2017-03-13 10:28:43 +08:00

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/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Alexis Naveros.
* Portions developed under contract to the SURVICE Engineering Company.
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct
/* Specify filter type, from the IM_REDUCE_FILTER_* list */
int filter;
/* High quality, a little slow: hopcount=3; */
/* Good quality, much faster: hopcount=2; */
int hopcount;
/* Strong preservation/amplification of details: alpha=2.0f; */
/* Mild preservation/amplification of details: alpha=6.0f; */
float alpha;
/* NORMALMAP filters: factor to amyplify normals on X and Y before normalization */
float amplifynormal;
/* NORMALMAP_SUSTAIN filters: Preserve a factor of deviation "energy" as calculated by sqrtf(x*x+y*y) */
float normalsustainfactor;
} imReduceOptions;
static inline void imReduceSetOptions( imReduceOptions *options, int filter, int hopcount, float alpha, float amplifynormal, float normalsustainfactor )
options->filter = filter;
options->hopcount = hopcount;
options->alpha = alpha;
options->amplifynormal = amplifynormal;
options->normalsustainfactor = normalsustainfactor;
/* Reduce the image's dimensions by an integer divisor ~ this is fairly fast */
int imReduceImageKaiserDataDivisor( unsigned char *dstdata, unsigned char *srcdata, int width, int height, int bytesperpixel, int bytesperline, int sizedivisor, imReduceOptions *options );
/* Same as imReduceImageKaiserDataDivisor(), but imgdst is allocated */
int imReduceImageKaiserDivisor( imgImage *imgdst, imgImage *imgsrc, int sizedivisor, imReduceOptions *options );
/* Reduce the image's dimensions to match the newwidth and newheight ~ this is a little slower */
int imReduceImageKaiserData( unsigned char *dstdata, unsigned char *srcdata, int width, int height, int bytesperpixel, int bytesperline, int newwidth, int newheight, imReduceOptions *options );
/* Same as imReduceImageKaiserData(), but imgdst is allocated */
int imReduceImageKaiser( imgImage *imgdst, imgImage *imgsrc, int newwidth, int newheight, imReduceOptions *options );
/* Resize by half with a dumb box filter ~ don't use that except for the smallest mipmaps */
/* Filters with ALPHANORM and/or SUSTAIN keywords are processed as the regular base filter only */
int imReduceImageHalfBoxData( unsigned char *dstdata, unsigned char *srcdata, int width, int height, int bytesperpixel, int bytesperline, imReduceOptions *options );
int imReduceImageHalfBox( imgImage *imgdst, imgImage *imgsrc, imReduceOptions *options );
Keywords for image reduction filters
LINEAR: Data is linear, note that this is *not* the format of typical diffuse textures
SRGB: Color is in sRGB space, any alpha is presumed linear
NORMALMAP: RGB represents a XYZ vector as (2.0*RGB)-1.0f, any alpha is presumed linear
ALPHANORM: Alpha normalization, the weight of pixels is proportional to their alpha values
(do you have "black" fully transparent pixels? please use an ALPHANORM filter)
SUSTAIN: The "energy" of the normal map is sustained, amplified to preserve the level of details
Note that this filter is rather slow (set options->normalsustainfactor to 0.75 or so)
/* Linear space */
/* sRGB space (probably what you want for diffuse textures) */
/* RGB represents a XYZ vector as (2.0*RGB)-1.0f, any alpha is presumed linear */
/* Custom specialized filters */
typedef struct
int width;
int height;
int layercount;
int bytesperpixel;
int bytesperline;
imReduceOptions *options;
void *mipmap[IM_MIPMAP_CASCADE_MAX];
} imMipmapCascade;
int imBuildMipmapCascade( imMipmapCascade *cascade, void *imagedata, int width, int height, int layercount, int bytesperpixel, int bytesperline, imReduceOptions *options, int cascadeflags );
void imFreeMipmapCascade( imMipmapCascade *cascade );
/* For base texture, propagate RGB channels to neighbors if they are fully transparent (ignored if bytesperpixel != 4 ) */
/* For generated mipmaps, propagate RGB channels to neighbors if they are fully transparent (ignored if bytesperpixel != 4 ) */
void imPropagateAlphaBorder( unsigned char *imagedata, int width, int height, int bytesperpixel, int bytesperline );