Igor Gnatenko aec7ca0ce9 libs: update angelscript to 2.32.0
Fixes: https://github.com/supertuxkart/stk-code/issues/2528
Signed-off-by: Igor Gnatenko <i.gnatenko.brain@gmail.com>
2018-01-26 21:19:01 +01:00

260 lines
8.1 KiB

AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
Andreas Jonsson
// as_restore.h
// Functions for saving and restoring module bytecode
// asCRestore was originally written by Dennis Bollyn, dennis@gyrbo.be
// It was later split in two classes asCReader and asCWriter by me
#ifndef AS_RESTORE_H
#define AS_RESTORE_H
#include "as_scriptengine.h"
#include "as_context.h"
#include "as_map.h"
class asCReader
asCReader(asCModule *module, asIBinaryStream *stream, asCScriptEngine *engine);
int Read(bool *wasDebugInfoStripped);
asCModule *module;
asIBinaryStream *stream;
asCScriptEngine *engine;
bool noDebugInfo;
bool error;
asUINT bytesRead;
int Error(const char *msg);
int ReadInner();
int ReadData(void *data, asUINT size);
void ReadString(asCString *str);
asCScriptFunction *ReadFunction(bool &isNew, bool addToModule = true, bool addToEngine = true, bool addToGC = true, bool *isExternal = 0);
void ReadFunctionSignature(asCScriptFunction *func, asCObjectType **parentClass = 0);
void ReadGlobalProperty();
void ReadObjectProperty(asCObjectType *ot);
void ReadDataType(asCDataType *dt);
asCTypeInfo *ReadTypeInfo();
void ReadTypeDeclaration(asCTypeInfo *ot, int phase, bool *isExternal = 0);
void ReadByteCode(asCScriptFunction *func);
asWORD ReadEncodedUInt16();
asUINT ReadEncodedUInt();
asQWORD ReadEncodedUInt64();
void ReadUsedTypeIds();
void ReadUsedFunctions();
void ReadUsedGlobalProps();
void ReadUsedStringConstants();
void ReadUsedObjectProps();
asCTypeInfo * FindType(int idx);
int FindTypeId(int idx);
short FindObjectPropOffset(asWORD index);
asCScriptFunction *FindFunction(int idx);
// After loading, each function needs to be translated to update pointers, function ids, etc
void TranslateFunction(asCScriptFunction *func);
void CalculateAdjustmentByPos(asCScriptFunction *func);
int AdjustStackPosition(int pos);
int AdjustGetOffset(int offset, asCScriptFunction *func, asDWORD programPos);
void CalculateStackNeeded(asCScriptFunction *func);
asCScriptFunction *GetCalledFunction(asCScriptFunction *func, asDWORD programPos);
// Temporary storage for persisting variable data
asCArray<int> usedTypeIds;
asCArray<asCTypeInfo*> usedTypes;
asCArray<asCScriptFunction*> usedFunctions;
asCArray<void*> usedGlobalProperties;
asCArray<void*> usedStringConstants;
asCArray<asCScriptFunction*> savedFunctions;
asCArray<asCDataType> savedDataTypes;
asCArray<asCString> savedStrings;
asCArray<int> adjustByPos;
asCArray<int> adjustNegativeStackByPos;
struct SObjProp
asCObjectType *objType;
asCObjectProperty *prop;
asCArray<SObjProp> usedObjectProperties;
asCMap<void*,bool> existingShared;
asCMap<asCScriptFunction*,bool> dontTranslate;
// Helper class for adjusting offsets within initialization list buffers
struct SListAdjuster
SListAdjuster(asCReader *rd, asDWORD *bc, asCObjectType *ot);
void AdjustAllocMem();
int AdjustOffset(int offset);
void SetRepeatCount(asUINT rc);
void SetNextType(int typeId);
struct SInfo
asUINT repeatCount;
asSListPatternNode *startNode;
asCArray<SInfo> stack;
asCReader *reader;
asDWORD *allocMemBC;
asUINT maxOffset;
asCObjectType *patternType;
asUINT repeatCount;
int lastOffset;
int nextOffset;
asUINT lastAdjustedOffset;
asSListPatternNode *patternNode;
int nextTypeId;
asCArray<SListAdjuster*> listAdjusters;
class asCWriter
asCWriter(asCModule *module, asIBinaryStream *stream, asCScriptEngine *engine, bool stripDebugInfo);
int Write();
asCModule *module;
asIBinaryStream *stream;
asCScriptEngine *engine;
bool stripDebugInfo;
bool error;
asUINT bytesWritten;
int Error(const char *msg);
int WriteData(const void *data, asUINT size);
void WriteString(asCString *str);
void WriteFunction(asCScriptFunction *func);
void WriteFunctionSignature(asCScriptFunction *func);
void WriteGlobalProperty(asCGlobalProperty *prop);
void WriteObjectProperty(asCObjectProperty *prop);
void WriteDataType(const asCDataType *dt);
void WriteTypeInfo(asCTypeInfo *ot);
void WriteTypeDeclaration(asCTypeInfo *ot, int phase);
void WriteByteCode(asCScriptFunction *func);
void WriteEncodedInt64(asINT64 i);
// Helper functions for storing variable data
int FindTypeInfoIdx(asCTypeInfo *ti);
int FindTypeIdIdx(int typeId);
int FindFunctionIndex(asCScriptFunction *func);
int FindGlobalPropPtrIndex(void *);
int FindStringConstantIndex(void *str);
int FindObjectPropIndex(short offset, int typeId, asDWORD *bc);
void CalculateAdjustmentByPos(asCScriptFunction *func);
int AdjustStackPosition(int pos);
int AdjustProgramPosition(int pos);
int AdjustGetOffset(int offset, asCScriptFunction *func, asDWORD programPos);
// Intermediate data used for storing that which isn't constant, function id's, pointers, etc
void WriteUsedTypeIds();
void WriteUsedFunctions();
void WriteUsedGlobalProps();
void WriteUsedStringConstants();
void WriteUsedObjectProps();
// Temporary storage for persisting variable data
asCArray<int> usedTypeIds;
asCArray<asCTypeInfo*> usedTypes;
asCArray<asCScriptFunction*> usedFunctions;
asCArray<void*> usedGlobalProperties;
asCArray<void*> usedStringConstants;
asCMap<void*, int> stringToIndexMap;
asCArray<asCScriptFunction*> savedFunctions;
asCArray<asCDataType> savedDataTypes;
asCArray<asCString> savedStrings;
asCMap<asCString, int> stringToIdMap;
asCArray<int> adjustStackByPos;
asCArray<int> adjustNegativeStackByPos;
asCArray<int> bytecodeNbrByPos;
struct SObjProp
asCObjectType *objType;
asCObjectProperty *prop;
asCArray<SObjProp> usedObjectProperties;
// Helper class for adjusting offsets within initialization list buffers
struct SListAdjuster
SListAdjuster(asCObjectType *ot);
int AdjustOffset(int offset, asCObjectType *listPatternType);
void SetRepeatCount(asUINT rc);
void SetNextType(int typeId);
struct SInfo
asUINT repeatCount;
asSListPatternNode *startNode;
asCArray<SInfo> stack;
asCObjectType *patternType;
asUINT repeatCount;
asSListPatternNode *patternNode;
asUINT entries;
int lastOffset; // Last offset adjusted
int nextOffset; // next expected offset to be adjusted
int nextTypeId;
asCArray<SListAdjuster*> listAdjusters;
#endif // AS_RESTORE_H