auria 157d316fa5 Removed annoying prints
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 178a84e3-b1eb-0310-8ba1-8eac791a3b58
2009-12-06 16:33:05 +00:00

647 lines
22 KiB

// SuperTuxKart - a fun racing game with go-kart
// Copyright (C) 2009 Marianne Gagnon
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "guiengine/engine.hpp"
#include "guiengine/widgets/dynamic_ribbon_widget.hpp"
#include "io/file_manager.hpp"
#include <sstream>
using namespace GUIEngine;
using namespace irr::core;
using namespace irr::gui;
#ifndef round
# define round(x) (floor(x+0.5f))
DynamicRibbonWidget::DynamicRibbonWidget(const bool combo, const int max_rows)
m_scroll_offset = 0;
m_needed_cols = 0;
m_col_amount = 0;
m_has_label = false;
m_previous_item_count = 0;
m_max_rows = max_rows;
m_combo = combo;
m_left_widget = NULL;
m_right_widget = NULL;
for (int n=0; n<MAX_PLAYER_COUNT; n++)
m_selected_item[n] = -1;
m_selected_item[0] = 0; // only player 0 has a selection by default
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DynamicRibbonWidget::add()
m_has_label = (m_text == "bottom");
m_label_height = m_has_label ? 25 : 0; // FIXME : get height from font, don't hardcode (what if label is multiline?)
// ----- add dynamic label at bottom
if (m_has_label)
// leave room for many lines, just in case
rect<s32> label_size = rect<s32>(x, y + h - m_label_height, x+w, y+h+m_label_height*5);
m_label = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addStaticText(L" ", label_size, false, true /* word wrap */, NULL, -1);
m_label->setTextAlignment( EGUIA_CENTER, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT );
// ---- add arrow buttons on each side
// FIXME? these arrow buttons are outside of the widget's boundaries
if (m_left_widget != NULL)
delete m_left_widget;
delete m_right_widget;
m_left_widget = new Widget();
m_right_widget = new Widget();
const int average_y = y + (h-m_label_height)/2;
m_arrows_w = 30;
const int button_h = 50;
// right arrow
rect<s32> right_arrow_location = rect<s32>(x + w - m_arrows_w,
average_y - button_h/2,
x + w,
average_y + button_h/2);
stringw rmessage = ">>";
IGUIButton* right_arrow = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(right_arrow_location, NULL, getNewNoFocusID(), rmessage.c_str(), L"");
m_right_widget->m_element = right_arrow;
m_right_widget->m_event_handler = this;
m_right_widget->m_properties[PROP_ID] = "right";
m_right_widget->id = right_arrow->getID();
m_children.push_back( m_right_widget );
// left arrow
rect<s32> left_arrow_location = rect<s32>(x,
average_y - button_h/2,
x + m_arrows_w,
average_y + button_h/2);
stringw lmessage = "<<";
IGUIButton* left_arrow = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(left_arrow_location, NULL, getNewNoFocusID(), lmessage.c_str(), L"");
m_left_widget->m_element = left_arrow;
m_left_widget->m_event_handler = this;
m_left_widget->m_properties[PROP_ID] = "left";
m_left_widget->id = left_arrow->getID();
m_children.push_back( m_left_widget );
// ---- Determine number of rows and columns
// Find children size (and ratio)
m_child_width = atoi(m_properties[PROP_CHILD_WIDTH].c_str());
m_child_height = atoi(m_properties[PROP_CHILD_HEIGHT].c_str());
if (m_child_width <= 0 || m_child_height <= 0)
std::cerr << "/!\\ Warning /!\\ : ribbon grid widgets require 'child_width' and 'child_height' arguments" << std::endl;
m_child_width = 256;
m_child_height = 256;
// determine row amonunt
m_row_amount = (int)round((h-m_label_height) / (float)m_child_height);
if (m_row_amount > m_max_rows) m_row_amount = m_max_rows;
// get and build a list of IDs (by now we may not yet know how many rows we will needs,
// but we need to get IDs *now* in order for tabbing to work.
for (int i=0; i<m_row_amount; i++)
m_ids[i] = getNewID();
std::cout << "ribbon : getNewID returns " << m_ids[i] << std::endl;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DynamicRibbonWidget::setSubElements()
// ---- Clean-up what was previously there
for (int i=0; i<m_children.size(); i++)
IGUIElement* elem = m_children[i].m_element;
if (elem != NULL && m_children[i].m_type == WTYPE_RIBBON)
if (i<0) i = 0;
m_rows.clearWithoutDeleting(); // rows already deleted above, don't double-delete
// ---- determine column amount
const float row_height = (float)(h - m_label_height)/(float)m_row_amount;
float ratio_zoom = (float)row_height / (float)(m_child_height - m_label_height);
m_col_amount = (int)round( w / ( m_child_width*ratio_zoom ) );
// ajust column amount to not add more items slot than we actually need
const int item_count = m_items.size();
std::cout << "item_count=" << item_count << ", row_amount*m_col_amount=" << m_row_amount*m_col_amount << std::endl;
if (m_row_amount*m_col_amount > item_count)
m_col_amount = (int)ceil((float)item_count/(float)m_row_amount);
std::cout << "Adjusting m_col_amount to be " << m_col_amount << std::endl;
// Hide arrows when everything is visible
if (item_count <= m_row_amount*m_col_amount)
// ---- add rows
for (int n=0; n<m_row_amount; n++)
RibbonWidget* ribbon;
if (m_combo)
ribbon = new RibbonWidget(RIBBON_COMBO);
ribbon = new RibbonWidget(RIBBON_TOOLBAR);
ribbon->m_reserved_id = m_ids[n];
ribbon->x = x + m_arrows_w;
ribbon->y = y + (int)(n*row_height);
ribbon->w = w - m_arrows_w*2;
ribbon->h = (int)(row_height);
ribbon->m_type = WTYPE_RIBBON;
std::stringstream name;
name << this->m_properties[PROP_ID] << "_row" << n;
ribbon->m_properties[PROP_ID] = name.str();
ribbon->m_event_handler = this;
// add columns
for(int i=0; i<m_col_amount; i++)
IconButtonWidget* icon = new IconButtonWidget();
// set size to get proper ratio (as most textures are saved scaled down to 256x256)
icon->m_properties[PROP_WIDTH] = m_properties[PROP_CHILD_WIDTH];
icon->m_properties[PROP_HEIGHT] = m_properties[PROP_CHILD_HEIGHT];
if (m_text == "all") icon->m_text = " ";
// std::cout << "ribbon text = " << m_properties[PROP_TEXT].c_str() << std::endl;
icon->m_type = WTYPE_ICON_BUTTON;
ribbon->m_children.push_back( icon );
m_children.push_back( ribbon );
m_rows.push_back( ribbon );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DynamicRibbonWidget::addItem( const irr::core::stringw& user_name, const std::string& code_name, const std::string& image_file )
ItemDescription desc;
desc.m_user_name = user_name;
desc.m_code_name = code_name;
desc.m_sshot_file = image_file;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DynamicRibbonWidget::clearItems()
void DynamicRibbonWidget::elementRemoved()
m_previous_item_count = 0;
m_left_widget = NULL;
m_right_widget = NULL;
#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Getters
const std::string& DynamicRibbonWidget::getSelectionIDString(const int playerID)
RibbonWidget* row = (RibbonWidget*)(m_rows.size() == 1 ? m_rows.get(0) : getSelectedRibbon(playerID));
if(row != NULL) return row->getSelectionIDString(playerID);
static const std::string nothing = "";
return nothing;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const irr::core::stringw& DynamicRibbonWidget::getSelectionText(const int playerID)
RibbonWidget* row = (RibbonWidget*)(m_rows.size() == 1 ? m_rows.get(0) : getSelectedRibbon(playerID));
if (row != NULL) return row->getSelectionText(playerID);
static const irr::core::stringw nothing = "";
return nothing;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RibbonWidget* DynamicRibbonWidget::getRowContaining(Widget* w) const
const int row_amount = m_rows.size();
for(int n=0; n<row_amount; n++)
const RibbonWidget* row = &m_rows[n];
if(row != NULL)
if(m_children.contains( w ) ) return (RibbonWidget*)row;
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RibbonWidget* DynamicRibbonWidget::getSelectedRibbon(const int playerID) const
const int row_amount = m_rows.size();
for(int n=0; n<row_amount; n++)
const RibbonWidget* row = &m_rows[n];
if (GUIEngine::isFocusedForPlayer(row, playerID))
return (RibbonWidget*)row;
return NULL;
#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Event Handling
void DynamicRibbonWidget::registerHoverListener(DynamicRibbonHoverListener* listener)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EventPropagation DynamicRibbonWidget::rightPressed(const int playerID)
RibbonWidget* w = getSelectedRibbon(playerID);
if (w != NULL)
const int listenerAmount = m_hover_listeners.size();
for (int n=0; n<listenerAmount; n++)
m_hover_listeners[n].onSelectionChanged(this, getSelectedRibbon(playerID)->getSelectionIDString(playerID),
getSelectedRibbon(playerID)->getSelectionText(playerID), playerID);
//std::cout << "rightpressed (dynamic ribbon) " << m_properties[PROP_ID] << "\n";
assert(m_rows.size() >= 1);
if (m_rows[0].m_ribbon_type == RIBBON_TOOLBAR) return EVENT_BLOCK;
//std::cout << " rightpressed returning EVENT_LET\n";
return EVENT_LET;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EventPropagation DynamicRibbonWidget::leftPressed(const int playerID)
RibbonWidget* w = getSelectedRibbon(playerID);
if (w != NULL)
const int listenerAmount = m_hover_listeners.size();
for (int n=0; n<listenerAmount; n++)
m_hover_listeners[n].onSelectionChanged(this, w->getSelectionIDString(playerID),
w->getSelectionText(playerID), playerID);
assert(m_rows.size() >= 1);
if (m_rows[0].m_ribbon_type == RIBBON_TOOLBAR) return EVENT_BLOCK;
return EVENT_LET;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EventPropagation DynamicRibbonWidget::transmitEvent(Widget* w, std::string& originator, const int playerID)
if (originator=="left")
if (originator=="right")
// find selection in current ribbon
if (m_combo)
RibbonWidget* selected_ribbon = (RibbonWidget*)getSelectedRibbon(playerID);
if (selected_ribbon != NULL)
m_selected_item[playerID] = selected_ribbon->m_selection[playerID] + m_scroll_offset;
if (m_selected_item[playerID] >= (int)m_items.size()) m_selected_item[playerID] -= m_items.size();
return EVENT_LET;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EventPropagation DynamicRibbonWidget::mouseHovered(Widget* child, const int playerID)
//std::cout << "DynamicRibbonWidget::mouseHovered " << playerID << std::endl;
if (getSelectedRibbon(playerID) != NULL)
const int listenerAmount = m_hover_listeners.size();
for (int n=0; n<listenerAmount; n++)
m_hover_listeners[n].onSelectionChanged(this, getSelectedRibbon(playerID)->getSelectionIDString(playerID),
getSelectedRibbon(playerID)->getSelectionText(playerID), playerID);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EventPropagation DynamicRibbonWidget::focused(const int playerID)
const int listenerAmount = m_hover_listeners.size();
for(int n=0; n<listenerAmount; n++)
m_hover_listeners[n].onSelectionChanged(this, getSelectedRibbon(playerID)->getSelectionIDString(playerID),
getSelectedRibbon(playerID)->getSelectionText(playerID), playerID);
return EVENT_LET;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DynamicRibbonWidget::onRowChange(RibbonWidget* row, const int playerID)
const int listenerAmount = m_hover_listeners.size();
for (int n=0; n<listenerAmount; n++)
m_hover_listeners[n].onSelectionChanged(this, row->getSelectionIDString(playerID),
row->getSelectionText(playerID), playerID);
#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Setters / Actions
void DynamicRibbonWidget::scroll(const int x_delta)
// Refuse to scroll when everything is visible
if ((int)m_items.size() <= m_row_amount*m_col_amount) return;
m_scroll_offset += x_delta;
const int max_scroll = std::max(m_col_amount, m_needed_cols) - 1;
if (m_scroll_offset < 0) m_scroll_offset = max_scroll;
else if (m_scroll_offset > max_scroll) m_scroll_offset = 0;
// update selection markers in child ribbon
if (m_combo)
for (int n=0; n<MAX_PLAYER_COUNT; n++)
RibbonWidget* ribbon = m_rows.get(0); // there is a single row when we can select items
int id = m_selected_item[n] - m_scroll_offset;
if (id < 0) id += m_items.size();
ribbon->setSelection(id, n);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** DynamicRibbonWidget is made of several ribbons; each of them thus has
its own selection independently of each other. To keep a grid feeling
(i.e. you remain in the same column when pressing up/down), this method is
used to ensure that all children ribbons always select the same column */
void DynamicRibbonWidget::propagateSelection()
for (int p=0; p<MAX_PLAYER_COUNT; p++)
// find selection in current ribbon
RibbonWidget* selected_ribbon = (RibbonWidget*)getSelectedRibbon(p);
if (selected_ribbon == NULL) continue;
const int relative_selection = selected_ribbon->m_selection[p];
if (m_combo)
m_selected_item[p] = relative_selection + m_scroll_offset;
if (m_selected_item[p] >= (int)m_items.size()) m_selected_item[p] -= m_items.size();
// set same selection in all ribbons
const int row_amount = m_rows.size();
for (int n=0; n<row_amount; n++)
RibbonWidget* ribbon = m_rows.get(n);
if (ribbon != selected_ribbon)
ribbon->m_selection[p] = relative_selection;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DynamicRibbonWidget::updateLabel(RibbonWidget* from_this_ribbon)
if (!m_has_label) return;
// FIXME? Don't hardcode player 0 (even though label can only work with a single player)
const int playerID = 0;
RibbonWidget* row = from_this_ribbon ? from_this_ribbon : (RibbonWidget*)getSelectedRibbon(playerID);
if (row == NULL) return;
std::string selection_id = row->getSelectionIDString(playerID);
const int amount = m_items.size();
for (int n=0; n<amount; n++)
if (m_items[n].m_code_name == selection_id)
m_label->setText( stringw(m_items[n].m_user_name.c_str()).c_str() );
m_label->setText( L"Random" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DynamicRibbonWidget::updateItemDisplay()
// Check if we need to update the number of icons in the ribbon
if ((int)m_items.size() != m_previous_item_count)
m_previous_item_count = m_items.size();
int icon_id = 0;
const int row_amount = m_rows.size();
const int item_amount = m_items.size();
m_needed_cols = (int)ceil( (float)item_amount / (float)row_amount );
const int max_scroll = std::max(m_col_amount, m_needed_cols) - 1;
for (int n=0; n<row_amount; n++)
RibbonWidget& row = m_rows[n];
for (int i=0; i<m_col_amount; i++)
IconButtonWidget* icon = dynamic_cast<IconButtonWidget*>(&row.m_children[i]);
assert(icon != NULL);
IGUIButton* button = icon->getIrrlichtElement<IGUIButton>();
assert(button != NULL);
int col_scroll = i + m_scroll_offset;
while (col_scroll > max_scroll) col_scroll -= max_scroll+1;
icon_id = (col_scroll)*row_amount + n;
if (icon_id < item_amount)
std::string track_sshot = m_items[icon_id].m_sshot_file;
button->setImage( GUIEngine::getDriver()->getTexture( track_sshot.c_str() ));
button->setPressedImage( GUIEngine::getDriver()->getTexture( track_sshot.c_str()) );
icon->m_properties[PROP_ID] = m_items[icon_id].m_code_name;
icon->m_text = m_items[icon_id].m_user_name;
row.setLabel(i, m_items[icon_id].m_user_name);
button->setImage( GUIEngine::getDriver()->getTexture( (file_manager->getGUIDir() + "/main_help.png").c_str() ) );
button->setPressedImage( GUIEngine::getDriver()->getTexture( (file_manager->getGUIDir() + "/main_help.png").c_str() ) );
icon->m_properties[PROP_ID] = "gui/main_help.png";
} // next column
} // next row
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool DynamicRibbonWidget::setSelection(int item_id, const int playerID, const bool focusIt)
m_selected_item[playerID] = item_id;
const std::string& name = m_items[item_id].m_code_name;
int row = -1;
int id;
for (int r=0; r<m_row_amount; r++)
//printf("Looking for %s in row %i\n", name.c_str(), r);
id = m_rows[r].findItemNamed(name.c_str());
if (id > -1)
row = r;
if (row == -1)
std::cerr << "DynamicRibbonWidget::setSelection cannot find item " << item_id << " (" << name.c_str() << ")\n";
return false;
//std::cout << "Player " << playerID << " has item " << item_id << " (" << name.c_str() << ") in row " << row << std::endl;
m_rows[row].setSelection(id, playerID);
if (focusIt) m_rows[row].setFocusForPlayer(playerID);
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool DynamicRibbonWidget::setSelection(const std::string item_codename, const int playerID, const bool focusIt)
const int item_count = m_items.size();
for (int n=0; n<item_count; n++)
if (m_items[n].m_code_name == item_codename)
return setSelection(n, playerID, focusIt);
return false;