fix for different kart properties, now based on kart type set in kart.xml

This commit is contained in:
Bart Cools 2014-06-26 12:53:17 +02:00
parent 0fa746c805
commit c3e862f40c
2 changed files with 202 additions and 203 deletions

View File

@ -163,49 +163,6 @@
shown. -->
<jump animation-time="0.5" />
<!-- If a kart starts within the specified time after 'go',
it receives the corresponding bonus from 'boost'. Those
fields must have the same size, and must be sorted by
increasing times. -->
<!-- Rescue: time: How long it takes the kart to be raised.
height: how height the kart will be raised before it is
dropped back onto the track.
vert rescue offset: used to raise karts a bit higher before
releasing them on the ground after a rescue. Used to avoid
resetting karts into the track. Not sure if this is still
necessary. -->
<!-- Nitro: engine-force: additional engine power
consumption: nitro consumption - heavier characters can be set
to need more nitro than lighter character.
small-container: how much energy a small container gives.
big-container: how much energy a big container gives.
max-speed-increase: How much the speed of a kart might exceed
its maximum speed (in m/s).
duration: How long the increased speed will be valid after
the kart stops using nitro (and the fade-out-time starts).
fade-out-time: Duration during which the increased maximum
speed due to nitro fades out.
max: How much nitro a kart can store.
<!-- Bubble gum data:
time: How long the bubblegum lasts.
speed-fraction: To what fraction of top-speed the speed is reduced.
torque: To rotate the kart somewhat.
fade-in-time: How quick the slowdown takes effect.
<!-- time: Time a zipper is active.
force: Additional zipper force.
speed-gain: One time additional speed.
max-speed-increase: Additional speed allowed on top of the
kart-specific maximum kart speed.
fade-out-time: determines how long it takes for a zipper
to fade out (after 'time').
<!-- Skidding: increase: multiplicative increase of skidding factor in each frame.
decrease: multiplicative decrease of skidding factor in each frame.
max: maximum skidding factor = maximum increase of steering angle.
@ -378,68 +335,6 @@
<!-- Slipstream: length: How far behind a kart slipstream works
width: how wide slipstream works furthest away from the kart.
collect-time: How many seconds of sstream give maximum benefit
use-time: How long the benefit will last.
add-power: Additional power due to sstreaming. 1 = +100%
min-speed: Minimum speed necessary for slipstream to take effect.
max-speed-increase: How much the speed of the kart might exceed
its normal maximum speed.
duration: How long the higher speed lasts after slipstream stopped
fade-out-time: How long the slip stream speed increase will
gradually be reduced. -->
<!-- Kart-specific settings for the swatter:
duration: how long can the swatter be active.
distance: How close a kart or an item must be before it can be hit.
squash-duration: How long a kart will remain squashed.
squash-slowdown: percentage of max speed that a kart is
restricted to. -->
<!-- Leaning related parameters, i.e. slightly leaning the karts when
driving a fast curve.
max: maximum leaning (i.e. when steering as much as possible at highest
speed), in degrees.
sped: Speed with which the leaning changes (in degree/second). -->
<!-- turn-radius defines the turn radius of the kart at
a given speed. The actual steering angle is dependent on the
wheel base of the kart: radius = wheel_base/sin(steering_angle).
The values below define that at speed 0 the turn radius is 2, at
speed 10 the radius is 7.5 etc.
The actual turn radius is piece-wise linearly interpolated. This
allows for tighter turning at lower speeds, and also avoids that
the kart becomes too hard to control at high speed (speeds of higher
than 23 can only be reached with powerups).
time-full-steer: This is the amount of change in steering depending
on current steering. So if the steering is between 0 and 0.5,
the time-for-steering-change is 0.15. If the current steering is
between 0.5 and 1.0, the time-for-steering-change is 0.25.
The speed is used as dt/time-for-steering-change.
In short: steering at less than halfway is somewhat faster,
which should avoid oversteering (by pressing the key for too long),
but slower when you want to steer more. Overwall with the current
settings the expected time-to-full-steer is:
0.5 * 0.25 + 0.5 * 0.15 = 0.2 ... which is overall the same
time we had previously.
<!-- Speed and acceleration related values: power and max-speed (in m/s)
have 3 values, one for low, medium, and hard.
brake-factor: Value used when braking. max-speed-reverse-ratio is
the percentage of max speed for reverse gear. -->
<!-- Simulated gears: switch-ratio defines at what ratio of the maximum
speed what gear is selected, e.g. 0.25 means that if the speed is
bigger or equal to 0.25 x maxSpeed then use gear 1, 0.5 means if
the speed is bigger or equal to 0.5 x maxSpeed then gear 2.
gear-power-increase contains the increase in max power (to simulate
different gears), e.g. 2.5 as first entry means: 2.5*maxPower in gear 1
| first | second | third | . -->
<!-- mass -->
<!-- Suspension related values. stiffness: kart's suspension stiffness.
rest: Length of suspension when at rest.
@ -522,6 +417,69 @@
impulse="3000" impulse-time="0.1" terrain-impulse="8000"
restitution="1.0" bevel-factor="0.5 0.0 0.5" />
<!-- Slipstream: length: How far behind a kart slipstream works
width: how wide slipstream works furthest away from the kart.
collect-time: How many seconds of sstream give maximum benefit
use-time: How long the benefit will last.
add-power: Additional power due to sstreaming. 1 = +100%
min-speed: Minimum speed necessary for slipstream to take effect.
max-speed-increase: How much the speed of the kart might exceed
its normal maximum speed.
duration: How long the higher speed lasts after slipstream stopped
fade-out-time: How long the slip stream speed increase will
gradually be reduced. -->
<!-- Kart-specific settings for the swatter:
duration: how long can the swatter be active.
distance: How close a kart or an item must be before it can be hit.
squash-duration: How long a kart will remain squashed.
squash-slowdown: percentage of max speed that a kart is
restricted to. -->
<!-- Leaning related parameters, i.e. slightly leaning the karts when
driving a fast curve.
max: maximum leaning (i.e. when steering as much as possible at highest
speed), in degrees.
sped: Speed with which the leaning changes (in degree/second). -->
<!-- turn-radius defines the turn radius of the kart at
a given speed. The actual steering angle is dependent on the
wheel base of the kart: radius = wheel_base/sin(steering_angle).
The values below define that at speed 0 the turn radius is 2, at
speed 10 the radius is 7.5 etc.
The actual turn radius is piece-wise linearly interpolated. This
allows for tighter turning at lower speeds, and also avoids that
the kart becomes too hard to control at high speed (speeds of higher
than 23 can only be reached with powerups).
time-full-steer: This is the amount of change in steering depending
on current steering. So if the steering is between 0 and 0.5,
the time-for-steering-change is 0.15. If the current steering is
between 0.5 and 1.0, the time-for-steering-change is 0.25.
The speed is used as dt/time-for-steering-change.
In short: steering at less than halfway is somewhat faster,
which should avoid oversteering (by pressing the key for too long),
but slower when you want to steer more. Overwall with the current
settings the expected time-to-full-steer is:
0.5 * 0.25 + 0.5 * 0.15 = 0.2 ... which is overall the same
time we had previously.
<!-- Speed and acceleration related values: power and max-speed (in m/s)
have 3 values, one for low, medium, and hard.
brake-factor: Value used when braking. max-speed-reverse-ratio is
the percentage of max speed for reverse gear. -->
<!-- Simulated gears: switch-ratio defines at what ratio of the maximum
speed what gear is selected, e.g. 0.25 means that if the speed is
bigger or equal to 0.25 x maxSpeed then use gear 1, 0.5 means if
the speed is bigger or equal to 0.5 x maxSpeed then gear 2.
gear-power-increase contains the increase in max power (to simulate
different gears), e.g. 2.5 as first entry means: 2.5*maxPower in gear 1
| first | second | third | . -->
<!-- mass -->
<!-- Kart-specific plunger and rubber band handling: max-length is
the maximum length of rubber band before it snaps. force is
the force a plunger/rubber band applies to the kart(s).
@ -537,15 +495,58 @@
radius: Kart closer to this value will be affected by
an explosion as well. -->
<!-- If a kart starts within the specified time after 'go',
it receives the corresponding bonus from 'boost'. Those
fields must have the same size, and must be sorted by
increasing times. -->
<!-- Rescue: time: How long it takes the kart to be raised.
height: how height the kart will be raised before it is
dropped back onto the track.
vert rescue offset: used to raise karts a bit higher before
releasing them on the ground after a rescue. Used to avoid
resetting karts into the track. Not sure if this is still
necessary. -->
<!-- Nitro: engine-force: additional engine power
consumption: nitro consumption - heavier characters can be set
to need more nitro than lighter character.
small-container: how much energy a small container gives.
big-container: how much energy a big container gives.
max-speed-increase: How much the speed of a kart might exceed
its maximum speed (in m/s).
duration: How long the increased speed will be valid after
the kart stops using nitro (and the fade-out-time starts).
fade-out-time: Duration during which the increased maximum
speed due to nitro fades out.
max: How much nitro a kart can store.
<!-- Bubble gum data:
time: How long the bubblegum lasts.
speed-fraction: To what fraction of top-speed the speed is reduced.
torque: To rotate the kart somewhat.
fade-in-time: How quick the slowdown takes effect.
<!-- time: Time a zipper is active.
force: Additional zipper force.
speed-gain: One time additional speed.
max-speed-increase: Additional speed allowed on top of the
kart-specific maximum kart speed.
fade-out-time: determines how long it takes for a zipper
to fade out (after 'time').
<startup time = "0.3 0.5"
boost = "6 3" />
boost = "8.5 4.5" />
<rescue vert-offset="0.0" time="1.2" height="2"/>
<nitro engine-force="500" consumption="1" small-container="1" big-container="3"
max-speed-increase="5" duration="1" fade-out-time="2" max="20"/>
<nitro engine-force="350" consumption="1" small-container="1" big-container="3"
max-speed-increase="4.5" duration="1.5" fade-out-time="2.5" max="20"/>
<bubblegum time="1" speed-fraction="0.3" torque="500" fade-in-time="0.01"/>
@ -561,44 +562,42 @@
reduce-turn-min="0.2" reduce-turn-max="0.8"/>
<slipstream length="10" width="2" collect-time="2" use-time="5"
add-power="3" min-speed="10"
max-speed-increase="5" duration="1" fade-out-time="2"/>
<slipstream length="11" width="2" collect-time="1.5" use-time="2.5"
add-power="3.2" min-speed="9"
max-speed-increase="4" duration="1.2" fade-out-time="2.3"/>
<swatter duration="10" distance="3" squash-duration="5"
<lean max="8.6" speed="5.0" />
<turn turn-radius="0:2.0 10:7.5 25:15 45:30"
<turn turn-radius="0:3.0 10:10.0 25:20.0 45:40.0"
time-full-steer ="0:0.15 0.5:0.15 0.5:0.25 1.0:0.25"
time-reset-steer="0.1" />
<engine power="450 475 500 510" max-speed="17 21 23 25" brake-factor="11.0"
<engine power="250 300 350 400" max-speed="15 20 23 25" brake-factor="15.0"
<gear switch-ratio="0.25 0.7 1.0" power-increase="2.2 1.7 1.3"/>
<gear switch-ratio="0.20 0.55 1" power-increase="5 4 3"/>
<mass value="225"/>
<mass value="195"/>
<plunger band-max-length="50" band-force="1500" band-duration="1"
band-speed-increase="7" band-fade-out-time="3"
in-face-time="3 4 4.5 4.5"/>
<explosion time="2" radius="5"
invulnerability-time="6" />
<explosion time="2.1" radius="5.5"
invulnerability-time="7" />
<startup time = "0.3 0.5"
boost = "6 3" />
boost = "4.2 2.6" />
<rescue vert-offset="0.0" time="1.2" height="2"/>
<nitro engine-force="500" consumption="1" small-container="1" big-container="3"
max-speed-increase="5" duration="1" fade-out-time="2" max="20"/>
<nitro engine-force="425" consumption="1.4" small-container="1" big-container="3"
max-speed-increase="5" duration="1.2" fade-out-time="2" max="20"/>
<bubblegum time="1" speed-fraction="0.3" torque="500" fade-in-time="0.01"/>
@ -614,42 +613,42 @@
reduce-turn-min="0.2" reduce-turn-max="0.8"/>
<slipstream length="10" width="2" collect-time="2" use-time="5"
add-power="3" min-speed="10"
max-speed-increase="5" duration="1" fade-out-time="2"/>
<slipstream length="10" width="2" collect-time="2" use-time="3.3"
add-power="2.8" min-speed="10"
max-speed-increase="5" duration="0.9" fade-out-time="1.6"/>
<swatter duration="10" distance="3" squash-duration="5"
<lean max="8.6" speed="5.0" />
<turn turn-radius="0:2.0 10:7.5 25:15 45:30"
time-full-steer ="0:0.15 0.5:0.15 0.5:0.25 1.0:0.25"
time-reset-steer="0.1" />
<turn turn-radius="0:4.5 10:16.0 25:30.0 45:60.0"
time-full-steer ="0:0.17 0.5:0.17 0.5:0.28 1.0:0.28"
<engine power="450 475 500 510" max-speed="17 21 23 25" brake-factor="11.0"
<engine power="425 500 575 600" max-speed="15 20 23.2 27" brake-factor="11.0"
<gear switch-ratio="0.25 0.7 1.0" power-increase="2.2 1.7 1.3"/>
<gear switch-ratio="0.30 0.7 1.0" power-increase="2.2 2.2 2.5"/>
<mass value="225"/>
<mass value="250"/>
<plunger band-max-length="50" band-force="1500" band-duration="1"
band-speed-increase="7" band-fade-out-time="3"
in-face-time="3 4 4.5 4.5"/>
<explosion time="2" radius="5"
<explosion time="1.8" radius="5"
invulnerability-time="6" />
<startup time = "0.3 0.5"
boost = "6 3" />
boost = "3.8 2" />
<rescue vert-offset="0.0" time="1.2" height="2"/>
<nitro engine-force="500" consumption="1" small-container="1" big-container="3"
max-speed-increase="5" duration="1" fade-out-time="2" max="20"/>
<nitro engine-force="600" consumption="2" small-container="1" big-container="3"
max-speed-increase="8" duration="0.7" fade-out-time="1.3" max="20"/>
<bubblegum time="1" speed-fraction="0.3" torque="500" fade-in-time="0.01"/>
@ -665,31 +664,31 @@
reduce-turn-min="0.2" reduce-turn-max="0.8"/>
<slipstream length="10" width="2" collect-time="2" use-time="5"
add-power="3" min-speed="10"
max-speed-increase="5" duration="1" fade-out-time="2"/>
<slipstream length="8.5" width="2" collect-time="2" use-time="4"
add-power="2.7" min-speed="10.5"
max-speed-increase="8" duration="0.7" fade-out-time="1"/>
<swatter duration="10" distance="3" squash-duration="5"
<lean max="8.6" speed="5.0" />
<turn turn-radius="0:2.0 10:7.5 25:15 45:30"
time-full-steer ="0:0.15 0.5:0.15 0.5:0.25 1.0:0.25"
time-reset-steer="0.1" />
<turn turn-radius="0:4.0 10:18.5 25:43.0 45:72.5"
time-full-steer ="0:0.23 0.5:0.23 0.5:0.41 1.0:0.41"
<engine power="450 475 500 510" max-speed="17 21 23 25" brake-factor="11.0"
<engine power="600 700 800 900" max-speed="15.8 18.8 23.85 30.0" brake-factor="10"
<gear switch-ratio="0.25 0.7 1.0" power-increase="2.2 1.7 1.3"/>
<gear switch-ratio="0.45 0.70 1" power-increase="1.5 1.7 2.5"/>
<mass value="225"/>
<mass value="350"/>
<plunger band-max-length="50" band-force="1500" band-duration="1"
band-speed-increase="7" band-fade-out-time="3"
in-face-time="3 4 4.5 4.5"/>
<explosion time="2" radius="5"
<explosion time="1.5" radius="4"
invulnerability-time="6" />

View File

@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ void KartProperties::getAllData(const XMLNode * root)
root->get("kart-type", &m_kart_type );
root->get("type", &m_kart_type );
if(const XMLNode *kart_type = root->getNode("kart-type"))