Stragus suggested: It will degrade quality by converting from true sRGB to ^2.2 and then rounding the values back on 8 bits
286 lines
7.3 KiB
286 lines
7.3 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CImageLoaderPNG.h"
#include <png.h> // use system lib png
#include "libpng/png.h" // use irrlicht included lib png
#include "CImage.h"
#include "CReadFile.h"
#include "os.h"
namespace irr
namespace video
// PNG function for error handling
static void png_cpexcept_error(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp msg)
printf("PNG fatal error: %s\n", msg);
longjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr), 1);
// PNG function for warning handling
static void png_cpexcept_warn(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp msg)
//os::Printer::log("PNG warning", msg, ELL_WARNING);
// PNG function for file reading
void PNGAPI user_read_data_fcn(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data, png_size_t length)
png_size_t check;
// changed by zola {
io::IReadFile* file=(io::IReadFile*)png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr);
check=(png_size_t) file->read((void*)data,(u32)length);
// }
if (check != length)
png_error(png_ptr, "Read Error");
//! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class
//! based on the file extension (e.g. ".tga")
bool CImageLoaderPng::isALoadableFileExtension(const io::path& filename) const
return core::hasFileExtension ( filename, "png" );
return false;
//! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class
bool CImageLoaderPng::isALoadableFileFormat(io::IReadFile* file) const
if (!file)
return false;
png_byte buffer[8];
// Read the first few bytes of the PNG file
if (file->read(buffer, 8) != 8)
return false;
// Check if it really is a PNG file
return !png_sig_cmp(buffer, 0, 8);
return false;
// load in the image data
IImage* CImageLoaderPng::loadImage(io::IReadFile* file, bool skip_checking) const
if (!file)
return 0;
video::IImage* image = 0;
//Used to point to image rows
u8** RowPointers = 0;
if (skip_checking)
else if (!isALoadableFileFormat(file))
return 0;
// Allocate the png read struct
png_structp png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,
NULL, (png_error_ptr)png_cpexcept_error, (png_error_ptr)png_cpexcept_warn);
if (!png_ptr)
//os::Printer::log("LOAD PNG: Internal PNG create read struct failure\n", file->getFileName(), ELL_ERROR);
return 0;
// Allocate the png info struct
png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
if (!info_ptr)
//os::Printer::log("LOAD PNG: Internal PNG create info struct failure\n", file->getFileName(), ELL_ERROR);
png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, NULL, NULL);
return 0;
// for proper error handling
if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr)))
png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
if (RowPointers)
delete [] RowPointers;
return 0;
// changed by zola so we don't need to have public FILE pointers
png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, file, user_read_data_fcn);
png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, 8); // Tell png that we read the signature
png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); // Read the info section of the png file
u32 Width;
u32 Height;
s32 BitDepth;
s32 ColorType;
// Use temporary variables to avoid passing casted pointers
png_uint_32 w,h;
// Extract info
png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr,
&w, &h,
&BitDepth, &ColorType, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// Convert palette color to true color
// Convert low bit colors to 8 bit colors
if (BitDepth < 8)
if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS))
// Convert high bit colors to 8 bit colors
if (BitDepth == 16)
// Convert gray color to true color
// Update the changes in between, as we need to get the new color type
// for proper processing of the RGBA type
png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
// Use temporary variables to avoid passing casted pointers
png_uint_32 w,h;
// Extract info
png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr,
&w, &h,
&BitDepth, &ColorType, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// Convert RGBA to BGRA
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
// Create the image structure to be filled by png data
image = new CImage(ECF_A8R8G8B8, core::dimension2d<u32>(Width, Height));
image = new CImage(ECF_R8G8B8, core::dimension2d<u32>(Width, Height));
if (!image)
//os::Printer::log("LOAD PNG: Internal PNG create image struct failure\n", file->getFileName(), ELL_ERROR);
png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, NULL, NULL);
return 0;
// Create array of pointers to rows in image data
RowPointers = new png_bytep[Height];
if (!RowPointers)
//os::Printer::log("LOAD PNG: Internal PNG create row pointers failure\n", file->getFileName(), ELL_ERROR);
png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, NULL, NULL);
delete image;
return 0;
// Fill array of pointers to rows in image data
unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)image->lock();
for (u32 i=0; i<Height; ++i)
data += image->getPitch();
// for proper error handling
if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr)))
png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
delete [] RowPointers;
delete image;
return 0;
// Read data using the library function that handles all transformations including interlacing
png_read_image(png_ptr, RowPointers);
png_read_end(png_ptr, NULL);
delete [] RowPointers;
png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr,&info_ptr, 0); // Clean up memory
return image;
return 0;
core::dimension2du CImageLoaderPng::getImageSize(io::IReadFile* file) const
if (!file || !isALoadableFileFormat(file))
return core::dimension2du(0, 0);
core::dimension2d<u32> dim;
file->read(&dim.Width, 4);
file->read(&dim.Height, 4);
#ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN__
dim.Width = os::Byteswap::byteswap(dim.Width);
dim.Height = os::Byteswap::byteswap(dim.Height);
return dim;
return core::dimension2du(0, 0);
IImageLoader* createImageLoaderPNG()
return new CImageLoaderPng();
}// end namespace irr
}//end namespace video