2011-05-29 19:52:24 +00:00

658 lines
24 KiB

// SuperTuxKart - a fun racing game with go-kart
// Copyright (C) 2010 Marianne Gagnon
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "guiengine/layout_manager.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <IGUIFont.h>
#include <ITexture.h>
using namespace irr;
using namespace gui;
using namespace video;
#include "graphics/irr_driver.hpp"
#include "guiengine/abstract_top_level_container.hpp"
#include "guiengine/engine.hpp"
#include "guiengine/scalable_font.hpp"
#include "guiengine/widget.hpp"
#include "io/file_manager.hpp"
#include "utils/ptr_vector.hpp"
#include "utils/string_utils.hpp"
using namespace GUIEngine;
#ifndef round
# define round(x) (floor(x+0.5f))
/** Like atoi, but on error prints an error message to stderr */
int atoi_p(const char* val)
int i;
if (StringUtils::parseString<int>(val, &i))
return i;
fprintf(stderr, "[LayoutManager] WARNING: Invalid value '%s' found in XML file where integer was expected\n", val);
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool LayoutManager::convertToCoord(std::string& x, int* absolute /* out */, int* percentage /* out */)
bool is_number;
int i;
std::istringstream myStream(x);
is_number = (myStream >> i)!=0;
if(!is_number) return false;
if( x[x.size()-1] == '%' ) // percentage
*percentage = i;
return true;
else // absolute number
*absolute = i;
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LayoutManager::readCoords(Widget* self)
// determine widget position and size if not already done by sizers
std::string x = self->m_properties[PROP_X];
std::string y = self->m_properties[PROP_Y];
std::string width = self->m_properties[PROP_WIDTH];
std::string height = self->m_properties[PROP_HEIGHT];
// retrieve parent size (or screen size if none). Will be useful for layout
// and especially for percentages.
unsigned int parent_w, parent_h, parent_x, parent_y;
if(parent == NULL)
//core::dimension2d<u32> frame_size = GUIEngine::getDriver()->getCurrentRenderTargetSize();
//parent_w = frame_size.Width;
//parent_h = frame_size.Height;
parent_w = topLevelContainer->getWidth();
parent_h = topLevelContainer->getHeight();
parent_x = 0;
parent_y = 0;
parent_w = parent->m_w;
parent_h = parent->m_h;
parent_x = parent->m_x;
parent_y = parent->m_y;
// ---- try converting to number
// x coord
int abs_x = 0x7FFFFFFF, percent_x = 0x7FFFFFFF;
if (convertToCoord(x, &abs_x, &percent_x ))
if (abs_x >= 0 && abs_x != 0x7FFFFFFF)
self->m_absolute_x = abs_x;
else if (abs_x < 0)
self->m_absolute_reverse_x = abs(abs_x);
else if (percent_x >= 0 && percent_x != 0x7FFFFFFF)
self->m_relative_x = (float)percent_x;
// y coord
int abs_y = 0x7FFFFFFF, percent_y = 0x7FFFFFFF;
if (convertToCoord(y, &abs_y, &percent_y ))
if (abs_y >= 0 && abs_y != 0x7FFFFFFF)
self->m_absolute_y = abs_y;
else if (abs_y < 0)
self->m_absolute_reverse_y = abs(abs_y);
else if (percent_y >= 0 && percent_y != 0x7FFFFFFF)
self->m_relative_y = (float)percent_y;
// ---- if this widget has an icon, get icon size. this can helpful determine its optimal size
int texture_w = -1, texture_h = -1;
if (self->m_properties[PROP_ICON].size() > 0)
ITexture* texture = irr_driver->getTexture((file_manager->getDataDir() + "/" +
if (texture != NULL)
texture_w = texture->getSize().Width;
texture_h = texture->getSize().Height;
// ---- if this widget has a label, get text size. this can helpful determine its optimal size
int label_w = -1, label_h = -1;
if (self->m_text.size() > 0)
IGUIFont* font = (self->m_title_font ? GUIEngine::getTitleFont() : GUIEngine::getFont());
core::dimension2d< u32 > dim = font->getDimension( self->m_text.c_str() );
label_w = dim.Width + self->getWidthNeededAroundLabel();
// FIXME - won't work with multiline labels. thus, for now, when multiple
// lines are required, we need to specify a height explicitely
label_h = dim.Height + self->getHeightNeededAroundLabel();
else if (self->getType() == WTYPE_CHECKBOX)
// User text height to guess checkbox size
IGUIFont* font = (self->m_title_font ? GUIEngine::getTitleFont() : GUIEngine::getFont());
core::dimension2d< u32 > dim = font->getDimension( L"X" );
label_h = dim.Height + self->getHeightNeededAroundLabel();
label_w = label_h; // a checkbox is square
if (label_h == -1)
if (self->getType() == WTYPE_TEXTBOX ||
self->getType() == WTYPE_BUTTON ||
self->getType() == WTYPE_LABEL ||
self->getType() == WTYPE_SPINNER)
IGUIFont* font = (self->m_title_font ? GUIEngine::getTitleFont() : GUIEngine::getFont());
// get text height, a text box, button or label is always as high as the text it could contain
core::dimension2d< u32 > dim = font->getDimension( L"X" );
label_h = dim.Height + self->getHeightNeededAroundLabel();
// ---- if this widget has children, get their size size. this can helpful determine its optimal size
if (self->m_properties[PROP_WIDTH] == "fit" || self->m_properties[PROP_HEIGHT] == "fit")
int child_max_width = -1, child_max_height = -1;
for (int child=0; child<self->m_children.size(); child++)
if (self->m_children[child].m_absolute_w > -1)
if (child_max_width == -1 || self->m_children[child].m_absolute_w > child_max_width)
child_max_width = self->m_children[child].m_absolute_w;
if (self->m_children[child].m_absolute_h > -1)
if (child_max_height == -1 || self->m_children[child].m_absolute_h > child_max_height)
child_max_height = self->m_children[child].m_absolute_h;
if (self->m_properties[PROP_WIDTH] == "fit")
self->m_absolute_w = child_max_width;
if (self->m_properties[PROP_HEIGHT] == "fit")
self->m_absolute_h = child_max_height;
// ---- read dimension
// width
int abs_w = -1, percent_w = -1;
if (convertToCoord(width, &abs_w, &percent_w ))
if (abs_w > -1) self->m_absolute_w = abs_w;
else if (percent_w > -1) self->m_relative_w = (float)percent_w;
else if(texture_w > -1) self->m_absolute_w = texture_w;
else if(label_w > -1) self->m_absolute_w = label_w;
// height
int abs_h = -1, percent_h = -1;
if (convertToCoord(height, &abs_h, &percent_h ))
if (abs_h > -1) self->m_absolute_h = abs_h;
else if (percent_h > -1) self->m_relative_h = (float)percent_h;
else if (texture_h > -1 && label_h > -1) self->m_absolute_h = texture_h + label_h; // label + icon
else if (texture_h > -1) self->m_absolute_h = texture_h;
else if (label_h > -1) self->m_absolute_h = label_h;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LayoutManager::applyCoords(Widget* self, AbstractTopLevelContainer* topLevelContainer, Widget* parent)
// retrieve parent size (or screen size if none). Will be useful for layout
// and especially for percentages.
unsigned int parent_w, parent_h, parent_x, parent_y;
if(parent == NULL)
//core::dimension2d<u32> frame_size = GUIEngine::getDriver()->getCurrentRenderTargetSize();
//parent_w = frame_size.Width;
//parent_h = frame_size.Height;
parent_w = topLevelContainer->getWidth();
parent_h = topLevelContainer->getHeight();
parent_x = 0;
parent_y = 0;
parent_w = parent->m_w;
parent_h = parent->m_h;
parent_x = parent->m_x;
parent_y = parent->m_y;
if (self->m_absolute_x > -1) self->m_x = parent_x + self->m_absolute_x;
else if (self->m_absolute_reverse_x > -1) self->m_x = parent_x + (parent_w - self->m_absolute_reverse_x);
else if (self->m_relative_x > -1) self->m_x = (int)(parent_x + parent_w*self->m_relative_x/100);
if (self->m_absolute_y > -1) self->m_y = parent_y + self->m_absolute_y;
else if (self->m_absolute_reverse_y > -1) self->m_y = parent_y + (parent_h - self->m_absolute_reverse_y);
else if (self->m_relative_y > -1) self->m_y = (int)(parent_y + parent_h*self->m_relative_y/100);
if (self->m_absolute_w > -1) self->m_w = self->m_absolute_w;
else if (self->m_relative_w > -1) self->m_w = (int)round(parent_w*self->m_relative_w/100.0);
if (self->m_absolute_h > -1) self->m_h = self->m_absolute_h;
else if (self->m_relative_h > -1) self->m_h = (int)round(parent_h*self->m_relative_h/100.0);
// ---- can't make widget bigger than parent
if (self->m_h > (int)parent_h)
float ratio = (float)parent_h / self->m_h;
self->m_w = (int)(self->m_w*ratio);
self->m_h = (int)(self->m_h*ratio);
if (self->m_w > (int)parent_w)
// scale down while keeping aspect ratio (don't do this for text widgets though...)
float ratio = (float)parent_w / self->m_w;
self->m_w = (int)(self->m_w * ratio);
// FIXME: ugly to hardcode widgets types here
if (self->m_type != WTYPE_LABEL && self->m_type != WTYPE_BUBBLE)
self->m_h = (int)(self->m_h * ratio);
// ------ check for given max size
if (self->m_properties[PROP_MAX_WIDTH].size() > 0)
const int max_width = atoi_p( self->m_properties[PROP_MAX_WIDTH].c_str() );
if (self->m_w > max_width) self->m_w = max_width;
if (self->m_properties[PROP_MAX_HEIGHT].size() > 0)
const int max_height = atoi_p( self->m_properties[PROP_MAX_HEIGHT].c_str() );
if (self->m_h > max_height) self->m_h = max_height;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LayoutManager::recursivelyReadCoords(PtrVector<Widget>& widgets)
const unsigned short widgets_amount = widgets.size();
// ----- deal with containers' children
for (int n=0; n<widgets_amount; n++)
if (widgets[n].m_type == WTYPE_DIV) recursivelyReadCoords(widgets[n].m_children);
// ----- read x/y/size parameters
for (unsigned short n=0; n<widgets_amount; n++)
}//next widget
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LayoutManager::calculateLayout(PtrVector<Widget>& widgets, AbstractTopLevelContainer* topLevelContainer)
doCalculateLayout(widgets, topLevelContainer, NULL);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LayoutManager::doCalculateLayout(PtrVector<Widget>& widgets, AbstractTopLevelContainer* topLevelContainer,
Widget* parent)
const unsigned short widgets_amount = widgets.size();
for (int n=0; n<widgets_amount; n++)
applyCoords(widgets.get(n), topLevelContainer, parent);
// ----- manage 'layout's if relevant
do // i'm using 'while false' here just to be able to 'break' ...
if(parent == NULL) break;
std::string layout_name = parent->m_properties[PROP_LAYOUT];
if(layout_name.size() < 1) break;
bool horizontal = false;
if (!strcmp("horizontal-row", layout_name.c_str()))
horizontal = true;
else if(!strcmp("vertical-row", layout_name.c_str()))
horizontal = false;
std::cerr << "Unknown layout name : " << layout_name.c_str() << std::endl;
const int w = parent->m_w, h = parent->m_h;
// find space left after placing all absolutely-sized widgets in a row
// (the space left will be divided between remaining widgets later)
int left_space = (horizontal ? w : h);
unsigned short total_proportion = 0;
for(int n=0; n<widgets_amount; n++)
// relatively-sized widget
std::string prop = widgets[n].m_properties[ PROP_PROPORTION ];
if(prop.size() != 0)
total_proportion += atoi_p( prop.c_str() );
// absolutely-sized widgets
left_space -= (horizontal ? widgets[n].m_w : widgets[n].m_h);
} // next widget
// ---- lay widgets in row
int x = parent->m_x;
int y = parent->m_y;
for (int n=0; n<widgets_amount; n++)
std::string prop = widgets[n].m_properties[ PROP_PROPORTION ];
if(prop.size() != 0)
// proportional size
int proportion = 1;
std::istringstream myStream(prop);
if (!(myStream >> proportion))
std::cerr << "/!\\ Warning /!\\ : proportion '" << prop.c_str()
<< "' is not a number for widget " << widgets[n].m_properties[PROP_ID].c_str()
<< std::endl;
const float fraction = (float)proportion/(float)total_proportion;
if (horizontal)
widgets[n].m_x = x;
std::string align = widgets[n].m_properties[ PROP_ALIGN ];
if (align.size() < 1)
std::string prop_y = widgets[n].m_properties[ PROP_Y ];
if (prop_y.size() > 0)
if (prop_y[ prop_y.size()-1 ] == '%')
prop_y = prop_y.substr(0, prop_y.size() - 1);
widgets[n].m_y = (int)(y + atoi_p(prop_y.c_str())/100.0f * h);
widgets[n].m_y = y + atoi_p(prop_y.c_str());
widgets[n].m_y = y;
else if (align == "top")
widgets[n].m_y = y;
else if (align == "center")
widgets[n].m_y = y + h/2 - widgets[n].m_h/2;
else if (align == "bottom")
widgets[n].m_y = y + h - widgets[n].m_h;
std::cerr << "/!\\ Warning /!\\ : alignment '" << align.c_str()
<< "' is unknown (widget '" << widgets[n].m_properties[PROP_ID].c_str()
<< "', in a horiozntal-row layout)\n";
widgets[n].m_w = (int)(left_space*fraction);
if (widgets[n].m_properties[PROP_MAX_WIDTH].size() > 0)
const int max_width = atoi_p( widgets[n].m_properties[PROP_MAX_WIDTH].c_str() );
if (widgets[n].m_w > max_width) widgets[n].m_w = max_width;
x += widgets[n].m_w;
widgets[n].m_h = (int)(left_space*fraction);
if (widgets[n].m_properties[PROP_MAX_HEIGHT].size() > 0)
const int max_height = atoi_p( widgets[n].m_properties[PROP_MAX_HEIGHT].c_str() );
if (widgets[n].m_h > max_height) widgets[n].m_h = max_height;
std::string align = widgets[n].m_properties[ PROP_ALIGN ];
if (align.size() < 1)
std::string prop_x = widgets[n].m_properties[ PROP_X ];
if (prop_x.size() > 0)
if (prop_x[ prop_x.size()-1 ] == '%')
prop_x = prop_x.substr(0, prop_x.size() - 1);
widgets[n].m_x = (int)(x + atoi_p(prop_x.c_str())/100.0f * w);
widgets[n].m_x = x + atoi_p(prop_x.c_str());
widgets[n].m_x = x;
else if (align == "left")
widgets[n].m_x = x;
else if (align == "center")
widgets[n].m_x = x + w/2 - widgets[n].m_w/2;
else if (align == "right")
widgets[n].m_x = x + w - widgets[n].m_w;
std::cerr << "/!\\ Warning /!\\ : alignment '" << align.c_str()
<< "' is unknown (widget '" << widgets[n].m_properties[PROP_ID].c_str()
<< "', in a vertical-row layout)\n";
widgets[n].m_y = y;
y += widgets[n].m_h;
// absolute size
if (horizontal)
widgets[n].m_x = x;
std::string align = widgets[n].m_properties[ PROP_ALIGN ];
if (align.size() < 1)
std::string prop_y = widgets[n].m_properties[ PROP_Y ];
if (prop_y.size() > 0)
if (prop_y[ prop_y.size()-1 ] == '%')
prop_y = prop_y.substr(0, prop_y.size() - 1);
widgets[n].m_y = (int)(y + atoi_p(prop_y.c_str())/100.0f * h);
widgets[n].m_y = y + atoi_p(prop_y.c_str());
widgets[n].m_y = y;
else if (align == "top")
widgets[n].m_y = y;
else if (align == "center")
widgets[n].m_y = y + h/2 - widgets[n].m_h/2;
else if (align == "bottom")
widgets[n].m_y = y + h - widgets[n].m_h;
std::cerr << "/!\\ Warning /!\\ : alignment '" << align.c_str()
<< "' is unknown in widget " << widgets[n].m_properties[PROP_ID].c_str()
<< std::endl;
x += widgets[n].m_w;
std::string align = widgets[n].m_properties[ PROP_ALIGN ];
if (align.size() < 1)
std::string prop_x = widgets[n].m_properties[ PROP_X ];
if (prop_x.size() > 0)
if (prop_x[ prop_x.size()-1 ] == '%')
prop_x = prop_x.substr(0, prop_x.size() - 1);
widgets[n].m_x = (int)(x + atoi_p(prop_x.c_str())/100.0f * w);
widgets[n].m_x = x + atoi_p(prop_x.c_str());
widgets[n].m_x = x;
else if (align == "left")
widgets[n].m_x = x;
else if (align == "center")
widgets[n].m_x = x + w/2 - widgets[n].m_w/2;
else if (align == "right")
widgets[n].m_x = x + w - widgets[n].m_w;
std::cerr << "/!\\ Warning /!\\ : alignment '" << align.c_str()
<< "' is unknown in widget " << widgets[n].m_properties[PROP_ID].c_str() << std::endl;
widgets[n].m_y = y;
y += widgets[n].m_h;
} // end if property or absolute size
} // next widget
} while(false);
// ----- also deal with containers' children
for (int n=0; n<widgets_amount; n++)
if (widgets[n].m_type == WTYPE_DIV) doCalculateLayout(widgets[n].m_children, topLevelContainer, &widgets[n]);
} // calculateLayout