29 lines
670 B

/** @file
@brief Fake header to allow GHOST 4.09 use with MSVC 2005
@date 2012
Ryan Pavlik
<rpavlik@iastate.edu> and <abiryan@ryand.net>
Iowa State University Virtual Reality Applications Center
Human-Computer Interaction Graduate Program
#pragma once
#include <hash_map>
//using stdext::hash_map;
template<typename Key>
class hash;
template<typename Key>
class equal_to;
template<typename Key, typename Val, typename HashFcn, typename EqualKey, typename Alloc>
class hash_map;
template<typename Key, typename Val>
class hash_map<Key, Val, hash<Key>, equal_to<Val> > : public stdext::hash_map<Key, Val> {};