Fixed position of physical (raycast) wheels to be in (or on the edge) of the collision body, not outside. Removed support for defining kart-specific physical kart position (was never used).
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67 lines
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diff --git a/src/karts/kart.cpp b/src/karts/kart.cpp
index f9d6cd9..f243d2a 100644
--- a/src/karts/kart.cpp
+++ b/src/karts/kart.cpp
@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ void Kart::update(float dt)
// TODO: hiker said this probably will be moved to btKart or so when updating bullet engine.
// Neutralize any yaw change if the kart leaves the ground, so the kart falls more or less
- // straight after jumping, but still allowing some "boat shake" (roll and pitch).
+ // straight after jumping, but still allowing some "boat shake" (roIll and pitch).
// Otherwise many non perfect jumps end in a total roll over or a serious change of
// direction, sometimes 90 or even full U turn (real but less fun for a karting game).
// As side effect steering becames a bit less responsive (any wheel on air), but not too bad.
@@ -2023,30 +2023,6 @@ void Kart::updatePhysics(float dt)
- // If the kart is flying, keep its up-axis aligned to gravity (which in
- // turn typically means the kart is parallel to the ground). This avoids
- // that the kart rotates in mid-air and lands on its side.
- if(m_vehicle->getNumWheelsOnGround()==0)
- {
- btVector3 kart_up = getTrans().getBasis().getColumn(1); // up vector
- btVector3 terrain_up = m_body->getGravity();
- float g = World::getWorld()->getTrack()->getGravity();
- // Normalize the gravity, g is the length of the vector
- btVector3 new_up = 0.9f * kart_up + 0.1f * terrain_up/-g;
- // Get the rotation (hpr) based on current heading.
- Vec3 rotation(getHeading(), new_up);
- btMatrix3x3 m;
- m.setEulerZYX(rotation.getX(), rotation.getY(), rotation.getZ());
- // We can't use getXYZ() for the position here, since the position is
- // based on interpolation, while the actual center-of-mass-transform
- // is based on the actual value every 1/60 of a second (using getXYZ()
- // would result in the kart being pushed ahead a bit, making it jump
- // much further, depending on fps)
- btTransform new_trans(m, m_body->getCenterOfMassTransform().getOrigin());
- //setTrans(new_trans);
- m_body->setCenterOfMassTransform(new_trans);
- }
// To avoid tunneling (which can happen on long falls), clamp the
// velocity in Y direction. Tunneling can happen if the Y velocity
// is larger than the maximum suspension travel (per frame), since then
diff --git a/src/physics/btKart.cpp b/src/physics/btKart.cpp
index bdb8f55..2aa0096 100644
--- a/src/physics/btKart.cpp
+++ b/src/physics/btKart.cpp
@@ -387,6 +387,17 @@ void btKart::updateVehicle( btScalar step )
+ // If the kart is flying, try to keep it parallel to the ground.
+ if(m_num_wheels_on_ground==0)
+ {
+ btVector3 kart_up = getChassisWorldTransform().getBasis().getColumn(1);
+ btVector3 terrain_up(0,1,0);
+ btVector3 axis = kart_up.cross(terrain_up);
+ // Times 10 gives a nicely balanced feeling.
+ m_chassisBody->applyTorqueImpulse(axis * 10);
+ }
// Work around: make sure that either both wheels on one axis
// are on ground, or none of them. This avoids the problem of
// the kart suddenly getting additional angular velocity because