* Updated options UI file, new icon for language tab Also updates the license file. * Update the options screens to support the new layout And add a language change screen. * Don't overwrite the updates which happened in master. * Add missing (new) password reset button * Focus the list of actions binding rather than the tabbar in device options
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99 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<icon-button id="back" x="0" y="0" height="8%" icon="gui/back.png"/>
<div x="1%" y="1%" width="98%" height="98%" layout="vertical-row" >
<header width="80%" height="7%" align="center" text="SuperTuxKart Options" text_align="center"/>
<spacer width="100%" height="1%"/>
<div width="100%" height="92%" layout="horizontal-row" >
<vertical-tabs id="options_choice" height="100%" width="18%">
<icon-button id="tab_video" width="128" height="128" icon="gui/options_video.png"
I18N="Section in the settings menu" text="Graphics"/>
<icon-button id="tab_audio" width="128" height="128" icon="gui/options_audio.png"
I18N="Section in the settings menu" text="Audio"/>
<icon-button id="tab_ui" width="128" height="128" icon="gui/options_ui.png"
I18N="Section in the settings menu" text="User Interface"/>
<icon-button id="tab_players" width="128" height="128" icon="gui/options_players.png"
I18N="Section in the settings menu" text="Players"/>
<icon-button id="tab_controls" width="128" height="128" icon="gui/options_input.png"
I18N="Section in the settings menu" text="Controls"/>
<icon-button id="tab_language" width="128" height="128" icon="gui/options_language.png"
I18N="Section in the settings menu" text="Language"/>
<spacer width="2%" height="100%"/>
<box width="80%" height="100%" layout="vertical-row">
<spacer height="2%" width="10"/>
<scrollable_ribbon id="players" height="18%" y="10" x="10" width="98%" align="center" label_location="each"
square_items="true" child_width="128" child_height="128" />
<spacer height="2%" width="10"/>
<div width="90%" align="center" layout="vertical-row" proportion="1">
<div width="100%" height="fit" layout="horizontal-row" >
<checkbox width="fit" id="online" I18N="In the user screen" text_align="left"/>
<spacer width="10"/>
<label proportion="1" height="100%" text_align="left" I18N="In the user screen" text="Online"/>
<div width="100%" height="fit" layout="horizontal-row" >
<checkbox width="fit" id="remember-user" I18N="In the user screen" text_align="left"/>
<spacer width="10"/>
<label proportion="1" id="label_remember" height="100%" text_align="left"
I18N="In the user screen" text="Remember password"/>
<!-- Disable guest accounts for now
<div width="100%" height="fit" layout="horizontal-row" >
<label width="40%" id="label_guest" height="100%" text_align="left"
I18N="In the user screen" text="Guest login"/>
<checkbox id="guest" I18N="In the user screen" text_align="left"/>
<div width="100%" height="fit" layout="horizontal-row" >
<label width="40%" id="label_username" height="100%" text_align="left"
I18N="In the user screen" text="Username"/>
<textbox id="username" proportion="2" height="fit" I18N="In the user screen"/>
<spacer height="5%" width="20"/>
<div width="100%" height="fit" layout="horizontal-row" >
<label id="label_password" width="40%" height="100%" text_align="left"
I18N="In the user screen" text="Password"/>
<textbox id="password" proportion="2" height="fit" I18N="In the user screen"/>
<spacer height="5%" width="20"/>
<button id="password_reset" width="fit" text="Reset password"/>
<spacer height="5%" width="20"/>
<label id="message" width="100%" text_align="center"/>
<spacer width="20" height="2%"/>
<div width="90%" align="center" layout="vertical-row" height="18%">
<buttonbar id="options" width="100%" height="100%" align="center">
<icon-button id="ok" width="fit" height="fit" icon="gui/green_check.png"
I18N="In the user screen" text="OK" label_location="bottom"/>
<icon-button id="new_user" width="fit" height="fit" icon="gui/blue_plus.png"
I18N="In the user screen" text="Add user" label_location="bottom"/>
<icon-button id="delete" width="fit" height="fit" icon="gui/remove.png"
I18N="In the user screen" text="Delete" label_location="bottom"/>
<icon-button id="rename" width="fit" height="fit" icon="gui/rename.png"
I18N="In the user screen" text="Rename" label_location="bottom"/>
<icon-button id="default_kart_color" width="fit" height="fit" icon="gui/edit.png"
I18N="In the user screen" text="Default kart color" label_location="bottom"/>
<icon-button id="cancel" width="fit" height="fit" icon="gui/main_quit.png"
I18N="In the user screen" text="Cancel" label_location="bottom"/>
<spacer width="20" height="5%"/>