126 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable File
126 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# A simple script that adds all authors from transifex, which are
# listed in comments at the beginning of the file, to the
# 'translator-credits' translations - where launchpad added them
# and which are shown in stk.
# First rename the transifex files:
# for i in supertuxkartpot_*; do mv $i ${i##supertuxkartpot_}; done
# Usage: update_po_authors.py PATH_TO/LANGUAGE.po
# IMPORTANT note: this script must be run on a file downloaded
# from transifex, not on a file on which this script had
# been run before (otherwise the transifex authors would
# be added again and again)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# Less important note: The specified file is overwritten without
# a backup! Make sure the git status is unmodified.
import re
import sys
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "Usage: getpo_authors.py PATH_TO_PO_FILE"
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
print("Processing file %s" % filename)
f = open(filename, "r")
if not f:
print "Can not find", filename
lines = f.readlines()
# There are two sources of contributors:
# 1) Entries in the header from transifex (after "Translators:"
# till the first msgid string.
# 2) Entries as "translator-credits". These shouldn't be there,
# but sometimes occur (e.g. because an old version of this
# script was used that did not support these entries).
# Assemble all those entries in one line
found = 0
contributions = ""
line_count = 0
new_authors = []
author_list = []
# Find new and old authors with a simple finite state machine:
# ============================================================
i = 0
while i < len(lines):
line = lines[i][:-1] # remove \n
i = i + 1
if line=="# Translators:":
while i <len(lines) and lines[i][:5]!="msgid":
line = lines[i][:-1] # remove \n
if line [:14]!="# FIRST AUTHOR":
i = i + 1
elif line[:26] == "msgid \"translator-credits\"":
line = lines[i][:-2] # remove \"\n at end of line
# Ignore the fist entry (which is "msgstr ...").
authors = line.split("\\n")[1:]
for j in range(len(authors)):
s = authors[j].strip()
if s!="":
# Then remove the msgid and msgstr
del lines[i] # msgstr
del lines[i-1] # msgid
del lines[i-2] # filename/line number info
del lines[i-3] # empty line
# Delete all email addresses and URLs (esp. old launchpads)
# ---------------------------------------------------------
email = re.compile(r" *[^ ]+@[^ ]+ *")
url = re.compile(r" *https?://[^ ]*")
for i, author in enumerate(author_list):
g = email.search(author)
if g:
author_list[i] = author[:g.start()] +", " \
+ author[g.end():]
g = url.search(author)
if g:
author_list[i] = author[:g.start()] \
+ author[g.end():]
# Remove duplicated entries
# -------------------------
d = {}
new_list = []
for i, author in enumerate(author_list):
if not d.get(author, None):
author_list = new_list
all_authors_string = reduce(lambda x,y: x+"\\n"+y, author_list, "")
credits_line = "msgstr \"Launchpad Contributions:%s\"\n"%all_authors_string
lines.append("#: src/states_screens/credits.cpp:209\n")
lines.append("msgid \"translator-credits\"\n")
# Overwrite old file
f = open(filename, "w")
for i in lines:
print("Done with %s,"% filename)