Fixes: Signed-off-by: Igor Gnatenko <>
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731 lines
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AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
Andreas Jonsson
Assembly routines for the ARM call convention
Written by Fredrik Ehnbom in June 2009
Adapted to GNUC by darktemplar216 in September 2009
Modified by Lasse Oorni for 8-byte stack alignment in May 2012
The assembler routines for Linux were written by Carlos Luna in December 2012
#if !defined(AS_MAX_PORTABILITY)
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__ARM__) || defined(I3D_ARCH_ARM)
#if !defined(__linux__) || defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(ANDROID) || defined(__SOFTFP__)
/* iOS, Android, Marmalade, and Linux with soft-float ABI goes here */
.global armFunc
.global armFuncR0
.global armFuncR0R1
.global armFuncObjLast
.global armFuncR0ObjLast
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
stmdb sp!, {r4-r8, lr}
mov r6, r0 /* arg table */
movs r7, r1 /* arg size (also set the condition code flags so that we detect if there are no arguments) */
mov r4, r2 /* function address */
mov r8, #0
beq nomoreargs
/* Load the first 4 arguments into r0-r3 */
cmp r7, #4
ldrge r0, [r6],#4
cmp r7, #2*4
ldrge r1, [r6],#4
cmp r7, #3*4
ldrge r2, [r6],#4
cmp r7, #4*4
ldrge r3, [r6],#4
ble nomoreargs
/* Load the rest of the arguments onto the stack */
sub r7, r7, #4*4 /* skip the 4 registers already loaded into r0-r3 */
add r8, r7, #4 /* ensure 8-byte stack alignment */
bic r8, r8, #4
sub sp, sp, r8
mov r12, sp /* copy size != frame size, so store frame start sp */
ldr r5, [r6], #4
str r5, [sp], #4
subs r7, r7, #4
bne stackargsloop
mov sp, r12
#if defined (__ARM_ARCH_4T__) || defined (__ARM_ARCH_4__)
mov lr, pc /* older ARM didn't support blx */
mov pc, r4
blx r4
add sp, sp, r8
ldmia sp!, {r4-r8, pc}
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
stmdb sp!, {r4-r8, lr}
mov r6, r0 /* arg table */
movs r7, r1 /* arg size (also set the condition code flags so that we detect if there are no arguments) */
mov r4, r2 /* function address */
mov r8, #0
mov r0, r3 /* objlast. might get overwritten */
mov r5, r3 /* objlast to temp reg */
beq nomoreargsarmFuncObjLast
/* Load the first 4 arguments into r0-r3 */
cmp r7, #4
ldrge r0, [r6],#4
cmp r7, #2*4
ldrge r1, [r6],#4
movlt r1, r5
cmp r7, #3*4
ldrge r2, [r6],#4
movlt r2, r5
cmp r7, #4*4
ldrge r3, [r6],#4
movlt r3, r5
blt nomoreargsarmFuncObjLast
/* Load the rest of the arguments onto the stack */
sub r7, r7, #4*4 /* skip the 4 registers already loaded into r0-r3 */
add r8, r7, #8 /* account for the objlast pointer, ensure 8-byte stack alignment */
bic r8, r8, #4
str r5, [sp,#-4] /* store the objlast on stack, twice in case we adjusted alignment */
str r5, [sp,#-8]
sub sp, sp, r8 /* adjust frame */
cmp r7, #0 /* we may also have come here with no extra params */
beq nomoreargsarmFuncObjLast
mov r12, sp /* copy size != frame size, so store frame start sp */
ldr r5, [r6], #4
str r5, [sp], #4
subs r7, r7, #4
bne stackargslooparmFuncObjLast
mov sp, r12
#if defined (__ARM_ARCH_4T__) || defined (__ARM_ARCH_4__)
mov lr, pc /* older ARM didn't support blx */
mov pc, r4
blx r4
add sp, sp, r8
ldmia sp!, {r4-r8, pc}
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
stmdb sp!, {r4-r8, lr}
ldr r5, [sp,#6*4] /* objlast to temp reg */
mov r6, r0 /* arg table */
movs r7, r1 /* arg size (also set the condition code flags so that we detect if there are no arguments) */
mov r4, r2 /* function address */
mov r8, #0
mov r0, r3 /* r0 explicitly set */
mov r1, r5 /* objlast. might get overwritten */
beq nomoreargsarmFuncR0ObjLast
/* Load the first 3 arguments into r1-r3 */
cmp r7, #1*4
ldrge r1, [r6],#4
cmp r7, #2*4
ldrge r2, [r6],#4
movlt r2, r5
cmp r7, #3*4
ldrge r3, [r6],#4
movlt r3, r5
blt nomoreargsarmFuncR0ObjLast
/* Load the rest of the arguments onto the stack */
sub r7, r7, #3*4 /* skip the 3 registers already loaded into r1-r3 */
add r8, r7, #8 /* account for the objlast pointer, ensure 8-byte stack alignment */
bic r8, r8, #4
str r5, [sp,#-4] /* store the objlast on stack, twice in case we adjusted alignment */
str r5, [sp,#-8]
sub sp, sp, r8 /* adjust frame */
cmp r7, #0 /* we may also have come here with no extra params */
beq nomoreargsarmFuncR0ObjLast
mov r12, sp /* copy size != frame size, so store frame start sp */
ldr r5, [r6], #4
str r5, [sp], #4
subs r7, r7, #4
bne stackargslooparmFuncR0ObjLast
mov sp, r12
#if defined (__ARM_ARCH_4T__) || defined (__ARM_ARCH_4__)
mov lr, pc /* older ARM didn't support blx */
mov pc, r4
blx r4
add sp, sp, r8
ldmia sp!, {r4-r8, pc}
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
stmdb sp!, {r4-r8, lr}
mov r6, r0 /* arg table */
movs r7, r1 /* arg size (also set the condition code flags so that we detect if there are no arguments) */
mov r4, r2 /* function address */
mov r8, #0
mov r0, r3 /* r0 explicitly set */
beq nomoreargsarmFuncR0
/* Load the first 3 arguments into r1-r3 */
cmp r7, #1*4
ldrge r1, [r6],#4
cmp r7, #2*4
ldrge r2, [r6],#4
cmp r7, #3*4
ldrge r3, [r6],#4
ble nomoreargsarmFuncR0
/* Load the rest of the arguments onto the stack */
sub r7, r7, #3*4 /* skip the 3 registers already loaded into r1-r3 */
add r8, r7, #4 /* ensure 8-byte stack alignment */
bic r8, r8, #4
sub sp, sp, r8
mov r12, sp /* copy size != frame size, so store frame start sp */
ldr r5, [r6], #4
str r5, [sp], #4
subs r7, r7, #4
bne stackargslooparmFuncR0
mov sp, r12
#if defined (__ARM_ARCH_4T__) || defined (__ARM_ARCH_4__)
mov lr, pc /* older ARM didn't support blx */
mov pc, r4
blx r4
add sp, sp, r8
ldmia sp!, {r4-r8, pc}
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
stmdb sp!, {r4-r8, lr}
mov r6, r0 /* arg table */
movs r7, r1 /* arg size (also set the condition code flags so that we detect if there are no arguments) */
mov r4, r2 /* function address */
mov r8, #0
mov r0, r3 /* r0 explicitly set */
ldr r1, [sp, #6*4] /* r1 explicitly set too */
beq nomoreargsarmFuncR0R1
/* Load the first 2 arguments into r2-r3 */
cmp r7, #1*4
ldrge r2, [r6],#4
cmp r7, #2*4
ldrge r3, [r6],#4
ble nomoreargsarmFuncR0R1
/* Load the rest of the arguments onto the stack */
sub r7, r7, #2*4 /* skip the 2 registers already loaded into r2-r3 */
add r8, r7, #4 /* ensure 8-byte stack alignment */
bic r8, r8, #4
sub sp, sp, r8
mov r12, sp /* copy size != frame size, so store frame start sp */
ldr r5, [r6], #4
str r5, [sp], #4
subs r7, r7, #4
bne stackargslooparmFuncR0R1
mov sp, r12
#if defined (__ARM_ARCH_4T__) || defined (__ARM_ARCH_4__)
mov lr, pc /* older ARM didn't support blx */
mov pc, r4
blx r4
add sp, sp, r8
ldmia sp!, {r4-r8, pc}
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#elif defined(__linux__) && !defined(__SOFTFP__)
/* The Linux with hard-float ABI code goes here */
/* These codes are suitable for armeabi + vfp / armeabihf */
/* when using armeabi + vfp, please set C_FLAGS -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfp */
/* using armeabihf, please set C_FLAGS -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 */
/* if you prefer to run in ARM mode, please add -marm to C_FLAGS */
/* while using thumb mode, please add -mthumb -Wa,-mimplicit-it=thumb */
/* SP is a multiple of 8 when control first enters a program.*/
/* This places an obligation on authors of low level OS, RTOS, and runtime library code to align SP at all points */
/* at which control first enters a body of (AAPCS-conforming) code. (please read "ARM IHI 0046B" document)*/
.section .text
.align 2 /* Align the function code to a 4-byte (2^n) word boundary. */
#if defined(__thumb__) || defined(__thumb2__)
.syntax unified
.arm /* Use ARM instructions instead of Thumb.*/
.globl armFunc /* Make the function globally accessible.*/
push {r4-r8, r10, r11, lr} /* sp must be 8-byte alignment for ABI compliance, so the pushed registers must be even */
mov r6, r0 /* arg table */
movs r7, r1 /* arg size (also set the condition code flags so that we detect if there are no arguments) */
mov r4, r2 /* function address */
/* Load float and double args into d0-d7 and s0-s15 */
add r10, r6, #272 /* r10 (r6 + 272) points to the first value for the VFP registers */
mov r8, #0
vldmia.64 r10, {d0-d7} /* Load contents starting at r10 into registers d0-d7 */
/* If there are no arguments to set into r0-r3 */
/* go check if there are arguments for the stack */
beq stackargs
/* Load the first 4 arguments into r0-r3 */
cmp r7, #4
ldrge r0, [r6]
cmp r7, #8
ldrge r1, [r6, #4]
cmp r7, #12
ldrge r2, [r6, #8]
cmp r7, #16
ldrge r3, [r6, #12]
ldr r5, [r6, #268] /* Load stack size into r5 */
movs r7, r5 /* Load stack size into r7, checking for 0 args */
/* If there are no args for the stack, branch */
beq nomoreargs
/* Load the rest of the arguments onto the stack */
/* Ensure 8-byte stack alignment */
mov r8, sp
sub sp, sp, r7
add r6, r6, #16 /* Set r6 to point to the first arg to be placed on the stack */
sub r12, sp, #8
bic r12, r12, #7 /* thumb mode couldn't support "bic sp, sp, #7" instruction */
sub r8, r8, r12
mov sp, r12 /* copy size != frame size, so store frame start sp, r12(ip) is not callee saved register */
ldr r5, [r6], #4
subs r7, r7, #4
str r5, [sp], #4
bne stackargsloop
mov sp, r12
#if defined (__ARM_ARCH_4T__) || defined (__ARM_ARCH_4__)
mov lr, pc /* older ARM didn't support blx */
mov pc, r4
blx r4
add sp, sp, r8
vstmia.64 r10, {d0-d7} /* Copy contents of registers d0-d7 to the address stored in r10 */
pop {r4-r8, r10, r11, pc}
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
.align 2 /* Align the function code to a 4-byte (2^n) word boundary. */
#if defined(__thumb__) || defined(__thumb2__)
.syntax unified
.arm /* Use ARM instructions instead of Thumb.*/
.globl armFuncObjLast /* Make the function globally accessible.*/
push {r4-r8, r10, r11, lr} /* We<EFBFBD>re storing r11 just to keep the stack aligned to an 8 byte boundary */
mov r6, r0 /* arg table */
movs r7, r1 /* arg size (also set the condition code flags so that we detect if there are no arguments) */
mov r4, r2 /* function address */
mov r0, r3 /* objlast. might get overwritten */
mov r5, #0 /* This will hold an offset of #4 only if objlast couldn<EFBFBD>t be placed into an "r" register */
/* Load float and double args into d0-d7 and s0-s15 (r10 holds pointer to first float value) */
add r10, r6, #272 /* r10 (r6 + 272) points to the first value for the VFP registers */
mov r8, #0
vldmia.64 r10, {d0-d7} /* Load contents starting at r10 into registers d0-d7 */
/* If there are no arguments to set into r0-r3 */
/* go check if there are arguments for the stack */
beq stackargsFuncObjLast
mov r5, r3 /* store objlast in r5 temporarily */
/* Load the first 4 arguments into r0-r3 */
cmp r7, #4
ldrge r0, [r6]
cmp r7, #8
ldrge r1, [r6,#4]
movlt r1, r5
cmp r7, #12
ldrge r2, [r6,#8]
movlt r2, r5
cmp r7, #16
ldrge r3, [r6,#12]
movlt r3, r5
movlt r5, #0 /* If objlast got placed into a register, r5 = 0 */
blt stackargsFuncObjLast /* If objlast got placed into a register, go to stackargsFuncObjLast */
str r5, [r6, #12] /* Put objlast in r6 + 12 */
mov r5, #4 /* Set r5 with an offset of #4, so objlast can be loaded into the stack */
ldr r7, [r6, #268] /* Load stack size into r7 */
add r7, r7, r5 /* Add the offset placed in r5 (could be #0 or #4) */
cmp r7, #0 /* Check for 0 args */
/* If there are no args for the stack, branch */
beq nomoreargsarmFuncObjLast
/* Load the rest of the arguments onto the stack */
/* Ensure 8-byte stack alignment */
mov r8, sp
sub sp, sp, r7
add r6, r6, #16 /* Set r6 to point to the first arg to be placed on the stack */
sub r12, sp, #8
sub r6, r6, r5 /* r6 = r6 - r5 (r5 can be #0 or #4) */
bic r12, r12, #7 /* thumb mode couldn't support "bic sp, sp, #7" instruction */
sub r8, r8, r12
mov sp, r12 /* copy size != frame size, so store frame start sp, r12(ip) is not callee saved register */
ldr r5, [r6], #4
subs r7, r7, #4
str r5, [sp], #4
bne stackargslooparmFuncObjLast
mov sp, r12
#if defined (__ARM_ARCH_4T__) || defined (__ARM_ARCH_4__)
mov lr, pc /* older ARM didn't support blx */
mov pc, r4
blx r4
add sp, sp, r8
vstmia.64 r10, {d0-d7} /* Copy contents of registers d0-d10 to the address stored in r10 */
pop {r4-r8, r10,r11, pc}
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
.align 2 /* Align the function code to a 4-byte (2^n) word boundary. */
#if defined(__thumb__) || defined(__thumb2__)
.syntax unified
.arm /* Use ARM instructions instead of Thumb.*/
.globl armFuncR0ObjLast /* Make the function globally accessible.*/
push {r4-r8, r10, r11, lr}
ldr r5, [sp,#32] /* objlast to temp reg */
mov r6, r0 /* arg table */
movs r7, r1 /* arg size (also set the condition code flags so that we detect if there are no arguments) */
mov r4, r2 /* function address */
mov r0, r3 /* r0 explicitly set */
mov r1, r5 /* objlast. might get overwritten */
mov r5, #0 /* This will hold an offset of #4 or #8 if objlast or one arg couldn<EFBFBD>t be placed into an "r" register */
/* Load float and double args into d0-d7 and s0-s15 (r10 holds pointer to first float value) */
add r10, r6, #272 /* r10 (r6 + 272) points to the first value for the VFP registers */
mov r8, #0
vldmia.64 r10, {d0-d7} /* Load contents starting at r10 into registers d0-d7 */
/* If there are no arguments to set into r0-r3 */
/* go check if there are arguments for the stack */
beq stackargsFuncR0ObjLast
mov r5, r1 /* store objlast in r5 temporarily */
/* Load the first 3 arguments into r1-r3 */
cmp r7, #4
ldrge r1, [r6]
cmp r7, #8
ldrge r2, [r6,#4]
movlt r2, r5
cmp r7, #12
ldrge r3, [r6,#8]
movlt r3, r5
movlt r5, #0 /* If objlast got placed into a register, r5 = 0 */
blt stackargsFuncR0ObjLast /* If objlast got placed into a register, go to stackargsFuncR0ObjLast */
cmp r7, #16 /* Else if we have one last arg set the offset accordingly and store the arg in the array */
ldrge r7, [r6, #12]
strge r7, [r6, #8]
str r5, [r6, #12] /* Put objlast in r6 + 12 */
mov r5, #0
movge r5, #4 /* Set r5 with an offset of #4 if there<EFBFBD>s one last arg that couldn<EFBFBD>t be placed in r registers */
add r5, r5, #4 /* Set r5 with an offset of + #4, so objlast can be loaded into the stack */
ldr r7, [r6, #268] /* Load stack size into r7 */
add r7, r7, r5 /* Add the offset placed in r5 (could be #0 or #4) */
cmp r7, #0 /* Check for 0 args */
/* If there are no args for the stack, branch */
beq nomoreargsarmFuncR0ObjLast
/* Load the rest of the arguments onto the stack */
/* Ensure 8-byte stack alignment */
mov r8, sp
sub sp, sp, r7
add r6, r6, #16 /* Set r6 to point to the first arg to be placed on the stack */
sub r12, sp, #8
sub r6, r6, r5 /* r6 = r6 - r5 (r5 can be #0 or #4) */
bic r12, r12, #7 /* thumb mode couldn't support "bic sp, sp, #7" instruction */
sub r8, r8, r12
mov sp, r12 /* copy size != frame size, so store frame start sp, r12(ip) is not callee saved register */
ldr r5, [r6], #4
subs r7, r7, #4
str r5, [sp], #4
bne stackargslooparmFuncR0ObjLast
mov sp, r12
#if defined (__ARM_ARCH_4T__) || defined (__ARM_ARCH_4__)
mov lr, pc /* older ARM didn't support blx */
mov pc, r4
blx r4
add sp, sp, r8
vstmia.64 r10, {d0-d7} /* Copy contents of registers d0-d10 to the address stored in r10 */
pop {r4-r8, r10, r11, pc}
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
.align 2 /* Align the function code to a 4-byte (2^n) word boundary. */
#if defined(__thumb__) || defined(__thumb2__)
.syntax unified
.arm /* Use ARM instructions instead of Thumb.*/
.globl armFuncR0 /* Make the function globally accessible.*/
push {r4-r8, r10, r11, lr}
mov r6, r0 /* arg table */
movs r7, r1 /* arg size (also set the condition code flags so that we detect if there are no arguments) */
mov r4, r2 /* function address */
mov r11, #0 /* This will hold an offset of #4 only if the last arg that should have been placed into an "r" reg needs to go to the stack */
mov r0, r3 /* r0 explicitly set */
/* Load float and double args into d0-d7 and s0-s15 (r10 holds pointer to first float value) */
add r10, r6, #272 /* r10 (r6 + 272) points to the first value for the VFP registers */
mov r8, #0
vldmia.64 r10, {d0-d7} /* Load contents starting at r10 into registers d0-d7 */
/* If there are no arguments to set into r0-r3 */
/* go check if there are arguments for the stack */
beq stackargsarmFuncR0
/* Load the first 3 arguments into r1-r3 */
cmp r7, #4
ldrge r1, [r6]
cmp r7, #8
ldrge r2, [r6, #4]
cmp r7, #12
ldrge r3, [r6, #8]
cmp r7, #16
movge r11, #4 /* If there is still one arg to be placed, set the offset in r11 to #4 */
ldr r5, [r6, #268] /* Load stack size into r5 */
add r5, r11 /* Add the offset placed in r11 (could be #0 or #4) */
movs r7, r5 /* Load stack size into r7, checking for 0 args */
/* If there are no args for the stack, branch */
beq nomoreargsarmFuncR0
/* Load the rest of the arguments onto the stack */
/* Ensure 8-byte stack alignment */
mov r8, sp
sub sp, sp, r7
add r6, r6, #16 /* Set r6 to point to the first arg to be placed on the stack */
sub r12, sp, #8
sub r6, r6, r11 /* r6 = r6 - r11 (r11 can be #0 or #4) */
bic r12, r12, #7 /* thumb mode couldn't support "bic sp, sp, #7" instruction */
sub r8, r8, r12
mov sp, r12 /* copy size != frame size, so store frame start sp, r12(ip) is not callee saved register */
ldr r5, [r6], #4
subs r7, r7, #4
str r5, [sp], #4
bne stackargslooparmFuncR0
mov sp, r12
#if defined (__ARM_ARCH_4T__) || defined (__ARM_ARCH_4__)
mov lr, pc /* older ARM didn't support blx */
mov pc, r4
blx r4
add sp, sp, r8
vstmia.64 r10, {d0-d7} /* Copy contents of registers d0-d10 to the address stored in r10 */
pop {r4-r8, r10, r11, pc}
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
.align 2 /* Align the function code to a 4-byte (2^n) word boundary. */
#if defined(__thumb__) || defined(__thumb2__)
.syntax unified
.arm /* Use ARM instructions instead of Thumb.*/
.globl armFuncR0R1 /* Make the function globally accessible.*/
push {r4-r8, r10, r11, lr}
mov r6, r0 /* arg table */
movs r7, r1 /* arg size (also set the condition code flags so that we detect if there are no arguments) */
mov r4, r2 /* function address */
mov r11, #0 /* This will hold an offset of #4 or #8 only if the last arg (or last 2 args) that should have been placed into "r" regs need to go to the stack */
mov r0, r3 /* r0 explicitly set */
ldr r1, [sp, #32] /* r1 explicitly set too */
/* Load float and double args into d0-d7 and s0-s15 (r10 holds pointer to first float value) */
add r10, r6, #272 /* r10 (r6 + 272) points to the first value for the VFP registers */
mov r8, #0
vldmia.64 r10, {d0-d7} /* Load contents starting at r10 into registers d0-d7 */
/* If there are no arguments to set into r2-r3 */
/* go check if there are arguments for the stack */
beq stackargsarmFuncR0R1
/* Load the first 2 arguments into r2-r3 */
cmp r7, #4
ldrge r2, [r6]
cmp r7, #8
ldrge r3, [r6, #4]
cmp r7, #12
movge r11, #4 /* If there is a third arg to be placed, set the offset in r11 to #4 */
cmp r7, #16
movge r11, #8 /* If there is a fourth arg to be placed, set the offset in r11 to #8 */
ldrlt r7, [r6, #8] /* Else copy the third arg to the correct place in the array */
strlt r7, [r6, #12]
ldr r5, [r6, #268] /* Load stack size into r5 */
add r5, r11 /* Add the offset placed in r11 (could be #0 or #4 or #8) */
movs r7, r5 /* Load stack size into r7, checking for 0 args */
/* If there are no args for the stack, branch */
beq nomoreargsarmFuncR0R1
/* Load the rest of the arguments onto the stack */
/* Ensure 8-byte stack alignment */
mov r8, sp
sub sp, sp, r7
add r6, r6, #16 /* Set r6 to point to the first arg to be placed on the stack */
sub r12, sp, #8
sub r6, r6, r11 /* r6 = r6 - r11 (r11 can be #0 or #4 or #8) */
bic r12, r12, #7 /* thumb mode couldn't support "bic sp, sp, #7" instruction */
sub r8, r8, r12
mov sp, r12 /* copy size != frame size, so store frame start sp, r12(ip) is not callee saved register */
ldr r5, [r6], #4
subs r7, r7, #4
str r5, [sp], #4
bne stackargslooparmFuncR0R1
mov sp, r12
#if defined (__ARM_ARCH_4T__) || defined (__ARM_ARCH_4__)
mov lr, pc /* older ARM didn't support blx */
mov pc, r4
blx r4
add sp, sp, r8
vstmia.64 r10, {d0-d7} /* Copy contents of registers d0-d10 to the address stored in r10 */
pop {r4-r8, r10, r11, pc}
#endif /* hard float abi */
#endif /* arm */
#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__ELF__)
/* ref:
ref: */
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
#endif /* !AS_MAX_PORTABILITY */