Bryan Quigley 73c94f571d Update Angelscript from 2.32.0 to 2.35.1
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2021-11-04 17:59:10 -07:00

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AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
Andreas Jonsson
// as_gc.cpp
// The implementation of the garbage collector
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "as_gc.h"
#include "as_scriptengine.h"
#include "as_scriptobject.h"
#include "as_texts.h"
engine = 0;
detectState = clearCounters_init;
destroyNewState = destroyGarbage_init;
destroyOldState = destroyGarbage_init;
numDestroyed = 0;
numNewDestroyed = 0;
numDetected = 0;
numAdded = 0;
isProcessing = false;
seqAtSweepStart[0] = 0;
seqAtSweepStart[1] = 0;
seqAtSweepStart[2] = 0;
circularRefDetectCallbackFunc = 0;
circularRefDetectCallbackParam = 0;
// This local typedef is done to workaround a compiler error on
// MSVC6 when using the typedef declared in the class definition
typedef asSMapNode_t node_t;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < freeNodes.GetLength(); n++ )
asDELETE(freeNodes[n], node_t);
int asCGarbageCollector::AddScriptObjectToGC(void *obj, asCObjectType *objType)
if( obj == 0 || objType == 0 )
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, TXT_GC_RECEIVED_NULL_PTR);
return asINVALID_ARG;
engine->CallObjectMethod(obj, objType->beh.addref);
asSObjTypePair ot = {obj, objType, 0};
// Invoke the garbage collector to destroy a little garbage as new comes in
// This will maintain the number of objects in the GC at a maintainable level without
// halting the application, and without burdening the application with manually invoking the
// garbage collector.
if( engine->ep.autoGarbageCollect && gcNewObjects.GetLength() )
// If the GC is already processing in another thread, then don't try this again
// Skip this if the GC is already running in this thread
if( !isProcessing )
isProcessing = true;
// TODO: The number of iterations should be dynamic, and increase
// if the number of objects in the garbage collector grows high
// Run one step of DetectGarbage
if( gcOldObjects.GetLength() )
// Run a few steps of DestroyGarbage
int iter = (int)gcNewObjects.GetLength();
if( iter > 10 ) iter = 10;
while( iter-- > 0 )
isProcessing = false;
// Add the data to the gcObjects array in a critical section as
// another thread might be calling this method at the same time
ot.seqNbr = numAdded++;
return ot.seqNbr;
int asCGarbageCollector::GetObjectInGC(asUINT idx, asUINT *seqNbr, void **obj, asITypeInfo **type)
if( seqNbr ) *seqNbr = 0;
if( obj ) *obj = 0;
if( type ) *type = 0;
asSObjTypePair *o = 0;
asUINT newObjs = asUINT(gcNewObjects.GetLength());
if( idx < newObjs )
o = &gcNewObjects[idx];
else if( idx < gcOldObjects.GetLength() + newObjs )
o = &gcOldObjects[idx-newObjs];
return asINVALID_ARG;
if( seqNbr ) *seqNbr = o->seqNbr;
if( obj ) *obj = o->obj;
if( type ) *type = o->type;
return asSUCCESS;
// TODO: Should have a flag to tell the garbage collector to automatically determine how many iterations are needed
// It should then gather statistics such as how many objects has been created since last run, and how many objects
// are destroyed per iteration, and how many objects are detected as cyclic garbage per iteration.
// It should try to reach a stable number of objects, i.e. so that on average the number of objects added to
// the garbage collector is the same as the number of objects destroyed. And it should try to minimize the number
// of iterations of detections that must be executed per cycle while still identifying the cyclic garbage
// These variables should also be available for inspection through the gcstatistics.
int asCGarbageCollector::GarbageCollect(asDWORD flags, asUINT iterations)
// If the GC is already processing in another thread, then don't enter here again
// If the GC is already processing in this thread, then don't enter here again
if( isProcessing )
return 1;
isProcessing = true;
bool doDetect = (flags & asGC_DETECT_GARBAGE) || !(flags & asGC_DESTROY_GARBAGE);
bool doDestroy = (flags & asGC_DESTROY_GARBAGE) || !(flags & asGC_DETECT_GARBAGE);
if( flags & asGC_FULL_CYCLE )
// Reset the state
if( doDetect )
// Move all new objects to the old list, so we guarantee that all is detected
detectState = clearCounters_init;
if( doDestroy )
destroyNewState = destroyGarbage_init;
destroyOldState = destroyGarbage_init;
// The full cycle only works with the objects in the old list so that the
// set of objects scanned for garbage is fixed even if new objects are added
// by other threads in parallel.
unsigned int count = (unsigned int)(gcOldObjects.GetLength());
// Detect all garbage with cyclic references
if( doDetect )
while( IdentifyGarbageWithCyclicRefs() == 1 ) {}
// Now destroy all known garbage
if( doDestroy )
if( !doDetect )
while( DestroyNewGarbage() == 1 ) {}
while( DestroyOldGarbage() == 1 ) {}
// Run another iteration if any garbage was destroyed
if( count != (unsigned int)(gcOldObjects.GetLength()) )
count = (unsigned int)(gcOldObjects.GetLength());
isProcessing = false;
return 0;
while( iterations-- > 0 )
// Destroy the garbage that we know of
if( doDestroy )
// Run another incremental step of the identification of cyclic references
if( doDetect && gcOldObjects.GetLength() > 0 )
isProcessing = false;
// Return 1 to indicate that the cycle wasn't finished
return 1;
// TODO: Additional statistics to gather
// - How many objects are added on average between each destroyed object
// - How many objects are added on average between each detected object
// - how many iterations are needed for each destroyed object
// - how many iterations are needed for each detected object
// The average must have a decay so that long running applications will not suffer
// from objects being created early on in the application and then never destroyed.
// This ought to be possible to accomplish by holding two buckets.
// Numbers will be accumulated in one bucket while the other is held fixed.
// When returning the average it should use a weighted average between the two buckets using the size as weight.
// When a bucket is filled up, the buckets are switched, and then new bucket is emptied to gather new statistics.
void asCGarbageCollector::GetStatistics(asUINT *currentSize, asUINT *totalDestroyed, asUINT *totalDetected, asUINT *newObjects, asUINT *totalNewDestroyed) const
// It is not necessary to protect this with critical sections, however
// as it is not protected the variables can be filled in slightly different
// moments and might not match perfectly when inspected by the application
// afterwards.
if( currentSize )
*currentSize = (asUINT)(gcNewObjects.GetLength() + gcOldObjects.GetLength());
if( totalDestroyed )
*totalDestroyed = numDestroyed;
if( totalDetected )
*totalDetected = numDetected;
if( newObjects )
*newObjects = (asUINT)gcNewObjects.GetLength();
if( totalNewDestroyed )
*totalNewDestroyed = numNewDestroyed;
asCGarbageCollector::asSObjTypePair asCGarbageCollector::GetNewObjectAtIdx(int idx)
// We need to protect this access with a critical section as
// another thread might be appending an object at the same time
asSObjTypePair gcObj = gcNewObjects[idx];
return gcObj;
asCGarbageCollector::asSObjTypePair asCGarbageCollector::GetOldObjectAtIdx(int idx)
// We need to protect this access with a critical section as
// another thread might be appending an object at the same time
asSObjTypePair gcObj = gcOldObjects[idx];
return gcObj;
void asCGarbageCollector::RemoveNewObjectAtIdx(int idx)
// We need to protect this update with a critical section as
// another thread might be appending an object at the same time
if( idx == (int)gcNewObjects.GetLength() - 1)
gcNewObjects[idx] = gcNewObjects.PopLast();
void asCGarbageCollector::RemoveOldObjectAtIdx(int idx)
// We need to protect this update with a critical section as
// another thread might be appending an object at the same time
if( idx == (int)gcOldObjects.GetLength() - 1)
gcOldObjects[idx] = gcOldObjects.PopLast();
void asCGarbageCollector::MoveObjectToOldList(int idx)
// We need to protect this update with a critical section as
// another thread might be appending an object at the same time
if( idx == (int)gcNewObjects.GetLength() - 1)
gcNewObjects[idx] = gcNewObjects.PopLast();
void asCGarbageCollector::MoveAllObjectsToOldList()
// We need to protect this update with a critical section as
// another thread might be appending an object at the same time
if( gcOldObjects.Concatenate(gcNewObjects) )
int asCGarbageCollector::DestroyNewGarbage()
// This function will only be called within the critical section gcCollecting
switch( destroyNewState )
case destroyGarbage_init:
// If there are no objects to be freed then don't start
if( gcNewObjects.GetLength() == 0 )
return 0;
// Update the seqAtSweepStart which is used to determine when
// to move an object from the new set to the old set
seqAtSweepStart[0] = seqAtSweepStart[1];
seqAtSweepStart[1] = seqAtSweepStart[2];
seqAtSweepStart[2] = numAdded;
destroyNewIdx = (asUINT)-1;
destroyNewState = destroyGarbage_loop;
case destroyGarbage_loop:
case destroyGarbage_haveMore:
// If the refCount has reached 1, then only the GC still holds a
// reference to the object, thus we don't need to worry about the
// application touching the objects during collection.
// Destroy all objects that have refCount == 1. If any objects are
// destroyed, go over the list again, because it may have made more
// objects reach refCount == 1.
if( ++destroyNewIdx < gcNewObjects.GetLength() )
asSObjTypePair gcObj = GetNewObjectAtIdx(destroyNewIdx);
if( engine->CallObjectMethodRetInt(gcObj.obj, gcObj.type->beh.gcGetRefCount) == 1 )
// Release the object immediately
// Make sure the refCount is really 0, because the
// destructor may have increased the refCount again.
bool addRef = false;
if( gcObj.type->flags & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT )
// Script objects may actually be resurrected in the destructor
int refCount = ((asCScriptObject*)gcObj.obj)->Release();
if( refCount > 0 ) addRef = true;
engine->CallObjectMethod(gcObj.obj, gcObj.type->beh.release);
// Was the object really destroyed?
if( !addRef )
// Since the object was resurrected in the
// destructor, we must add our reference again
engine->CallObjectMethod(gcObj.obj, gcObj.type->beh.addref);
destroyNewState = destroyGarbage_haveMore;
// Check if this object has been inspected 3 times already, and if so move it to the
// set of old objects that are less likely to become garbage in a short time
// TODO: Is 3 really a good value? Should the number of times be dynamic?
else if( gcObj.seqNbr < seqAtSweepStart[0] )
// We've already verified this object multiple times. It is likely
// to live for quite a long time so we'll move it to the list if old objects
// Allow the application to work a little
return 1;
if( destroyNewState == destroyGarbage_haveMore )
// Restart the cycle
destroyNewState = destroyGarbage_init;
// Restart the cycle
destroyNewState = destroyGarbage_init;
// Return 0 to tell the application that there
// is no more garbage to destroy at the moment
return 0;
// Shouldn't reach this point
int asCGarbageCollector::ReportAndReleaseUndestroyedObjects()
// This function will only be called as the engine is shutting down
int items = 0;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < gcOldObjects.GetLength(); n++ )
asSObjTypePair gcObj = GetOldObjectAtIdx(n);
int refCount = 0;
if( gcObj.type->beh.gcGetRefCount && engine->scriptFunctions[gcObj.type->beh.gcGetRefCount] )
refCount = engine->CallObjectMethodRetInt(gcObj.obj, gcObj.type->beh.gcGetRefCount);
// Report the object as not being properly destroyed
asCString msg;
msg.Format(TXT_d_GC_CANNOT_FREE_OBJ_OF_TYPE_s_REF_COUNT_d, gcObj.seqNbr, gcObj.type->name.AddressOf(), refCount - 1);
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, msg.AddressOf());
// Add additional info for builtin types
if( gcObj.type->name == "$func" )
// Unfortunately we can't show the function declaration here, because the engine may have released the parameter list already so the declaration would only be misleading
// We need to show the function type too as for example delegates do not have a name
msg.Format(TXT_PREV_FUNC_IS_NAMED_s_TYPE_IS_d, reinterpret_cast<asCScriptFunction*>(gcObj.obj)->GetName(), reinterpret_cast<asCScriptFunction*>(gcObj.obj)->GetFuncType());
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION, msg.AddressOf());
else if( gcObj.type->name == "$obj" )
msg.Format(TXT_PREV_TYPE_IS_NAMED_s, reinterpret_cast<asCObjectType*>(gcObj.obj)->GetName());
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION, msg.AddressOf());
// Release the reference that the GC holds if the release functions is still available
if( gcObj.type->beh.release && engine->scriptFunctions[gcObj.type->beh.release] )
engine->CallObjectMethod(gcObj.obj, gcObj.type->beh.release);
return items;
int asCGarbageCollector::DestroyOldGarbage()
// This function will only be called within the critical section gcCollecting
switch( destroyOldState )
case destroyGarbage_init:
// If there are no objects to be freed then don't start
if( gcOldObjects.GetLength() == 0 )
return 0;
destroyOldIdx = (asUINT)-1;
destroyOldState = destroyGarbage_loop;
case destroyGarbage_loop:
case destroyGarbage_haveMore:
// If the refCount has reached 1, then only the GC still holds a
// reference to the object, thus we don't need to worry about the
// application touching the objects during collection.
// Destroy all objects that have refCount == 1. If any objects are
// destroyed, go over the list again, because it may have made more
// objects reach refCount == 1.
if( ++destroyOldIdx < gcOldObjects.GetLength() )
asSObjTypePair gcObj = GetOldObjectAtIdx(destroyOldIdx);
if( gcObj.type->beh.gcGetRefCount == 0 )
// If circular references are formed with registered types that hasn't
// registered the GC behaviours, then the engine may be forced to free
// the object type before the actual object instance. In this case we
// will be forced to skip the destruction of the objects, so as not to
// crash the application.
asCString msg;
msg.Format(TXT_d_GC_CANNOT_FREE_OBJ_OF_TYPE_s, gcObj.seqNbr, gcObj.type->name.AddressOf());
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, msg.AddressOf());
// Just remove the object, as we will not bother to destroy it
else if( engine->CallObjectMethodRetInt(gcObj.obj, gcObj.type->beh.gcGetRefCount) == 1 )
// Release the object immediately
// Make sure the refCount is really 0, because the
// destructor may have increased the refCount again.
bool addRef = false;
if( gcObj.type->flags & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT )
// Script objects may actually be resurrected in the destructor
int refCount = ((asCScriptObject*)gcObj.obj)->Release();
if( refCount > 0 ) addRef = true;
engine->CallObjectMethod(gcObj.obj, gcObj.type->beh.release);
// Was the object really destroyed?
if( !addRef )
// Since the object was resurrected in the
// destructor, we must add our reference again
engine->CallObjectMethod(gcObj.obj, gcObj.type->beh.addref);
destroyOldState = destroyGarbage_haveMore;
// Allow the application to work a little
return 1;
if( destroyOldState == destroyGarbage_haveMore )
// Restart the cycle
destroyOldState = destroyGarbage_init;
// Restart the cycle
destroyOldState = destroyGarbage_init;
// Return 0 to tell the application that there
// is no more garbage to destroy at the moment
return 0;
// Shouldn't reach this point
int asCGarbageCollector::IdentifyGarbageWithCyclicRefs()
// This function will only be called within the critical section gcCollecting
switch( detectState )
case clearCounters_init:
detectState = clearCounters_loop;
case clearCounters_loop:
// Decrease reference counter for all objects removed from the map
asSMapNode<void*, asSIntTypePair> *cursor = 0;
if( cursor )
void *obj = gcMap.GetKey(cursor);
asSIntTypePair it = gcMap.GetValue(cursor);
engine->CallObjectMethod(obj, it.type->beh.release);
return 1;
detectState = buildMap_init;
case buildMap_init:
detectIdx = 0;
detectState = buildMap_loop;
case buildMap_loop:
// Build a map of objects that will be checked, the map will
// hold the object pointer as key, and the gcCount and the
// object's type as value. As objects are added to the map the
// gcFlag must be set in the objects, so we can be verify if
// the object is accessed during the GC cycle.
// If an object is removed from the gcObjects list during the
// iteration of this step, it is possible that an object won't
// be used during the analyzing for cyclic references. This
// isn't a problem, as the next time the GC cycle starts the
// object will be verified.
if( detectIdx < gcOldObjects.GetLength() )
// Add the gc count for this object
asSObjTypePair gcObj = GetOldObjectAtIdx(detectIdx);
int refCount = 0;
if( gcObj.type->beh.gcGetRefCount )
refCount = engine->CallObjectMethodRetInt(gcObj.obj, gcObj.type->beh.gcGetRefCount);
if( refCount > 1 )
asSIntTypePair it = {refCount-1, gcObj.type};
gcMap.Insert(GetNode(gcObj.obj, it));
// Increment the object's reference counter when putting it in the map
engine->CallObjectMethod(gcObj.obj, gcObj.type->beh.addref);
// Mark the object so that we can
// see if it has changed since read
engine->CallObjectMethod(gcObj.obj, gcObj.type->beh.gcSetFlag);
// Let the application work a little
return 1;
detectState = countReferences_init;
case countReferences_init:
detectState = countReferences_loop;
case countReferences_loop:
// Call EnumReferences on all objects in the map to count the number
// of references reachable from between objects in the map. If all
// references for an object in the map is reachable from other objects
// in the map, then we know that no outside references are held for
// this object, thus it is a potential dead object in a circular reference.
// If the gcFlag is cleared for an object we consider the object alive
// and referenced from outside the GC, thus we don't enumerate its references.
// Any new objects created after this step in the GC cycle won't be
// in the map, and is thus automatically considered alive.
if( gcMapCursor )
void *obj = gcMap.GetKey(gcMapCursor);
asCObjectType *type = gcMap.GetValue(gcMapCursor).type;
gcMap.MoveNext(&gcMapCursor, gcMapCursor);
if( engine->CallObjectMethodRetBool(obj, type->beh.gcGetFlag) )
engine->CallObjectMethod(obj, engine, type->beh.gcEnumReferences);
// Allow the application to work a little
return 1;
detectState = detectGarbage_init;
case detectGarbage_init:
detectState = detectGarbage_loop1;
case detectGarbage_loop1:
// All objects that are known not to be dead must be removed from the map,
// along with all objects they reference. What remains in the map after
// this pass is sure to be dead objects in circular references.
// An object is considered alive if its gcFlag is cleared, or all the
// references were not found in the map.
// Add all alive objects from the map to the liveObjects array
if( gcMapCursor )
asSMapNode<void*, asSIntTypePair> *cursor = gcMapCursor;
gcMap.MoveNext(&gcMapCursor, gcMapCursor);
void *obj = gcMap.GetKey(cursor);
asSIntTypePair it = gcMap.GetValue(cursor);
bool gcFlag = engine->CallObjectMethodRetBool(obj, it.type->beh.gcGetFlag);
if( !gcFlag || it.i > 0 )
// Allow the application to work a little
return 1;
detectState = detectGarbage_loop2;
case detectGarbage_loop2:
// In this step we are actually removing the alive objects from the map.
// As the object is removed, all the objects it references are added to the
// liveObjects list, by calling EnumReferences. Only objects still in the map
// will be added to the liveObjects list.
if( liveObjects.GetLength() )
void *gcObj = liveObjects.PopLast();
asCObjectType *type = 0;
// Remove the object from the map to mark it as alive
asSMapNode<void*, asSIntTypePair> *cursor = 0;
if( gcMap.MoveTo(&cursor, gcObj) )
type = gcMap.GetValue(cursor).type;
// We need to decrease the reference count again as we remove the object from the map
engine->CallObjectMethod(gcObj, type->beh.release);
// Enumerate all the object's references so that they too can be marked as alive
engine->CallObjectMethod(gcObj, engine, type->beh.gcEnumReferences);
// Allow the application to work a little
return 1;
detectState = verifyUnmarked_init;
case verifyUnmarked_init:
detectState = verifyUnmarked_loop;
case verifyUnmarked_loop:
// In this step we must make sure that none of the objects still in the map
// has been touched by the application. If they have then we must run the
// detectGarbage loop once more.
if( gcMapCursor )
void *gcObj = gcMap.GetKey(gcMapCursor);
asCObjectType *type = gcMap.GetValue(gcMapCursor).type;
bool gcFlag = engine->CallObjectMethodRetBool(gcObj, type->beh.gcGetFlag);
if( !gcFlag )
// The unmarked object was touched, rerun the detectGarbage loop
detectState = detectGarbage_init;
gcMap.MoveNext(&gcMapCursor, gcMapCursor);
// Allow the application to work a little
return 1;
// No unmarked object was touched, we can now be sure
// that objects that have gcCount == 0 really is garbage
detectState = breakCircles_init;
case breakCircles_init:
detectState = breakCircles_loop;
// If the application has requested a callback for detected circular references,
// then make that callback now for all the objects in the list. This step is not
// done in incremental steps as it is only meant for debugging purposes and thus
// doesn't require interactivity
if (gcMapCursor && circularRefDetectCallbackFunc)
while (gcMapCursor)
void *gcObj = gcMap.GetKey(gcMapCursor);
asCObjectType *type = gcMap.GetValue(gcMapCursor).type;
circularRefDetectCallbackFunc(type, gcObj, circularRefDetectCallbackParam);
gcMap.MoveNext(&gcMapCursor, gcMapCursor);
// Reset iterator
case breakCircles_loop:
case breakCircles_haveGarbage:
// All objects in the map are now known to be dead objects
// kept alive through circular references. To be able to free
// these objects we need to force the breaking of the circle
// by having the objects release their references.
if( gcMapCursor )
void *gcObj = gcMap.GetKey(gcMapCursor);
asCObjectType *type = gcMap.GetValue(gcMapCursor).type;
if( type->flags & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT )
// For script objects we must call the class destructor before
// releasing the references, otherwise the destructor may not
// be able to perform the necessary clean-up as the handles will
// be null.
engine->CallObjectMethod(gcObj, engine, type->beh.gcReleaseAllReferences);
gcMap.MoveNext(&gcMapCursor, gcMapCursor);
detectState = breakCircles_haveGarbage;
// Allow the application to work a little
return 1;
// If no garbage was detected we can finish now
if( detectState != breakCircles_haveGarbage )
// Restart the GC
detectState = clearCounters_init;
return 0;
// Restart the GC
detectState = clearCounters_init;
return 1;
} // switch
// Shouldn't reach this point
asCGarbageCollector::asSMapNode_t *asCGarbageCollector::GetNode(void *obj, asSIntTypePair it)
// This function will only be called within the critical section gcCollecting
asSMapNode_t *node;
if( freeNodes.GetLength() )
node = freeNodes.PopLast();
node = asNEW(asSMapNode_t);
if( !node )
// Out of memory
return 0;
node->Init(obj, it);
return node;
void asCGarbageCollector::ReturnNode(asSMapNode_t *node)
// This function will only be called within the critical section gcCollecting
if( node )
void asCGarbageCollector::GCEnumCallback(void *reference)
// This function will only be called within the critical section gcCollecting
if( detectState == countReferences_loop )
// Find the reference in the map
asSMapNode<void*, asSIntTypePair> *cursor = 0;
if( gcMap.MoveTo(&cursor, reference) )
// Decrease the counter in the map for the reference
else if( detectState == detectGarbage_loop2 )
// Find the reference in the map
asSMapNode<void*, asSIntTypePair> *cursor = 0;
if( gcMap.MoveTo(&cursor, reference) )
// Add the object to the list of objects to mark as alive