Deve b02812662a Fixed crash in creating user screen, which occured after rename player.
It's a bit quick and lazy fix. Probably other variables should be cleared too.
2014-12-23 18:32:05 +01:00

363 lines
9.4 KiB

// SuperTuxKart - a fun racing game with go-kart
// Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Marianne Gagnon
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "guiengine/widget.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <IGUIElement.h>
using namespace irr;
using namespace core;
using namespace video;
using namespace io;
using namespace gui;
#include "guiengine/engine.hpp"
#include "guiengine/scalable_font.hpp"
#include "guiengine/screen.hpp"
#include "io/file_manager.hpp"
#include "utils/string_utils.hpp"
#include "utils/translation.hpp"
#include "utils/vs.hpp"
namespace GUIEngine
static bool g_is_within_a_text_box = false;
bool isWithinATextBox()
return g_is_within_a_text_box;
void setWithinATextBox(bool in)
g_is_within_a_text_box = in;
using namespace GUIEngine;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Widget::Widget(WidgetType type, bool reserve_id)
m_magic_number = 0xCAFEC001;
m_x = -1;
m_y = -1;
m_w = -1;
m_h = -1;
m_id = -1;
m_badge_x_shift = 0;
m_element = NULL;
m_title_font = false;
m_type = type;
m_parent = NULL;
m_focusable = true;
m_bottom_bar = false;
m_top_bar = false;
m_event_handler = NULL;
m_reserve_id = reserve_id;
m_show_bounding_box = false;
m_supports_multiplayer = false;
m_is_bounding_box_round = false;
m_has_tooltip = false;
m_is_text_rtl = false;
m_absolute_x = m_absolute_y = m_absolute_w = m_absolute_h = -1;
m_relative_x = m_relative_y = m_relative_w = m_relative_h = -1;
m_absolute_reverse_x = m_absolute_reverse_y = -1;
m_tab_down_root = -1;
m_tab_up_root = -1;
for (unsigned int n=0; n<MAX_PLAYER_COUNT; n++)
m_player_focus[n] = false;
m_selected[n] = false;
m_reserved_id = -1;
m_deactivated = false;
m_is_visible = true;
m_badges = 0;
// set a default value, derivates can override this as they wish
m_check_inside_me = (m_type == WTYPE_DIV);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
assert(m_magic_number == 0xCAFEC001);
// If any player focused this widget, unset that focus
for (unsigned int n=0; n<MAX_PLAYER_COUNT; n++)
if (m_player_focus[n])
m_magic_number = 0xDEADBEEF;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Widget::setText(const wchar_t *s)
m_text = s;
} // setText
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Widget::elementRemoved()
assert(m_magic_number == 0xCAFEC001);
m_element = NULL;
m_is_visible = true;
// If any player focused this widget, unset that focus
for (unsigned int n=0; n<MAX_PLAYER_COUNT; n++)
if (m_player_focus[n])
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Widget::setActivated()
// even if this one is already active, do it anyway on purpose, maybe the
// children widgets need to be updated
m_deactivated = false;
const int count = m_children.size();
for (int n=0; n<count; n++)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Widget::setDeactivated()
// even if this one is already inactive, do it anyway on purpose, maybe the
// children widgets need to be updated
m_deactivated = true;
const int count = m_children.size();
for (int n=0; n<count; n++)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Widget::deleteChild(const char* id)
const int count = m_children.size();
for (int n=0; n<count; n++)
if (m_children[n].m_properties[PROP_ID] == id)
return true;
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace GUIEngine
// IDs must not start at 0, since it appears their GUI engine hardcodes some ID values
const unsigned int FOCUSABLE_IDS_BASE = 100;
const unsigned int UNFOCUSABLE_IDS_BASE = 1000;
/** Used to assign irrLicht IDs to widgets dynamically */
static unsigned int id_counter = FOCUSABLE_IDS_BASE;
/** for items that can't be reached with keyboard navigation but can be clicked */
static unsigned int id_counter_2 = UNFOCUSABLE_IDS_BASE;
int Widget::getNewID()
return id_counter++;
int Widget::getNewNoFocusID()
return id_counter_2++;
bool Widget::isFocusableId(const int id)
if (id < 0) return false;
if ((unsigned int)id >= UNFOCUSABLE_IDS_BASE) return false;
else return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** When switching to a new screen, this function will be called to reset ID counters
* (so we start again from ID 0, and don't grow to big numbers) */
void Widget::resetIDCounters()
id_counter = 100;
id_counter_2 = 1000;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Widget::add()
assert(m_magic_number == 0xCAFEC001);
if (m_reserve_id)
m_reserved_id = getNewID();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* \param playerID ID of the player you want to set/unset focus for, starting from 0
* Since the code tracks focus from main player, this will most likely be used only
* for additionnal players
void Widget::setFocusForPlayer(const int playerID)
assert(m_magic_number == 0xCAFEC001);
// Unset focus flag on previous widget that had focus
if (GUIEngine::getFocusForPlayer(playerID) != NULL)
GUIEngine::getFocusForPlayer(playerID)->unfocused(playerID, this);
GUIEngine::getFocusForPlayer(playerID)->m_player_focus[playerID] = false;
m_player_focus[playerID] = true;
GUIEngine::Private::g_focus_for_player[playerID] = this;
// Callback
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Widget::unsetFocusForPlayer(const int playerID)
assert(m_magic_number == 0xCAFEC001);
if (m_player_focus[playerID]) this->unfocused(playerID, NULL);
m_player_focus[playerID] = false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* \param playerID ID of the player you want to set/unset focus for, starting from 0
bool Widget::isFocusedForPlayer(const int playerID)
assert(m_magic_number == 0xCAFEC001);
return m_player_focus[playerID];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Widget::move(const int x, const int y, const int w, const int h)
assert(m_magic_number == 0xCAFEC001);
m_x = x;
m_y = y;
m_w = w;
m_h = h;
if (m_element != NULL)
m_element->setRelativePosition( core::rect < s32 > (x, y, x+w, y+h) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Widget::setParent(IGUIElement* parent)
assert(m_magic_number == 0xCAFEC001);
m_parent = parent;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Widget::isVisible() const
if (m_element != NULL)
assert(m_element->isVisible() == m_is_visible);
return m_is_visible;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Widget::isActivated() const
if (isVisible())
return !m_deactivated;
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Widget::setVisible(bool visible)
if (m_element != NULL)
m_is_visible = visible;
const int childrenCount = m_children.size();
for (int n=0; n<childrenCount; n++)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Widget::moveIrrlichtElement()
if (m_element != NULL)
m_element->setRelativePosition( irr::core::recti(irr::core::position2di(m_x, m_y),
irr::core::dimension2di(m_w, m_h) ) );