level( LOW) ; /* HIGH -> LOW, starts 80µs low */
wait_level( HIGH) ; /* LOW -> HIGH, ends 80µs low, starts 80µs high */
/* DHT transmits 40 bits, high bit first
* 0 coded as 50µs low then 26~28µs high
* 1 coded as 50µs low then 70µs high
wait_level( LOW) ; /* HIGH -> LOW, ends 80µs high, starts 50µs low */
unsigned char sum = 0 ;
unsigned char v = 0 ;
for( int idx = 0 ; idx <= 4 ; idx += 1) {
sum += v ;
v = 0 ;
for( unsigned char curbit = 128 ; curbit ; curbit >>= 1) {
/* Measure duration of HIGH level */
wait_level( HIGH) ; /* LOW -> HIGH, ends 50µs low, starts timed high */
wait_level( LOW) ; /* HIGH -> LOW, timed high ends, starts 50µs low */
/* Set bit based on measured HIGH duration */
if( duration is 70µs) /* 0 == 26~28µs, 1 == 70µs */
v |= curbit ;
values[ idx] = v ;
/* DHT STOP: releases line after 50µs, pull-up raises to HIGH */
wait_level( HIGH) ; /* LOW -> HIGH, ends 50µs low, dht has released the line */
if( sum != values[ 4])
return DHT11_FAIL_CKSUM ;
dht11_humid = values[ 0] ;
dht11_tempc = values[ 2] ;
dht11_tempf = values[ 3] ;
if( dht11_tempf & 0x80) {
dht11_tempc *= -1 ;
dht11_tempf &= 0x7F ;
return DHT11_SUCCESS ;
To turn this pseudocode into real implementation I need to code
<li> <code>wait_level()</code>: wait for a line transmission and triggers a
timeout if there is none.
<li> a way to measure the duration of a HIGH level.
I implement <code>wait_level()</code> as a macro, triggering a timeout when the
number of retries reach a limit. Originally, I set MAX_RETRIES to 999,
later I tune it to be large enough for the highest frequency supported
by STM32F030 (48 MHz).
#define MAX_RETRIES 200 /* at 48 MHz, 160 retries for 80 µs HIGH */
#define is_not_LOW( a) a != LOW
#define is_not_HIGH( a) a == LOW
#define wait_level( lvl) \
retries = MAX_RETRIES ; \
while( is_not_##lvl( dht11_bread())) \
if( retries-- == 0) \
return DHT11_FAIL_TOUT
<code>wait_level()</code> allows me to measure the duration of a wait in retries
unit. As DHT11 starts transmission by 80µs LOW followed by 80µs HIGH, I
can measure 80µs in retries unit. This is all I need to calibrate the timing
I can do this calibration every time the DHT11 starts transmission, this
way I dont need to update some constant if I change the frequency of my
system clock.
/* DHT transmits 40 bits, high bit first
* 0 coded as 50µs low then 26~28µs high
* 1 coded as 50µs low then 70µs high
wait_level( LOW) ; /* HIGH -> LOW, ends, 80µs high, starts 50µs low */
int threshold = (MAX_RETRIES + retries) / 2 ;
Based on the measured duration of 80µs, I can define a threshold at
40µs. Later to identify if a bit transmitted was a 0 (26~28µs) or a 1
(70µs), I will check if its duration is below or higher than the
wait_level( LOW) ; /* HIGH -> LOW, timed high ends, starts 50µs low */
/* Set bit based on measured HIGH duration */
if( retries < threshold) /* false == 26~28µs, true == 70µs */
v |= curbit ;
To finalize <code>dht11_read()</code>, I declare retries before the first
/* DHT START: takes line, 80µs low then 80µs high */
int retries ; /* retry counter */
wait_level( LOW) ; /* HIGH -> LOW, starts 80µs low */
There is still a bit of pseudocode left as I need to map
<code>dht11_input()</code>, <code>dht11_output()</code> and
<code>dht11_bread()</code> to actual GPIO peripheral, pin and low level
functions. I am using GPIOA pin 0.
/* dht11.c -- DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor reading */
#include "dht11.h" /* implements DHT11 API */
#include "system.h" /* usleep(), gpioa_*() */
#define DIO 0
#define dht11_input() gpioa_input( DIO)
#define dht11_output() gpioa_output( DIO)
#define dht11_bread() gpioa_read( DIO)
/* 5 .. 95 %RH, -20 .. 60 °C */
unsigned char dht11_humid ; /* 5 .. 95 %RH */
signed char dht11_tempc ; /* -20 .. 60 °C */
unsigned char dht11_tempf ; /* .0 .. .9 °C */
void dht11_init( void) {
dht11_input() ;
After adding the includes, global variables declarations and the
implementation of <code>dht11_init()</code>, I can build and test.
<h2>Build and basic test</h2>
I add the new composition to <b>Makefile</b>
<pre>SRCS = startup.txeie.c gpioa.c dht11main.c dht11.c</pre>
Build completes successfully
$ make
f030f4.elf from startup.txeie.o gpioa.o dht11main.o dht11.o
text data bss dec hex filename
1877 0 24 1901 76d f030f4.elf
Flashing the board and starting execution, I can see a new output every
two seconds.
<img alt="DHT11 output" src="img/31_output.png">
The humidity value seems off the mark. So I need to investigate whats
the issue.
I have implemented DHT11 protocol using polling and auto timing calibration. I
can read the values reported by the DHT11 sensor.
<a href="32_errata.html">Next</a>, I will investigate if the values read are
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<h1>3.2 DHT11 Errata</h2>
I only did basic testing so far, checking that the values read were
displayed properly. But the humidity values didnt seem correct, so I
need to do some extra verifications. There are many possible causes and
they can combine, bugs like humans are social animals, when you find
one, look for its mates.
Some candidates for investigations:
<li> Coding or wiring mistakes.
<li> Wrong interpretation of the datasheet.
<li> Mistake in the datasheet.
<li> Bad sample of the DHT11.
<li> Deviation from the specifications.
<li> Sensitivity to power supply, either the accuracy of the voltage or the
fact I am using 3.3V instead of 5.5V.
On top of this I need to do extra testing
<li> Test at temperature below 0°C.
<li> Check if the readings are stable or jittery.
<h2>Coding and wiring check</h2>
My basic test shows that I manage to read values without errors. A loose
wire would generate Timeout errors or Checksum errors. The temperature
values look reasonable, only humidity seems way too high.
I double checked both code and wiring to be on the safe side.
I am confident that the protocol implementation matches the transmission
of DHT11. So next I need recheck if the setup time (one second) and
frequency of reading (every two seconds) are the correct requirement.
<h2>Datasheet check</h2>
I rechecked Aosong website for the latest version of the DHT11
datasheet. There is only a Chinese version v1.3 branded ASAIR. I have
the previous version v1.3 branded AOSONG which seems identical except a
revision page.
I also have an English Aosong DHT11 datasheet that seems outdated.
Aosong doesnt seem to allow redistribution of their datasheet so most
online vendor have made their own based on that English version.
The English datasheet states the temperature range as 0~50℃, the
humidity range to be 20~95%RH and recommend a reading frequency greater
than 5 seconds.
The Chinese datasheet states the temperature range as -20~60°C, the
humidity range to be 0~95%RH and recommend a reading frequency greater
than 2 seconds. It also explains the encoding of negative temperature.
My implementation is based on the latest Chinese version. I can retest
with a longer interval between readings in case I am using a chip that
follows the older specification (5 seconds interval instead of 2).
In <b>dht11main.c</b> I just need to change the test <code>if( 1 & last)</code>
to <code>if( 2 == (last % 15))</code> in order to read every 15 seconds after
a setup time of 2 seconds. If this works better, I can retry for shorter
intervals by changing the modulo value.
When I test with readings every 15 seconds, I get stable humidity value
around 25~26%RH. As I have changed both interval and setup time, I need
confirm that it is the interval time that matters.
With intervals of 5 and 6 seconds, the reading jumps above 37%RH. So
its clearly a problem with the interval.
I want to make a round number of samples per minute, so I need retest to
check if 10 and 12 seconds work the same as 15, but before I do fine
tuning, I better check if this is not just a problem with that
particular DHT11.
<h2>Product quality</h2>
Its clear that the DHT11 I am testing is not behaving according to old
or new specifications for the sampling interval.
Defects happen! No production line output is 100% perfect, so I may just
have a defective or damaged chip. As this particular product is low
cost, I have several boards on hands I bought from different suppliers, I would
be very unlucky if they end up all coming from the same bad production
batch or all damaged by mishandling.
Testing the four DHT11 I have, I find that three of them are working in
their precision range when sampled every five seconds. Understanding
that humidity precision is ±5%RH and temperature precision is ±2℃, there
is still room for quite some variation between readings from different
I select the most accurate chip at my current environment humidity and
temperature to do further test.
<h2>Voltage tolerance</h2>
When it come to measurement, precision is often related to the value of
the reference voltage. I want to check the difference in measurement of
the same chip when powered at 5V compared to 3.3V.
I need to use a 5V tolerant GPIO pin for this test, so I switch to GPIOA
13 (SWDIO). By default that pin is configured as ALT SWDIO, floating
input with weak pull-up, similar to the initial state for DHT11 Data IO
The board needs to be powered by its USB connector 5V source instead of
directly by the USB to Serial adapter, I make sure board and adapter are
powered independently, the two being connected only by TX, RX and GND.
I can then select the voltage of DHT11 according to what I want to test, 3.3V
or 5V.
There is a difference in measurement, 3.3V giving slightly higher value
than 5V, for this particular test: 2%RH more for humidity and 0.3℃ for
temperature. There is no clear advantage to use 5V over 3.3V.
I am not doing precise voltage test as the precision of DHT11 and the
variation between the chips I have would make the interpretation of the
results irrelevant.
<h2>Temperature below 0℃.</h2>
The Chinese version of the datasheet gives the encoding for temperature
below zero ℃ and a measurement range of -20~60℃.
I have implemented <code>dht11_read()</code> accordingly so I just need to
test at below zero ℃.
From my test, I can see that the values reported are negative but I
found a difference versus the datasheet.
According to the datasheet, the temperature values are encoded as 1 byte
for the integer part and 1 byte for the one decimal digit fractional
part, the highest bit of the fractional part indicating the sign.
So when temperature crosses zero, I expects to see
0 + 2 => 0.2
0 + 1 => 0.1
0 + 0 => 0.0
0 - 1 => -0.1
0 - 2 => -0.2
0 - 8 => -0.8
0 - 9 => -0.9
1 - 0 => -1.0
1 - 1 => -1.1
Instead the values transmitted are
0 + 2 => 0.2
0 + 1 => 0.1
0 + 0 => 0.0
0 - 9 => ???
0 - 8 => ???
0 - 2
0 - 1
0 - 0 => !!!
1 - 9
I have to modify my original implementation
dht11_tempc = values[ 2] ;
dht11_tempf = values[ 3] ;
if( dht11_tempf & 0x80) {
dht11_tempc *= -1 ;
dht11_tempf &= 0x7F ;
And retest after the following modification.
dht11_tempc = values[ 2] ;
dht11_tempf = values[ 3] ;
if( dht11_tempf & 0x80) {
dht11_tempc *= -1 ;
dht11_tempf = 10 - ( dht11_tempf & 0x7F) ;
if( dht11_tempf == 10) {
dht11_tempc -= 1 ;
dht11_tempf = 0 ;
During my test I didnt noticed big surges in measurements but the time
to get to actual value is quite long. The interval between readings
affects the measurement and initially it takes a long time for the
readings to converge to actual temperature or humidity.
I didnt find any English version of the latest version of the
I found some difference between the Chinese datasheet and the behavior
of the chips I have when it come to representation of temperature below
Cost and one pin transmission interface are the two main advantages of
this chipset.
I could use the DHT11 for monitoring temperature and humidity
variations. For fast and accurate measurements, this is not the droid I
am looking for.
I did multiple checks and found several issues. I can secure stable
readings by controlling the reading interval, which means I can tune the
timing to suit a specific chip. There is variations in readings between
chips and due to the loose precision it is hard to understand how good
or how bad the measurements are.
<a href="33_ds18b20.html">Next</a>, I will use another digital thermometer as a
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<h1>3.3 DS18B20 Digital Thermometer</h2>
The DS18B20 chip from <b>Maxim Integrated</b> is a digital thermometer able to
do measurement from -55℃ to 125℃ with a precision of ±0.5℃ in the range
-10℃ to 85℃.
<h2>Hardware considerations</h2>
The DS18B20 comes in several packaging where only 3 pins are used: vcc,
gnd and data io. It can be powered at 5V or 3.3V.
The io data line when idle need to be at high level, so a pull up
resistor is necessary. The small DS18B20 board I use has a pull up
resistor between vcc and io data.
<img alt="DS18B20 Board" src="img/33_ds18b20.png">
It is possible to power the chip using data io and gnd only (no vcc) in
Parasitic Power Mode if a two wire only interface is needed. I wont use
this feature for now.
<h2>Communication protocol</h2>
The data io line is a 1-Wire bus on which several 1-Wire devices can be
connected. So there is a scheme to address multiple devices, but in
simple case where there is only the host and one device, command can be
broadcasted without specifying addresses.
A typical transaction sequence goes like this
<li> Initialization
<li> ROM Command (followed by any required data exchange)
<li> Function Command (followed by any required data exchange)
The <b>initialization</b> is a simple timed handshake where the host
triggers a response from the device by pulling the line LOW for 480µs,
then waits for the device to assert it LOW to confirm its presence.
static ds18b20_retv_t initialization() {
/* Reset */
output() ; /* Wire LOW */
usleep( 480) ;
input() ; /* Wire floating, HIGH by pull-up */
/* Presence */
int retries ;
wait_level( HIGH) ; /* Pull-up LOW -> HIGH, T1 */
wait_level( LOW) ; /* DS18B20 asserts line to LOW, T2, T2 - T1 = 15~60us */
wait_level( HIGH) ; /* DS18B20 releases lines, Pull-up LOW -> HIGH, T3
** T3 - T2 = 60~240us */
usleep( 405) ; /* 480 = 405 + 15 + 60 */
return DS18B20_SUCCESS ;
The <b>ROM Command</b> is how the host selects the device for communication.
Writing a <b>ROM Skip</b> command addresses all devices connected.
The <b>Function Command</b> is the request to the device selected by the ROM
<li> Read the device memory
<li> Write the device memory
<li> Start a temperature conversion
To write command or data the host does timed pulse for each bit, there
is no acknowledge from the device and no error detection.
static void write( unsigned char uc) {
/* Transmit byte, least significant bit first */
for( unsigned char curbit = 1 ; curbit ; curbit <<= 1) {
/* Transmit a bit takes 60us + 1us between transmit */
/* Write 1: <15us LOW */
/* Write 0: 60us LOW */
unsigned t = uc & curbit ? 13 : 60 ;
output() ; /* Wire LOW */
usleep( t) ;
input() ; /* Wire floating, HIGH by pull-up */
usleep( 61 - t) ;
When the host expects to read some data, it can triggers a 1 bit
transmission from the device by first pulling the line LOW for 1µs then
reading the state asserted by the device.
static iolvl_t poll( void) {
output() ; /* Wire LOW */
usleep( 1) ;
input() ; /* Wire floating, HIGH by pull-up */
usleep( 5) ;
iolvl_t bit = bread() ;
usleep( 55) ;
return bit ;
Integrity of the data transmitted by the device is guaranteed by 8 bit
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).
static unsigned char read( unsigned char *p, int size) {
unsigned char crc = 0 ;
while( size--) {
/* Receive byte, least significant bit first */
unsigned char uc = 0 ;
for( unsigned char curbit = 1 ; curbit ; curbit <<= 1) {
/* read bit */
int v = poll() ;
if( v)
uc |= curbit ;
/* update CRC */
v ^= crc ;
crc >>= 1 ;
if( v & 1)
crc ^= 0x119 >> 1 ; /* reverse POLY = x^8 + x^5 + x^4 + 1 */
/* store byte */
*p++ = uc ;
return crc ;
Base on this, complex transaction sequences can be coded.
The transaction to read the eight byte scratchpad (device memory) plus
static ds18b20_retv_t read_scratchpad( unsigned char scratchpad[]) {
ds18b20_retv_t ret = initialization() ;
if( ret != DS18B20_SUCCESS)
return ret ;
write( 0xCC) ; /* Skip ROM */
write( 0xBE) ; /* Read Scratchpad */
return read( scratchpad, 9) ? DS18B20_FAIL_CRC : DS18B20_SUCCESS ;
<h2>Temperature conversion and encoding</h2>
The DS18B20 can convert the temperature measured into a 12 bit signed
digit, 8 bit integer part and 4 bit fractional part. As the time of
conversion depends of the precision of the conversion, it is possible to
select the resolution from 9 to 12 significant bits. Conversion time
range from less than 93.75ms (9 bits) to maximum 750ms (12 bits).
The host requests the conversion, waits for the conversion to end, then
fetch the device memory to read the measurement.
The host can <code>poll()</code> the device to check if the conversion is
<h2>DS18B20 API</h2>
I create the header file <b>ds18b20.h</b> with the following interface.
/* ds18b20.h -- 1-Wire temperature sensor */
typedef enum {
} ds18b20_retv_t ;
void ds18b20_init( void) ;
ds18b20_retv_t ds18b20_resolution( unsigned res) ; /* 9..12 bits */
ds18b20_retv_t ds18b20_convert( void) ;
ds18b20_retv_t ds18b20_fetch( short *deciCtemp) ;/* -550~1250 = -55.0~125.0 C */
ds18b20_retv_t ds18b20_read( short *deciCtemp) ; /* -550~1250 = -55.0~125.0 C */
<li> Initialization: <code>ds18b20_init()</code>, once at startup.
<li> Use <code>ds18b20_resolution()</code> to select the resolution. It can be
done before starting a conversion. The value will be kept until the ds18b20
is powered down.
<li> To measure the temperature, use <code>ds18b20_read()</code>, which will
start a conversion, wait until it finishes, fetch the value from the device
memory and deci℃ (1 deci℃ = 0.1 ℃).
<li> Alternatively, to avoid the blocking <code>ds18b20_read()</code>, call
<code>ds18b20_convert()</code> followed by <code>ds18b20_fetch()</code> once
enough time has elapsed to complete the conversion.
Below is an application to print the temperature every second.
/* ds18b20main.c -- sample temperature using 1-Wire temperature sensor */
#include &lt;stdio.h>
#include "system.h" /* uptime */
#include "ds18b20.h" /* ds18b20_() */
int main( void) {
unsigned last = 0 ;
ds18b20_init() ;
ds18b20_resolution( 12) ; /* Set highest resolution: 12 bits */
ds18b20_convert() ; /* start temperature conversion */
for( ;;)
if( last == uptime)
yield() ;
else {
short val ;
last = uptime ;
switch( ds18b20_fetch( &val)) {
case DS18B20_SUCCESS:
printf( "%i.%i\n", val / 10, val % 10) ;
break ;
case DS18B20_FAIL_TOUT:
puts( "Timeout") ;
break ;
case DS18B20_FAIL_CRC:
puts( "CRC Error") ;
ds18b20_convert() ; /* start temperature conversion */
<h2>DS18B20 API implementation</h2>
I create <b>ds18b20.c</b>, starting with the GPIO mapping and initialization.
/* ds18b20.c -- 1-Wire digital thermometer */
#include "ds18b20.h" /* implements DS18B20 API */
#include "system.h" /* gpioa_(), usleep() */
#define DIO 13
#define input() gpioa_input( DIO)
#define output() gpioa_output( DIO)
#define bread() gpioa_read( DIO)
#define MAX_RETRIES 999
#define wait_level( lvl) \
retries = MAX_RETRIES ; \
while( bread() != lvl) \
if( retries-- == 0) \
return DS18B20_FAIL_TOUT
void ds18b20_init( void) {
input() ; /* Wire floating, HIGH by pull-up */
I add the local functions that are the building block for the
transactions (<code>initialization()</code>, <code>write()</code>,
<code>poll()</code> and <code>read()</code>) and
the <code>read_scratchpad()</code> transaction I explained before.
Start conversion transaction:
ds18b20_retv_t ds18b20_convert( void) {
ds18b20_retv_t ret ;
ret = initialization() ;
if( ret != DS18B20_SUCCESS)
return ret ;
write( 0xCC) ; /* Skip ROM */
write( 0x44) ; /* Convert T */
return DS18B20_SUCCESS ;
Fetch temperature, to be called after conversion is done.
ds18b20_retv_t ds18b20_fetch( short *deciCtemp) { /* -550~1250 = -55.0~125.0 C $
ds18b20_retv_t ret ;
unsigned char vals[ 9] ; /* scratchpad */
ret = read_scratchpad( vals) ;
if( ret != DS18B20_SUCCESS)
return ret ;
*deciCtemp = *((short *) vals) * 10 / 16 ;
return DS18B20_SUCCESS ;
Blocking temperature read, which polls the device for end of conversion.
ds18b20_retv_t ds18b20_read( short *deciCtemp) { /* -550~1250 = -55.0~125.0 C */
ds18b20_retv_t ret ;
ret = ds18b20_convert() ;
if( ret != DS18B20_SUCCESS)
return ret ;
usleep( 4000) ;
while( poll() == LOW) ; /* up to 93.75ms for 9 bits, 750ms for 12 bits */
return ds18b20_fetch( deciCtemp) ;
Set resolution.
ds18b20_retv_t ds18b20_resolution( unsigned res) { /* 9..12 bits */
ds18b20_retv_t ret ;
unsigned char vals[ 9] ; /* scratchpad */
unsigned char curres ;
/* read scratchpad */
ret = read_scratchpad( vals) ;
if( ret != DS18B20_SUCCESS)
return ret ;
/* update resolution if current value is different than requested */
res = (res - 9) & 3 ;
curres = vals[ 4] >> 5 ;
if( curres != res) {
vals[ 4] = (vals[ 4] & 0x1F) | (res << 5) ;
ret = initialization() ;
if( ret != DS18B20_SUCCESS)
return ret ;
write( 0xCC) ; /* Skip ROM */
write( 0x4E) ; /* Write Scratchpad */
write( vals[ 2]) ;
write( vals[ 3]) ;
write( vals[ 4]) ;
return DS18B20_SUCCESS ;
There is no error check when writing to the device, so it would make
sense to read back the device memory after the set to make sure there
was no error when writing in the first place.
<h2>Build and test</h2>
I add the new composition to Makefile.
<pre>SRCS = startup.txeie.c gpioa.c ds18b20main.c ds18b20.c</pre>
Build complete successfully.
$ make
f030f4.elf from startup.txeie.o gpioa.o ds18b20main.o ds18b20.o
text data bss dec hex filename
2530 0 16 2546 9f2 f030f4.elf
Flashing the board and starting execution, I can see a new output every
<img alt="DS18B20 output" src="img/33_output.png">
<a href="34_adcvnt.html">Next</a>, I will read the internal Voltage and
Temperature sensors using Analog to Digital Conversion (<b>ADC</b>).
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<h1>3.4 Internal Voltage and Temperature</h1>
The STM32 chipsets have internal temperature sensor and voltage
reference connected to two channels of the Analog to Digital Converter
(ADC) peripheral. I will take some readings to see how that compare to
other temperature sensors.
The STM32F030 family has a suffix 6 (STM32F030F4P<b>6</b>) for the ambient
operating temperature: -40℃ to 85℃. It should be fine to use not only
inside rooms but also outdoor (may be not on the dashboard of a car
parked under direct tropical sunlight at noon in summer).
<h2>Analog to Digital Converter</h2>
The STM32 ADC is very versatile which also means it has many options. I
am looking for a minimal setup to read both voltage and temperature by
issuing an ADC conversion command for each value I need to read.
The initialization steps:
<li> Enable ADC peripheral.
<li> Select a sampling clock.
<li> Recalibrate after a change of sampling clock.
<li> Enable command mode.
<li> Select Voltage reference and Temperature sensor as inputs.
<li> Configure acquisition direction and mode.
static void adc_init( void) {
/* Enable ADC peripheral */
/* Setup ADC sampling clock */
#ifdef HSI14
RCC_CR2 |= RCC_CR2_HSI14ON ; /* Start HSI14 clock */
do {} while( !( RCC_CR2 & RCC_CR2_HSI14RDY)) ; /* Wait for stable clock */
/* Select HSI14 as sampling clock for ADC */
// ADC_CFGR2 &= ~ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE ; /* Default 00 == HSI14 */
/* Select PCLK/2 as sampling clock for ADC */
ADC_CFGR2 |= ADC_CFGR2_PCLK2 ; /* 01 PCLK/2 Over default 00 */
// ADC_CFGR2 |= ADC_CFGR2_PCLK4 ; /* 10 PCLK/4 Over default 00 */
/* Calibration */
do {} while( ADC_CR & ADC_CR_ADCAL) ; /* Wait end of calibration */
/* Enable Command (below Work Around from Errata necessary with PCLK/4) */
do {
} while( !( ADC_ISR & ADC_ISR_ADRDY)) ;
/* Select inputs and precision */
ADC_CHSELR = 3 << 16 ; /* Channel 16: temperature, Channel 17: Vrefint */
ADC_SMPR = 7 ;
/* Select acquisition direction and mode */
/* Default scan direction (00) is Temperature before Voltage */
// ADC_CFGR1 &= ~ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR ; /* Default 0 is low to high */
ADC_CFGR1 |= ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN ; /* Enable Discontinuous mode */
The ADC characteristics in the STM32F030 datasheet states that the
maximum ADC sampling clock is 14MHz. It is possible to select either an
internal 14 MHz clock (HSI14) or PCLK divided by 2 or 4. I want to check
how the clock affects the readings (HSI14, 28/2, 24/2, 48/4). At first I
couldnt manage to make PCLK/4 work until I found the note on ADC
calibration work around in the errata
<a href="https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/search.html#q=%20ES0219-t=resources-page=1"
>ES0219 2.5.3</a>
After this initialization, I can trigger an ADC conversion by issuing a
command, wait until completion and fetch the result in the ADC Data
static unsigned adc_convert( void) {
/* Either only one channel in sequence or Discontinuous mode ON */
ADC_CR |= ADC_CR_ADSTART ; /* Start ADC conversion */
do {} while( ADC_CR & ADC_CR_ADSTART) ; /* Wait for start command cleared */
return ADC_DR ;
There is two values to fetch, temperature and voltage in that order.
temperature = adc_convert() ;
voltage = adc_convert() ;
The values resulting from an ADC conversion are raw, at the precision I
selected during initialization (12 bits) it gives me a value between 0
and 4095.
<h2>Factory Calibration</h2>
The raw data readings are relative to the analog operative voltage VDDA.
<b>Vmeasured = VDDA * VRAW / 4095</b>
This is why I measure both voltage and temperature. Ideally, VDDA should
be 3.3V, in practice its highly dependent of the power supply.
Every chip is calibrated in factory during production, ADC conversion is
done at 3.3V and 30℃ and the resulting values are stored in system
<img alt="VREFINT_CAL" src="img/34_vrefint.png">
<img alt="TS_CAL1" src="img/34_tscal1.png">
/* STM32F030 calibration addresses (at 3.3V and 30C) */
#define TS_CAL1 ((unsigned short *) 0x1FFFF7B8)
#define VREFINT_CAL ((unsigned short *) 0x1FFFF7BA)
VREFINT is the embedded reference voltage measured on channel 17 of the
ADC. According to the STM32F030 datasheet it is in the range 1.2V to
1.25V. I have a chip whose VREFINT calibration value is 1526, that means
the embedded reference voltage VREFINT is 3.3 * 1526 / 4095, close to
the middle of the range and the given typical value of 1.23V.
I can read VREFINT raw data after ADC conversion and I know its factory
calibrated value, so I can calculate VDDA.
<b>VREFINT = 3.3 * VCAL / 4095 = VDDA * VRAW / 4095</b>
<b>VDDA = 3.3 * VCAL / VRAW</b>
On my chip whose VCAL is 1526, if I measure VRAW at 1534, this will put
VDDA at 3.28V. Less than 1% off the ideal 3.3V voltage.
There is only one temperature calibration value stored for STM32F030
chips. You need two reference values to be able to calculate the
temperature reliably, either the ADC readings taken at two temperatures
(30℃ and 110℃ for other STM32 families) or one ADC reading plus the
value of the temperature slope characteristic for that particular chip.
The STM32F030 datasheet gives the range 4~4.6 mV/℃ and a typical value
of 4.3 mV/℃ for the average slope. The reference manual uses 4.3 mV/℃ in
the temperature calculation code example.
When it comes to temperature measurement using the temperature sensor of
STM32F030, you need to do your own two point calibration.
<h2>Voltage and Temperature Conversion API</h2>
I need to be able to
<li> Initialize the ADC for voltage and temperature conversion and fetch
the calibration values.
<li> Fetch the calibration values.
<li> Convert and read the raw ADC conversion values.
<li> Convert and read the calculated voltage and temperature.
I add the following API to <b>system.h</b>
typedef enum {
} vnt_cmd_t ;
void adc_vnt( vnt_cmd_t cmd, short *ptrV, short *ptrC) ;
The voltage return value is in centiV (330 == 3.3V), the temperature
return value is in deci℃ (300 == 30℃).
I make a copy of <b>gpioa.c</b> into <b>adc.c</b> adding the code I just
explained for <code>adc_init()</code>, <code>adc_convert()</code>, the
calibration value addresses and the following implementation of
void adc_vnt( vnt_cmd_t cmd, short *ptrV, short *ptrC) {
if( cmd == VNT_INIT)
adc_init() ;
if( cmd <= VNT_CAL) {
/* Calibration Values */
*ptrV = *VREFINT_CAL ;
*ptrC = *TS_CAL1 ;
return ;
/* ADC Conversion */
*ptrC = adc_convert() ;
*ptrV = adc_convert() ;
if( cmd == VNT_VNC) {
*ptrC = 300 + (*TS_CAL1 - *ptrC * *VREFINT_CAL / *ptrV) * 10000 / 5336 ;
*ptrV = 330 * *VREFINT_CAL / *ptrV ;
The calculation for the temperature is based on the code example from
the reference manual (RM0360 A.7.16).
The only thing missing is the description of the newly used registers
and bitfields.
● The extra RCC bitfields and register for enabling the ADC peripheral and activating HSI14 clock.
#define RCC_APB2ENR_ADCEN 0x00000200 /* 9: ADC clock enable */
#define RCC_CR2 RCC[ 13]
#define RCC_CR2_HSI14ON 0x00000001 /* 1: HSI14 clock enable */
#define RCC_CR2_HSI14RDY 0x00000002 /* 2: HSI14 clock ready */
● The ADC registers and bitfields.
#define ADC ((volatile long *) 0x40012400)
#define ADC_ISR ADC[ 0]
#define ADC_ISR_ADRDY 1 /* 0: ADC Ready */
#define ADC_ISR_EOC 4 /* 2: End Of Conversion flag */
#define ADC_CR ADC[ 2]
#define ADC_CR_ADEN 1 /* 0: ADc ENable command */
#define ADC_CR_ADSTART 4 /* 2: ADC Start Conversion command */
#define ADC_CR_ADCAL (1 << 31) /* 31: ADC Start Calibration cmd */
#define ADC_CFGR1 ADC[ 3] /* Configuration Register 1 */
#define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR 4 /* 2: Scan sequence direction */
#define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN (1 << 16) /* 16: Enable Discontinuous mode */
#define ADC_CFGR2 ADC[ 4] /* Configuration Register 2 */
#define ADC_CFGR2_CKMODE (3 << 30) /* 31-30: Clock Mode Mask */
/* 31-30: Default 00 HSI14 */
#define ADC_CFGR2_PCLK2 (1 << 30) /* 31-30: PCLK/2 */
#define ADC_CFGR2_PCLK4 (2 << 30) /* 31-30: PCLK/4 */
#define ADC_SMPR ADC[ 5] /* Sampling Time Register */
#define ADC_CHSELR ADC[ 10] /* Channel Selection Register */
#define ADC_DR ADC[ 16] /* Data Register */
#define ADC_CCR ADC[ 194] /* Common Configuration Register */
#define ADC_CCR_VREFEN (1 << 22) /* 22: Vrefint Enable */
#define ADC_CCR_TSEN (1 << 23) /* 23: Temperature Sensor Enable */
I create <b>adcmain.c</b> to take readings every second.
/* adcmain.c -- ADC reading of reference voltage and temperature sensor */
#include &lt;stdio.h>
#include "system.h"
#define RAW
int main( void) {
unsigned last = 0 ;
short calV, calC ;
/* Initialize ADC and fetch calibration values */
adc_vnt( VNT_INIT, &calV, &calC) ;
#ifdef RAW
printf( "%u, %u\n", calV, calC) ;
for( ;;)
if( uptime == last)
yield() ;
else {
short Vsample, Csample ;
last = uptime ;
#ifdef RAW
adc_vnt( VNT_RAW, &Vsample, &Csample) ;
printf( "%i, %i, %i, %i, ", calV, Vsample, calC, Csample) ;
Csample = 300 + (calC - (int) Csample * calV / Vsample)
* 10000 / 5336 ;
Vsample = 330 * calV / Vsample ;
adc_vnt( VNT_VNC, &Vsample, &Csample) ;
printf( "%i.%i, %i.%i\n", Vsample / 100, Vsample % 100,
Csample / 10, Csample % 10) ;
<h2>Build and test</h2>
I want to test using maximum ADC clock at 14 MHz provided by PLLHSI/2,
as I am using a board with no external quartz.
/* No quartz, configure PLL at 28MHz */
//#define HSE 8000000
#define PLL 7
#define BAUD 9600
//#define HSI14 1
I add the composition in <b>Makefile</b>
<pre>SRCS = startup.txeie.c adc.c adcmain.c</pre>
The build gives some warning as 28MHz is not a perfect match for a
baudrate of 9600 and the current implementation of <code>usleep()</code>. This
will not affect my application.
$ make
adc.c:155:3: warning: #warning baud rate not accurate at that clock frequency [-
155 | # warning baud rate not accurate at that clock frequency
| ^~~~~~~
adc.c: In function 'usleep':
adc.c:232:3: warning: #warning HCLK is not multiple of 8 MHz [-Wcpp]
232 | # warning HCLK is not multiple of 8 MHz
| ^~~~~~~
f030f4.elf from startup.txeie.o adc.o adcmain.o
text data bss dec hex filename
2464 0 16 2480 9b0 f030f4.elf
Flashing the board and starting execution, I can see the results of the
ADC conversion and the calculated values.
<img alt="Raw ADC conversion readings" src ="img/34_output.png">
The temperature readings are roughly 5℃ higher than room temperature.
I have done a simple ADC settings to read the Voltage reference and the
temperature sensor.
Using the factory calibration data I can convert the raw ADC measurement
into actual Vref. This will help in adjusting the ADC readings. But for
temperature, the provided calibration is insufficient, there is only one
point measured in factory for the STM32F030 family members.
<a href="35_calibrate.html">Next</a>, I will do temperature calibration, which
means taking two measurements as far apart as possible in the working range I
want to use.
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<title>3.5 Internal Temperature Sensor Calibration</title>
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<h1>3.5 Internal Temperature Sensor Calibration</h1>
When it comes to temperature measurement, the documented factory
calibration of STM32F030 family members does not provide enough
information to make a valid estimation. The datasheet tells us that the
value stored is the raw data of ADC conversion of the temperature sensor
reading at 3.3V (±10mV) and 30℃ (±5℃).
<img alt="TS_CAL1" src="img/34_tscal1.png">
There is only one point calibration documented and its reference
temperature is known with a precision of ±5℃. Thats not enough to
calculate temperature but it shows that the sensor was tested in
Notice that the calibration value name is <b>TS_CAL1</b>, some other STM32
chipset families do have a second temperature factory calibration point
<b>TS_CAL2</b>. Also some dont have any factory calibration stored at all.
So you have to refer to the datasheet that matches the chip you are
targeting when you port your code to a new chipset.
<img alt="Temperature Sensor Characteristics" src="img/35_tschar.png">
The sensor linearity with temperature is at worst ±2℃. So I am curious
to see how it performs over a range of temperature.
If you are so lucky that you have picked a STM32F030 chip that has the
typical average slope of <b>4.3 mV/℃</b> and was calibrated in factory at
exactly <b>3.3V</b> and <b>30℃</b>, then you could use the following formula
to calculate the temperature.
<b>T = 30 + (TS_CAL1 * 3.3 TS_RAW * VDDA) / 4095 / 0.0043</b>
<b>VDDA = 3.3 * VREFINT_CAL / V_RAW</b>
that gives
<b>T = 30 + 3.3 * (TS_CAL1 TS_RAW * V_CAL / V_RAW) / 4095 / 0.0043</b>
If I express the average slope in raw ADC units per ℃ instead of mV/℃
<b>5.336 = 4095 * 0.0043 / 3.3</b>
the final formula is
<b>T = 30 + (TS_CAL1 TS_RAW * V_CAL / V_RAW) * 1000 / 5336</b>
which matches the sample code for temperature computation given in the
reference manual (RM0360 A.7.16).
/* Temperature sensor calibration value address */
#define TEMP30_CAL_ADDR ((uint16_t*) ((uint32_t) 0x1FFFF7B8))
#define VDD_CALIB ((uint32_t) (3300))
#define VDD_APPLI ((uint32_t) (3000))
#define AVG_SLOPE ((uint32_t) (5336)) /* AVG_SLOPE in ADC conversion step
(@3.3V)/°C multiplied by 1000 for
precision on the division */
int32_t temperature; /* will contain the temperature in degrees Celsius */
temperature = ((uint32_t) *TEMP30_CAL_ADDR
- ((uint32_t) ADC1->DR * VDD_APPLI / VDD_CALIB)) * 1000;
temperature = (temperature / AVG_SLOPE) + 30;
If I use the raw ADC readings from my last run
<b>VDDA = 3.3 * 1526 / 1538 = 3.274V</b>
<b>t = 30 + (1721 1718 * 1526 / 1538) * 1000 / 5336 = 33.07℃</b>
I confirm the voltage with a voltmeter (measured 3.282V versus 3.274V
computed). The computed internal temperature value is roughly 5℃ higher
than the room temperature.
<h2>Undocumented calibration data</h2>
For the STM32F030Fx, the 5KB space before the RAM contains the System
Memory (3KB) and the option bytes.
| Content | Start Address | Size |
| System Memory | 0x1FFFEC00 | 3KB |
| Option Bytes | 0x1FFFF800 | 2KB |
| RAM Memory | 0x20000000 | 4KB |
The calibration data are saved in the last 96 bytes of the System
Memory, starting at address 0x1FFFF7A0. So its simple to dump the
content of that zone and compare the values for multiple chips.
$ stm32flash -r - -S 0x1FFFF7a0:96 COM3 2>/dev/null | hexdump -C
00000000 ff ff ff ff 31 00 10 00 ff ff ff ff 1c 00 3a 00 |....1.........:.|
00000010 12 57 34 41 38 32 30 20 b9 06 f6 05 f0 ff ff ff |.W4A820 ........|
00000020 ff ff 11 05 ff ff ff ff fc ff ff ff 10 00 ff ff |................|
00000030 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |................|
00000040 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff f3 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |................|
00000050 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 68 97 52 ad 3b c4 3f c0 |........h.R.;.?.|
| Location | Content | Size | F030 | F0x1/2/8 |
| 0x1FFFF7AC | Unique ID | 12 | | √ |
| 0x1FFFF7B8 | TS_CAL1 | 2 | √ | √ |
| 0x1FFFF7BA | VREFINT_CAL | 2 | √ | √ |
| 0x1FFFF7C2 | TS_CAL2 | 2 | | √ |
| 0x1FFFF7CC | Flash size (KB) | 2 | √ | √ |
This is the same layout as the one documented in <b>RM0091 <i>Reference Manual
STM32F0x1/STM32F0x2/STM32F0x8</i></b> which includes the following sample code
for temperature computation.
/* Temperature sensor calibration value address */
#define TEMP110_CAL_ADDR ((uint16_t*) ((uint32_t) 0x1FFFF7C2))
#define TEMP30_CAL_ADDR ((uint16_t*) ((uint32_t) 0x1FFFF7B8))
#define VDD_CALIB ((uint16_t) (330))
#define VDD_APPLI ((uint16_t) (300))
int32_t temperature; /* will contain the temperature in degrees Celsius */
temperature = ((int32_t) ADC1->DR * VDD_APPLI / VDD_CALIB)
- (int32_t) *TEMP30_CAL_ADDR;
temperature *= (int32_t)(110 - 30);
temperature /= (int32_t)(*TEMP110_CAL_ADDR - *TEMP30_CAL_ADDR);
temperature += 30;
Factoring in the actual measured voltage, this gives
<b>T = 30 + (TS_CAL1 TS_RAW * V_CAL / V_RAW) * 80 / (TS_CAL1 TS_CAL2)</b>
If I use the raw ADC readings from my last run
TSCAL2_SLOPE = (1721 - 1297) / 80 = 5.3 ADC step/℃
= 3.3 * 5.3 / 4095 = 4.271 mV/℃
<b>t = 30 + (1721 1718 * 1526 / 1538) * 80 / (1721 1297) = 33.09℃</b>
Which is only 0.02℃ higher than the previous result based on the more
generic formula. Because the temperature measured is close to the
calibration temperature, the correction is negligible. For this
particular chip, to see a difference of 0.1℃ between the value computed
by the two formulas, you need a delta of 15℃ from the calibration
The factory calibration temperature is defined as 30℃ (±5℃). I can store
a reference temperature value in the first User Data Option Byte. This
way I don't need to modify the code for each chip.
I update the application to use <b>TS_CAL2</b> based temperature calculation
and access the tuned reference temperature from the option bytes.
/* adcmain.c -- ADC reading of reference voltage and temperature sensor */
#include &lt;stdio.h>
#include "system.h"
#define RAW
#define TS_CAL2 ((const short *) 0x1FFFF7C2)
#define USER0 ((const unsigned char *) 0x1FFFF804)
int main( void) {
unsigned last = 0 ;
short calV, calC ;
/* Initialize ADC and fetch calibration values */
adc_vnt( VNT_INIT, &calV, &calC) ;
#ifdef RAW
printf( "%u, %u\n", calV, calC) ;
int baseC = 300 ;
# ifdef USER0
if( 0xFF == (USER0[ 0] ^ USER0[ 1]))
baseC = USER0[ 0] * 10 ;
# endif
for( ;;)
if( uptime == last)
yield() ;
else {
short Vsample, Csample ;
last = uptime ;
#ifdef RAW
adc_vnt( VNT_RAW, &Vsample, &Csample) ;
printf( "%i, %i, %i, %i, ", calV, Vsample, calC, Csample) ;
Csample = baseC + (calC - (int) Csample * calV / Vsample)
# ifdef TS_CAL2
* 800 / (calC - *TS_CAL2) ;
# else
* 10000 / 5336 ;
# endif
Vsample = 330 * calV / Vsample ;
adc_vnt( VNT_VNC, &Vsample, &Csample) ;
printf( "%i.%i, %i.%i\n", Vsample / 100, Vsample % 100,
Csample / 10, Csample % 10) ;
I have added an <a href="AA_factory.html">appendix</a> to track the factory
written content.
<a href="36_update.html">Next</a>, I will cover the toolchain update that I
made while working on the temperature sensors.
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<title>3.6 Toolchain Update</title>
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<h1>3.6 Toolchain Update</h1>
When a new release of GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain comes out, I have to do some
adaptations when switching to it.
By example, to switch from release 9 update to release 10 major, I made three
changes to <b>Makefile</b>.
● Update the Linux base directory location:
#GCCDIR = $(HOME)/Packages/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update
GCCDIR = $(HOME)/Packages/gcc-arm-none-eabi-10-2020-q4-major
● Update the Windows base directory location:
#GCCDIR = D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/9 2020-q2-update
GCCDIR = D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/10 2020-q4-major
● Update the library subdirectory location:
#LIBDIR = $(GCCDIR)/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.3.1/thumb/v6-m/nofp
LIBDIR = $(GCCDIR)/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.2.1/thumb/v6-m/nofp
In the case of release 10 major, unfortunately while doing some regression
testing by recompiling the projects so far, I found that the new release
optimizes further the C startup clearing of BSS data by calling
<code>memset()</code> from the distribution libraries.
$ make
f030f4.elf from startup.txeie.o adc.o adcmain.o
D:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain\10 2020-q4-major\bin\arm-none-
eabi-ld.exe: startup.txeie.o: in function `Reset_Handler':
D:\Renau\Documents\Projects\stm32bringup\docs/startup.txeie.c:126: undefined ref
erence to `memset'
make: *** [mk8:61: f030f4.elf] Error 1
So I had to add <b>libc.a</b> and its location on top of <b>libgcc.a</b>
to the list of libraries.
LIBS = -l$(LIBSTEM) -lc -lgcc
LIB_PATHS = -L. -L$(GCCDIR)/arm-none-eabi/lib/thumb/v6-m/nofp -L$(LIBDIR)
with <b>libc.a</b> the link phase complete successfully.
f030f4.elf from startup.txeie.o adc.o adcmain.o
text data bss dec hex filename
2644 0 16 2660 a64 f030f4.elf
As I dont want to turn off size optimization and I am not willing to
always pay the full 180 bytes for a production ready <code>memset()</code>
when it is called only once at startup to clear a few bytes, I ended up adding
my own version of <code>memset()</code> to my local library.
#include &lt;string.h>
void *memset( void *s, int c, size_t n) {
char *p = s ;
while( n--)
*p++ = c ;
return s ;
LIBOBJS = printf.o putchar.o puts.o memset.o
Link succeed with a reduction of 152 bytes of code.
f030f4.elf from startup.txeie.o adc.o adcmain.o
text data bss dec hex filename
2492 0 16 2508 9cc f030f4.elf
<h2>GCC front end handling the libraries selection</h2>
As I was investigating the compilation flags to find if there was a
better way to solve this issue, I figure out I could let <b>gcc</b> handle
the distribution libraries selection and their location based on the CPU
type. So I changed the linker invocation accordingly and got rid of LD,
LIBDIR and LIB_PATHS definitions.
# $(LD) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) $(LIB_PATHS) -Map=$(PROJECT).map -cref -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
$(CC) $(CPU) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) -L. -Wl,-Map=$(PROJECT).map,-cref \
-nostartfiles -o $@ $(OBJS) -l$(LIBSTEM)
As the compiler front end is now controlling the libraries selection it is
possible to give it a hint how to select a better optimized memset(). The
libc library comes in two flavors: regular and nano.
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)
LIBOBJS = printf.o putchar.o puts.o # memset.o
CPU = -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m0 --specs=nano.specs
<code>memset()</code> included in the nano version of libc occupies the same
space as my own implementation.
f030f4.elf from startup.txeie.o adc.o adcmain.o
text data bss dec hex filename
2492 0 16 2508 9cc f030f4.elf
<h2>PATH based command selection</h2>
Finally, I revised the way I specify the commands location by updating the
PATH environment variable in the Makefile instead of giving the full path of
each command.<br>
On Windows, I make sure that drive specification matches the development
environment in use (Cygwin, MSYS2 and other).
### Build environment selection
ifeq (linux, $(findstring linux, $(MAKE_HOST)))
#REVDIR = gcc-arm-none-eabi-10-2020-q4-major
REVDIR = arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi
ifeq (cygwin, $(findstring cygwin, $(MAKE_HOST)))
OSDRIVE = /cygdrive/$(DRIVE)
else ifeq (msys, $(findstring msys, $(MAKE_HOST)))
INSTALLDIR = $(OSDRIVE)/Program Files (x86)
#REVDIR = GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/10 2020-q4-major
REVDIR = GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi
export PATH := $(GCCDIR)/bin:$(PATH)
BINPFX = @arm-none-eabi-
AR = $(BINPFX)ar
CC = $(BINPFX)gcc
OBJCOPY = $(BINPFX)objcopy
OBJDUMP = $(BINPFX)objdump
SIZE = $(BINPFX)size
Switching back to latest version of the toolchain at the time of writing this,
the link shows further improvement of the code size. The optimization via
<code>memset()</code> has been skipped by the compiler.
f030f4.elf from startup.txeie.o adc.o adcmain.o
text data bss dec hex filename
2464 0 16 2480 9b0 f030f4.elf
Invoking the compiler instead of the linker gives more flexibility in
case the toolchain directory structure changes or if I target a
different core. The compiler is aware of the location of the toolchain
libraries while the linker need explicit parameters to handle those
<a href="37_inram.html">Next</a>, I will (re)build to execute code in RAM
instead of FLASH.
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<h1>3.7 In RAM Execution</h1>
<h2>Selecting which memory is mapped at address 0x0</h2>
So far, I have been executing either my own code from flash or the
bootloader from system memory depending of the state of the BOOT0 pin at
Using stm32flash I can request the bootloader to transfer execution to
the code in flash memory.
<pre>stm32flash -g 0 COM6</pre>
With my current code, this works fine as far as I dont use interrupt
subroutine. <b>ledon</b> and <b>blink</b> both work, but <b>ledtick</b> will
reset once the <code>SysTick_Handler()</code> interrupt routine is triggered
for the first time. This is due to the fact that the system memory is still
mapped at address 0x0 where my interrupt subroutine vector should be. To
fix this, I need to insure the flash is mapped at address 0x0 before I
enable interrupts.
The memory mapping is managed through the System Configuration
controller <b>SYSCFG</b>, so I need to activate it and reconfigure the mapping
before my <b>SysTick</b> initialization code in <code>init()</code>.
/* Make sure FLASH Memory is mapped at 0x0 before enabling interrupts */
SYSCFG_CFGR1 &= ~3 ; /* Map FLASH at 0x0 */
and add the SYSCFG peripheral description.
#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN 0x00000001 /* 1: SYSCFG clock enable */
#define SYSCFG ((volatile long *) 0x40010000)
With this in place, I can now switch easily from bootloader to flash
code by sending a go command via stm32flash.
<h2>Sharing the RAM with the Bootloader</h2>
Before I can ask the bootloader to transfer execution to code in RAM, I
need first to ask it to write code there. As the bootloader data are
located in RAM too, I have to avoid overwriting them. Where is it safe
to write in RAM?
The answer is in the application note <b>AN2606 <i>STM32 microcontroller
system memory boot mode</i></b>. Section 5 covers <b>STM32F03xx4/6 devices
bootloader</b> and it states in <b>5.1 Bootloader Configuration</b>:
<blockquote>2 Kbyte starting from address 0x20000000 are used by the bootloader
I am using a STM32F030F4P6, which has 4KB RAM and the bootloader
firmware is using the first 2KB. That means I have only 2KB left to use
starting from address 0x20000800.
Actually, I have only 2KB left to use until the bootloader firmware
transfer execution to my code in RAM. Once my code executes, I can
reclaim the first 2KB. This is exactly what I have to tell the linker.
I just create a new linker script <b>f030f4.ram.ld</b> by copying
<b>f030f4.ld</b> and changing the memory configuration.
/* FLASH means code, read only data and data initialization */
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000800, LENGTH = 2K
RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 2K
I can build <b>ledon</b> or <b>blink</b> with that new linker script and check
the resulting <b>f030f4.map</b> file.
<li> isr vector, code, const data and data initialization are located from
<li> Stack Pointer initial value is 0x20000800.
<li> .data and .bss are located from 0x20000000.
Lets write this code in RAM and execute it!
stm32flash -w blink.bin -S 0x20000800 COM6
stm32flash -g 0x20000800 COM6
This work just fine but of course the executable of <b>ledon</b> or
<b>blink</b> doesnt use interrupt routines.
<h2>ISR Vector in RAM</h2>
Like for FLASH, we need to make sure that RAM memory is mapped at
address 0x0 and start with the ISR vector.
<li> Use <b>SYSCFG</b> controller to map RAM at address 0x0
<li> Tell the linker to reserve space at beginning of RAM before locating
<b>.data</b> section.
<li> Make a copy of <code>isr_vector[]</code> to the beginning of RAM in the
space reserved by the linker.
To select the RAM mapping, the <b>MEM_MODE</b> bits need to be set in
/* Make sure SRAM Memory is mapped at 0x0 before enabling interrupts */
SYSCFG_CFGR1 |= 3 ; /* Map RAM at 0x0 */
The ISR vector will have at most 16 + 32 entries for STM32F030xx, that
means 192 bytes need to be reserved. I add a new section before <b>.data</b> in
the link script.
.isrdata :
ram_vector = . ;
. = . + 192 ;
} > RAM
.data : AT (__etext)
In the startup code, I add the code to copy the <code>isr_vector[]</code> to
the location reserved at the beginning of RAM.
#define ISRV_SIZE (sizeof isr_vector / sizeof *isr_vector)
extern isr_p ram_vector[] ;
/* Copy isr vector to beginning of RAM */
for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < ISRV_SIZE ; i++)
ram_vector[ i] = isr_vector[ i] ;
RAM initialization now consists of
<li> Stack pointer initialization
<li> ISR vector copy
<li> .data initialization
<li> .bss clearing
I can now rebuild <b>ledtick</b> or <b>uptime prototype</b> for execution in
RAM.&nbsp; <b>f030f4.map</b> now shows that .data starts at 0x200000C0, after
.isrdata 0x20000000 0xc0
0x20000000 ram_vector = .
0x200000c0 . = (. + 0xc0)
*fill* 0x20000000 0xc0
.data 0x200000c0 0x0 load address 0x20000c88
0x200000c0 __data_start__ = .
I can now use <b>stm32flash</b> to write those executables in RAM and request
<h2>Memory Models</h2>
I have now the choice between four memory models when I build.
| Model | ISRV Location | Load address (word aligned) |
|BOOTFLASH| Beginning of FLASH | Beginning of FLASH |
| BOOTRAM | Beginning of RAM | Beginning of RAM |
| GOFLASH | Beginning of RAM | In FLASH |
| GORAM | Beginning of RAM | In RAM, after bootloader reserved space |
<li> <b>BOOTFLASH</b>: Executed at reset depending of BOOT0 pin level otherwise
triggered by a (boot)loader.
<li> <b>BOOTRAM</b>: Executed at reset depending of BOOT0/BOOT1 configuration
otherwise triggered by a (boot)loader through SWD.
<li> <b>GOFLASH</b>: Executed at reset if located at beginning of FLASH
otherwise triggered by a (boot)loader. (Spoiler: IAP and multi boot)
<li> <b>GORAM</b>: Triggered by a (boot)loader. Useful for development if RAM
size allows it. (Spoiler: external storage)
To avoid having to edit multiple files when switching between models or
introducing a new chipset family, I make the following changes.
<li> Use a generic linker script.
<li> Let the startup code handle the isr vector initialization and the
memory mapping.
<li> Maintain the FLASH and RAM information and isr vector position in the
<h3>1. Generic Linker Script</h3>
To turn f030f4.ram.ld into a generic linker script, I need to
<li> abstract the memory part.
<li> remove the RAM isr vector hardcoded size.
/* FLASH means code, read only data and data initialization */
The Makefile will provide the necessary addresses and sizes information
by passing parameters to the linker: <code>FLASHSTART</code>,
<code>FLASHSIZE</code>, <code>RAMSTART</code>, <code>RAMSIZE</code>.
/* In RAM isr vector reserved space at beginning of RAM */
.isrdata (NOLOAD):
} > RAM
The startup code will allocate <code>ram_vector[]</code> in <b>.ram_vector</b>
section if needed.
<h3>2. Startup Code</h3>
I create the startup code startup.ram.c from a copy of startup.txeie.c,
using conditional compiled code selected by RAMISRV whose definition
will be passed as parameter to the compiler.
#if RAMISRV == 2
# define ISRV_SIZE (sizeof isr_vector / sizeof *isr_vector)
isr_p ram_vector[ ISRV_SIZE] __attribute__((section(".ram_vector"))) ;
int main( void) ;
void Reset_Handler( void) {
const long *f ; /* from, source constant data from FLASH */
long *t ; /* to, destination in RAM */
#if RAMISRV == 2
/* Copy isr vector to beginning of RAM */
for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < ISRV_SIZE ; i++)
ram_vector[ i] = isr_vector[ i] ;
/* Assume:
** __bss_start__ == __data_end__
** All sections are 4 bytes aligned
f = __etext ;
for( t = __data_start__ ; t < __bss_start__ ; t += 1)
*t = *f++ ;
while( t < &__bss_end__)
*t++ = 0 ;
/* Make sure active isr vector is mapped at 0x0 before enabling interrupts */
SYSCFG_CFGR1 |= 3 ; /* Map RAM at 0x0 */
SYSCFG_CFGR1 &= ~3 ; /* Map FLASH at 0x0 */
if( init() == 0)
main() ;
for( ;;)
__asm( "WFI") ; /* Wait for interrupt */
The SYSCFG controller definition is now included through a chipset
specific header file. This way I can maintain all the chipset
controllers and peripherals in one place.
<pre>#include "stm32f030xx.h"</pre>
<h3> 3. Makefile</h3>
The Makefile now holds the memory model definition that is passed as
parameters to the compiler and the linker.
### Memory Models
# By default we use the memory mapping from linker script
# In RAM Execution, load and start by USART bootloader
# Bootloader uses first 2K of RAM, execution from bootloader
#FLASHSTART = 0x20000800
#RAMSTART = 0x20000000
# In RAM Execution, load and start via SWD
# 4K RAM available, execution via SWD
#FLASHSTART = 0x20000000
#RAMSTART = 0x20000C00
# In Flash Execution
# if FLASHSTART is not at beginning of FLASH: execution via bootloader or SWD
#FLASHSTART = 0x08000000
#RAMSTART = 0x20000000
# ISR vector copied and mapped to RAM when FLASHSTART != 0x08000000
ifneq ($(FLASHSTART),0x08000000)
ifeq ($(FLASHSTART),0x20000000)
# Map isr vector in RAM
# Copy and map isr vector in RAM
BINLOC = 0x08000000
Compiler and linker have different syntax for defining symbols through
command line parameters.
CPU = -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m0 --specs=nano.specs
WARNINGS=-pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Wstrict-prototypes
LD_SCRIPT = generic.ld
LDOPTS +=-Map=$(subst .elf,.map,$@) -cref --print-memory-usage
comma :=,
space :=$() # one space before the comment
LDFLAGS =-Wl,$(subst $(space),$(comma),$(LDOPTS))
As I am revising the compilation flags, I have increased the level of
warnings by adding -pedantic, -Wstrict-prototypes.
Build rules updated with new symbols for the linker.
$(PROJECT).elf: $(OBJS) libstm32.a
boot.elf: boot.o
ledon.elf: ledon.o
blink.elf: blink.o
ledtick.elf: ledtick.o
cstartup.elf: cstartup.o
@echo $@
$(CC) $(CPU) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) $(LDFLAGS) -nostartfiles -o $@ $+
$(SIZE) $@
$(OBJDUMP) -hS $@ > $(subst .elf,.lst,$@)
The projects composition need to be updated to use the new startup.
<pre>SRCS = startup.ram.c txeie.c uptime.1.c</pre>
Finally, to keep track of the memory model and the load location, I put
the load address in the name of the binary file generated.
<pre>all: $(PROJECT).$(BINLOC).bin $(PROJECT).hex</pre>
This way if I build uptime prototype in GORAM memory model
$ make
text data bss dec hex filename
1164 0 20 1184 4a0 f030f4.elf
The name of the file will remind me where to load the code.
$ stm32flash -w f030f4.0x20000800.bin -S 0x20000800 COM6
$ stm32flash -g 0x20000800
<h2>Caveat: stm32flash v0.6 intel hex bug</h2>
At the time of writing, <b>stm32flash</b> v0.6 has a bug that prevents
writing intel hex files correctly at address other than the origin of
the Flash. A bug fix and the possibility to directly read the base
address from the intel hex file are planned to be included in v0.7.
Until v0.7 is out, I am using my own patched version of stm32flash or
the binary files when I need to test GOFLASH and GORAM memory models.
As I branched off my own patched version of <b>stm32flash</b>, I added a
<code>-x</code> option to write and execute an intel hex file:
<pre>stm32flash -x file.hex COM#</pre>
I build all four memory models and check that they can be loaded and
executed using both <b>stm32flash</b> and <b>STM32 Cube Programmer</b>.
Using the USART bootloader, I validate BOOTFLASH, GOFLASH and GORAM with
<b>stm32flash</b> and <b>STM32 Cube Programmer</b>.
Using the SWD interface, I validate BOOTFLASH, GOFLASH, BOOTRAM and
GORAM with <b>STM32 Cube Programmer</b>.
<a href="38_crc32.html">Next</a>, I will add integrity check at startup by
doing CRC32 validation of the code.
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<title>3.8 CRC-32 Code Validation</title>
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<h1>3.8 CRC-32 Code Validation</h1
The STM32F030 family comes with a CRC calculation unit. It can be used
during startup to validate the integrity of the code in memory.
Cyclic Redundancy Check is a way to do error detection and correction. I
have already met CRC when dealing with the DS18B20 sensor where CRC-8 is
used during the scratchpad 9 bytes transmission.
The STM32 CRC calculation unit has the following default characteristic:
<li> POLY32 is 0x04C11DB7.
<li> Initialisation 0xFFFFFFFF.
<li> High bit first (left shift).
<li> 32 bit word input, little endian.
I don't plan to write a self-signing executable, so on top of the STM32
startup code validation, I will also write a sign32 command to sign
binary files during build.
<h2>Implementation Steps</h2>
<li> Update <b>stm32f030xx.h</b> with the CRC calculation unit definitions.
<li> Update startup with `check_flash()` to be tested before `init()` is
<li> Update <b>generic.ld</b> with a new section used as placeholder for the CRC
sum at the end of the flashable content.
<li> Write `sign32` command to sign a binary file.
<li> Update <b>Makefile</b> to sign the binary executable and create an intel
hex version out of it.
<h3>1. stm32f030xx.h</h3>
The CRC calculation unit is on the AHB bus and its clock need to be
enabled before use.
#define RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN (1 << 6) /* 6: CRC clock enable */
I will make use of the default setup so I only need to refer to the Data
Register and the Control Register. I create all register definitions as
there is a gap in the memory layout.
#define CRC ((volatile unsigned *) 0x40023000)
#define CRC_DR CRC[ 0]
#define CRC_IDR CRC[ 1]
#define CRC_CR CRC[ 2]
#define CRC_INIT CRC[ 4]
<h3>2. startup.crc.c</h3>
I make a copy of <b>startup.ram.c</b> into <b>startup.crc.c</b>.
I use conditional compilation, the build option `CRC32SIGN` will be
defined in the Makefile.
The constant variable `crcsum` is a placeholder with the hexadecimal value
<code>DEADC0DE</code> in byte order. This value will be overriden by the
computed CRC value during build. The linker will put `crcsum` at the end of the
used FLASH.
`check_flash()` use the CRC calculation unit to compute the CRC value
from beginning of FLASH `isr_vector` to end of FLASH `crcsum`. If
`crcsum` value is the correct CRC, the computed result will be 0.
#ifdef CRC32SIGN
const unsigned crcsum __attribute__((section(".crc_chk"))) = 0xDEC0ADDE ;
static int check_flash( void) {
int ret = 0 ;
/* Flash CRC validation */
RCC_AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN ; /* Enable CRC periph */
CRC_CR = 1 ; /* Reset */
if( CRC_DR == 0xFFFFFFFF) { /* CRC periph is alive and resetted */
const unsigned *wp = (const unsigned *) isr_vector ;
while( wp <= &crcsum)
CRC_DR = *wp++ ;
ret = CRC_DR == 0 ;
RCC_AHBENR &= ~RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN ; /* Disable CRC periph */
return ret ;
Flash content is checked before calling `init()`. This means the check
is done using the default clock setup of HSI 8 MHz.
#ifdef CRC32SIGN
check_flash() &&
init() == 0)
main() ;
<h3>3. generic.ld</h3>
I add a new section to hold the CRC value placeholder. This needs to be
DWORD aligned and at the end of the used FLASH area.
.crc __etext + SIZEOF(.data) :
<h3>4. sign32</h3>
The command `sign32` creates a <b>signed.bin</b> file from it's input file
specified as parameter.
$ touch empty.bin
$ ./sign32 empty.bin
FFFFFFFF empty.bin: 0, signed.bin: 4
If the input file is already signed, the output signed.bin is identical
to the input.
$ mv signed.bin FFFFFFFF.bin
$ ./sign32 FFFFFFFF.bin
00000000 FFFFFFFF.bin: 4, signed.bin: 4
Padding with null is done on the input to insure the calculation is
DWORD aligned.
$ echo > nl.bin
$ ./sign32 nl.bin
E88E0BAD nl.bin: 1, signed.bin: 8
$ hexdump -C signed.bin
00000000 0a 00 00 00 ad 0b 8e e8 |........|
Calculation stops when the placeholder DEADC0DE is found or the end of
the input file is reached.
I create a folder <b>crc32/</b> for <b>sign32.c</b> and its <b>Makefile</b>.
The core of sign32.c is customizable to do CRC calculation bitwise,
unrolled bitwise, tablewise or to generate the CRC table.
<h3>5. Makefile</h3>
The build option `CRC32SIGN` controls the signature of the binary file
and the generation of the intel hex version from the signed binary using
# build options
CRC32SIGN := 1
ifdef CRC32SIGN
%.$(BINLOC).bin: %.elf
@echo $@
$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
ifdef CRC32SIGN
crc32/sign32 $@
mv signed.bin $@
%.hex: %.$(BINLOC).bin
@echo $@
$(OBJCOPY) --change-address=$(BINLOC) -I binary -O ihex $< $@
<h2>Building and testing</h2>
If I build an executable, I can see that the binary file is CRC-32
signed. In the example below, the CRC-32 signature is 0xBC689506 and the
total binary image is 2680 bytes long.
$ make
Memory region Used Size Region Size %age Used
FLASH: 2680 B 16 KB 16.36%
RAM: 24 B 4 KB 0.59%
text data bss dec hex filename
2673 4 20 2697 a89 f030f4.elf
crc32/sign32 f030f4.0x08000000.bin
BC689506 f030f4.0x08000000.bin: 2676, signed.bin: 2680
mv signed.bin f030f4.0x08000000.bin
I can double check that the value at the end of the binary file matches.
$ hexdump -C f030f4.0x08000000.bin | tail
000009f0 01 46 63 46 52 41 5b 10 10 46 01 d3 40 42 00 2b |.FcFRA[..F..@B.+|
00000a00 00 d5 49 42 70 47 63 46 5b 10 00 d3 40 42 01 b5 |..IBpGcF[...@B..|
00000a10 00 20 00 f0 05 f8 02 bd 00 29 f8 d0 16 e7 70 47 |. .......)....pG|
00000a20 70 47 c0 46 50 4c 4c 48 53 49 0a 00 20 25 64 20 |pG.FPLLHSI.. %d |
00000a30 25 73 25 73 00 75 70 00 77 65 65 6b 00 64 61 79 |%s%s.up.week.day|
00000a40 00 68 6f 75 72 00 6d 69 6e 75 74 65 00 73 65 63 |.hour.minute.sec|
00000a50 6f 6e 64 00 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 |ond.0123456789AB|
00000a60 43 44 45 46 00 00 20 2b 2b 10 0a 02 08 00 00 00 |CDEF.. ++.......|
00000a70 ef 00 00 00 06 95 68 bc |......h.|
I can flash the resulting intel hex file and see that it executes.
$ stm32flash -x f030f4.hex COM3
stm32flash 0.6-patch-hex
Using Parser : Intel HEX
Location : 0x8000000
Size : 2680
Interface serial_w32: 57600 8E1
Version : 0x31
Option 1 : 0x00
Option 2 : 0x00
Device ID : 0x0444 (STM32F03xx4/6)
- RAM : Up to 4KiB (2048b reserved by bootloader)
- Flash : Up to 32KiB (size first sector: 4x1024)
- Option RAM : 16b
- System RAM : 3KiB
Write to memory
Erasing memory
Wrote address 0x08000a78 (100.00%) Done.
Starting execution at address 0x08000000... done.
I can use stm32flash to compute the CRC-32 checksum on the first 2680
bytes of FLASH, the result is 0 as this covers both the payload AND
the CRC-32 checksum value.
$ stm32flash -C -S 0x08000000:2680 COM3
stm32flash 0.6-patch-hex
Interface serial_w32: 57600 8E1
Version : 0x31
Option 1 : 0x00
Option 2 : 0x00
Device ID : 0x0444 (STM32F03xx4/6)
- RAM : Up to 4KiB (2048b reserved by bootloader)
- Flash : Up to 32KiB (size first sector: 4x1024)
- Option RAM : 16b
- System RAM : 3KiB
CRC computation
CRC address 0x08000a78 (100.00%) Done.
CRC(0x08000000-0x08000a78) = 0x00000000
If I ask stm32flash to compute the CRC-32 checksum on the first 2676
bytes (payload excluding CRC-32 checksum value), it returns 0xbc689506,
which is the value computed at build time.
$ stm32flash -C -S 0x08000000:2676 COM3
stm32flash 0.6-patch-hex
Interface serial_w32: 57600 8E1
Version : 0x31
Option 1 : 0x00
Option 2 : 0x00
Device ID : 0x0444 (STM32F03xx4/6)
- RAM : Up to 4KiB (2048b reserved by bootloader)
- Flash : Up to 32KiB (size first sector: 4x1024)
- Option RAM : 16b
- System RAM : 3KiB
CRC computation
CRC address 0x08000a74 (100.00%) Done.
CRC(0x08000000-0x08000a74) = 0xbc689506
Because STM32F030 USART bootloader is v3.1, it doesn't implement the CRC
checksum command included in v3.3. This means that in this case
stm32flash computes the CRC checksum value on its own. You can check the
sources of stm32flash for its implementation of the CRC-32 calculation.
There is variation in the functionality of the CRC calculation unit
among different STM32 chipset family. The <code>check_flash()</code>
implementation I just made relying on the default settings for polynomial,
initial value, polynomial length and shift direction should be common.
<a href="39_resistor.html">Next</a>, I will use the ADC to read a resistor
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<h1>3.9 Reading a Resistor Value</h1>
I used the ADC previously to read the internal sensors, so its simple
to move on to external ones. Once you can read the value of a resistor,
there is a wide choice of analog applications: thermistors, photocells,
potentiometers, sliders, joysticks …
<h2>Voltage Divider Circuit</h2>
<img alt="Voltage Divider Circuit" src="img/39_vdivider.png">
<b>Vout = Vin * Rref / (Rref + Rmeasured)</b>
<h2>ADC Readings</h2>
Assuming the ADC is configured for 12 bit precision and return a value
in the range [0 … 4095]
<b>Vout = VADC = VDDA * ADCRAW / 4095</b>
<b>Vin = VDDA</b>
<b>~VDDA~ * ADCRAW / 4095 = ~VDDA~ * Rref / (Rref + Rmeasured)</b>
<b>ADCRAW * Rmeasured = Rref * (4095 ADCRAW)</b>
<b>Rmeasured = Rref * (4095 ADCRAW) / ADCRAW</b>
<b>Rmeasured = Rref * (4095 / ADCRAW 1)</b>
<h2>Devil in the whatnots</h2>
<li> Avoiding division by zero.
<li> Integer versus floating point calculation.
<li> Choosing the reference resistor.
<li> Calibration of the reference resistor.
#include &lt;limits.h>
int R = ADCraw ? Rref * (4095 / ADCraw - 1) : INT_MAX ;
<pre>int R = ADCraw ? Rref * 4095 / ADCraw - Rref : INT_MAX ;</pre>
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<h1>Appendix A: Factory written content</h1>
$ stm32flash -r - -S 0x1FFFF7a0:96 COM6 2>/dev/null | hexdump -C
00000000 ff ff ff ff 31 00 10 00 ff ff ff ff 14 80 20 00 |....1......... .|
00000010 13 57 33 52 31 37 31 20 ce 06 f5 05 f0 ff ff ff |.W3R171 ........|
00000020 ff ff 27 05 ff ff ff ff fc ff ff ff 10 00 ff ff |................|
00000030 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |................|
00000040 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff f3 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |................|
00000050 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 68 97 64 9b 3c c3 3f c0 |........h.d.<.?.|
| Location | Content | Size | Format | Reference |
| 0x1FFFF7A0 | Protocol 3 Ver. | 2 | xFFFF => unsupported | |
| 0x1FFFF7A2 | Protocol 2 Ver. | 2 | xFFFF => unsupported | |
| 0x1FFFF7A4 | Protocol 1 Ver. | 2 | x31 => 3.1 | AN2606 4.2 |
| 0x1FFFF7A6 | Bootloader ID | 2 | x10 => 1 USART, 1st ver. | AN2606 4.2 |
| 0x1FFFF7AC | UID.X | 2 | bit signed, x8014 => -20 | |
| 0x1FFFF7AE | UID.Y | 2 | | |
| 0x1FFFF7B0 | UID.WAF_NUM | 1 | unsigned | |
| 0x1FFFF7B1 | UID.LOT_NUM | 7 | ASCII | |
| 0x1FFFF7B8 | TS_CAL1 | 2 | | DS9773 3.10 |
| 0x1FFFF7BA | VREFINT_CAL | 2 | | DS9773 3.10 |
| 0x1FFFF7C2 | TS_CAL2 | 2 | | |
| 0x1FFFF7CC | Flash size (KB) | 2 | x10 => 16 KB | RM0360 27.1 |
<h2>Sampled values</h2>
| BootID | X | Y | Wafer | Lot | TS_CAL1 | VREFINT_CAL | TS_CAL2 | Flash | TBD |
| x10 | x8014 | x20 | x13 | W3R171 | x6CE | x5F5 | x527 | 16 | hd&lt;? |
| x10 | x8011 | x49 | x0E | W3U795 | x6D1 | x5F0 | x523 | 16 | hbF? |
| x10 | x8015 | x21 | x13 | W4A195 | x6DA | x5EE | x52A | 16 | h^D? |
| x10 | x1C | x3A | x12 | W4A820 | x6B9 | x5F6 | x511 | 16 | hR;? |
| x10 | x09 | x4D | x0B | W4C593 | x6E6 | x5F4 | x53C | 16 | haG? |
| x10 | x1D | x41 | x12 | W4R342 | x6E4 | x5F1 | x535 | 16 | hZJ? |
| x10 | x10 | x17 | x05 | WAA390 | x6E9 | x5F8 | x523 | 16 | hY=? |
| x10 | x800A | x41 | x08 | QMY687 | x6E6 | x5F1 | x53E | 16 | hZE? |
| x10 | xDDC1 |xDDC1| x0D | | x703 | x5E9 | x535 | 32 | hNb\xFF |
| x10 | xDDC1 |xDDC1| x0F | | x70B | x5EF | x537 | 32 | hHX\xFF |
| x10 | xDDC1 |xDDC1| x10 | | x6FE | x5E9 | x539 | 32 | hZa\xFF |
| x21 | x4D | x47 | x0C | QMT476 | x6D8 | x5F3 | x52D | 64 | hlR\xBF |
| x21 | x36 | x47 | x0A | QRW813 | x6DF | x5F3 | x539 | 64 | hhF\xFF |
| x21 | x41 | x1E | x12 | SNG712 | x6EB | x5F0 | x526 | 64 | hjS\xFF |
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<h1>STM32 Bringup</h1>
Getting started with a micro-controller usually means picking up a board,
an IDE, some RTOS or a set of libraries. Depending of your level of experience,
your budget and the solutions you select, the learning curve may be a steep
one and what you will learn can be very limited if you end up cornered in a
sandbox with no understanding of whats going on under the hood.
Commercial solutions and mature open source projects are a must if you want to
develop products with some level of quality. Unfortunately their complexity is
high because they have to satisfy complex requirements. Their documentation
and source code when available are often hard to navigate, out of date or just
not addressing what you need to learn.
Starting from scratch, on the other hand, is not something often documented and
when it is, it is usually after the fact. So if you want to learn how to do it
you need to catch the opportunity to watch someone going through the steps and
explaining whats going on.
I will try to capture here my own “STM32 bring up” journey using a step by step
approach, writing down the problems faced and decisions taken while evolving
simple projects.
<h2>Part I: Bring it up!</h2>
I proceed by small incremental steps that are easy to reproduce and simple
enough to adapt to a variant of the micro-controller or a different board
<li> Pick up a <a href="11_toolchain.html">toolchain</a>, install it and check
that it can build an executable.
<li> Write a minimal <a href="12_bootstrap.html">bootstrap</a> for a target
micro-controller and build a first executable.
<li> <a href="13_flash.html">Flash</a> the first executable in an actual board
and verify that it boots.
<li> Provide feedback by turning the <a href="14_ledon.html">user LED ON</a>
and making it <a href="15_blink.html">blink</a>.
<li> Use the System <a href="16_ledtick.html">Tick</a> to handle the blinking.
<li> Insure that RAM memory is initialized as expected for a
<a href="17_cstartup.html">C startup</a>.
<li> Structure the code according to the
<a href="18_3stages.html">three stages</a>: boot, initialization and main
<li> <a href="19_publish.html">Publish</a> the code to a web git repository
for further evolution.
<h2><a id="part2">Part II: Let's talk!</a></h2>
Its time to move to a more talkative interface so that the board not
only winks but also speaks. Again I will go through several steps to get
to a working asynchronous serial communication.
<li> <a href="21_uart.html">Validate</a> the serial connection by wiring a
board with an USB to UART adapter and using a Serial Flash loader application
to read the chipset flash memory.
<li> Make sure that the code evolved so far works on the
<a href="22_board.html">board</a> with a serial connection.
<li> Say <a href="23_hello.html">hello</a> as first transmission.
<li> Use <a href="24_stm32flash.html">stm32flash</a> as flashing tool on both
Windows and Linux.
<li> <a href="25_prototype.html">Prototype</a> an application that tells how
long the system has been running.
<li> Write a production version of <a href="26_uptime.html">uptime</a> application.
<li> Bundle the standard C library output functions into an actual
<a href="27_library.html">library</a>.
<li> <a href="28_clocks.html">Configure</a> baud rate and clocks.
<li> Handle the transmission with <a href="29_interrupt.html">interrupt</a>.
<h2><a id="part3">Part III: Sensors! So hot! So wet!</a></h2>
<li> Implement <a href="31_dht11.html">DHT11</a> humidity and temperature
sensor reading.
<li> <a href="32_errata.html">Investigate</a> the quality of the DHT11
<li> Use <a href="33_ds18b20.html">DS18B20</a> digital thermometer for accurate
temperature reading.
<li> Trigger <a href="34_adcvnt.html">ADC</a> conversion to read the internal
voltage and temperature sensors.
<li> <a href="35_calibrate.html">Calibrate</a> the internal temperature sensor.
<li> <a href="36_update.html">Update</a> toolchain to latest.
<li> Build for <a href="37_inram.html">In RAM Execution</a>.
<li> Perform <a href="38_crc32.html">CRC-32</a> flash content validation
during startup.
<li> Read a <a href="39_resistor.html">Resistor</a> Value.
<li> <a href="AA_factory.html">Factory-programmed</a> values.
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