git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 178a84e3-b1eb-0310-8ba1-8eac791a3b58
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2308 lines
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# Gaelic; Scottish translation for stk
# Copyright (c) 2012 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2012
# This file is distributed under the same license as the stk package.
# GunChleoc <>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: stk\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-27 18:32-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-27 09:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: GunChleoc <>\n"
"Language-Team: Fòram na Gàidhlig\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2012-10-30 22:56+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16206)\n"
"Language: gd\n"
#. I18N: Do NOT literally translate this string!! Please enter Y as the
#. translation if your language is a RTL (right-to-left) language,
#. N (or nothing) otherwise
#: src/utils/translation.cpp:260
msgid " Is this a RTL language?"
msgstr " N"
#. I18N: Cutscene subtitle from ./data/tracks/introcutscene2/scene.xml
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/introcutscene2/scene.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:98 data/po/gui_strings.h:101
msgid ""
" But you pathetic little twerps will never be able to beat me - King of the "
msgstr ""
" Ach cha dèan sibhsa a chùis orm, truaghain a tha sibhe is mise rìgh nan "
#. I18N: shown when hit by plunger. %0 is the victim, %1 is the attacker
#: src/items/rubber_band.cpp:47
msgid "%0 bites %1's bait"
msgstr "Tha %1 a' toirt car à %0"
#. I18N: shown when hit by cake. %1 is the attacker, %0 is the victim.
#: src/items/cake.cpp:149
msgid "%0 eats too much of %1's cake"
msgstr "Tha %0 ag ithe cus dhen chèic aig %1"
#. I18N: shown when hit by bowling ball. %1 is the attacker, %0 is the victim.
#: src/items/swatter.cpp:337
#, c-format
msgid "%0 feels flat today"
msgstr "Tha %0 air a dhruim-dìreach"
#. I18N: shown when a player receives a plunger in his face
#: src/items/plunger.cpp:134
msgid "%0 gets a fancy mask from %1"
msgstr "Fhuair %0 aghaidh choimheach shnasail o %1"
#. I18N: shown when hit by bowling ball. %1 is the attacker, %0 is
#. the victim.
#: src/items/bowling.cpp:115
msgid "%0 is bowled over by %1"
msgstr "Chaidh %0 a bhobhladh air falbh le %1"
#. I18N: shown when hit by cake. %1 is the attacker, %0 is the victim.
#: src/items/cake.cpp:151
msgid "%0 is dubious of %1's cooking skills"
msgstr "Tha %0 teagmhach mu na sgilean còcaireachd aig %1"
#. I18N: shown when hit by cake. %1 is the attacker, %0 is the victim.
#: src/items/cake.cpp:153
msgid "%0 should not play with %1's lunch"
msgstr "Cha bu chòir dha %0 cluiche leis a' bhiadh aig %1"
#. I18N: shown when hit by bowling ball. %1 is the attacker, %0 is
#. the victim.
#: src/items/bowling.cpp:109
msgid "%0 will not go bowling with %1 again"
msgstr "Cha tèid %0 a bhobhladh le %1 a-rithist"
#. I18N: shown when hit by swatter. %1 is the attacker, %0 is the victim.
#: src/items/swatter.cpp:335
msgid "%1 flattens %0"
msgstr "Thug %1 leud a dhroma do %0"
#. I18N: shown when hit by plunger. %0 is the victim, %1 is the attacker
#: src/items/rubber_band.cpp:49
msgid "%1 latches onto %0 for a free ride"
msgstr "Fuair %1 greim air %0 airson turas an asgaidh"
#. I18N: shown when a player receives a plunger in his face
#: src/items/plunger.cpp:136
msgid "%1 merges %0's face with a plunger"
msgstr "Tha %1 ag amas an t-aodann aig %0 le loinid"
#. I18N: shown when hit by cake. %1 is the attacker, %0 is the victim.
#: src/items/cake.cpp:155
msgid "%1 ruins %0's cakeless diet"
msgstr "Tha %1 a' milleadh dòigh-ithe gun chèic aig %0"
#. I18N: shown when hit by bowling ball. %1 is the attacker, %0 is
#. the victim.
#: src/items/bowling.cpp:112
msgid "%1 strikes %0"
msgstr "Bhuail %1 ann an %0"
#. I18N: shown when hit by plunger. %0 is the victim, %1 is the attacker
#: src/items/rubber_band.cpp:51
msgid "%1 tests a tractor beam on %0"
msgstr "Tha %1 a' feuchainn gath tractair le %0"
#. I18N: shown when hit by swatter. %1 is the attacker, %0 is the victim.
#: src/items/swatter.cpp:333
msgid "%1 thinks %0 is a big fly"
msgstr "Tha %1 dhen bheachd gur e cuileag mhòr a th' ann an %0"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/track_info_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: In the track setup screen (number of laps choice, where %i is the number)
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:133
#, c-format
msgid "%i laps"
msgstr "%i cuairtean"
#. I18N: In results of battle mode; %i is where the rank is inserted;
#. I18N: the first %s is where the kart name is inserted;
#. I18N: the second %s is where the time is inserted
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/race_over_dialog.cpp:174
#, c-format
msgid "%i. %s : survived for %s"
msgstr "%i. %s : beò fad %s"
#. I18N: as in: The Old Island by Johannes Sjolund
#: src/states_screens/addons_screen.cpp:224
#, c-format
msgid ""
"by %s"
msgstr ""
"le %s"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/addons_loading.cpp:170
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/addons_loading.cpp:174
#, c-format
msgid "%s KB"
msgstr "%s KB"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/addons_loading.cpp:163
#, c-format
msgid "%s MB"
msgstr "%s MB"
#. I18N: as in: The Old Island by Johannes Sjolund
#: src/states_screens/addons_screen.cpp:214
#, c-format
msgctxt "addons"
msgid "%s by %s"
msgstr "%s le %s"
#. I18N: as in "fastest lap: 60 seconds by Wilber"
#: src/modes/linear_world.cpp:340
#, c-format
msgctxt "fastest_lap"
msgid "%s by %s"
msgstr "%s le %s"
#: src/items/powerup.cpp:51
#, c-format
msgid "%s is a mighty pirate!"
msgstr "Abair thusa gu bheil %s na spùinneadair-mara tapaidh!"
#. I18N: shown when a player is hit by a rubber ball. %1 is the
#. attacker, %0 is the victim.
#: src/items/rubber_ball.cpp:305
#, c-format
msgid "%s is being bounced around."
msgstr "Tha %s ga bhocadh mu thimcheall."
#. I18N: shown when hit by own bowling ball. %s is the kart.
#: src/items/bowling.cpp:125
#, c-format
msgid "%s is practicing with a blue, big, spheric yo-yo"
msgstr "Tha %s a' cur iò-iò mòr cruinn gorm an cleachdadh"
#: src/states_screens/kart_selection.cpp:570
#, c-format
msgid "%s is ready"
msgstr "Tha %s deiseil"
#. I18N: shown when hit by own bowling ball. %s is the kart.
#: src/items/bowling.cpp:127
#, c-format
msgid "%s is the world master of the boomerang ball"
msgstr "'S e gaisgeach a' bhàla bhùmaraing a th' ann an %s"
#: src/items/powerup.cpp:50
#, c-format
msgid "%s pays the next round of grog!"
msgstr "Pàighidh %s an ath thràth dhe ghrog"
#. I18N: shown when hit by own bowling ball. %s is the kart.
#: src/items/bowling.cpp:129
#, c-format
msgid "%s should play (rubber) darts instead of bowling"
msgstr "Bu chòir do %s gathan (rubair) a chluiche an àite bobhlaireachd"
#: src/modes/world.cpp:859
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' has been eliminated."
msgstr "Chaidh cur às dha '%s'"
#. I18N: for empty highscores entries
#. I18N: ./data/gui/track_info_dialog.stkgui
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/track_info_dialog.cpp:224
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:119 data/po/gui_strings.h:122
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:125
msgid "(Empty)"
msgstr "(Falamh)"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help4.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:300
msgid "(network play is not yet available)"
msgstr "(chan eil geamannan lìonraidh ri fhaighinn fhathast)"
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:323
msgid "* A blue item means a conflict with another configuration"
msgstr ""
"* Tha nì gorm a' ciallachadh gu bheil còmhstri le rèiteachadh eile ann"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help1.stkgui
#. I18N: in the help screen
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:734
msgid "* Current key bindings can be seen/changed in menu Options"
msgstr "Faic/Atharraich ceangal nan iuchraichean sa chlàr-taice Roghainnean"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help3.stkgui
#. I18N: In the help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:450
msgid ""
"* Most of these game modes can also be played in a Grand Prix fashion: "
"instead of playing a single race, you play many in a row. The better you "
"rank, the more points you get. In the end, the player with the most points "
"wins the cup."
msgstr ""
"* Faodaidh tu a' mhòr-chuid dhe na modhan-geama seo a chluiche ann an dòigh "
"Grand Prix cuideachd: an àite a bhith a' cluiche rèis a-mhàin, cluichidh tu "
"sreath dhiubh. Mar as fheàrr an rang agad, 's ann as motha na puingean a "
"gheibh thu. Aig deireadh an latha, 's e an cluicheadair aig a bheil na "
"puingean as motha a bhuannaicheas a' chuach."
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_input.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:554
msgid ""
"* Which config to use will be inferred from which 'fire' key is pressed to "
"join the game."
msgstr ""
"Thèid co-dhùnadh dè an rèiteachadh a tha ri chleachdadh a rèir dè an iuchair "
"'loisg' a chaidh a bhrùthadh gus gabhail sa gheama."
#. I18N: Game mode
#: src/race/race_manager.hpp:171
msgid "3 Strikes Battle"
msgstr "Cath 3 buillean"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help3.stkgui
#. I18N: In the help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:446
msgid ""
"3 Strikes Battle: only in multiplayer games. Hit others with weapons until "
"they lose all their lives."
msgstr ""
"Cath 3 buillean: ann an geamannan ioma-chluicheadair a-mhàin. Buail air càch "
"le airm gus an caill iad am beathannan uile."
#. I18N: ./data/gui/track_info_dialog.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:116
msgid "= Highscores ="
msgstr "= Sgòran àrda ="
#: src/items/powerup.cpp:84
msgid "A wizard did it!"
msgstr "Rinn draoidheach e!"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/race_over_dialog.cpp:433
#: src/states_screens/race_result_gui.cpp:118
msgid "Abort Grand Prix"
msgstr "Sguir dhen Grand Prix"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/main.stkgui
#. I18N: Main menu button
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:664
msgid "About"
msgstr "Mu dheidhinn"
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:191
msgid "Accelerate"
msgstr "Luathaich"
#. I18N: In the 'add new input device' dialog
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/add_device_dialog.cpp:110
msgid "Add Keyboard Configuration"
msgstr "Cuir rèiteachadh meur-chlàir ris"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_players.stkgui
#. I18N: In players configuration menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:480
msgid "Add Player"
msgstr "Cuir cluicheadair ris"
#. I18N: In the 'add new input device' dialog
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/add_device_dialog.cpp:89
msgid "Add Wiimote"
msgstr "Cuir Wiimote ris"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_input.stkgui
#. I18N: In the input configuration screen
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:551
msgid "Add a device"
msgstr "Cuir uidheam ris"
#. I18N: track group name
#. I18N: kart group name
#. I18N: arena group name
#. I18N: ./data/gui/arenas.stkgui
#. I18N: track group
#: src/states_screens/tracks_screen.cpp:195
#: src/states_screens/kart_selection.cpp:997
#: src/states_screens/arenas_screen.cpp:80 data/po/gui_strings.h:758
msgid "Add-Ons"
msgstr "Tuilleadain"
#: src/states_screens/addons_screen.cpp:84
msgid "Add-on name"
msgstr "Ainm an tuilleadain"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/main.stkgui
#. I18N: Main menu button
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:652
msgid "Addons"
msgstr "Tuilleadain"
#. I18N: ./data/karts/adiumy/kart.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:801
msgid "Adiumy"
msgstr "Adiumy"
#. I18N: name of the tab that will show tracks from all groups
#. I18N: if all kart animations are enabled
#. I18N: name of the tab that will show tracks from all groups
#. I18N: name of the tab that will show arenas from all groups
#. I18N: ./data/gui/arenas.stkgui
#. I18N: track group
#: src/states_screens/tracks_screen.cpp:187
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:354
#: src/states_screens/kart_selection.cpp:989
#: src/states_screens/arenas_screen.cpp:72 data/po/gui_strings.h:762
msgid "All"
msgstr "Na h-uile"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/tracks.stkgui
#. I18N: Section in track selection screen
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:687
msgid "All Tracks"
msgstr "A h-uile slighe"
#: src/states_screens/race_setup_screen.cpp:199
msgid "All blows allowed, so catch weapons and make clever use of them!"
msgstr ""
"Tha gach seòrsa dhe bhuille ceadaichte, mar sin glac airm is cleachd gu glic "
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_ui.stkgui
#. I18N: In the ui settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:632
msgid "Allow STK to connect to the Internet"
msgstr "Ceadaich dha STK ceangal air an eadar-lìon"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/jungle/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:2
msgid "Amazonian Journey"
msgstr "Triall Amasonach"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help2.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:177
msgid "Anchor - slows down greatly the kart in the first position."
msgstr "Acair - nì e a' chiad chart glè shlaodach"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/custom_video_settings.stkgui
#. I18N: Video settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:224
msgid "Animated Characters"
msgstr "Pearsachan beòthaichte"
#. I18N: in graphical options
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:380
#, c-format
msgid "Animated Characters : %s"
msgstr "Beòthachadh air pearsachan : %s"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/custom_video_settings.stkgui
#. I18N: Video settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:216
msgid "Animated Scenery"
msgstr "Cruth-tìre beòthaichte"
#. I18N: in graphical options
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:374
#, c-format
msgid "Animated Scenery : %s"
msgstr "Beòthachadh air an t-sealladh: %s"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/custom_video_settings.stkgui
#. I18N: Video settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:232
msgid "Anti-aliasing (requires restart)"
msgstr "Anti-aliasing (ath-thòiseachadh a dhìth)"
#. I18N: in graphical options
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:385
#, c-format
msgid "Anti-aliasing (requires restart) : %s"
msgstr "Anti-aliasing (ath-thòiseachadh a dhìth) : %s"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_video.stkgui
#. I18N: In the video settings menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:389
msgid "Apply new resolution"
msgstr "Cuir an dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh ùr an gnìomh"
#. I18N: shown before deleting an input configuration
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:503
msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this configuration?"
msgstr ""
"A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson sguabadh às dhan rèiteachadh seo "
"gu bràth tuilleadh?"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/addons_screen.stkgui
#. I18N: Section in the addons menu
#. I18N: ./data/gui/arenas.stkgui
#. I18N: Section in arena tracks selection screen
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:576 data/po/gui_strings.h:750
msgid "Arenas"
msgstr "Cearcaill"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/lighthouse/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:8
msgid "Around the Lighthouse"
msgstr "Timcheall air an taigh-sholais"
#. I18N: shown when anchor applied. %s is the victim.
#: src/items/powerup.cpp:49
#, c-format
msgid "Arrr, the %s dropped anchor, Captain!"
msgstr "Arr, tha %s a' tarraing acair, a Chaiptein!"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/press_a_key_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: When configuring input
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:675
msgid "Assign to ESC key"
msgstr "Ceangail ris an iuchair ESC"
#. I18N: ./data/grandprix/4_atworldsend.grandprix
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:104 data/po/gui_strings.h:765
msgid "At World's End"
msgstr "Aig deireadh an t-saoghail"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_audio.stkgui
#. I18N: Section in the settings menu
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input.cpp:137
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:72
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:87
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_ui.cpp:113
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_players.cpp:72 data/po/gui_strings.h:326
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "Fuaim"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help1.stkgui
#. I18N: In the help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:718
msgid "Avoid bananas!"
msgstr "Seachnaich bananathan!"
#. I18N: to appear in input configuration screen, for gamepad axes
#: src/input/binding.cpp:265
#, c-format
msgid "Axis %d %s"
msgstr "Aiseal %d %s"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/addons_loading.stkgui
#. I18N: Add-ons screen action
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/addons_loading.cpp:261 data/po/gui_strings.h:746
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Air ais"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/overworld_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: Race paused button
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:487
msgid "Back to Game"
msgstr "Till dhan gheama"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/race_paused_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: Race paused button
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:586
msgid "Back to Race"
msgstr "Till dhan rèis"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_device.stkgui
#. I18N: In the input configuration screen
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:408
msgid "Back to device list"
msgstr "Till dha liosta nan uidheam"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/overworld_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: Race paused button
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:503
msgid "Back to menu"
msgstr "Till dhan chlàr-taice"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/race_over_dialog.cpp:400
msgid "Back to the main menu"
msgstr "Till dhan phrìomh chlàr-taice"
#: src/states_screens/race_result_gui.cpp:139
msgid "Back to the menu"
msgstr "Till dhan chlàr-taice"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/race_over_dialog.cpp:396
#: src/states_screens/race_result_gui.cpp:135
msgid "Back to track selection"
msgstr "Till dha taghadh nan slighe"
#: src/items/powerup.cpp:85
msgid "Banana? Box? Banana? Box? Banana? Box?"
msgstr "Banana? Bogsa? Banana? Bogsa? Banana? Bogsa?"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/battleisland/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:26
msgid "Battle Island"
msgstr "Eilean a' bhlàir"
#. I18N: ./data/karts/beagle/kart.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:777
msgid "Beagle"
msgstr "Beagle"
#. I18N: ./data/karts/beastie/kart.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:786
msgid "Beastie"
msgstr "Beastie"
#. I18N: when failing a GP
#: src/states_screens/grand_prix_lose.cpp:258
msgid "Better luck next time!"
msgstr "Gun tèid nas fheàrr leat an ath thuras!"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/mansion/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:47
msgid "Blackhill Mansion"
msgstr "Taigh-mòr a' chnuic dhuibh"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/farm/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:59
msgid "Bovine Barnyard"
msgstr "Lios nam bò"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help2.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:171
msgid ""
"Bowling Ball - bounces off walls. If you are looking back, it will be thrown "
msgstr ""
"Bàla bobhlaireachd - bocaidh e ri ballaichean. Ma tha thu a' toirt sùil air "
"ais, thèid a thilgeil air do chùlaibh."
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:194
msgid "Brake"
msgstr "Brèig"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help2.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:162
msgid "BubbleGum - leave a sticky pink puddle behind you."
msgstr "Bìth builgein - fàg glumag steigeach bàn-dhearg às do dhèidh"
#. I18N: Cutscene subtitle from ./data/tracks/introcutscene2/scene.xml
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/introcutscene2/scene.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:86 data/po/gui_strings.h:89
msgid "But I'm a fair creature, so I'll make you a deal."
msgstr ""
"Co-dhiù, 's e creutair cothromach a th' anam is bheir mi cùmhnant dhut."
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help2.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:165
msgid ""
"Cake - thrown at the closest rival, best on short ranges and long straights."
msgstr ""
"Cèic - tilg air an fharpaiseach as fhaisge e, as fheàrr air amasan faisg ort "
"no air slighean dìreach."
#: src/addons/news_manager.cpp:144 src/addons/network_http.cpp:441
msgid "Can't access stkaddons server..."
msgstr "Cha ghabh ceangail ris an fhrithealaiche stkaddons"
#: src/addons/network_http.cpp:347
msgid "Can't download addons list, check terminal for details."
msgstr ""
"Cha ghabh liosta nan tuilleadan a luchdadh a-nuas, thoir sùil air an loidhne-"
"àithne airson fiosrachaidh"
#: src/addons/network_http.cpp:357
msgid "Can't download news file, check terminal for details."
msgstr ""
"Cha ghabh faidhle nan naidheachdan a luchdadh a-nuas, thoir sùil air an "
"loidhne-àithne airson fiosrachaidh"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/confirm_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: In a 'are you sure?' dialog
#. I18N: ./data/gui/confirm_resolution_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: In the 'confirm resolution' dialog, that's shown when switching resoluton
#. I18N: ./data/gui/story_mode_new.stkgui
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/add_device_dialog.cpp:127
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/player_info_dialog.cpp:106
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/addons_loading.cpp:228 data/po/gui_strings.h:209
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:458 data/po/gui_strings.h:528
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Sguir dheth"
#. I18N: In the player info dialog (when deleting)
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/player_info_dialog.cpp:198
msgid "Cancel Remove"
msgstr "Sguir dhen toirt air falbh"
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:232
msgid "Cancel/Back"
msgstr "Sguir dheth/Till"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/enter_player_name_dialog.cpp:126
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/enter_player_name_dialog.cpp:145
msgid "Cannot add a player with this name."
msgstr "Cha ghabh cluicheadair leis an ainm seo a chur ris."
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/cave/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:23
msgid "Cave X"
msgstr "Uamh X"
#: src/states_screens/feature_unlocked.cpp:548
msgid "Challenge Completed"
msgstr "Dùbhlan air a choileanadh"
#: src/states_screens/race_gui.cpp:242 src/states_screens/race_gui.cpp:244
msgid "Challenge Failed"
msgstr ""
#. I18N: ./data/gui/challenges.stkgui
#. I18N: Title for challenges screen
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:312
msgid "Challenges : Trophy Room"
msgstr "Dùbhlain: Rùm nan triathach"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/karts.stkgui
#. I18N: In the kart selection (player setup) screen
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:393
msgid "Choose a Kart"
msgstr "Tagh cart"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/custom_video_settings.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:243
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Dùin"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help1.stkgui
#. I18N: In the help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:714
msgid "Collect blue boxes : they will give you weapons or other powerups"
msgstr "Tog bogsaichean gorma: bheir iad airm no cumhachdan eile dhut"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help1.stkgui
#. I18N: In the help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:722
msgid ""
"Collecting nitro allows you to get speed boosts whenever you wish by "
"pressing the appropriate key. You can see your current level of nitro in the "
"bar at the right of the game screen."
msgstr ""
"Ma thogas tu naidhtreo, gheibh thu neartachadh air an astar agad nuair a "
"thogras tu is cha leig thu leas ach an iuchair iomchaidh a bhrùthadh. Chì "
"thu cò mheud naidhtreo a th' agad sa bhàr ri taobh dheas an sgrìn."
#. I18N: In the player info dialog (when deleting)
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/player_info_dialog.cpp:179
msgid "Confirm Remove"
msgstr "Dearbhaich toirt air falbh"
#. I18N: In the 'confirm resolution' dialog, that's shown when switching resoluton
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/confirm_resolution_dialog.cpp:72
#, c-format
msgid "Confirm resolution within %i seconds"
msgstr "Dearbhaich dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh ann an %i diog"
#: src/states_screens/race_setup_screen.cpp:206
msgid "Contains no powerups, so only your driving skills matter!"
msgstr ""
"Chan eil cumhachdan ann is chan eil a' cunntadh ach do sgilean draibhidh!"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/grand_prix_win.stkgui
#. I18N: ./data/gui/feature_unlocked.stkgui
#. I18N: ./data/gui/grand_prix_lose.stkgui
#: src/states_screens/race_result_gui.cpp:115 data/po/gui_strings.h:557
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:579 data/po/gui_strings.h:613
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Lean air adhart"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/race_over_dialog.cpp:418
msgid "Continue Grand Prix"
msgstr "Lean air a' Grand Prix"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_device.stkgui
#. I18N: Section in the settings menu
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_input.stkgui
#. I18N: Section in the settings menu
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_audio.cpp:67
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:90
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_ui.cpp:115
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_players.cpp:74 data/po/gui_strings.h:400
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:543
msgid "Controls"
msgstr "Smachdan"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/add_device_dialog.cpp:194
msgid "Could not detect any wiimote :/"
msgstr "Cha deach wiimote aithneachadh :/"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/story_mode_lobby.stkgui
#. I18N: In story mode 'select a game slot' menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:253
msgid "Create a new player"
msgstr "Cruthaich cluicheadair ùr"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/credits.stkgui
#. I18N: Title in credits screen
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:462
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Cliù"
#. I18N: custom video settings
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:332
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Gnàthaichta"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_video.stkgui
#. I18N: In the video settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:365
msgid "Custom settings..."
msgstr "Roghainnean gnàthaichte"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_device.stkgui
#. I18N: To delete a keyboard configuration
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:97 data/po/gui_strings.h:404
msgid "Delete Configuration"
msgstr "Sguab às dhan rèiteachadh"
#. I18N: button to disable a gamepad configuration
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:82
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:515
msgid "Disable Device"
msgstr "Cuir an t-uidheam à comas"
#. I18N: in the graphical options tooltip;
#. indicates a graphical feature is disabled
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:352
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/custom_video_settings.cpp:56
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/custom_video_settings.cpp:80
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "À comas"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_ui.stkgui
#. I18N: In the ui settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:628
msgid "Display FPS"
msgstr "Seall FPS"
#. I18N: In the player info dialog (when deleting)
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/player_info_dialog.cpp:155
#, c-format
msgid "Do you really want to delete player '%s' ?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson sguabadh às dhan chluicheadair '%s' ?"
#: src/items/powerup.cpp:68
msgid "Do you want to fly kites?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson itealag?"
#: src/karts/controller/player_controller.cpp:324
msgid "Don't accelerate before go"
msgstr "Na luathaich ron chomharra \"Siuthadaibh!\""
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:220
msgid "Down"
msgstr "Sìos"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/addons_loading.cpp:256
msgid "Download failed."
msgstr "Dh'fhàillig an luchdadh a-nuas"
#. I18N: ./data/karts/elephpant/kart.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:816
msgid "Elephpant"
msgstr "Elephpant"
#: src/states_screens/race_result_gui.cpp:322
#: src/states_screens/race_result_gui.cpp:679
msgid "Eliminated"
msgstr ""
#. I18N: ./data/karts/emule/kart.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:807
msgid "Emule"
msgstr "Emule"
#. I18N: button to enable a gamepad configuration
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:84
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:516
msgid "Enable Device"
msgstr "Cuir uidheam an comas"
#. I18N: in the graphical options tooltip;
#. indicates a graphical feature is enabled
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_audio.stkgui
#. I18N: Next to checkbox in settings menu
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:349 data/po/gui_strings.h:334
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:346
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "An comas"
#. I18N: animations setting (all karts are animated)
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/custom_video_settings.cpp:60
msgid "Enabled for all"
msgstr "An comas airson a h-uile"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/race_over_dialog.cpp:697
msgid "Energy"
msgstr "Lùths"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/enter_player_name_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: In the 'add new player' dialog
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:532
msgid "Enter the new player's name"
msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm a' chluicheadair ùir"
#: src/states_screens/kart_selection.cpp:1235
msgid ""
"Press 'Select' now to join the game!"
msgstr ""
"A h-uile duine:\n"
"Brùth air 'Tagh' an-dràsta gus gabhail sa gheama!"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/race_paused_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: Race paused button
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:610
msgid "Exit Race"
msgstr "Fàg an rèis"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/select_challenge.stkgui
#. I18N: Difficulty
#. I18N: ./data/gui/racesetup.stkgui
#. I18N: Difficulty
#. I18N: ./data/gui/story_mode_new.stkgui
#. I18N: Difficulty
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:201 data/po/gui_strings.h:272
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:522
msgid "Expert"
msgstr "Eòlaiche"
#. I18N: shown when a player is hit by a rubber ball. %1 is the
#. attacker, %0 is the victim.
#: src/items/rubber_ball.cpp:308
msgid "Fetch the ball, %0!"
msgstr "Faigh am bàla, %0!"
#: src/modes/linear_world.cpp:257
msgid "Final lap!"
msgstr "Cuairt mu dheireadh!"
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:197
msgid "Fire"
msgstr "Loisg"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help4.stkgui
#. I18N: In the help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:304
msgid ""
"First, you will need several input devices (having multiple gamepads or "
"joysticks is the best way to play with several people). Go in the input "
"configuration screen and setup the gamepads. It is also possible to play on "
"keyboard(s), however each player will need a different set of keys, and keep "
"in mind that most keyboards are not appropriate for multiplayer gameplay "
"because they do not support large number of keypresses."
msgstr ""
"Sa chiad dol a-mach, bidh barrachd air aon uidheam ion-chuir a dhìth ort ('s "
"e iomadh pada-geama no joysticks an dòigh as fheàrr gus cluiche le daoine "
"eile). Rach gu sgrìn nan roghainnean ion-chuir is suidhich na padaichean-"
"geama. 'S urrainn dhut cluiche air meur-chlàr(an) cuideachd, ach bidh "
"buidheann dhe dh'iuchraichean eadar-dhealaichte a dhìth aig gach "
"cluicheadair. Thoir an aire nach eil a' mhòr-chuid dhe na meur-chlàran "
"freagarrach airson geama ioma-chluicheadair on nach cuir iad taic ri "
"brùthadh air àireamh mòr dhe dh'iuchraichean."
#. I18N: Game mode
#: src/race/race_manager.hpp:169
msgid "Follow the Leader"
msgstr "Lean an toisiche"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help3.stkgui
#. I18N: In the help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:442
msgid ""
"Follow the leader: run for second place, as the last kart will be "
"disqualified every time the counter hits zero. Beware : going in front of "
"the leader will get you eliminated too!"
msgstr ""
"Lean an toisiche: feuch an crìochnaich thu air an dàrna àite on a thèid an "
"cart mu dheireadh a dhì-chòireachadh nuair a ruigeas an cunntair a neoni. "
"Thoir an aire: thèid do dhì-chòireachadh cuideachd ma thèid thu seachad air "
"an toisiche!"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/fortmagma/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:62
msgid "Fort Magma"
msgstr "Dùn Mhagma"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/add_device_dialog.cpp:185
#, c-format
msgid "Found %d wiimote(s)"
msgstr "%d wiimote(ichean) air a(n) lorg"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_video.stkgui
#. I18N: In the video settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:381
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "Làn-sgrìn"
#. I18N: warning, this string needs to be SHORT!
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/race_over_dialog.cpp:260
msgid "GP scores :"
msgstr "Sgòran GP:"
#. I18N: Key binding section
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:130
msgid "Game Keys"
msgstr "Iuchraichean a' gheama"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help2.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help4.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help3.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help1.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:151 data/po/gui_strings.h:290
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:423 data/po/gui_strings.h:702
msgid "Game Modes"
msgstr ""
#. I18N: to appear in input configuration screen, for gamepad buttons
#: src/input/binding.cpp:270
#, c-format
msgid "Gamepad button %d"
msgstr "Putan pada-geama %d"
#. I18N: to appear in input configuration screen, for gamepad hats
#: src/input/binding.cpp:255 src/input/binding.cpp:260
#, c-format
msgid "Gamepad hat %d"
msgstr "Ad pada-geama %d"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help2.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help4.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help3.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help1.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:143 data/po/gui_strings.h:282
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:415 data/po/gui_strings.h:694
msgid "General"
msgstr "Coitcheann"
#: src/items/powerup.cpp:66
msgid "Geronimo!!!"
msgstr "Geronimo!!!"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/race_paused_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: Race paused button
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:598
msgid "Give Up Race"
msgstr "Thoir seachad an rèis"
#. I18N: ./data/karts/gnu/kart.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:795
msgid "Gnu"
msgstr "Gnu"
#. I18N: as in "ready, set, go", shown at the beginning of the race
#: src/states_screens/race_gui_base.cpp:71
msgid "Go!"
msgstr "Siuthad!"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/tracks.stkgui
#. I18N: Section in track selection screen
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:683
msgid "Grand Prix"
msgstr "Grand Prix"
#: src/states_screens/race_result_gui.cpp:892
msgid "Grand Prix progress:"
msgstr "Adhartas a' Grand Prix:"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_video.stkgui
#. I18N: In the graphics settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:361
msgid "Graphical Effects Level"
msgstr "Ìre buaidh grafaigeachd"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_video.stkgui
#. I18N: Section in the settings menu
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input.cpp:136
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_audio.cpp:64
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:71
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_ui.cpp:112
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_players.cpp:71 data/po/gui_strings.h:357
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "Grafaigeachd"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/custom_video_settings.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:212
msgid "Graphics Settings"
msgstr "Roghainnean grafaigeachd"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/greenvalley/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:68
msgid "Green Valley"
msgstr ""
#: src/config/user_config.cpp:546
msgid "Guest"
msgstr "Aoigh"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/hacienda/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:32
msgid "Hacienda"
msgstr "Hacienda"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/overworld_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: Race paused button
#. I18N: ./data/gui/race_paused_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: Race paused button
#. I18N: ./data/gui/main.stkgui
#. I18N: Main menu button
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:499 data/po/gui_strings.h:606
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:660
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Cobhair"
#. I18N: ./data/karts/hexley/kart.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:780
msgid "Hexley"
msgstr "Hexley"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/race_over_dialog.cpp:221
#: src/states_screens/race_result_gui.cpp:921
msgid "Highscores"
msgstr "Sgòran àrda"
#: src/states_screens/race_setup_screen.cpp:228
msgid ""
"Hit others with weapons until they lose all their lives. (Only in "
"multiplayer games)"
msgstr ""
"Buail càch le airm gus an caill iad am beathannan uile. (Ri fhaighinn ann an "
"geamannan ioma-chluicheadair a-mhàin)"
#. I18N: animations setting (only karts with human players are animated)
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/custom_video_settings.cpp:58
msgid "Human players only"
msgstr "Cluicheadairean daonna a-mhàin"
#. I18N: Cutscene subtitle from ./data/tracks/introcutscene2/scene.xml
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/introcutscene2/scene.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:92 data/po/gui_strings.h:95
msgid "If you can beat me at racing, I will free the old codger."
msgstr "Ma nì thu a chùis orm air an rèis, leigidh mi am bodach fa sgaoil."
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help1.stkgui
#. I18N: In the help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:726
msgid ""
"If you see a button with a lock like this one, you need to complete a "
"challenge to unlock it."
msgstr ""
"Ma chì thu putan le glas coltach ris an tè seo, feumaidh tu dùbhlan "
"fhuasgladh gus fhosgladh."
#: src/input/input_manager.cpp:614
#, c-format
msgid "Ignoring '%s', you needed to join earlier to play!"
msgstr ""
"A' leigeil seachad '%s', feumaidh tu gabhail ann nas tràithe gus cluiche!"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/addons_loading.stkgui
#. I18N: Add-on screen action
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:738
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Stàlaich"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/select_challenge.stkgui
#. I18N: Difficulty
#. I18N: ./data/gui/racesetup.stkgui
#. I18N: Difficulty
#. I18N: ./data/gui/story_mode_new.stkgui
#. I18N: Difficulty
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:197 data/po/gui_strings.h:268
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:518
msgid "Intermediate"
msgstr "Meadhanach"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/addons_screen.stkgui
#. I18N: Section in the addons menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:568
msgid "Karts"
msgstr "Cartan"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/confirm_resolution_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: In the 'confirm resolution' dialog, that's shown when switching resoluton
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:454
msgid "Keep this resolution"
msgstr "Cùm an dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh seo"
#. I18N: short definition for follow-the-leader game mode
#: src/states_screens/race_setup_screen.cpp:219
msgid "Keep up with the leader kart but don't overtake it!"
msgstr "Cum ceum ri cart an toisiche, ach na falbh seachad air!"
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input.cpp:95
#, c-format
msgid "Keyboard %i"
msgstr "Meur-chlàr %i"
#. I18N: ./data/karts/konqi/kart.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:798
msgid "Konqi"
msgstr "Konqi"
#. I18N: Shown at the end of a race
#: src/states_screens/race_gui_overworld.cpp:104
#: src/states_screens/race_gui.cpp:91
#: src/states_screens/minimal_race_gui.cpp:107
msgid "Lap"
msgstr "Cuairt"
#: src/modes/linear_world.cpp:283
#, c-format
msgid "Lap %i"
msgstr "Cuairt %i"
#. I18N: number of laps to race in a challenge
#: src/challenges/challenge_data.cpp:248
#, c-format
msgid "Laps : %i"
msgstr "Cuairtean: %i"
#: src/modes/tutorial_race.cpp:193 src/modes/follow_the_leader.cpp:58
#: src/modes/follow_the_leader.cpp:212
msgid "Leader"
msgstr "Toisiche"
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:223
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Clì"
#: src/guiengine/engine.cpp:1230
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Ga luchdadh"
#: src/states_screens/kart_selection.cpp:894
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Glaiste"
#: src/states_screens/tracks_screen.cpp:313
#: src/states_screens/tracks_screen.cpp:340
#: src/states_screens/kart_selection.cpp:899
#: src/states_screens/kart_selection.cpp:2003
#: src/states_screens/kart_selection.cpp:2034
#: src/states_screens/arenas_screen.cpp:220
#: src/states_screens/arenas_screen.cpp:243
#: src/states_screens/race_setup_screen.cpp:211
msgid "Locked : solve active challenges to gain access to more!"
msgstr "Glaiste: fuasgail dùbhlain gus faighinn a-steach dhan a bharrachd!"
#: src/states_screens/tracks_screen.cpp:253
msgid "Locked!"
msgstr "Glaiste!"
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:206
msgid "Look Back"
msgstr "Sùil air ais"
#: src/items/powerup.cpp:83
msgid "Magic, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that."
msgstr ""
"Draoidheachd, 'Ille. Chan eil dad eile fon ghrèin le fàileadh dhen leithid "
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help1.stkgui
#. I18N: In the help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:710
msgid "Make your rivals bite dust!"
msgstr "Tog an ùir thar nan co-fharpaiseach"
#. I18N: if some kart animations are enabled
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:356
msgid "Me Only"
msgstr "Mise a-mhàin"
#. I18N: Key binding section
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:144
msgid "Menu Keys"
msgstr "Iuchraichean clàir-thaice"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/minigolf/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:5
msgid "Minigolf Mischief"
msgstr "Meanbh-ghoilf"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_ui.stkgui
#. I18N: In the ui settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:636
msgid "Minimal Race GUI"
msgstr "GUI rèise as lugha"
#. I18N: to appear in input configuration screen, for mouse (might not be used at all)
#: src/input/binding.cpp:277
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse axis %d %s"
msgstr "Aiseal luchaige %d %s"
#. I18N: to appear in input configuration screen, for mouse (might not be used at all)
#: src/input/binding.cpp:273
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse button %d"
msgstr "Putan luchaige %d"
#. I18N: ./data/karts/mozilla/kart.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:792
msgid "Mozilla"
msgstr "Mozilla"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/main.stkgui
#. I18N: Main menu button
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:648
msgid "Multiplayer"
msgstr ""
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help2.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help4.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help3.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help1.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:155 data/po/gui_strings.h:294
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:427 data/po/gui_strings.h:706
msgid "Multiplayer"
msgstr ""
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_audio.stkgui
#. I18N: Section in the audio/video settings submenu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:330
msgid "Music"
msgstr "Ceòl"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/story_mode_new.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:506
msgid "New Game"
msgstr "Geama ùr"
#: src/challenges/challenge_data.cpp:509
#, c-format
msgid "New Grand Prix '%s' now available"
msgstr "Tha Grand Prix ùr '%s' ri fhaighinn a-nis"
#: src/challenges/challenge_data.cpp:513
#, c-format
msgid "New difficulty '%s' now available"
msgstr "Tha duilgheas ùr '%s' ri fhaighinn a-nis"
#: src/modes/linear_world.cpp:346
msgid "New fastest lap"
msgstr "Cuairt as luaithe ùr"
#: src/challenges/challenge_data.cpp:499
#, c-format
msgid "New game mode '%s' now available"
msgstr "Tha am modh-geama '%s' ri fhaighinn a-nis"
#: src/challenges/challenge_data.cpp:523
#, c-format
msgid "New kart '%s' now available"
msgstr "Tha cart ùr '%s' ri fhaighinn a-nis"
#: src/challenges/challenge_data.cpp:494
#, c-format
msgid "New track '%s' now available"
msgstr "Tha slighe ùr '%s' ri fhaighinn a-nis"
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:200
msgid "Nitro"
msgstr "Naidhtreo"
#. I18N: ./data/karts/nolok/kart.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:783
msgid "Nolok"
msgstr "Nolok"
#. I18N: if no kart animations are enabled
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:358
msgid "None"
msgstr "Gin"
#. I18N: Game mode
#: src/race/race_manager.hpp:165
msgid "Normal Race"
msgstr "Rèis àbhaisteach"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/snowmountain/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:17
msgid "Northern Resort"
msgstr "Baile taobh tuath"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/select_challenge.stkgui
#. I18N: Difficulty
#. I18N: ./data/gui/racesetup.stkgui
#. I18N: Difficulty
#. I18N: ./data/gui/story_mode_new.stkgui
#. I18N: Difficulty
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:193 data/po/gui_strings.h:264
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:514
msgid "Novice"
msgstr "Foghlamaiche"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/select_challenge.cpp:40
#, c-format
msgid "Number of AI Karts : %i"
msgstr "Àireamh dhe chartaichean IF : %i"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/racesetup.stkgui
#. I18N: In race setup menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:260
msgid "Number of AI karts"
msgstr "Àireamh nan cartan IF"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/message_dialog.cpp:66
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Ceart ma-thà"
#. I18N: ./data/grandprix/2_offthebeatentrack.grandprix
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:107 data/po/gui_strings.h:768
msgid "Off the beaten track"
msgstr "Slighe iomallach"
#. I18N: Cutscene subtitle from ./data/tracks/introcutscene2/scene.xml
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/introcutscene2/scene.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:80 data/po/gui_strings.h:83
msgid "Oh yes, see, he's in my castle now and will be served for supper..."
msgstr "Ò, seadh, tha sa chaisteal agam an-dràsta is thèid e na dhìnnear ..."
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/mines/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:35
msgid "Old Mine"
msgstr "Seann mhèinn"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/olivermath/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:20
msgid "Oliver's Math Class"
msgstr "Clas matamataig Oliver"
#: src/input/input_manager.cpp:644
msgid "Only the Game Master may act at this point!"
msgstr ""
"Chan fhaod ach maighstir a' gheama atharraichean a dhèanamh an-dràsta!"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/overworld_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: Race paused button
#. I18N: ./data/gui/race_paused_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: Race paused button
#. I18N: ./data/gui/main.stkgui
#. I18N: Main menu button
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:495 data/po/gui_strings.h:602
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:656
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help2.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:174
msgid "Parachute - slows down all karts in a better position."
msgstr "Paraisiut - cuir maille air a h-uile cart air do bheulaibh."
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:212
msgid "Pause Game"
msgstr "Gabh anail"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/overworld_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: ./data/gui/race_paused_dialog.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:483 data/po/gui_strings.h:582
msgid "Paused"
msgstr "Na stad"
#: src/karts/controller/player_controller.cpp:322
msgid "Penalty time!!"
msgstr "Peanas ùine!"
#. I18N: ./data/grandprix/1_penguinplayground.grandprix
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:110 data/po/gui_strings.h:771
msgid "Penguin Playground"
msgstr "Raon-cluiche nan ceann-fionn"
#. I18N: ./data/karts/pidgin/kart.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:804
msgid "Pidgin"
msgstr "Pidgin"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/custom_video_settings.stkgui
#. I18N: Video settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:240
msgid "Pixel Shaders"
msgstr "Sgàileadairean nam piogsail"
#. I18N: in graphical options
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:388
#, c-format
msgid "Pixel shaders : %s"
msgstr "Sgàileadairean nam piogsail: %s"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/tutorial.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:319
msgid "Play all"
msgstr "Cluich na h-uile"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_players.stkgui
#. I18N: Section in the settings menu
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input.cpp:139
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_audio.cpp:66
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:74
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:89
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_ui.cpp:114 data/po/gui_strings.h:469
msgid "Players"
msgstr "Cluicheadairean"
#. I18N: shown when config file is too old
#: src/input/device_manager.cpp:457
msgid "Please re-configure your key bindings."
msgstr "An ath-rèitich thu ceanglaidhean nan iuchraichean agad?"
#: src/states_screens/addons_screen.cpp:326
msgid "Please wait while addons are updated"
msgstr "Fuirich ort fhad 's a thèid tuilleadain ùrachadh"
#: src/states_screens/main_menu_screen.cpp:359
msgid "Please wait while the add-ons are loading"
msgstr "Fuirich ort fhad 's a tha tuilleadain gan luchdadh"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help2.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:168
msgid ""
"Plunger - throw straight to pull an opponent back, or throw while looking "
"back to make one lose sight."
msgstr ""
"Loinid - tilg gu dìreach gus maille a chur air co-fharpaisiche, no tilg a' "
"coimhead air ais gus fear a dhalladh."
#. I18N: ./data/gui/custom_video_settings.stkgui
#. I18N: Video settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:236
msgid "Post-processing (motion blur)"
msgstr "Iar-ghiullachd (sgleò gluasaid)"
#. I18N: in graphical options
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:391
#, c-format
msgid "Post-processing (motion blur) : %s"
msgstr "Iar-ghiullachd (sgleò gluasaid): %s"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/enter_player_name_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: When configuring input
#. I18N: ./data/gui/press_a_key_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: When configuring input
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:536 data/po/gui_strings.h:679
msgid "Press ESC to cancel"
msgstr "Brùth air ESC gus sgur dheth"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/press_a_key_dialog.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:671
msgid "Press a key"
msgstr "Brùth air iuchair"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_input.stkgui
#. I18N: In key bindings configuration menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:547
msgid "Press enter or double-click on a device to configure it"
msgstr ""
"Brùth air enter no dèan briogadh dùbailte air uidheam gus a rèiteachadh"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_players.stkgui
#. I18N: In players configuration menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:476
msgid "Press enter or double-click on a player to edit him/her"
msgstr ""
"Brùth air enter no briog gu dùbailte air cluicheadair gus a d(h)easachadh"
#: src/states_screens/race_gui_overworld.cpp:470
msgid "Press fire to start the challenge"
msgstr "Brùth air loisg gus an dùbhlan a thòiseachadh"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/addons_loading.cpp:307
#, c-format
msgid "Problems installing the addon '%s'."
msgstr "Duilgheadas le stàladh an tuilleadain '%s'."
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/addons_loading.cpp:345
#, c-format
msgid "Problems removing the addon '%s'."
msgstr "Duilgheadas le toirt air falbh an tuilleadain '%s'."
#. I18N: ./data/karts/puffy/kart.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:789
msgid "Puffy"
msgstr "Puffy"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/main.stkgui
#. I18N: Main menu button
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:668
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Fàg an-seo"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/race_over_dialog.cpp:109
msgid "Race Results"
msgstr "Toraidhean na rèise"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/select_challenge.stkgui
#. I18N: ./data/gui/racesetup.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:189 data/po/gui_strings.h:256
msgid "Race Setup"
msgstr "Suidhich rèis"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/race_over_dialog.cpp:382
msgid "Race in this track again"
msgstr "Dèan rèis eile air an t-slighe seo"
#: src/states_screens/arenas_screen.cpp:253
msgid "Random Arena"
msgstr "Cearcall air thuaiream"
#: src/states_screens/kart_selection.cpp:881
#: src/states_screens/kart_selection.cpp:2053
msgid "Random Kart"
msgstr "Cart air thuaiream"
#: src/states_screens/tracks_screen.cpp:354
msgid "Random Track"
msgstr "Slighe air thuaiream"
#: src/states_screens/race_gui_overworld.cpp:105
#: src/states_screens/race_gui.cpp:92
#: src/states_screens/minimal_race_gui.cpp:108
msgid "Rank"
msgstr "Rang"
#. I18N: for add-on rating, "Rating: 1.5/3.0"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/addons_loading.cpp:109
#, c-format
msgid "Rating: %s/%s"
msgstr "Rangachadh: %s/%s"
#. I18N: as in "ready, set, go", shown at the beginning of the race
#: src/states_screens/race_gui_base.cpp:67
msgid "Ready!"
msgstr "Ullaich!"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help3.stkgui
#. I18N: In the help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:434
msgid ""
"Regular Race: all blows allowed, so catch weapons and make clever use of "
msgstr ""
"Rèis àbhaisteach: tha a h-uile buille ceadaichte, mar sin tog airm is "
"cleachd gu glic iad!"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/addons_screen.stkgui
#. I18N: Reload button to reload addon data
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:564
msgid "Reload"
msgstr "Ath-luchdaich"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/story_mode_lobby.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:249
msgid "Remember me"
msgstr "Cùm cuimhne orm"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_video.stkgui
#. I18N: In the video settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:385
msgid "Remember window location"
msgstr "Cùm cuimhne air àite na h-uinneige"
#. I18N: In the player info dialog
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/player_info_dialog.cpp:125
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Thoir air falbh"
#. I18N: In the player info dialog
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/player_info_dialog.cpp:91
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Ath-ainmich"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/select_challenge.cpp:57
#, c-format
msgid "Required Nitro Points : %i"
msgstr "Puingean naidhtreo a dhìth: %i"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/select_challenge.cpp:46
#, c-format
msgid "Required Rank : %i"
msgstr "Rang a dhìth: %i"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/select_challenge.cpp:51
#, c-format
msgid "Required Time : %i"
msgstr "Ùine a dhìth: %i"
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:209
msgid "Rescue"
msgstr "Teasairg"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_video.stkgui
#. I18N: In the graphics settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:377
msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh"
#: src/states_screens/race_result_gui.cpp:130
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Ath-thòisich"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/race_paused_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: Race paused button
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:594
msgid "Restart Race"
msgstr "Ath-thòisich an rèis"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/track_info_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: Drive the track reverse
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:129
msgid "Reverse"
msgstr "Contrarra"
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:226
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Deas"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help2.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:183
msgid ""
"Rubber Ball - bounces after the leader, and might squash and slow down karts "
"down on the way."
msgstr ""
"Bàla rubair - bocaidh e an tòir an toisiche is cuiridh e cartan air an "
"rathad nan spleuchd no maille orra, 's dòcha."
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/scotland/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:65
msgid "Scotland"
msgstr "Alba"
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:229
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Tagh"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/story_mode_lobby.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:246
msgid "Select a Player"
msgstr "Tagh cluicheadair"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/racesetup.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:275
msgid "Select a game mode"
msgstr "Tagh modh-geama"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/overworld_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: Race paused button
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:491
msgid "Select kart"
msgstr "Tagh cart"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/story_mode_new.stkgui
#. I18N: In the new story mode game dialog
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:510
msgid "Select your identity"
msgstr "Tagh d' aithne"
#. I18N: as in "ready, set, go", shown at the beginning of the race
#: src/states_screens/race_gui_base.cpp:69
msgid "Set!"
msgstr "Deiseil!"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/race_paused_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: Race paused button
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/race_over_dialog.cpp:371
#: src/states_screens/race_result_gui.cpp:127 data/po/gui_strings.h:590
msgid "Setup New Race"
msgstr "Suidhich rèis ùr"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/sandtrack/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:53
msgid "Shifting Sands"
msgstr "Beò-ghainmheach"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/city/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:14
msgid "Shiny Suburbs"
msgstr "Iomall-bhaile gleansach"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/main.stkgui
#. I18N: Main menu button
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:644
msgid "Single-player"
msgstr ""
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/addons_loading.cpp:175
#, c-format
msgid "Size: %s"
msgstr "Meud: %s"
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:203
msgid "Skidding"
msgstr "Sleamhnachadh"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_ui.stkgui
#. I18N: In the graphics settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:624
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Uachdar"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/snowtuxpeak/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:38
msgid "Snow Peak"
msgstr "Sgurr an t-sneachda"
#: src/states_screens/addons_screen.cpp:398
#: src/states_screens/main_menu_screen.cpp:352
msgid ""
"Sorry, an error occurred while contacting the add-ons website. Make sure you "
"are connected to the Internet and that SuperTuxKart is not blocked by a "
msgstr ""
"Duilich, ach thachair mearachd le ceangal ri làrach-lìn nan tuilleadan. Dèan "
"cinnteach gu bheil ceangal dhan eadar-lìn agad is nach tèid SuperTuxKart a "
"bhacadh le cachaileith-teine."
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_audio.stkgui
#. I18N: Section in audio/video settings submenu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:342
msgid "Sound Effects"
msgstr "Buaidhean fuaime"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/arenas.stkgui
#. I18N: track group
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:754
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Bun-tomhasach"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/startrack/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:50
msgid "Star Track"
msgstr "Slighe nan reul"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/story_mode_new.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:525
msgid "Start Game"
msgstr "Tòisich air geama"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/gp_info_dialog.cpp:144
msgid "Start Grand Prix"
msgstr "Tòisich air Grand Prix"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/track_info_dialog.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:136
msgid "Start Race"
msgstr "Tòisich air an rèis"
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:185
msgid "Steer Left"
msgstr "Rach gu clì"
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:188
msgid "Steer Right"
msgstr "Rach gu deas"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/main.stkgui
#. I18N: Main menu button
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:640
msgid "Story Mode"
msgstr "Modh sgeulachd"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/subsea/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:11
msgid "Subsea"
msgstr "Fon chuan"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/addons_screen.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:560
msgid "SuperTuxKart Addons"
msgstr "Tuilleadain SuperTuxKart"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help2.stkgui
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help4.stkgui
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help3.stkgui
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help1.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:139 data/po/gui_strings.h:278
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:411 data/po/gui_strings.h:690
msgid "SuperTuxKart Help"
msgstr "Cuideachadh SuperTuxKart"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_audio.stkgui
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_video.stkgui
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_device.stkgui
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_players.stkgui
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_input.stkgui
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_ui.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:322 data/po/gui_strings.h:353
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:396 data/po/gui_strings.h:465
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:539 data/po/gui_strings.h:616
msgid "SuperTuxKart Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean SuperTuxKart"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help4.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:297
msgid "SuperTuxKart can be played in multiplayer mode on the same computer"
msgstr ""
"'S urrainn dhut SuperTuxKart a chluiche ann am modh ioma-chluicheadair air "
"an aon choimpiutair"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help3.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:430
msgid "SuperTuxKart features several game modes"
msgstr "Tha iomadh mhodh-geama aig SuperTuxKart"
#: src/main.cpp:1348
msgid ""
"SuperTuxKart may connect to a server to download add-ons and notify you of "
"updates. Would you like this feature to be enabled? (To change this setting "
"at a later time, go to options, select tab 'User Interface', and edit "
"\"Allow STK to connect to the Internet\")."
msgstr ""
"Faodaidh SuperTuxKart ceangal a dhèanamh ri frithealaiche gus tuilleadain a "
"luchdadh a-nuas is brath air ùrachaidhean a chur thugad. A bheil thu airson "
"am feart seo a chur air? (Gus an roghainn seo atharrachadh ùine sam bith, "
"rach gu Roghainnean, tagh an taba 'Eadar-aghaidh' is deasaich \"Allow STK to "
"connect to the Internet\")."
#. I18N: ./data/karts/suzanne/kart.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:819
msgid "Suzanne"
msgstr "Suzanne"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help2.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:180
msgid ""
"Swapper - gift boxes are transformed into bananas and vice versa for a short "
msgstr ""
"Suaipear - thèid bogsaichean tìodhlaic nan bananathan is taobh mu seach fad "
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help2.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:186
msgid "Swatter - will squash karts close by, slowing them down."
msgstr "Bualadair - cuiridh e cartan faisg ort nan spleuchd is maille orra."
#. I18N: in the language choice, to select the same language as the OS
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_ui.cpp:163
msgid "System Language"
msgstr "Cànan an t-siostaim"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/custom_video_settings.stkgui
#. I18N: Video settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:228
msgid "Texture filtering"
msgstr "Criathrag innich"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help1.stkgui
#. I18N: in the help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:730
msgid ""
"The 'sharp turn' key allows you to do sharp turns and have better control in "
"tight curves"
msgstr ""
"Leigidh an iuchair 'tionndadh cas' leat tionndadh gu cas is smachd nas "
"fheàrr fhaighinn ann an lùban casa"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/islandtrack/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:41
msgid "The Island"
msgstr "An eilean"
#: src/items/powerup.cpp:67
msgid "The Space Shuttle has landed!"
msgstr "Chaidh an aiseag-fànais air tìr!"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/stadium/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:56
msgid "The Stadium"
msgstr "An lann-cluiche"
#: src/states_screens/main_menu_screen.cpp:347
msgid "The add-ons module is currently disabled in the Options screen"
msgstr ""
"Chaidh mòideil nan tuilleadan a chur à comas ann an sgrìn nan Roghainnean"
#: src/race/highscore_manager.cpp:97
msgid ""
"The highscore file was too old,\n"
"all highscores have been erased."
msgstr ""
"Bha faidhle nan sgòran àrda ro shean,\n"
"chaidh sguabadh às dhan a h-uile sgòr àrd."
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/gp_info_dialog.cpp:149
msgid "This Grand Prix is broken!"
msgstr "Tha an Grand Prix seo mearachdach!"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/race_over_dialog.cpp:692
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Ùine"
#. I18N: Game mode
#: src/race/race_manager.hpp:167
msgid "Time Trial"
msgstr "An aghaidh na h-ùine"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help3.stkgui
#. I18N: In the help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:438
msgid "Time Trial: Contains no powerups, so only your driving skills matter!"
msgstr ""
"An aghaidh na h-ùine: chan eil cumhachdan ann is chan eil a' cunntadh ach do "
"sgilean draibhidh!"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/add_device_dialog.cpp:63
msgid ""
"To add a new Gamepad/Joystick device, simply start SuperTuxKart with it "
"connected and it will appear in the list.\n"
"To add a keyboard config, you can use the button below, HOWEVER please note "
"that most keyboards only support a limited amount of simultaneous keypresses "
"and are thus inappropriate for multiplayer gameplay. (You can, however, "
"connect multiple keyboards to the computer. Remember that everyone still "
"needs different keybindings in this case.)"
msgstr ""
"Gus uidheam pada-geama/joystick ùr a chur ris, cha leig thu leas ach "
"SuperTuxKart a thòiseachadh nuair a bhios iad ceangailte is nochdaidh iad "
"air an liosta.\n"
"Gus rèiteachadh meur-chlàir a chur ris, faodaidh tu am putan gu h-ìosal a "
"chleachdadh. Co-dhiù, thoir an AIRE nach cuir a' mhòr chuid dhe na meur-"
"chlàran taic ach ri àireamh cuingichte dhe bhrùthadh air iuchraichean aig an "
"aon àm is mar sin chan eil iad freagarrach airson geama ioma-chluicheadair. "
"(Co-dhiù, 's urrainn dhut iomadh meur-chlàran a cheangal ris a' choimpiutair "
"agad. Cùm nad aire gu bheil ceanglaichean dhe dh'iuchraichean eadar-"
"dhealaichte a dhìth aig gach cluicheadair fhathast.)"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help2.stkgui
#. I18N: In the help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:159
msgid "To help you win, there are some powerups you can collect :"
msgstr "'S urrainn dhut cumhachdan a thogail gus do chuideachadh:"
#. I18N: ./data/grandprix/3_tothemoonandback.grandprix
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:113 data/po/gui_strings.h:774
msgid "To the moon and back"
msgstr "Dhan ghealaich is air ais"
#. I18N: When some GlobalPlayerIcons are hidden, write "Top 10" to show it
#: src/states_screens/race_gui_base.cpp:94
#, c-format
msgid "Top %i"
msgstr "An %i as àirde"
#. I18N: when showing who is the author of track '%s' (place %s where the name of the author should appear)
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/track_info_dialog.cpp:67
#, c-format
msgid "Track by %s"
msgstr "Slighe le %s"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/addons_screen.stkgui
#. I18N: Section in the addons menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:572
msgid "Tracks"
msgstr "Slighean"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/addons_loading.cpp:319
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/addons_loading.cpp:357
msgid "Try again"
msgstr "Feuch ris a-rithist"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/tutorial.stkgui
#. I18N: Title for tutorials screen
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:316
msgid "Tutorial : Selection Room"
msgstr "Oideachadh: an taghadh"
#. I18N: ./data/karts/tux/kart.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:813
msgid "Tux"
msgstr "Tux"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/tuxtollway~/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:29
msgid "Tux Tollway"
msgstr "Slighe na cìse aig Tux"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/addons_loading.stkgui
#. I18N: Add-on screen action
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:742
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Dì-stàlaich"
#. I18N: Key binding name
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:217
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Suas"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/addons_loading.cpp:92
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Ùrachadh"
#: src/states_screens/addons_screen.cpp:85
msgid "Updated date"
msgstr "Air ùrachadh"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_video.stkgui
#. I18N: In the video settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:373
msgid "Use Frame Buffer Objects (requires restart)"
msgstr "Cleachd oibseactan bufair an fhrèama (ath-thòiseachadh a dhìth)"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_ui.stkgui
#. I18N: Section in the settings menu
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input.cpp:138
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_audio.cpp:65
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:73
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:88
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_players.cpp:73 data/po/gui_strings.h:620
msgid "User Interface"
msgstr "Eadar-aghaidh"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/addons_loading.cpp:104
#, c-format
msgid "Version: %d"
msgstr "Tionndadh: %d"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_video.stkgui
#. I18N: In the video settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:369
msgid "Vertical Sync (requires restart)"
msgstr "Sioncronachadh inghearach (ath-thòiseachadh a dhìth)"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_audio.stkgui
#. I18N: Music volume in options
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_audio.stkgui
#. I18N: Sound volume in options
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:338 data/po/gui_strings.h:350
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Àirde fuaime"
#: src/modes/linear_world.cpp:816
msgid "WRONG WAY!"
msgstr "RATHAD CEÀRR!"
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_input2.cpp:409
msgid ""
"Warning, 'Shift' is not a recommended key : when shift is pressed down, all "
"keys that contain a character that is different in upper-case will stop "
msgstr ""
"Rabhadh, cha mholamaid an iuchair 'Shift': ma bhrùthas tu air, sguiridh a h-"
"uile iuchair dhe bhith ag obrachadh aig a bheil caractar eadar-dhealaichte "
"nuair a bhios e na litir mhòr."
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help2.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help4.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help3.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help1.stkgui
#. I18N: Tab in help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:147 data/po/gui_strings.h:286
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:419 data/po/gui_strings.h:698
msgid "Weapons"
msgstr "Airm"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/custom_video_settings.stkgui
#. I18N: Video settings
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:220
msgid "Weather Effects"
msgstr "Buaidhean sìde"
#. I18N: in graphical options
#: src/states_screens/options_screen_video.cpp:377
#, c-format
msgid "Weather Effects : %s"
msgstr "Buaidhean sìde: %s"
#. I18N: Cutscene subtitle from ./data/tracks/introcutscene2/scene.xml
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/introcutscene2/scene.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:74 data/po/gui_strings.h:77
msgid "What's wrong, little hippies? Your great gnu leader is missing?"
msgstr "Dè tha cearr, hippies beaga? A bheil an ceannard mòr gnu air falbh?"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/help4.stkgui
#. I18N: In the help menu
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:308
msgid ""
"When input devices are configured, you are ready to play. Select the "
"'multiplayer race' icon in the main menu. When it is time to choose a kart, "
"each player can press on the 'fire' key of their gamepad or keyboard to join "
"the game. Each player can use their input device to select their kart. The "
"game continues when everyone selected their kart. Note that the mouse may "
"not be used for this operation."
msgstr ""
"Nuair a bhios na h-uidheaman ion-chuir air an rèiteachadh, bidh thu ullamh "
"airson cluiche. Tagh an ìomhaigheag 'Ioma-chluicheadair' air a' phrìomh "
"chlàr-taice. Nuair a thig an àm gus cart a thaghadh, faodaidh gach "
"cluicheadair brùthadh air an iuchair 'loisg' air a' phada-gheama no mheur-"
"chlàr aca gus gabhail sa gheama. Faodaidh gach cluicheadair an t-uidheam ion-"
"chuir aca a chleachdadh gus cart a thaghadh. Leanaidh an geama air nuair a "
"bhios a h-uile duine air cart a thaghadh. Thoir an aire nach urrainn dhut an "
"luchag a chleachdadh gus seo a dhèanamh."
#. I18N: ./data/karts/wilber/kart.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:810
msgid "Wilber"
msgstr "Wilber"
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/xr591/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:44
msgid "XR591"
msgstr "XR591"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/confirm_dialog.stkgui
#. I18N: In a 'are you sure?' dialog
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:205
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Tha"
#. I18N: ./data/gui/options_players.stkgui
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:472
msgid "You are playing as"
msgstr "Tha thu a' cluiche mar"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/player_info_dialog.cpp:160
msgid "You cannot delete this player because it is currently in use."
msgstr ""
"Chan urrainn dhut sguabadh às dhan chluicheadair seo oir tha e ga "
"chleachdadh an-dràsta."
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/race_over_dialog.cpp:355
#: src/states_screens/race_result_gui.cpp:104
msgid "You completed a challenge!"
msgstr "Choilean thu dùbhlan!"
#: src/states_screens/race_result_gui.cpp:105
msgid "You completed challenges!"
msgstr "Choilean thu dùbhlain!"
#: src/states_screens/grand_prix_win.cpp:380
msgid "You completed the Grand Prix!"
msgstr "Choilean thu an Grand Prix!"
#: src/states_screens/feature_unlocked.cpp:158
#, c-format
msgid "You completed the difficult challenge! This trophy is worth %i points"
msgstr ""
"Choilean thu an dùbhlan doirbh! Tha luach dhe %i puingean air an triathach"
#: src/states_screens/feature_unlocked.cpp:150
#, c-format
msgid "You completed the easy challenge! This trophy is worth %i points"
msgstr ""
"Choilean thu an dùbhlan furasta! Tha luach dhe %i puingean air an triathach"
#: src/states_screens/feature_unlocked.cpp:154
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You completed the intermediate challenge! This trophy is worth %i points"
msgstr ""
"Choilean thu an dùbhlan meadhanach! Tha luach dhe %i puingean air an "
#: src/karts/kart.cpp:789 src/karts/kart.cpp:809
msgid "You finished the race!"
msgstr "Choilean thu an rèis!"
#: src/modes/world.cpp:854
msgid "You have been eliminated!"
msgstr "Chaidh cur às dhut!"
#: src/states_screens/grand_prix_win.cpp:104
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/race_over_dialog.cpp:343
msgid "You unlocked a new feature!"
msgstr "Neo-ghlais thu feart ùr!"
#: src/karts/kart.cpp:789 src/karts/kart.cpp:809
msgid "You won the race!"
msgstr "Bhuannaich thu an rèis!"
#: src/config/user_config.cpp:589
msgid ""
"Your config file was malformed, so it was deleted and a new one will be "
msgstr ""
"Bha cruth ceàrr air an fhaidhle rèiteachaidh agad, mar sin chaidh sguabadh "
"às dha is thèid fear ùr a chruthachadh."
#: src/config/user_config.cpp:599
msgid ""
"Your config file was too old, so it was deleted and a new one will be "
msgstr ""
"Bha am faidhle rèiteachaidh agad ro shean, mar sin chaidh sguabadh às dha is "
"thèid fear ùr a chruthachadh."
#: src/input/device_manager.cpp:459
msgid "Your input config file is not compatible with this version of STK."
msgstr ""
"Chan eil am faidhle rèiteachaidh ion-chuir agad co-chòrdail ris an tionndadh "
"seo dhe STK."
#. I18N: ./data/tracks/zengarden/track.xml
#: data/po/gui_strings.h:71
msgid "Zen Garden"
msgstr "Lios Zen"
#. I18N: Unbound key binding
#: src/input/binding.cpp:86
msgid "[none]"
msgstr "[gin]"
#. I18N: string used to show the author of the music. (e.g. "Sunny Song" by "John Doe")
#: src/states_screens/race_gui_base.cpp:608
msgid "by"
msgstr "le"
#: src/states_screens/dialogs/addons_loading.cpp:137
msgid "featured"
msgstr "brosnaichte"
#. I18N: track group name
#. I18N: kart group name
#. I18N: arena group name
#: src/states_screens/tracks_screen.cpp:193
#: src/states_screens/kart_selection.cpp:995
#: src/states_screens/arenas_screen.cpp:78
msgid "standard"
msgstr "coitcheann"
#: src/states_screens/credits.cpp:213
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"Launchpad Contributions:\n"
" GunChleoc"