Fixes: Signed-off-by: Igor Gnatenko <>
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260 lines
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AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
Andreas Jonsson
// as_builder.h
// This is the class that manages the compilation of the scripts
#ifndef AS_BUILDER_H
#define AS_BUILDER_H
#include "as_config.h"
#include "as_symboltable.h"
#include "as_scriptengine.h"
#include "as_module.h"
#include "as_array.h"
#include "as_scriptcode.h"
#include "as_scriptnode.h"
#include "as_datatype.h"
#include "as_property.h"
// Forward declare the structure, as it is part of some function signatures used even without the compiler
struct sGlobalVariableDescription;
struct sFunctionDescription
asCScriptCode *script;
asCScriptNode *node;
asCString name;
asCObjectType *objType;
asCArray<asCString> paramNames;
int funcId;
bool isExistingShared;
struct sGlobalVariableDescription
asCScriptCode *script;
asCScriptNode *declaredAtNode;
asCScriptNode *initializationNode;
asCString name;
asCGlobalProperty *property;
asCDataType datatype;
asSNameSpace *ns;
int index;
bool isCompiled;
bool isPureConstant;
bool isEnumValue;
asQWORD constantValue;
struct sPropertyInitializer
sPropertyInitializer() : declNode(0), initNode(0), file(0) {}
sPropertyInitializer(const asCString &nm, asCScriptNode *decl, asCScriptNode *init, asCScriptCode *f) : name(nm), declNode(decl), initNode(init), file(f) {}
sPropertyInitializer &operator=(const sPropertyInitializer &o) {name =; declNode = o.declNode; initNode = o.initNode; file = o.file; return *this;}
asCString name;
asCScriptNode *declNode;
asCScriptNode *initNode;
asCScriptCode *file;
struct sClassDeclaration
sClassDeclaration() {script = 0; node = 0; validState = 0; typeInfo = 0; isExistingShared = false; isFinal = false;}
asCScriptCode *script;
asCScriptNode *node;
asCString name;
int validState;
asCTypeInfo *typeInfo;
bool isExistingShared;
bool isFinal;
asCArray<sPropertyInitializer> propInits;
struct sFuncDef
asCScriptCode *script;
asCScriptNode *node;
asCString name;
int idx;
struct sMixinClass
asCScriptCode *script;
asCScriptNode *node;
asCString name;
asSNameSpace *ns;
#endif // AS_NO_COMPILER
class asCBuilder
asCBuilder(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCModule *module);
// These methods are used by the application interface
int VerifyProperty(asCDataType *dt, const char *decl, asCString &outName, asCDataType &outType, asSNameSpace *ns);
int ParseDataType(const char *datatype, asCDataType *result, asSNameSpace *implicitNamespace, bool isReturnType = false);
int ParseTemplateDecl(const char *decl, asCString *name, asCArray<asCString> &subtypeNames);
int ParseFunctionDeclaration(asCObjectType *type, const char *decl, asCScriptFunction *func, bool isSystemFunction, asCArray<bool> *paramAutoHandles = 0, bool *returnAutoHandle = 0, asSNameSpace *ns = 0, asCScriptNode **outListPattern = 0, asCObjectType **outParentClass = 0);
int ParseVariableDeclaration(const char *decl, asSNameSpace *implicitNamespace, asCString &outName, asSNameSpace *&outNamespace, asCDataType &outDt);
int CheckNameConflict(const char *name, asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *code, asSNameSpace *ns);
int CheckNameConflictMember(asCTypeInfo *type, const char *name, asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *code, bool isProperty);
int AddCode(const char *name, const char *code, int codeLength, int lineOffset, int sectionIdx, bool makeCopy);
int Build();
int CompileFunction(const char *sectionName, const char *code, int lineOffset, asDWORD compileFlags, asCScriptFunction **outFunc);
int CompileGlobalVar(const char *sectionName, const char *code, int lineOffset);
friend class asCModule;
friend class asCParser;
friend class asCScriptFunction;
friend class asCScriptEngine;
void Reset();
void WriteInfo(const asCString &scriptname, const asCString &msg, int r, int c, bool preMessage);
void WriteInfo(const asCString &msg, asCScriptCode *file, asCScriptNode *node);
void WriteError(const asCString &scriptname, const asCString &msg, int r, int c);
void WriteError(const asCString &msg, asCScriptCode *file, asCScriptNode *node);
void WriteWarning(const asCString &scriptname, const asCString &msg, int r, int c);
void WriteWarning(const asCString &msg, asCScriptCode *file, asCScriptNode *node);
bool DoesGlobalPropertyExist(const char *prop, asSNameSpace *ns, asCGlobalProperty **outProp = 0, sGlobalVariableDescription **outDesc = 0, bool *isAppProp = 0);
asCGlobalProperty *GetGlobalProperty(const char *prop, asSNameSpace *ns, bool *isCompiled, bool *isPureConstant, asQWORD *constantValue, bool *isAppProp);
int ValidateDefaultArgs(asCScriptCode *script, asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptFunction *func);
asCString GetCleanExpressionString(asCScriptNode *n, asCScriptCode *file);
asSNameSpace *GetNameSpaceFromNode(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *script, asSNameSpace *implicitNs, asCScriptNode **next, asCObjectType **objType = 0);
asSNameSpace *GetNameSpaceByString(const asCString &nsName, asSNameSpace *implicitNs, asCScriptNode *errNode, asCScriptCode *script, asCTypeInfo **scopeType = 0, bool isRequired = true);
asCString GetScopeFromNode(asCScriptNode *n, asCScriptCode *script, asCScriptNode **next = 0);
asCTypeInfo *GetType(const char *type, asSNameSpace *ns, asCObjectType *parentType);
asCObjectType *GetObjectType(const char *type, asSNameSpace *ns);
asCFuncdefType *GetFuncDef(const char *type, asSNameSpace *ns, asCObjectType *parentType);
asCTypeInfo *GetTypeFromTypesKnownByObject(const char *type, asCObjectType *currentType);
asCDataType CreateDataTypeFromNode(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *implicitNamespace, bool acceptHandleForScope = false, asCObjectType *currentType = 0, bool reportError = true, bool *isValid = 0);
asCObjectType *GetTemplateInstanceFromNode(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asCObjectType *templateType, asSNameSpace *implicitNamespace, asCObjectType *currentType, asCScriptNode **next = 0);
asCDataType ModifyDataTypeFromNode(const asCDataType &type, asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asETypeModifiers *inOutFlag, bool *autoHandle);
int numErrors;
int numWarnings;
bool silent;
asCScriptEngine *engine;
asCModule *module;
friend class asCCompiler;
int CheckForConflictsDueToDefaultArgs(asCScriptCode *script, asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptFunction *func, asCObjectType *objType);
int GetNamespaceAndNameFromNode(asCScriptNode *n, asCScriptCode *script, asSNameSpace *implicitNs, asSNameSpace *&outNs, asCString &outName);
int RegisterMixinClass(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *ns);
sMixinClass *GetMixinClass(const char *name, asSNameSpace *ns);
void IncludePropertiesFromMixins(sClassDeclaration *decl);
void IncludeMethodsFromMixins(sClassDeclaration *decl);
void AddInterfaceToClass(sClassDeclaration *decl, asCScriptNode *errNode, asCObjectType *intf);
void AddInterfaceFromMixinToClass(sClassDeclaration *decl, asCScriptNode *errNode, sMixinClass *mixin);
int RegisterScriptFunctionFromNode(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asCObjectType *object = 0, bool isInterface = false, bool isGlobalFunction = false, asSNameSpace *ns = 0, bool isExistingShared = false, bool isMixin = false);
int RegisterScriptFunction(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asCObjectType *objType, bool isInterface, bool isGlobalFunction, asSNameSpace *ns, bool isExistingShared, bool isMixin, asCString &name, asCDataType &returnType, asCArray<asCString> ¶meterNames, asCArray<asCDataType> ¶meterTypes, asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &inOutFlags, asCArray<asCString *> &defaultArgs, asSFunctionTraits funcTraits);
int RegisterVirtualProperty(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asCObjectType *object = 0, bool isInterface = false, bool isGlobalFunction = false, asSNameSpace *ns = 0, bool isExistingShared = false);
int RegisterImportedFunction(int funcID, asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *ns);
int RegisterGlobalVar(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *ns);
int RegisterClass(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *ns);
int RegisterInterface(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *ns);
int RegisterEnum(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *ns);
int RegisterTypedef(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *ns);
int RegisterFuncDef(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *ns, asCObjectType *parent);
asCScriptFunction *RegisterLambda(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asCScriptFunction *funcDef, const asCString &name, asSNameSpace *ns);
void CompleteFuncDef(sFuncDef *funcDef);
void CompileInterfaces();
void CompileClasses(asUINT originalNumTempl);
void DetermineTypeRelations();
void GetParsedFunctionDetails(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asCObjectType *objType, asCString &name, asCDataType &returnType, asCArray<asCString> ¶meterNames, asCArray<asCDataType> ¶meterTypes, asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &inOutFlags, asCArray<asCString *> &defaultArgs, asSFunctionTraits &traits, asSNameSpace *implicitNamespace);
bool DoesMethodExist(asCObjectType *objType, int methodId, asUINT *methodIndex = 0);
void AddDefaultConstructor(asCObjectType *objType, asCScriptCode *file);
asCObjectProperty *AddPropertyToClass(sClassDeclaration *c, const asCString &name, const asCDataType &type, bool isPrivate, bool isProtected, bool isInherited, asCScriptCode *file = 0, asCScriptNode *node = 0);
int CreateVirtualFunction(asCScriptFunction *func, int idx);
void ParseScripts();
void RegisterTypesFromScript(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *script, asSNameSpace *ns);
void RegisterNonTypesFromScript(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *script, asSNameSpace *ns);
void CompileFunctions();
void CompileGlobalVariables();
int GetEnumValueFromType(asCEnumType *type, const char *name, asCDataType &outDt, asDWORD &outValue);
int GetEnumValue(const char *name, asCDataType &outDt, asDWORD &outValue, asSNameSpace *ns);
bool DoesTypeExist(const asCString &type);
asCObjectProperty *GetObjectProperty(asCDataType &obj, const char *prop);
asCScriptFunction *GetFunctionDescription(int funcId);
void GetFunctionDescriptions(const char *name, asCArray<int> &funcs, asSNameSpace *ns);
void GetObjectMethodDescriptions(const char *name, asCObjectType *objectType, asCArray<int> &methods, bool objIsConst, const asCString &scope = "", asCScriptNode *errNode = 0, asCScriptCode *script = 0);
void EvaluateTemplateInstances(asUINT startIdx, bool keepSilent);
asCArray<asCScriptCode *> scripts;
asCArray<sFunctionDescription *> functions;
asCSymbolTable<sGlobalVariableDescription> globVariables;
asCArray<sClassDeclaration *> classDeclarations;
asCArray<sClassDeclaration *> interfaceDeclarations;
asCArray<sClassDeclaration *> namedTypeDeclarations;
asCArray<sFuncDef *> funcDefs;
asCArray<sMixinClass *> mixinClasses;
// For use with the DoesTypeExists() method
bool hasCachedKnownTypes;
asCMap<asCString, bool> knownTypes;