
1.8 KiB

Double-proofed whole wheat bread

   Soaker                          Biga
+----------+     Ingredient    +----------+
|   225 g  | whole wheat flour |   225 g  |
|    4 g   |        salt       |          |
|   200 g  | plant-based milk  |          |
|          |       yeast       |    1 g   |
|          |  filtered water   |  170 mL  |
+----------+                   +----------+
      \                             /
       \                           /
        \                         /
         \   Let sit overnight   /
          \    (12--24 hours).  /
           \  Flavor develops, /
            \   whole grains  /    +------------------------+
             \   soften ...  /     | 60 g whole wheat flour |
              V             V      |  5 g salt              |
              +-------------+      |  7 g yeast             |
              | Final dough | <----| 40 g honey             | 
              +-------------+      | 30 g vegetable oil     |

When you're ready to make the final dough:

  • Combine all ingredients and knead with wet hands, 5-6 minutes on a flour-dusted work surface.
  • Let dough rest 5 minutes in a ball shape while you prepare a lightly oiled bowl.
  • Knead dough one more minute. Roll it in the bowl to coat surface with oil; allow to rise at room temperature 45-60 minutes.
  • Shape dough on a flour-dusted work surface and transfer to pan. Cover loosely and let rise at room temperature, another 45-60 minutes.
  • Preheat oven to 215 C. Start baking in a steam-filled oven before maximum temperature is reached.
  • Rotate loaf after 20 minutes of baking, and continue baking another 20-30 minutes.
  • Remove bread from the pan immediately, transfer to a cooling rack, and cool for at least 1 hour before serving.