git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 178a84e3-b1eb-0310-8ba1-8eac791a3b58
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713 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IAttributes.h"
#include "IAttribute.h"
namespace irr
namespace video
class ITexture;
class IVideoDriver;
namespace io
//! Implementation of the IAttributes interface
class CAttributes : public IAttributes
CAttributes(video::IVideoDriver* driver=0);
//! Returns amount of attributes in this collection of attributes.
virtual u32 getAttributeCount() const;
//! Returns attribute name by index.
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual const c8* getAttributeName(s32 index);
//! Returns the type of an attribute
//! \param attributeName: Name for the attribute
virtual E_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE getAttributeType(const c8* attributeName);
//! Returns attribute type by index.
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual E_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE getAttributeType(s32 index);
//! Returns the type string of the attribute
//! \param attributeName: String for the attribute type
virtual const wchar_t* getAttributeTypeString(const c8* attributeName);
//! Returns the type string of the attribute by index.
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual const wchar_t* getAttributeTypeString(s32 index);
//! Returns if an attribute with a name exists
virtual bool existsAttribute(const c8* attributeName);
//! Returns attribute index from name, -1 if not found
virtual s32 findAttribute(const c8* attributeName) const;
//! Removes all attributes
virtual void clear();
//! Reads attributes from a xml file.
//! \param readCurrentElementOnly: If set to true, reading only works if current element has the name 'attributes'.
//! IF set to false, the first appearing list attributes are read.
virtual bool read(io::IXMLReader* reader, bool readCurrentElementOnly=false,
const wchar_t* nonDefaultElementName = 0);
//! Write these attributes into a xml file
virtual bool write(io::IXMLWriter* writer, bool writeXMLHeader=false, const wchar_t* nonDefaultElementName=0);
Integer Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as integer
virtual void addInt(const c8* attributeName, s32 value);
//! Sets an attribute as integer value
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, s32 value);
//! Gets an attribute as integer value
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual s32 getAttributeAsInt(const c8* attributeName) const;
//! Gets an attribute as integer value
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual s32 getAttributeAsInt(s32 index) const;
//! Sets an attribute as integer value
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, s32 value);
Float Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as float
virtual void addFloat(const c8* attributeName, f32 value);
//! Sets a attribute as float value
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, f32 value);
//! Gets an attribute as float value
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual f32 getAttributeAsFloat(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as float value
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual f32 getAttributeAsFloat(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as float value
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, f32 value);
String Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as string
virtual void addString(const c8* attributeName, const c8* value);
//! Sets an attribute value as string.
//! \param attributeName: Name for the attribute
//! \param value: Value for the attribute. Set this to 0 to delete the attribute
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, const c8* value);
//! Gets an attribute as string.
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
//! or 0 if attribute is not set.
virtual core::stringc getAttributeAsString(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as string.
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \param target: Buffer where the string is copied to.
virtual void getAttributeAsString(const c8* attributeName, c8* target);
//! Returns attribute value as string by index.
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual core::stringc getAttributeAsString(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute value as string.
//! \param attributeName: Name for the attribute
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, const c8* value);
// wide strings
//! Adds an attribute as string
virtual void addString(const c8* attributeName, const wchar_t* value);
//! Sets an attribute value as string.
//! \param attributeName: Name for the attribute
//! \param value: Value for the attribute. Set this to 0 to delete the attribute
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, const wchar_t* value);
//! Gets an attribute as string.
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
//! or 0 if attribute is not set.
virtual core::stringw getAttributeAsStringW(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as string.
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \param target: Buffer where the string is copied to.
virtual void getAttributeAsStringW(const c8* attributeName, wchar_t* target);
//! Returns attribute value as string by index.
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual core::stringw getAttributeAsStringW(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute value as string.
//! \param attributeName: Name for the attribute
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, const wchar_t* value);
Binary Data Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as binary data
virtual void addBinary(const c8* attributeName, void* data, s32 dataSizeInBytes);
//! Sets an attribute as binary data
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, void* data, s32 dataSizeInBytes);
//! Gets an attribute as binary data
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
virtual void getAttributeAsBinaryData(const c8* attributeName, void* outData, s32 maxSizeInBytes);
//! Gets an attribute as binary data
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual void getAttributeAsBinaryData(s32 index, void* outData, s32 maxSizeInBytes);
//! Sets an attribute as binary data
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, void* data, s32 dataSizeInBytes);
Array Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as wide string array
virtual void addArray(const c8* attributeName, const core::array<core::stringw>& value);
//! Sets an attribute value as a wide string array.
//! \param attributeName: Name for the attribute
//! \param value: Value for the attribute. Set this to 0 to delete the attribute
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, const core::array<core::stringw>& value);
//! Gets an attribute as an array of wide strings.
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
//! or 0 if attribute is not set.
virtual core::array<core::stringw> getAttributeAsArray(const c8* attributeName);
//! Returns attribute value as an array of wide strings by index.
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual core::array<core::stringw> getAttributeAsArray(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as an array of wide strings
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, const core::array<core::stringw>& value);
Bool Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as bool
virtual void addBool(const c8* attributeName, bool value);
//! Sets an attribute as boolean value
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, bool value);
//! Gets an attribute as boolean value
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual bool getAttributeAsBool(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as boolean value
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual bool getAttributeAsBool(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as boolean value
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, bool value);
Enumeration Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as enum
virtual void addEnum(const c8* attributeName, const c8* enumValue, const c8* const* enumerationLiterals);
//! Adds an attribute as enum
virtual void addEnum(const c8* attributeName, s32 enumValue, const c8* const* enumerationLiterals);
//! Sets an attribute as enumeration
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, const c8* enumValue, const c8* const* enumerationLiterals);
//! Gets an attribute as enumeration
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual const c8* getAttributeAsEnumeration(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as enumeration
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \param enumerationLiteralsToUse: Use these enumeration literals to get the index value instead of the set ones.
//! This is useful when the attribute list maybe was read from an xml file, and only contains the enumeration string, but
//! no information about its index.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual s32 getAttributeAsEnumeration(const c8* attributeName, const c8* const* enumerationLiteralsToUse);
//! Gets an attribute as enumeration
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual s32 getAttributeAsEnumeration(s32 index, const c8* const* enumerationLiteralsToUse);
//! Gets an attribute as enumeration
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual const c8* getAttributeAsEnumeration(s32 index);
//! Gets the list of enumeration literals of an enumeration attribute
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
virtual void getAttributeEnumerationLiteralsOfEnumeration(const c8* attributeName, core::array<core::stringc>& outLiterals);
//! Gets the list of enumeration literals of an enumeration attribute
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual void getAttributeEnumerationLiteralsOfEnumeration(s32 index, core::array<core::stringc>& outLiterals);
//! Sets an attribute as enumeration
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, const c8* enumValue, const c8* const* enumerationLiterals);
SColor Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as color
virtual void addColor(const c8* attributeName, video::SColor value);
//! Sets a attribute as color
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, video::SColor color);
//! Gets an attribute as color
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual video::SColor getAttributeAsColor(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as color
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual video::SColor getAttributeAsColor(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as color
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, video::SColor color);
SColorf Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as floating point color
virtual void addColorf(const c8* attributeName, video::SColorf value);
//! Sets a attribute as floating point color
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, video::SColorf color);
//! Gets an attribute as floating point color
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual video::SColorf getAttributeAsColorf(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as floating point color
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual video::SColorf getAttributeAsColorf(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as floating point color
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, video::SColorf color);
Vector3d Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as 3d vector
virtual void addVector3d(const c8* attributeName, core::vector3df value);
//! Sets a attribute as 3d vector
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, core::vector3df v);
//! Gets an attribute as 3d vector
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual core::vector3df getAttributeAsVector3d(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as 3d vector
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual core::vector3df getAttributeAsVector3d(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as vector
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, core::vector3df v);
Vector2d Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as 2d vector
virtual void addVector2d(const c8* attributeName, core::vector2df value);
//! Sets a attribute as 2d vector
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, core::vector2df v);
//! Gets an attribute as 2d vector
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual core::vector2df getAttributeAsVector2d(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as 3d vector
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual core::vector2df getAttributeAsVector2d(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as vector
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, core::vector2df v);
Position2d Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as 2d position
virtual void addPosition2d(const c8* attributeName, core::position2di value);
//! Sets a attribute as 2d position
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, core::position2di v);
//! Gets an attribute as position
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual core::position2di getAttributeAsPosition2d(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as position
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual core::position2di getAttributeAsPosition2d(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as 2d position
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, core::position2di v);
Rectangle Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as rectangle
virtual void addRect(const c8* attributeName, core::rect<s32> value);
//! Sets an attribute as rectangle
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, core::rect<s32> v);
//! Gets an attribute as rectangle
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual core::rect<s32> getAttributeAsRect(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as rectangle
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual core::rect<s32> getAttributeAsRect(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as rectangle
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, core::rect<s32> v);
Dimension2d Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as dimension2d
virtual void addDimension2d(const c8* attributeName, core::dimension2d<u32> value);
//! Sets an attribute as dimension2d
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, core::dimension2d<u32> v);
//! Gets an attribute as dimension2d
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual core::dimension2d<u32> getAttributeAsDimension2d(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as dimension2d
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual core::dimension2d<u32> getAttributeAsDimension2d(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as dimension2d
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, core::dimension2d<u32> v);
matrix attribute
//! Adds an attribute as matrix
virtual void addMatrix(const c8* attributeName, const core::matrix4& v);
//! Sets an attribute as matrix
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, const core::matrix4& v);
//! Gets an attribute as a matrix4
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual core::matrix4 getAttributeAsMatrix(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as matrix
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual core::matrix4 getAttributeAsMatrix(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as matrix
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, const core::matrix4& v);
quaternion attribute
//! Adds an attribute as quaternion
virtual void addQuaternion(const c8* attributeName, core::quaternion v);
//! Sets an attribute as quaternion
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, core::quaternion v);
//! Gets an attribute as a quaternion
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual core::quaternion getAttributeAsQuaternion(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as quaternion
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual core::quaternion getAttributeAsQuaternion(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as quaternion
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, core::quaternion v);
3d bounding box
//! Adds an attribute as axis aligned bounding box
virtual void addBox3d(const c8* attributeName, core::aabbox3df v);
//! Sets an attribute as axis aligned bounding box
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, core::aabbox3df v);
//! Gets an attribute as a axis aligned bounding box
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual core::aabbox3df getAttributeAsBox3d(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as axis aligned bounding box
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual core::aabbox3df getAttributeAsBox3d(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as axis aligned bounding box
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, core::aabbox3df v);
//! Adds an attribute as 3d plane
virtual void addPlane3d(const c8* attributeName, core::plane3df v);
//! Sets an attribute as 3d plane
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, core::plane3df v);
//! Gets an attribute as a 3d plane
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual core::plane3df getAttributeAsPlane3d(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as 3d plane
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual core::plane3df getAttributeAsPlane3d(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as 3d plane
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, core::plane3df v);
3d triangle
//! Adds an attribute as 3d triangle
virtual void addTriangle3d(const c8* attributeName, core::triangle3df v);
//! Sets an attribute as 3d trianle
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, core::triangle3df v);
//! Gets an attribute as a 3d triangle
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual core::triangle3df getAttributeAsTriangle3d(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as 3d triangle
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual core::triangle3df getAttributeAsTriangle3d(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as 3d triangle
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, core::triangle3df v);
line 2d
//! Adds an attribute as a 2d line
virtual void addLine2d(const c8* attributeName, core::line2df v);
//! Sets an attribute as a 2d line
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, core::line2df v);
//! Gets an attribute as a 2d line
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual core::line2df getAttributeAsLine2d(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as a 2d line
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual core::line2df getAttributeAsLine2d(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as a 2d line
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, core::line2df v);
line 3d
//! Adds an attribute as a 3d line
virtual void addLine3d(const c8* attributeName, core::line3df v);
//! Sets an attribute as a 3d line
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, core::line3df v);
//! Gets an attribute as a 3d line
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
//! \return Returns value of the attribute previously set by setAttribute()
virtual core::line3df getAttributeAsLine3d(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as a 3d line
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual core::line3df getAttributeAsLine3d(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as a 3d line
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, core::line3df v);
Texture Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as texture reference
virtual void addTexture(const c8* attributeName, video::ITexture* texture, const io::path& filename = "");
//! Sets an attribute as texture reference
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, video::ITexture* texture, const io::path& filename = "");
//! Gets an attribute as texture reference
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
virtual video::ITexture* getAttributeAsTexture(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as texture reference
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual video::ITexture* getAttributeAsTexture(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as texture reference
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, video::ITexture* texture, const io::path& filename = "");
User Pointer Attribute
//! Adds an attribute as user pointner
virtual void addUserPointer(const c8* attributeName, void* userPointer);
//! Sets an attribute as user pointer
virtual void setAttribute(const c8* attributeName, void* userPointer);
//! Gets an attribute as user pointer
//! \param attributeName: Name of the attribute to get.
virtual void* getAttributeAsUserPointer(const c8* attributeName);
//! Gets an attribute as user pointer
//! \param index: Index value, must be between 0 and getAttributeCount()-1.
virtual void* getAttributeAsUserPointer(s32 index);
//! Sets an attribute as user pointer
virtual void setAttribute(s32 index, void* userPointer);
void readAttributeFromXML(io::IXMLReader* reader);
core::array<IAttribute*> Attributes;
IAttribute* getAttributeP(const c8* attributeName) const;
video::IVideoDriver* Driver;
} // end namespace io
} // end namespace irr