Got source compiling.

This commit is contained in:
Neil 2023-02-02 18:53:59 -08:00
parent 21729f8679
commit f3c63b0d45
7 changed files with 179 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ else
CF += -g
projects := bin/test-text bin/test-journal bin/test-kjv bin/kjv bin/flight
projects := bin/test-text bin/test-journal bin/test-source bin/test-kjv bin/kjv bin/flight
#docs := $(patsubst test/test_%.c, doc/, $(wildcard test/test_*.c))
default: $(projects)
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ default: $(projects)
bin/test-text: build/text.o build/test_text.o
bin/test-journal: build/text.o build/journal.o build/test_journal.o
bin/test-source: build/text.o build/journal.o build/source.o build/test_source.o
bin/test-kjv: build/text.o build/kjv.o build/test_kjv.o
bin/kjv: build/text.o build/journal.o build/kjv.o build/scan_kjv.o
bin/flight: build/text.o build/journal.o build/flight.o build/flighthours.o
@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ build/%.c: src/
# # documentation
# -cdoc -o $@ $<
.SECONDARY: build/kjv.c build/journal.c build/scan_kjv.c build/flight.c
.SECONDARY: build/kjv.c build/journal.c build/source.c build/scan_kjv.c build/flight.c
.PHONY: clean release test
test: $(projects)

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
/** @license 2023 Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the
[MIT License](
Date _vs_ hours flown. */
#include "journal.h"
#include "scan_flight.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
int main(void) {
int success = EXIT_SUCCESS;
struct journal j;
struct journal_iterator it;
union date32 k;
union load *v;
size_t i;
j = journal();
if(!journal_is_valid(&j)) goto catch;
fprintf(stderr, "Journal: %s.\n", journal_to_string(&j));
printf("set term postscript eps enhanced\n"
"set output \"flighthours.eps\"\n"
"$Data <<EOD\n"
"# date\tminutes\tcumulative\n");
it = journal_begin(&j), i = 0; while(journal_next(&it, &k, &v))
if(!scan(k, v->text, &kj)) goto catch;
"set monochrome\n"
"set xdata time\n"
"set timefmt \"%%Y-%%m-%%d\"\n"
"set xtics format \"%%Y-%%m-%%d\" rotate by -30\n"
"set ylabel \"words in KJV\"\n"
"set format y \"%%g%%%%\"\n"
"set key top left\n"
"set grid\n"
"unset border\n"
"#set style fill solid 0.1 #pattern 5 (better, but restarts)\n"
"plot $Data using 1:($3)*100/%zu with fillsteps lw 2 title \"set\", \\\n"
"$Data using 1:($4)*100/%zu with steps lw 1 title \"cumulative\"\n",,;
goto finally;
success = EXIT_FAILURE;
return success;

View File

@ -17,3 +17,8 @@ static int helper_natural(const char *s, const char *const e, uint32_t *const n)
*n = accum;
return 1;
static void unused_helper_coda(void);
static void unused_helper(void)
{ helper_natural(0, 0, 0); unused_helper_coda(); }
static void unused_helper_coda(void) { unused_helper(); }

View File

@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ struct journal journal(void) {
*p = year;
if(closedir(dir)) { dir = 0; goto catch; } dir = 0;
/* Sort the years for sensible ordering of parsing. */
/* Sort the years. */
qsort(, years.size, sizeof *, &void_int_cmp);
fprintf(stderr, "Years in <<%s>>: %s.\n",
dir_journal, int_array_to_string(&years));
@ -190,7 +190,8 @@ struct journal journal(void) {
case TREE_ERROR: goto catch;
case TREE_ABSENT: break; /* Expected. */
/* The pointers are not stable while we are loading it. */
/* Because it's in a flat array, the pointers are not stable
while we are loading it, and we need to store the offsets. */
*v.offset = (uintptr_t)(contents -;
d = 0, int_array_clear(&days);
@ -202,7 +203,7 @@ struct journal journal(void) {
if(chdir("..") == -1 || !day_tree_bulk_finish(&j.days)) goto catch;
/* Structure is now stable because we aren't going to move it;
convert all of offsets to pointers. */
convert all of offsets back to pointers. */
it = day_tree_begin(&j.days);
while(day_tree_next(&it, 0, &v.text)) {
/*printf("[%zu]...", *v.offset);*/
@ -215,7 +216,7 @@ struct journal journal(void) {
fprintf(stderr, "On date: %s/%d-%.2d-%.2d.\n",
dir_journal, y ? *y : 0, m ? *m : 0, d ? *d : 0 );
if(intent) fprintf(stderr, "Explanation: %s.\n", intent);
if(intent) fprintf(stderr, "(%s)\n", intent);

src/source.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#if defined BASE \
|| !defined BASE && !defined GENERIC && !defined PROTO /* <!-- base */
#include "helper.h"
/*void kjvcite_to_string(const union kjvcite, char (*)[12]);*/
#endif /* base --> */
#if defined GENERIC \
|| !defined BASE && !defined GENERIC && !defined PROTO /* <!-- generic */
struct tree_source_node;
struct tree_source_tree { struct tree_source_node *node; unsigned height; };
struct source_tree { struct tree_source_tree root; };
struct tree_source_ref { struct tree_source_node *node; unsigned height, idx; };
struct tree_source_iterator {
struct tree_source_tree *root; struct tree_source_ref ref; int seen;
struct source_tree_iterator { struct tree_source_iterator _; };
#endif /* generic --> */
#if defined PROTO \
|| !defined BASE && !defined GENERIC && !defined PROTO /* <!-- proto */
#include <stddef.h>
struct sources { struct source_tree _; };
struct source *sources_add(struct sources *, const union line64);
struct sources sources(struct journal *);
void sources_(struct sources *);
const char *sources_to_string(const struct sources *);
/* And some query... */
#endif /* proto --> */
#ifdef BASE
#undef BASE
#ifdef GENERIC
#undef GENERIC
#ifdef PROTO
#undef PROTO

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
/** @license 2023 Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the
[MIT License](
@std C11 */
#define BASE
#include "../src/source.h" /* base */
#include "../src/journal.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
static void source_to_string(const union line64 line, const struct substring *u,
char (*const a)[12]) { (void)u; date32_to_string(, a); }
static int source_compare(const union line64 a, const union line64 b)
{ return a.u64 > b.u64; }
#define TREE_NAME source
#define TREE_KEY union line64
#define TREE_VALUE struct substring
#include "../src/tree.h"
#define PROTO
#include "../src/source.h" /* proto */
static int scan(union date32 date, const char *const buffer,
struct sources *const s) {
const char *YYCURSOR, *YYMARKER, *yyt1, *yyt2, *s0, *s1, *t0, *t1;
enum YYCONDTYPE condition = yycline;
size_t line = 1;
char datestr[12] = {0};
const char *why = "unexpected";
assert(buffer && s);
YYCURSOR = YYMARKER = yyt1 = buffer;
/*!re2c /**/
re2c:define:YYCTYPE = char;
re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;
re2c:define:YYGETCONDITION = "condition";
re2c:define:YYSETCONDITION = "condition = @@;";
re2c:define:YYGETCONDITION:naked = 1;
re2c:define:YYSETCONDITION:naked = 1;
unix_control = [\x01-\x08\x0b-\x1f\x7f];
ws = [ \t];
glyph = [^] \ ("\x00" | "\n" | unix_control | ws);
keyword = [A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_-]*;
for( ; ; ) {
/*!re2c /**/
/* Default ignore. */
<skip> [^\n\x00] { continue; }
<skip> "\x00" { why = "no newline at end of file"; goto catch; }
<line> "\x00" { return 1; }
<line, skip> "\n" => line { line++; continue; }
<line> * :=> skip
<line> "--" / [^-] :=> source
<source> * { why = "default source unrecognized"; goto catch; }
<source> @s0 keyword @s1 / "\n" => skip {
printf("extracted <%.*s>\n", (int)(s1 - s0), s0);
/* This is lazy and will pickup trailing spaces. */
<source> @s0 keyword @s1 ":" [^\x00\n]+ / "\n" => skip {
printf("new keyword <%.*s>\n", (int)(s1 - s0), s0);
*/ }
assert(0); /* Never gets here. */
if(!errno) errno = EILSEQ;
date32_to_string(date, &datestr);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n"
"%s line %zu: %s.\n", buffer, datestr, line, why);
return 0;
/** Dynamic memory allocation for `s` will be zero, <fn:sources_is_valid> will
be false. */
void sources_(struct sources *const s) {
if(!s) return;
struct sources sources(struct journal *const j) {
struct sources s;
struct journal_iterator it;
union date32 k;
const char *v;
s._ = source_tree();
it = journal_begin(j);
while(journal_next(&it, &k, &v)) if(!scan(k, v, &s)) goto catch;
goto finally;
return s;

test/test_source.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#include "../src/journal.h"
#include "../src/source.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
int main(void) {
int success = EXIT_SUCCESS;
errno = 0;
struct journal j = journal();
struct sources s = sources(&j);
if(errno) goto catch;
goto finally;
success = EXIT_FAILURE, perror("source");
return success;