git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/supertuxkart/code/trunk/supertuxkart@2339 178a84e3-b1eb-0310-8ba1-8eac791a3b58
214 lines
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214 lines
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// SuperTuxKart - a fun racing game with go-kart
// Copyright (C) 2004 Steve Baker <sjbaker1@airmail.net>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifdef __APPLE__
# include <OpenGL/gl.h>
# ifdef WIN32
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# include <windows.h>
# endif
# include <GL/gl.h>
#include <plib/sg.h>
#include <plib/ssg.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "LinearMath/btTransform.h"
#include "vec3.hpp"
#include "material.hpp"
#include "triangle_mesh.hpp"
#include "audio/music_information.hpp"
class Track
float m_gravity;
std::string m_ident;
std::string m_screenshot;
std::string m_top_view;
std::vector<MusicInformation*> m_music;
std::vector<float> m_start_x, m_start_y, m_start_z, m_start_heading;
std::string m_herring_style;
std::string m_description;
std::string m_designer;
std::string m_filename;
std::vector<std::string> m_groups;
ssgBranch* m_model;
TriangleMesh* m_track_mesh;
TriangleMesh* m_non_collision_mesh;
// The next two variables are for AI improvements: the AI sometimes does
// not estimate curve speed and/or angle correctly, resulting in too much
// braking. These factors are used to adjust this.
float m_AI_angle_adjustment;
float m_AI_curve_speed_adjustment;
bool m_has_final_camera;
Vec3 m_camera_final_position;
Vec3 m_camera_final_hpr;
bool m_is_arena;
enum RoadSide{ RS_DONT_KNOW = -1, RS_LEFT = 0, RS_RIGHT = 1 };
//An enum is not used for the QUAD_TRI_* constants because of limitations
//of the conversion between enums and ints.
static const int QUAD_TRI_NONE;
static const int QUAD_TRI_FIRST;
static const int QUAD_TRI_SECOND;
static const int UNKNOWN_SECTOR;
struct SegmentTriangle
int segment;
int triangle;
int _segment,
int _triangle
) : segment(_segment), triangle(_triangle) {};
std::string m_name;
sgVec4 m_sky_color;
bool m_use_fog;
sgVec4 m_fog_color;
float m_fog_density;
float m_fog_start;
float m_fog_end;
sgVec3 m_sun_position; /** Position of the sun */
sgVec4 m_ambient_col;
sgVec4 m_specular_col;
sgVec4 m_diffuse_col;
//FIXME: Maybe the next 4 vectors should be inside an struct and be used
//from a vector of structs?
//FIXME: should the driveline be set as a sgVec2?
std::vector<Vec3> m_driveline;
std::vector<SGfloat> m_distance_from_start;
std::vector<SGfloat> m_path_width;
std::vector<SGfloat> m_angle;
/** Start positions for arenas (unused in linear races) */
std::vector<Vec3> m_start_positions;
//Left and Right drivelines for overhead map rendering.
//(Should probably be private as they are only use internally right now)
std::vector<Vec3> m_left_driveline;
std::vector<Vec3> m_right_driveline;
Vec3 m_driveline_min;
Vec3 m_driveline_max;
float m_total_distance;
static const float NOHIT;
float m_track_2d_width, // Width and heigth of the 2d display of the track
float m_scale_x, // Scaling to fit track into the size determined by
m_scale_y; // track2dWidth/Heightheigth
bool m_do_stretch; // 2d track display might be stretched to fit better
Track (std::string filename,float w=100,
float h=100, bool stretch=1);
~Track ();
bool isArena () const { return m_is_arena; }
void cleanup ();
void addDebugToScene (int type ) const;
void draw2Dview (float x_offset,
float y_offset ) const;
void drawScaled2D (float x, float y, float w,
float h ) const;
void findRoadSector (const Vec3& XYZ, int *sector) const;
int findOutOfRoadSector(const Vec3& XYZ,
const RoadSide SIDE,
const int CURR_SECTOR
) const;
int spatialToTrack (Vec3& dst,
const Vec3& POS,
const int SECTOR ) const;
const Vec3& trackToSpatial (const int SECTOR) const;
void loadTrackModel ();
bool isShortcut (const int OLDSEC, const int NEWSEC) const;
void addMusic (MusicInformation* mi)
{m_music.push_back(mi); }
ssgBranch* getModel () const {return m_model; }
float getGravity () const {return m_gravity; }
float getTrackLength () const {return m_total_distance; }
const std::string& getIdent () const {return m_ident; }
const char* getName () const {return m_name.c_str(); }
const std::vector<std::string>
getGroups () const {return m_groups; }
void startMusic () const;
const std::string& getFilename () const {return m_filename; }
const sgVec3& getSunPos () const {return m_sun_position; }
const sgVec4& getAmbientCol () const {return m_ambient_col; }
const sgVec4& getDiffuseCol () const {return m_diffuse_col; }
const sgVec4& getSpecularCol () const {return m_specular_col; }
const bool& useFog () const {return m_use_fog; }
const sgVec4& getFogColor () const {return m_fog_color; }
const float& getFogDensity () const {return m_fog_density; }
const float& getFogStart () const {return m_fog_start; }
const float& getFogEnd () const {return m_fog_end; }
const float& getAIAngleAdjustment () const {return m_AI_angle_adjustment;}
const float& getAICurveSpeedAdjustment() const {return m_AI_curve_speed_adjustment;}
const sgVec4& getSkyColor () const {return m_sky_color; }
const std::string& getDescription () const {return m_description; }
const std::string& getDesigner () const {return m_designer; }
const std::string& getTopviewFile () const {return m_top_view; }
const std::string& getScreenshotFile () const {return m_screenshot; }
const std::vector<SGfloat>& getWidth () const {return m_path_width; }
const std::string& getHerringStyle () const {return m_herring_style; }
bool hasFinalCamera () const {return m_has_final_camera; }
const Vec3& getCameraPosition () const {return m_camera_final_position;}
const Vec3& getCameraHPR () const {return m_camera_final_hpr; }
btTransform getStartTransform (unsigned int pos) const;
void getTerrainInfo(const Vec3 &pos, float *hot, Vec3* normal,
const Material **material) const;
void createPhysicsModel ();
void glVtx (sgVec2 v, float x_offset, float y_offset) const
void loadTrack (std::string filename);
void herring_command (sgVec3 *xyz, char htype, int bNeedHeight);
void loadDriveline ();
void readDrivelineFromFile (std::vector<Vec3>& line,
const std::string& file_ext );
void convertTrackToBullet (ssgEntity *track, sgMat4 m);
float pointSideToLine(const Vec3& L1, const Vec3& L2,
const Vec3& P ) const;
int pointInQuad(const Vec3& A, const Vec3& B,
const Vec3& C, const Vec3& D, const Vec3& POINT ) const;
void getMusicInformation(std::vector<std::string>& filenames,
std::vector<MusicInformation*>& m_music );
; // class Track