This is not physically accurate, but a 1/d^2 attenuation makes light extend too broad, and went too high if close from the source.
46 lines
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46 lines
1.3 KiB
uniform sampler2D ntex;
uniform sampler2D dtex;
uniform float spec;
uniform mat4 invproj;
uniform mat4 ViewMatrix;
uniform vec2 screen;
flat in vec3 center;
flat in float energy;
flat in vec3 col;
out vec4 Diffuse;
out vec4 Specular;
vec3 DecodeNormal(vec2 n);
vec3 getSpecular(vec3 normal, vec3 eyedir, vec3 lightdir, vec3 color, float roughness);
void main()
vec2 texc = gl_FragCoord.xy / screen;
float z = texture(dtex, texc).x;
vec3 norm = normalize(DecodeNormal(2. * texture(ntex, texc).xy - 1.));
float roughness = texture(ntex, texc).z;
vec4 xpos = 2.0 * vec4(texc, z, 1.0) - 1.0f;
xpos = invproj * xpos;
xpos /= xpos.w;
vec3 eyedir = -normalize(;
vec4 pseudocenter = ViewMatrix * vec4(, 1.0);
pseudocenter /= pseudocenter.w;
vec3 light_pos =;
vec3 light_col =;
float d = distance(light_pos,;
float att = energy * 200. / (1 + d + 4. * 3.14 * d * d);
float spec_att = energy * 200. / (1 + d + 4. * 3.14 * d * d);
// Light Direction
vec3 L = -normalize( - light_pos);
float NdotL = max(0., dot(norm, L));
Diffuse = vec4(NdotL * light_col * att, 1.);
Specular = vec4(getSpecular(norm, eyedir, L, light_col, roughness) * NdotL * spec_att, 1.);