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// SuperTuxKart - a fun racing game with go-kart
// Copyright (C) 2013-2015 SuperTuxKart-Team
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/*! \file protocol_manager.hpp
* \brief Contains structures and enumerations related to protocol management.
#include "network/event.hpp"
#include "network/network_string.hpp"
#include "network/protocol.hpp"
#include "utils/no_copy.hpp"
#include "utils/singleton.hpp"
#include "utils/synchronised.hpp"
#include "utils/types.hpp"
#include <vector>
* \brief Defines the three states that a protocol can have.
PROTOCOL_STATE_RUNNING, //!< The protocol is being updated everytime.
PROTOCOL_STATE_PAUSED, //!< The protocol is paused.
PROTOCOL_STATE_TERMINATED //!< The protocol is terminated/does not exist.
* \brief Defines actions that can be done about protocols.
* This enum is used essentially to keep the manager thread-safe and
* to avoid protocols modifying directly their state.
PROTOCOL_REQUEST_START, //!< Start a protocol
PROTOCOL_REQUEST_STOP, //!< Stop a protocol
PROTOCOL_REQUEST_PAUSE, //!< Pause a protocol
PROTOCOL_REQUEST_UNPAUSE, //!< Unpause a protocol
PROTOCOL_REQUEST_TERMINATE //!< Terminate a protocol
* \struct ProtocolInfo
* \brief Stores the information needed to manage protocols
typedef struct ProtocolInfo
PROTOCOL_STATE state; //!< The state of the protocol
Protocol* protocol; //!< A pointer to the protocol
uint32_t id; //!< The unique id of the protocol
} ProtocolInfo;
* \struct ProtocolRequest
* \brief Represents a request to do an action about a protocol.
typedef struct ProtocolRequest
PROTOCOL_REQUEST_TYPE type; //!< The type of request
ProtocolInfo protocol_info; //!< The concerned protocol information
} ProtocolRequest;
/*! \struct ProtocolRequest
* \brief Used to pass the event to protocols that need it
typedef struct EventProcessingInfo
Event* event;
double arrival_time;
std::vector<unsigned int> protocols_ids;
} EventProcessingInfo;
* \class ProtocolManager
* \brief Manages the protocols at runtime.
* This class is in charge of storing and managing protocols.
* It is a singleton as there can be only one protocol manager per game
* instance. Any game object that wants to start a protocol must create a
* protocol and give it to this singleton. The protocols are updated in a
* special thread, to ensure that they are processed independently from the
* frames per second. Then, the management of protocols is thread-safe: any
* object can start/pause/stop protocols whithout problems.
class ProtocolManager : public AbstractSingleton<ProtocolManager>,
public NoCopy
friend class AbstractSingleton<ProtocolManager>;
static void* mainLoop(void *data);
/*! \brief Stops the protocol manager. */
virtual void abort();
* \brief Function that processes incoming events.
* This function is called by the network manager each time there is an
* incoming packet.
virtual void notifyEvent(Event* event);
virtual void sendMessage(Protocol* sender, const NetworkString& message, bool reliable = true);
virtual void sendMessage(Protocol* sender, STKPeer* peer, const NetworkString& message, bool reliable = true);
virtual void sendMessageExcept(Protocol* sender, STKPeer* peer, const NetworkString& message, bool reliable = true);
* \brief Asks the manager to start a protocol.
* This function will store the request, and process it at a time it is
* thread-safe.
* \param protocol : A pointer to the protocol to start
* \return The unique id of the protocol that is being started.
virtual uint32_t requestStart(Protocol* protocol);
* \brief Asks the manager to stop a protocol.
* This function will store the request, and process it at a time it is
* thread-safe.
* \param protocol : A pointer to the protocol to stop
virtual void requestStop(Protocol* protocol);
* \brief Asks the manager to pause a protocol.
* This function will store the request, and process it at a time it is
* thread-safe.
* \param protocol : A pointer to the protocol to pause
virtual void requestPause(Protocol* protocol);
* \brief Asks the manager to unpause a protocol.
* This function will store the request, and process it at a time it is
* thread-safe.
* \param protocol : A pointer to the protocol to unpause
virtual void requestUnpause(Protocol* protocol);
* \brief Notifies the manager that a protocol is terminated.
* This function will store the request, and process it at a time it is
* thread-safe.
* \param protocol : A pointer to the protocol that is finished
virtual void requestTerminate(Protocol* protocol);
* \brief Updates the manager.
* This function processes the events queue, notifies the concerned
* protocols that they have events to process. Then ask all protocols
* to update themselves. Finally processes stored requests about
* starting, stoping, pausing etc... protocols.
* This function is called by the main loop.
* This function IS FPS-dependant.
virtual void update();
* \brief Updates the manager.
* This function processes the events queue, notifies the concerned
* protocols that they have events to process. Then ask all protocols
* to update themselves. Finally processes stored requests about
* starting, stoping, pausing etc... protocols.
* This function is called in a thread.
* This function IS NOT FPS-dependant.
virtual void asynchronousUpdate();
* \brief Get the number of protocols running.
* \return The number of protocols that are actually running.
virtual int runningProtocolsCount();
* \brief Get the state of a protocol using its id.
* \param id : The id of the protocol you seek the state.
* \return The state of the protocol.
virtual PROTOCOL_STATE getProtocolState(uint32_t id);
* \brief Get the state of a protocol using a pointer on it.
* \param protocol : A pointer to the protocol you seek the state.
* \return The state of the protocol.
virtual PROTOCOL_STATE getProtocolState(Protocol* protocol);
* \brief Get the id of a protocol.
* \param protocol : A pointer to the protocol you seek the id.
* \return The id of the protocol pointed by the protocol parameter.
virtual uint32_t getProtocolID(Protocol* protocol);
* \brief Get a protocol using its id.
* \param id : Unique ID of the seek protocol.
* \return The protocol that has the ID id.
virtual Protocol* getProtocol(uint32_t id);
* \brief Get a protocol using its type.
* \param type : The type of the protocol.
* \return The protocol that matches the given type.
virtual Protocol* getProtocol(PROTOCOL_TYPE type);
/*! \brief Know whether the app is a server.
* \return True if this application is in server mode, false elseway.
bool isServer();
/*! \brief Tells if we need to stop the update thread. */
int exit();
// protected functions
* \brief Constructor
* \brief Destructor
virtual ~ProtocolManager();
* \brief Assign an id to a protocol.
* This function will assign m_next_protocol_id as the protocol id.
* This id starts at 0 at the beginning and is increased by 1 each time
* a protocol starts.
* \param protocol_info : The protocol info that needs an id.
void assignProtocolId(ProtocolInfo* protocol_info);
* \brief Starts a protocol.
* Add the protocol info to the m_protocols vector.
* \param protocol : ProtocolInfo to start.
virtual void startProtocol(ProtocolInfo protocol);
* \brief Stops a protocol.
* Coes nothing. Noone can stop running protocols for now.
* \param protocol : ProtocolInfo to stop.
virtual void stopProtocol(ProtocolInfo protocol);
* \brief Pauses a protocol.
* Pauses a protocol and tells it that it's being paused.
* \param protocol : ProtocolInfo to pause.
virtual void pauseProtocol(ProtocolInfo protocol);
* \brief Unpauses a protocol.
* Unpauses a protocol and notifies it.
* \param protocol : ProtocolInfo to unpause.
virtual void unpauseProtocol(ProtocolInfo protocol);
* \brief Notes that a protocol is terminated.
* Remove a protocol from the protocols vector.
* \param protocol : ProtocolInfo concerned.
virtual void protocolTerminated(ProtocolInfo protocol);
bool propagateEvent(EventProcessingInfo* event, bool synchronous);
// protected members
/** Contains the running protocols.
* This stores the protocols that are either running or paused, their
* state and their unique id.
std::vector<ProtocolInfo> m_protocols;
/** Contains the network events to pass to protocols. */
Synchronised<std::vector<EventProcessingInfo> > m_events_to_process;
/** Contains the requests to start/stop etc... protocols. */
std::vector<ProtocolRequest> m_requests;
/*! \brief The next id to assign to a protocol.
* This value is incremented by 1 each time a protocol is started.
* If a protocol has an id lower than this value, it means that it have
* been formerly started.
uint32_t m_next_protocol_id;
// mutexes:
/*! Used to ensure that the protocol vector is used thread-safely. */
pthread_mutex_t m_protocols_mutex;
/*! Used to ensure that the protocol vector is used thread-safely. */
pthread_mutex_t m_asynchronous_protocols_mutex;
/*! Used to ensure that the request vector is used thread-safely. */
pthread_mutex_t m_requests_mutex;
/*! Used to ensure that the protocol id is used in a thread-safe way.*/
pthread_mutex_t m_id_mutex;
/*! Used when need to quit.*/
pthread_mutex_t m_exit_mutex;
/*! Update thread.*/
pthread_t* m_update_thread;
/*! Asynchronous update thread.*/
pthread_t* m_asynchronous_update_thread;
/*! True if the thread is running. */
bool m_asynchronous_thread_running;