Conflicts: CMakeLists.txt sources.cmake src/io/file_manager.cpp src/io/file_manager.hpp src/modes/world.hpp src/tracks/track.hpp src/tracks/track_object_presentation.cpp
201 lines
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201 lines
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AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
Andreas Jonsson
// as_bytecode.h
// A class for constructing the final byte code
#include "as_config.h"
#include "as_array.h"
#define MAX_DATA_SIZE 8
class asCScriptEngine;
class asCScriptFunction;
class asCByteInstruction;
class asCByteCode
asCByteCode(asCScriptEngine *engine);
void ClearAll();
int GetSize();
void Finalize(const asCArray<int> &tempVariableOffsets);
void Optimize();
void OptimizeLocally(const asCArray<int> &tempVariableOffsets);
void ExtractLineNumbers();
void ExtractObjectVariableInfo(asCScriptFunction *outFunc);
int ResolveJumpAddresses();
int FindLabel(int label, asCByteInstruction *from, asCByteInstruction **dest, int *positionDelta);
void AddPath(asCArray<asCByteInstruction *> &paths, asCByteInstruction *instr, int stackSize);
void Output(asDWORD *array);
void AddCode(asCByteCode *bc);
void PostProcess();
#ifdef AS_DEBUG
void DebugOutput(const char *name, asCScriptEngine *engine, asCScriptFunction *func);
int GetLastInstr();
int RemoveLastInstr();
asDWORD GetLastInstrValueDW();
void InsertIfNotExists(asCArray<int> &vars, int var);
void GetVarsUsed(asCArray<int> &vars);
bool IsVarUsed(int offset);
void ExchangeVar(int oldOffset, int newOffset);
bool IsSimpleExpression();
void Label(short label);
void Line(int line, int column, int scriptIdx);
void ObjInfo(int offset, int info);
void Block(bool start);
void VarDecl(int varDeclIdx);
void Call(asEBCInstr bc, int funcID, int pop);
void CallPtr(asEBCInstr bc, int funcPtrVar, int pop);
void Alloc(asEBCInstr bc, void *objID, int funcID, int pop);
void Ret(int pop);
void JmpP(int var, asDWORD max);
int InsertFirstInstrDWORD(asEBCInstr bc, asDWORD param);
int InsertFirstInstrQWORD(asEBCInstr bc, asQWORD param);
int Instr(asEBCInstr bc);
int InstrQWORD(asEBCInstr bc, asQWORD param);
int InstrDOUBLE(asEBCInstr bc, double param);
int InstrPTR(asEBCInstr bc, void *param);
int InstrDWORD(asEBCInstr bc, asDWORD param);
int InstrWORD(asEBCInstr bc, asWORD param);
int InstrSHORT(asEBCInstr bc, short param);
int InstrFLOAT(asEBCInstr bc, float param);
int InstrINT(asEBCInstr bc, int param);
int InstrW_W_W(asEBCInstr bc, int a, int b, int c);
int InstrSHORT_B(asEBCInstr bc, short a, asBYTE b);
int InstrSHORT_W(asEBCInstr bc, short a, asWORD b);
int InstrSHORT_DW(asEBCInstr bc, short a, asDWORD b);
int InstrSHORT_QW(asEBCInstr bc, short a, asQWORD b);
int InstrW_DW(asEBCInstr bc, asWORD a, asDWORD b);
int InstrW_QW(asEBCInstr bc, asWORD a, asQWORD b);
int InstrW_PTR(asEBCInstr bc, short a, void *param);
int InstrW_FLOAT(asEBCInstr bc, asWORD a, float b);
int InstrW_W(asEBCInstr bc, int w, int b);
int InstrSHORT_DW_DW(asEBCInstr bc, short a, asDWORD b, asDWORD c);
asCArray<int> lineNumbers;
asCArray<int> sectionIdxs;
int largestStackUsed;
// Assignments are not allowed
void operator=(const asCByteCode &) {}
// Helpers for Optimize
bool CanBeSwapped(asCByteInstruction *curr);
asCByteInstruction *ChangeFirstDeleteNext(asCByteInstruction *curr, asEBCInstr bc);
asCByteInstruction *DeleteFirstChangeNext(asCByteInstruction *curr, asEBCInstr bc);
asCByteInstruction *DeleteInstruction(asCByteInstruction *instr);
void RemoveInstruction(asCByteInstruction *instr);
asCByteInstruction *GoBack(asCByteInstruction *curr);
asCByteInstruction *GoForward(asCByteInstruction *curr);
void InsertBefore(asCByteInstruction *before, asCByteInstruction *instr);
bool RemoveUnusedValue(asCByteInstruction *curr, asCByteInstruction **next);
bool IsTemporary(int offset);
bool IsTempRegUsed(asCByteInstruction *curr);
bool IsTempVarRead(asCByteInstruction *curr, int offset);
bool PostponeInitOfTemp(asCByteInstruction *curr, asCByteInstruction **next);
bool IsTempVarReadByInstr(asCByteInstruction *curr, int var);
bool IsTempVarOverwrittenByInstr(asCByteInstruction *curr, int var);
bool IsInstrJmpOrLabel(asCByteInstruction *curr);
int AddInstruction();
int AddInstructionFirst();
asCByteInstruction *first;
asCByteInstruction *last;
const asCArray<int> *temporaryVariables;
asCScriptEngine *engine;
class asCByteInstruction
void AddAfter(asCByteInstruction *nextCode);
void AddBefore(asCByteInstruction *nextCode);
void Remove();
int GetSize();
int GetStackIncrease();
asCByteInstruction *next;
asCByteInstruction *prev;
asEBCInstr op;
asQWORD arg;
short wArg[3];
int size;
int stackInc;
// Testing
bool marked;
int stackSize;
#endif // AS_NO_COMPILER