- fixed resume sound after that when speed was near to 0 (broken in previous commit) - pause sound while explosion animation Tested on bridges in hacienda and snowmountain. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/supertuxkart/code/main/trunk@14171 178a84e3-b1eb-0310-8ba1-8eac791a3b58
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359 lines
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// SuperTuxKart - a fun racing game with go-kart
// Copyright (C) 2004 Steve Baker <sjbaker1@airmail.net>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "utils/no_copy.hpp"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <IShaderConstantSetCallBack.h>
namespace irr
namespace video { class ITexture; class SMaterial; }
namespace scene { class ISceneNode; class IMeshBuffer; }
using namespace irr;
class XMLNode;
class SFXBase;
class ParticleKind;
class NormalMapProvider;
class SplattingProvider;
class BubbleEffectProvider;
* \ingroup graphics
class Material : public NoCopy
enum GraphicalEffect {GE_NONE,
/** Effect where the UV texture is moved in a wave pattern */
/** Effect that makes grass wave as in the wind */
enum ParticleConditions
enum CollisionReaction
enum Shaders
video::ITexture *m_texture;
unsigned int m_index;
std::string m_texname;
/** Name of a special sfx to play when a kart is on this terrain, or
* "" if no special sfx exists. */
std::string m_sfx_name;
GraphicalEffect m_graphical_effect;
/** Set if being on this surface means being under some other mesh.
* This is used to simulate that a kart is in water: the ground under
* the water is marked as 'm_below_surface', which will then trigger a raycast
* up to find the position of the actual water surface. */
bool m_below_surface;
bool m_water_splash;
/** If a kart is falling over a material with this flag set, it
* will trigger the special camera fall effect. */
bool m_falling_effect;
/** A material that is a surface only, i.e. the karts can fall through
* but the information is still needed (for GFX mostly). An example is
* a water surface: karts can drive while partly in water (so the water
* surface is not a physical object), but the location of the water
* effect is on the surface. */
bool m_surface;
/** If the material is a zipper, i.e. gives a speed boost. */
bool m_zipper;
/** If a kart is rescued when driving on this surface. */
bool m_drive_reset;
/** True if this is a texture that will start the jump animatoin when
* leaving it and being in the air. */
bool m_is_jump_texture;
/** Speed of the 'main' wave in the water shader. Only used if
m_graphical_effect == WATER_SHADER */
float m_water_shader_speed_1;
/** Speed of the 'secondary' waves in the water shader. Only used if
m_graphical_effect == WATER_SHADER */
float m_water_shader_speed_2;
/** If a kart is rescued when crashing into this surface. */
CollisionReaction m_collision_reaction;
/** Particles to show on touch */
std::string m_collision_particles;
float m_grass_speed;
float m_grass_amplitude;
/** If the property should be ignored in the physics. Example would be
* plants that a kart can just drive through. */
bool m_ignore;
bool m_add;
bool m_fog;
ParticleKind* m_particles_effects[EMIT_KINDS_COUNT];
/** For normal maps */
std::string m_normal_map_tex;
std::string m_normal_map_shader_lightmap;
//bool m_normal_map_uv2; //!< Whether to use a second UV layer for normal map
bool m_is_heightmap;
bool m_parallax_map;
float m_parallax_height;
/** Texture clamp bitmask */
unsigned int m_clamp_tex;
bool m_lighting;
bool m_smooth_reflection_shader;
bool m_alpha_testing;
bool m_alpha_blending;
bool m_alpha_to_coverage;
/** True if backface culliing should be enabled. */
bool m_backface_culling;
/** Set to true to disable writing to the Z buffer. Usually to be used with alpha blending */
bool m_disable_z_write;
/** Some textures need to be pre-multiplied, some divided to give
* the intended effect. */
/** True if (blending) lightmapping is enabled for this material. */
bool m_lightmap;
/** True if (additive) lightmapping is enabled for this material. */
bool m_additive_lightmap;
bool m_high_tire_adhesion;
/** How much the top speed is reduced per second. */
float m_slowdown_time;
/** Maximum speed at which no more slow down occurs. */
float m_max_speed_fraction;
/** The minimum speed at which a special sfx is started to be played. */
float m_sfx_min_speed;
/** The speed at which the maximum pitch is used. */
float m_sfx_max_speed;
/** The minimum pitch to be used (at minimum speed). */
float m_sfx_min_pitch;
/** The maximum pitch to be used (at maximum speed). */
float m_sfx_max_pitch;
/** (max_pitch-min_pitch) / (max_speed - min_speed). Used to adjust
* the pitch of a sfx depending on speed of the kart.
float m_sfx_pitch_per_speed;
/** Additional speed allowed on top of the kart-specific maximum kart speed
* if a zipper is used. If this value is <0 the kart specific value will
* be used. */
float m_zipper_max_speed_increase;
/** Time a zipper stays activated. If this value is <0 the kart specific
* value will be used. */
float m_zipper_duration;
/** A one time additional speed gain - the kart will instantly add this
* amount of speed to its current speed. If this value is <0 the kart
* specific value will be used. */
float m_zipper_speed_gain;
/** Time it takes for the zipper advantage to fade out. If this value
* is <0 the kart specific value will be used. */
float m_zipper_fade_out_time;
/** Additional engine force. */
float m_zipper_engine_force;
std::string m_mask;
/** If m_splatting is true, indicates the first splatting texture */
std::string m_splatting_texture_1;
/** If m_splatting is true, indicates the second splatting texture */
std::string m_splatting_texture_2;
/** If m_splatting is true, indicates the third splatting texture */
std::string m_splatting_texture_3;
/** If m_splatting is true, indicates the fourth splatting texture */
std::string m_splatting_texture_4;
std::string m_splatting_lightmap;
std::vector<irr::video::IShaderConstantSetCallBack*> m_shaders;
/** Only used if bubble effect is enabled */
std::map<scene::IMeshBuffer*, BubbleEffectProvider*> m_bubble_provider;
bool m_deprecated;
void init (unsigned int index);
void install (bool is_full_path=false, bool complain_if_not_found=true);
void initCustomSFX(const XMLNode *sfx);
void initParticlesEffect(const XMLNode *node);
Material(const XMLNode *node, int index, bool deprecated);
Material(const std::string& fname, int index,
bool is_full_path=false,
bool complain_if_not_found=true);
~Material ();
void setSFXSpeed(SFXBase *sfx, float speed, bool should_be_paused) const;
void setMaterialProperties(video::SMaterial *m, scene::IMeshBuffer* mb);
void adjustForFog(scene::ISceneNode* parent, video::SMaterial *m, bool use_fog) const;
/** Returns the ITexture associated with this material. */
video::ITexture *getTexture() const { return m_texture; }
bool isIgnore () const { return m_ignore; }
/** Returns true if this material is a zipper. */
bool isZipper () const { return m_zipper; }
bool isSphereMap () const { return m_graphical_effect == GE_SPHERE_MAP; }
/** Returns if this material should trigger a rescue if a kart
* is driving on it. */
bool isDriveReset () const { return m_drive_reset; }
/** Returns if this material should trigger a rescue if a kart
* crashes against it. */
CollisionReaction getCollisionReaction() const { return m_collision_reaction; }
std::string getCrashResetParticles() const { return m_collision_particles; }
bool highTireAdhesion () const { return m_high_tire_adhesion; }
const std::string&
getTexFname () const { return m_texname; }
int getIndex () const { return m_index; }
bool isTransparent () const { return m_alpha_testing || m_alpha_blending || m_add; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns true if this materials need pre-multiply of alpha. */
bool isPreMul() const {return m_adjust_image==ADJ_PREMUL; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns true if this materials need pre-division of alpha. */
bool isPreDiv() const {return m_adjust_image==ADJ_DIV; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns the fraction of maximum speed on this material. */
float getMaxSpeedFraction() const { return m_max_speed_fraction; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns how long it will take for a slowdown to take effect.
* It is the time it takes till the full slowdown applies to
* karts. So a short time will slowdown a kart much faster. */
float getSlowDownTime() const { return m_slowdown_time; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns true if this material should have smoke effect. */
//bool hasSmoke () const { return m_graphical_effect==GE_SMOKE;}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns true if this material is under some other mesh and therefore
* requires another raycast to find the surface it is under (used for
* gfx, e.g. driving under water to find where the water splash should
* be shown at. */
bool isBelowSurface () const { return m_below_surface; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns true if this material is a surface, i.e. it is going to be
* ignored for the physics, but the information is needed e.g. for
* gfx. See m_below_surface for more details. */
bool isSurface () const { return m_surface; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns the name of a special sfx to play while a kart is on this
* terrain. The string will be "" if no special sfx exists. */
const std::string &
getSFXName () const { return m_sfx_name; }
bool isFogEnabled() const { return m_fog; }
* \brief Get the kind of particles that are to be used on this material, in the given conditions
* \return The particles to use, or NULL if none
const ParticleKind* getParticlesWhen(ParticleConditions cond) const { return m_particles_effects[cond]; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns true if a kart falling over this kind of material triggers
* the special falling camera. */
bool hasFallingEffect() const {return m_falling_effect; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns if being in the air after this texture should start the
* jump animation. */
bool isJumpTexture() const { return m_is_jump_texture; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns the zipper parametersfor the current material. */
void getZipperParameter(float *zipper_max_speed_increase,
float *zipper_duration,
float *zipper_speed_gain,
float *zipper_fade_out_time,
float *zipper_engine_force) const
*zipper_max_speed_increase = m_zipper_max_speed_increase;
*zipper_duration = m_zipper_duration;
*zipper_speed_gain = m_zipper_speed_gain;
*zipper_fade_out_time = m_zipper_fade_out_time;
*zipper_engine_force = m_zipper_engine_force;
} // getZipperParameter
bool isNormalMap() const { return m_graphical_effect == GE_NORMAL_MAP; }
void onMadeVisible(scene::IMeshBuffer* who);
void onHidden(scene::IMeshBuffer* who);
void isInitiallyHidden(scene::IMeshBuffer* who);
} ;
/* EOF */