Partly remove MD3 support
This commit is contained in:
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ source/Irrlicht/CParticleRotationAffector.cpp
@ -142,7 +141,6 @@ source/Irrlicht/CImageLoaderPCX.cpp
@ -300,8 +298,6 @@ source/Irrlicht/CParticleSystemSceneNode.h
@ -340,7 +336,6 @@ source/Irrlicht/CIrrDeviceFB.h
@ -312,11 +312,6 @@ B3D, MS3D or X meshes */
//! Define _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_MD3_LOADER_ if you want to load Quake 3 animated files
//! Define _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_BMP_LOADER_ if you want to load .bmp files
//! Disabling this loader will also disable the built-in font
@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt / Fabio Concas / Thomas Alten
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "CAnimatedMeshMD3.h"
#include "os.h"
namespace irr
namespace scene
// byte-align structures
#include "irrpack.h"
//! General properties of a single animation frame.
struct SMD3Frame
f32 mins[3]; // bounding box per frame
f32 maxs[3];
f32 position[3]; // position of bounding box
f32 radius; // radius of bounding sphere
c8 creator[16]; // name of frame
//! An attachment point for another MD3 model.
struct SMD3Tag
c8 Name[64]; //name of 'tag' as it's usually called in the md3 files try to see it as a sub-mesh/seperate mesh-part.
f32 position[3]; //relative position of tag
f32 rotationMatrix[9]; //3x3 rotation direction of tag
struct SMD3Shader
c8 name[64]; // name of shader
s32 shaderIndex;
// Default alignment
#include "irrunpack.h"
//! Constructor
:Mesh(0), IPolShift(0), LoopMode(0), Scaling(1.f)//, FramesPerSecond(25.f)
#ifdef _DEBUG
Mesh = new SMD3Mesh();
MeshIPol = new SMesh();
setInterpolationShift(0, 0);
//! Destructor
if (Mesh)
if (MeshIPol)
//! Returns the amount of frames in milliseconds. If the amount is 1, it is a static (=non animated) mesh.
u32 CAnimatedMeshMD3::getFrameCount() const
return Mesh->MD3Header.numFrames << IPolShift;
//! Rendering Hint
void CAnimatedMeshMD3::setInterpolationShift(u32 shift, u32 loopMode)
IPolShift = shift;
LoopMode = loopMode;
//! returns amount of mesh buffers.
u32 CAnimatedMeshMD3::getMeshBufferCount() const
return MeshIPol->getMeshBufferCount();
//! returns pointer to a mesh buffer
IMeshBuffer* CAnimatedMeshMD3::getMeshBuffer(u32 nr) const
return MeshIPol->getMeshBuffer(nr);
//! Returns pointer to a mesh buffer which fits a material
IMeshBuffer* CAnimatedMeshMD3::getMeshBuffer(const video::SMaterial &material) const
return MeshIPol->getMeshBuffer(material);
void CAnimatedMeshMD3::setMaterialFlag(video::E_MATERIAL_FLAG flag, bool newvalue)
MeshIPol->setMaterialFlag(flag, newvalue);
//! set the hardware mapping hint, for driver
void CAnimatedMeshMD3::setHardwareMappingHint(E_HARDWARE_MAPPING newMappingHint,
MeshIPol->setHardwareMappingHint(newMappingHint, buffer);
//! flags the meshbuffer as changed, reloads hardware buffers
void CAnimatedMeshMD3::setDirty(E_BUFFER_TYPE buffer)
//! set user axis aligned bounding box
void CAnimatedMeshMD3::setBoundingBox(const core::aabbox3df& box)
//! Returns the animated tag list based on a detail level. 0 is the lowest, 255 the highest detail.
SMD3QuaternionTagList *CAnimatedMeshMD3::getTagList(s32 frame, s32 detailLevel, s32 startFrameLoop, s32 endFrameLoop)
if (0 == Mesh)
return 0;
getMesh(frame, detailLevel, startFrameLoop, endFrameLoop);
return &TagListIPol;
//! Returns the animated mesh based on a detail level. 0 is the lowest, 255 the highest detail.
IMesh* CAnimatedMeshMD3::getMesh(s32 frame, s32 detailLevel, s32 startFrameLoop, s32 endFrameLoop)
if (0 == Mesh)
return 0;
//! check if we have the mesh in our private cache
SCacheInfo candidate(frame, startFrameLoop, endFrameLoop);
if (candidate == Current)
return MeshIPol;
startFrameLoop = core::s32_max(0, startFrameLoop >> IPolShift);
endFrameLoop = core::if_c_a_else_b(endFrameLoop < 0, Mesh->MD3Header.numFrames - 1, endFrameLoop >> IPolShift);
const u32 mask = 1 << IPolShift;
s32 frameA;
s32 frameB;
f32 iPol;
if (LoopMode)
// correct frame to "pixel center"
frame -= mask >> 1;
// interpolation
iPol = f32(frame & (mask - 1)) * core::reciprocal(f32(mask));
// wrap anim
frame >>= IPolShift;
frameA = core::if_c_a_else_b(frame < startFrameLoop, endFrameLoop, frame);
frameB = core::if_c_a_else_b(frameA + 1 > endFrameLoop, startFrameLoop, frameA + 1);
// correct frame to "pixel center"
frame -= mask >> 1;
iPol = f32(frame & (mask - 1)) * core::reciprocal(f32(mask));
// clamp anim
frame >>= IPolShift;
frameA = core::s32_clamp(frame, startFrameLoop, endFrameLoop);
frameB = core::s32_min(frameA + 1, endFrameLoop);
// build current vertex
for (u32 i = 0; i!= Mesh->Buffer.size(); ++i)
buildVertexArray(frameA, frameB, iPol,
(SMeshBufferLightMap*) MeshIPol->getMeshBuffer(i));
// build current tags
buildTagArray(frameA, frameB, iPol);
Current = candidate;
return MeshIPol;
//! create a Irrlicht MeshBuffer for a MD3 MeshBuffer
IMeshBuffer * CAnimatedMeshMD3::createMeshBuffer(const SMD3MeshBuffer* source,
io::IFileSystem* fs, video::IVideoDriver * driver)
SMeshBufferLightMap * dest = new SMeshBufferLightMap();
u32 i;
// fill in static face info
for (i = 0; i < source->Indices.size(); i += 3)
dest->Indices[i + 0] = (u16) source->Indices[i + 0];
dest->Indices[i + 1] = (u16) source->Indices[i + 1];
dest->Indices[i + 2] = (u16) source->Indices[i + 2];
// fill in static vertex info
for (i = 0; i!= (u32)source->MeshHeader.numVertices; ++i)
video::S3DVertex2TCoords &v = dest->Vertices[i];
v.Color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
v.TCoords.X = source->Tex[i].u;
v.TCoords.Y = source->Tex[i].v;
v.TCoords2.X = 0.f;
v.TCoords2.Y = 0.f;
// load static texture
u32 pos = 0;
quake3::tTexArray textureArray;
quake3::getTextures(textureArray, source->Shader, pos, fs, driver);
dest->Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_SOLID;
dest->Material.setTexture(0, textureArray[0]);
dest->Material.Lighting = false;
return dest;
//! build final mesh's vertices from frames frameA and frameB with linear interpolation.
void CAnimatedMeshMD3::buildVertexArray(u32 frameA, u32 frameB, f32 interpolate,
const SMD3MeshBuffer* source,
SMeshBufferLightMap* dest)
const u32 frameOffsetA = frameA * source->MeshHeader.numVertices;
const u32 frameOffsetB = frameB * source->MeshHeader.numVertices;
const f32 scale = (1.f/ 64.f);
for (s32 i = 0; i != source->MeshHeader.numVertices; ++i)
video::S3DVertex2TCoords &v = dest->Vertices [ i ];
const SMD3Vertex &vA = source->Vertices [ frameOffsetA + i ];
const SMD3Vertex &vB = source->Vertices [ frameOffsetB + i ];
// position
v.Pos.X = scale * (vA.position[0] + interpolate * (vB.position[0] - vA.position[0]));
v.Pos.Y = scale * (vA.position[2] + interpolate * (vB.position[2] - vA.position[2]));
v.Pos.Z = scale * (vA.position[1] + interpolate * (vB.position[1] - vA.position[1]));
// normal
const core::vector3df nA(quake3::getMD3Normal(vA.normal[0], vA.normal[1]));
const core::vector3df nB(quake3::getMD3Normal(vB.normal[0], vB.normal[1]));
v.Normal.X = nA.X + interpolate * (nB.X - nA.X);
v.Normal.Y = nA.Z + interpolate * (nB.Z - nA.Z);
v.Normal.Z = nA.Y + interpolate * (nB.Y - nA.Y);
//! build final mesh's tag from frames frameA and frameB with linear interpolation.
void CAnimatedMeshMD3::buildTagArray(u32 frameA, u32 frameB, f32 interpolate)
const u32 frameOffsetA = frameA * Mesh->MD3Header.numTags;
const u32 frameOffsetB = frameB * Mesh->MD3Header.numTags;
for (s32 i = 0; i != Mesh->MD3Header.numTags; ++i)
SMD3QuaternionTag &d = TagListIPol [ i ];
const SMD3QuaternionTag &qA = Mesh->TagList[ frameOffsetA + i];
const SMD3QuaternionTag &qB = Mesh->TagList[ frameOffsetB + i];
// rotation
d.rotation.slerp(qA.rotation, qB.rotation, interpolate);
// position
d.position.X = qA.position.X + interpolate * (qB.position.X - qA.position.X);
d.position.Y = qA.position.Y + interpolate * (qB.position.Y - qA.position.Y);
d.position.Z = qA.position.Z + interpolate * (qB.position.Z - qA.position.Z);
loads a model
bool CAnimatedMeshMD3::loadModelFile(u32 modelIndex, io::IReadFile* file,
io::IFileSystem* fs, video::IVideoDriver* driver)
if (!file)
return false;
//! Check MD3Header
file->read(&Mesh->MD3Header, sizeof(SMD3Header));
if (strncmp("IDP3", Mesh->MD3Header.headerID, 4))
os::Printer::log("MD3 Loader: invalid header");
return false;
//! store model name
Mesh->Name = file->getFileName();
u32 i;
//! Frame Data (ignore)
#if 0
SMD3Frame frameImport;
for (i = 0; i != Mesh->MD3Header.numFrames; ++i)
file->read(&frameImport, sizeof(frameImport));
//! Tag Data
const u32 totalTags = Mesh->MD3Header.numTags * Mesh->MD3Header.numFrames;
SMD3Tag import;
for (i = 0; i != totalTags; ++i)
file->read(&import, sizeof(import));
SMD3QuaternionTag &exp = Mesh->TagList[i];
//! tag name
exp.Name = import.Name;
//! position
exp.position.X = import.position[0];
exp.position.Y = import.position[2];
exp.position.Z = import.position[1];
//! construct quaternion from a RH 3x3 Matrix
1 + import.rotationMatrix[8]);
//! Meshes
u32 offset = Mesh->MD3Header.tagEnd;
for (i = 0; i != (u32)Mesh->MD3Header.numMeshes; ++i)
//! construct a new mesh buffer
SMD3MeshBuffer * buf = new SMD3MeshBuffer();
// !read mesh header info
SMD3MeshHeader &meshHeader = buf->MeshHeader;
//! read mesh info
file->read(&meshHeader, sizeof(SMD3MeshHeader));
//! prepare memory
buf->Vertices.set_used(meshHeader.numVertices * Mesh->MD3Header.numFrames);
buf->Indices.set_used(meshHeader.numTriangles * 3);
//! read skins (shaders). should be 1 per meshbuffer
SMD3Shader skin;
file->seek(offset + buf->MeshHeader.offset_shaders);
for (s32 g = 0; g != buf->MeshHeader.numShader; ++g)
file->read(&skin, sizeof(skin));
io::path name;
name.replace('\\', '/');
buf->Shader = name;
//! read texture coordinates
file->seek(offset + buf->MeshHeader.offset_st);
file->read(buf->Tex.pointer(), buf->MeshHeader.numVertices * sizeof(SMD3TexCoord));
//! read vertices
file->seek(offset + meshHeader.vertexStart);
file->read(buf->Vertices.pointer(), Mesh->MD3Header.numFrames * meshHeader.numVertices * sizeof(SMD3Vertex));
//! read indices
file->seek(offset + meshHeader.offset_triangles);
file->read(buf->Indices.pointer(), meshHeader.numTriangles * sizeof(SMD3Face));
//! store meshBuffer
offset += meshHeader.offset_end;
// Init Mesh Interpolation
for (i = 0; i != Mesh->Buffer.size(); ++i)
IMeshBuffer * buffer = createMeshBuffer(Mesh->Buffer[i], fs, driver);
// Init Tag Interpolation
for (i = 0; i != (u32)Mesh->MD3Header.numTags; ++i)
return true;
SMD3Mesh * CAnimatedMeshMD3::getOriginalMesh()
return Mesh;
//! Returns an axis aligned bounding box
const core::aabbox3d<f32>& CAnimatedMeshMD3::getBoundingBox() const
return MeshIPol->BoundingBox;
//! Returns the type of the animated mesh.
E_ANIMATED_MESH_TYPE CAnimatedMeshMD3::getMeshType() const
return EAMT_MD3;
} // end namespace scene
} // end namespace irr
@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt / Thomas Alten
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IAnimatedMeshMD3.h"
#include "IReadFile.h"
#include "IFileSystem.h"
#include "irrArray.h"
#include "irrString.h"
#include "SMesh.h"
#include "SMeshBuffer.h"
#include "IQ3Shader.h"
namespace irr
namespace scene
class CAnimatedMeshMD3 : public IAnimatedMeshMD3
//! constructor
//! destructor
virtual ~CAnimatedMeshMD3();
//! loads a quake3 md3 file
virtual bool loadModelFile(u32 modelIndex, io::IReadFile* file,
io::IFileSystem* fs, video::IVideoDriver* driver);
// IAnimatedMeshMD3
virtual void setInterpolationShift(u32 shift, u32 loopMode);
virtual SMD3Mesh* getOriginalMesh();
virtual SMD3QuaternionTagList* getTagList(s32 frame, s32 detailLevel, s32 startFrameLoop, s32 endFrameLoop);
virtual u32 getFrameCount() const;
//! Gets the default animation speed of the animated mesh.
/** \return Amount of frames per second. If the amount is 0, it is a static, non animated mesh. */
virtual f32 getAnimationSpeed() const
return FramesPerSecond;
//! Gets the frame count of the animated mesh.
/** \param fps Frames per second to play the animation with. If the amount is 0, it is not animated.
The actual speed is set in the scene node the mesh is instantiated in.*/
virtual void setAnimationSpeed(f32 fps)
virtual IMesh* getMesh(s32 frame, s32 detailLevel,
s32 startFrameLoop, s32 endFrameLoop);
virtual const core::aabbox3d<f32>& getBoundingBox() const;
virtual E_ANIMATED_MESH_TYPE getMeshType() const;
//! returns amount of mesh buffers.
virtual u32 getMeshBufferCount() const;
//! returns pointer to a mesh buffer
virtual IMeshBuffer* getMeshBuffer(u32 nr) const;
//! Returns pointer to a mesh buffer which fits a material
virtual IMeshBuffer* getMeshBuffer(const video::SMaterial &material) const;
virtual void setMaterialFlag(video::E_MATERIAL_FLAG flag, bool newvalue);
//! set user axis aligned bounding box
virtual void setBoundingBox(const core::aabbox3df& box);
//! set the hardware mapping hint, for driver
virtual void setHardwareMappingHint(E_HARDWARE_MAPPING newMappingHint, E_BUFFER_TYPE buffer=EBT_VERTEX_AND_INDEX);
//! flags the meshbuffer as changed, reloads hardware buffers
virtual void setDirty(E_BUFFER_TYPE buffer=EBT_VERTEX_AND_INDEX);
//! animates one frame
inline void Animate(u32 frame);
video::SMaterial Material;
//! hold original compressed MD3 Info
SMD3Mesh *Mesh;
u32 IPolShift;
u32 LoopMode;
f32 Scaling;
//! Cache Info
struct SCacheInfo
SCacheInfo(s32 frame=-1, s32 start=-1, s32 end=-1 ) :
Frame(frame), startFrameLoop(start),
bool operator == ( const SCacheInfo &other ) const
return 0 == memcmp ( this, &other, sizeof ( SCacheInfo ) );
s32 Frame;
s32 startFrameLoop;
s32 endFrameLoop;
SCacheInfo Current;
//! return a Mesh per frame
SMesh* MeshIPol;
SMD3QuaternionTagList TagListIPol;
IMeshBuffer* createMeshBuffer(const SMD3MeshBuffer* source,
io::IFileSystem* fs, video::IVideoDriver* driver);
void buildVertexArray(u32 frameA, u32 frameB, f32 interpolate,
const SMD3MeshBuffer* source,
SMeshBufferLightMap* dest);
void buildTagArray(u32 frameA, u32 frameB, f32 interpolate);
f32 FramesPerSecond;
} // end namespace scene
} // end namespace irr
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "CMD3MeshFileLoader.h"
#include "CAnimatedMeshMD3.h"
#include "irrString.h"
namespace irr
namespace scene
//! Constructor
CMD3MeshFileLoader::CMD3MeshFileLoader( scene::ISceneManager* smgr)
: SceneManager(smgr)
//! destructor
//! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class
//! based on the file extension (e.g. ".bsp")
bool CMD3MeshFileLoader::isALoadableFileExtension(const io::path& filename) const
return core::hasFileExtension ( filename, "md3" );
IAnimatedMesh* CMD3MeshFileLoader::createMesh(io::IReadFile* file)
CAnimatedMeshMD3 * mesh = new CAnimatedMeshMD3();
if ( mesh->loadModelFile ( 0, file, SceneManager->getFileSystem(), SceneManager->getVideoDriver() ) )
return mesh;
mesh->drop ();
return 0;
} // end namespace scene
} // end namespace irr
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt / Thomas Alten
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IMeshLoader.h"
#include "IFileSystem.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "ISceneManager.h"
#include "IQ3Shader.h"
namespace irr
namespace scene
//! Meshloader capable of loading md3 files.
class CMD3MeshFileLoader : public IMeshLoader
//! Constructor
CMD3MeshFileLoader( scene::ISceneManager* smgr );
//! destructor
virtual ~CMD3MeshFileLoader();
//! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class
//! based on the file extension (e.g. ".bsp")
virtual bool isALoadableFileExtension(const io::path& filename) const;
//! creates/loads an animated mesh from the file.
//! \return Pointer to the created mesh. Returns 0 if loading failed.
//! If you no longer need the mesh, you should call IAnimatedMesh::drop().
//! See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information.
virtual IAnimatedMesh* createMesh(io::IReadFile* file);
scene::ISceneManager* SceneManager;
} // end namespace scene
} // end namespace irr
@ -52,10 +52,6 @@
#include "COgreMeshFileLoader.h"
#include "CMD3MeshFileLoader.h"
#include "CB3DMeshFileLoader.h"
@ -187,9 +183,6 @@ CSceneManager::CSceneManager(video::IVideoDriver* driver, io::IFileSystem* fs,
MeshLoaderList.push_back(new CHalflifeMDLMeshFileLoader( this ));
MeshLoaderList.push_back(new CMD3MeshFileLoader( this));
MeshLoaderList.push_back(new CMD2MeshFileLoader());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user