auria ed2f52bee6 First iteration of battle mode! It's playable, and the rack selection works. Warning, if you select AI players it won't work. Lives are shown but don't decrease with hits yet.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 178a84e3-b1eb-0310-8ba1-8eac791a3b58
2008-10-14 20:20:54 +00:00

214 lines
9.5 KiB

// SuperTuxKart - a fun racing game with go-kart
// Copyright (C) 2004 Steve Baker <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifdef __APPLE__
# include <OpenGL/gl.h>
# ifdef WIN32
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# include <windows.h>
# endif
# include <GL/gl.h>
#include <plib/sg.h>
#include <plib/ssg.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "LinearMath/btTransform.h"
#include "vec3.hpp"
#include "material.hpp"
#include "triangle_mesh.hpp"
#include "audio/music_information.hpp"
class Track
float m_gravity;
std::string m_ident;
std::string m_screenshot;
std::string m_top_view;
std::vector<MusicInformation*> m_music;
std::vector<float> m_start_x, m_start_y, m_start_z, m_start_heading;
std::string m_herring_style;
std::string m_description;
std::string m_designer;
std::string m_filename;
std::vector<std::string> m_groups;
ssgBranch* m_model;
TriangleMesh* m_track_mesh;
TriangleMesh* m_non_collision_mesh;
// The next two variables are for AI improvements: the AI sometimes does
// not estimate curve speed and/or angle correctly, resulting in too much
// braking. These factors are used to adjust this.
float m_AI_angle_adjustment;
float m_AI_curve_speed_adjustment;
bool m_has_final_camera;
Vec3 m_camera_final_position;
Vec3 m_camera_final_hpr;
bool m_is_arena;
enum RoadSide{ RS_DONT_KNOW = -1, RS_LEFT = 0, RS_RIGHT = 1 };
//An enum is not used for the QUAD_TRI_* constants because of limitations
//of the conversion between enums and ints.
static const int QUAD_TRI_NONE;
static const int QUAD_TRI_FIRST;
static const int QUAD_TRI_SECOND;
static const int UNKNOWN_SECTOR;
struct SegmentTriangle
int segment;
int triangle;
int _segment,
int _triangle
) : segment(_segment), triangle(_triangle) {};
std::string m_name;
sgVec4 m_sky_color;
bool m_use_fog;
sgVec4 m_fog_color;
float m_fog_density;
float m_fog_start;
float m_fog_end;
sgVec3 m_sun_position; /** Position of the sun */
sgVec4 m_ambient_col;
sgVec4 m_specular_col;
sgVec4 m_diffuse_col;
//FIXME: Maybe the next 4 vectors should be inside an struct and be used
//from a vector of structs?
//FIXME: should the driveline be set as a sgVec2?
std::vector<Vec3> m_driveline;
std::vector<SGfloat> m_distance_from_start;
std::vector<SGfloat> m_path_width;
std::vector<SGfloat> m_angle;
/** Start positions for arenas (unused in linear races) */
std::vector<Vec3> m_start_positions;
//Left and Right drivelines for overhead map rendering.
//(Should probably be private as they are only use internally right now)
std::vector<Vec3> m_left_driveline;
std::vector<Vec3> m_right_driveline;
Vec3 m_driveline_min;
Vec3 m_driveline_max;
float m_total_distance;
static const float NOHIT;
float m_track_2d_width, // Width and heigth of the 2d display of the track
float m_scale_x, // Scaling to fit track into the size determined by
m_scale_y; // track2dWidth/Heightheigth
bool m_do_stretch; // 2d track display might be stretched to fit better
Track (std::string filename,float w=100,
float h=100, bool stretch=1);
~Track ();
bool isArena () const { return m_is_arena; }
void cleanup ();
void addDebugToScene (int type ) const;
void draw2Dview (float x_offset,
float y_offset ) const;
void drawScaled2D (float x, float y, float w,
float h ) const;
void findRoadSector (const Vec3& XYZ, int *sector) const;
int findOutOfRoadSector(const Vec3& XYZ,
const RoadSide SIDE,
const int CURR_SECTOR
) const;
int spatialToTrack (Vec3& dst,
const Vec3& POS,
const int SECTOR ) const;
const Vec3& trackToSpatial (const int SECTOR) const;
void loadTrackModel ();
bool isShortcut (const int OLDSEC, const int NEWSEC) const;
void addMusic (MusicInformation* mi)
{m_music.push_back(mi); }
ssgBranch* getModel () const {return m_model; }
float getGravity () const {return m_gravity; }
float getTrackLength () const {return m_total_distance; }
const std::string& getIdent () const {return m_ident; }
const char* getName () const {return m_name.c_str(); }
const std::vector<std::string>
getGroups () const {return m_groups; }
void startMusic () const;
const std::string& getFilename () const {return m_filename; }
const sgVec3& getSunPos () const {return m_sun_position; }
const sgVec4& getAmbientCol () const {return m_ambient_col; }
const sgVec4& getDiffuseCol () const {return m_diffuse_col; }
const sgVec4& getSpecularCol () const {return m_specular_col; }
const bool& useFog () const {return m_use_fog; }
const sgVec4& getFogColor () const {return m_fog_color; }
const float& getFogDensity () const {return m_fog_density; }
const float& getFogStart () const {return m_fog_start; }
const float& getFogEnd () const {return m_fog_end; }
const float& getAIAngleAdjustment () const {return m_AI_angle_adjustment;}
const float& getAICurveSpeedAdjustment() const {return m_AI_curve_speed_adjustment;}
const sgVec4& getSkyColor () const {return m_sky_color; }
const std::string& getDescription () const {return m_description; }
const std::string& getDesigner () const {return m_designer; }
const std::string& getTopviewFile () const {return m_top_view; }
const std::string& getScreenshotFile () const {return m_screenshot; }
const std::vector<SGfloat>& getWidth () const {return m_path_width; }
const std::string& getHerringStyle () const {return m_herring_style; }
bool hasFinalCamera () const {return m_has_final_camera; }
const Vec3& getCameraPosition () const {return m_camera_final_position;}
const Vec3& getCameraHPR () const {return m_camera_final_hpr; }
btTransform getStartTransform (unsigned int pos) const;
void getTerrainInfo(const Vec3 &pos, float *hot, Vec3* normal,
const Material **material) const;
void createPhysicsModel ();
void glVtx (sgVec2 v, float x_offset, float y_offset) const
void loadTrack (std::string filename);
void herring_command (sgVec3 *xyz, char htype, int bNeedHeight);
void loadDriveline ();
void readDrivelineFromFile (std::vector<Vec3>& line,
const std::string& file_ext );
void convertTrackToBullet (ssgEntity *track, sgMat4 m);
float pointSideToLine(const Vec3& L1, const Vec3& L2,
const Vec3& P ) const;
int pointInQuad(const Vec3& A, const Vec3& B,
const Vec3& C, const Vec3& D, const Vec3& POINT ) const;
void getMusicInformation(std::vector<std::string>& filenames,
std::vector<MusicInformation*>& m_music );
; // class Track