git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 178a84e3-b1eb-0310-8ba1-8eac791a3b58
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194 lines
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# In this files materials with special properties are listed, along with
# the values for these properties. Only materials that are in some way
# special need to be listed here, the others will use the default values.
# Here is an explanation of what each property do and their default values,
# the actual properties are at the bottom of the file:
# UVClamp
# -----
# Clamp texture border instead of repeating the texture. This has
# two values, one for the X-axis and another for the Y-axis, which can be
# Y or N (yes or no).
# To understand what clamping is, hre is an example with my poor ASCII art:
# ox
# Suppose you have a 2x2 texture which represented here by xo , where o is a
# black square and x is a white square. If you place the texture in a 4x4
# grid, you would think you get this:
# ....
# ....
# ox..
# xo..
# Where the . are empty spaces.
# However, what really happens is that by default the texture repeats itself:
# oxox
# xoxo
# oxox
# xoxo
# But if you clamp the texture on both the X and the Y axis you get this:
# oxoo
# oxoo
# oxxx
# xooo
# So only the borders repeat in the X and Y direction, not the whole texture.
# Translucency
# ------------
# Use the alpha value of the texture to produce translucent areas. Can be
# Y or N, default is N.
# Alpha reference
# ---------------
# This value is used for the alpha test, which is to compare all the
# alpha values of the pixels of the texture against the alpha refence, and
# if the test succeeds, the pixel is not drawn. Values go from 0.0 to 1.0.
# 1.0 that no pixels are drawn, 0.0 means that only pixels completely
# translucent are not drawn. Default is 0.1.
# Lighting
# --------
# Let lights affect how dark or light a texture is. Can be Y or N, default is
# Y.
# Sphere map
# ----------
# Place the texture as if it is on top of a reflective sphere. This is useful
# on shiny metal objects, for example the coins. Can be Y or N, default is
# N.
# Friction
# --------
# How much friction there is between an object with this texture and the
# wheels of the kart. Obviously, is only useful if a kart will ever be
# standing on top of an object with this texture. The smaller this value is,
# the more slippery a surface is. Values should go from 1.0 to 0.1, where
# 1.0 is the friction of the road. Default is 1.0 .
# At the moment, friction only limits the speed and acceleration of the karts.
# Ignore
# ------
# Don't crash with a surface that has this texture applied. Values can be Y or
# N. Default is N.
# Zipper
# ------
# Karts get a speed boost when they touch a surface with this texture. Values
# can be Y or N. Default is N.
# Resetter
# --------
# When a kart touches this surface, it is rescued, useful for lava and others.
# Values can be Y or N. Default value is N.
# Collide
# -------
# When you crash against a surface with this texture, the kart will not
# continue moving, instead it will stop the kart dead. Values can be Y or N,
# default value is Y.
# TextureName Clamp Trans Alpha Light SphMp Frict Ign Zip Rst Col
"chrome.rgb" N N N 0.0 N Y 0.5 N N N N
"chrome2.rgb" N N N 0.0 N Y 0.5 N N N N
"railing.rgb" N Y Y 0.5 Y N 1.0 N N N N
"ruler.rgb" N N Y 0.2 Y N 1.0 N N N N
"adverts.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 1.0 N N N Y
"wood.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 1.0 N N N N
"concrete.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 1.0 N N N Y
"brick.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 1.0 N N N Y
"stonewall.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 1.0 N N N N
"stones.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 0.2 N N N N
"pebbles.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 1.0 N N N N
"floor.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 1.0 N N N N
"sand.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 0.0000001 N N N N
"sandgrass.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 0.5 N N N N
"egypt.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 1.0 N N N Y
"pyramidwall.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 1.0 N N N N
"lava.rgb" N N N 0.0 N N 1.0 N N Y Y
"lava2.rgb" N N N 0.0 N N 1.0 N N Y Y
"Tuxclouds.rgb" N N N 0.1 Y N 1.0 N N Y Y
"metalgrid.rgb" N N Y 0.3 Y N 1.0 N N N N
"fuzzy_sand.rgb" N N Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"roadway.rgb" Y N Y 0.0 Y N 1.0 N N N N
"track.rgb" Y N Y 0.0 Y N 1.0 N N N N
"rainbow.rgb" N N Y 0.0 N N 1.0 N N N N
"tinytux.rgb" Y Y Y 0.8 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"butterfly.rgb" Y Y Y 0.8 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"Penguin_orig.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 1.0 N N N N
"grass.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 0.7 N N N N
"island/grass2.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 0.7 N N N N
"island/rock1.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 0.5 N N N N
"island/rock4.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 0.5 N N N N
"island/water2.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 1.0 N N Y N
"island/sand2.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 0.7 N N N N
"track2.rgb" N N N 0.0 Y N 1.0 N N N N
"zipper_collect.rgb" N N N 0.0 N N 1.0 N Y N N
"zipper.rgb" N N N 0.0 N N 1.0 N Y N N
"bananawrap.rgb" Y Y Y 0.5 N N 1.0 N Y N N
"fuzzy.rgb" Y Y Y 0.2 N N 0.5 Y N N N
"mriceblockshadow.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"mriceblockicon.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"tuxkartshadow.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"eviltuxicon.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"sushishadow.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"sushiicon.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"yetishadow.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"yetiicon.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"dinoshadow.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"dinoicon.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"nolokicon.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"pennyshadow.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"hexleyicon.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"hexleyshadow.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"wilbericon.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"wilbershadow.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"spark.rgb" Y Y N 0.2 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"smoke.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"explode.rgb" Y Y Y 0.2 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"tuxicon.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"skirpyicon.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"pennyicon.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"missile.rgb" Y Y Y 0.1 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"flames.rgb" N N N 0.9 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"magnet.rgb" Y Y Y 0.1 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"bzzt.rgb" N N Y 0.1 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"homingmissile.rgb" Y Y Y 0.1 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"anvil.rgb" Y Y Y 0.1 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"parachute.rgb" Y Y Y 0.1 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"herring.rgb" Y Y Y 0.9 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"wheel.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"water.rgb" N N N 0.1 Y N 1.0 N N Y N
"speedback.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"speedfore.rgb" Y Y Y 0.0 N N 1.0 Y N N N
"st_title_screen.rgb" Y Y N 1.0 N N 1.0 N N N Y
"water_light.rgb" N N N 0.1 N N 1.0 N N Y N
"lighthouse.rgb" N N N 0.0 N N 0.5 N N N N
"lighthouse_sky.rgb" N N N 0.0 N N 0.5 N N Y Y
"sea.rgb" N N N 0.0 N N 0.5 N N Y Y
"rock.rgb" N N N 0.0 N N 0.5 N N N N
"coniferous_tree.rgb" Y Y Y 0.5 N N 0.5 N N N N
"island/sky2.rgb" N N N 0.0 N N 1.0 N N N N
"window.rgb" N N Y 0.0 Y N 1.0 N N N N
# EOF #