Merge branch 'master' of
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,15 +11,8 @@ endif()
set(DEPENDENCIES "dependencies")
# In case of 64-bit windows, use a different path for dependencies
# so that both dependencies can be installed next to each other
set(DEPENDENCIES "dependencies-64bit")
message(STATUS "No build type selected, default to STKRelease")
@ -28,12 +21,13 @@ option(SERVER_ONLY "Create a server only (i.e. no graphics or sound)" OFF)
option(USE_FRIBIDI "Support for right-to-left languages" ON)
option(CHECK_ASSETS "Check if assets are installed in ../stk-assets" ON)
option(USE_SYSTEM_ANGELSCRIPT "Use system angelscript instead of built-in angelscript. If you enable this option, make sure to use a compatible version." OFF)
option(USE_SYSTEM_ENET "Use system ENET instead of the built-in version, when available." ON)
option(USE_SYSTEM_GLEW "Use system GLEW instead of the built-in version, when available." ON)
option(ENABLE_WAYLAND_DEVICE "Enable Wayland device for linux build" ON)
option(USE_GLES2 "Use OpenGL ES2 renderer" OFF)
@ -73,6 +67,32 @@ set(STK_INSTALL_BINARY_DIR "bin" CACHE
set(STK_INSTALL_DATA_DIR "share/supertuxkart" CACHE
STRING "Install data folder to this directory, absolute or relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX")
# Define dependencies path
set(DEPENDENCIES "dependencies-vs")
set(DEPENDENCIES "dependencies-mingw")
set(DEPENDENCIES "dependencies")
set(DEPENDENCIES "dependencies")
message(FATAL_ERROR "Dependencies directory not found.")
# These variables enable MSVC to find libraries located in "dependencies"
@ -107,14 +127,24 @@ endif()
# Build the ENet UDP network library
# Find system ENet library or build it if missing
# Fallback to built-in version
set(ENet_LIBRARIES "enet")
# Find system GLEW library or build it if missing
pkg_check_modules(GLEW glew>=2.1)
@ -434,7 +464,7 @@ target_link_libraries(supertuxkart
@ -575,7 +605,7 @@ install(FILES ${STK_DATA_DIR}/supertuxkart.desktop DESTINATION share/application
install(FILES data/supertuxkart_48.png DESTINATION share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps RENAME supertuxkart.png)
install(FILES data/supertuxkart_128.png DESTINATION share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps RENAME supertuxkart.png)
install(FILES data/supertuxkart_48.png DESTINATION share/pixmaps RENAME supertuxkart.png)
install(FILES data/supertuxkart.appdata.xml DESTINATION share/appdata)
install(FILES data/supertuxkart.appdata.xml DESTINATION share/metainfo)
@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ To Build SuperTuxKart on Windows, follow these instructions:
1. Download and install Visual Studio from here: [Visual Studio - Download]( The free Visual Studio Community edition works fine.
2. Download the SuperTuxKart source package from either [SuperTuxKart download area -]( or [ - Source Control](, and unpack it.
*Note: If you downloaded the source package from here: [ - Source Control](, then both `stk-code` and `stk-assets` **must** be in the same directory, otherwise the build can result in failure*
3. Download the Windows dependencies package from either [SuperTuxKart download area: Dependecies -](
3. Download the Windows dependencies package from either [SuperTuxKart download area: Dependencies -](
or [SuperTuxKart on GitHub - Dependencies](, and unpack it; then, copy the `dependencies` directory from either the `windows` or the `windows_64bit` directories into the `stk-code` directory, rename it to `dependencies-64bit` if you want to compile a 64bit build.
4. Download CMake from here: [CMake - download page](, install it; once CMake is installed, double click on the CMake icon on your desktop, and point it towards your `stk-code` directory in the 'Where is the source code' field, and point it to a directory called `build` or `bld` inside the stk-code directory.
5. Press 'Configure'; CMake will ask you if it is OK to create the aformentioned directory, press `Yes`. CMake will then ask you about your version of Visual Studio.
5. Press 'Configure'; CMake will ask you if it is OK to create the aforementioned directory, press `Yes`. CMake will then ask you about your version of Visual Studio.
Confirm your selection; *Please look at the table below to avoid confusion between version numbers and releases of Visual Studio*;
CMake will begin creating the required files for the build in the directory.
6. Navigate to your build directory and open the `SuperTuxKart.sln` file; Visual Studio will now load the solution.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# - Try to find enet
# Once done this will define
# ENET_FOUND - system has enet
# ENet_INCLUDE_DIRS - the enet include directory
# ENet_LIBRARIES - the libraries needed to use enet
# $ENETDIR is an environment variable used for finding enet.
# Borrowed from The Mana World
# Several changes and additions by Fabian 'x3n' Landau
# Lots of simplifications by Adrian Friedli
# > <
NAMES enet
# handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set ENET_FOUND to TRUE if
# all listed variables are TRUE
@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
<track id="mansion" laps="3"/>
<mode major="single" minor="quickrace"/>
<requirements trophies="110"/>
<karts number="5"/>
<requirements time="130"/>
<requirements time="110"/>
<karts number="4"/>
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<karts number="4"/>
<requirements time="170"/>
<requirements time="160"/>
<karts number="4"/>
@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
<track id="snowmountain" laps="3"/>
<mode major="single" minor="quickrace"/>
<requirements trophies="60"/>
<karts number="5"/>
<requirements time="160"/>
<requirements time="145"/>
<karts number="4"/>
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ uniform sampler2D ssao_tex;
uniform sampler2D gloss_map;
uniform sampler2D diffuse_color;
uniform sampler2D depth_stencil;
uniform sampler2D light_scatter;
uniform vec4 bg_color;
out vec4 o_final_color;
@ -31,13 +34,28 @@ void main()
vec4 color_1 = vec4(tmp * ao + (emitMapValue * emitCol), diffuseMatColor.a);
// Fog
float z = texture(depth_stencil, tc).x;
vec4 xpos = getPosFromUVDepth(vec3(tc, z), u_inverse_projection_matrix);
float depth = texture(depth_stencil, tc).x;
vec4 xpos = getPosFromUVDepth(vec3(tc, depth), u_inverse_projection_matrix);
float dist = length(;
// fog density
float factor = (1.0 - exp(u_fog_data.w * dist));
vec3 fog = * factor;
// Additively blend the color by fog
o_final_color = color_1 + vec4(fog, factor);
color_1 = color_1 + vec4(fog, factor);
// For skybox blending later
if (depth == 1.0)
color_1 = bg_color;
// Light scatter (alpha blend function: (GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA))
vec4 ls = texture(light_scatter, tc);
vec4 color_2;
color_2.r = ls.r + color_1.r * (1.0 - ls.a);
color_2.g = ls.g + color_1.g * (1.0 - ls.a);
color_2.b = ls.b + color_1.b * (1.0 - ls.a);
color_2.a = ls.a + color_1.a * (1.0 - ls.a);
o_final_color = color_2;
@ -10,12 +10,16 @@ out vec4 FragColor;
void main(void)
float billboard_alpha = mix(1.0, texture(tex, tc).a, billboard_mix);
#if defined(Advanced_Lighting_Enabled)
vec2 xy = gl_FragCoord.xy / u_screen;
float FragZ = gl_FragCoord.z;
vec4 FragmentPos = getPosFromUVDepth(vec3(xy, FragZ), u_inverse_projection_matrix);
float EnvZ = texture(dtex, xy).x;
vec4 EnvPos = getPosFromUVDepth(vec3(xy, EnvZ), u_inverse_projection_matrix);
float alpha = clamp((EnvPos.z - FragmentPos.z) * 0.3, 0., 1.);
float billboard_alpha = mix(1.0, texture(tex, tc).a, billboard_mix);
float alpha = 1.0;
FragColor = texture(tex, tc) * billboard_alpha * pc * alpha;
@ -28,9 +28,7 @@ void main(void)
vec3 new_color = hsvToRgb(vec3(new_xy.x, new_xy.y, old_hsv.z));
col = vec4(new_color.r, new_color.g, new_color.b, col.a);
vec3 final_color = *;
o_diffuse_color = vec4(final_color, 1.0);
o_diffuse_color = vec4(, 1.0);
#if defined(Advanced_Lighting_Enabled)
vec4 layer_2 = sampleTextureLayer2(uv);
@ -26,9 +26,7 @@ void main(void)
vec3 new_color = hsvToRgb(vec3(new_xy.x, new_xy.y, old_hsv.z));
col = vec4(new_color.r, new_color.g, new_color.b, col.a);
vec3 final_color =;
o_diffuse_color = vec4(final_color, 1.0);
o_diffuse_color = vec4(, 1.0);
#if defined(Advanced_Lighting_Enabled)
vec4 layer_2 = sampleTextureLayer2(uv);
@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
flat in float hue_change;
in vec4 color;
in vec3 tangent;
in vec3 bitangent;
in vec3 normal;
in vec2 uv;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 o_diffuse_color;
@ -13,6 +10,7 @@ layout(location = 2) out vec2 o_gloss_map;
#stk_include "utils/encode_normal.frag"
#stk_include "utils/rgb_conversion.frag"
#stk_include "utils/sp_texture_sampling.frag"
#stk_include "utils/sp_normalMapOutput.frag"
void main()
@ -39,16 +37,7 @@ void main()
#if defined(Advanced_Lighting_Enabled)
vec4 layer_3 = sampleTextureLayer3(uv);
vec3 tangent_space_normal = 2.0 * - 1.0;
vec3 frag_tangent = normalize(tangent);
vec3 frag_bitangent = normalize(bitangent);
vec3 frag_normal = normalize(normal);
mat3 t_b_n = mat3(frag_tangent, frag_bitangent, frag_normal);
vec3 world_normal = t_b_n * tangent_space_normal;
vec4 layer_2 = sampleTextureLayer2(uv);
o_normal_depth.xy = 0.5 * EncodeNormal(normalize(world_normal)) + 0.5;
o_normal_depth.z = layer_2.x;
o_gloss_map = layer_2.yz;
outputNormalMapPbrData(layer_3.rgb, layer_2.rgb);
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ out vec3 normal;
out vec2 uv;
out vec2 uv_two;
out vec4 color;
out vec4 world_position;
out float camdist;
flat out float hue_change;
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ void main()
vec4 quaternion = normalize(vec4(, i_scale.w));
vec4 world_position = getWorldPosition(i_origin, quaternion,,
vec4 v_world_position = getWorldPosition(i_origin, quaternion,,
vec3 world_normal = rotateVector(quaternion,;
vec3 world_tangent = rotateVector(quaternion,;
@ -66,7 +67,8 @@ void main()
uv_two = i_uv_two;
color = i_color.zyxw;
camdist = length(u_view_matrix * world_position);
camdist = length(u_view_matrix * v_world_position);
hue_change = float(i_misc_data.y) * 0.01;
gl_Position = u_projection_view_matrix * world_position;
gl_Position = u_projection_view_matrix * v_world_position;
world_position = v_world_position;
@ -100,18 +100,11 @@
<shadow-pass use-function="" unuse-function=""
vertex-shader="sp_shadow.vert" fragment-shader="white.frag"
uniforms: Define the uniforms in shader with the name of the
type (int, float, mat4, vec4, vec3, vec2).
<uniform name="layer" type="int"/>
uniform-assigners: List of uniform assigners functions to be auto-run
when "use" the shader which set the above uniforms,
currently there are:
when "use" the shader which set the uniform
variables in shader, currently there are:
shadowCascadeUniformAssigner will set the current shadow
cascade being drawn.
@ -127,6 +120,9 @@
You have to specify the uniform name in shader together with the
bundled uniform-assigners.
Currently you can automatically assign to uniform type int, float,
mat4, vec4, vec3 and vec2 only.
<uniform-assigner name="layer"
@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
<shadow-pass vertex-shader="sp_shadow.vert"
<uniform name="layer" type="int"/>
<uniform-assigner name="layer"
@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
<shadow-pass vertex-shader="sp_shadow.vert"
<uniform name="layer" type="int"/>
<uniform-assigner name="layer"
@ -5,9 +5,6 @@
<shadow-pass vertex-shader="sp_shadow.vert" fragment-shader="white.frag"
<uniform name="layer" type="int"/>
<uniform-assigner name="layer"
@ -2,16 +2,9 @@
<shader-info name="grass" use-alpha-channel="Y"/>
<first-pass vertex-shader="sp_grass_pass.vert"
<uniform name="wind_direction" type="vec3"/>
<shadow-pass vertex-shader="sp_grass_shadow.vert"
<uniform name="wind_direction" type="vec3"/>
<uniform name="layer" type="int"/>
<uniform-assigner name="layer"
@ -6,9 +6,6 @@
<shadow-pass vertex-shader="sp_shadow.vert"
<uniform name="layer" type="int"/>
<uniform-assigner name="layer"
@ -3,10 +3,6 @@
<first-pass use-function="alphaBlendUse" vertex-shader="sp_pass.vert"
<uniform name="fog_enabled" type="int"/>
<uniform name="custom_alpha" type="float"/>
<uniform-assigner name="fog_enabled"
@ -3,10 +3,6 @@
<first-pass use-function="additiveUse" vertex-shader="sp_pass.vert"
<uniform name="fog_enabled" type="int"/>
<uniform name="custom_alpha" type="float"/>
<uniform-assigner name="fog_enabled"
@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
<first-pass use-function="ghostUse" vertex-shader="sp_pass.vert"
<uniform name="custom_alpha" type="float"/>
<uniform-assigner name="custom_alpha"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// This function encapsulate the computation of normal maps
in vec3 tangent;
in vec3 bitangent;
in vec3 normal;
void outputNormalMapPbrData(vec3 layer_3, vec3 layer_2)
vec3 tangent_space_normal = 2.0 * - 1.0;
vec3 frag_tangent = normalize(tangent);
vec3 frag_bitangent = normalize(bitangent);
vec3 frag_normal = normalize(normal);
mat3 t_b_n = mat3(frag_tangent, frag_bitangent, frag_normal);
vec3 world_normal = t_b_n * tangent_space_normal;
o_normal_depth.xy = 0.5 * EncodeNormal(normalize(world_normal)) + 0.5;
o_normal_depth.z = layer_2.x;
o_gloss_map = layer_2.yz;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ BEGIN_AS_NAMESPACE
// AngelScript version
// Data types
@ -68,12 +68,13 @@ class asIScriptModule;
class asIScriptContext;
class asIScriptGeneric;
class asIScriptObject;
class asIObjectType;
class asITypeInfo;
class asIScriptFunction;
class asIBinaryStream;
class asIJITCompiler;
class asIThreadManager;
class asILockableSharedBool;
class asIStringFactory;
// Enumerations and constants
@ -138,6 +139,9 @@ enum asEEngineProp
@ -200,7 +204,7 @@ enum asEObjTypeFlags
asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT = (1<<21),
asOBJ_SHARED = (1<<22),
asOBJ_NOINHERIT = (1<<23),
asOBJ_FUNCDEF = (1<<24),
asOBJ_LIST_PATTERN = (1<<25),
asOBJ_ENUM = (1<<26),
@ -225,14 +229,6 @@ enum asEBehaviours
// Object operators
// Deprecated since 2.30.0, 2014-10-24
// Deprecated since 2.30.0, 2014-12-30
// Garbage collection behaviours
@ -356,29 +352,31 @@ enum asEFuncType
// asQWORD = 64 bits
// asPWORD = size of pointer
typedef signed char asINT8;
typedef signed short asINT16;
typedef unsigned char asBYTE;
typedef unsigned short asWORD;
typedef unsigned int asUINT;
#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200) || defined(__S3E__)
#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200) || defined(__S3E__) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(__clang__))
// size_t is not really correct, since it only guaranteed to be large enough to hold the segment size.
// For example, on 16bit systems the size_t may be 16bits only even if pointers are 32bit. But nobody
// is likely to use MSVC6 to compile for 16bit systems anymore, so this should be ok.
typedef size_t asPWORD;
typedef size_t asPWORD;
typedef uintptr_t asPWORD;
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef unsigned int asDWORD;
typedef unsigned long asQWORD;
typedef long asINT64;
typedef unsigned int asDWORD;
typedef unsigned long asQWORD;
typedef long asINT64;
typedef unsigned long asDWORD;
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__MWERKS__) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC) || defined(__psp2__)
typedef uint64_t asQWORD;
typedef int64_t asINT64;
typedef unsigned long asDWORD;
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__MWERKS__) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC) || defined(__psp2__))
typedef uint64_t asQWORD;
typedef int64_t asINT64;
typedef unsigned __int64 asQWORD;
typedef __int64 asINT64;
typedef unsigned __int64 asQWORD;
typedef __int64 asINT64;
@ -397,7 +395,7 @@ typedef void (*asCLEANENGINEFUNC_t)(asIScriptEngine *);
typedef void (*asCLEANMODULEFUNC_t)(asIScriptModule *);
typedef void (*asCLEANCONTEXTFUNC_t)(asIScriptContext *);
typedef void (*asCLEANFUNCTIONFUNC_t)(asIScriptFunction *);
typedef void (*asCLEANOBJECTTYPEFUNC_t)(asIObjectType *);
typedef void (*asCLEANTYPEINFOFUNC_t)(asITypeInfo *);
typedef void (*asCLEANSCRIPTOBJECTFUNC_t)(asIScriptObject *);
typedef asIScriptContext *(*asREQUESTCONTEXTFUNC_t)(asIScriptEngine *, void *);
typedef void (*asRETURNCONTEXTFUNC_t)(asIScriptEngine *, asIScriptContext *, void *);
@ -425,7 +423,7 @@ typedef void (*asRETURNCONTEXTFUNC_t)(asIScriptEngine *, asIScriptContext *, voi
// BCC v5.8 (C++Builder 2006) and earlier have a similar bug which forces us to fall back to a C-style cast.
#define asFUNCTIONPR(f,p,r) asFunctionPtr((void (*)())((r (*)p)(f)))
#define asFUNCTIONPR(f,p,r) asFunctionPtr((void (*)())(static_cast<r (*)p>(f)))
#define asFUNCTIONPR(f,p,r) asFunctionPtr(reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(static_cast<r (*)p>(f)))
@ -584,7 +582,7 @@ BEGIN_AS_NAMESPACE
template<typename T>
asUINT asGetTypeTraits()
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(_LIBCPP_TYPE_TRAITS) || (__GNUC__ >= 5)
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(_LIBCPP_TYPE_TRAITS) || (__GNUC__ >= 5) || defined(__clang__)
// MSVC, XCode/Clang, and gnuc 5+
// C++11 compliant code
bool hasConstructor = std::is_default_constructible<T>::value && !std::is_trivially_default_constructible<T>::value;
@ -665,7 +663,7 @@ public:
virtual asIJITCompiler *GetJITCompiler() const = 0;
// Global functions
virtual int RegisterGlobalFunction(const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *objForThiscall = 0) = 0;
virtual int RegisterGlobalFunction(const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary = 0) = 0;
virtual asUINT GetGlobalFunctionCount() const = 0;
virtual asIScriptFunction *GetGlobalFunctionByIndex(asUINT index) const = 0;
virtual asIScriptFunction *GetGlobalFunctionByDecl(const char *declaration) const = 0;
@ -679,18 +677,16 @@ public:
// Object types
virtual int RegisterObjectType(const char *obj, int byteSize, asDWORD flags) = 0;
virtual int RegisterObjectProperty(const char *obj, const char *declaration, int byteOffset) = 0;
virtual int RegisterObjectMethod(const char *obj, const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *objForThiscall = 0) = 0;
virtual int RegisterObjectBehaviour(const char *obj, asEBehaviours behaviour, const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *objForThiscall = 0) = 0;
virtual int RegisterObjectProperty(const char *obj, const char *declaration, int byteOffset, int compositeOffset = 0, bool isCompositeIndirect = false) = 0;
virtual int RegisterObjectMethod(const char *obj, const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary = 0, int compositeOffset = 0, bool isCompositeIndirect = false) = 0;
virtual int RegisterObjectBehaviour(const char *obj, asEBehaviours behaviour, const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary = 0, int compositeOffset = 0, bool isCompositeIndirect = false) = 0;
virtual int RegisterInterface(const char *name) = 0;
virtual int RegisterInterfaceMethod(const char *intf, const char *declaration) = 0;
virtual asUINT GetObjectTypeCount() const = 0;
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectTypeByIndex(asUINT index) const = 0;
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectTypeByName(const char *name) const = 0;
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectTypeByDecl(const char *decl) const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetObjectTypeByIndex(asUINT index) const = 0;
// String factory
virtual int RegisterStringFactory(const char *datatype, const asSFuncPtr &factoryFunc, asDWORD callConv, void *objForThiscall = 0) = 0;
virtual int RegisterStringFactory(const char *datatype, asIStringFactory *factory) = 0;
virtual int GetStringFactoryReturnTypeId(asDWORD *flags = 0) const = 0;
// Default array type
@ -698,22 +694,20 @@ public:
virtual int GetDefaultArrayTypeId() const = 0;
// Enums
virtual int RegisterEnum(const char *type) = 0;
virtual int RegisterEnumValue(const char *type, const char *name, int value) = 0;
virtual asUINT GetEnumCount() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetEnumByIndex(asUINT index, int *enumTypeId, const char **nameSpace = 0, const char **configGroup = 0, asDWORD *accessMask = 0) const = 0;
virtual int GetEnumValueCount(int enumTypeId) const = 0;
virtual const char *GetEnumValueByIndex(int enumTypeId, asUINT index, int *outValue) const = 0;
virtual int RegisterEnum(const char *type) = 0;
virtual int RegisterEnumValue(const char *type, const char *name, int value) = 0;
virtual asUINT GetEnumCount() const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetEnumByIndex(asUINT index) const = 0;
// Funcdefs
virtual int RegisterFuncdef(const char *decl) = 0;
virtual asUINT GetFuncdefCount() const = 0;
virtual asIScriptFunction *GetFuncdefByIndex(asUINT index) const = 0;
virtual int RegisterFuncdef(const char *decl) = 0;
virtual asUINT GetFuncdefCount() const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetFuncdefByIndex(asUINT index) const = 0;
// Typedefs
virtual int RegisterTypedef(const char *type, const char *decl) = 0;
virtual asUINT GetTypedefCount() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetTypedefByIndex(asUINT index, int *typeId, const char **nameSpace = 0, const char **configGroup = 0, asDWORD *accessMask = 0) const = 0;
virtual int RegisterTypedef(const char *type, const char *decl) = 0;
virtual asUINT GetTypedefCount() const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypedefByIndex(asUINT index) const = 0;
// Configuration groups
virtual int BeginConfigGroup(const char *groupName) = 0;
@ -731,29 +725,26 @@ public:
// Script functions
virtual asIScriptFunction *GetFunctionById(int funcId) const = 0;
virtual asIScriptFunction *GetFuncDefFromTypeId(int typeId) const = 0;
// Type identification
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectTypeById(int typeId) const = 0;
virtual int GetTypeIdByDecl(const char *decl) const = 0;
virtual const char *GetTypeDeclaration(int typeId, bool includeNamespace = false) const = 0;
virtual int GetSizeOfPrimitiveType(int typeId) const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypeInfoById(int typeId) const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypeInfoByName(const char *name) const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypeInfoByDecl(const char *decl) const = 0;
// Script execution
virtual asIScriptContext *CreateContext() = 0;
virtual void *CreateScriptObject(const asIObjectType *type) = 0;
virtual void *CreateScriptObjectCopy(void *obj, const asIObjectType *type) = 0;
virtual void *CreateUninitializedScriptObject(const asIObjectType *type) = 0;
virtual void *CreateScriptObject(const asITypeInfo *type) = 0;
virtual void *CreateScriptObjectCopy(void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type) = 0;
virtual void *CreateUninitializedScriptObject(const asITypeInfo *type) = 0;
virtual asIScriptFunction *CreateDelegate(asIScriptFunction *func, void *obj) = 0;
virtual int AssignScriptObject(void *dstObj, void *srcObj, const asIObjectType *type) = 0;
virtual void ReleaseScriptObject(void *obj, const asIObjectType *type) = 0;
virtual void AddRefScriptObject(void *obj, const asIObjectType *type) = 0;
virtual int RefCastObject(void *obj, asIObjectType *fromType, asIObjectType *toType, void **newPtr, bool useOnlyImplicitCast = false) = 0;
// Deprecated since 2.30.0, 2014-11-04
virtual bool IsHandleCompatibleWithObject(void *obj, int objTypeId, int handleTypeId) const = 0;
virtual asILockableSharedBool *GetWeakRefFlagOfScriptObject(void *obj, const asIObjectType *type) const = 0;
virtual int AssignScriptObject(void *dstObj, void *srcObj, const asITypeInfo *type) = 0;
virtual void ReleaseScriptObject(void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type) = 0;
virtual void AddRefScriptObject(void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type) = 0;
virtual int RefCastObject(void *obj, asITypeInfo *fromType, asITypeInfo *toType, void **newPtr, bool useOnlyImplicitCast = false) = 0;
virtual asILockableSharedBool *GetWeakRefFlagOfScriptObject(void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type) const = 0;
// Context pooling
virtual asIScriptContext *RequestContext() = 0;
@ -766,8 +757,8 @@ public:
// Garbage collection
virtual int GarbageCollect(asDWORD flags = asGC_FULL_CYCLE, asUINT numIterations = 1) = 0;
virtual void GetGCStatistics(asUINT *currentSize, asUINT *totalDestroyed = 0, asUINT *totalDetected = 0, asUINT *newObjects = 0, asUINT *totalNewDestroyed = 0) const = 0;
virtual int NotifyGarbageCollectorOfNewObject(void *obj, asIObjectType *type) = 0;
virtual int GetObjectInGC(asUINT idx, asUINT *seqNbr = 0, void **obj = 0, asIObjectType **type = 0) = 0;
virtual int NotifyGarbageCollectorOfNewObject(void *obj, asITypeInfo *type) = 0;
virtual int GetObjectInGC(asUINT idx, asUINT *seqNbr = 0, void **obj = 0, asITypeInfo **type = 0) = 0;
virtual void GCEnumCallback(void *reference) = 0;
// User data
@ -777,13 +768,24 @@ public:
virtual void SetModuleUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANMODULEFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type = 0) = 0;
virtual void SetContextUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANCONTEXTFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type = 0) = 0;
virtual void SetFunctionUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANFUNCTIONFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type = 0) = 0;
virtual void SetObjectTypeUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANOBJECTTYPEFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type = 0) = 0;
virtual void SetTypeInfoUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANTYPEINFOFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type = 0) = 0;
virtual void SetScriptObjectUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANSCRIPTOBJECTFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type = 0) = 0;
virtual ~asIScriptEngine() {}
class asIStringFactory
virtual const void *GetStringConstant(const char *data, asUINT length) = 0;
virtual int ReleaseStringConstant(const void *str) = 0;
virtual int GetRawStringData(const void *str, char *data, asUINT *length) const = 0;
virtual ~asIStringFactory() {}
class asIThreadManager
@ -826,20 +828,18 @@ public:
// Type identification
virtual asUINT GetObjectTypeCount() const = 0;
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectTypeByIndex(asUINT index) const = 0;
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectTypeByName(const char *name) const = 0;
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectTypeByDecl(const char *decl) const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetObjectTypeByIndex(asUINT index) const = 0;
virtual int GetTypeIdByDecl(const char *decl) const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypeInfoByName(const char *name) const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypeInfoByDecl(const char *decl) const = 0;
// Enums
virtual asUINT GetEnumCount() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetEnumByIndex(asUINT index, int *enumTypeId, const char **nameSpace = 0) const = 0;
virtual int GetEnumValueCount(int enumTypeId) const = 0;
virtual const char *GetEnumValueByIndex(int enumTypeId, asUINT index, int *outValue) const = 0;
virtual asUINT GetEnumCount() const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetEnumByIndex(asUINT index) const = 0;
// Typedefs
virtual asUINT GetTypedefCount() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetTypedefByIndex(asUINT index, int *typeId, const char **nameSpace = 0) const = 0;
virtual asUINT GetTypedefCount() const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypedefByIndex(asUINT index) const = 0;
// Dynamic binding between modules
virtual asUINT GetImportedFunctionCount() const = 0;
@ -948,6 +948,7 @@ public:
// Miscellaneous
virtual asIScriptEngine *GetEngine() const = 0;
virtual asIScriptFunction *GetFunction() const = 0;
virtual void *GetAuxiliary() const = 0;
// Object
virtual void *GetObject() = 0;
@ -992,7 +993,7 @@ public:
// Type info
virtual int GetTypeId() const = 0;
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectType() const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetObjectType() const = 0;
// Class properties
virtual asUINT GetPropertyCount() const = 0;
@ -1012,7 +1013,7 @@ protected:
virtual ~asIScriptObject() {}
class asIObjectType
class asITypeInfo
// Miscellaneous
@ -1028,19 +1029,19 @@ public:
// Type info
virtual const char *GetName() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetNamespace() const = 0;
virtual asIObjectType *GetBaseType() const = 0;
virtual bool DerivesFrom(const asIObjectType *objType) const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetBaseType() const = 0;
virtual bool DerivesFrom(const asITypeInfo *objType) const = 0;
virtual asDWORD GetFlags() const = 0;
virtual asUINT GetSize() const = 0;
virtual int GetTypeId() const = 0;
virtual int GetSubTypeId(asUINT subTypeIndex = 0) const = 0;
virtual asIObjectType *GetSubType(asUINT subTypeIndex = 0) const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetSubType(asUINT subTypeIndex = 0) const = 0;
virtual asUINT GetSubTypeCount() const = 0;
// Interfaces
virtual asUINT GetInterfaceCount() const = 0;
virtual asIObjectType *GetInterface(asUINT index) const = 0;
virtual bool Implements(const asIObjectType *objType) const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetInterface(asUINT index) const = 0;
virtual bool Implements(const asITypeInfo *objType) const = 0;
// Factories
virtual asUINT GetFactoryCount() const = 0;
@ -1055,19 +1056,34 @@ public:
// Properties
virtual asUINT GetPropertyCount() const = 0;
virtual int GetProperty(asUINT index, const char **name, int *typeId = 0, bool *isPrivate = 0, bool *isProtected = 0, int *offset = 0, bool *isReference = 0, asDWORD *accessMask = 0) const = 0;
virtual int GetProperty(asUINT index, const char **name, int *typeId = 0, bool *isPrivate = 0, bool *isProtected = 0, int *offset = 0, bool *isReference = 0, asDWORD *accessMask = 0, int *compositeOffset = 0, bool *isCompositeIndirect = 0) const = 0;
virtual const char *GetPropertyDeclaration(asUINT index, bool includeNamespace = false) const = 0;
// Behaviours
virtual asUINT GetBehaviourCount() const = 0;
virtual asIScriptFunction *GetBehaviourByIndex(asUINT index, asEBehaviours *outBehaviour) const = 0;
// Child types
virtual asUINT GetChildFuncdefCount() const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetChildFuncdef(asUINT index) const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetParentType() const = 0;
// Enums
virtual asUINT GetEnumValueCount() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetEnumValueByIndex(asUINT index, int *outValue) const = 0;
// Typedef
virtual int GetTypedefTypeId() const = 0;
// Funcdef
virtual asIScriptFunction *GetFuncdefSignature() const = 0;
// User data
virtual void *SetUserData(void *data, asPWORD type = 0) = 0;
virtual void *GetUserData(asPWORD type = 0) const = 0;
virtual ~asIObjectType() {}
virtual ~asITypeInfo() {}
class asIScriptFunction
@ -1087,9 +1103,10 @@ public:
virtual const char *GetScriptSectionName() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetConfigGroup() const = 0;
virtual asDWORD GetAccessMask() const = 0;
virtual void *GetAuxiliary() const = 0;
// Function signature
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectType() const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetObjectType() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetObjectName() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetName() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetNamespace() const = 0;
@ -1102,10 +1119,6 @@ public:
virtual bool IsShared() const = 0;
virtual asUINT GetParamCount() const = 0;
virtual int GetParam(asUINT index, int *typeId, asDWORD *flags = 0, const char **name = 0, const char **defaultArg = 0) const = 0;
// Deprecated since 2.29.0, 2014-04-06
virtual int GetParamTypeId(asUINT index, asDWORD *flags = 0) const = 0;
virtual int GetReturnTypeId(asDWORD *flags = 0) const = 0;
// Type id for function pointers
@ -1114,7 +1127,7 @@ public:
// Delegates
virtual void *GetDelegateObject() const = 0;
virtual asIObjectType *GetDelegateObjectType() const = 0;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetDelegateObjectType() const = 0;
virtual asIScriptFunction *GetDelegateFunction() const = 0;
// Debug information
@ -1137,8 +1150,8 @@ protected:
class asIBinaryStream
virtual void Read(void *ptr, asUINT size) = 0;
virtual void Write(const void *ptr, asUINT size) = 0;
virtual int Read(void *ptr, asUINT size) = 0;
virtual int Write(const void *ptr, asUINT size) = 0;
virtual ~asIBinaryStream() {}
@ -1337,7 +1350,7 @@ struct asSVMRegisters
asDWORD *stackPointer; // top of stack (grows downward)
asQWORD valueRegister; // temp register for primitives
void *objectRegister; // temp register for objects and handles
asIObjectType *objectType; // type of object held in object register
asITypeInfo *objectType; // type of object held in object register
bool doProcessSuspend; // whether or not the JIT should break out when it encounters a suspend instruction
asIScriptContext *ctx; // the active context
@ -137,8 +137,10 @@ else()
set(ANGELSCRIPT_LIBRARY_NAME Angelscript) # OS X frameworks should have capitalized name
# Don't override the default library output path to avoid conflicts when building for multiple target platforms
@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ if(MSVC)
# Don't override the default runtime output path to avoid conflicts when building for multiple target platforms
#add_subdirectory(../../../samples/game/projects/cmake/ ./game)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -468,10 +468,10 @@ bool asCArray<T>::Concatenate(const asCArray<T> &other)
template <class T>
void asCArray<T>::Concatenate(T* array, unsigned int count)
void asCArray<T>::Concatenate(T* other, unsigned int count)
for( unsigned int c = 0; c < count; c++ )
template <class T>
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ struct sPropertyInitializer
struct sClassDeclaration
sClassDeclaration() {script = 0; node = 0; validState = 0; objType = 0; isExistingShared = false; isFinal = false;}
sClassDeclaration() {script = 0; node = 0; validState = 0; typeInfo = 0; isExistingShared = false; isFinal = false;}
asCScriptCode *script;
asCScriptNode *node;
asCString name;
int validState;
asCObjectType *objType;
asCTypeInfo *typeInfo;
bool isExistingShared;
bool isFinal;
@ -140,10 +140,10 @@ public:
int VerifyProperty(asCDataType *dt, const char *decl, asCString &outName, asCDataType &outType, asSNameSpace *ns);
int ParseDataType(const char *datatype, asCDataType *result, asSNameSpace *implicitNamespace, bool isReturnType = false);
int ParseTemplateDecl(const char *decl, asCString *name, asCArray<asCString> &subtypeNames);
int ParseFunctionDeclaration(asCObjectType *type, const char *decl, asCScriptFunction *func, bool isSystemFunction, asCArray<bool> *paramAutoHandles = 0, bool *returnAutoHandle = 0, asSNameSpace *ns = 0, asCScriptNode **listPattern = 0);
int ParseFunctionDeclaration(asCObjectType *type, const char *decl, asCScriptFunction *func, bool isSystemFunction, asCArray<bool> *paramAutoHandles = 0, bool *returnAutoHandle = 0, asSNameSpace *ns = 0, asCScriptNode **outListPattern = 0, asCObjectType **outParentClass = 0);
int ParseVariableDeclaration(const char *decl, asSNameSpace *implicitNamespace, asCString &outName, asSNameSpace *&outNamespace, asCDataType &outDt);
int CheckNameConflict(const char *name, asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *code, asSNameSpace *ns);
int CheckNameConflictMember(asCObjectType *type, const char *name, asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *code, bool isProperty);
int CheckNameConflictMember(asCTypeInfo *type, const char *name, asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *code, bool isProperty);
int AddCode(const char *name, const char *code, int codeLength, int lineOffset, int sectionIdx, bool makeCopy);
@ -173,14 +173,16 @@ protected:
int ValidateDefaultArgs(asCScriptCode *script, asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptFunction *func);
asCString GetCleanExpressionString(asCScriptNode *n, asCScriptCode *file);
asSNameSpace *GetNameSpaceFromNode(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *script, asSNameSpace *implicitNs, asCScriptNode **next);
asSNameSpace *GetNameSpaceByString(const asCString &nsName, asSNameSpace *implicitNs, asCScriptNode *errNode, asCScriptCode *script, bool isRequired = true);
asSNameSpace *GetNameSpaceFromNode(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *script, asSNameSpace *implicitNs, asCScriptNode **next, asCObjectType **objType = 0);
asSNameSpace *GetNameSpaceByString(const asCString &nsName, asSNameSpace *implicitNs, asCScriptNode *errNode, asCScriptCode *script, asCTypeInfo **scopeType = 0, bool isRequired = true);
asCString GetScopeFromNode(asCScriptNode *n, asCScriptCode *script, asCScriptNode **next = 0);
asCTypeInfo *GetType(const char *type, asSNameSpace *ns, asCObjectType *parentType);
asCObjectType *GetObjectType(const char *type, asSNameSpace *ns);
asCScriptFunction *GetFuncDef(const char *type);
asCObjectType *GetObjectTypeFromTypesKnownByObject(const char *type, asCObjectType *currentType);
asCDataType CreateDataTypeFromNode(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *implicitNamespace, bool acceptHandleForScope = false, asCObjectType *currentType = 0);
asCFuncdefType *GetFuncDef(const char *type, asSNameSpace *ns, asCObjectType *parentType);
asCTypeInfo *GetTypeFromTypesKnownByObject(const char *type, asCObjectType *currentType);
asCDataType CreateDataTypeFromNode(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *implicitNamespace, bool acceptHandleForScope = false, asCObjectType *currentType = 0, bool reportError = true, bool *isValid = 0);
asCObjectType *GetTemplateInstanceFromNode(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asCObjectType *templateType, asSNameSpace *implicitNamespace, asCObjectType *currentType, asCScriptNode **next = 0);
asCDataType ModifyDataTypeFromNode(const asCDataType &type, asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asETypeModifiers *inOutFlag, bool *autoHandle);
int numErrors;
@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ protected:
void AddInterfaceFromMixinToClass(sClassDeclaration *decl, asCScriptNode *errNode, sMixinClass *mixin);
int RegisterScriptFunctionFromNode(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asCObjectType *object = 0, bool isInterface = false, bool isGlobalFunction = false, asSNameSpace *ns = 0, bool isExistingShared = false, bool isMixin = false);
int RegisterScriptFunction(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asCObjectType *objType, bool isInterface, bool isGlobalFunction, asSNameSpace *ns, bool isExistingShared, bool isMixin, asCString &name, asCDataType &returnType, asCArray<asCString> ¶meterNames, asCArray<asCDataType> ¶meterTypes, asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &inOutFlags, asCArray<asCString *> &defaultArgs, bool isConstMethod, bool isConstructor, bool isDestructor, bool isPrivate, bool isProtected, bool isOverride, bool isFinal, bool isShared);
int RegisterScriptFunction(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asCObjectType *objType, bool isInterface, bool isGlobalFunction, asSNameSpace *ns, bool isExistingShared, bool isMixin, asCString &name, asCDataType &returnType, asCArray<asCString> ¶meterNames, asCArray<asCDataType> ¶meterTypes, asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &inOutFlags, asCArray<asCString *> &defaultArgs, asSFunctionTraits funcTraits);
int RegisterVirtualProperty(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asCObjectType *object = 0, bool isInterface = false, bool isGlobalFunction = false, asSNameSpace *ns = 0, bool isExistingShared = false);
int RegisterImportedFunction(int funcID, asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *ns);
int RegisterGlobalVar(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *ns);
@ -212,12 +214,13 @@ protected:
int RegisterInterface(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *ns);
int RegisterEnum(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *ns);
int RegisterTypedef(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *ns);
int RegisterFuncDef(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *ns);
int RegisterFuncDef(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asSNameSpace *ns, asCObjectType *parent);
asCScriptFunction *RegisterLambda(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asCScriptFunction *funcDef, const asCString &name, asSNameSpace *ns);
void CompleteFuncDef(sFuncDef *funcDef);
void CompileInterfaces();
void CompileClasses(asUINT originalNumTempl);
void GetParsedFunctionDetails(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asCObjectType *objType, asCString &name, asCDataType &returnType, asCArray<asCString> ¶meterNames, asCArray<asCDataType> ¶meterTypes, asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &inOutFlags, asCArray<asCString *> &defaultArgs, bool &isConstMethod, bool &isConstructor, bool &isDestructor, bool &isPrivate, bool &isProtected, bool &isOverride, bool &isFinal, bool &isShared, asSNameSpace *implicitNamespace);
void DetermineTypeRelations();
void GetParsedFunctionDetails(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *file, asCObjectType *objType, asCString &name, asCDataType &returnType, asCArray<asCString> ¶meterNames, asCArray<asCDataType> ¶meterTypes, asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &inOutFlags, asCArray<asCString *> &defaultArgs, asSFunctionTraits &traits, asSNameSpace *implicitNamespace);
bool DoesMethodExist(asCObjectType *objType, int methodId, asUINT *methodIndex = 0);
void AddDefaultConstructor(asCObjectType *objType, asCScriptCode *file);
asCObjectProperty *AddPropertyToClass(sClassDeclaration *c, const asCString &name, const asCDataType &type, bool isPrivate, bool isProtected, bool isInherited, asCScriptCode *file = 0, asCScriptNode *node = 0);
@ -227,7 +230,7 @@ protected:
void RegisterNonTypesFromScript(asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptCode *script, asSNameSpace *ns);
void CompileFunctions();
void CompileGlobalVariables();
int GetEnumValueFromObjectType(asCObjectType *objType, const char *name, asCDataType &outDt, asDWORD &outValue);
int GetEnumValueFromType(asCEnumType *type, const char *name, asCDataType &outDt, asDWORD &outValue);
int GetEnumValue(const char *name, asCDataType &outDt, asDWORD &outValue, asSNameSpace *ns);
bool DoesTypeExist(const asCString &type);
asCObjectProperty *GetObjectProperty(asCDataType &obj, const char *prop);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ void asCByteCode::OptimizeLocally(const asCArray<int> &tempVariableOffsets)
short tempVar = last->wArg[0];
asCArray<short> freedVars;
asCByteInstruction *instr = last->prev;
instr = last->prev;
asASSERT( instr && instr->op == asBC_Block );
instr = instr->prev;
while( instr && instr->op == asBC_FREE )
@ -1164,6 +1164,12 @@ void asCByteCode::Optimize()
instr = GoBack(DeleteInstruction(curr));
// LINE, VarDecl, LINE -> VarDecl, LINE
else if (instrOp == asBC_VarDecl && instr->next && instr->next->op == asBC_LINE )
// Delete the first instruction
instr = GoBack(DeleteInstruction(curr));
else if( instrOp == asBC_LINE )
@ -1390,6 +1396,7 @@ bool asCByteCode::IsTempRegUsed(asCByteInstruction *curr)
curr->op == asBC_PopRPtr ||
curr->op == asBC_CALLSYS ||
curr->op == asBC_CALLBND ||
curr->op == asBC_Thiscall1 ||
curr->op == asBC_SUSPEND ||
curr->op == asBC_ALLOC ||
curr->op == asBC_CpyVtoR4 ||
@ -1444,7 +1451,8 @@ bool asCByteCode::IsSimpleExpression()
instr->op == asBC_FREE ||
instr->op == asBC_CallPtr ||
instr->op == asBC_CALLINTF ||
instr->op == asBC_CALLBND )
instr->op == asBC_CALLBND ||
instr->op == asBC_Thiscall1 )
return false;
instr = instr->next;
@ -1536,7 +1544,7 @@ void asCByteCode::ExtractObjectVariableInfo(asCScriptFunction *outFunc)
asSObjectVariableInfo info;
info.programPos = pos;
info.variableOffset = (short)instr->wArg[0];
info.option = *(int*)ARG_DW(instr->arg);
info.option = (asEObjVarInfoOption)*(int*)ARG_DW(instr->arg);
else if( instr->op == asBC_VarDecl )
@ -2064,18 +2072,23 @@ void asCByteCode::PostProcess()
#ifdef AS_DEBUG
void asCByteCode::DebugOutput(const char *name, asCScriptEngine *engine, asCScriptFunction *func)
void asCByteCode::DebugOutput(const char *name, asCScriptFunction *func)
asCString str = "AS_DEBUG/";
str += name;
asCString path = "AS_DEBUG/";
path += name;
// Anonymous functions created from within class methods will contain :: as part of the name
// Replace :: with __ to avoid error when creating the file for debug output
for (asUINT n = 0; n < path.GetLength(); n++)
if (path[n] == ':') path[n] = '_';
#if _MSC_VER >= 1500 && !defined(AS_MARMALADE)
FILE *file;
fopen_s(&file, str.AddressOf(), "w");
fopen_s(&file, path.AddressOf(), "w");
FILE *file = fopen(str.AddressOf(), "w");
FILE *file = fopen(path.AddressOf(), "w");
#if !defined(AS_XENON) // XBox 360: When running in DVD Emu, no write is allowed
@ -2186,14 +2199,7 @@ void asCByteCode::DebugOutput(const char *name, asCScriptEngine *engine, asCScri
switch( asBCInfo[instr->op].type )
case asBCTYPE_W_ARG:
if( instr->op == asBC_STR )
int id = asWORD(instr->wArg[0]);
const asCString &str = engine->GetConstantString(id);
fprintf(file, " %-8s %d (l:%ld s:\"%.10s\")\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, asWORD(instr->wArg[0]), (long int)str.GetLength(), str.AddressOf());
fprintf(file, " %-8s %d\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, instr->wArg[0]);
fprintf(file, " %-8s %d\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, instr->wArg[0]);
case asBCTYPE_wW_ARG:
@ -2237,8 +2243,8 @@ void asCByteCode::DebugOutput(const char *name, asCScriptEngine *engine, asCScri
case asBC_FuncPtr:
asCScriptFunction *func = *(asCScriptFunction**)ARG_DW(instr->arg);
fprintf(file, " %-8s 0x%x (func:%s)\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, (asUINT)*ARG_DW(instr->arg), func->GetDeclaration());
asCScriptFunction *f = *(asCScriptFunction**)ARG_DW(instr->arg);
fprintf(file, " %-8s 0x%x (func:%s)\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, (asUINT)*ARG_DW(instr->arg), f->GetDeclaration());
@ -2298,8 +2304,8 @@ void asCByteCode::DebugOutput(const char *name, asCScriptEngine *engine, asCScri
case asBC_FuncPtr:
asCScriptFunction *func = *(asCScriptFunction**)ARG_QW(instr->arg);
fprintf(file, " %-8s 0x%x (func:%s)\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, (asUINT)*ARG_QW(instr->arg), func->GetDeclaration());
asCScriptFunction *f = *(asCScriptFunction**)ARG_QW(instr->arg);
fprintf(file, " %-8s 0x%x (func:%s)\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, (asUINT)*ARG_QW(instr->arg), f->GetDeclaration());
@ -2345,8 +2351,8 @@ void asCByteCode::DebugOutput(const char *name, asCScriptEngine *engine, asCScri
if( instr->op == asBC_ALLOC )
asCObjectType *ot = *(asCObjectType**)ARG_DW(instr->arg);
asCScriptFunction *func = engine->scriptFunctions[instr->wArg[0]];
fprintf(file, " %-8s 0x%x, %d (type:%s, %s)\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, *(int*)ARG_DW(instr->arg), *(int*)(ARG_DW(instr->arg)+1), ot->GetName(), func ? func->GetDeclaration() : "{no func}");
asCScriptFunction *f = engine->scriptFunctions[instr->wArg[0]];
fprintf(file, " %-8s 0x%x, %d (type:%s, %s)\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, *(int*)ARG_DW(instr->arg), *(int*)(ARG_DW(instr->arg)+1), ot->GetName(), f ? f->GetDeclaration() : "{no func}");
fprintf(file, " %-8s %u, %d\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, *(int*)ARG_DW(instr->arg), *(int*)(ARG_DW(instr->arg)+1));
@ -2360,19 +2366,19 @@ void asCByteCode::DebugOutput(const char *name, asCScriptEngine *engine, asCScri
if( instr->op == asBC_ALLOC )
asCObjectType *ot = *(asCObjectType**)ARG_QW(instr->arg);
asCScriptFunction *func = engine->scriptFunctions[instr->wArg[0]];
#ifdef __GNUC__
asCScriptFunction *f = engine->scriptFunctions[instr->wArg[0]];
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
#ifdef AS_64BIT_PTR
fprintf(file, " %-8s 0x%lx, %d (type:%s, %s)\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, *(asINT64*)ARG_QW(instr->arg), *(int*)(ARG_DW(instr->arg)+2), ot->GetName(), func ? func->GetDeclaration() : "{no func}");
fprintf(file, " %-8s 0x%lx, %d (type:%s, %s)\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, *(asINT64*)ARG_QW(instr->arg), *(int*)(ARG_DW(instr->arg)+2), ot->GetName(), f ? f->GetDeclaration() : "{no func}");
fprintf(file, " %-8s 0x%llx, %d (type:%s, %s)\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, *(asINT64*)ARG_QW(instr->arg), *(int*)(ARG_DW(instr->arg)+2), ot->GetName(), func ? func->GetDeclaration() : "{no func}");
fprintf(file, " %-8s 0x%llx, %d (type:%s, %s)\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, *(asINT64*)ARG_QW(instr->arg), *(int*)(ARG_DW(instr->arg)+2), ot->GetName(), f ? f->GetDeclaration() : "{no func}");
fprintf(file, " %-8s 0x%I64x, %d (type:%s, %s)\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, *(asINT64*)ARG_QW(instr->arg), *(int*)(ARG_DW(instr->arg)+2), ot->GetName(), func ? func->GetDeclaration() : "{no func}");
fprintf(file, " %-8s 0x%I64x, %d (type:%s, %s)\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, *(asINT64*)ARG_QW(instr->arg), *(int*)(ARG_DW(instr->arg)+2), ot->GetName(), f ? f->GetDeclaration() : "{no func}");
#ifdef __GNUC__
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
#ifdef AS_64BIT_PTR
fprintf(file, " %-8s %lu, %d\n", asBCInfo[instr->op].name, *(asINT64*)ARG_QW(instr->arg), *(int*)(ARG_DW(instr->arg)+2));
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public:
void PostProcess();
#ifdef AS_DEBUG
void DebugOutput(const char *name, asCScriptEngine *engine, asCScriptFunction *func);
void DebugOutput(const char *name, asCScriptFunction *func);
int GetLastInstr();
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ BEGIN_AS_NAMESPACE
// describes the structure for class method pointers on Itanium and arm64 ABI
int DetectCallingConvention(bool isMethod, const asSFuncPtr &ptr, int callConv, void *objForThiscall, asSSystemFunctionInterface *internal)
int DetectCallingConvention(bool isMethod, const asSFuncPtr &ptr, int callConv, void *auxiliary, asSSystemFunctionInterface *internal)
memset(internal, 0, sizeof(asSSystemFunctionInterface));
internal->func = ptr.ptr.f.func;
internal->objForThiscall = 0;
internal->func = ptr.ptr.f.func;
internal->auxiliary = 0;
// Was a compatible calling convention specified?
if( internal->func )
@ -80,21 +80,26 @@ int DetectCallingConvention(bool isMethod, const asSFuncPtr &ptr, int callConv,
internal->callConv = ICC_STDCALL;
else if( base == asCALL_THISCALL_ASGLOBAL )
if( objForThiscall == 0 )
if(auxiliary == 0)
return asINVALID_ARG;
internal->objForThiscall = objForThiscall;
internal->callConv = ICC_THISCALL;
internal->auxiliary = auxiliary;
internal->callConv = ICC_THISCALL;
// This is really a thiscall, so it is necessary to check for virtual method pointers
isMethod = true;
else if( base == asCALL_GENERIC )
else if (base == asCALL_GENERIC)
internal->callConv = ICC_GENERIC_FUNC;
// The auxiliary object is optional for generic calling convention
internal->auxiliary = auxiliary;
if( isMethod )
@ -103,7 +108,7 @@ int DetectCallingConvention(bool isMethod, const asSFuncPtr &ptr, int callConv,
internalCallConv thisCallConv;
if( base == asCALL_THISCALL )
if( callConv != asCALL_THISCALL_ASGLOBAL && objForThiscall )
if(callConv != asCALL_THISCALL_ASGLOBAL && auxiliary)
return asINVALID_ARG;
thisCallConv = ICC_THISCALL;
@ -113,10 +118,10 @@ int DetectCallingConvention(bool isMethod, const asSFuncPtr &ptr, int callConv,
if( objForThiscall == 0 )
if(auxiliary == 0)
return asINVALID_ARG;
internal->objForThiscall = objForThiscall;
internal->auxiliary = auxiliary;
else //if( base == asCALL_THISCALL_OBJLAST )
@ -151,8 +156,11 @@ int DetectCallingConvention(bool isMethod, const asSFuncPtr &ptr, int callConv,
internal->callConv = ICC_CDECL_OBJLAST;
else if( base == asCALL_CDECL_OBJFIRST )
internal->callConv = ICC_CDECL_OBJFIRST;
else if( base == asCALL_GENERIC )
else if (base == asCALL_GENERIC)
internal->callConv = ICC_GENERIC_METHOD;
internal->auxiliary = auxiliary;
@ -161,7 +169,7 @@ int DetectCallingConvention(bool isMethod, const asSFuncPtr &ptr, int callConv,
// This function should prepare system functions so that it will be faster to call them
int PrepareSystemFunctionGeneric(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInterface *internal, asCScriptEngine * /*engine*/)
int PrepareSystemFunctionGeneric(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInterface *internal, asCScriptEngine *engine)
asASSERT(internal->callConv == ICC_GENERIC_METHOD || internal->callConv == ICC_GENERIC_FUNC);
@ -175,17 +183,25 @@ int PrepareSystemFunctionGeneric(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInter
asCDataType &dt = func->parameterTypes[n];
if( dt.IsObject() && !dt.IsReference() )
if( (dt.IsObject() || dt.IsFuncdef()) && !dt.IsReference() )
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &dt.GetObjectType()->beh;
if( dt.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_REF )
if (dt.IsFuncdef())
asASSERT( (dt.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || beh->release );
asSSystemFunctionInterface::SClean clean;
clean.op = 0; // call release
clean.ot = &engine->functionBehaviours;
|||| = short(offset);
else if( dt.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_REF )
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &CastToObjectType(dt.GetTypeInfo())->beh;
asASSERT( (dt.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || beh->release );
if( beh->release )
asSSystemFunctionInterface::SClean clean;
clean.op = 0; // call release
clean.ot = dt.GetObjectType();
clean.ot = CastToObjectType(dt.GetTypeInfo());
|||| = short(offset);
@ -194,10 +210,11 @@ int PrepareSystemFunctionGeneric(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInter
asSSystemFunctionInterface::SClean clean;
clean.op = 1; // call free
clean.ot = dt.GetObjectType();
clean.ot = CastToObjectType(dt.GetTypeInfo());
|||| = short(offset);
// Call the destructor then free the memory
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &CastToObjectType(dt.GetTypeInfo())->beh;
if( beh->destruct )
clean.op = 2; // call destruct, then free
@ -222,7 +239,7 @@ int PrepareSystemFunction(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInterface *i
// This should never happen, as when AS_MAX_PORTABILITY is on, all functions
// This should never happen, as when AS_MAX_PORTABILITY is on, all functions
// are asCALL_GENERIC, which are prepared by PrepareSystemFunctionGeneric
@ -236,8 +253,8 @@ int PrepareSystemFunction(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInterface *i
// Registered types have special flags that determine how they are returned
else if( func->returnType.IsObject() )
asDWORD objType = func->returnType.GetObjectType()->flags;
asDWORD objType = func->returnType.GetTypeInfo()->flags;
// Only value types can be returned by value
asASSERT( objType & asOBJ_VALUE );
@ -247,7 +264,7 @@ int PrepareSystemFunction(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInterface *i
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION, func->GetDeclarationStr().AddressOf());
asCString str;
str.Format(TXT_CANNOT_RET_TYPE_s_BY_VAL, func->returnType.GetObjectType()->name.AddressOf());
str.Format(TXT_CANNOT_RET_TYPE_s_BY_VAL, func->returnType.GetTypeInfo()->name.AddressOf());
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, str.AddressOf());
engine->ConfigError(asINVALID_CONFIGURATION, 0, 0, 0);
@ -282,7 +299,7 @@ int PrepareSystemFunction(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInterface *i
internal->hostReturnInMemory = false;
internal->hostReturnSize = func->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryDWords();
if( func->returnType.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLFLOATS )
if( func->returnType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLFLOATS )
internal->hostReturnFloat = true;
@ -329,7 +346,7 @@ int PrepareSystemFunction(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInterface *i
// Ref:
// If the application informs that the class should be treated as all integers, then we allow it
if( !internal->hostReturnInMemory &&
!(func->returnType.GetObjectType()->flags & (asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLINTS | asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLFLOATS)) )
!(func->returnType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & (asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLINTS | asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLFLOATS)) )
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION, func->GetDeclarationStr().AddressOf());
@ -405,12 +422,12 @@ int PrepareSystemFunction(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInterface *i
internal->takesObjByVal = true;
// Can't pass objects by value unless the application type is informed
if( !(func->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & (asOBJ_APP_CLASS | asOBJ_APP_PRIMITIVE | asOBJ_APP_FLOAT | asOBJ_APP_ARRAY)) )
if( !(func->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & (asOBJ_APP_CLASS | asOBJ_APP_PRIMITIVE | asOBJ_APP_FLOAT | asOBJ_APP_ARRAY)) )
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION, func->GetDeclarationStr().AddressOf());
asCString str;
str.Format(TXT_CANNOT_PASS_TYPE_s_BY_VAL, func->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->name.AddressOf());
str.Format(TXT_CANNOT_PASS_TYPE_s_BY_VAL, func->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->name.AddressOf());
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, str.AddressOf());
engine->ConfigError(asINVALID_CONFIGURATION, 0, 0, 0);
@ -421,19 +438,19 @@ int PrepareSystemFunction(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInterface *i
// will be used depending on the memory layout of the object
// Ref:
// Ref:
!(func->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK) &&
!(func->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK) &&
func->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeInMemoryDWords() < AS_LARGE_OBJ_MIN_SIZE &&
!(func->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & (asOBJ_APP_PRIMITIVE | asOBJ_APP_FLOAT | asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLINTS | asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLFLOATS)) )
!(func->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & (asOBJ_APP_PRIMITIVE | asOBJ_APP_FLOAT | asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLINTS | asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLFLOATS)) )
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION, func->GetDeclarationStr().AddressOf());
asCString str;
str.Format(TXT_DONT_SUPPORT_TYPE_s_BY_VAL, func->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->name.AddressOf());
str.Format(TXT_DONT_SUPPORT_TYPE_s_BY_VAL, func->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->name.AddressOf());
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, str.AddressOf());
engine->ConfigError(asINVALID_CONFIGURATION, 0, 0, 0);
@ -452,24 +469,24 @@ int PrepareSystemFunction(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInterface *i
bool needFree = false;
if( dt.GetObjectType() && dt.GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK ) needFree = true;
if( dt.GetTypeInfo() && dt.GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK ) needFree = true;
if( dt.GetSizeInMemoryDWords() >= AS_LARGE_OBJ_MIN_SIZE ) needFree = true;
if( needFree &&
dt.IsObject() &&
!dt.IsObjectHandle() &&
!dt.IsObjectHandle() &&
!dt.IsReference() )
asSSystemFunctionInterface::SClean clean;
clean.op = 1; // call free
clean.ot = dt.GetObjectType();
clean.ot = CastToObjectType(dt.GetTypeInfo());
|||| = short(offset);
// If the called function doesn't destroy objects passed by value we must do so here
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &dt.GetObjectType()->beh;
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &CastToObjectType(dt.GetTypeInfo())->beh;
if( beh->destruct )
clean.op = 2; // call destruct, then free
@ -482,7 +499,10 @@ int PrepareSystemFunction(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInterface *i
asSSystemFunctionInterface::SClean clean;
clean.op = 0; // call release
clean.ot = dt.GetObjectType();
if (dt.IsFuncdef())
clean.ot = &engine->functionBehaviours;
clean.ot = CastToObjectType(dt.GetTypeInfo());
|||| = short(offset);
@ -533,7 +553,7 @@ int CallSystemFunction(int id, asCContext *context)
// Return value:
// The function should return the value that is returned in registers.
// The function should return the value that is returned in registers.
asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr, void *obj, asDWORD *args, void *retPointer, asQWORD &retQW2, void *secondObj);
@ -553,16 +573,22 @@ int CallSystemFunction(int id, asCContext *context)
void *retPointer = 0;
int popSize = sysFunc->paramSize;
// TODO: clean-up: CallSystemFunctionNative should have two arguments for object pointers
// objForThiscall is the object pointer that should be used for the thiscall
// objForArg is the object pointer that should be passed as argument when using OBJFIRST or OBJLAST
// Used to save two object pointers with THISCALL_OBJLAST or THISCALL_OBJFIRST
void *obj = 0;
void *secondObj = 0;
void *obj = 0;
void *secondObj = 0;
if( callConv >= ICC_THISCALL )
if( sysFunc->objForThiscall )
// This class method is being called as if it is a global function
obj = sysFunc->objForThiscall;
obj = sysFunc->auxiliary;
@ -593,13 +619,6 @@ int CallSystemFunction(int id, asCContext *context)
// TODO: clean-up: CallSystemFunctionNative should have two arguments for object pointers
// objForThiscall is the object pointer that should be used for the thiscall
// objForArg is the object pointer that should be passed as argument when using OBJFIRST or OBJLAST
// Used to save two object pointers with THISCALL_OBJLAST or THISCALL_OBJFIRST
void *obj = 0;
void *secondObj = 0;
if( callConv >= ICC_THISCALL )
@ -608,15 +627,15 @@ int CallSystemFunction(int id, asCContext *context)
if( callConv >= ICC_THISCALL_OBJLAST )
asASSERT( sysFunc->objForThiscall != 0 );
// This class method is being called as object method (sysFunc->objForThiscall must be set).
obj = sysFunc->objForThiscall;
asASSERT( sysFunc->auxiliary != 0 );
// This class method is being called as object method (sysFunc->auxiliary must be set).
obj = sysFunc->auxiliary;
continueCheckIndex = 1;
else if( sysFunc->objForThiscall )
else if(sysFunc->auxiliary)
// This class method is being called as if it is a global function
obj = sysFunc->objForThiscall;
obj = sysFunc->auxiliary;
continueCheck = false;
@ -667,14 +686,21 @@ int CallSystemFunction(int id, asCContext *context)
popSize += AS_PTR_SIZE;
args += AS_PTR_SIZE;
// When returning the value on the location allocated by the called
// When returning the value on the location allocated by the called
// we shouldn't set the object type in the register
context->m_regs.objectType = 0;
// Set the object type of the reference held in the register
context->m_regs.objectType = descr->returnType.GetObjectType();
context->m_regs.objectType = descr->returnType.GetTypeInfo();
// For composition we need to add the offset and/or dereference the pointer
obj = (void*) ((char*) obj + sysFunc->compositeOffset);
if(sysFunc->isCompositeIndirect) obj = *((void**)obj);
context->m_callingSystemFunction = descr;
@ -682,10 +708,10 @@ int CallSystemFunction(int id, asCContext *context)
retQW = CallSystemFunctionNative(context, descr, obj, args, sysFunc->hostReturnInMemory ? retPointer : 0, retQW2, secondObj);
// This try/catch block is to catch potential exception that may
// This try/catch block is to catch potential exception that may
// be thrown by the registered function. The implementation of the
// CallSystemFunctionNative() must make sure not to have any manual
// clean-up after the call to the real function, or that won't be
// clean-up after the call to the real function, or that won't be
// executed in case of an exception.
@ -695,7 +721,7 @@ int CallSystemFunction(int id, asCContext *context)
cppException = true;
// Convert the exception to a script exception so the VM can
// Convert the exception to a script exception so the VM can
// properly report the error to the application and then clean up
@ -703,7 +729,7 @@ int CallSystemFunction(int id, asCContext *context)
context->m_callingSystemFunction = 0;
// Store the returned value in our stack
if( descr->returnType.IsObject() && !descr->returnType.IsReference() )
if( (descr->returnType.IsObject() || descr->returnType.IsFuncdef()) && !descr->returnType.IsReference() )
if( descr->returnType.IsObjectHandle() )
@ -717,8 +743,8 @@ int CallSystemFunction(int id, asCContext *context)
if( sysFunc->returnAutoHandle && context->m_regs.objectRegister )
asASSERT( !(descr->returnType.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) );
engine->CallObjectMethod(context->m_regs.objectRegister, descr->returnType.GetObjectType()->beh.addref);
asASSERT( !(descr->returnType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) );
engine->CallObjectMethod(context->m_regs.objectRegister, CastToObjectType(descr->returnType.GetTypeInfo())->beh.addref);
@ -754,12 +780,12 @@ int CallSystemFunction(int id, asCContext *context)
if( context->m_status == asEXECUTION_EXCEPTION && !cppException )
// If the function raised a script exception it really shouldn't have
// initialized the object. However, as it is a soft exception there is
// If the function raised a script exception it really shouldn't have
// initialized the object. However, as it is a soft exception there is
// no way for the application to not return a value, so instead we simply
// destroy it here, to pretend it was never created.
if( descr->returnType.GetObjectType()->beh.destruct )
engine->CallObjectMethod(retPointer, descr->returnType.GetObjectType()->beh.destruct);
if(CastToObjectType(descr->returnType.GetTypeInfo())->beh.destruct )
engine->CallObjectMethod(retPointer, CastToObjectType(descr->returnType.GetTypeInfo())->beh.destruct);
@ -833,7 +859,7 @@ int CallSystemFunction(int id, asCContext *context)
// Skip the object pointer on the stack
// TODO: runtime optimize: This check and increment should have been done in PrepareSystemFunction
if( callConv >= ICC_THISCALL && sysFunc->objForThiscall == 0 )
if( callConv >= ICC_THISCALL && sysFunc->auxiliary == 0 )
args += AS_PTR_SIZE;
asSSystemFunctionInterface::SClean *clean = sysFunc->cleanArgs.AddressOf();
@ -848,14 +874,14 @@ int CallSystemFunction(int id, asCContext *context)
*addr = 0;
asASSERT( clean->op == 1 || clean->op == 2 );
asASSERT( *addr );
if( clean->op == 2 )
engine->CallObjectMethod(*addr, clean->ot->beh.destruct);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class asCScriptFunction;
class asCObjectType;
struct asSSystemFunctionInterface;
int DetectCallingConvention(bool isMethod, const asSFuncPtr &ptr, int callConv, void *objForThiscall, asSSystemFunctionInterface *internal);
int DetectCallingConvention(bool isMethod, const asSFuncPtr &ptr, int callConv, void *auxiliary, asSSystemFunctionInterface *internal);
int PrepareSystemFunctionGeneric(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInterface *internal, asCScriptEngine *engine);
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ int CallSystemFunction(int id, asCContext *context);
inline asPWORD FuncPtrToUInt(asFUNCTION_t func)
// A little trickery as the C++ standard doesn't allow direct
// A little trickery as the C++ standard doesn't allow direct
// conversion between function pointer and data pointer
union { asFUNCTION_t func; asPWORD idx; } u;
u.func = func;
@ -108,7 +108,9 @@ struct asSSystemFunctionInterface
bool takesObjByVal;
asCArray<bool> paramAutoHandles; // TODO: Should be able to remove this array. Perhaps the flags can be stored together with the inOutFlags in asCScriptFunction?
bool returnAutoHandle;
void *objForThiscall;
int compositeOffset;
bool isCompositeIndirect;
void *auxiliary; // can be used for functors, e.g. by asCALL_THISCALL_ASGLOBAL or asCALL_THISCALL_OBJFIRST
struct SClean
@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ struct asSSystemFunctionInterface
asCArray<SClean> cleanArgs;
asSSystemFunctionInterface() {}
asSSystemFunctionInterface() : func(0), baseOffset(0), callConv(ICC_GENERIC_FUNC), scriptReturnSize(0), hostReturnInMemory(false), hostReturnFloat(false), hostReturnSize(0), paramSize(0), takesObjByVal(false), returnAutoHandle(false), compositeOffset(0), isCompositeIndirect(false), auxiliary(0) {}
asSSystemFunctionInterface(const asSSystemFunctionInterface &in)
@ -127,19 +129,21 @@ struct asSSystemFunctionInterface
asSSystemFunctionInterface &operator=(const asSSystemFunctionInterface &in)
func = in.func;
baseOffset = in.baseOffset;
callConv = in.callConv;
scriptReturnSize = in.scriptReturnSize;
hostReturnInMemory = in.hostReturnInMemory;
hostReturnFloat = in.hostReturnFloat;
hostReturnSize = in.hostReturnSize;
paramSize = in.paramSize;
takesObjByVal = in.takesObjByVal;
paramAutoHandles = in.paramAutoHandles;
returnAutoHandle = in.returnAutoHandle;
objForThiscall = in.objForThiscall;
cleanArgs = in.cleanArgs;
func = in.func;
baseOffset = in.baseOffset;
callConv = in.callConv;
scriptReturnSize = in.scriptReturnSize;
hostReturnInMemory = in.hostReturnInMemory;
hostReturnFloat = in.hostReturnFloat;
hostReturnSize = in.hostReturnSize;
paramSize = in.paramSize;
takesObjByVal = in.takesObjByVal;
paramAutoHandles = in.paramAutoHandles;
returnAutoHandle = in.returnAutoHandle;
compositeOffset = in.compositeOffset;
isCompositeIndirect = in.isCompositeIndirect;
auxiliary = in.auxiliary;
cleanArgs = in.cleanArgs;
return *this;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObjectHandle() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
paramBuffer[dpos++] = args[spos++];
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
#if defined(AS_ANDROID) || defined(AS_LINUX)
if( (descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALIGN8) &&
if( (descr->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALIGN8) &&
((dpos & 1) == mask) )
// 64 bit value align
@ -337,8 +337,8 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
if( sysFunc->hostReturnInMemory )
// TODO: runtime optimize: This check should be done in PrepareSystemFunction
if ( !( descr->returnType.GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_RETURN_MASK ) &&
( descr->returnType.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLFLOATS ) &&
if ( !( descr->returnType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_RETURN_MASK ) &&
( descr->returnType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLFLOATS ) &&
descr->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryBytes() <= 8 )
@ -396,10 +396,10 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
// TODO: runtime optimize: Declare a reference to descr->parameterTypes[n] so the array doesn't have to be access all the time
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObjectHandle() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() &&
!(descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_APP_ARRAY) )
!(descr->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_APP_ARRAY) )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
paramBuffer[dpos++] = args[spos++];
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
if( (descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALIGN8) )
if( (descr->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALIGN8) )
if ( (dpos & 1) == mask )
@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
// Copy the object's memory to the buffer
if (descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLFLOATS)
if (descr->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLFLOATS)
int target = (freeFloatSlot > freeDoubleSlot) ? freeFloatSlot : freeDoubleSlot;
@ -645,8 +645,8 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
// TODO: runtime optimize: This should be identified with a flag determined in PrepareSystemFunction
if ( !descr->returnType.IsObjectHandle() &&
!descr->returnType.IsReference() &&
!(descr->returnType.GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_RETURN_MASK) &&
(descr->returnType.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLFLOATS) )
!(descr->returnType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_RETURN_MASK) &&
(descr->returnType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLFLOATS) )
memcpy( retPointer, ¶mBuffer[VFP_OFFSET], descr->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryBytes() );
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -717,13 +717,14 @@ nomoreargsarmFuncR0R1:
#endif /* hard float abi */
#endif /* arm */
#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__ELF__)
/* ref: */
/* ref:
ref: */
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
#endif /* arm */
#endif /* !AS_MAX_PORTABILITY */
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
asCDataType ¶mType = descr->parameterTypes[n];
if( paramType.IsObject() && !paramType.IsObjectHandle() && !paramType.IsReference() )
if( paramType.GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
if( paramType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
// The object is passed by reference
argBuffer[argOffset++] = args[spos++];
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
// Ensure 8byte alignment for classes that need it
if( (paramType.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALIGN8) && (argOffset & 1) )
if( (paramType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALIGN8) && (argOffset & 1) )
// Copy the object's memory to the buffer
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObjectHandle() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
paramBuffer[dpos++] = args[spos++];
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObjectHandle() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
argsType[a++] = ppcINTARG;
paramBuffer[dpos++] = args[spos++];
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -41,6 +41,10 @@
#ifdef AS_PPC_64
#if AS_PTR_SIZE == 2
// TODO: Add support for PPC 64bit platforms with 64bit pointers, for example Linux PPC64 (big endian) and PPC64 (little endian)
#error This code has not been prepared for PPC with 64bit pointers. Most likely the ABI is different
#include "as_callfunc.h"
#include "as_scriptengine.h"
@ -666,10 +670,10 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
for( asUINT n = 0; n < descr->parameterTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObjectHandle() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() &&
!(descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_APP_ARRAY) )
!(descr->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_APP_ARRAY) )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
paramBuffer[dpos++] = args[spos++];
@ -763,6 +767,7 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
#endif // AS_PTR_SIZE == 2
#endif // AS_PPC_64
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObjectHandle() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
paramBuffer[dpos++] = args[spos++];
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ static asQWORD __attribute__((noinline)) X64_CallFunction(const asQWORD *args, i
" movq %%rdx, %4 \n"
"endcall: \n"
: : "r" ((asQWORD)cnt), "r" (args), "r" (func), "m" (retQW1), "m" (retQW2), "m" (returnFloat)
: : "g" ((asQWORD)cnt), "g" (args), "g" (func), "m" (retQW1), "m" (retQW2), "m" (returnFloat)
: "%xmm0", "%xmm1", "%xmm2", "%xmm3", "%xmm4", "%xmm5", "%xmm6", "%xmm7",
"%rdi", "%rsi", "%rax", "%rdx", "%rcx", "%r8", "%r9", "%r10", "%r11", "%r15");
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
// An object is being passed by value
if( (parmType.GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK) ||
if( (parmType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK) ||
parmType.GetSizeInMemoryDWords() > 4 )
// Copy the address of the object
@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
memcpy(paramBuffer + argIndex, stack_pointer, sizeof(asQWORD));
else if( (parmType.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLINTS) ||
(parmType.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_APP_PRIMITIVE) )
else if( (parmType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLINTS) ||
(parmType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_APP_PRIMITIVE) )
// Copy the value of the object
if( parmType.GetSizeInMemoryDWords() > 2 )
@ -373,8 +373,8 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
// Delete the original memory
else if( (parmType.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLFLOATS) ||
(parmType.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_APP_FLOAT) )
else if( (parmType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLFLOATS) ||
(parmType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_APP_FLOAT) )
// Copy the value of the object
if( parmType.GetSizeInMemoryDWords() > 2 )
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObjectHandle() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeInMemoryDWords() >= AS_LARGE_OBJ_MIN_SIZE ||
(descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK) )
(descr->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK) )
allArgBuffer[dpos++] = *(asQWORD*)&args[spos];
spos += AS_PTR_SIZE;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
if( dt.IsObject() && !dt.IsObjectHandle() && !dt.IsReference() )
if( dt.GetSizeInMemoryDWords() >= AS_LARGE_OBJ_MIN_SIZE ||
(dt.GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK) )
(dt.GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK) )
allArgBuffer[dpos++] = *(asQWORD*)&args[spos];
spos += AS_PTR_SIZE;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObjectHandle() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
paramBuffer[dpos++] = args[spos++];
@ -340,6 +340,17 @@ endcopy:
volatile asPWORD a[] = {asPWORD(args), asPWORD(paramSize), asPWORD(func)};
asm __volatile__(
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// When compiled with optimizations the stack unwind doesn't work properly,
// causing exceptions to crash the application. By adding this prologue
// and the epilogue below, the stack unwind works as it should.
// TODO: runtime optimize: The prologue/epilogue shouldn't be needed if the correct cfi directives are used below
"pushl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4 \n"
".cfi_rel_offset ebp, 0 \n"
"movl %%esp, %%ebp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register ebp \n"
"pushl %%ebx \n"
"movl %%edx, %%ebx \n"
@ -374,7 +385,14 @@ endcopy:
// Pop the alignment bytes
"popl %%esp \n"
"popl %%ebx \n"
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// Epilogue
"movl %%ebp, %%esp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register esp \n"
"popl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -4 \n"
".cfi_restore ebp \n"
// Copy EAX:EDX to retQW. As the stack pointer has been
// restored it is now safe to access the local variable
"leal %1, %%ecx \n"
@ -444,6 +462,17 @@ endcopy:
volatile asPWORD a[] = {asPWORD(obj), asPWORD(args), asPWORD(paramSize), asPWORD(func)};
asm __volatile__ (
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// When compiled with optimizations the stack unwind doesn't work properly,
// causing exceptions to crash the application. By adding this prologue
// and the epilogue below, the stack unwind works as it should.
// TODO: runtime optimize: The prologue/epilogue shouldn't be needed if the correct cfi directives are used below
"pushl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4 \n"
".cfi_rel_offset ebp, 0 \n"
"movl %%esp, %%ebp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register ebp \n"
"pushl %%ebx \n"
"movl %%edx, %%ebx \n"
@ -479,7 +508,14 @@ endcopy:
// Pop the alignment bytes
"popl %%esp \n"
"popl %%ebx \n"
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// Epilogue
"movl %%ebp, %%esp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register esp \n"
"popl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -4 \n"
".cfi_restore ebp \n"
// Copy EAX:EDX to retQW. As the stack pointer has been
// restored it is now safe to access the local variable
"leal %1, %%ecx \n"
@ -549,6 +585,17 @@ endcopy:
volatile asPWORD a[] = {asPWORD(obj), asPWORD(args), asPWORD(paramSize), asPWORD(func)};
asm __volatile__ (
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// When compiled with optimizations the stack unwind doesn't work properly,
// causing exceptions to crash the application. By adding this prologue
// and the epilogue below, the stack unwind works as it should.
// TODO: runtime optimize: The prologue/epilogue shouldn't be needed if the correct cfi directives are used below
"pushl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4 \n"
".cfi_rel_offset ebp, 0 \n"
"movl %%esp, %%ebp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register ebp \n"
"pushl %%ebx \n"
"movl %%edx, %%ebx \n"
@ -584,7 +631,14 @@ endcopy:
// Pop the alignment bytes
"popl %%esp \n"
"popl %%ebx \n"
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// Epilogue
"movl %%ebp, %%esp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register esp \n"
"popl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -4 \n"
".cfi_restore ebp \n"
// Copy EAX:EDX to retQW. As the stack pointer has been
// restored it is now safe to access the local variable
"leal %1, %%ecx \n"
@ -663,6 +717,17 @@ endcopy:
volatile asPWORD a[] = {asPWORD(obj), asPWORD(args), asPWORD(paramSize), asPWORD(func), asPWORD(retPtr)};
asm __volatile__ (
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// When compiled with optimizations the stack unwind doesn't work properly,
// causing exceptions to crash the application. By adding this prologue
// and the epilogue below, the stack unwind works as it should.
// TODO: runtime optimize: The prologue/epilogue shouldn't be needed if the correct cfi directives are used below
"pushl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4 \n"
".cfi_rel_offset ebp, 0 \n"
"movl %%esp, %%ebp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register ebp \n"
"pushl %%ebx \n"
"movl %%edx, %%ebx \n"
@ -702,7 +767,14 @@ endcopy:
// Pop the alignment bytes
"popl %%esp \n"
"popl %%ebx \n"
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// Epilogue
"movl %%ebp, %%esp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register esp \n"
"popl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -4 \n"
".cfi_restore ebp \n"
// Copy EAX:EDX to retQW. As the stack pointer has been
// restored it is now safe to access the local variable
"leal %1, %%ecx \n"
@ -777,6 +849,17 @@ endcopy:
volatile asPWORD a[] = {asPWORD(args), asPWORD(paramSize), asPWORD(func), asPWORD(retPtr)};
asm __volatile__ (
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// When compiled with optimizations the stack unwind doesn't work properly,
// causing exceptions to crash the application. By adding this prologue
// and the epilogue below, the stack unwind works as it should.
// TODO: runtime optimize: The prologue/epilogue shouldn't be needed if the correct cfi directives are used below
"pushl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4 \n"
".cfi_rel_offset ebp, 0 \n"
"movl %%esp, %%ebp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register ebp \n"
"pushl %%ebx \n"
"movl %%edx, %%ebx \n"
@ -813,7 +896,14 @@ endcopy:
// Pop the alignment bytes
"popl %%esp \n"
"popl %%ebx \n"
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// Epilogue
"movl %%ebp, %%esp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register esp \n"
"popl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -4 \n"
".cfi_restore ebp \n"
// Copy EAX:EDX to retQW. As the stack pointer has been
// restored it is now safe to access the local variable
"leal %1, %%ecx \n"
@ -890,6 +980,17 @@ endcopy:
volatile asPWORD a[] = {asPWORD(obj), asPWORD(args), asPWORD(paramSize), asPWORD(func), asPWORD(retPtr)};
asm __volatile__ (
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// When compiled with optimizations the stack unwind doesn't work properly,
// causing exceptions to crash the application. By adding this prologue
// and the epilogue below, the stack unwind works as it should.
// TODO: runtime optimize: The prologue/epilogue shouldn't be needed if the correct cfi directives are used below
"pushl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4 \n"
".cfi_rel_offset ebp, 0 \n"
"movl %%esp, %%ebp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register ebp \n"
"pushl %%ebx \n"
"movl %%edx, %%ebx \n"
@ -929,7 +1030,14 @@ endcopy:
// Pop the alignment bytes
"popl %%esp \n"
"popl %%ebx \n"
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// Epilogue
"movl %%ebp, %%esp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register esp \n"
"popl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -4 \n"
".cfi_restore ebp \n"
// Copy EAX:EDX to retQW. As the stack pointer has been
// restored it is now safe to access the local variable
"leal %1, %%ecx \n"
@ -994,6 +1102,17 @@ endcopy:
volatile asPWORD a[] = {asPWORD(args), asPWORD(paramSize), asPWORD(func)};
asm __volatile__ (
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// When compiled with optimizations the stack unwind doesn't work properly,
// causing exceptions to crash the application. By adding this prologue
// and the epilogue below, the stack unwind works as it should.
// TODO: runtime optimize: The prologue/epilogue shouldn't be needed if the correct cfi directives are used below
"pushl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4 \n"
".cfi_rel_offset ebp, 0 \n"
"movl %%esp, %%ebp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register ebp \n"
"pushl %%ebx \n"
"movl %%edx, %%ebx \n"
@ -1026,7 +1145,14 @@ endcopy:
// Pop the alignment bytes
"popl %%esp \n"
"popl %%ebx \n"
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// Epilogue
"movl %%ebp, %%esp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register esp \n"
"popl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -4 \n"
".cfi_restore ebp \n"
// Copy EAX:EDX to retQW. As the stack pointer has been
// restored it is now safe to access the local variable
"leal %1, %%ecx \n"
@ -1107,6 +1233,17 @@ endcopy:
volatile asPWORD a[] = {asPWORD(obj), asPWORD(args), asPWORD(paramSize), asPWORD(func)};
asm __volatile__ (
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// When compiled with optimizations the stack unwind doesn't work properly,
// causing exceptions to crash the application. By adding this prologue
// and the epilogue below, the stack unwind works as it should.
// TODO: runtime optimize: The prologue/epilogue shouldn't be needed if the correct cfi directives are used below
"pushl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4 \n"
".cfi_rel_offset ebp, 0 \n"
"movl %%esp, %%ebp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register ebp \n"
"pushl %%ebx \n"
"movl %%edx, %%ebx \n"
@ -1148,7 +1285,14 @@ endcopy:
// Pop the alignment bytes
"popl %%esp \n"
"popl %%ebx \n"
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// Epilogue
"movl %%ebp, %%esp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register esp \n"
"popl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -4 \n"
".cfi_restore ebp \n"
// Copy EAX:EDX to retQW. As the stack pointer has been
// restored it is now safe to access the local variable
"leal %1, %%ecx \n"
@ -1236,6 +1380,17 @@ endcopy:
volatile asPWORD a[] = {asPWORD(obj), asPWORD(args), asPWORD(paramSize), asPWORD(func), asPWORD(retPtr)};
asm __volatile__ (
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// When compiled with optimizations the stack unwind doesn't work properly,
// causing exceptions to crash the application. By adding this prologue
// and the epilogue below, the stack unwind works as it should.
// TODO: runtime optimize: The prologue/epilogue shouldn't be needed if the correct cfi directives are used below
"pushl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4 \n"
".cfi_rel_offset ebp, 0 \n"
"movl %%esp, %%ebp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register ebp \n"
"pushl %%ebx \n"
"movl %%edx, %%ebx \n"
@ -1290,7 +1445,14 @@ endcopy:
// Pop the alignment bytes
"popl %%esp \n"
"popl %%ebx \n"
#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
// Epilogue
"movl %%ebp, %%esp \n"
".cfi_def_cfa_register esp \n"
"popl %%ebp \n"
".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -4 \n"
".cfi_restore ebp \n"
// Copy EAX:EDX to retQW. As the stack pointer has been
// restored it is now safe to access the local variable
"leal %1, %%ecx \n"
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ asQWORD CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext *context, asCScriptFunction *descr,
!descr->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
paramBuffer[dpos++] = args[spos++];
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -50,123 +50,110 @@
#include "as_bytecode.h"
#include "as_array.h"
#include "as_datatype.h"
#include "as_typeinfo.h"
struct asSExprContext;
// This class represents the value of an expression as evaluated by the compiler.
// It holds information such as the type of the value, stack offset for a local
// variable, value of constants, whether the value can be modified (i.e. lvalue), etc.
struct asCExprValue
void Set(const asCDataType &dataType);
void SetVariable(const asCDataType &dataType, int stackOffset, bool isTemporary);
void SetConstantB(const asCDataType &dataType, asBYTE value);
void SetConstantQW(const asCDataType &dataType, asQWORD value);
void SetConstantDW(const asCDataType &dataType, asDWORD value);
void SetConstantW(const asCDataType &dataType, asWORD value);
void SetConstantF(const asCDataType &dataType, float value);
void SetConstantD(const asCDataType &dataType, double value);
void SetConstantB(asBYTE value);
void SetConstantW(asWORD value);
void SetConstantQW(asQWORD value);
void SetConstantDW(asDWORD value);
void SetConstantF(float value);
void SetConstantD(double value);
asBYTE GetConstantB();
asWORD GetConstantW();
asQWORD GetConstantQW();
asDWORD GetConstantDW();
float GetConstantF();
double GetConstantD();
void SetConstantData(const asCDataType &dataType, asQWORD value);
asQWORD GetConstantData();
void SetNullConstant();
void SetUndefinedFuncHandle(asCScriptEngine *engine);
void SetVoid();
void SetDummy();
bool IsUndefinedFuncHandle() const;
bool IsNullConstant() const;
bool IsVoid() const;
asCDataType dataType;
bool isLValue : 1; // Can this value be updated in assignment, or increment operators, etc
bool isTemporary : 1;
bool isConstant : 1;
bool isVariable : 1;
bool isExplicitHandle : 1;
bool isRefToLocal : 1; // The reference may be to a local variable
bool isHandleSafe : 1; // the life-time of the handle is guaranteed for the duration of the access
short dummy : 9;
short stackOffset;
// These values must not be accessed directly in order to avoid problems with endianess.
// Use the appropriate accessor methods instead
asQWORD qwordValue;
double doubleValue;
asDWORD dwordValue;
float floatValue;
asWORD wordValue;
asBYTE byteValue;
struct asCExprContext;
// This class holds information for arguments that needs to be
// cleaned up after the result of a function has been evaluated.
struct asSDeferredParam
asSDeferredParam() {argNode = 0; origExpr = 0;}
asCScriptNode *argNode;
asCTypeInfo argType;
asCExprValue argType;
int argInOutFlags;
asSExprContext *origExpr;
asCExprContext *origExpr;
// TODO: refactor: asSExprContext should have indicators to inform where the value is,
// TODO: refactor: asCExprContext should have indicators to inform where the value is,
// i.e. if the reference to an object is pushed on the stack or not, etc
struct asSExprContext
// This class holds information about an expression that is being evaluated, e.g.
// the current bytecode, ambiguous symbol names, property accessors, etc.
struct asCExprContext
asSExprContext(asCScriptEngine *engine) : bc(engine)
property_arg = 0;
if( property_arg )
asDELETE(property_arg, asSExprContext);
void Clear()
if( property_arg )
asDELETE(property_arg, asSExprContext);
property_arg = 0;
exprNode = 0;
origExpr = 0;
property_get = 0;
property_set = 0;
property_const = false;
property_handle = false;
property_ref = false;
methodName = "";
enumValue = "";
isVoidExpression = false;
isCleanArg = false;
bool IsClassMethod() const
if( type.dataType.GetObjectType() == 0 ) return false;
if( methodName == "" ) return false;
if( type.dataType.GetObjectType() == &type.dataType.GetObjectType()->engine->functionBehaviours ) return false;
return true;
bool IsGlobalFunc() const
if( type.dataType.GetObjectType() == 0 ) return false;
if( methodName == "" ) return false;
if( type.dataType.GetObjectType() != &type.dataType.GetObjectType()->engine->functionBehaviours ) return false;
return true;
void SetLambda(asCScriptNode *funcDecl)
asASSERT( funcDecl && funcDecl->nodeType == snFunction );
asASSERT( bc.GetLastInstr() == -1 );
exprNode = funcDecl;
bool IsLambda() const
if( type.IsUndefinedFuncHandle() && exprNode && exprNode->nodeType == snFunction )
return true;
return false;
void SetVoidExpression()
isVoidExpression = true;
bool IsVoidExpression() const
if( isVoidExpression && type.IsVoid() && exprNode == 0 )
return true;
return false;
void Merge(asSExprContext *after)
type = after->type;
property_get = after->property_get;
property_set = after->property_set;
property_const = after->property_const;
property_handle = after->property_handle;
property_ref = after->property_ref;
property_arg = after->property_arg;
exprNode = after->exprNode;
methodName = after->methodName;
enumValue = after->enumValue;
isVoidExpression = after->isVoidExpression;
isCleanArg = after->isCleanArg;
after->property_arg = 0;
// Do not copy the origExpr member
asCExprContext(asCScriptEngine *engine);
void Clear();
bool IsClassMethod() const;
bool IsGlobalFunc() const;
void SetLambda(asCScriptNode *funcDecl);
bool IsLambda() const;
void SetVoidExpression();
bool IsVoidExpression() const;
void Merge(asCExprContext *after);
void SetAnonymousInitList(asCScriptNode *initList);
bool IsAnonymousInitList() const;
asCByteCode bc;
asCTypeInfo type;
asCExprValue type;
int property_get;
int property_set;
bool property_const; // If the object that is being accessed through property accessor is read-only
@ -174,19 +161,20 @@ struct asSExprContext
bool property_ref; // If the property accessor is called on a reference
bool isVoidExpression; // Set to true if the expression is an explicit 'void', e.g. used to ignore out parameters in func calls
bool isCleanArg; // Set to true if the expression has only been initialized with default constructor
asSExprContext *property_arg;
asCExprContext *property_arg;
asCArray<asSDeferredParam> deferredParams;
asCScriptNode *exprNode;
asSExprContext *origExpr;
asCExprContext *origExpr;
// TODO: cleanup: use ambiguousName and an enum to say if it is a method, global func, or enum value
asCString methodName;
asCString enumValue;
bool isAnonymousInitList; // Set to true if the expression is an init list for which the type has not yet been determined
struct asSOverloadCandidate
asSOverloadCandidate() : funcId(0), cost(0) {}
asSOverloadCandidate(int _id, asUINT _cost ) : funcId(_id), cost(_cost) {}
asSOverloadCandidate(int _id, asUINT _cost) : funcId(_id), cost(_cost) {}
int funcId;
asUINT cost;
@ -194,7 +182,7 @@ struct asSOverloadCandidate
struct asSNamedArgument
asCString name;
asSExprContext *ctx;
asCExprContext *ctx;
asUINT match;
@ -209,13 +197,15 @@ enum EConvCost
asCC_NO_CONV = 0,
asCC_REF_CONV = 5,
asCC_REF_CONV = 7,
class asCCompiler
@ -250,93 +240,94 @@ protected:
void CompileExpressionStatement(asCScriptNode *node, asCByteCode *bc);
// Expressions
int CompileAssignment(asCScriptNode *expr, asSExprContext *out);
int CompileCondition(asCScriptNode *expr, asSExprContext *out);
int CompileExpression(asCScriptNode *expr, asSExprContext *out);
int CompilePostFixExpression(asCArray<asCScriptNode *> *postfix, asSExprContext *out);
int CompileExpressionTerm(asCScriptNode *node, asSExprContext *out);
int CompileExpressionPreOp(asCScriptNode *node, asSExprContext *out);
int CompileExpressionPostOp(asCScriptNode *node, asSExprContext *out);
int CompileExpressionValue(asCScriptNode *node, asSExprContext *out);
int CompileFunctionCall(asCScriptNode *node, asSExprContext *out, asCObjectType *objectType, bool objIsConst, const asCString &scope = "");
int CompileConstructCall(asCScriptNode *node, asSExprContext *out);
int CompileConversion(asCScriptNode *node, asSExprContext *out);
int CompileOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asSExprContext *l, asSExprContext *r, asSExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
void CompileOperatorOnHandles(asCScriptNode *node, asSExprContext *l, asSExprContext *r, asSExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
void CompileMathOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asSExprContext *l, asSExprContext *r, asSExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
void CompileBitwiseOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asSExprContext *l, asSExprContext *r, asSExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
void CompileComparisonOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asSExprContext *l, asSExprContext *r, asSExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
void CompileBooleanOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asSExprContext *l, asSExprContext *r, asSExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
bool CompileOverloadedDualOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asSExprContext *l, asSExprContext *r, asSExprContext *out, bool isHandle = false, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
int CompileOverloadedDualOperator2(asCScriptNode *node, const char *methodName, asSExprContext *l, asSExprContext *r, asSExprContext *out, bool specificReturn = false, const asCDataType &returnType = asCDataType::CreatePrimitive(ttVoid, false));
int CompileAssignment(asCScriptNode *expr, asCExprContext *out);
int CompileCondition(asCScriptNode *expr, asCExprContext *out);
int CompileExpression(asCScriptNode *expr, asCExprContext *out);
int CompilePostFixExpression(asCArray<asCScriptNode *> *postfix, asCExprContext *out);
int CompileExpressionTerm(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *out);
int CompileExpressionPreOp(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *out);
int CompileExpressionPostOp(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *out);
int CompileExpressionValue(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *out);
int CompileFunctionCall(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *out, asCObjectType *objectType, bool objIsConst, const asCString &scope = "");
int CompileConstructCall(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *out);
int CompileConversion(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *out);
int CompileOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, asCExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken, bool leftToRight = true);
void CompileOperatorOnHandles(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, asCExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
void CompileMathOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, asCExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
void CompileBitwiseOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, asCExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
void CompileComparisonOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, asCExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
void CompileBooleanOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, asCExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
bool CompileOverloadedDualOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, bool leftToRight, asCExprContext *out, bool isHandle = false, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
int CompileOverloadedDualOperator2(asCScriptNode *node, const char *methodName, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, bool leftToRight, asCExprContext *out, bool specificReturn = false, const asCDataType &returnType = asCDataType::CreatePrimitive(ttVoid, false));
void CompileInitList(asCTypeInfo *var, asCScriptNode *node, asCByteCode *bc, int isVarGlobOrMem);
void CompileInitList(asCExprValue *var, asCScriptNode *node, asCByteCode *bc, int isVarGlobOrMem);
int CompileInitListElement(asSListPatternNode *&patternNode, asCScriptNode *&valueNode, int bufferTypeId, short bufferVar, asUINT &bufferSize, asCByteCode &byteCode, int &elementsInSubList);
int CompilerAnonymousInitList(asCScriptNode *listNode, asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &dt);
int CallDefaultConstructor(const asCDataType &type, int offset, bool isObjectOnHeap, asCByteCode *bc, asCScriptNode *node, int isVarGlobOrMem = 0, bool derefDest = false);
int CallCopyConstructor(asCDataType &type, int offset, bool isObjectOnHeap, asCByteCode *bc, asSExprContext *arg, asCScriptNode *node, bool isGlobalVar = false, bool derefDestination = false);
int CallCopyConstructor(asCDataType &type, int offset, bool isObjectOnHeap, asCByteCode *bc, asCExprContext *arg, asCScriptNode *node, bool isGlobalVar = false, bool derefDestination = false);
void CallDestructor(asCDataType &type, int offset, bool isObjectOnHeap, asCByteCode *bc);
int CompileArgumentList(asCScriptNode *node, asCArray<asSExprContext *> &args, asCArray<asSNamedArgument> &namedArgs);
int CompileDefaultAndNamedArgs(asCScriptNode *node, asCArray<asSExprContext*> &args, int funcId, asCObjectType *type, asCArray<asSNamedArgument> *namedArgs = 0);
asUINT MatchFunctions(asCArray<int> &funcs, asCArray<asSExprContext*> &args, asCScriptNode *node, const char *name, asCArray<asSNamedArgument> *namedArgs = NULL, asCObjectType *objectType = NULL, bool isConstMethod = false, bool silent = false, bool allowObjectConstruct = true, const asCString &scope = "");
int CompileVariableAccess(const asCString &name, const asCString &scope, asSExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *errNode, bool isOptional = false, bool noFunction = false, bool noGlobal = false, asCObjectType *objType = 0);
int CompileArgumentList(asCScriptNode *node, asCArray<asCExprContext *> &args, asCArray<asSNamedArgument> &namedArgs);
int CompileDefaultAndNamedArgs(asCScriptNode *node, asCArray<asCExprContext*> &args, int funcId, asCObjectType *type, asCArray<asSNamedArgument> *namedArgs = 0);
asUINT MatchFunctions(asCArray<int> &funcs, asCArray<asCExprContext*> &args, asCScriptNode *node, const char *name, asCArray<asSNamedArgument> *namedArgs = NULL, asCObjectType *objectType = NULL, bool isConstMethod = false, bool silent = false, bool allowObjectConstruct = true, const asCString &scope = "");
int CompileVariableAccess(const asCString &name, const asCString &scope, asCExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *errNode, bool isOptional = false, bool noFunction = false, bool noGlobal = false, asCObjectType *objType = 0);
void CompileMemberInitialization(asCByteCode *bc, bool onlyDefaults);
bool CompileAutoType(asCDataType &autoType, asSExprContext &compiledCtx, asCScriptNode *exprNode, asCScriptNode *errNode);
bool CompileInitialization(asCScriptNode *node, asCByteCode *bc, asCDataType &type, asCScriptNode *errNode, int offset, asQWORD *constantValue, int isVarGlobOrMem, asSExprContext *preCompiled = 0);
void CompileInitAsCopy(asCDataType &type, int offset, asCByteCode *bc, asSExprContext *arg, asCScriptNode *node, bool derefDestination);
bool CompileAutoType(asCDataType &autoType, asCExprContext &compiledCtx, asCScriptNode *exprNode, asCScriptNode *errNode);
bool CompileInitialization(asCScriptNode *node, asCByteCode *bc, const asCDataType &type, asCScriptNode *errNode, int offset, asQWORD *constantValue, int isVarGlobOrMem, asCExprContext *preCompiled = 0);
void CompileInitAsCopy(asCDataType &type, int offset, asCByteCode *bc, asCExprContext *arg, asCScriptNode *node, bool derefDestination);
// Helper functions
void ConvertToPostFix(asCScriptNode *expr, asCArray<asCScriptNode *> &postfix);
void ProcessPropertyGetAccessor(asSExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node);
int ProcessPropertySetAccessor(asSExprContext *ctx, asSExprContext *arg, asCScriptNode *node);
int ProcessPropertyGetSetAccessor(asSExprContext *ctx, asSExprContext *lctx, asSExprContext *rctx, eTokenType op, asCScriptNode *errNode);
int FindPropertyAccessor(const asCString &name, asSExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node, asSNameSpace *ns, bool isThisAccess = false);
int FindPropertyAccessor(const asCString &name, asSExprContext *ctx, asSExprContext *arg, asCScriptNode *node, asSNameSpace *ns, bool isThisAccess = false);
void PrepareTemporaryObject(asCScriptNode *node, asSExprContext *ctx, bool forceOnHeap = false);
void PrepareOperand(asSExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node);
void PrepareForAssignment(asCDataType *lvalue, asSExprContext *rvalue, asCScriptNode *node, bool toTemporary, asSExprContext *lvalueExpr = 0);
int PerformAssignment(asCTypeInfo *lvalue, asCTypeInfo *rvalue, asCByteCode *bc, asCScriptNode *node);
bool IsVariableInitialized(asCTypeInfo *type, asCScriptNode *node);
void Dereference(asSExprContext *ctx, bool generateCode);
bool CompileRefCast(asSExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, bool isExplicit, asCScriptNode *node, bool generateCode = true);
asUINT MatchArgument(asCArray<int> &funcs, asCArray<asSOverloadCandidate> &matches, const asSExprContext *argExpr, int paramNum, bool allowObjectConstruct = true);
int MatchArgument(asCScriptFunction *desc, const asSExprContext *argExpr, int paramNum, bool allowObjectConstruct = true);
void PerformFunctionCall(int funcId, asSExprContext *out, bool isConstructor = false, asCArray<asSExprContext*> *args = 0, asCObjectType *objTypeForConstruct = 0, bool useVariable = false, int varOffset = 0, int funcPtrVar = 0);
void MoveArgsToStack(int funcId, asCByteCode *bc, asCArray<asSExprContext *> &args, bool addOneToOffset);
void MakeFunctionCall(asSExprContext *ctx, int funcId, asCObjectType *objectType, asCArray<asSExprContext*> &args, asCScriptNode *node, bool useVariable = false, int stackOffset = 0, int funcPtrVar = 0);
void PrepareFunctionCall(int funcId, asCByteCode *bc, asCArray<asSExprContext *> &args);
void AfterFunctionCall(int funcId, asCArray<asSExprContext*> &args, asSExprContext *ctx, bool deferAll);
void ProcessDeferredParams(asSExprContext *ctx);
int PrepareArgument(asCDataType *paramType, asSExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node, bool isFunction = false, int refType = 0, bool isMakingCopy = false);
void PrepareArgument2(asSExprContext *ctx, asSExprContext *arg, asCDataType *paramType, bool isFunction = false, int refType = 0, bool isMakingCopy = false);
bool IsLValue(asCTypeInfo &type);
int DoAssignment(asSExprContext *out, asSExprContext *lctx, asSExprContext *rctx, asCScriptNode *lexpr, asCScriptNode *rexpr, eTokenType op, asCScriptNode *opNode);
void MergeExprBytecode(asSExprContext *before, asSExprContext *after);
void MergeExprBytecodeAndType(asSExprContext *before, asSExprContext *after);
void ProcessPropertyGetAccessor(asCExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node);
int ProcessPropertySetAccessor(asCExprContext *ctx, asCExprContext *arg, asCScriptNode *node);
int ProcessPropertyGetSetAccessor(asCExprContext *ctx, asCExprContext *lctx, asCExprContext *rctx, eTokenType op, asCScriptNode *errNode);
int FindPropertyAccessor(const asCString &name, asCExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node, asSNameSpace *ns, bool isThisAccess = false);
int FindPropertyAccessor(const asCString &name, asCExprContext *ctx, asCExprContext *arg, asCScriptNode *node, asSNameSpace *ns, bool isThisAccess = false);
void PrepareTemporaryVariable(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *ctx, bool forceOnHeap = false);
void PrepareOperand(asCExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node);
void PrepareForAssignment(asCDataType *lvalue, asCExprContext *rvalue, asCScriptNode *node, bool toTemporary, asCExprContext *lvalueExpr = 0);
int PerformAssignment(asCExprValue *lvalue, asCExprValue *rvalue, asCByteCode *bc, asCScriptNode *node);
bool IsVariableInitialized(asCExprValue *type, asCScriptNode *node);
void Dereference(asCExprContext *ctx, bool generateCode);
bool CompileRefCast(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, bool isExplicit, asCScriptNode *node, bool generateCode = true);
asUINT MatchArgument(asCArray<int> &funcs, asCArray<asSOverloadCandidate> &matches, const asCExprContext *argExpr, int paramNum, bool allowObjectConstruct = true);
int MatchArgument(asCScriptFunction *desc, const asCExprContext *argExpr, int paramNum, bool allowObjectConstruct = true);
void PerformFunctionCall(int funcId, asCExprContext *out, bool isConstructor = false, asCArray<asCExprContext*> *args = 0, asCObjectType *objTypeForConstruct = 0, bool useVariable = false, int varOffset = 0, int funcPtrVar = 0);
void MoveArgsToStack(int funcId, asCByteCode *bc, asCArray<asCExprContext *> &args, bool addOneToOffset);
void MakeFunctionCall(asCExprContext *ctx, int funcId, asCObjectType *objectType, asCArray<asCExprContext*> &args, asCScriptNode *node, bool useVariable = false, int stackOffset = 0, int funcPtrVar = 0);
void PrepareFunctionCall(int funcId, asCByteCode *bc, asCArray<asCExprContext *> &args);
void AfterFunctionCall(int funcId, asCArray<asCExprContext*> &args, asCExprContext *ctx, bool deferAll);
void ProcessDeferredParams(asCExprContext *ctx);
int PrepareArgument(asCDataType *paramType, asCExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node, bool isFunction = false, int refType = 0, bool isMakingCopy = false);
void PrepareArgument2(asCExprContext *ctx, asCExprContext *arg, asCDataType *paramType, bool isFunction = false, int refType = 0, bool isMakingCopy = false);
bool IsLValue(asCExprValue &type);
int DoAssignment(asCExprContext *out, asCExprContext *lctx, asCExprContext *rctx, asCScriptNode *lexpr, asCScriptNode *rexpr, eTokenType op, asCScriptNode *opNode);
void MergeExprBytecode(asCExprContext *before, asCExprContext *after);
void MergeExprBytecodeAndType(asCExprContext *before, asCExprContext *after);
void FilterConst(asCArray<int> &funcs, bool removeConst = true);
void ConvertToVariable(asSExprContext *ctx);
void ConvertToVariableNotIn(asSExprContext *ctx, asSExprContext *exclude);
void ConvertToTempVariable(asSExprContext *ctx);
void ConvertToTempVariableNotIn(asSExprContext *ctx, asSExprContext *exclude);
void ConvertToReference(asSExprContext *ctx);
void PushVariableOnStack(asSExprContext *ctx, bool asReference);
void ConvertToVariable(asCExprContext *ctx);
void ConvertToVariableNotIn(asCExprContext *ctx, asCExprContext *exclude);
void ConvertToTempVariable(asCExprContext *ctx);
void ConvertToTempVariableNotIn(asCExprContext *ctx, asCExprContext *exclude);
void ConvertToReference(asCExprContext *ctx);
void PushVariableOnStack(asCExprContext *ctx, bool asReference);
void DestroyVariables(asCByteCode *bc);
asSNameSpace *DetermineNameSpace(const asCString &scope);
int SetupParametersAndReturnVariable(asCArray<asCString> ¶meterNames, asCScriptNode *func);
void DetermineSingleFunc(asSExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node);
void DetermineSingleFunc(asCExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node);
// Returns the cost of the conversion (the sum of the EConvCost performed)
asUINT ImplicitConversion(asSExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true, bool allowObjectConstruct = true);
asUINT ImplicitConvPrimitiveToPrimitive(asSExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true);
asUINT ImplicitConvObjectToPrimitive(asSExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true);
asUINT ImplicitConvPrimitiveToObject(asSExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true, bool allowObjectConstruct = true);
asUINT ImplicitConvObjectToObject(asSExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true, bool allowObjectConstruct = true);
asUINT ImplicitConvObjectRef(asSExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode);
asUINT ImplicitConvObjectValue(asSExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode);
void ImplicitConversionConstant(asSExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType);
void ImplicitConvObjectToBestMathType(asSExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node);
asUINT ImplicitConvLambdaToFunc(asSExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true);
asUINT ImplicitConversion(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true, bool allowObjectConstruct = true);
asUINT ImplicitConvPrimitiveToPrimitive(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true);
asUINT ImplicitConvObjectToPrimitive(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true);
asUINT ImplicitConvPrimitiveToObject(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true, bool allowObjectConstruct = true);
asUINT ImplicitConvObjectToObject(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true, bool allowObjectConstruct = true);
asUINT ImplicitConvObjectRef(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode);
asUINT ImplicitConvObjectValue(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode);
void ImplicitConversionConstant(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType);
void ImplicitConvObjectToBestMathType(asCExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node);
asUINT ImplicitConvLambdaToFunc(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true);
void LineInstr(asCByteCode *bc, size_t pos);
@ -373,11 +364,11 @@ protected:
asCArray<int> continueLabels;
int AllocateVariable(const asCDataType &type, bool isTemporary, bool forceOnHeap = false);
int AllocateVariableNotIn(const asCDataType &type, bool isTemporary, bool forceOnHeap, asSExprContext *ctx);
int AllocateVariableNotIn(const asCDataType &type, bool isTemporary, bool forceOnHeap, asCExprContext *ctx);
int GetVariableOffset(int varIndex);
int GetVariableSlot(int varOffset);
void DeallocateVariable(int pos);
void ReleaseTemporaryVariable(asCTypeInfo &t, asCByteCode *bc);
void ReleaseTemporaryVariable(asCExprValue &t, asCByteCode *bc);
void ReleaseTemporaryVariable(int offset, asCByteCode *bc);
bool IsVariableOnHeap(int offset);
@ -402,6 +393,10 @@ protected:
// This array holds the indices of variables that must not be used in an allocation
asCArray<int> reservedVariables;
// This array holds the string constants that were allocated during the compilation,
// so they can be released upon completion, whether the compilation was successful or not.
asCArray<void*> usedStringConstants;
bool isCompilingDefaultArg;
bool isProcessingDeferredParams;
int noCodeOutput;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -155,6 +155,7 @@
// How to identify different compilers
// Ref:
// MS Visual C++
// _MSC_VER is defined
@ -167,10 +168,13 @@
// GNU C based compilers
// __GNUC__ is defined
// CLang/LLVM
// __clang__ is defined
// Embarcadero C++Builder
// __BORLANDC__ is defined
// Sun CC compiler
// Oracle Solaris Studio (previously known as Sun CC compiler)
// __SUNPRO_CC is defined
@ -602,7 +606,8 @@
// GNU C (and MinGW or Cygwin on Windows)
// Use the following command to determine predefined macros: echo . | g++ -dM -E -
#if (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__SNC__)) || defined(EPPC) || defined(__CYGWIN__) // JWC -- use this instead for Wii
// MSVC2015 can now use CLang too, but it shouldn't go in here
#if (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__SNC__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)) || defined(EPPC) || defined(__CYGWIN__) // JWC -- use this instead for Wii
#define MULTI_BASE_OFFSET(x) (*((asPWORD*)(&x)+1))
#define asVSNPRINTF(a, b, c, d) vsnprintf(a, b, c, d)
@ -836,6 +841,7 @@
#if (defined(i386) || defined(__i386) || defined(__i386__)) && !defined(__LP64__)
// x86 32bit
@ -845,6 +851,7 @@
#define AS_X86
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
// x86 64bit
#define AS_X64_GCC
@ -854,49 +861,56 @@
// STDCALL is not available on 64bit Linux
#undef STDCALL
#define STDCALL
#elif (defined(__ARMEL__) || defined(__arm__)) && !(defined(__ARM_ARCH_4__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_4T__))
#define AS_ARM
#elif defined(__ARMEL__) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__AARCH64EL__)
// arm
// TODO: The stack unwind on exceptions currently fails due to the assembler code in as_callfunc_arm_gcc.S
// The assembler code currently doesn't support arm v4, nor 64bit (v8)
#if !defined(__ARM_ARCH_4__) && !defined(__ARM_ARCH_4T__) && !defined(__LP64__)
#define AS_ARM
#undef STDCALL
#define STDCALL
// TODO: The stack unwind on exceptions currently fails due to the assembler code in as_callfunc_arm_gcc.S
#undef STDCALL
#define STDCALL
// Make a few checks against incompatible ABI combinations
#if defined(__FAST_MATH__) && __FAST_MATH__ == 1
#error -ffast-math is not supported with native calling conventions
// Make a few checks against incompatible ABI combinations
#if defined(__FAST_MATH__) && __FAST_MATH__ == 1
#error -ffast-math is not supported with native calling conventions
// Verify if soft-float or hard-float ABI is used
#if defined(__SOFTFP__) && __SOFTFP__ == 1
// -ffloat-abi=softfp or -ffloat-abi=soft
#define AS_SOFTFP
// Tested with both hard float and soft float abi
// Verify if soft-float or hard-float ABI is used
#if defined(__SOFTFP__) && __SOFTFP__ == 1
// -ffloat-abi=softfp or -ffloat-abi=soft
#define AS_SOFTFP
// Tested with both hard float and soft float abi
#elif defined(__mips__)
// mips
#define AS_MIPS
#undef STDCALL
#define STDCALL
#ifdef _ABIO32
// 32bit O32 ABI
#define AS_MIPS
// All structures are returned in memory regardless of size or complexity
@ -911,6 +925,13 @@
// For other ABIs the native calling convention is not available (yet)
#elif defined(__PPC64__)
// PPC 64bit
// The code in as_callfunc_ppc_64.cpp was built for PS3 and XBox 360, that
// although use 64bit PPC only uses 32bit pointers.
// TODO: Add support for native calling conventions on Linux with PPC 64bit
@ -923,7 +944,7 @@
// Free BSD
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
#define AS_BSD
#if (defined(i386) || defined(__i386) || defined(__i386__)) && !defined(__LP64__)
@ -1153,23 +1174,20 @@
// Detect target hardware
// X86, Intel, AMD, etc, i.e. most PCs
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86)
// Nothing special here
// Big endian CPU target?
// see:
#if !defined(AS_BIG_ENDIAN) && \
defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN || \
defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) || \
defined(__ARMEB__) || \
defined(__THUMBEB__) || \
defined(__AARCH64EB__) || \
defined(_MIBSEB) || defined(__MIBSEB) || defined(__MIBSEB__)
// PowerPC, e.g. Mac, GameCube, PS3, XBox 360, Wii
#if defined(__PPC__) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(_PPC_) || defined(EPPC)
// Gamecube
#if defined(_GC)
// Dreamcast console
#ifdef __SH4_SINGLE_ONLY__
// Dreamcast and Gamecube use only 32bit floats, so treat doubles as floats
#if defined(__SH4_SINGLE_ONLY__) || defined(_GC)
#define AS_USE_DOUBLE_AS_FLOAT // use 32bit floats instead of doubles
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ int asCConfigGroup::Release()
return refCount;
asCObjectType *asCConfigGroup::FindType(const char *obj)
asCTypeInfo *asCConfigGroup::FindType(const char *obj)
for( asUINT n = 0; n < objTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
if( objTypes[n]->name == obj )
return objTypes[n];
for( asUINT n = 0; n < types.GetLength(); n++ )
if( types[n]->name == obj )
return types[n];
return 0;
@ -90,27 +90,27 @@ void asCConfigGroup::RefConfigGroup(asCConfigGroup *group)
void asCConfigGroup::AddReferencesForFunc(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCScriptFunction *func)
AddReferencesForType(engine, func->returnType.GetObjectType());
AddReferencesForType(engine, func->returnType.GetTypeInfo());
for( asUINT n = 0; n < func->parameterTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
AddReferencesForType(engine, func->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType());
AddReferencesForType(engine, func->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo());
void asCConfigGroup::AddReferencesForType(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCObjectType *type)
void asCConfigGroup::AddReferencesForType(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCTypeInfo *type)
if( type == 0 ) return;
// Keep reference to other groups
// Keep track of which generated template instances the config group uses
if( type->flags & asOBJ_TEMPLATE && engine->generatedTemplateTypes.Exists(type) && !generatedTemplateInstances.Exists(type) )
if( type->flags & asOBJ_TEMPLATE && engine->generatedTemplateTypes.Exists(CastToObjectType(type)) && !generatedTemplateInstances.Exists(CastToObjectType(type)) )
bool asCConfigGroup::HasLiveObjects()
for( asUINT n = 0; n < objTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
if( objTypes[n]->externalRefCount.get() != 0 )
for( asUINT n = 0; n < types.GetLength(); n++ )
if( types[n]->externalRefCount.get() != 0 )
return true;
return false;
@ -143,36 +143,24 @@ void asCConfigGroup::RemoveConfiguration(asCScriptEngine *engine, bool notUsed)
if( index >= 0 )
if( engine->stringFactory == scriptFunctions[n] )
engine->stringFactory = 0;
// Remove behaviours and members of object types
for( n = 0; n < objTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
for( n = 0; n < types.GetLength(); n++ )
asCObjectType *obj = objTypes[n];
asCObjectType *obj = CastToObjectType(types[n]);
if( obj )
// Remove function definitions
for( n = 0; n < funcDefs.GetLength(); n++ )
// Remove object types (skip this if it is possible other groups are still using the types)
if( !notUsed )
for( n = asUINT(objTypes.GetLength()); n-- > 0; )
for( n = asUINT(types.GetLength()); n-- > 0; )
asCObjectType *t = objTypes[n];
asSMapNode<asSNameSpaceNamePair, asCObjectType*> *cursor;
asCTypeInfo *t = types[n];
asSMapNode<asSNameSpaceNamePair, asCTypeInfo*> *cursor;
if( engine->allRegisteredTypes.MoveTo(&cursor, asSNameSpaceNamePair(t->nameSpace, t->name)) &&
cursor->value == t )
@ -182,29 +170,35 @@ void asCConfigGroup::RemoveConfiguration(asCScriptEngine *engine, bool notUsed)
engine->defaultArrayObjectType = 0;
if( t->flags & asOBJ_TYPEDEF )
else if( t->flags & asOBJ_ENUM )
else if( t->flags & asOBJ_TEMPLATE )
else if (t->flags & asOBJ_TEMPLATE)
else if (t->flags & asOBJ_FUNCDEF)
int idx = engine->templateInstanceTypes.IndexOf(t);
int idx = engine->templateInstanceTypes.IndexOf(CastToObjectType(t));
if( idx >= 0 )
asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(t);
// Release other config groups
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -57,23 +57,22 @@ public:
int AddRef();
int Release();
asCObjectType *FindType(const char *obj);
asCTypeInfo *FindType(const char *name);
void RefConfigGroup(asCConfigGroup *group);
bool HasLiveObjects();
void RemoveConfiguration(asCScriptEngine *engine, bool notUsed = false);
void AddReferencesForFunc(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCScriptFunction *func);
void AddReferencesForType(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCObjectType *type);
void AddReferencesForType(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCTypeInfo *type);
asCString groupName;
int refCount;
asCArray<asCObjectType*> objTypes;
asCArray<asCTypeInfo*> types;
asCArray<asCScriptFunction*> scriptFunctions;
asCArray<asCGlobalProperty*> globalProps;
asCArray<asCConfigGroup*> referencedConfigGroups;
asCArray<asCScriptFunction*> funcDefs;
// This array holds the generated template instances that are used
// by the config group as part of function signature or property
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -153,7 +153,6 @@ AS_API asIScriptContext *asGetActiveContext()
// internal
// Note: There is no asPopActiveContext(), just call tld->activeContexts.PopLast() instead
asCThreadLocalData *asPushActiveContext(asIScriptContext *ctx)
asCThreadLocalData *tld = asCThreadManager::GetLocalData();
@ -164,6 +163,15 @@ asCThreadLocalData *asPushActiveContext(asIScriptContext *ctx)
return tld;
// internal
void asPopActiveContext(asCThreadLocalData *tld, asIScriptContext *ctx)
asASSERT(tld && tld->activeContexts[tld->activeContexts.GetLength() - 1] == ctx);
if (tld)
asCContext::asCContext(asCScriptEngine *engine, bool holdRef)
@ -501,6 +509,11 @@ int asCContext::Unprepare()
if( m_status == asEXECUTION_ACTIVE || m_status == asEXECUTION_SUSPENDED )
// Set the context as active so that any clean up code can use access it if desired
asCThreadLocalData *tld = asPushActiveContext((asIScriptContext *)this);
asDWORD count = m_refCount.get();
// Only clean the stack if the context was prepared but not executed until the end
if( m_status != asEXECUTION_UNINITIALIZED &&
m_status != asEXECUTION_FINISHED )
@ -511,6 +524,11 @@ int asCContext::Unprepare()
// Release the returned object (if any)
// TODO: Unprepare is called during destruction, so nobody
// must be allowed to keep an extra reference
asASSERT(m_refCount.get() == count);
asPopActiveContext(tld, this);
// Release the object if it is a script object
if( m_initialFunction && m_initialFunction->objectType && (m_initialFunction->objectType->flags & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT) )
@ -552,7 +570,7 @@ asBYTE asCContext::GetReturnByte()
asCDataType *dt = &m_initialFunction->returnType;
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() ) return 0;
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef() || dt->IsReference() ) return 0;
return *(asBYTE*)&m_regs.valueRegister;
@ -563,7 +581,7 @@ asWORD asCContext::GetReturnWord()
asCDataType *dt = &m_initialFunction->returnType;
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() ) return 0;
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef() || dt->IsReference() ) return 0;
return *(asWORD*)&m_regs.valueRegister;
@ -574,7 +592,7 @@ asDWORD asCContext::GetReturnDWord()
asCDataType *dt = &m_initialFunction->returnType;
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() ) return 0;
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef() || dt->IsReference() ) return 0;
return *(asDWORD*)&m_regs.valueRegister;
@ -585,7 +603,7 @@ asQWORD asCContext::GetReturnQWord()
asCDataType *dt = &m_initialFunction->returnType;
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() ) return 0;
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef() || dt->IsReference() ) return 0;
return m_regs.valueRegister;
@ -596,7 +614,7 @@ float asCContext::GetReturnFloat()
asCDataType *dt = &m_initialFunction->returnType;
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() ) return 0;
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef() || dt->IsReference() ) return 0;
return *(float*)&m_regs.valueRegister;
@ -607,7 +625,7 @@ double asCContext::GetReturnDouble()
asCDataType *dt = &m_initialFunction->returnType;
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() ) return 0;
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef() || dt->IsReference() ) return 0;
return *(double*)&m_regs.valueRegister;
@ -620,7 +638,7 @@ void *asCContext::GetReturnAddress()
if( dt->IsReference() )
return *(void**)&m_regs.valueRegister;
else if( dt->IsObject() )
else if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef() )
if( m_initialFunction->DoesReturnOnStack() )
@ -644,7 +662,7 @@ void *asCContext::GetReturnObject()
asCDataType *dt = &m_initialFunction->returnType;
if( !dt->IsObject() ) return 0;
if( !dt->IsObject() && !dt->IsFuncdef() ) return 0;
if( dt->IsReference() )
return *(void**)(asPWORD)m_regs.valueRegister;
@ -671,7 +689,7 @@ void *asCContext::GetAddressOfReturnValue()
asCDataType *dt = &m_initialFunction->returnType;
// An object is stored in the objectRegister
if( !dt->IsReference() && dt->IsObject() )
if( !dt->IsReference() && (dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef()) )
// Need to dereference objects
if( !dt->IsObjectHandle() )
@ -731,7 +749,7 @@ int asCContext::SetArgByte(asUINT arg, asBYTE value)
// Verify the type of the argument
asCDataType *dt = &m_initialFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef() || dt->IsReference() )
m_status = asEXECUTION_ERROR;
return asINVALID_TYPE;
@ -774,7 +792,7 @@ int asCContext::SetArgWord(asUINT arg, asWORD value)
// Verify the type of the argument
asCDataType *dt = &m_initialFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef() || dt->IsReference() )
m_status = asEXECUTION_ERROR;
return asINVALID_TYPE;
@ -817,7 +835,7 @@ int asCContext::SetArgDWord(asUINT arg, asDWORD value)
// Verify the type of the argument
asCDataType *dt = &m_initialFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef() || dt->IsReference() )
m_status = asEXECUTION_ERROR;
return asINVALID_TYPE;
@ -860,7 +878,7 @@ int asCContext::SetArgQWord(asUINT arg, asQWORD value)
// Verify the type of the argument
asCDataType *dt = &m_initialFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef() || dt->IsReference() )
m_status = asEXECUTION_ERROR;
return asINVALID_TYPE;
@ -903,7 +921,7 @@ int asCContext::SetArgFloat(asUINT arg, float value)
// Verify the type of the argument
asCDataType *dt = &m_initialFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef() || dt->IsReference() )
m_status = asEXECUTION_ERROR;
return asINVALID_TYPE;
@ -946,7 +964,7 @@ int asCContext::SetArgDouble(asUINT arg, double value)
// Verify the type of the argument
asCDataType *dt = &m_initialFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef() || dt->IsReference() )
m_status = asEXECUTION_ERROR;
return asINVALID_TYPE;
@ -1026,7 +1044,7 @@ int asCContext::SetArgObject(asUINT arg, void *obj)
// Verify the type of the argument
asCDataType *dt = &m_initialFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( !dt->IsObject() )
if( !dt->IsObject() && !dt->IsFuncdef() )
m_status = asEXECUTION_ERROR;
return asINVALID_TYPE;
@ -1038,13 +1056,18 @@ int asCContext::SetArgObject(asUINT arg, void *obj)
if( dt->IsObjectHandle() )
// Increase the reference counter
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &dt->GetObjectType()->beh;
if( obj && beh->addref )
m_engine->CallObjectMethod(obj, beh->addref);
if (obj && dt->IsFuncdef())
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &CastToObjectType(dt->GetTypeInfo())->beh;
if (obj && beh->addref)
m_engine->CallObjectMethod(obj, beh->addref);
obj = m_engine->CreateScriptObjectCopy(obj, dt->GetObjectType());
obj = m_engine->CreateScriptObjectCopy(obj, dt->GetTypeInfo());
@ -1186,7 +1209,11 @@ int asCContext::Execute()
asCThreadLocalData *tld = asPushActiveContext((asIScriptContext *)this);
if( m_regs.programPointer == 0 )
// Make sure there are not too many nested calls, as it could crash the application
// by filling up the thread call stack
if (tld->activeContexts.GetLength() > m_engine->ep.maxNestedCalls)
else if( m_regs.programPointer == 0 )
if( m_currentFunction->funcType == asFUNC_DELEGATE )
@ -1319,13 +1346,11 @@ int asCContext::Execute()
// Pop the active context
asASSERT(tld && tld->activeContexts[tld->activeContexts.GetLength()-1] == this);
if( tld )
asPopActiveContext(tld, this);
if( m_status == asEXECUTION_FINISHED )
m_regs.objectType = m_initialFunction->returnType.GetObjectType();
m_regs.objectType = m_initialFunction->returnType.GetTypeInfo();
@ -1426,7 +1451,7 @@ int asCContext::PopState()
m_regs.valueRegister = asQWORD(asDWORD(tmp[5]));
m_regs.valueRegister |= asQWORD(tmp[6])<<32;
m_regs.objectRegister = (void*)tmp[7];
m_regs.objectType = (asIObjectType*)tmp[8];
m_regs.objectType = (asITypeInfo*)tmp[8];
// Calculate the returnValueSize
if( m_initialFunction->DoesReturnOnStack() )
@ -2481,18 +2506,9 @@ void asCContext::ExecuteNext()
case asBC_STR:
// Get the string id from the argument
asWORD w = asBC_WORDARG0(l_bc);
// Push the string pointer on the stack
const asCString &b = m_engine->GetConstantString(w);
l_sp -= AS_PTR_SIZE;
*(asPWORD*)l_sp = (asPWORD)b.AddressOf();
// Push the string length on the stack
*l_sp = (asDWORD)b.GetLength();
// TODO: NEWSTRING: Deprecate this instruction
case asBC_CALLSYS:
@ -2803,7 +2819,7 @@ void asCContext::ExecuteNext()
// Read variable index from location on stack
asPWORD *a = (asPWORD*)(l_sp + asBC_WORDARG0(l_bc));
asDWORD offset = *(asDWORD*)a;
asPWORD offset = *a;
// Move pointer from variable to the same location on the stack
asPWORD *v = (asPWORD*)(l_fp - offset);
*a = *v;
@ -4339,17 +4355,24 @@ void asCContext::ExecuteNext()
// Pop the thispointer from the stack
void *obj = *(void**)l_sp;
l_sp += AS_PTR_SIZE;
if (obj == 0)
// Only update the stack pointer if all is OK so the
// exception handler can properly clean up the stack
l_sp += AS_PTR_SIZE;
// Pop the int arg from the stack
int arg = *(int*)l_sp;
// Pop the int arg from the stack
int arg = *(int*)l_sp;
// Call the method
m_callingSystemFunction = m_engine->scriptFunctions[i];
void *ptr = m_engine->CallObjectMethodRetPtr(obj, arg, m_callingSystemFunction);
m_callingSystemFunction = 0;
*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.valueRegister = (asPWORD)ptr;
// Call the method
m_callingSystemFunction = m_engine->scriptFunctions[i];
void *ptr = m_engine->CallObjectMethodRetPtr(obj, arg, m_callingSystemFunction);
m_callingSystemFunction = 0;
*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.valueRegister = (asPWORD)ptr;
// Update the program position after the call so that line number is correct
l_bc += 2;
@ -4510,8 +4533,8 @@ void asCContext::CleanReturnObject()
if( m_initialFunction && m_initialFunction->DoesReturnOnStack() && m_status == asEXECUTION_FINISHED )
// If function returns on stack we need to call the destructor on the returned object
if( m_initialFunction->returnType.GetObjectType()->beh.destruct )
m_engine->CallObjectMethod(GetReturnObject(), m_initialFunction->returnType.GetObjectType()->beh.destruct);
if(CastToObjectType(m_initialFunction->returnType.GetTypeInfo())->beh.destruct )
m_engine->CallObjectMethod(GetReturnObject(), CastToObjectType(m_initialFunction->returnType.GetTypeInfo())->beh.destruct);
@ -4522,25 +4545,34 @@ void asCContext::CleanReturnObject()
if( m_regs.objectType )
// Call the destructor on the object
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &((asCObjectType*)m_regs.objectType)->beh;
if( m_regs.objectType->GetFlags() & asOBJ_REF )
if (m_regs.objectType->GetFlags() & asOBJ_FUNCDEF)
asASSERT( beh->release || (m_regs.objectType->GetFlags() & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) );
if( beh->release )
m_engine->CallObjectMethod(m_regs.objectRegister, beh->release);
// Release the function pointer
m_regs.objectRegister = 0;
if( beh->destruct )
m_engine->CallObjectMethod(m_regs.objectRegister, beh->destruct);
// Call the destructor on the object
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &(CastToObjectType(reinterpret_cast<asCTypeInfo*>(m_regs.objectType))->beh);
if (m_regs.objectType->GetFlags() & asOBJ_REF)
asASSERT(beh->release || (m_regs.objectType->GetFlags() & asOBJ_NOCOUNT));
// Free the memory
m_regs.objectRegister = 0;
if (beh->release)
m_engine->CallObjectMethod(m_regs.objectRegister, beh->release);
m_regs.objectRegister = 0;
if (beh->destruct)
m_engine->CallObjectMethod(m_regs.objectRegister, beh->destruct);
// Free the memory
m_regs.objectRegister = 0;
@ -4779,7 +4811,7 @@ void asCContext::CleanArgsOnStack()
for( v = 0; v < m_currentFunction->scriptData->objVariablePos.GetLength(); v++ )
if( m_currentFunction->scriptData->objVariablePos[v] == var )
func = m_currentFunction->scriptData->funcVariableTypes[v];
func = CastToFuncdefType(m_currentFunction->scriptData->objVariableTypes[v])->funcdef;
@ -4795,7 +4827,8 @@ void asCContext::CleanArgsOnStack()
if( var == paramPos )
func = m_currentFunction->parameterTypes[v].GetFuncDef();
if (m_currentFunction->parameterTypes[v].IsFuncdef())
func = CastToFuncdefType(m_currentFunction->parameterTypes[v].GetTypeInfo())->funcdef;
paramPos -= m_currentFunction->parameterTypes[v].GetSizeOnStackDWords();
@ -4815,19 +4848,23 @@ void asCContext::CleanArgsOnStack()
offset += AS_PTR_SIZE;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < func->parameterTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
if( func->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() && !func->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() )
if( (func->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() || func->parameterTypes[n].IsFuncdef()) && !func->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() )
// TODO: cleanup: This logic is repeated twice in CleanStackFrame too. Should create a common function to share the code
if( *(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackPointer[offset] )
// Call the object's destructor
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = func->parameterTypes[n].GetBehaviour();
if( func->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_REF )
if (func->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_FUNCDEF)
asASSERT( (func->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || beh->release );
else if( func->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_REF )
asASSERT( (func->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || beh->release );
if( beh->release )
m_engine->CallObjectMethod((void*)*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackPointer[offset], beh->release);
*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackPointer[offset] = 0;
@ -4836,8 +4873,8 @@ void asCContext::CleanArgsOnStack()
// Free the memory
*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackPointer[offset] = 0;
*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackPointer[offset] = 0;
@ -4875,25 +4912,29 @@ void asCContext::CleanStackFrame()
if( *(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackFramePointer[-pos] )
// Call the object's destructor
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &m_currentFunction->scriptData->objVariableTypes[n]->beh;
if( m_currentFunction->scriptData->objVariableTypes[n]->flags & asOBJ_REF )
if (m_currentFunction->scriptData->objVariableTypes[n]->flags & asOBJ_FUNCDEF)
else if( m_currentFunction->scriptData->objVariableTypes[n]->flags & asOBJ_REF )
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &CastToObjectType(m_currentFunction->scriptData->objVariableTypes[n])->beh;
asASSERT( (m_currentFunction->scriptData->objVariableTypes[n]->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || beh->release );
if( beh->release )
m_engine->CallObjectMethod((void*)*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackFramePointer[-pos], beh->release);
*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackFramePointer[-pos] = 0;
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &CastToObjectType(m_currentFunction->scriptData->objVariableTypes[n])->beh;
if( beh->destruct )
m_engine->CallObjectMethod((void*)*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackFramePointer[-pos], beh->destruct);
else if( m_currentFunction->scriptData->objVariableTypes[n]->flags & asOBJ_LIST_PATTERN )
m_engine->DestroyList((asBYTE*)*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackFramePointer[-pos], m_currentFunction->scriptData->objVariableTypes[n]);
m_engine->DestroyList((asBYTE*)*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackFramePointer[-pos], CastToObjectType(m_currentFunction->scriptData->objVariableTypes[n]));
// Free the memory
*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackFramePointer[-pos] = 0;
*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackFramePointer[-pos] = 0;
@ -4903,7 +4944,7 @@ void asCContext::CleanStackFrame()
// Only destroy the object if it is truly alive
if( liveObjects[n] > 0 )
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &m_currentFunction->scriptData->objVariableTypes[n]->beh;
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &CastToObjectType(m_currentFunction->scriptData->objVariableTypes[n])->beh;
if( beh->destruct )
m_engine->CallObjectMethod((void*)(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackFramePointer[-pos], beh->destruct);
@ -4925,19 +4966,22 @@ void asCContext::CleanStackFrame()
offset += AS_PTR_SIZE;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < m_currentFunction->parameterTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
if( m_currentFunction->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() && !m_currentFunction->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() )
if( (m_currentFunction->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() ||m_currentFunction->parameterTypes[n].IsFuncdef()) && !m_currentFunction->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() )
if( *(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackFramePointer[offset] )
// Call the object's destructor
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = m_currentFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetBehaviour();
if( m_currentFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_REF )
if (m_currentFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_FUNCDEF)
asASSERT( (m_currentFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || beh->release );
else if( m_currentFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_REF )
asASSERT( (m_currentFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || beh->release );
if( beh->release )
m_engine->CallObjectMethod((void*)*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackFramePointer[offset], beh->release);
*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackFramePointer[offset] = 0;
@ -4946,8 +4990,8 @@ void asCContext::CleanStackFrame()
// Free the memory
*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackFramePointer[offset] = 0;
*(asPWORD*)&m_regs.stackFramePointer[offset] = 0;
@ -5122,12 +5166,27 @@ int asCContext::CallGeneric(asCScriptFunction *descr)
asCGeneric gen(m_engine, descr, currentObject, args);
m_callingSystemFunction = descr;
// This try/catch block is to catch potential exception that may
// be thrown by the registered function.
catch (...)
// Convert the exception to a script exception so the VM can
// properly report the error to the application and then clean up
m_callingSystemFunction = 0;
m_regs.valueRegister = gen.returnVal;
m_regs.objectRegister = gen.objectRegister;
m_regs.objectType = descr->returnType.GetObjectType();
m_regs.objectType = descr->returnType.GetTypeInfo();
// Clean up arguments
const asUINT cleanCount = sysFunc->cleanArgs.GetLength();
@ -5244,7 +5303,7 @@ void *asCContext::GetAddressOfVar(asUINT varIndex, asUINT stackLevel)
!func->scriptData->variables[varIndex]->type.IsObjectHandle() )
onHeap = true;
if( func->scriptData->variables[varIndex]->type.GetObjectType()->GetFlags() & asOBJ_VALUE )
if( func->scriptData->variables[varIndex]->type.GetTypeInfo()->GetFlags() & asOBJ_VALUE )
for( asUINT n = 0; n < func->scriptData->objVariablePos.GetLength(); n++ )
@ -5312,7 +5371,7 @@ int asCContext::GetThisTypeId(asUINT stackLevel)
return 0; // not in a method
// create a datatype
asCDataType dt = asCDataType::CreateObject((asCObjectType*)func->GetObjectType(), false);
asCDataType dt = asCDataType::CreateType((asCObjectType*)func->GetObjectType(), false);
// return a typeId from the data type
return m_engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(dt);
@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
@ -45,18 +45,18 @@ BEGIN_AS_NAMESPACE
inline bool tryEnter() { return true; }
@ -115,7 +115,9 @@ END_AS_NAMESPACE
#ifdef AS_XBOX360
#include <xtl.h>
#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600 // We need this to get the declaration for Windows Phone compatible Ex functions
@ -154,11 +156,11 @@ public:
void ReleaseShared();
// The Slim Read Write Lock object, SRWLOCK, is more efficient
// The Slim Read Write Lock object, SRWLOCK, is more efficient
// but it is only available from Windows Vista so we cannot use it and
// maintain compatibility with olders versions of Windows.
// Critical sections and semaphores are available on Windows XP and onwards.
// Critical sections and semaphores are available on Windows XP and onwards.
// Windows XP is oldest version we support with multithreading.
// The implementation is based on the following article, that shows
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include "as_config.h"
#include "as_datatype.h"
#include "as_tokendef.h"
#include "as_typeinfo.h"
#include "as_objecttype.h"
#include "as_scriptengine.h"
#include "as_tokenizer.h"
@ -47,27 +48,27 @@ BEGIN_AS_NAMESPACE
tokenType = ttUnrecognizedToken;
objectType = 0;
typeInfo = 0;
isReference = false;
isReadOnly = false;
isAuto = false;
isObjectHandle = false;
isConstHandle = false;
funcDef = 0;
isHandleToAsHandleType = false;
ifHandleThenConst = false;
asCDataType::asCDataType(const asCDataType &dt)
tokenType = dt.tokenType;
objectType = dt.objectType;
typeInfo = dt.typeInfo;
isReference = dt.isReference;
isReadOnly = dt.isReadOnly;
isAuto = dt.isAuto;
isObjectHandle = dt.isObjectHandle;
isConstHandle = dt.isConstHandle;
funcDef = dt.funcDef;
isHandleToAsHandleType = dt.isHandleToAsHandleType;
ifHandleThenConst = dt.ifHandleThenConst;
@ -83,12 +84,12 @@ bool asCDataType::IsValid() const
return true;
asCDataType asCDataType::CreateObject(asCObjectType *ot, bool isConst)
asCDataType asCDataType::CreateType(asCTypeInfo *ti, bool isConst)
asCDataType dt;
dt.tokenType = ttIdentifier;
dt.objectType = ot;
dt.typeInfo = ti;
dt.isReadOnly = isConst;
return dt;
@ -105,28 +106,20 @@ asCDataType asCDataType::CreateAuto(bool isConst)
return dt;
asCDataType asCDataType::CreateObjectHandle(asCObjectType *ot, bool isConst)
asCDataType asCDataType::CreateObjectHandle(asCTypeInfo *ot, bool isConst)
asCDataType dt;
dt.tokenType = ttIdentifier;
dt.objectType = ot;
dt.typeInfo = ot;
dt.isObjectHandle = true;
dt.isConstHandle = isConst;
return dt;
asCDataType asCDataType::CreateFuncDef(asCScriptFunction *func)
asCDataType dt;
dt.tokenType = ttIdentifier;
dt.funcDef = func;
dt.objectType = &func->engine->functionBehaviours;
return dt;
asCDataType asCDataType::CreatePrimitive(eTokenType tt, bool isConst)
asCDataType dt;
@ -152,7 +145,7 @@ asCDataType asCDataType::CreateNullHandle()
bool asCDataType::IsNullHandle() const
if( tokenType == ttUnrecognizedToken &&
objectType == 0 &&
typeInfo == 0 &&
isObjectHandle )
return true;
@ -171,38 +164,40 @@ asCString asCDataType::Format(asSNameSpace *currNs, bool includeNamespace) const
// If the type is not declared in the current namespace, then the namespace
// must always be informed to guarantee that the correct type is informed
if( includeNamespace || (objectType && objectType->nameSpace != currNs) || (funcDef && funcDef->nameSpace != currNs) )
if (includeNamespace || (typeInfo && typeInfo->nameSpace != currNs))
if( objectType && objectType->nameSpace->name != "" )
str += objectType->nameSpace->name + "::";
else if( funcDef && funcDef->nameSpace->name != "" )
str += funcDef->nameSpace->name + "::";
if (typeInfo && typeInfo->nameSpace && typeInfo->nameSpace->name != "")
str += typeInfo->nameSpace->name + "::";
if (typeInfo && typeInfo->nameSpace == 0)
// If funcDef->nameSpace is null it means the funcDef was declared as member of
// another type, in which case the scope should be built with the name of that type
str += CastToFuncdefType(typeInfo)->parentClass->name + "::";
if( tokenType != ttIdentifier )
str += asCTokenizer::GetDefinition(tokenType);
else if( IsArrayType() && objectType && !objectType->engine->ep.expandDefaultArrayToTemplate )
else if( IsArrayType() && typeInfo && !typeInfo->engine->ep.expandDefaultArrayToTemplate )
asASSERT( objectType->templateSubTypes.GetLength() == 1 );
str += objectType->templateSubTypes[0].Format(currNs, includeNamespace);
asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(typeInfo);
asASSERT( ot && ot->templateSubTypes.GetLength() == 1 );
str += ot->templateSubTypes[0].Format(currNs, includeNamespace);
str += "[]";
else if( funcDef )
else if(typeInfo)
str += funcDef->name;
else if( objectType )
str += objectType->name;
if( objectType->templateSubTypes.GetLength() > 0 )
str += typeInfo->name;
asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(typeInfo);
if( ot && ot->templateSubTypes.GetLength() > 0 )
str += "<";
for( asUINT subtypeIndex = 0; subtypeIndex < objectType->templateSubTypes.GetLength(); subtypeIndex++ )
for( asUINT subtypeIndex = 0; subtypeIndex < ot->templateSubTypes.GetLength(); subtypeIndex++ )
str += objectType->templateSubTypes[subtypeIndex].Format(currNs, includeNamespace);
if( subtypeIndex != objectType->templateSubTypes.GetLength()-1 )
str += ot->templateSubTypes[subtypeIndex].Format(currNs, includeNamespace);
if( subtypeIndex != ot->templateSubTypes.GetLength()-1 )
str += ",";
str += ">";
@ -210,10 +205,7 @@ asCString asCDataType::Format(asSNameSpace *currNs, bool includeNamespace) const
else if( isAuto )
if( isObjectHandle )
str += "<auto@>";
str += "<auto>";
str += "<auto>";
@ -237,13 +229,13 @@ asCDataType &asCDataType::operator =(const asCDataType &dt)
tokenType = dt.tokenType;
isReference = dt.isReference;
objectType = dt.objectType;
typeInfo = dt.typeInfo;
isReadOnly = dt.isReadOnly;
isObjectHandle = dt.isObjectHandle;
isConstHandle = dt.isConstHandle;
isAuto = dt.isAuto;
funcDef = dt.funcDef;
isHandleToAsHandleType = dt.isHandleToAsHandleType;
ifHandleThenConst = dt.ifHandleThenConst;
return (asCDataType &)*this;
@ -269,18 +261,17 @@ int asCDataType::MakeHandle(bool b, bool acceptHandleForScope)
// (except when returned from registered function)
// funcdefs are special reference types and support handles
// value types with asOBJ_ASHANDLE are treated as a handle
if( !funcDef &&
(!objectType ||
!((objectType->flags & asOBJ_REF) || (objectType->flags & asOBJ_TEMPLATE_SUBTYPE) || (objectType->flags & asOBJ_ASHANDLE)) ||
(objectType->flags & asOBJ_NOHANDLE) ||
((objectType->flags & asOBJ_SCOPED) && !acceptHandleForScope)) )
if( (!typeInfo ||
!((typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_REF) || (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_TEMPLATE_SUBTYPE) || (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_ASHANDLE) || (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_FUNCDEF)) ||
(typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_NOHANDLE) ||
((typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_SCOPED) && !acceptHandleForScope)) )
return -1;
isObjectHandle = b;
isConstHandle = false;
// ASHANDLE supports being handle, but as it really is a value type it will not be marked as a handle
if( (objectType->flags & asOBJ_ASHANDLE) )
if( (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_ASHANDLE) )
isObjectHandle = false;
isHandleToAsHandleType = true;
@ -306,7 +297,7 @@ int asCDataType::MakeArray(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCModule *module)
isObjectHandle = false;
isConstHandle = false;
objectType = at;
typeInfo = at;
tokenType = ttIdentifier;
return 0;
@ -341,9 +332,9 @@ int asCDataType::MakeHandleToConst(bool b)
bool asCDataType::SupportHandles() const
if( objectType &&
(objectType->flags & (asOBJ_REF | asOBJ_ASHANDLE)) &&
!(objectType->flags & asOBJ_NOHANDLE) &&
if( typeInfo &&
(typeInfo->flags & (asOBJ_REF | asOBJ_ASHANDLE | asOBJ_FUNCDEF)) &&
!(typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_NOHANDLE) &&
!isObjectHandle )
return true;
@ -355,19 +346,25 @@ bool asCDataType::CanBeInstantiated() const
if( GetSizeOnStackDWords() == 0 ) // Void
return false;
if( !IsObject() ) // Primitives
if( !IsObject() && !IsFuncdef() ) // Primitives
return true;
if( IsObjectHandle() && !(objectType->flags & asOBJ_NOHANDLE) ) // Handles
return true;
if( funcDef ) // Funcdefs can be instantiated as delegates
return true;
if( (objectType->flags & asOBJ_REF) && objectType->beh.factories.GetLength() == 0 ) // ref types without factories
if (IsNullHandle()) // null
return false;
if( (objectType->flags & asOBJ_ABSTRACT) && !IsObjectHandle() ) // Can't instantiate abstract classes
if( IsObjectHandle() && !(typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_NOHANDLE) ) // Handles
return true;
// Funcdefs cannot be instantiated without being handles
// The exception being delegates, but these can only be created as temporary objects
if (IsFuncdef())
return false;
asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(typeInfo);
if( ot && (ot->flags & asOBJ_REF) && ot->beh.factories.GetLength() == 0 ) // ref types without factories
return false;
if( ot && (ot->flags & asOBJ_ABSTRACT) && !IsObjectHandle() ) // Can't instantiate abstract classes
return false;
return true;
@ -375,12 +372,16 @@ bool asCDataType::CanBeInstantiated() const
bool asCDataType::IsAbstractClass() const
return objectType && (objectType->flags & asOBJ_ABSTRACT) ? true : false;
return typeInfo && (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_ABSTRACT) ? true : false;
bool asCDataType::IsInterface() const
return objectType && objectType->IsInterface();
if (typeInfo == 0)
return false;
asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(typeInfo);
return ot && ot->IsInterface();
bool asCDataType::CanBeCopied() const
@ -389,19 +390,19 @@ bool asCDataType::CanBeCopied() const
if( IsPrimitive() ) return true;
// Plain-old-data structures can always be copied
if( objectType->flags & asOBJ_POD ) return true;
if( typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_POD ) return true;
// It must be possible to instantiate the type
if( !CanBeInstantiated() ) return false;
// It must have a default constructor or factory
if( objectType->beh.construct == 0 &&
objectType->beh.factory == 0 ) return false;
// It must have a default constructor or factory and the opAssign
// Alternatively it must have the copy constructor
asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(typeInfo);
if (ot && (((ot->beh.construct != 0 || ot->beh.factory != 0) && ot->beh.copy != 0) ||
(ot->beh.copyconstruct != 0 || ot->beh.copyfactory != 0)) )
return true;
// It must be possible to copy the type
if( objectType->beh.copy == 0 ) return false;
return true;
return false;
bool asCDataType::IsReadOnly() const
@ -430,15 +431,15 @@ bool asCDataType::IsObjectConst() const
bool asCDataType::IsArrayType() const
// This is only true if the type used is the default array type, i.e. the one used for the [] syntax form
if( objectType && objectType->engine->defaultArrayObjectType )
return objectType->name == objectType->engine->defaultArrayObjectType->name;
if( typeInfo && typeInfo->engine->defaultArrayObjectType )
return typeInfo->name == typeInfo->engine->defaultArrayObjectType->name;
return false;
bool asCDataType::IsTemplate() const
if( objectType && (objectType->flags & asOBJ_TEMPLATE) )
if( typeInfo && (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_TEMPLATE) )
return true;
return false;
@ -446,7 +447,7 @@ bool asCDataType::IsTemplate() const
bool asCDataType::IsScriptObject() const
if( objectType && (objectType->flags & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT) )
if( typeInfo && (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT) )
return true;
return false;
@ -454,8 +455,9 @@ bool asCDataType::IsScriptObject() const
asCDataType asCDataType::GetSubType(asUINT subtypeIndex) const
return objectType->templateSubTypes[subtypeIndex];
asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(typeInfo);
return ot->templateSubTypes[subtypeIndex];
@ -487,11 +489,10 @@ bool asCDataType::IsEqualExceptRefAndConst(const asCDataType &dt) const
// Check base type
if( tokenType != dt.tokenType ) return false;
if( objectType != dt.objectType ) return false;
if( typeInfo != dt.typeInfo ) return false;
if( isObjectHandle != dt.isObjectHandle ) return false;
if( isObjectHandle )
if( isReadOnly != dt.isReadOnly ) return false;
if( funcDef != dt.funcDef ) return false;
return true;
@ -510,11 +511,11 @@ bool asCDataType::IsPrimitive() const
if( IsEnumType() )
return true;
// A registered object is never a primitive neither is a pointer, nor an array
if( objectType || funcDef )
// A registered object is never a primitive neither is a pointer nor an array
if( typeInfo )
return false;
// Null handle doesn't have an objectType, but it is not a primitive
// Null handle doesn't have a typeInfo, but it is not a primitive
if( tokenType == ttUnrecognizedToken )
return false;
@ -584,16 +585,25 @@ bool asCDataType::IsObject() const
return false;
// Null handle doesn't have an object type but should still be considered an object
if( objectType == 0 )
if( typeInfo == 0 )
return IsNullHandle();
return true;
// Template subtypes shouldn't be considered objects
return CastToObjectType(typeInfo) ? true : false;
bool asCDataType::IsFuncdef() const
if (typeInfo && (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_FUNCDEF))
return true;
return false;
int asCDataType::GetSizeInMemoryBytes() const
if( objectType != 0 )
return objectType->size;
if( typeInfo != 0 )
return typeInfo->size;
if( tokenType == ttVoid )
return 0;
@ -640,7 +650,7 @@ int asCDataType::GetSizeOnStackDWords() const
int size = tokenType == ttQuestion ? 1 : 0;
if( isReference ) return AS_PTR_SIZE + size;
if( objectType && !IsEnumType() ) return AS_PTR_SIZE + size;
if( typeInfo && !IsEnumType() ) return AS_PTR_SIZE + size;
return GetSizeInMemoryDWords() + size;
@ -648,27 +658,29 @@ int asCDataType::GetSizeOnStackDWords() const
int asCDataType::GetAlignment() const
if( objectType == NULL )
if( typeInfo == NULL )
// TODO: Small primitives should not be aligned to 4 byte boundaries
return 4; //Default alignment
return objectType->alignment;
return typeInfo->alignment;
asSTypeBehaviour *asCDataType::GetBehaviour() const
return objectType ? &objectType->beh : 0;
if (!typeInfo) return 0;
asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(typeInfo);
return ot ? &ot->beh : 0;
bool asCDataType::IsEnumType() const
// Do a sanity check on the objectType, to verify that we aren't trying to access memory after it has been released
asASSERT( objectType == 0 || objectType->name.GetLength() < 100 );
asASSERT(typeInfo == 0 || typeInfo->name.GetLength() < 100);
if( objectType && (objectType->flags & asOBJ_ENUM) )
if (typeInfo && (typeInfo->flags & asOBJ_ENUM))
return true;
return false;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -47,12 +47,14 @@ BEGIN_AS_NAMESPACE
struct asSTypeBehaviour;
class asCScriptEngine;
class asCObjectType;
class asCTypeInfo;
class asCScriptFunction;
class asCModule;
class asCObjectType;
class asCEnumType;
struct asSNameSpace;
// TODO: refactor: Reference should not be part of the datatype. This should be stored separately, e.g. in asCTypeInfo
// TODO: refactor: Reference should not be part of the datatype. This should be stored separately, e.g. in asCExprValue
// MakeReference, MakeReadOnly, IsReference, IsReadOnly should be removed
class asCDataType
@ -67,10 +69,9 @@ public:
asCString Format(asSNameSpace *currNs, bool includeNamespace = false) const;
static asCDataType CreatePrimitive(eTokenType tt, bool isConst);
static asCDataType CreateObject(asCObjectType *ot, bool isConst);
static asCDataType CreateType(asCTypeInfo *ti, bool isConst);
static asCDataType CreateAuto(bool isConst);
static asCDataType CreateObjectHandle(asCObjectType *ot, bool isConst);
static asCDataType CreateFuncDef(asCScriptFunction *ot);
static asCDataType CreateObjectHandle(asCTypeInfo *ot, bool isConst);
static asCDataType CreateNullHandle();
int MakeHandle(bool b, bool acceptHandleForScope = false);
@ -78,6 +79,8 @@ public:
int MakeReference(bool b);
int MakeReadOnly(bool b);
int MakeHandleToConst(bool b);
void SetIfHandleThenConst(bool b) { ifHandleThenConst = b; }
bool HasIfHandleThenConst() const { return ifHandleThenConst; }
bool IsTemplate() const;
bool IsScriptObject() const;
@ -101,6 +104,7 @@ public:
bool IsHandleToAsHandleType() const {return isHandleToAsHandleType;}
bool IsAbstractClass() const;
bool IsInterface() const;
bool IsFuncdef() const;
bool IsObjectConst() const;
@ -118,8 +122,7 @@ public:
asCDataType GetSubType(asUINT subtypeIndex = 0) const;
eTokenType GetTokenType() const {return tokenType;}
asCObjectType *GetObjectType() const {return objectType;}
asCScriptFunction *GetFuncDef() const {return funcDef;}
asCTypeInfo *GetTypeInfo() const { return typeInfo; }
int GetSizeOnStackDWords() const;
int GetSizeInMemoryBytes() const;
@ -129,8 +132,7 @@ public:
void SetTokenType(eTokenType tt) {tokenType = tt;}
void SetObjectType(asCObjectType *obj) {objectType = obj;}
void SetFuncDef(asCScriptFunction *func) {asASSERT(funcDef); funcDef = func; }
void SetTypeInfo(asCTypeInfo *ti) {typeInfo = ti;}
asCDataType &operator =(const asCDataType &);
@ -141,8 +143,7 @@ protected:
eTokenType tokenType;
// Behaviour type
asCObjectType *objectType;
asCScriptFunction *funcDef;
asCTypeInfo *typeInfo;
// Top level
bool isReference:1;
@ -151,7 +152,8 @@ protected:
bool isConstHandle:1;
bool isAuto:1;
bool isHandleToAsHandleType:1; // Used by the compiler to know how to initialize the object
char dummy:2;
bool ifHandleThenConst:1; // Used when creating template instances to determine if a handle should be const or not
char dummy:1;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
#ifndef AS_PSVITA
// Possible on PSVita, but requires SDK access
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined( AS_MARMALADE )
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(AS_MARMALADE))
#ifdef __ghs__
// WIIU defines __GNUC__ but types are not defined here in 'conventional' way
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ int asCGarbageCollector::AddScriptObjectToGC(void *obj, asCObjectType *objType)
return ot.seqNbr;
int asCGarbageCollector::GetObjectInGC(asUINT idx, asUINT *seqNbr, void **obj, asIObjectType **type)
int asCGarbageCollector::GetObjectInGC(asUINT idx, asUINT *seqNbr, void **obj, asITypeInfo **type)
if( seqNbr ) *seqNbr = 0;
if( obj ) *obj = 0;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public:
void GetStatistics(asUINT *currentSize, asUINT *totalDestroyed, asUINT *totalDetected, asUINT *newObjects, asUINT *totalNewDestroyed) const;
void GCEnumCallback(void *reference);
int AddScriptObjectToGC(void *obj, asCObjectType *objType);
int GetObjectInGC(asUINT idx, asUINT *seqNbr, void **obj, asIObjectType **type);
int GetObjectInGC(asUINT idx, asUINT *seqNbr, void **obj, asITypeInfo **type);
int ReportAndReleaseUndestroyedObjects();
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -62,6 +62,12 @@ asCGeneric::~asCGeneric()
// interface
void *asCGeneric::GetAuxiliary() const
return sysFunction->GetAuxiliary();
// interface
asIScriptEngine *asCGeneric::GetEngine() const
@ -83,7 +89,7 @@ void *asCGeneric::GetObject()
// interface
int asCGeneric::GetObjectTypeId() const
asCDataType dt = asCDataType::CreateObject(sysFunction->objectType, false);
asCDataType dt = asCDataType::CreateType(sysFunction->objectType, false);
return engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(dt);
@ -101,7 +107,7 @@ asBYTE asCGeneric::GetArgByte(asUINT arg)
// Verify that the type is correct
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
if( (dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef()) || dt->IsReference() )
return 0;
if( dt->GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 1 )
@ -124,7 +130,7 @@ asWORD asCGeneric::GetArgWord(asUINT arg)
// Verify that the type is correct
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
if( (dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef()) || dt->IsReference() )
return 0;
if( dt->GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 2 )
@ -147,7 +153,7 @@ asDWORD asCGeneric::GetArgDWord(asUINT arg)
// Verify that the type is correct
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
if( (dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef()) || dt->IsReference() )
return 0;
if( dt->GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 4 )
@ -170,7 +176,7 @@ asQWORD asCGeneric::GetArgQWord(asUINT arg)
// Verify that the type is correct
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
if( (dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef()) || dt->IsReference() )
return 0;
if( dt->GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 8 )
@ -193,7 +199,7 @@ float asCGeneric::GetArgFloat(asUINT arg)
// Verify that the type is correct
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
if( (dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef()) || dt->IsReference() )
return 0;
if( dt->GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 4 )
@ -216,7 +222,7 @@ double asCGeneric::GetArgDouble(asUINT arg)
// Verify that the type is correct
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
if( (dt->IsObject() || dt->IsFuncdef()) || dt->IsReference() )
return 0;
if( dt->GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 8 )
@ -259,7 +265,7 @@ void *asCGeneric::GetArgObject(asUINT arg)
// Verify that the type is correct
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( !dt->IsObject() )
if( !dt->IsObject() && !dt->IsFuncdef() )
return 0;
// Determine the position of the argument
@ -325,14 +331,14 @@ int asCGeneric::GetArgTypeId(asUINT arg, asDWORD *flags) const
int asCGeneric::SetReturnByte(asBYTE val)
// Verify the type of the return value
if( sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
if( (sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsFuncdef()) || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
if( sysFunction->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 1 )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
// Store the value
*(asBYTE*)&returnVal = val;
// Store the value
*(asBYTE*)&returnVal = val;
return 0;
@ -341,14 +347,14 @@ int asCGeneric::SetReturnByte(asBYTE val)
int asCGeneric::SetReturnWord(asWORD val)
// Verify the type of the return value
if( sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
if( (sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsFuncdef()) || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
if( sysFunction->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 2 )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
// Store the value
*(asWORD*)&returnVal = val;
// Store the value
*(asWORD*)&returnVal = val;
return 0;
@ -357,14 +363,14 @@ int asCGeneric::SetReturnWord(asWORD val)
int asCGeneric::SetReturnDWord(asDWORD val)
// Verify the type of the return value
if( sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
if( (sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsFuncdef()) || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
if( sysFunction->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 4 )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
// Store the value
*(asDWORD*)&returnVal = val;
// Store the value
*(asDWORD*)&returnVal = val;
return 0;
@ -373,7 +379,7 @@ int asCGeneric::SetReturnDWord(asDWORD val)
int asCGeneric::SetReturnQWord(asQWORD val)
// Verify the type of the return value
if( sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
if( (sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsFuncdef()) || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
if( sysFunction->returnType.GetSizeOnStackDWords() != 2 )
@ -389,7 +395,7 @@ int asCGeneric::SetReturnQWord(asQWORD val)
int asCGeneric::SetReturnFloat(float val)
// Verify the type of the return value
if( sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
if( (sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsFuncdef()) || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
if( sysFunction->returnType.GetSizeOnStackDWords() != 1 )
@ -405,7 +411,7 @@ int asCGeneric::SetReturnFloat(float val)
int asCGeneric::SetReturnDouble(double val)
// Verify the type of the return value
if( sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
if( (sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsFuncdef()) || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
if( sysFunction->returnType.GetSizeOnStackDWords() != 2 )
@ -441,7 +447,7 @@ int asCGeneric::SetReturnAddress(void *val)
int asCGeneric::SetReturnObject(void *obj)
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->returnType;
if( !dt->IsObject() )
if( !dt->IsObject() && !dt->IsFuncdef() )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
if( dt->IsReference() )
@ -453,9 +459,17 @@ int asCGeneric::SetReturnObject(void *obj)
if( dt->IsObjectHandle() )
// Increase the reference counter
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &dt->GetObjectType()->beh;
if( obj && beh->addref )
engine->CallObjectMethod(obj, beh->addref);
if (dt->IsFuncdef())
if (obj)
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &CastToObjectType(dt->GetTypeInfo())->beh;
if (obj && beh && beh->addref)
engine->CallObjectMethod(obj, beh->addref);
@ -463,7 +477,7 @@ int asCGeneric::SetReturnObject(void *obj)
// Here we should just initialize that memory by calling the copy constructor
// or the default constructor followed by the assignment operator
void *mem = (void*)*(asPWORD*)&stackPointer[-AS_PTR_SIZE];
engine->ConstructScriptObjectCopy(mem, obj, dt->GetObjectType());
engine->ConstructScriptObjectCopy(mem, obj, CastToObjectType(dt->GetTypeInfo()));
return 0;
@ -477,7 +491,7 @@ void *asCGeneric::GetReturnPointer()
asCDataType &dt = sysFunction->returnType;
if( dt.IsObject() && !dt.IsReference() )
if( (dt.IsObject() ||dt.IsFuncdef()) && !dt.IsReference() )
// This function doesn't support returning on the stack but the use of
// the function doesn't require it so we don't need to implement it here.
@ -494,7 +508,7 @@ void *asCGeneric::GetAddressOfReturnLocation()
asCDataType &dt = sysFunction->returnType;
if( dt.IsObject() && !dt.IsReference() )
if( (dt.IsObject() || dt.IsFuncdef()) && !dt.IsReference() )
if( sysFunction->DoesReturnOnStack() )
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ public:
// Miscellaneous
asIScriptEngine *GetEngine() const;
asIScriptFunction *GetFunction() const;
void *GetAuxiliary() const;
// Object
void *GetObject();
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -120,13 +120,13 @@ void *asCGlobalProperty::GetRegisteredAddress() const
return realAddress;
void asCGlobalProperty::SetInitFunc(asCScriptFunction *initFunc)
void asCGlobalProperty::SetInitFunc(asCScriptFunction *in_initFunc)
// This should only be done once
asASSERT( this->initFunc == 0 );
asASSERT( initFunc == 0 );
this->initFunc = initFunc;
initFunc = in_initFunc;
asCScriptFunction *asCGlobalProperty::GetInitFunc()
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -38,8 +38,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined( __SNC__ ) && !defined( __ghs__ ) \
&& !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__) && !defined(__NetBSD__)
#if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__SNC__) && !defined(__ghs__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)
#include <malloc.h>
@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ asCModule::~asCModule()
// The builder is not removed by InternalReset because it holds the script
// The builder is not removed by InternalReset because it holds the script
// sections that will be built, so we need to explictly remove it now if it exists
if( builder )
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void asCModule::Discard()
asCScriptEngine *lEngine = engine;
// Instead of deleting the module immediately, move it to the discarded pile
// This will turn it invisible to the application, yet keep it alive until all
// This will turn it invisible to the application, yet keep it alive until all
// external references to its entities have been released.
if( lEngine->lastModule == this )
@ -195,9 +195,9 @@ asIScriptEngine *asCModule::GetEngine() const
// interface
void asCModule::SetName(const char *name)
void asCModule::SetName(const char *in_name)
this->name = name;
name = in_name;
// interface
@ -248,13 +248,13 @@ int asCModule::SetDefaultNamespace(const char *nameSpace)
// interface
int asCModule::AddScriptSection(const char *name, const char *code, size_t codeLength, int lineOffset)
int asCModule::AddScriptSection(const char *in_name, const char *in_code, size_t in_codeLength, int in_lineOffset)
if( !builder )
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ int asCModule::AddScriptSection(const char *name, const char *code, size_t codeL
return asOUT_OF_MEMORY;
return builder->AddCode(name, code, (int)codeLength, lineOffset, (int)engine->GetScriptSectionNameIndex(name ? name : ""), engine->ep.copyScriptSections);
return builder->AddCode(in_name, in_code, (int)in_codeLength, in_lineOffset, (int)engine->GetScriptSectionNameIndex(in_name ? in_name : ""), engine->ep.copyScriptSections);
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ int asCModule::Build()
// Don't allow the module to be rebuilt if there are still
// Don't allow the module to be rebuilt if there are still
// external references that will need the previous code
// TODO: interface: The asIScriptModule must have a method for querying if the module is used
if( HasExternalReferences(false) )
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ int asCModule::Build()
r = builder->Build();
builder = 0;
if( r < 0 )
// Reset module again
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ int asCModule::Build()
// interface
int asCModule::ResetGlobalVars(asIScriptContext *ctx)
if( isGlobalVarInitialized )
if( isGlobalVarInitialized )
return CallInit(ctx);
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ asIScriptFunction *asCModule::GetFunctionByIndex(asUINT index) const
// internal
int asCModule::CallInit(asIScriptContext *myCtx)
if( isGlobalVarInitialized )
if( isGlobalVarInitialized )
return asERROR;
// Each global variable needs to be cleared individually
@ -414,19 +414,19 @@ int asCModule::CallInit(asIScriptContext *myCtx)
asCScriptFunction *func = desc->GetInitFunc();
engine->WriteMessage(func->scriptData->scriptSectionIdx >= 0 ? engine->scriptSectionNames[func->scriptData->scriptSectionIdx]->AddressOf() : "",
func->GetLineNumber(0, 0) & 0xFFFFF,
func->GetLineNumber(0, 0) & 0xFFFFF,
func->GetLineNumber(0, 0) >> 20,
const asIScriptFunction *function = ctx->GetExceptionFunction();
msg.Format(TXT_EXCEPTION_s_IN_s, ctx->GetExceptionString(), function->GetDeclaration());
@ -442,9 +442,9 @@ int asCModule::CallInit(asIScriptContext *myCtx)
ctx = 0;
// Even if the initialization failed we need to set the
// Even if the initialization failed we need to set the
// flag that the variables have been initialized, otherwise
// the module won't free those variables that really were
// the module won't free those variables that really were
// initialized.
isGlobalVarInitialized = true;
@ -454,6 +454,48 @@ int asCModule::CallInit(asIScriptContext *myCtx)
return asSUCCESS;
// internal
void asCModule::UninitializeGlobalProp(asCGlobalProperty *prop)
if (prop == 0)
if (prop->type.IsObject())
void **obj = (void**)prop->GetAddressOfValue();
if (*obj)
asCObjectType *ot = CastToObjectType(prop->type.GetTypeInfo());
if (ot->flags & asOBJ_REF)
asASSERT((ot->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || ot->beh.release);
if (ot->beh.release)
engine->CallObjectMethod(*obj, ot->beh.release);
if (ot->beh.destruct)
engine->CallObjectMethod(*obj, ot->beh.destruct);
// Set the address to 0 as someone might try to access the variable afterwards
*obj = 0;
else if (prop->type.IsFuncdef())
asCScriptFunction **func = (asCScriptFunction**)prop->GetAddressOfValue();
if (*func)
*func = 0;
// internal
void asCModule::CallExit()
@ -462,31 +504,7 @@ void asCModule::CallExit()
asCSymbolTableIterator<asCGlobalProperty> it = scriptGlobals.List();
while( it )
if( (*it)->type.IsObject() )
void **obj = (void**)(*it)->GetAddressOfValue();
if( *obj )
asCObjectType *ot = (*it)->type.GetObjectType();
if( ot->flags & asOBJ_REF )
asASSERT( (ot->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || ot->beh.release );
if( ot->beh.release )
engine->CallObjectMethod(*obj, ot->beh.release);
if( ot->beh.destruct )
engine->CallObjectMethod(*obj, ot->beh.destruct);
// Set the address to 0 as someone might try to access the variable afterwards
*obj = 0;
@ -498,7 +516,30 @@ bool asCModule::HasExternalReferences(bool shuttingDown)
// Check all entiteis in the module for any external references.
// If there are any external references the module cannot be deleted yet.
asCSymbolTableIterator<asCGlobalProperty> it = scriptGlobals.List();
while (it)
asCGlobalProperty *desc = *it;
if (desc->GetInitFunc() && desc->GetInitFunc()->externalRefCount.get())
if( !shuttingDown )
return true;
asCString msg;
msg.Format(TXT_EXTRNL_REF_TO_MODULE_s, name.AddressOf());
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_WARNING, msg.AddressOf());
// TODO: Use a better error message
asCString tmpName = "init " + desc->name;
msg.Format(TXT_PREV_FUNC_IS_NAMED_s_TYPE_IS_d, tmpName.AddressOf(), desc->GetInitFunc()->GetFuncType());
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION, msg.AddressOf());
for( asUINT n = 0; n < scriptFunctions.GetLength(); n++ )
if( scriptFunctions[n] && scriptFunctions[n]->externalRefCount.get() )
@ -542,7 +583,7 @@ bool asCModule::HasExternalReferences(bool shuttingDown)
msg.Format(TXT_EXTRNL_REF_TO_MODULE_s, name.AddressOf());
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_WARNING, msg.AddressOf());
msg.Format(TXT_PREV_FUNC_IS_NAMED_s_TYPE_IS_d, funcDefs[n]->GetName(), funcDefs[n]->GetFuncType());
msg.Format(TXT_PREV_FUNC_IS_NAMED_s_TYPE_IS_d, funcDefs[n]->GetName(), funcDefs[n]->funcdef->GetFuncType());
engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION, msg.AddressOf());
@ -576,7 +617,7 @@ void asCModule::InternalReset()
// Remove all global functions
// Destroy the internals of the global properties here, but do not yet remove them from the
// Destroy the internals of the global properties here, but do not yet remove them from the
// engine, because functions need the engine's varAddressMap to get to the property. If the
// property is removed already, it may leak as the refCount doesn't reach 0.
asCSymbolTableIterator<asCGlobalProperty> globIt = scriptGlobals.List();
@ -650,7 +691,7 @@ void asCModule::InternalReset()
for( n = 0; n < enumTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
asCObjectType *type = enumTypes[n];
asCEnumType *type = enumTypes[n];
if( type->IsShared() )
// The type is shared, so transfer ownership to another module that also uses it
@ -662,9 +703,6 @@ void asCModule::InternalReset()
// The type should be destroyed now
// Remove the type from the engine
if( type->IsShared() )
@ -679,7 +717,7 @@ void asCModule::InternalReset()
for( n = 0; n < typeDefs.GetLength(); n++ )
asCObjectType *type = typeDefs[n];
asCTypedefType *type = typeDefs[n];
// The type should be destroyed now
@ -693,13 +731,14 @@ void asCModule::InternalReset()
// Free funcdefs
for( n = 0; n < funcDefs.GetLength(); n++ )
asCScriptFunction *func = funcDefs[n];
if( func->IsShared() )
asCFuncdefType *func = funcDefs[n];
if( func->funcdef && func->funcdef->IsShared() )
// The func is shared, so transfer ownership to another module that also uses it
if( engine->FindNewOwnerForSharedFunc(func, this) != this )
// The funcdef is shared, so transfer ownership to another module that also uses it
if( engine->FindNewOwnerForSharedType(func, this) != this )
// The func is owned by another module, just release our reference
// The funcdef is owned by another module, just release our reference
@ -748,12 +787,12 @@ void asCModule::InternalReset()
// interface
asIScriptFunction *asCModule::GetFunctionByName(const char *name) const
asIScriptFunction *asCModule::GetFunctionByName(const char *in_name) const
asSNameSpace *ns = defaultNamespace;
while( ns )
const asCArray<unsigned int> &idxs = globalFunctions.GetIndexes(ns, name);
const asCArray<unsigned int> &idxs = globalFunctions.GetIndexes(ns, in_name);
if( idxs.GetLength() != 1 )
return 0;
@ -790,7 +829,7 @@ int asCModule::GetImportedFunctionIndexByDecl(const char *decl) const
int id = -1;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < bindInformations.GetLength(); ++n )
if( == bindInformations[n]->importedFunctionSignature->name &&
if( == bindInformations[n]->importedFunctionSignature->name &&
func.returnType == bindInformations[n]->importedFunctionSignature->returnType &&
func.parameterTypes.GetLength() == bindInformations[n]->importedFunctionSignature->parameterTypes.GetLength() )
@ -898,14 +937,14 @@ asUINT asCModule::GetGlobalVarCount() const
// interface
int asCModule::GetGlobalVarIndexByName(const char *name) const
int asCModule::GetGlobalVarIndexByName(const char *in_name) const
asSNameSpace *ns = defaultNamespace;
// Find the global var id
while( ns )
int id = scriptGlobals.GetFirstIndex(ns, name);
int id = scriptGlobals.GetFirstIndex(ns, in_name);
if( id >= 0 ) return id;
// Recursively search parent namespaces
@ -922,17 +961,22 @@ int asCModule::RemoveGlobalVar(asUINT index)
if( !prop )
return asINVALID_ARG;
// If the global variables have already been initialized
// then uninitialize the variable before it is removed
if (isGlobalVarInitialized)
// Destroy the internal of the global variable (removes the initialization function)
// Check if the module is the only one referring to the module, if so remove it from the engine too
// Check if the module is the only one referring to the property, if so remove it from the engine too
// If the property is not removed now, it will be removed later when the module is discarded
if( prop->refCount.get() == 2 )
// Remove the global variable from the module
return 0;
@ -945,17 +989,17 @@ int asCModule::GetGlobalVarIndexByDecl(const char *decl) const
// Don't write parser errors to the message callback
bld.silent = true;
asCString name;
asCString declName;
asSNameSpace *nameSpace;
asCDataType dt;
int r = bld.ParseVariableDeclaration(decl, defaultNamespace, name, nameSpace, dt);
int r = bld.ParseVariableDeclaration(decl, defaultNamespace, declName, nameSpace, dt);
if( r < 0 )
return r;
// Search global variables for a match
while( nameSpace )
int id = scriptGlobals.GetFirstIndex(nameSpace, name, asCCompGlobPropType(dt));
int id = scriptGlobals.GetFirstIndex(nameSpace, declName, asCCompGlobPropType(dt));
if( id != -1 )
return id;
@ -970,7 +1014,7 @@ int asCModule::GetGlobalVarIndexByDecl(const char *decl) const
void *asCModule::GetAddressOfGlobalVar(asUINT index)
asCGlobalProperty *prop = scriptGlobals.Get(index);
if( !prop )
if( !prop )
return 0;
// For object variables it's necessary to dereference the pointer to get the address of the value
@ -998,19 +1042,19 @@ const char *asCModule::GetGlobalVarDeclaration(asUINT index, bool includeNamespa
// interface
int asCModule::GetGlobalVar(asUINT index, const char **name, const char **nameSpace, int *typeId, bool *isConst) const
int asCModule::GetGlobalVar(asUINT index, const char **out_name, const char **out_nameSpace, int *out_typeId, bool *out_isConst) const
const asCGlobalProperty *prop = scriptGlobals.Get(index);
if (!prop) return 0;
if( name )
*name = prop->name.AddressOf();
if( nameSpace )
*nameSpace = prop->nameSpace->name.AddressOf();
if( typeId )
*typeId = engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(prop->type);
if( isConst )
*isConst = prop->type.IsReadOnly();
if( out_name )
*out_name = prop->name.AddressOf();
if( out_nameSpace )
*out_nameSpace = prop->nameSpace->name.AddressOf();
if( out_typeId )
*out_typeId = engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(prop->type);
if( out_isConst )
*out_isConst = prop->type.IsReadOnly();
return asSUCCESS;
@ -1021,29 +1065,45 @@ asUINT asCModule::GetObjectTypeCount() const
return (asUINT)classTypes.GetLength();
// interface
asIObjectType *asCModule::GetObjectTypeByIndex(asUINT index) const
// interface
asITypeInfo *asCModule::GetObjectTypeByIndex(asUINT index) const
if( index >= classTypes.GetLength() )
if( index >= classTypes.GetLength() )
return 0;
return classTypes[index];
// interface
asIObjectType *asCModule::GetObjectTypeByName(const char *name) const
asITypeInfo *asCModule::GetTypeInfoByName(const char *in_name) const
asSNameSpace *ns = defaultNamespace;
while( ns )
while (ns)
for( asUINT n = 0; n < classTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
for (asUINT n = 0; n < classTypes.GetLength(); n++)
if( classTypes[n] &&
classTypes[n]->name == name &&
classTypes[n]->nameSpace == ns )
if (classTypes[n] &&
classTypes[n]->name == in_name &&
classTypes[n]->nameSpace == ns)
return classTypes[n];
for (asUINT n = 0; n < enumTypes.GetLength(); n++)
if (enumTypes[n] &&
enumTypes[n]->name == in_name &&
enumTypes[n]->nameSpace == ns)
return enumTypes[n];
for (asUINT n = 0; n < typeDefs.GetLength(); n++)
if (typeDefs[n] &&
typeDefs[n]->name == in_name &&
typeDefs[n]->nameSpace == ns)
return typeDefs[n];
// Recursively search parent namespace
ns = engine->GetParentNameSpace(ns);
@ -1070,7 +1130,7 @@ int asCModule::GetTypeIdByDecl(const char *decl) const
// interface
asIObjectType *asCModule::GetObjectTypeByDecl(const char *decl) const
asITypeInfo *asCModule::GetTypeInfoByDecl(const char *decl) const
asCDataType dt;
@ -1081,59 +1141,25 @@ asIObjectType *asCModule::GetObjectTypeByDecl(const char *decl) const
bld.silent = true;
int r = bld.ParseDataType(decl, &dt, defaultNamespace);
if( r < 0 )
if (r < 0)
return 0;
return dt.GetObjectType();
return dt.GetTypeInfo();
// interface
asUINT asCModule::GetEnumCount() const
return (asUINT)enumTypes.GetLength();
return enumTypes.GetLength();
// interface
const char *asCModule::GetEnumByIndex(asUINT index, int *enumTypeId, const char **nameSpace) const
asITypeInfo *asCModule::GetEnumByIndex(asUINT index) const
if( index >= enumTypes.GetLength() )
return 0;
if( enumTypeId )
*enumTypeId = engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(asCDataType::CreateObject(enumTypes[index], false));
if( nameSpace )
*nameSpace = enumTypes[index]->nameSpace->name.AddressOf();
return enumTypes[index]->name.AddressOf();
// interface
int asCModule::GetEnumValueCount(int enumTypeId) const
asCDataType dt = engine->GetDataTypeFromTypeId(enumTypeId);
asCObjectType *t = dt.GetObjectType();
if( t == 0 || !(t->GetFlags() & asOBJ_ENUM) )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
return (int)t->enumValues.GetLength();
// interface
const char *asCModule::GetEnumValueByIndex(int enumTypeId, asUINT index, int *outValue) const
asCDataType dt = engine->GetDataTypeFromTypeId(enumTypeId);
asCObjectType *t = dt.GetObjectType();
if( t == 0 || !(t->GetFlags() & asOBJ_ENUM) )
return 0;
if( index >= t->enumValues.GetLength() )
return 0;
if( outValue )
*outValue = t->enumValues[index]->value;
return t->enumValues[index]->name.AddressOf();
return enumTypes[index];
// interface
@ -1143,21 +1169,14 @@ asUINT asCModule::GetTypedefCount() const
// interface
const char *asCModule::GetTypedefByIndex(asUINT index, int *typeId, const char **nameSpace) const
asITypeInfo *asCModule::GetTypedefByIndex(asUINT index) const
if( index >= typeDefs.GetLength() )
return 0;
if( typeId )
*typeId = engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(typeDefs[index]->templateSubTypes[0]);
if( nameSpace )
*nameSpace = typeDefs[index]->nameSpace->name.AddressOf();
return typeDefs[index]->name.AddressOf();
return typeDefs[index];
// internal
int asCModule::GetNextImportedFunctionId()
@ -1170,7 +1189,7 @@ int asCModule::GetNextImportedFunctionId()
// internal
int asCModule::AddScriptFunction(int sectionIdx, int declaredAt, int id, const asCString &name, const asCDataType &returnType, const asCArray<asCDataType> ¶ms, const asCArray<asCString> ¶mNames, const asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &inOutFlags, const asCArray<asCString *> &defaultArgs, bool isInterface, asCObjectType *objType, bool isConstMethod, bool isGlobalFunction, bool isPrivate, bool isProtected, bool isFinal, bool isOverride, bool isShared, asSNameSpace *ns)
int asCModule::AddScriptFunction(int sectionIdx, int declaredAt, int id, const asCString &funcName, const asCDataType &returnType, const asCArray<asCDataType> ¶ms, const asCArray<asCString> ¶mNames, const asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &inOutFlags, const asCArray<asCString *> &defaultArgs, bool isInterface, asCObjectType *objType, bool isGlobalFunction, asSFunctionTraits funcTraits, asSNameSpace *ns)
asASSERT(id >= 0);
@ -1191,9 +1210,9 @@ int asCModule::AddScriptFunction(int sectionIdx, int declaredAt, int id, const a
// All methods of shared objects are also shared
if( objType && objType->IsShared() )
isShared = true;
funcTraits.SetTrait(asTRAIT_SHARED, true);
func->name = name;
func->name = funcName;
func->nameSpace = ns;
func->id = id;
func->returnType = returnType;
@ -1209,18 +1228,13 @@ int asCModule::AddScriptFunction(int sectionIdx, int declaredAt, int id, const a
func->objectType = objType;
if( objType )
func->isReadOnly = isConstMethod;
func->isPrivate = isPrivate;
func->isProtected = isProtected;
func->isFinal = isFinal;
func->isOverride = isOverride;
func->isShared = isShared;
func->traits = funcTraits;
asASSERT( params.GetLength() == inOutFlags.GetLength() && params.GetLength() == defaultArgs.GetLength() );
// Verify that we are not assigning either the final or override specifier(s) if we are registering a non-member function
asASSERT( !(!objType && isFinal) );
asASSERT( !(!objType && isOverride) );
asASSERT( !(!objType && funcTraits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_FINAL)) );
asASSERT( !(!objType && funcTraits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_OVERRIDE)) );
// The internal ref count was already set by the constructor
@ -1237,7 +1251,7 @@ int asCModule::AddScriptFunction(int sectionIdx, int declaredAt, int id, const a
return 0;
// internal
// internal
int asCModule::AddScriptFunction(asCScriptFunction *func)
@ -1247,9 +1261,9 @@ int asCModule::AddScriptFunction(asCScriptFunction *func)
// If the function that is being added is an already compiled shared function
// then it is necessary to look for anonymous functions that may be declared
// within it and add those as well
if( func->isShared && func->funcType == asFUNC_SCRIPT )
if( func->IsShared() && func->funcType == asFUNC_SCRIPT )
// Loop through the byte code and check all the
// Loop through the byte code and check all the
// asBC_FuncPtr instructions for anonymous functions
asDWORD *bc = func->scriptData->byteCode.AddressOf();
asUINT bcLength = (asUINT)func->scriptData->byteCode.GetLength();
@ -1275,7 +1289,7 @@ int asCModule::AddScriptFunction(asCScriptFunction *func)
// internal
int asCModule::AddImportedFunction(int id, const asCString &name, const asCDataType &returnType, const asCArray<asCDataType> ¶ms, const asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &inOutFlags, const asCArray<asCString *> &defaultArgs, asSNameSpace *ns, const asCString &moduleName)
int asCModule::AddImportedFunction(int id, const asCString &funcName, const asCDataType &returnType, const asCArray<asCDataType> ¶ms, const asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &inOutFlags, const asCArray<asCString *> &defaultArgs, asSNameSpace *ns, const asCString &moduleName)
asASSERT(id >= 0);
@ -1291,7 +1305,7 @@ int asCModule::AddImportedFunction(int id, const asCString &name, const asCDataT
return asOUT_OF_MEMORY;
func->name = name;
func->name = funcName;
func->id = id;
func->returnType = returnType;
func->nameSpace = ns;
@ -1343,7 +1357,7 @@ int asCModule::BindImportedFunction(asUINT index, asIScriptFunction *func)
return asINVALID_ARG;
asCScriptFunction *src = engine->GetScriptFunction(func->GetId());
if( src == 0 )
if( src == 0 )
return asNO_FUNCTION;
// Verify return type
@ -1454,6 +1468,35 @@ int asCModule::UnbindAllImportedFunctions()
return asSUCCESS;
// internal
asCTypeInfo *asCModule::GetType(const char *type, asSNameSpace *ns)
asUINT n;
// TODO: optimize: Improve linear search
for (n = 0; n < classTypes.GetLength(); n++)
if (classTypes[n]->name == type &&
classTypes[n]->nameSpace == ns)
return classTypes[n];
for (n = 0; n < enumTypes.GetLength(); n++)
if (enumTypes[n]->name == type &&
enumTypes[n]->nameSpace == ns)
return enumTypes[n];
for (n = 0; n < typeDefs.GetLength(); n++)
if (typeDefs[n]->name == type &&
typeDefs[n]->nameSpace == ns)
return typeDefs[n];
for (n = 0; n < funcDefs.GetLength(); n++)
if (funcDefs[n]->name == type &&
funcDefs[n]->nameSpace == ns)
return funcDefs[n];
return 0;
// internal
asCObjectType *asCModule::GetObjectType(const char *type, asSNameSpace *ns)
@ -1465,24 +1508,14 @@ asCObjectType *asCModule::GetObjectType(const char *type, asSNameSpace *ns)
classTypes[n]->nameSpace == ns )
return classTypes[n];
for( n = 0; n < enumTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
if( enumTypes[n]->name == type &&
enumTypes[n]->nameSpace == ns )
return enumTypes[n];
for( n = 0; n < typeDefs.GetLength(); n++ )
if( typeDefs[n]->name == type &&
typeDefs[n]->nameSpace == ns )
return typeDefs[n];
return 0;
// internal
asCGlobalProperty *asCModule::AllocateGlobalProperty(const char *name, const asCDataType &dt, asSNameSpace *ns)
asCGlobalProperty *asCModule::AllocateGlobalProperty(const char *propName, const asCDataType &dt, asSNameSpace *ns)
asCGlobalProperty *prop = engine->AllocateGlobalProperty();
prop->name = name;
prop->name = propName;
prop->nameSpace = ns;
// Allocate the memory for this property based on its type
@ -1538,7 +1571,7 @@ int asCModule::LoadByteCode(asIBinaryStream *in, bool *wasDebugInfoStripped)
if( in == 0 ) return asINVALID_ARG;
// Don't allow the module to be rebuilt if there are still
// Don't allow the module to be rebuilt if there are still
// external references that will need the previous code
if( HasExternalReferences(false) )
@ -1554,6 +1587,11 @@ int asCModule::LoadByteCode(asIBinaryStream *in, bool *wasDebugInfoStripped)
asCReader read(this, in, engine);
r = read.Read(wasDebugInfoStripped);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@ -1601,33 +1639,33 @@ int asCModule::CompileGlobalVar(const char *sectionName, const char *code, int l
// Compile the global variable and add it to the module scope
asCBuilder builder(engine, this);
asCBuilder varBuilder(engine, this);
asCString str = code;
r = builder.CompileGlobalVar(sectionName, str.AddressOf(), lineOffset);
r = varBuilder.CompileGlobalVar(sectionName, str.AddressOf(), lineOffset);
// Initialize the variable
if( r >= 0 && engine->ep.initGlobalVarsAfterBuild )
// Clear the memory
// Clear the memory
asCGlobalProperty *prop = scriptGlobals.GetLast();
if( prop )
memset(prop->GetAddressOfValue(), 0, sizeof(asDWORD)*prop->type.GetSizeOnStackDWords());
if( prop->GetInitFunc() )
// Call the init function for the global variable
asIScriptContext *ctx = 0;
int r = engine->CreateContext(&ctx, true);
r = engine->CreateContext(&ctx, true);
if( r < 0 )
return r;
r = ctx->Prepare(prop->GetInitFunc());
if( r >= 0 )
r = ctx->Execute();
@ -1640,7 +1678,7 @@ int asCModule::CompileGlobalVar(const char *sectionName, const char *code, int l
// interface
int asCModule::CompileFunction(const char *sectionName, const char *code, int lineOffset, asDWORD compileFlags, asIScriptFunction **outFunc)
// Make sure the outFunc is null if the function fails, so the
// Make sure the outFunc is null if the function fails, so the
// application doesn't attempt to release a non-existent function
if( outFunc )
*outFunc = 0;
@ -1653,7 +1691,7 @@ int asCModule::CompileFunction(const char *sectionName, const char *code, int li
// Validate arguments
if( code == 0 ||
if( code == 0 ||
(compileFlags != 0 && compileFlags != asCOMP_ADD_TO_MODULE) )
return asINVALID_ARG;
@ -1673,10 +1711,10 @@ int asCModule::CompileFunction(const char *sectionName, const char *code, int li
// Compile the single function
asCBuilder builder(engine, this);
asCBuilder funcBuilder(engine, this);
asCString str = code;
asCScriptFunction *func = 0;
r = builder.CompileFunction(sectionName, str.AddressOf(), lineOffset, compileFlags, &func);
r = funcBuilder.CompileFunction(sectionName, str.AddressOf(), lineOffset, compileFlags, &func);
@ -1714,22 +1752,32 @@ int asCModule::RemoveFunction(asIScriptFunction *func)
// internal
int asCModule::AddFuncDef(const asCString &name, asSNameSpace *ns)
int asCModule::AddFuncDef(const asCString &funcName, asSNameSpace *ns, asCObjectType *parent)
// namespace and parent are mutually exclusive
asASSERT((ns == 0 && parent) || (ns && parent == 0));
asCScriptFunction *func = asNEW(asCScriptFunction)(engine, 0, asFUNC_FUNCDEF);
if( func == 0 )
if (func == 0)
return asOUT_OF_MEMORY;
func->name = name;
func->name = funcName;
func->nameSpace = ns;
func->module = this;
asCFuncdefType *fdt = asNEW(asCFuncdefType)(engine, func);
funcDefs.PushLast(fdt); // The constructor set the refcount to 1
engine->funcDefs.PushLast(fdt); // doesn't increase refcount
func->id = engine->GetNextScriptFunctionId();
if (parent)
fdt->parentClass = parent;
return (int)funcDefs.GetLength()-1;
@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
@ -58,12 +58,14 @@ class asCCompiler;
class asCBuilder;
class asCContext;
class asCConfigGroup;
class asCTypedefType;
class asCFuncdefType;
struct asSNameSpace;
struct sBindInfo
asCScriptFunction *importedFunctionSignature;
asCString importFromModule;
asCString importFromModule;
int boundFunctionId;
@ -74,17 +76,17 @@ struct sObjectTypePair
// TODO: import: Remove function imports. When I have implemented function
// TODO: import: Remove function imports. When I have implemented function
// pointers the function imports should be deprecated.
// TODO: Need a separate interface for compiling scripts. The asIScriptCompiler
// will have a target module, and will allow the compilation of an entire
// script or just individual functions within the scope of the module
// With this separation it will be possible to compile the library without
// the compiler, thus giving a much smaller binary executable.
// TODO: There should be an special compile option that will let the application
// TODO: There should be a special compile option that will let the application
// recompile an already compiled script. The compiler should check if no
// destructive changes have been made (changing function signatures, etc)
// then it should simply replace the bytecode within the functions without
@ -130,20 +132,18 @@ public:
// Type identification
virtual asUINT GetObjectTypeCount() const;
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectTypeByIndex(asUINT index) const;
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectTypeByName(const char *name) const;
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectTypeByDecl(const char *decl) const;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetObjectTypeByIndex(asUINT index) const;
virtual int GetTypeIdByDecl(const char *decl) const;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypeInfoByName(const char *name) const;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypeInfoByDecl(const char *decl) const;
// Enums
virtual asUINT GetEnumCount() const;
virtual const char *GetEnumByIndex(asUINT index, int *enumTypeId, const char **nameSpace) const;
virtual int GetEnumValueCount(int enumTypeId) const;
virtual const char *GetEnumValueByIndex(int enumTypeId, asUINT index, int *outValue) const;
virtual asUINT GetEnumCount() const;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetEnumByIndex(asUINT index) const;
// Typedefs
virtual asUINT GetTypedefCount() const;
virtual const char *GetTypedefByIndex(asUINT index, int *typeId, const char **nameSpace) const;
virtual asUINT GetTypedefCount() const;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypedefByIndex(asUINT index) const;
// Dynamic binding between modules
virtual asUINT GetImportedFunctionCount() const;
@ -186,16 +186,18 @@ public:
void JITCompile();
int AddScriptFunction(int sectionIdx, int declaredAt, int id, const asCString &name, const asCDataType &returnType, const asCArray<asCDataType> ¶ms, const asCArray<asCString> ¶mNames, const asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &inOutFlags, const asCArray<asCString *> &defaultArgs, bool isInterface, asCObjectType *objType = 0, bool isConstMethod = false, bool isGlobalFunction = false, bool isPrivate = false, bool isProtected = false, bool isFinal = false, bool isOverride = false, bool isShared = false, asSNameSpace *ns = 0);
int AddScriptFunction(int sectionIdx, int declaredAt, int id, const asCString &name, const asCDataType &returnType, const asCArray<asCDataType> ¶ms, const asCArray<asCString> ¶mNames, const asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &inOutFlags, const asCArray<asCString *> &defaultArgs, bool isInterface, asCObjectType *objType = 0, bool isGlobalFunction = false, asSFunctionTraits funcTraits = asSFunctionTraits(), asSNameSpace *ns = 0);
int AddScriptFunction(asCScriptFunction *func);
int AddImportedFunction(int id, const asCString &name, const asCDataType &returnType, const asCArray<asCDataType> ¶ms, const asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &inOutFlags, const asCArray<asCString *> &defaultArgs, asSNameSpace *ns, const asCString &moduleName);
int AddFuncDef(const asCString &name, asSNameSpace *ns);
int AddFuncDef(const asCString &name, asSNameSpace *ns, asCObjectType *parent);
int GetNextImportedFunctionId();
asCScriptFunction *GetImportedFunction(int funcId) const;
asCTypeInfo *GetType(const char *type, asSNameSpace *ns);
asCObjectType *GetObjectType(const char *type, asSNameSpace *ns);
asCGlobalProperty *AllocateGlobalProperty(const char *name, const asCDataType &dt, asSNameSpace *ns);
void UninitializeGlobalProp(asCGlobalProperty *prop);
asCString name;
@ -208,7 +210,7 @@ public:
// This array holds all functions, class members, factories, etc that were compiled with the module.
// These references hold an internal reference to the function object.
asCArray<asCScriptFunction *> scriptFunctions; // increases ref count
// This array holds global functions declared in the module. These references are not counted,
// This array holds global functions declared in the module. These references are not counted,
// as the same pointer is always present in the scriptFunctions array too.
asCSymbolTable<asCScriptFunction> globalFunctions; // doesn't increase ref count
// This array holds imported functions in the module.
@ -223,11 +225,16 @@ public:
// This array holds class and interface types
asCArray<asCObjectType*> classTypes; // increases ref count
// This array holds enum types
asCArray<asCObjectType*> enumTypes; // increases ref count
asCArray<asCEnumType*> enumTypes; // increases ref count
// This array holds typedefs
asCArray<asCObjectType*> typeDefs; // increases ref count
asCArray<asCTypedefType*> typeDefs; // increases ref count
// This array holds the funcdefs declared in the module
asCArray<asCScriptFunction*> funcDefs; // increases ref count
asCArray<asCFuncdefType*> funcDefs; // increases ref count
// This array holds types that have been explicitly declared with 'external'
asCArray<asCTypeInfo*> externalTypes; // doesn't increase ref count
// This array holds functions that have been explicitly declared with 'external'
asCArray<asCScriptFunction*> externalFunctions; // doesn't increase ref count
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -45,155 +45,46 @@
asCObjectType::asCObjectType() : asCTypeInfo()
internalRefCount.set(1); // start with one internal ref-count
engine = 0;
module = 0;
derivedFrom = 0;
size = 0;
typeId = -1; // start as -1 to signal that it hasn't been defined
acceptValueSubType = true;
acceptRefSubType = true;
scriptSectionIdx = -1;
declaredAt = 0;
accessMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
nameSpace = 0;
alignment = 4;
asCObjectType::asCObjectType(asCScriptEngine *engine)
asCObjectType::asCObjectType(asCScriptEngine *in_engine) : asCTypeInfo(in_engine)
internalRefCount.set(1); // start with one internal ref count
this->engine = engine;
module = 0;
derivedFrom = 0;
typeId = -1; // start as -1 to signal that it hasn't been defined
acceptValueSubType = true;
acceptRefSubType = true;
acceptRefSubType = true;
scriptSectionIdx = -1;
declaredAt = 0;
accessMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
nameSpace = engine->nameSpaces[0];
alignment = 4;
int asCObjectType::AddRef() const
return externalRefCount.atomicInc();
int asCObjectType::Release() const
int r = externalRefCount.atomicDec();
if( r == 0 )
// There are no more external references, if there are also no
// internal references then it is time to delete the object type
if( internalRefCount.get() == 0 )
// If the engine is no longer set, then it has already been
// released and we must take care of the deletion ourselves
asDELETE(const_cast<asCObjectType*>(this), asCObjectType);
return r;
int asCObjectType::AddRefInternal()
return internalRefCount.atomicInc();
int asCObjectType::ReleaseInternal()
int r = internalRefCount.atomicDec();
if( r == 0 )
// There are no more internal references, if there are also no
// external references then it is time to delete the object type
if( externalRefCount.get() == 0 )
// If the engine is no longer set, then it has already been
// released and we must take care of the deletion ourselves
asDELETE(const_cast<asCObjectType*>(this), asCObjectType);
return r;
// interface
asIScriptModule *asCObjectType::GetModule() const
asUINT asCObjectType::GetChildFuncdefCount() const
return module;
return childFuncDefs.GetLength();
void *asCObjectType::SetUserData(void *data, asPWORD type)
// interface
asITypeInfo *asCObjectType::GetChildFuncdef(asUINT index) const
// As a thread might add a new new user data at the same time as another
// it is necessary to protect both read and write access to the userData member
if (index >= childFuncDefs.GetLength())
return 0;
// It is not intended to store a lot of different types of userdata,
// so a more complex structure like a associative map would just have
// more overhead than a simple array.
for( asUINT n = 0; n < userData.GetLength(); n += 2 )
if( userData[n] == type )
void *oldData = reinterpret_cast<void*>(userData[n+1]);
userData[n+1] = reinterpret_cast<asPWORD>(data);
return oldData;
return 0;
void *asCObjectType::GetUserData(asPWORD type) const
// There may be multiple threads reading, but when
// setting the user data nobody must be reading.
for( asUINT n = 0; n < userData.GetLength(); n += 2 )
if( userData[n] == type )
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(userData[n+1]);
return 0;
return childFuncDefs[index];
// internal
void asCObjectType::DestroyInternal()
if( engine == 0 ) return;
@ -207,13 +98,38 @@ void asCObjectType::DestroyInternal()
// Release the object types held by the templateSubTypes
bool isTemplateInstance = templateSubTypes.GetLength() > 0;
for( asUINT subtypeIndex = 0; subtypeIndex < templateSubTypes.GetLength(); subtypeIndex++ )
if( templateSubTypes[subtypeIndex].GetObjectType() )
if( templateSubTypes[subtypeIndex].GetTypeInfo() )
// Clear the child types
for (asUINT n = 0; n < childFuncDefs.GetLength(); n++)
asCFuncdefType *func = childFuncDefs[n];
if (func)
func->parentClass = 0;
if (isTemplateInstance)
// Any child funcdefs that have been created as part of the template
// instantiation must be destroyed too
// TODO: Before destroying the funcdef, make sure no external references to it is held
if (func->externalRefCount.get() == 0)
func->module = 0;
if( derivedFrom )
derivedFrom = 0;
@ -222,25 +138,7 @@ void asCObjectType::DestroyInternal()
asUINT n;
for( n = 0; n < enumValues.GetLength(); n++ )
if( enumValues[n] )
// Clean the user data
for( n = 0; n < userData.GetLength(); n += 2 )
if( userData[n+1] )
for( asUINT c = 0; c < engine->cleanObjectTypeFuncs.GetLength(); c++ )
if( engine->cleanObjectTypeFuncs[c].type == userData[n] )
// Remove the type from the engine
if( typeId != -1 )
@ -252,14 +150,11 @@ void asCObjectType::DestroyInternal()
if( engine == 0 )
// interface
bool asCObjectType::Implements(const asIObjectType *objType) const
bool asCObjectType::Implements(const asITypeInfo *objType) const
if( this == objType )
return true;
@ -271,7 +166,7 @@ bool asCObjectType::Implements(const asIObjectType *objType) const
// interface
bool asCObjectType::DerivesFrom(const asIObjectType *objType) const
bool asCObjectType::DerivesFrom(const asITypeInfo *objType) const
if( this == objType )
return true;
@ -288,56 +183,6 @@ bool asCObjectType::DerivesFrom(const asIObjectType *objType) const
return false;
bool asCObjectType::IsShared() const
// Objects that can be declared by scripts need to have the explicit flag asOBJ_SHARED
if( flags & (asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT|asOBJ_ENUM) ) return flags & asOBJ_SHARED ? true : false;
// Otherwise we assume the object to be shared
return true;
// interface
const char *asCObjectType::GetName() const
return name.AddressOf();
// interface
const char *asCObjectType::GetNamespace() const
return nameSpace->name.AddressOf();
// interface
asDWORD asCObjectType::GetFlags() const
return flags;
// interface
asUINT asCObjectType::GetSize() const
return size;
// interface
int asCObjectType::GetTypeId() const
if( typeId == -1 )
// We need a non const pointer to create the asCDataType object.
// We're not breaking anything here because this function is not
// modifying the object, so this const cast is safe.
asCObjectType *ot = const_cast<asCObjectType*>(this);
// The engine will define the typeId for this object type
engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(asCDataType::CreateObject(ot, false));
return typeId;
// interface
int asCObjectType::GetSubTypeId(asUINT subtypeIndex) const
@ -352,12 +197,12 @@ int asCObjectType::GetSubTypeId(asUINT subtypeIndex) const
// interface
asIObjectType *asCObjectType::GetSubType(asUINT subtypeIndex) const
asITypeInfo *asCObjectType::GetSubType(asUINT subtypeIndex) const
if( subtypeIndex >= templateSubTypes.GetLength() )
return 0;
return templateSubTypes[subtypeIndex].GetObjectType();
return templateSubTypes[subtypeIndex].GetTypeInfo();
asUINT asCObjectType::GetSubTypeCount() const
@ -370,7 +215,7 @@ asUINT asCObjectType::GetInterfaceCount() const
return asUINT(interfaces.GetLength());
asIObjectType *asCObjectType::GetInterface(asUINT index) const
asITypeInfo *asCObjectType::GetInterface(asUINT index) const
return interfaces[index];
@ -384,11 +229,6 @@ bool asCObjectType::IsInterface() const
return false;
asIScriptEngine *asCObjectType::GetEngine() const
return engine;
// interface
asUINT asCObjectType::GetFactoryCount() const
@ -437,12 +277,12 @@ asIScriptFunction *asCObjectType::GetMethodByIndex(asUINT index, bool getVirtual
// interface
asIScriptFunction *asCObjectType::GetMethodByName(const char *name, bool getVirtual) const
asIScriptFunction *asCObjectType::GetMethodByName(const char *in_name, bool in_getVirtual) const
int id = -1;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < methods.GetLength(); n++ )
if( engine->scriptFunctions[methods[n]]->name == name )
if( engine->scriptFunctions[methods[n]]->name == in_name )
if( id == -1 )
id = methods[n];
@ -454,7 +294,7 @@ asIScriptFunction *asCObjectType::GetMethodByName(const char *name, bool getVirt
if( id == -1 ) return 0;
asCScriptFunction *func = engine->scriptFunctions[id];
if( !getVirtual )
if( !in_getVirtual )
if( func && func->funcType == asFUNC_VIRTUAL )
return virtualFunctionTable[func->vfTableIdx];
@ -497,26 +337,30 @@ asUINT asCObjectType::GetPropertyCount() const
// interface
int asCObjectType::GetProperty(asUINT index, const char **name, int *typeId, bool *isPrivate, bool *isProtected, int *offset, bool *isReference, asDWORD *accessMask) const
int asCObjectType::GetProperty(asUINT index, const char **out_name, int *out_typeId, bool *out_isPrivate, bool *out_isProtected, int *out_offset, bool *out_isReference, asDWORD *out_accessMask, int *out_compositeOffset, bool *out_isCompositeIndirect) const
if( index >= properties.GetLength() )
return asINVALID_ARG;
asCObjectProperty *prop = properties[index];
if( name )
*name = prop->name.AddressOf();
if( typeId )
*typeId = engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(prop->type);
if( isPrivate )
*isPrivate = prop->isPrivate;
if( isProtected )
*isProtected = prop->isProtected;
if( offset )
*offset = prop->byteOffset;
if( isReference )
*isReference = prop->type.IsReference();
if( accessMask )
*accessMask = prop->accessMask;
if( out_name )
*out_name = prop->name.AddressOf();
if( out_typeId )
*out_typeId = engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(prop->type);
if( out_isPrivate )
*out_isPrivate = prop->isPrivate;
if( out_isProtected )
*out_isProtected = prop->isProtected;
if( out_offset )
*out_offset = prop->byteOffset;
if( out_isReference )
*out_isReference = prop->type.IsReference();
if( out_accessMask )
*out_accessMask = prop->accessMask;
if (out_compositeOffset)
*out_compositeOffset = prop->compositeOffset;
if (out_isCompositeIndirect)
*out_isCompositeIndirect = prop->isCompositeIndirect;
return 0;
@ -541,7 +385,7 @@ const char *asCObjectType::GetPropertyDeclaration(asUINT index, bool includeName
return tempString->AddressOf();
asIObjectType *asCObjectType::GetBaseType() const
asITypeInfo *asCObjectType::GetBaseType() const
return derivedFrom;
@ -661,24 +505,8 @@ asIScriptFunction *asCObjectType::GetBehaviourByIndex(asUINT index, asEBehaviour
return 0;
// interface
const char *asCObjectType::GetConfigGroup() const
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForObjectType(this);
if( group == 0 )
return 0;
return group->groupName.AddressOf();
// interface
asDWORD asCObjectType::GetAccessMask() const
return accessMask;
// internal
asCObjectProperty *asCObjectType::AddPropertyToClass(const asCString &name, const asCDataType &dt, bool isPrivate, bool isProtected, bool isInherited)
asCObjectProperty *asCObjectType::AddPropertyToClass(const asCString &propName, const asCDataType &dt, bool isPrivate, bool isProtected, bool isInherited)
asASSERT( dt.CanBeInstantiated() );
@ -692,7 +520,7 @@ asCObjectProperty *asCObjectType::AddPropertyToClass(const asCString &name, cons
return 0;
prop->name = name;
prop->name = propName;
prop->type = dt;
prop->isPrivate = isPrivate;
prop->isProtected = isProtected;
@ -705,7 +533,7 @@ asCObjectProperty *asCObjectType::AddPropertyToClass(const asCString &name, cons
// because there is a risk that the script might
// try to access the content without knowing that
// it hasn't been initialized yet.
if( dt.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_POD )
if( dt.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_POD )
propSize = dt.GetSizeInMemoryBytes();
@ -714,6 +542,12 @@ asCObjectProperty *asCObjectType::AddPropertyToClass(const asCString &name, cons
else if (dt.IsFuncdef())
// Funcdefs don't have a size, as they must always be stored as handles
propSize = AS_PTR_SIZE * 4;
propSize = dt.GetSizeInMemoryBytes();
@ -738,11 +572,11 @@ asCObjectProperty *asCObjectType::AddPropertyToClass(const asCString &name, cons
// Make sure the struct holds a reference to the config group where the object is registered
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForObjectType(prop->type.GetObjectType());
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(prop->type.GetTypeInfo());
if( group != 0 ) group->AddRef();
// Add reference to object types
asCObjectType *type = prop->type.GetObjectType();
asCTypeInfo *type = prop->type.GetTypeInfo();
if( type )
@ -759,18 +593,18 @@ void asCObjectType::ReleaseAllProperties()
if( flags & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT )
// Release the config group for script classes that are being destroyed
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForObjectType(properties[n]->type.GetObjectType());
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(properties[n]->type.GetTypeInfo());
if( group != 0 ) group->Release();
// Release references to objects types
asCObjectType *type = properties[n]->type.GetObjectType();
asCTypeInfo *type = properties[n]->type.GetTypeInfo();
if( type )
// Release template instance types (ref increased by RegisterObjectProperty)
asCObjectType *type = properties[n]->type.GetObjectType();
asCTypeInfo *type = properties[n]->type.GetTypeInfo();
if( type )
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -41,17 +41,13 @@
#include "as_atomic.h"
#include "as_string.h"
#include "as_property.h"
#include "as_array.h"
#include "as_scriptfunction.h"
#include "as_typeinfo.h"
// TODO: memory: Need to minimize used memory here, because not all types use all properties of the class
struct asSTypeBehaviour
@ -99,134 +95,75 @@ struct asSTypeBehaviour
asCArray<int> constructors;
struct asSEnumValue
asCString name;
int value;
class asCScriptEngine;
struct asSNameSpace;
class asCObjectType : public asIObjectType
class asCObjectType : public asCTypeInfo
// From asIObjectType
asIScriptEngine *GetEngine() const;
const char *GetConfigGroup() const;
asDWORD GetAccessMask() const;
asIScriptModule *GetModule() const;
// Memory management
int AddRef() const;
int Release() const;
// Type info
const char *GetName() const;
const char *GetNamespace() const;
asIObjectType *GetBaseType() const;
bool DerivesFrom(const asIObjectType *objType) const;
asDWORD GetFlags() const;
asUINT GetSize() const;
int GetTypeId() const;
int GetSubTypeId(asUINT subtypeIndex = 0) const;
asIObjectType *GetSubType(asUINT subtypeIndex = 0) const;
asUINT GetSubTypeCount() const;
// Interfaces
asUINT GetInterfaceCount() const;
asIObjectType *GetInterface(asUINT index) const;
bool Implements(const asIObjectType *objType) const;
// Factories
asITypeInfo *GetBaseType() const;
bool DerivesFrom(const asITypeInfo *objType) const;
int GetSubTypeId(asUINT subtypeIndex = 0) const;
asITypeInfo *GetSubType(asUINT subtypeIndex = 0) const;
asUINT GetSubTypeCount() const;
asUINT GetInterfaceCount() const;
asITypeInfo *GetInterface(asUINT index) const;
bool Implements(const asITypeInfo *objType) const;
asUINT GetFactoryCount() const;
asIScriptFunction *GetFactoryByIndex(asUINT index) const;
asIScriptFunction *GetFactoryByDecl(const char *decl) const;
// Methods
asUINT GetMethodCount() const;
asIScriptFunction *GetMethodByIndex(asUINT index, bool getVirtual) const;
asIScriptFunction *GetMethodByName(const char *name, bool getVirtual) const;
asIScriptFunction *GetMethodByDecl(const char *decl, bool getVirtual) const;
// Properties
asUINT GetPropertyCount() const;
int GetProperty(asUINT index, const char **name, int *typeId, bool *isPrivate, bool *isProtected, int *offset, bool *isReference, asDWORD *accessMask) const;
const char *GetPropertyDeclaration(asUINT index, bool includeNamespace = false) const;
// Behaviours
asUINT GetPropertyCount() const;
int GetProperty(asUINT index, const char **name, int *typeId, bool *isPrivate, bool *isProtected, int *offset, bool *isReference, asDWORD *accessMask, int *compositeOffset, bool *isCompositeIndirect) const;
const char *GetPropertyDeclaration(asUINT index, bool includeNamespace = false) const;
asUINT GetBehaviourCount() const;
asIScriptFunction *GetBehaviourByIndex(asUINT index, asEBehaviours *outBehaviour) const;
asUINT GetChildFuncdefCount() const;
asITypeInfo *GetChildFuncdef(asUINT index) const;
// User data
void *SetUserData(void *data, asPWORD type);
void *GetUserData(asPWORD type) const;
// Internal
asCObjectType(asCScriptEngine *engine);
void DestroyInternal();
// Keep an internal reference counter to separate references coming from
// application or script objects and references coming from the script code
int AddRefInternal();
int ReleaseInternal();
void ReleaseAllFunctions();
bool IsInterface() const;
bool IsShared() const;
asCObjectProperty *AddPropertyToClass(const asCString &name, const asCDataType &dt, bool isPrivate, bool isProtected, bool isInherited);
void ReleaseAllProperties();
asCString name;
asSNameSpace *nameSpace;
int size;
int alignment;
mutable int typeId;
asCArray<asCObjectProperty*> properties;
asCArray<int> methods;
// TODO: These are not used by template types. Should perhaps create a derived class to save memory on ordinary object types
asCArray<asCObjectType*> interfaces;
asCArray<asUINT> interfaceVFTOffsets;
asCArray<asSEnumValue*> enumValues;
asCObjectType * derivedFrom;
asCArray<asCScriptFunction*> virtualFunctionTable;
asDWORD flags;
asDWORD accessMask;
// Used for funcdefs declared as members of class.
// TODO: child funcdef: Should be possible to enumerate these from application
asCArray<asCFuncdefType*> childFuncDefs;
asSTypeBehaviour beh;
// Used for template types
asCArray<asCDataType> templateSubTypes;
asCArray<asCDataType> templateSubTypes; // increases refCount for typeinfo held in datatype
bool acceptValueSubType;
bool acceptRefSubType;
// Store the script section where the code was declared
int scriptSectionIdx;
// Store the location where the function was declared (row in the lower 20 bits, and column in the upper 12)
int declaredAt;
asCScriptEngine *engine;
asCModule *module;
asCArray<asPWORD> userData;
friend class asCScriptEngine;
friend class asCConfigGroup;
friend class asCModule;
mutable asCAtomic externalRefCount;
asCAtomic internalRefCount;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public:
int ParseVarInit(asCScriptCode *script, asCScriptNode *init);
int ParseExpression(asCScriptCode *script);
asCScriptNode *GetScriptNode();
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ protected:
asCScriptNode *ParseRealType();
asCScriptNode *ParseDataType(bool allowVariableType = false, bool allowAuto = false);
asCScriptNode *ParseIdentifier();
bool ParseTemplTypeList(asCScriptNode *node, bool required = true);
asCScriptNode *ParseListPattern();
@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ protected:
bool IsPostOperator(int tokenType);
bool IsAssignOperator(int tokenType);
bool CheckTemplateType(sToken &t);
bool CheckTemplateType(const sToken &t);
asCScriptNode *ParseToken(int token);
@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
@ -53,12 +53,14 @@ struct asSNameSpace;
class asCObjectProperty
asCObjectProperty() {accessMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;}
asCObjectProperty(const asCObjectProperty &o) : name(, type(o.type), byteOffset(o.byteOffset), accessMask(o.accessMask), isPrivate(o.isPrivate), isProtected(o.isProtected), isInherited(o.isInherited) {}
asCObjectProperty() : byteOffset(0), accessMask(0xFFFFFFFF), compositeOffset(0), isCompositeIndirect(false), isPrivate(false), isProtected(false), isInherited(false) {}
asCObjectProperty(const asCObjectProperty &o) : name(, type(o.type), byteOffset(o.byteOffset), accessMask(o.accessMask), compositeOffset(o.compositeOffset), isCompositeIndirect(o.isCompositeIndirect), isPrivate(o.isPrivate), isProtected(o.isProtected), isInherited(o.isInherited) {}
asCString name;
asCDataType type;
int byteOffset;
asDWORD accessMask;
int compositeOffset;
bool isCompositeIndirect;
bool isPrivate;
bool isProtected;
bool isInherited;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ protected:
int ReadInner();
void ReadData(void *data, asUINT size);
int ReadData(void *data, asUINT size);
void ReadString(asCString *str);
asCScriptFunction *ReadFunction(bool &isNew, bool addToModule = true, bool addToEngine = true, bool addToGC = true);
void ReadFunctionSignature(asCScriptFunction *func);
asCScriptFunction *ReadFunction(bool &isNew, bool addToModule = true, bool addToEngine = true, bool addToGC = true, bool *isExternal = 0);
void ReadFunctionSignature(asCScriptFunction *func, asCObjectType **parentClass = 0);
void ReadGlobalProperty();
void ReadObjectProperty(asCObjectType *ot);
void ReadDataType(asCDataType *dt);
asCObjectType * ReadObjectType();
void ReadObjectTypeDeclaration(asCObjectType *ot, int phase);
asCTypeInfo *ReadTypeInfo();
void ReadTypeDeclaration(asCTypeInfo *ot, int phase, bool *isExternal = 0);
void ReadByteCode(asCScriptFunction *func);
asWORD ReadEncodedUInt16();
asUINT ReadEncodedUInt();
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ protected:
void ReadUsedStringConstants();
void ReadUsedObjectProps();
asCObjectType * FindObjectType(int idx);
asCTypeInfo * FindType(int idx);
int FindTypeId(int idx);
short FindObjectPropOffset(asWORD index);
asCScriptFunction *FindFunction(int idx);
@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ protected:
// Temporary storage for persisting variable data
asCArray<int> usedTypeIds;
asCArray<asCObjectType*> usedTypes;
asCArray<asCTypeInfo*> usedTypes;
asCArray<asCScriptFunction*> usedFunctions;
asCArray<void*> usedGlobalProperties;
asCArray<int> usedStringConstants;
asCArray<void*> usedStringConstants;
asCArray<asCScriptFunction*> savedFunctions;
asCArray<asCDataType> savedDataTypes;
@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ protected:
struct SObjProp
asCObjectType *objType;
int offset;
asCObjectType *objType;
asCObjectProperty *prop;
asCArray<SObjProp> usedObjectProperties;
@ -165,8 +165,12 @@ protected:
asIBinaryStream *stream;
asCScriptEngine *engine;
bool stripDebugInfo;
bool error;
asUINT bytesWritten;
void WriteData(const void *data, asUINT size);
int Error(const char *msg);
int WriteData(const void *data, asUINT size);
void WriteString(asCString *str);
void WriteFunction(asCScriptFunction *func);
@ -174,18 +178,18 @@ protected:
void WriteGlobalProperty(asCGlobalProperty *prop);
void WriteObjectProperty(asCObjectProperty *prop);
void WriteDataType(const asCDataType *dt);
void WriteObjectType(asCObjectType *ot);
void WriteObjectTypeDeclaration(asCObjectType *ot, int phase);
void WriteTypeInfo(asCTypeInfo *ot);
void WriteTypeDeclaration(asCTypeInfo *ot, int phase);
void WriteByteCode(asCScriptFunction *func);
void WriteEncodedInt64(asINT64 i);
// Helper functions for storing variable data
int FindObjectTypeIdx(asCObjectType*);
int FindTypeInfoIdx(asCTypeInfo *ti);
int FindTypeIdIdx(int typeId);
int FindFunctionIndex(asCScriptFunction *func);
int FindGlobalPropPtrIndex(void *);
int FindStringConstantIndex(int id);
int FindObjectPropIndex(short offset, int typeId);
int FindStringConstantIndex(void *str);
int FindObjectPropIndex(short offset, int typeId, asDWORD *bc);
void CalculateAdjustmentByPos(asCScriptFunction *func);
int AdjustStackPosition(int pos);
@ -201,24 +205,24 @@ protected:
// Temporary storage for persisting variable data
asCArray<int> usedTypeIds;
asCArray<asCObjectType*> usedTypes;
asCArray<asCTypeInfo*> usedTypes;
asCArray<asCScriptFunction*> usedFunctions;
asCArray<void*> usedGlobalProperties;
asCArray<int> usedStringConstants;
asCMap<int, int> stringIdToIndexMap;
asCArray<void*> usedStringConstants;
asCMap<void*, int> stringToIndexMap;
asCArray<asCScriptFunction*> savedFunctions;
asCArray<asCDataType> savedDataTypes;
asCArray<asCString> savedStrings;
asCMap<asCStringPointer, int> stringToIdMap;
asCMap<asCString, int> stringToIdMap;
asCArray<int> adjustStackByPos;
asCArray<int> adjustNegativeStackByPos;
asCArray<int> bytecodeNbrByPos;
struct SObjProp
asCObjectType *objType;
int offset;
asCObjectType *objType;
asCObjectProperty *prop;
asCArray<SObjProp> usedObjectProperties;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -58,41 +58,41 @@ asCScriptCode::~asCScriptCode()
int asCScriptCode::SetCode(const char *name, const char *code, bool makeCopy)
int asCScriptCode::SetCode(const char *in_name, const char *in_code, bool in_makeCopy)
return SetCode(name, code, 0, makeCopy);
return SetCode(in_name, in_code, 0, in_makeCopy);
int asCScriptCode::SetCode(const char *name, const char *code, size_t length, bool makeCopy)
int asCScriptCode::SetCode(const char *in_name, const char *in_code, size_t in_length, bool in_makeCopy)
if( !code ) return asINVALID_ARG;
this->name = name ? name : "";
if( !sharedCode && this->code )
if( !in_code) return asINVALID_ARG;
this->name = in_name ? in_name : "";
if( !sharedCode && code )
if( length == 0 )
length = strlen(code);
if( makeCopy )
if( in_length == 0 )
in_length = strlen(in_code);
if( in_makeCopy )
codeLength = length;
codeLength = in_length;
sharedCode = false;
this->code = asNEWARRAY(char,length);
if( this->code == 0 )
code = asNEWARRAY(char, in_length);
if( code == 0 )
return asOUT_OF_MEMORY;
memcpy((char*)this->code, code, length);
memcpy(code, in_code, in_length);
codeLength = length;
this->code = const_cast<char*>(code);
codeLength = in_length;
code = const_cast<char*>(in_code);
sharedCode = true;
// Find the positions of each line
for( size_t n = 0; n < length; n++ )
if( code[n] == '\n' ) linePositions.PushLast(n+1);
for( size_t n = 0; n < in_length; n++ )
if( in_code[n] == '\n' ) linePositions.PushLast(n+1);
return asSUCCESS;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public:
virtual asIJITCompiler *GetJITCompiler() const;
// Global functions
virtual int RegisterGlobalFunction(const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *objForThiscall = 0);
virtual int RegisterGlobalFunction(const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary = 0);
virtual asUINT GetGlobalFunctionCount() const;
virtual asIScriptFunction *GetGlobalFunctionByIndex(asUINT index) const;
virtual asIScriptFunction *GetGlobalFunctionByDecl(const char *declaration) const;
@ -100,18 +100,16 @@ public:
// Type registration
virtual int RegisterObjectType(const char *obj, int byteSize, asDWORD flags);
virtual int RegisterObjectProperty(const char *obj, const char *declaration, int byteOffset);
virtual int RegisterObjectMethod(const char *obj, const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *objForThiscall = 0);
virtual int RegisterObjectBehaviour(const char *obj, asEBehaviours behaviour, const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *objForThiscall = 0);
virtual int RegisterObjectProperty(const char *obj, const char *declaration, int byteOffset, int compositeOffset = 0, bool isCompositeIndirect = false);
virtual int RegisterObjectMethod(const char *obj, const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary = 0, int compositeOffset = 0, bool isCompositeIndirect = false);
virtual int RegisterObjectBehaviour(const char *obj, asEBehaviours behaviour, const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary = 0, int compositeOffset = 0, bool isCompositeIndirect = false);
virtual int RegisterInterface(const char *name);
virtual int RegisterInterfaceMethod(const char *intf, const char *declaration);
virtual asUINT GetObjectTypeCount() const;
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectTypeByIndex(asUINT index) const;
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectTypeByName(const char *name) const;
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectTypeByDecl(const char *decl) const;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetObjectTypeByIndex(asUINT index) const;
// String factory
virtual int RegisterStringFactory(const char *datatype, const asSFuncPtr &factoryFunc, asDWORD callConv, void *objForThiscall = 0);
virtual int RegisterStringFactory(const char *datatype, asIStringFactory *factory);
virtual int GetStringFactoryReturnTypeId(asDWORD *flags) const;
// Default array type
@ -119,23 +117,21 @@ public:
virtual int GetDefaultArrayTypeId() const;
// Enums
virtual int RegisterEnum(const char *type);
virtual int RegisterEnumValue(const char *type, const char *name, int value);
virtual asUINT GetEnumCount() const;
virtual const char *GetEnumByIndex(asUINT index, int *enumTypeId, const char **nameSpace, const char **configGroup = 0, asDWORD *accessMask = 0) const;
virtual int GetEnumValueCount(int enumTypeId) const;
virtual const char *GetEnumValueByIndex(int enumTypeId, asUINT index, int *outValue) const;
virtual int RegisterEnum(const char *type);
virtual int RegisterEnumValue(const char *type, const char *name, int value);
virtual asUINT GetEnumCount() const;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetEnumByIndex(asUINT index) const;
// Funcdefs
virtual int RegisterFuncdef(const char *decl);
virtual asUINT GetFuncdefCount() const;
virtual asIScriptFunction *GetFuncdefByIndex(asUINT index) const;
virtual int RegisterFuncdef(const char *decl);
virtual asUINT GetFuncdefCount() const;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetFuncdefByIndex(asUINT index) const;
// Typedefs
// TODO: interface: Should perhaps rename this to Alias, since it doesn't really create a new type
virtual int RegisterTypedef(const char *type, const char *decl);
virtual asUINT GetTypedefCount() const;
virtual const char *GetTypedefByIndex(asUINT index, int *typeId, const char **nameSpace, const char **configGroup = 0, asDWORD *accessMask = 0) const;
virtual int RegisterTypedef(const char *type, const char *decl);
virtual asUINT GetTypedefCount() const;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypedefByIndex(asUINT index) const;
// Configuration groups
virtual int BeginConfigGroup(const char *groupName);
@ -153,29 +149,26 @@ public:
// Script functions
virtual asIScriptFunction *GetFunctionById(int funcId) const;
virtual asIScriptFunction *GetFuncDefFromTypeId(int typeId) const;
// Type identification
virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectTypeById(int typeId) const;
virtual int GetTypeIdByDecl(const char *decl) const;
virtual const char *GetTypeDeclaration(int typeId, bool includeNamespace = false) const;
virtual int GetSizeOfPrimitiveType(int typeId) const;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypeInfoById(int typeId) const;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypeInfoByName(const char *name) const;
virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypeInfoByDecl(const char *decl) const;
// Script execution
virtual asIScriptContext *CreateContext();
virtual void *CreateScriptObject(const asIObjectType *type);
virtual void *CreateScriptObjectCopy(void *obj, const asIObjectType *type);
virtual void *CreateUninitializedScriptObject(const asIObjectType *type);
virtual void *CreateScriptObject(const asITypeInfo *type);
virtual void *CreateScriptObjectCopy(void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type);
virtual void *CreateUninitializedScriptObject(const asITypeInfo *type);
virtual asIScriptFunction *CreateDelegate(asIScriptFunction *func, void *obj);
virtual int AssignScriptObject(void *dstObj, void *srcObj, const asIObjectType *type);
virtual void ReleaseScriptObject(void *obj, const asIObjectType *type);
virtual void AddRefScriptObject(void *obj, const asIObjectType *type);
virtual int RefCastObject(void *obj, asIObjectType *fromType, asIObjectType *toType, void **newPtr, bool useOnlyImplicitCast = false);
// Deprecated since 2.30.0, 2014-11-04
virtual bool IsHandleCompatibleWithObject(void *obj, int objTypeId, int handleTypeId) const;
virtual asILockableSharedBool *GetWeakRefFlagOfScriptObject(void *obj, const asIObjectType *type) const;
virtual int AssignScriptObject(void *dstObj, void *srcObj, const asITypeInfo *type);
virtual void ReleaseScriptObject(void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type);
virtual void AddRefScriptObject(void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type);
virtual int RefCastObject(void *obj, asITypeInfo *fromType, asITypeInfo *toType, void **newPtr, bool useOnlyImplicitCast = false);
virtual asILockableSharedBool *GetWeakRefFlagOfScriptObject(void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type) const;
// Context pooling
virtual asIScriptContext *RequestContext();
@ -188,8 +181,8 @@ public:
// Garbage collection
virtual int GarbageCollect(asDWORD flags = asGC_FULL_CYCLE, asUINT numIterations = 1);
virtual void GetGCStatistics(asUINT *currentSize, asUINT *totalDestroyed, asUINT *totalDetected, asUINT *newObjects, asUINT *totalNewDestroyed) const;
virtual int NotifyGarbageCollectorOfNewObject(void *obj, asIObjectType *type);
virtual int GetObjectInGC(asUINT idx, asUINT *seqNbr, void **obj = 0, asIObjectType **type = 0);
virtual int NotifyGarbageCollectorOfNewObject(void *obj, asITypeInfo *type);
virtual int GetObjectInGC(asUINT idx, asUINT *seqNbr, void **obj = 0, asITypeInfo **type = 0);
virtual void GCEnumCallback(void *reference);
// User data
@ -199,7 +192,7 @@ public:
virtual void SetModuleUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANMODULEFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type);
virtual void SetContextUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANCONTEXTFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type);
virtual void SetFunctionUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANFUNCTIONFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type);
virtual void SetObjectTypeUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANOBJECTTYPEFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type);
virtual void SetTypeInfoUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANTYPEINFOFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type);
virtual void SetScriptObjectUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANSCRIPTOBJECTFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type);
@ -219,8 +212,8 @@ public:
friend class asCByteCode;
friend int PrepareSystemFunction(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInterface *internal, asCScriptEngine *engine);
int RegisterMethodToObjectType(asCObjectType *objectType, const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *objForThiscall = 0);
int RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(asCObjectType *objectType, asEBehaviours behaviour, const char *decl, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *objForThiscall);
int RegisterMethodToObjectType(asCObjectType *objectType, const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary = 0, int compositeOffset = 0, bool isCompositeIndirect = false);
int RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(asCObjectType *objectType, asEBehaviours behaviour, const char *decl, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary = 0, int compositeOffset = 0, bool isCompositeIndirect = false);
int VerifyVarTypeNotInFunction(asCScriptFunction *func);
@ -241,18 +234,18 @@ public:
void *CallObjectMethodRetPtr(void *obj, int param1, asCScriptFunction *func) const;
void CallGlobalFunction(void *param1, void *param2, asSSystemFunctionInterface *func, asCScriptFunction *desc) const;
bool CallGlobalFunctionRetBool(void *param1, void *param2, asSSystemFunctionInterface *func, asCScriptFunction *desc) const;
int CallScriptObjectMethod(void *obj, int func);
void ConstructScriptObjectCopy(void *mem, void *obj, asCObjectType *type);
void DeleteDiscardedModules();
void RemoveTemplateInstanceType(asCObjectType *t);
void RemoveTypeAndRelatedFromList(asCMap<asCObjectType*,char> &types, asCObjectType *ot);
asCConfigGroup *FindConfigGroupForFunction(int funcId) const;
asCConfigGroup *FindConfigGroupForGlobalVar(int gvarId) const;
asCConfigGroup *FindConfigGroupForObjectType(const asCObjectType *type) const;
asCConfigGroup *FindConfigGroupForFuncDef(const asCScriptFunction *funcDef) const;
asCConfigGroup *FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(const asCTypeInfo *type) const;
asCConfigGroup *FindConfigGroupForFuncDef(const asCFuncdefType *funcDef) const;
int RequestBuild();
void BuildCompleted();
@ -262,7 +255,7 @@ public:
int CreateContext(asIScriptContext **context, bool isInternal);
asCObjectType *GetRegisteredObjectType(const asCString &name, asSNameSpace *ns) const;
asCTypeInfo *GetRegisteredType(const asCString &name, asSNameSpace *ns) const;
asCObjectType *GetListPatternType(int listPatternFuncId);
void DestroyList(asBYTE *buffer, const asCObjectType *listPatternType);
@ -283,29 +276,28 @@ public:
int GetNextScriptFunctionId();
void AddScriptFunction(asCScriptFunction *func);
void RemoveScriptFunction(asCScriptFunction *func);
void RemoveFuncdef(asCScriptFunction *func);
void RemoveFuncdef(asCFuncdefType *func);
int ConfigError(int err, const char *funcName, const char *arg1, const char *arg2);
int GetTypeIdFromDataType(const asCDataType &dt) const;
asCDataType GetDataTypeFromTypeId(int typeId) const;
asCObjectType *GetObjectTypeFromTypeId(int typeId) const;
void RemoveFromTypeIdMap(asCObjectType *type);
void RemoveFromTypeIdMap(asCTypeInfo *type);
bool IsTemplateType(const char *name) const;
int SetTemplateRestrictions(asCObjectType *templateType, asCScriptFunction *func, const char *caller, const char *decl);
asCObjectType *GetTemplateInstanceType(asCObjectType *templateType, asCArray<asCDataType> &subTypes, asCModule *requestingModule);
asCScriptFunction *GenerateTemplateFactoryStub(asCObjectType *templateType, asCObjectType *templateInstanceType, int origFactoryId);
bool GenerateNewTemplateFunction(asCObjectType *templateType, asCObjectType *templateInstanceType, asCScriptFunction *templateFunc, asCScriptFunction **newFunc);
asCFuncdefType *GenerateNewTemplateFuncdef(asCObjectType *templateType, asCObjectType *templateInstanceType, asCFuncdefType *templateFuncdef);
asCDataType DetermineTypeForTemplate(const asCDataType &orig, asCObjectType *tmpl, asCObjectType *ot);
bool RequireTypeReplacement(asCDataType &type, asCObjectType *templateType);
asCModule *FindNewOwnerForSharedType(asCObjectType *type, asCModule *mod);
asCModule *FindNewOwnerForSharedType(asCTypeInfo *type, asCModule *mod);
asCModule *FindNewOwnerForSharedFunc(asCScriptFunction *func, asCModule *mod);
// String constants
// TODO: Must free unused string constants, thus the ref count for each must be tracked
int AddConstantString(const char *str, size_t length);
const asCString &GetConstantString(int id);
asCFuncdefType *FindMatchingFuncdef(asCScriptFunction *func, asCModule *mod);
// Global property management
asCGlobalProperty *AllocateGlobalProperty();
@ -330,24 +322,26 @@ public:
asCObjectType functionBehaviours;
// Registered interface
asCArray<asCObjectType *> registeredObjTypes;
asCArray<asCObjectType *> registeredTypeDefs;
asCArray<asCObjectType *> registeredEnums;
asCSymbolTable<asCGlobalProperty> registeredGlobalProps; // increases ref count // TODO: memory savings: Since there can be only one property with the same name a simpler symbol table should be used
asCArray<asCObjectType *> registeredObjTypes; // doesn't increase ref count
asCArray<asCTypedefType *> registeredTypeDefs; // doesn't increase ref count
asCArray<asCEnumType *> registeredEnums; // doesn't increase ref count
// TODO: memory savings: Since there can be only one property with the same name a simpler symbol table should be used for global props
asCSymbolTable<asCGlobalProperty> registeredGlobalProps; // increases ref count
asCSymbolTable<asCScriptFunction> registeredGlobalFuncs;
asCArray<asCScriptFunction *> registeredFuncDefs;
asCArray<asCObjectType *> registeredTemplateTypes;
asCScriptFunction *stringFactory;
asCArray<asCFuncdefType *> registeredFuncDefs; // doesn't increase ref count
asCArray<asCObjectType *> registeredTemplateTypes; // doesn't increase ref count
asIStringFactory *stringFactory;
asCDataType stringType;
bool configFailed;
// Stores all registered types except funcdefs
asCMap<asSNameSpaceNamePair, asCObjectType*> allRegisteredTypes; // increases ref count
// Stores all registered types
asCMap<asSNameSpaceNamePair, asCTypeInfo*> allRegisteredTypes; // increases ref count
// Dummy types used to name the subtypes in the template objects
asCArray<asCObjectType *> templateSubTypes;
// Dummy types used to name the subtypes in the template objects
asCArray<asCTypeInfo *> templateSubTypes;
// Store information about template types
// This list will contain all instances of templates, both registered specialized
// This list will contain all instances of templates, both registered specialized
// types and those automacially instantiated from scripts
asCArray<asCObjectType *> templateInstanceTypes; // increases ref count
@ -378,7 +372,7 @@ public:
// This array holds all live script modules
asCArray<asCModule *> scriptModules;
// Synchronized with engineRWLock
// This is a pointer to the last module that was requested. It is used for performance
// This is a pointer to the last module that was requested. It is used for performance
// improvement, since it is common that the same module is accessed many times in a row
asCModule *lastModule;
// Synchronized with engineRWLock
@ -389,29 +383,28 @@ public:
// This array holds modules that have been discard (thus are no longer visible to the application)
// but cannot yet be deleted due to having external references to some of the entities in them
asCArray<asCModule *> discardedModules;
// This flag is set to true during compilations of scripts (or loading pre-compiled scripts)
// to delay the validation of template types until the subtypes have been fully declared
// This flag is set to true during compilations of scripts (or loading pre-compiled scripts)
// to delay the validation of template types until the subtypes have been fully declared
bool deferValidationOfTemplateTypes;
// Tokenizer is instantiated once to share resources
asCTokenizer tok;
// Stores shared script declared types (classes, interfaces, enums)
asCArray<asCObjectType *> sharedScriptTypes; // increases ref count
asCArray<asCTypeInfo *> sharedScriptTypes; // increases ref count
// This array stores the template instances types that have been automatically generated from template types
asCArray<asCObjectType *> generatedTemplateTypes;
// Stores the funcdefs
// TODO: redesign: Only shared funcdefs should be stored here
// a funcdef becomes shared if all arguments and the return type are shared (or application registered)
asCArray<asCScriptFunction *> funcDefs; // doesn't increase ref count
asCArray<asCFuncdefType *> funcDefs; // doesn't increases ref count
// Stores the names of the script sections for debugging purposes
asCArray<asCString *> scriptSectionNames;
// Type identifiers
mutable int typeIdSeqNbr;
mutable asCMap<int, asCObjectType*> mapTypeIdToObjectType;
mutable asCMap<int, asCScriptFunction*> mapTypeIdToFunction;
mutable asCMap<int, asCTypeInfo*> mapTypeIdToTypeInfo;
// Garbage collector
asCGarbageCollector gc;
@ -441,16 +434,10 @@ public:
asIJITCompiler *jitCompiler;
// Namespaces
// These are shared between all entities and are
// These are shared between all entities and are
// only deleted once the engine is destroyed
asCArray<asSNameSpace*> nameSpaces;
// String constants
// These are shared between all scripts and are
// only deleted once the engine is destroyed
asCArray<asCString*> stringConstants;
asCMap<asCStringPointer, int> stringToIdMap;
// Callbacks for context pooling
@ -459,16 +446,16 @@ public:
// User data
asCArray<asPWORD> userData;
struct SEngineClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANENGINEFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
struct SEngineClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANENGINEFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
asCArray<SEngineClean> cleanEngineFuncs;
struct SModuleClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANMODULEFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
struct SModuleClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANMODULEFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
asCArray<SModuleClean> cleanModuleFuncs;
struct SContextClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANCONTEXTFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
struct SContextClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANCONTEXTFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
asCArray<SContextClean> cleanContextFuncs;
struct SFunctionClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANFUNCTIONFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
struct SFunctionClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANFUNCTIONFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
asCArray<SFunctionClean> cleanFunctionFuncs;
struct SObjTypeClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANOBJECTTYPEFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
asCArray<SObjTypeClean> cleanObjectTypeFuncs;
struct STypeInfoClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANTYPEINFOFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
asCArray<STypeInfoClean> cleanTypeInfoFuncs;
struct SScriptObjClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANSCRIPTOBJECTFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
asCArray<SScriptObjClean> cleanScriptObjectFuncs;
@ -504,12 +491,15 @@ public:
bool disallowEmptyListElements;
// TODO: 3.0.0: Remove the privatePropAsProtected
bool privatePropAsProtected;
bool allowUnicodeIdentifiers;
int heredocTrimMode;
asUINT maxNestedCalls;
} ep;
// This flag is to allow a quicker shutdown when releasing the engine
bool shuttingDown;
// This flag is set when the engine's destructor is called, this is to
// This flag is set when the engine's destructor is called, this is to
// avoid recursive calls if an object happens to increment/decrement
// the ref counter during shutdown
bool inDestructor;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ void RegisterScriptFunction(asCScriptEngine *engine)
int r = 0;
UNUSED_VAR(r); // It is only used in debug mode
engine->functionBehaviours.engine = engine;
engine->functionBehaviours.flags = asOBJ_REF | asOBJ_GC | asOBJ_SCRIPT_FUNCTION;
engine->functionBehaviours.flags = asOBJ_REF | asOBJ_GC;
engine-> = "$func";
r = engine->RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(&engine->functionBehaviours, asBEHAVE_ADDREF, "void f()", asMETHOD(asCScriptFunction,AddRef), asCALL_THISCALL, 0); asASSERT( r >= 0 );
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ void RegisterScriptFunction(asCScriptEngine *engine)
// Change the return type so the VM will know the function really returns a handle
engine->scriptFunctions[r]->returnType = asCDataType::CreateObject(&engine->functionBehaviours, false);
engine->scriptFunctions[r]->returnType = asCDataType::CreateType(&engine->functionBehaviours, false);
@ -205,6 +205,15 @@ void asCScriptFunction::MakeDelegate(asCScriptFunction *func, void *obj)
dontCleanUpOnException = true;
// interface
void *asCScriptFunction::GetAuxiliary() const
if (sysFuncIntf)
return sysFuncIntf->auxiliary;
return 0;
// interface
void *asCScriptFunction::GetDelegateObject() const
@ -212,7 +221,7 @@ void *asCScriptFunction::GetDelegateObject() const
// interface
asIObjectType *asCScriptFunction::GetDelegateObjectType() const
asITypeInfo *asCScriptFunction::GetDelegateObjectType() const
if( objForDelegate == 0 || funcForDelegate == 0 )
return 0;
@ -297,7 +306,7 @@ int asCScriptFunction::ParseListPattern(asSListPatternNode *&target, const char
asCBuilder builder(engine, 0);
asCScriptCode code;
code.SetCode("", decl, 0, false);
dt = builder.CreateDataTypeFromNode(listNodes, &code, engine->defaultNamespace, false, returnType.GetObjectType());
dt = builder.CreateDataTypeFromNode(listNodes, &code, engine->defaultNamespace, false, CastToObjectType(returnType.GetTypeInfo()));
node->next = asNEW(asSListPatternDataTypeNode)(dt);
node = node->next;
@ -350,11 +359,6 @@ asCScriptFunction::asCScriptFunction(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCModule *mod, as
module = mod;
objectType = 0;
name = "";
isReadOnly = false;
isPrivate = false;
isProtected = false;
isFinal = false;
isOverride = false;
sysFuncIntf = 0;
signatureId = 0;
dontCleanUpOnException = false;
@ -363,11 +367,11 @@ asCScriptFunction::asCScriptFunction(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCModule *mod, as
userData = 0;
id = 0;
accessMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
isShared = false;
nameSpace = engine->nameSpaces[0];
objForDelegate = 0;
funcForDelegate = 0;
listPattern = 0;
funcdefType = 0;
if( funcType == asFUNC_SCRIPT )
@ -552,7 +556,7 @@ int asCScriptFunction::ReleaseInternal()
int asCScriptFunction::GetTypeId() const
// This const cast is ok, the object won't be modified
asCDataType dt = asCDataType::CreateFuncDef(const_cast<asCScriptFunction*>(this));
asCDataType dt = asCDataType::CreateType(engine->FindMatchingFuncdef(const_cast<asCScriptFunction*>(this), 0), false);
return engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(dt);
@ -562,10 +566,10 @@ bool asCScriptFunction::IsCompatibleWithTypeId(int typeId) const
asCDataType dt = engine->GetDataTypeFromTypeId(typeId);
// Make sure the type is a function
asCScriptFunction *func = dt.GetFuncDef();
if( func == 0 )
if (!dt.IsFuncdef())
return false;
asCScriptFunction *func = CastToFuncdefType(dt.GetTypeInfo())->funcdef;
if( !IsSignatureExceptNameEqual(func) )
return false;
@ -594,7 +598,7 @@ asIScriptModule *asCScriptFunction::GetModule() const
// interface
asIObjectType *asCScriptFunction::GetObjectType() const
asITypeInfo *asCScriptFunction::GetObjectType() const
return objectType;
@ -617,25 +621,28 @@ const char *asCScriptFunction::GetName() const
// interface
const char *asCScriptFunction::GetNamespace() const
return nameSpace->name.AddressOf();
if (nameSpace)
return nameSpace->name.AddressOf();
return 0;
// interface
bool asCScriptFunction::IsReadOnly() const
return isReadOnly;
return traits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_CONST);
// interface
bool asCScriptFunction::IsPrivate() const
return isPrivate;
return traits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_PRIVATE);
// interface
bool asCScriptFunction::IsProtected() const
return isProtected;
return traits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_PROTECTED);
// internal
@ -658,8 +665,8 @@ int asCScriptFunction::GetSpaceNeededForReturnValue()
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::DoesReturnOnStack() const
if( returnType.GetObjectType() &&
(returnType.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_VALUE) &&
if( returnType.GetTypeInfo() &&
(returnType.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_VALUE) &&
!returnType.IsReference() )
return true;
@ -692,6 +699,16 @@ asCString asCScriptFunction::GetDeclarationStr(bool includeObjectName, bool incl
str += "_unnamed_type_::";
else if (funcdefType && funcdefType->parentClass && includeObjectName)
if (includeNamespace && funcdefType->parentClass->nameSpace->name != "")
str += funcdefType->parentClass->nameSpace->name + "::";
if (funcdefType->parentClass->name != "")
str += funcdefType->parentClass->name + "::";
str += "_unnamed_type_::";
else if( includeNamespace && nameSpace->name != "" )
str += nameSpace->name + "::";
@ -703,7 +720,7 @@ asCString asCScriptFunction::GetDeclarationStr(bool includeObjectName, bool incl
if( name[4] == '0' + asBEHAVE_CONSTRUCT )
str += objectType->name + "(";
else if( name[4] == '0' + asBEHAVE_FACTORY )
str += returnType.GetObjectType()->name + "(";
str += returnType.GetTypeInfo()->name + "(";
else if( name[4] == '0' + asBEHAVE_DESTRUCT )
str += "~" + objectType->name + "(";
@ -766,7 +783,7 @@ asCString asCScriptFunction::GetDeclarationStr(bool includeObjectName, bool incl
str += ")";
if( isReadOnly )
if( IsReadOnly() )
str += " const";
// Add the declaration of the list pattern
@ -923,17 +940,17 @@ asUINT asCScriptFunction::GetVarCount() const
// interface
int asCScriptFunction::GetVar(asUINT index, const char **name, int *typeId) const
int asCScriptFunction::GetVar(asUINT index, const char **out_name, int *out_typeId) const
if( scriptData == 0 )
if( index >= scriptData->variables.GetLength() )
return asINVALID_ARG;
if( name )
*name = scriptData->variables[index]->name.AddressOf();
if( typeId )
*typeId = engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(scriptData->variables[index]->type);
if( out_name )
*out_name = scriptData->variables[index]->name.AddressOf();
if( out_typeId )
*out_typeId = engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(scriptData->variables[index]->type);
return asSUCCESS;
@ -952,7 +969,7 @@ const char *asCScriptFunction::GetVarDecl(asUINT index, bool includeNamespace) c
// internal
void asCScriptFunction::AddVariable(asCString &name, asCDataType &type, int stackOffset)
void asCScriptFunction::AddVariable(asCString &in_name, asCDataType &in_type, int in_stackOffset)
asASSERT( scriptData );
asSScriptVariable *var = asNEW(asSScriptVariable);
@ -961,15 +978,15 @@ void asCScriptFunction::AddVariable(asCString &name, asCDataType &type, int stac
// Out of memory
var->name = name;
var->type = type;
var->stackOffset = stackOffset;
var->name = in_name;
var->type = in_type;
var->stackOffset = in_stackOffset;
var->declaredAtProgramPos = 0;
// internal
asCObjectType *asCScriptFunction::GetObjectTypeOfLocalVar(short varOffset)
asCTypeInfo *asCScriptFunction::GetTypeInfoOfLocalVar(short varOffset)
asASSERT( scriptData );
@ -1015,7 +1032,7 @@ bool asCScriptFunction::IsSignatureEqual(const asCScriptFunction *func) const
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::IsSignatureExceptNameEqual(const asCScriptFunction *func) const
return IsSignatureExceptNameEqual(func->returnType, func->parameterTypes, func->inOutFlags, func->objectType, func->isReadOnly);
return IsSignatureExceptNameEqual(func->returnType, func->parameterTypes, func->inOutFlags, func->objectType, func->IsReadOnly());
// internal
@ -1029,19 +1046,19 @@ bool asCScriptFunction::IsSignatureExceptNameEqual(const asCDataType &retType, c
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::IsSignatureExceptNameAndObjectTypeEqual(const asCScriptFunction *func) const
return IsSignatureExceptNameEqual(func->returnType, func->parameterTypes, func->inOutFlags, objectType, isReadOnly);
return IsSignatureExceptNameEqual(func->returnType, func->parameterTypes, func->inOutFlags, objectType, IsReadOnly());
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::IsSignatureExceptNameAndReturnTypeEqual(const asCScriptFunction *func) const
return IsSignatureExceptNameAndReturnTypeEqual(func->parameterTypes, func->inOutFlags, func->objectType, func->isReadOnly);
return IsSignatureExceptNameAndReturnTypeEqual(func->parameterTypes, func->inOutFlags, func->objectType, func->IsReadOnly());
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::IsSignatureExceptNameAndReturnTypeEqual(const asCArray<asCDataType> ¶mTypes, const asCArray<asETypeModifiers> ¶mInOut, const asCObjectType *objType, bool readOnly) const
if( this->isReadOnly != readOnly ) return false;
if( this->IsReadOnly() != readOnly ) return false;
if( (this->objectType != 0) != (objType != 0) ) return false;
if( this->inOutFlags != paramInOut ) return false;
if( this->parameterTypes != paramTypes ) return false;
@ -1062,20 +1079,20 @@ void asCScriptFunction::AddReferences()
// Only count references if there is any bytecode
if( scriptData && scriptData->byteCode.GetLength() )
if( returnType.GetObjectType() )
if( returnType.GetTypeInfo() )
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForObjectType(returnType.GetObjectType());
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(returnType.GetTypeInfo());
if( group != 0 ) group->AddRef();
for( asUINT p = 0; p < parameterTypes.GetLength(); p++ )
if( parameterTypes[p].GetObjectType() )
if( parameterTypes[p].GetTypeInfo() )
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForObjectType(parameterTypes[p].GetObjectType());
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(parameterTypes[p].GetTypeInfo());
if( group != 0 ) group->AddRef();
@ -1084,7 +1101,7 @@ void asCScriptFunction::AddReferences()
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForObjectType(scriptData->objVariableTypes[v]);
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(scriptData->objVariableTypes[v]);
if( group != 0 ) group->AddRef();
@ -1135,7 +1152,31 @@ void asCScriptFunction::AddReferences()
void *gvarPtr = (void*)asBC_PTRARG(&bc[n]);
if( !gvarPtr ) break;
asCGlobalProperty *prop = GetPropertyByGlobalVarPtr(gvarPtr);
if( !prop ) break;
if (!prop)
// The pointer is a string constant. In order to make sure the correct resource
// management is maintained we request a new string constant here, so the compiler
// or bytecode loader can release its copy afterwards.
asCString str;
asUINT length;
int r = engine->stringFactory->GetRawStringData(gvarPtr, 0, &length);
if (r >= 0)
engine->stringFactory->GetRawStringData(gvarPtr, str.AddressOf(), &length);
// Get a new pointer (depending on the string factory implementation it may actually be the same)
gvarPtr = const_cast<void*>(engine->stringFactory->GetStringConstant(str.AddressOf(), length));
asBC_PTRARG(&bc[n]) = (asPWORD)gvarPtr;
// If we get an error from the string factory there is not
// anything we can do about it, except report a message.
// TODO: NEWSTRING: Write a message and then exit gracefully
asASSERT(r >= 0);
// Only addref the properties once
if( !ptrs.Exists(gvarPtr) )
@ -1195,20 +1236,20 @@ void asCScriptFunction::ReleaseReferences()
// Only count references if there is any bytecode
if( scriptData && scriptData->byteCode.GetLength() )
if( returnType.GetObjectType() )
if( returnType.GetTypeInfo() )
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForObjectType(returnType.GetObjectType());
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(returnType.GetTypeInfo());
if( group != 0 ) group->Release();
for( asUINT p = 0; p < parameterTypes.GetLength(); p++ )
if( parameterTypes[p].GetObjectType() )
if( parameterTypes[p].GetTypeInfo() )
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForObjectType(parameterTypes[p].GetObjectType());
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(parameterTypes[p].GetTypeInfo());
if( group != 0 ) group->Release();
@ -1217,7 +1258,7 @@ void asCScriptFunction::ReleaseReferences()
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForObjectType(scriptData->objVariableTypes[v]);
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(scriptData->objVariableTypes[v]);
if( group != 0 ) group->Release();
@ -1276,7 +1317,21 @@ void asCScriptFunction::ReleaseReferences()
void *gvarPtr = (void*)asBC_PTRARG(&bc[n]);
if( !gvarPtr ) break;
asCGlobalProperty *prop = GetPropertyByGlobalVarPtr(gvarPtr);
if( !prop ) break;
if (!prop)
// The pointer is a string constant, so it needs to be released by the string factory
int r = engine->stringFactory->ReleaseStringConstant(gvarPtr);
// If we get an error from the string factory there is not
// anything we can do about it, except report a message.
// TODO: Write a message showing that the string couldn't be
// released. Include the first 10 characters and the length
// to make it easier to identify which string it was
asASSERT(r >= 0);
// Only release the properties once
if( !ptrs.Exists(gvarPtr) )
@ -1376,57 +1431,40 @@ asUINT asCScriptFunction::GetParamCount() const
// interface
int asCScriptFunction::GetParam(asUINT index, int *typeId, asDWORD *flags, const char **name, const char **defaultArg) const
int asCScriptFunction::GetParam(asUINT index, int *out_typeId, asDWORD *out_flags, const char **out_name, const char **out_defaultArg) const
if( index >= parameterTypes.GetLength() )
return asINVALID_ARG;
if( typeId )
*typeId = engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(parameterTypes[index]);
if( out_typeId )
*out_typeId = engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(parameterTypes[index]);
if( flags )
if( out_flags )
*flags = inOutFlags[index];
*flags |= parameterTypes[index].IsReadOnly() ? asTM_CONST : 0;
*out_flags = inOutFlags[index];
*out_flags |= parameterTypes[index].IsReadOnly() ? asTM_CONST : 0;
if( name )
if( out_name )
// The parameter names are not stored if loading from bytecode without debug information
if( index < parameterNames.GetLength() )
*name = parameterNames[index].AddressOf();
*out_name = parameterNames[index].AddressOf();
*name = 0;
*out_name = 0;
if( defaultArg )
if( out_defaultArg )
if( index < defaultArgs.GetLength() && defaultArgs[index] )
*defaultArg = defaultArgs[index]->AddressOf();
*out_defaultArg = defaultArgs[index]->AddressOf();
*defaultArg = 0;
*out_defaultArg = 0;
return asSUCCESS;
// Deprecated since 2014-04-06, 2.29.0
int asCScriptFunction::GetParamTypeId(asUINT index, asDWORD *flags) const
if( index >= parameterTypes.GetLength() )
return asINVALID_ARG;
if( flags )
*flags = inOutFlags[index];
*flags |= parameterTypes[index].IsReadOnly() ? asTM_CONST : 0;
return engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(parameterTypes[index]);
// interface
asIScriptEngine *asCScriptFunction::GetEngine() const
@ -1457,7 +1495,7 @@ const char *asCScriptFunction::GetConfigGroup() const
if( funcType != asFUNC_FUNCDEF )
group = engine->FindConfigGroupForFunction(id);
group = engine->FindConfigGroupForFuncDef(this);
group = engine->FindConfigGroupForFuncDef(this->funcdefType);
if( group == 0 )
return 0;
@ -1655,20 +1693,23 @@ bool asCScriptFunction::IsShared() const
asASSERT( objectType == 0 || objectType->engine == engine || objectType->engine == 0 );
if( objectType && (objectType->flags & asOBJ_SHARED) ) return true;
// funcdefs that are registered by the application are shared
if (funcType == asFUNC_FUNCDEF && module == 0) return true;
// Functions that have been specifically marked as shared are shared
return isShared;
return traits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_SHARED);
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::IsFinal() const
return isFinal;
return traits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_FINAL);
// internal
bool asCScriptFunction::IsOverride() const
return isOverride;
return traits.GetTrait(asTRAIT_OVERRIDE);
@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ class asCModule;
class asCConfigGroup;
class asCGlobalProperty;
class asCScriptNode;
class asCFuncdefType;
struct asSNameSpace;
struct asSScriptVariable
@ -96,17 +97,39 @@ enum asEObjVarInfoOption
enum asEFuncTrait
struct asSFunctionTraits
asSFunctionTraits() : traits(0) {}
void SetTrait(asEFuncTrait trait, bool set) { if (set) traits |= trait; else traits &= ~trait; }
bool GetTrait(asEFuncTrait trait) const { return (traits & trait) ? true : false; }
asDWORD traits;
struct asSObjectVariableInfo
asUINT programPos;
int variableOffset;
asUINT option;
asUINT programPos;
int variableOffset;
asEObjVarInfoOption option;
struct asSSystemFunctionInterface;
// TODO: Might be interesting to allow enumeration of accessed global variables, and
// also functions/methods that are being called. This could be used to build a
// TODO: Might be interesting to allow enumeration of accessed global variables, and
// also functions/methods that are being called. This could be used to build a
// code database with call graphs, etc.
void RegisterScriptFunction(asCScriptEngine *engine);
@ -129,9 +152,10 @@ public:
const char *GetScriptSectionName() const;
const char *GetConfigGroup() const;
asDWORD GetAccessMask() const;
void *GetAuxiliary() const;
// Function signature
asIObjectType *GetObjectType() const;
asITypeInfo *GetObjectType() const;
const char *GetObjectName() const;
const char *GetName() const;
const char *GetNamespace() const;
@ -144,19 +168,15 @@ public:
bool IsShared() const;
asUINT GetParamCount() const;
int GetParam(asUINT index, int *typeId, asDWORD *flags = 0, const char **name = 0, const char **defaultArg = 0) const;
// Deprecated, since 2.29.0, 2014-04-06
int GetParamTypeId(asUINT index, asDWORD *flags = 0) const;
int GetReturnTypeId(asDWORD *flags = 0) const;
// Type id for function pointers
// Type id for function pointers
int GetTypeId() const;
bool IsCompatibleWithTypeId(int typeId) const;
// Delegates
void *GetDelegateObject() const;
asIObjectType *GetDelegateObjectType() const;
asITypeInfo *GetDelegateObjectType() const;
asIScriptFunction *GetDelegateFunction() const;
// Debug information
@ -176,10 +196,17 @@ public:
// Internal methods
void SetShared(bool set) {traits.SetTrait(asTRAIT_SHARED, set);}
void SetReadOnly(bool set) { traits.SetTrait(asTRAIT_CONST, set); }
void SetFinal(bool set) { traits.SetTrait(asTRAIT_FINAL, set); }
void SetOverride(bool set) { traits.SetTrait(asTRAIT_OVERRIDE, set); }
void SetProtected(bool set) { traits.SetTrait(asTRAIT_PROTECTED, set); }
void SetPrivate(bool set) { traits.SetTrait(asTRAIT_PRIVATE, set); }
asCScriptFunction(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCModule *mod, asEFuncType funcType);
// Keep an internal reference counter to separate references coming from
// Keep an internal reference counter to separate references coming from
// application or script objects and references coming from the script code
int AddRefInternal();
int ReleaseInternal();
@ -210,7 +237,7 @@ public:
bool IsSignatureExceptNameAndReturnTypeEqual(const asCArray<asCDataType> ¶mTypes, const asCArray<asETypeModifiers> &inOutFlags, const asCObjectType *type, bool isReadOnly) const;
bool IsSignatureExceptNameAndObjectTypeEqual(const asCScriptFunction *func) const;
asCObjectType *GetObjectTypeOfLocalVar(short varOffset);
asCTypeInfo *GetTypeInfoOfLocalVar(short varOffset);
void MakeDelegate(asCScriptFunction *func, void *obj);
@ -255,11 +282,7 @@ public:
asCArray<asCString> parameterNames;
asCArray<asETypeModifiers> inOutFlags;
asCArray<asCString *> defaultArgs;
bool isReadOnly;
bool isPrivate;
bool isProtected;
bool isFinal;
bool isOverride;
asSFunctionTraits traits;
asCObjectType *objectType;
int signatureId;
@ -267,10 +290,14 @@ public:
asEFuncType funcType;
asDWORD accessMask;
bool isShared;
// Namespace will be null for funcdefs that are declared as child funcdefs
// of a class. In this case the namespace shall be taken from the parentClass
// in the funcdefType
asSNameSpace *nameSpace;
asCFuncdefType *funcdefType; // Doesn't increase refCount
// Used by asFUNC_DELEGATE
void *objForDelegate;
asCScriptFunction *funcForDelegate;
@ -289,8 +316,7 @@ public:
// These hold information on objects and function pointers, including temporary
// variables used by exception handler and when saving bytecode
asCArray<asCObjectType*> objVariableTypes;
asCArray<asCScriptFunction*> funcVariableTypes;
asCArray<asCTypeInfo*> objVariableTypes;
asCArray<int> objVariablePos;
// The first variables in above array are allocated on the heap, the rest on the stack.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ void asCScriptNode::Destroy(asCScriptEngine *engine)
// Destroy all children
asCScriptNode *node = firstChild;
asCScriptNode *next;
asCScriptNode *nxt;
while( node )
next = node->next;
nxt = node->next;
node = next;
node = nxt;
// Return the memory to the memory manager
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ enum eScriptNode
struct sToken
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -271,13 +271,13 @@ asCScriptObject::asCScriptObject(asCObjectType *ot, bool doInitialize)
asCObjectProperty *prop = objType->properties[n];
if( prop->type.IsObject() && !prop->type.IsObjectHandle() )
if( prop->type.IsReference() || prop->type.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_REF )
if( prop->type.IsReference() || prop->type.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_REF )
asPWORD *ptr = reinterpret_cast<asPWORD*>(reinterpret_cast<asBYTE*>(this) + prop->byteOffset);
if( prop->type.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT )
*ptr = (asPWORD)ScriptObjectFactory(prop->type.GetObjectType(), ot->engine);
if( prop->type.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT )
*ptr = (asPWORD)ScriptObjectFactory(prop->type.GetTypeInfo(), ot->engine);
*ptr = (asPWORD)AllocateUninitializedObject(prop->type.GetObjectType(), ot->engine);
*ptr = (asPWORD)AllocateUninitializedObject(prop->type.GetTypeInfo(), ot->engine);
@ -292,10 +292,10 @@ asCScriptObject::asCScriptObject(asCObjectType *ot, bool doInitialize)
asCObjectProperty *prop = objType->properties[n];
if( prop->type.IsObject() && !prop->type.IsObjectHandle() )
if( prop->type.IsReference() || (prop->type.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_REF) )
if( prop->type.IsReference() || (prop->type.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_REF) )
asPWORD *ptr = reinterpret_cast<asPWORD*>(reinterpret_cast<asBYTE*>(this) + prop->byteOffset);
*ptr = (asPWORD)AllocateUninitializedObject(prop->type.GetObjectType(), engine);
*ptr = (asPWORD)AllocateUninitializedObject(CastToObjectType(prop->type.GetTypeInfo()), engine);
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ asCScriptObject::~asCScriptObject()
if( prop->type.IsObject() )
// Destroy the object
asCObjectType *propType = prop->type.GetObjectType();
asCObjectType *propType = CastToObjectType(prop->type.GetTypeInfo());
if( prop->type.IsReference() || propType->flags & asOBJ_REF )
void **ptr = (void**)(((char*)this) + prop->byteOffset);
@ -381,6 +381,16 @@ asCScriptObject::~asCScriptObject()
engine->CallObjectMethod(ptr, propType->beh.destruct);
else if( prop->type.IsFuncdef() )
// Release the function descriptor
asCScriptFunction **ptr = (asCScriptFunction**)(((char*)this) + prop->byteOffset);
if (*ptr)
*ptr = 0;
@ -647,7 +657,7 @@ void asCScriptObject::CallDestructor()
asIObjectType *asCScriptObject::GetObjectType() const
asITypeInfo *asCScriptObject::GetObjectType() const
return objType;
@ -670,7 +680,7 @@ bool asCScriptObject::GetFlag()
// interface
int asCScriptObject::GetTypeId() const
asCDataType dt = asCDataType::CreateObject(objType, false);
asCDataType dt = asCDataType::CreateType(objType, false);
return objType->engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(dt);
@ -703,7 +713,7 @@ void *asCScriptObject::GetAddressOfProperty(asUINT prop)
// Objects are stored by reference, so this must be dereferenced
asCDataType *dt = &objType->properties[prop]->type;
if( dt->IsObject() && !dt->IsObjectHandle() &&
(dt->IsReference() || dt->GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_REF) )
(dt->IsReference() || dt->GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_REF) )
return *(void**)(((char*)this) + objType->properties[prop]->byteOffset);
return (void*)(((char*)this) + objType->properties[prop]->byteOffset);
@ -715,19 +725,21 @@ void asCScriptObject::EnumReferences(asIScriptEngine *engine)
for( asUINT n = 0; n < objType->properties.GetLength(); n++ )
asCObjectProperty *prop = objType->properties[n];
void *ptr = 0;
if( prop->type.IsObject() )
// TODO: gc: The members of the value type needs to be enumerated
// too, since the value type may be holding a reference.
void *ptr;
if( prop->type.IsReference() || (prop->type.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_REF) )
if( prop->type.IsReference() || (prop->type.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_REF) )
ptr = *(void**)(((char*)this) + prop->byteOffset);
ptr = (void*)(((char*)this) + prop->byteOffset);
if( ptr )
else if (prop->type.IsFuncdef())
ptr = *(void**)(((char*)this) + prop->byteOffset);
if (ptr)
@ -745,12 +757,21 @@ void asCScriptObject::ReleaseAllHandles(asIScriptEngine *engine)
void **ptr = (void**)(((char*)this) + prop->byteOffset);
if( *ptr )
asASSERT( (prop->type.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || prop->type.GetBehaviour()->release );
asASSERT( (prop->type.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || prop->type.GetBehaviour()->release );
if( prop->type.GetBehaviour()->release )
((asCScriptEngine*)engine)->CallObjectMethod(*ptr, prop->type.GetBehaviour()->release);
*ptr = 0;
else if (prop->type.IsFuncdef())
asCScriptFunction **ptr = (asCScriptFunction**)(((char*)this) + prop->byteOffset);
if (*ptr)
*ptr = 0;
@ -787,13 +808,23 @@ asCScriptObject &asCScriptObject::operator=(const asCScriptObject &other)
void **src = (void**)(((char*)&other) + prop->byteOffset);
if( !prop->type.IsObjectHandle() )
if( prop->type.IsReference() || (prop->type.GetObjectType()->flags & asOBJ_REF) )
CopyObject(*src, *dst, prop->type.GetObjectType(), engine);
if( prop->type.IsReference() || (prop->type.GetTypeInfo()->flags & asOBJ_REF) )
CopyObject(*src, *dst, CastToObjectType(prop->type.GetTypeInfo()), engine);
CopyObject(src, dst, prop->type.GetObjectType(), engine);
CopyObject(src, dst, CastToObjectType(prop->type.GetTypeInfo()), engine);
CopyHandle((asPWORD*)src, (asPWORD*)dst, prop->type.GetObjectType(), engine);
CopyHandle((asPWORD*)src, (asPWORD*)dst, CastToObjectType(prop->type.GetTypeInfo()), engine);
else if (prop->type.IsFuncdef())
asCScriptFunction **dst = (asCScriptFunction**)(((char*)this) + prop->byteOffset);
asCScriptFunction **src = (asCScriptFunction**)(((char*)&other) + prop->byteOffset);
if (*dst)
*dst = *src;
if (*dst)
@ -905,29 +936,29 @@ int asCScriptObject::CopyFrom(asIScriptObject *other)
return 0;
void *asCScriptObject::AllocateUninitializedObject(asCObjectType *objType, asCScriptEngine *engine)
void *asCScriptObject::AllocateUninitializedObject(asCObjectType *in_objType, asCScriptEngine *engine)
void *ptr = 0;
if( objType->flags & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT )
if( in_objType->flags & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT )
ptr = engine->CallAlloc(objType);
ScriptObject_ConstructUnitialized(objType, reinterpret_cast<asCScriptObject*>(ptr));
ptr = engine->CallAlloc(in_objType);
ScriptObject_ConstructUnitialized(in_objType, reinterpret_cast<asCScriptObject*>(ptr));
else if( objType->flags & asOBJ_TEMPLATE )
else if( in_objType->flags & asOBJ_TEMPLATE )
// Templates store the original factory that takes the object
// type as a hidden parameter in the construct behaviour
ptr = engine->CallGlobalFunctionRetPtr(objType->beh.construct, objType);
ptr = engine->CallGlobalFunctionRetPtr(in_objType->beh.construct, in_objType);
else if( objType->flags & asOBJ_REF )
else if( in_objType->flags & asOBJ_REF )
ptr = engine->CallGlobalFunctionRetPtr(objType->beh.factory);
ptr = engine->CallGlobalFunctionRetPtr(in_objType->beh.factory);
ptr = engine->CallAlloc(objType);
int funcIndex = objType->beh.construct;
ptr = engine->CallAlloc(in_objType);
int funcIndex = in_objType->beh.construct;
if( funcIndex )
engine->CallObjectMethod(ptr, funcIndex);
@ -935,52 +966,52 @@ void *asCScriptObject::AllocateUninitializedObject(asCObjectType *objType, asCSc
return ptr;
void asCScriptObject::FreeObject(void *ptr, asCObjectType *objType, asCScriptEngine *engine)
void asCScriptObject::FreeObject(void *ptr, asCObjectType *in_objType, asCScriptEngine *engine)
if( objType->flags & asOBJ_REF )
if( in_objType->flags & asOBJ_REF )
asASSERT( (objType->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || objType->beh.release );
if( objType->beh.release )
engine->CallObjectMethod(ptr, objType->beh.release);
asASSERT( (in_objType->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || in_objType->beh.release );
if(in_objType->beh.release )
engine->CallObjectMethod(ptr, in_objType->beh.release);
if( objType->beh.destruct )
engine->CallObjectMethod(ptr, objType->beh.destruct);
if( in_objType->beh.destruct )
engine->CallObjectMethod(ptr, in_objType->beh.destruct);
void asCScriptObject::CopyObject(void *src, void *dst, asCObjectType *objType, asCScriptEngine *engine)
void asCScriptObject::CopyObject(void *src, void *dst, asCObjectType *in_objType, asCScriptEngine *engine)
int funcIndex = objType->beh.copy;
int funcIndex = in_objType->beh.copy;
if( funcIndex )
asCScriptFunction *func = engine->scriptFunctions[objType->beh.copy];
asCScriptFunction *func = engine->scriptFunctions[in_objType->beh.copy];
if( func->funcType == asFUNC_SYSTEM )
engine->CallObjectMethod(dst, src, funcIndex);
// Call the script class' opAssign method
asASSERT( objType->flags & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT );
asASSERT(in_objType->flags & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT );
else if( objType->size && (objType->flags & asOBJ_POD) )
memcpy(dst, src, objType->size);
else if( in_objType->size && (in_objType->flags & asOBJ_POD) )
memcpy(dst, src, in_objType->size);
void asCScriptObject::CopyHandle(asPWORD *src, asPWORD *dst, asCObjectType *objType, asCScriptEngine *engine)
void asCScriptObject::CopyHandle(asPWORD *src, asPWORD *dst, asCObjectType *in_objType, asCScriptEngine *engine)
// asOBJ_NOCOUNT doesn't have addref or release behaviours
asASSERT( (objType->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || (objType->beh.release && objType->beh.addref) );
asASSERT( (in_objType->flags & asOBJ_NOCOUNT) || (in_objType->beh.release && in_objType->beh.addref) );
if( *dst && objType->beh.release )
engine->CallObjectMethod(*(void**)dst, objType->beh.release);
if( *dst && in_objType->beh.release )
engine->CallObjectMethod(*(void**)dst, in_objType->beh.release);
*dst = *src;
if( *dst && objType->beh.addref )
engine->CallObjectMethod(*(void**)dst, objType->beh.addref);
if( *dst && in_objType->beh.addref )
engine->CallObjectMethod(*(void**)dst, in_objType->beh.addref);
// TODO: weak: Should move to its own file
@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ public:
bool Get() const;
void Set(bool);
void Lock() const;
void Unlock() const;
mutable asCAtomic refCount;
bool value;
class asCScriptObject : public asIScriptObject
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public:
// Type info
int GetTypeId() const;
asIObjectType *GetObjectType() const;
asITypeInfo *GetObjectType() const;
// Class properties
asUINT GetPropertyCount() const;
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ protected:
bool isDestructCalled;
// Most script classes instances won't have neither the weakRefFlags nor
// userData so we only allocate this if requested. Even when used it is
// userData so we only allocate this if requested. Even when used it is
// not something that will be accessed all the time so having the extra
// indirection will not affect the performance significantly.
struct SExtra
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -283,20 +283,24 @@ size_t asCString::Format(const char *format, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
char tmp[256];
int r = asVSNPRINTF(tmp, 255, format, args);
const size_t startSize = 1024;
char tmp[startSize];
int r = asVSNPRINTF(tmp, startSize-1, format, args);
if( r > 0 )
if( r > 0 && r < int(startSize) )
Assign(tmp, r);
size_t n = 512;
// TODO: For some reason this doesn't work properly on Linux. Perhaps the
// problem is related to vsnprintf not keeping the state of va_arg.
// Perhaps I need to rewrite this in some way to keep the state
size_t n = startSize*2;
asCString str; // Use temporary string in case the current buffer is a parameter
str.Allocate(n, false);
while( (r = asVSNPRINTF(str.AddressOf(), n, format, args)) < 0 )
while( (r = asVSNPRINTF(str.AddressOf(), n, format, args)) < 0 || r >= int(n) )
n *= 2;
str.Allocate(n, false);
@ -324,15 +328,15 @@ const char &asCString::operator [](size_t index) const
return AddressOf()[index];
asCString asCString::SubString(size_t start, size_t length) const
asCString asCString::SubString(size_t in_start, size_t in_length) const
if( start >= GetLength() || length == 0 )
if( in_start >= GetLength() || in_length == 0 )
return asCString("");
if( length == (size_t)(-1) ) length = GetLength() - start;
if( in_length == (size_t)(-1) ) in_length = GetLength() - in_start;
asCString tmp;
tmp.Assign(AddressOf() + start, length);
tmp.Assign(AddressOf() + in_start, in_length);
return tmp;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -171,17 +171,24 @@ static int asCharToNbr(char ch, int radix)
// If base is 0 the string should be prefixed by 0x, 0d, 0o, or 0b to allow the function to automatically determine the radix
asQWORD asStringScanUInt64(const char *string, int base, size_t *numScanned)
asQWORD asStringScanUInt64(const char *string, int base, size_t *numScanned, bool *overflow)
asASSERT(base == 10 || base == 16 || base == 0);
if (overflow)
*overflow = false;
const char *end = string;
static const asQWORD QWORD_MAX = (~asQWORD(0));
asQWORD res = 0;
if( base == 10 )
while( *end >= '0' && *end <= '9' )
if( overflow && ((res > QWORD_MAX / 10) || ((asUINT(*end - '0') > (QWORD_MAX - (QWORD_MAX / 10) * 10)) && res == QWORD_MAX / 10)) )
*overflow = true;
res *= 10;
res += *end++ - '0';
@ -205,8 +212,13 @@ asQWORD asStringScanUInt64(const char *string, int base, size_t *numScanned)
if( base )
for( int nbr; (nbr = asCharToNbr(*end, base)) >= 0; end++ )
for (int nbr; (nbr = asCharToNbr(*end, base)) >= 0; end++)
if (overflow && ((res > QWORD_MAX / base) || ((asUINT(nbr) > (QWORD_MAX - (QWORD_MAX / base) * base)) && res == QWORD_MAX / base)) )
*overflow = true;
res = res * base + nbr;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2011 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ BEGIN_AS_NAMESPACE
int asCompareStrings(const char *str1, size_t len1, const char *str2, size_t len2);
double asStringScanDouble(const char *string, size_t *numScanned);
asQWORD asStringScanUInt64(const char *string, int base, size_t *numScanned);
asQWORD asStringScanUInt64(const char *string, int base, size_t *numScanned, bool *overflow);
int asStringEncodeUTF8(unsigned int value, char *outEncodedBuffer);
int asStringDecodeUTF8(const char *encodedBuffer, unsigned int *outLength);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -105,6 +105,8 @@
#define TXT_EXPECTED_STRING "Expected string"
#define TXT_EXPR_DOESNT_EVAL_TO_FUNC "Expression doesn't evaluate to a function"
#define TXT_EXPR_MUST_BE_BOOL "Expression must be of boolean type"
#define TXT_EXTERNAL_SHARED_s_NOT_FOUND "External shared entity '%s' not found"
#define TXT_EXTERNAL_SHARED_s_CANNOT_REDEF "External shared entity '%s' cannot redefine the original entity"
#define TXT_FAILED_TO_COMPILE_DEF_ARG_d_IN_FUNC_s "Failed while compiling default arg for parameter %d in function '%s'"
#define TXT_FAILED_TO_CREATE_TEMP_OBJ "Previous error occurred while attempting to create a temporary copy of object"
@ -135,6 +137,8 @@
#define TXT_INIT_LIST_CANNOT_BE_USED_WITH_s "Initialization lists cannot be used with '%s'"
#define TXT_INSTANCING_INVLD_TMPL_TYPE_s_s "Attempting to instantiate invalid template type '%s<%s>'"
#define TXT_INSTEAD_FOUND_s "Instead found '%s'"
#define TXT_INSTEAD_FOUND_IDENTIFIER_s "Instead found identifier '%s'"
#define TXT_INSTEAD_FOUND_KEYWORD_s "Instead found reserved keyword '%s'"
#define TXT_INTERFACE_s_CANNOT_BE_INSTANTIATED "Interface '%s' cannot be instantiated"
#define TXT_INTERFACE_CAN_ONLY_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE "Interfaces can only implement other interfaces"
#define TXT_INVALID_BREAK "Invalid 'break'"
@ -150,15 +154,18 @@
#define TXT_INVALID_UNICODE_FORMAT_EXPECTED_d "Invalid unicode escape sequence, expected %d hex digits"
#define TXT_INVALID_UNICODE_VALUE "Invalid unicode code point"
#define TXT_INVALID_UNICODE_SEQUENCE_IN_SRC "Invalid unicode sequence in source"
#define TXT_INVALID_USE_OF_NAMED_ARGS "Invalid use of named arguments"
#define TXT_METHOD_CANNOT_OVERRIDE_s "Method '%s' declared as final and cannot be overridden"
#define TXT_METHOD_CANT_HAVE_NAME_OF_CLASS "The method cannot be named with the class name"
#define TXT_METHOD_s_DOES_NOT_OVERRIDE "Method '%s' marked as override but does not replace any base class or interface method"
#define TXT_METHOD_s_s_HAS_NO_RETURN_TYPE "Method '%s::%s' is missing the return type, nor is it the same name as object to be a constructor"
#define TXT_MISSING_IMPLEMENTATION_OF_s "Missing implementation of '%s'"
#define TXT_MISSING_DEFINITION_OF_s "Missing definition of '%s'"
#define TXT_MIXIN_CANNOT_BE_DECLARED_AS_s "Mixin class cannot be declared as '%s'"
#define TXT_MIXIN_CANNOT_HAVE_CONSTRUCTOR "Mixin classes cannot have constructors or destructors"
#define TXT_MIXIN_CLASS_CANNOT_INHERIT "Mixin class cannot inherit from classes"
#define TXT_MIXIN_CANNOT_HAVE_CHILD_TYPES "Mixin classes cannot have child types"
#define TXT_MORE_THAN_ONE_MATCHING_OP "Found more than one matching operator"
#define TXT_MULTIPLE_MATCHING_SIGNATURES_TO_s "Multiple matching signatures to '%s'"
#define TXT_MULTIPLE_PROP_GET_ACCESSOR_FOR_s "Found multiple get accessors for property '%s'"
@ -192,7 +199,7 @@
#define TXT_NO_MATCHING_OP_FOUND_FOR_TYPES_s_AND_s "No matching operator that takes the types '%s' and '%s' found"
#define TXT_NON_CONST_METHOD_ON_CONST_OBJ "Non-const method call on read-only object reference"
#define TXT_NONTERMINATED_STRING "Non-terminated string literal"
#define TXT_NOT_A_FUNC_s_IS_VAR "Expression doesn't form a function call. '%s' is a variable of a non-function type"
#define TXT_NOT_A_FUNC_s_IS_TYPE_s "Expression doesn't form a function call. '%s' evaluates to the non-function type '%s'"
#define TXT_NOT_ALL_PATHS_RETURN "Not all paths return a value"
#define TXT_NOT_ENOUGH_VALUES_FOR_LIST "Not enough values to match pattern"
#define TXT_s_NOT_DECLARED "'%s' is not declared"
@ -216,10 +223,12 @@
#define TXT_PARAMETER_ALREADY_DECLARED "Parameter already declared"
#define TXT_PARAMETER_CANT_BE_s "Parameter type can't be '%s', because the type cannot be instantiated."
#define TXT_POS_ARG_AFTER_NAMED_ARG "Positional arguments cannot be passed after named arguments"
#define TXT_PREV_ERROR_WHILE_COMP_LIST_FOR_TYPE_s "Previous error occurred while attempting to compile initialization list for type '%s'"
#define TXT_PRIVATE_METHOD_CALL_s "Illegal call to private method '%s'"
#define TXT_PRIVATE_PROP_ACCESS_s "Illegal access to private property '%s'"
#define TXT_PROTECTED_METHOD_CALL_s "Illegal call to protected method '%s'"
#define TXT_PROTECTED_PROP_ACCESS_s "Illegal access to protected property '%s'"
#define TXT_PROP_ACCESS_WITH_INDEX_ONE_ARG "Property accessor with index must have 1 and only 1 index argument"
#define TXT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_DISABLED "Property accessors have been disabled by the application"
#define TXT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_MUST_BE_IMPLEMENTED "Property accessor must be implemented"
#define TXT_PROPERTY_CANT_BE_CONST "Class properties cannot be declared as const"
@ -252,6 +261,7 @@
#define TXT_TMPL_SUBTYPE_MUST_NOT_BE_READ_ONLY "Template subtype must not be read-only"
#define TXT_TOO_MANY_JUMP_LABELS "The function has too many jump labels to handle. Split the function into smaller ones."
#define TXT_TOO_MANY_VALUES_FOR_LIST "Too many values to match pattern"
#define TXT_TYPE_s_CANNOT_BE_REFERENCE "Type '%s' cannot be a reference"
#define TXT_TYPE_s_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_MODULE "Type '%s' is not available for this module"
#define TXT_TYPE_s_NOT_TEMPLATE "Type '%s' is not a template type"
@ -291,7 +301,7 @@
#define TXT_GC_REQUIRE_ADD_REL_GC_BEHAVIOUR "A garbage collected type must have the addref, release, and all gc behaviours"
#define TXT_SCOPE_REQUIRE_REL_BEHAVIOUR "A scoped reference type must have the release behaviour"
#define TXT_REF_REQUIRE_ADD_REL_BEHAVIOUR "A reference type must have the addref and release behaviours"
#define TXT_NON_POD_REQUIRE_CONSTR_DESTR_BEHAVIOUR "A non-pod value type must have the default constructor and destructor behaviours"
#define TXT_NON_POD_REQUIRE_CONSTR_DESTR_BEHAVIOUR "A non-pod value type must have at least one constructor and the destructor behaviours"
#define TXT_CANNOT_PASS_TYPE_s_BY_VAL "Can't pass type '%s' by value unless the application type is informed in the registration"
#define TXT_CANNOT_RET_TYPE_s_BY_VAL "Can't return type '%s' by value unless the application type is informed in the registration"
// TODO: Should be something like "This platform requires that AngelScript knows the exact content of the type '%s' in order to pass by value to application in native calling convention"
@ -341,5 +351,6 @@
#define TXT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS "Out of range"
#define TXT_EXCEPTION_CAUGHT "Caught an exception from the application"
#define TXT_MISMATCH_IN_VALUE_ASSIGN "Mismatching types in value assignment"
#define TXT_TOO_MANY_NESTED_CALLS "Too many nested calls"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ protected:
asDWORD tlsKey;
asCThreadLocalData *tld;
@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ sTokenWord const tokenWords[] =
asTokenDef("auto" , ttAuto),
asTokenDef("bool" , ttBool),
asTokenDef("break" , ttBreak),
asTokenDef("case" , ttCase),
asTokenDef("case" , ttCase),
asTokenDef("cast" , ttCast),
asTokenDef("class" , ttClass),
asTokenDef("const" , ttConst),
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ sTokenWord const tokenWords[] =
asTokenDef("int" , ttInt),
asTokenDef("int8" , ttInt8),
asTokenDef("int16" , ttInt16),
asTokenDef("int32" , ttInt),
asTokenDef("int32" , ttInt),
asTokenDef("int64" , ttInt64),
asTokenDef("interface" , ttInterface),
asTokenDef("is" , ttIs),
@ -302,16 +302,18 @@ const char * const whiteSpace = " \t\r\n";
// Some keywords that are not considered tokens by the parser
// These only have meaning in specific situations. Outside these
// situations they are treated as normal identifiers.
const char * const THIS_TOKEN = "this";
const char * const FROM_TOKEN = "from";
const char * const SUPER_TOKEN = "super";
const char * const SHARED_TOKEN = "shared";
const char * const FINAL_TOKEN = "final";
const char * const OVERRIDE_TOKEN = "override";
const char * const GET_TOKEN = "get";
const char * const SET_TOKEN = "set";
const char * const ABSTRACT_TOKEN = "abstract";
const char * const FUNCTION_TOKEN = "function";
const char * const THIS_TOKEN = "this";
const char * const FROM_TOKEN = "from";
const char * const SUPER_TOKEN = "super";
const char * const SHARED_TOKEN = "shared";
const char * const FINAL_TOKEN = "final";
const char * const OVERRIDE_TOKEN = "override";
const char * const GET_TOKEN = "get";
const char * const SET_TOKEN = "set";
const char * const ABSTRACT_TOKEN = "abstract";
const char * const FUNCTION_TOKEN = "function";
const char * const IF_HANDLE_TOKEN = "if_handle_then_const";
const char * const EXTERNAL_TOKEN = "external";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -395,20 +395,27 @@ bool asCTokenizer::IsConstant(const char *source, size_t sourceLength, size_t &t
bool asCTokenizer::IsIdentifier(const char *source, size_t sourceLength, size_t &tokenLength, eTokenType &tokenType) const
// char is unsigned by default on some architectures, e.g. ppc and arm
// Make sure the value is always treated as signed in the below comparisons
signed char c = source[0];
// Starting with letter or underscore
if( (source[0] >= 'a' && source[0] <= 'z') ||
(source[0] >= 'A' && source[0] <= 'Z') ||
source[0] == '_' )
if( (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
c == '_' ||
(c < 0 && engine->ep.allowUnicodeIdentifiers) )
tokenType = ttIdentifier;
tokenLength = 1;
for( size_t n = 1; n < sourceLength; n++ )
if( (source[n] >= 'a' && source[n] <= 'z') ||
(source[n] >= 'A' && source[n] <= 'Z') ||
(source[n] >= '0' && source[n] <= '9') ||
source[n] == '_' )
c = source[n];
if( (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
c == '_' ||
(c < 0 && engine->ep.allowUnicodeIdentifiers) )
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -32,13 +32,9 @@
// as_typeinfo.cpp
// This class holds extra type info for the compiler
#include "as_config.h"
#include "as_typeinfo.h"
#include "as_scriptengine.h"
@ -46,144 +42,434 @@ BEGIN_AS_NAMESPACE
isTemporary = false;
stackOffset = 0;
isConstant = false;
isVariable = false;
isExplicitHandle = false;
qwordValue = 0;
isLValue = false;
isRefToLocal = false;
internalRefCount.set(1); // start with one internal ref-count
engine = 0;
module = 0;
size = 0;
flags = 0;
typeId = -1; // start as -1 to signal that it hasn't been defined
scriptSectionIdx = -1;
declaredAt = 0;
accessMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
nameSpace = 0;
void asCTypeInfo::Set(const asCDataType &dt)
asCTypeInfo::asCTypeInfo(asCScriptEngine *in_engine)
dataType = dt;
internalRefCount.set(1); // start with one internal ref count
engine = in_engine;
module = 0;
size = 0;
flags = 0;
typeId = -1; // start as -1 to signal that it hasn't been defined
isTemporary = false;
stackOffset = 0;
isConstant = false;
isVariable = false;
isExplicitHandle = false;
qwordValue = 0;
isLValue = false;
isRefToLocal = false;
scriptSectionIdx = -1;
declaredAt = 0;
accessMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
nameSpace = engine->nameSpaces[0];
void asCTypeInfo::SetVariable(const asCDataType &dt, int stackOffset, bool isTemporary)
this->isVariable = true;
this->isTemporary = isTemporary;
this->stackOffset = (short)stackOffset;
void asCTypeInfo::SetConstantQW(const asCDataType &dt, asQWORD value)
// interface
int asCTypeInfo::AddRef() const
isConstant = true;
qwordValue = value;
return externalRefCount.atomicInc();
void asCTypeInfo::SetConstantDW(const asCDataType &dt, asDWORD value)
// interface
int asCTypeInfo::Release() const
int r = externalRefCount.atomicDec();
isConstant = true;
dwordValue = value;
if (r == 0)
// There are no more external references, if there are also no
// internal references then it is time to delete the object type
if (internalRefCount.get() == 0)
// If the engine is no longer set, then it has already been
// released and we must take care of the deletion ourselves
asDELETE(const_cast<asCTypeInfo*>(this), asCTypeInfo);
return r;
void asCTypeInfo::SetConstantB(const asCDataType &dt, asBYTE value)
int asCTypeInfo::AddRefInternal()
isConstant = true;
byteValue = value;
return internalRefCount.atomicInc();
void asCTypeInfo::SetConstantF(const asCDataType &dt, float value)
int asCTypeInfo::ReleaseInternal()
int r = internalRefCount.atomicDec();
isConstant = true;
floatValue = value;
if (r == 0)
// There are no more internal references, if there are also no
// external references then it is time to delete the object type
if (externalRefCount.get() == 0)
// If the engine is no longer set, then it has already been
// released and we must take care of the deletion ourselves
asDELETE(const_cast<asCTypeInfo*>(this), asCTypeInfo);
return r;
void asCTypeInfo::SetConstantD(const asCDataType &dt, double value)
// interface
asIScriptModule *asCTypeInfo::GetModule() const
isConstant = true;
doubleValue = value;
return module;
void asCTypeInfo::SetUndefinedFuncHandle(asCScriptEngine *engine)
void *asCTypeInfo::SetUserData(void *data, asPWORD type)
// This is used for when the expression evaluates to a
// function, but it is not yet known exactly which. The
// owner expression will hold the name of the function
// to determine the exact function when the signature is
// known.
Set(asCDataType::CreateObjectHandle(&engine->functionBehaviours, true));
isConstant = true;
isExplicitHandle = false;
qwordValue = 1; // Set to a different value than 0 to differentiate from null constant
isLValue = false;
// As a thread might add a new new user data at the same time as another
// it is necessary to protect both read and write access to the userData member
// It is not intended to store a lot of different types of userdata,
// so a more complex structure like a associative map would just have
// more overhead than a simple array.
for (asUINT n = 0; n < userData.GetLength(); n += 2)
if (userData[n] == type)
void *oldData = reinterpret_cast<void*>(userData[n + 1]);
userData[n + 1] = reinterpret_cast<asPWORD>(data);
return oldData;
return 0;
bool asCTypeInfo::IsUndefinedFuncHandle() const
void *asCTypeInfo::GetUserData(asPWORD type) const
if( isConstant == false ) return false;
if( qwordValue == 0 ) return false;
if( isLValue ) return false;
if( dataType.GetObjectType() == 0 ) return false;
if( dataType.GetObjectType()->name != "$func" ) return false;
if( dataType.GetFuncDef() ) return false;
// There may be multiple threads reading, but when
// setting the user data nobody must be reading.
for (asUINT n = 0; n < userData.GetLength(); n += 2)
if (userData[n] == type)
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(userData[n + 1]);
return 0;
// interface
const char *asCTypeInfo::GetName() const
return name.AddressOf();
// interface
const char *asCTypeInfo::GetNamespace() const
if( nameSpace )
return nameSpace->name.AddressOf();
return 0;
// interface
asDWORD asCTypeInfo::GetFlags() const
return flags;
// interface
asUINT asCTypeInfo::GetSize() const
return size;
// interface
int asCTypeInfo::GetTypeId() const
if (typeId == -1)
// We need a non const pointer to create the asCDataType object.
// We're not breaking anything here because this function is not
// modifying the object, so this const cast is safe.
asCTypeInfo *ot = const_cast<asCTypeInfo*>(this);
// The engine will define the typeId for this object type
engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(asCDataType::CreateType(ot, false));
return typeId;
// interface
asIScriptEngine *asCTypeInfo::GetEngine() const
return engine;
// interface
const char *asCTypeInfo::GetConfigGroup() const
asCConfigGroup *group = engine->FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(this);
if (group == 0)
return 0;
return group->groupName.AddressOf();
// interface
asDWORD asCTypeInfo::GetAccessMask() const
return accessMask;
// interface
int asCTypeInfo::GetProperty(asUINT index, const char **out_name, int *out_typeId, bool *out_isPrivate, bool *out_isProtected, int *out_offset, bool *out_isReference, asDWORD *out_accessMask, int *out_compositeOffset, bool *out_isCompositeIndirect) const
if (out_name) *out_name = 0;
if (out_typeId) *out_typeId = 0;
if (out_isPrivate) *out_isPrivate = false;
if (out_isProtected) *out_isProtected = false;
if (out_offset) *out_offset = 0;
if (out_isReference) *out_isReference = false;
if (out_accessMask) *out_accessMask = 0;
if (out_compositeOffset) *out_compositeOffset = 0;
if (out_isCompositeIndirect) *out_isCompositeIndirect = false;
return -1;
// internal
asCObjectType *CastToObjectType(asCTypeInfo *ti)
// Allow call on null pointer
if (ti == 0) return 0;
// TODO: type: Should List pattern have its own type class?
if ((ti->flags & (asOBJ_VALUE | asOBJ_REF | asOBJ_LIST_PATTERN)) && !(ti->flags & asOBJ_FUNCDEF))
return reinterpret_cast<asCObjectType*>(ti);
return 0;
// internal
asCEnumType *CastToEnumType(asCTypeInfo *ti)
// Allow call on null pointer
if (ti == 0) return 0;
if (ti->flags & (asOBJ_ENUM))
return reinterpret_cast<asCEnumType*>(ti);
return 0;
// internal
asCTypedefType *CastToTypedefType(asCTypeInfo *ti)
// Allow call on null pointer
if (ti == 0) return 0;
if (ti->flags & (asOBJ_TYPEDEF))
return reinterpret_cast<asCTypedefType*>(ti);
return 0;
// internal
asCFuncdefType *CastToFuncdefType(asCTypeInfo *ti)
// Allow call on null pointer
if (ti == 0) return 0;
if (ti->flags & (asOBJ_FUNCDEF))
return reinterpret_cast<asCFuncdefType*>(ti);
return 0;
// internal
void asCTypeInfo::CleanUserData()
for (asUINT n = 0; n < userData.GetLength(); n += 2)
if (userData[n + 1])
for (asUINT c = 0; c < engine->cleanTypeInfoFuncs.GetLength(); c++)
if (engine->cleanTypeInfoFuncs[c].type == userData[n])
// internal
bool asCTypeInfo::IsShared() const
// Types that can be declared by scripts need to have the explicit flag asOBJ_SHARED
if (flags & (asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT | asOBJ_ENUM)) return flags & asOBJ_SHARED ? true : false;
// Otherwise we assume the type to be shared
return true;
void asCTypeInfo::SetNullConstant()
isConstant = true;
isExplicitHandle = false;
qwordValue = 0;
isLValue = false;
asUINT n;
for (n = 0; n < enumValues.GetLength(); n++)
if (enumValues[n])
asDELETE(enumValues[n], asSEnumValue);
bool asCTypeInfo::IsNullConstant() const
// interface
asUINT asCEnumType::GetEnumValueCount() const
// We can't check the actual object type, because the null constant may have been cast to another type
if( isConstant && dataType.IsObjectHandle() && qwordValue == 0 )
return true;
return false;
return enumValues.GetLength();
void asCTypeInfo::SetVoid()
// interface
const char *asCEnumType::GetEnumValueByIndex(asUINT index, int *outValue) const
Set(asCDataType::CreatePrimitive(ttVoid, false));
isLValue = false;
isConstant = true;
if (outValue)
*outValue = 0;
if (index >= enumValues.GetLength())
return 0;
if (outValue)
*outValue = enumValues[index]->value;
return enumValues[index]->name.AddressOf();
bool asCTypeInfo::IsVoid() const
if( dataType.GetTokenType() == ttVoid )
return true;
return false;
void asCTypeInfo::SetDummy()
void asCTypedefType::DestroyInternal()
SetConstantQW(asCDataType::CreatePrimitive(ttInt, true), 0);
if (engine == 0) return;
// Release the object types held by the alias
if (aliasForType.GetTypeInfo())
aliasForType = asCDataType::CreatePrimitive(ttVoid, false);
// Remove the type from the engine
if (typeId != -1)
// Clear the engine pointer to mark the object type as invalid
engine = 0;
// interface
int asCTypedefType::GetTypedefTypeId() const
return engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(aliasForType);
asCFuncdefType::asCFuncdefType(asCScriptEngine *en, asCScriptFunction *func) : asCTypeInfo(en)
asASSERT(func->funcType == asFUNC_FUNCDEF);
asASSERT(func->funcdefType == 0);
// A function pointer is special kind of reference type
flags = asOBJ_REF | asOBJ_FUNCDEF | (func->IsShared() ? asOBJ_SHARED : 0);
name = func->name;
nameSpace = func->nameSpace;
module = func->module;
accessMask = func->accessMask;
funcdef = func; // reference already counted by the asCScriptFunction constructor
parentClass = 0;
func->funcdefType = this;
void asCFuncdefType::DestroyInternal()
if (engine == 0) return;
// Release the funcdef
if( funcdef )
funcdef = 0;
// Detach from parent class
if (parentClass)
parentClass = 0;
// Remove the type from the engine
if (typeId != -1)
// Clear the engine pointer to mark the object type as invalid
engine = 0;
// interface
asIScriptFunction *asCFuncdefType::GetFuncdefSignature() const
return funcdef;
// interface
asITypeInfo *asCFuncdefType::GetParentType() const
return parentClass;
#endif // AS_NO_COMPILER
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Andreas Jonsson
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
@ -32,8 +32,6 @@
// as_typeinfo.h
// This class holds extra type info for the compiler
@ -41,56 +39,204 @@
#include "as_config.h"
#include "as_string.h"
#include "as_atomic.h"
#include "as_datatype.h"
struct asCTypeInfo
class asCScriptEngine;
class asCModule;
class asCObjectType;
class asCEnumType;
class asCTypedefType;
class asCFuncdefType;
struct asSNameSpace;
// TODO: type: asCPrimitiveType shall be implemented to represent primitives (void, int, double, etc)
// TODO: type: asCTypeInfo should have an internal virtual method GetBehaviours. For asCObjectType it
// should return the beh member. For asCFuncdefType it should return the beh member of
// engine->functionBehaviours. This will allow the code that needs the behaviour to handle
// both object types and funcdefs the same way
class asCTypeInfo : public asITypeInfo
// From asITypeInfo
asIScriptEngine *GetEngine() const;
const char *GetConfigGroup() const;
asDWORD GetAccessMask() const;
asIScriptModule *GetModule() const;
// Memory management
int AddRef() const;
int Release() const;
// Type info
const char *GetName() const;
const char *GetNamespace() const;
asITypeInfo *GetBaseType() const { return 0; }
bool DerivesFrom(const asITypeInfo *objType) const { UNUSED_VAR(objType); return 0; }
asDWORD GetFlags() const;
asUINT GetSize() const;
int GetTypeId() const;
int GetSubTypeId(asUINT subtypeIndex = 0) const { UNUSED_VAR(subtypeIndex); return -1; }
asITypeInfo *GetSubType(asUINT subtypeIndex = 0) const { UNUSED_VAR(subtypeIndex); return 0; }
asUINT GetSubTypeCount() const { return 0; }
// Interfaces
asUINT GetInterfaceCount() const { return 0; }
asITypeInfo *GetInterface(asUINT index) const { UNUSED_VAR(index); return 0; }
bool Implements(const asITypeInfo *objType) const { UNUSED_VAR(objType); return false; }
// Factories
asUINT GetFactoryCount() const { return 0; }
asIScriptFunction *GetFactoryByIndex(asUINT index) const { UNUSED_VAR(index); return 0; }
asIScriptFunction *GetFactoryByDecl(const char *decl) const { UNUSED_VAR(decl); return 0; }
// Methods
asUINT GetMethodCount() const { return 0; }
asIScriptFunction *GetMethodByIndex(asUINT index, bool getVirtual) const { UNUSED_VAR(index); UNUSED_VAR(getVirtual); return 0; }
asIScriptFunction *GetMethodByName(const char *in_name, bool getVirtual) const { UNUSED_VAR(in_name); UNUSED_VAR(getVirtual); return 0; }
asIScriptFunction *GetMethodByDecl(const char *decl, bool getVirtual) const { UNUSED_VAR(decl); UNUSED_VAR(getVirtual); return 0; }
// Properties
asUINT GetPropertyCount() const { return 0; }
int GetProperty(asUINT index, const char **name, int *typeId, bool *isPrivate, bool *isProtected, int *offset, bool *isReference, asDWORD *accessMask, int *compositeOffset, bool *isCompositeIndirect) const;
const char *GetPropertyDeclaration(asUINT index, bool includeNamespace = false) const { UNUSED_VAR(index); UNUSED_VAR(includeNamespace); return 0; }
// Behaviours
asUINT GetBehaviourCount() const { return 0; }
asIScriptFunction *GetBehaviourByIndex(asUINT index, asEBehaviours *outBehaviour) const { UNUSED_VAR(index); UNUSED_VAR(outBehaviour); return 0; }
// Child types
asUINT GetChildFuncdefCount() const { return 0; }
asITypeInfo *GetChildFuncdef(asUINT index) const { UNUSED_VAR(index); return 0; }
asITypeInfo *GetParentType() const { return 0; }
// Enums
virtual asUINT GetEnumValueCount() const { return 0; }
virtual const char *GetEnumValueByIndex(asUINT index, int *outValue) const { UNUSED_VAR(index); if (outValue) *outValue = 0; return 0; }
// Typedef
virtual int GetTypedefTypeId() const { return asERROR; }
// Funcdef
virtual asIScriptFunction *GetFuncdefSignature() const { return 0; }
// User data
void *SetUserData(void *data, asPWORD type);
void *GetUserData(asPWORD type) const;
// Internal
asCTypeInfo(asCScriptEngine *engine);
virtual ~asCTypeInfo();
// Keep an internal reference counter to separate references coming from
// application or script objects and references coming from the script code
virtual int AddRefInternal();
virtual int ReleaseInternal();
virtual void DestroyInternal() {}
void CleanUserData();
bool IsShared() const;
// These can be safely used on null pointers (which will return null)
friend asCObjectType *CastToObjectType(asCTypeInfo *);
friend asCEnumType *CastToEnumType(asCTypeInfo *);
friend asCTypedefType *CastToTypedefType(asCTypeInfo *);
friend asCFuncdefType *CastToFuncdefType(asCTypeInfo *);
asCString name;
asSNameSpace *nameSpace;
int size;
mutable int typeId;
asDWORD flags;
asDWORD accessMask;
// Store the script section where the code was declared
int scriptSectionIdx;
// Store the location where the function was declared (row in the lower 20 bits, and column in the upper 12)
int declaredAt;
asCScriptEngine *engine;
asCModule *module;
asCArray<asPWORD> userData;
friend class asCScriptEngine;
friend class asCConfigGroup;
friend class asCModule;
friend class asCObjectType;
void Set(const asCDataType &dataType);
void SetVariable(const asCDataType &dataType, int stackOffset, bool isTemporary);
void SetConstantB(const asCDataType &dataType, asBYTE value);
void SetConstantQW(const asCDataType &dataType, asQWORD value);
void SetConstantDW(const asCDataType &dataType, asDWORD value);
void SetConstantF(const asCDataType &dataType, float value);
void SetConstantD(const asCDataType &dataType, double value);
void SetNullConstant();
void SetUndefinedFuncHandle(asCScriptEngine *engine);
void SetVoid();
void SetDummy();
mutable asCAtomic externalRefCount;
asCAtomic internalRefCount;
bool IsUndefinedFuncHandle() const;
bool IsNullConstant() const;
bool IsVoid() const;
struct asSEnumValue
asCString name;
int value;
asCDataType dataType;
bool isLValue : 1; // Can this value be updated in assignment, or increment operators, etc
bool isTemporary : 1;
bool isConstant : 1;
bool isVariable : 1;
bool isExplicitHandle : 1;
bool isRefToLocal : 1; // The reference may be to a local variable
short dummy : 10;
short stackOffset;
asQWORD qwordValue;
double doubleValue;
asDWORD dwordValue;
float floatValue;
int intValue;
asWORD wordValue;
asBYTE byteValue;
class asCEnumType : public asCTypeInfo
asCEnumType(asCScriptEngine *engine) : asCTypeInfo(engine) {}
asCArray<asSEnumValue*> enumValues;
asUINT GetEnumValueCount() const;
const char *GetEnumValueByIndex(asUINT index, int *outValue) const;
asCEnumType() : asCTypeInfo() {}
class asCTypedefType : public asCTypeInfo
asCTypedefType(asCScriptEngine *engine) : asCTypeInfo(engine) {}
void DestroyInternal();
asCDataType aliasForType; // increase refCount for typeinfo inside datatype
int GetTypedefTypeId() const;
asCTypedefType() : asCTypeInfo() {}
class asCFuncdefType : public asCTypeInfo
asCFuncdefType(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCScriptFunction *func);
asIScriptFunction *GetFuncdefSignature() const;
asITypeInfo *GetParentType() const;
void DestroyInternal();
asCScriptFunction *funcdef; // increases refCount
asCObjectType *parentClass; // doesn't increase refCount
asCFuncdefType() : asCTypeInfo(), funcdef(0), parentClass(0) {}
#endif // AS_NO_COMPILER
@ -1,3 +1,58 @@
ENet 1.3.12 (April 24, 2014):
* added maximumPacketSize and maximumWaitingData fields to ENetHost to limit the amount of
data waiting to be delivered on a peer (beware that the default maximumPacketSize is
32MB and should be set higher if desired as should maximumWaitingData)
ENet 1.3.11 (December 26, 2013):
* allow an ENetHost to connect to itself
* fixed possible bug with disconnect notifications during connect attempts
* fixed some preprocessor definition bugs
ENet 1.3.10 (October 23, 2013);
* doubled maximum reliable window size
* fixed RCVTIMEO/SNDTIMEO socket options and also added NODELAY
ENet 1.3.9 (August 19, 2013):
* added duplicatePeers option to ENetHost which can limit the number of peers from duplicate IPs
* added enet_socket_get_option() and ENET_SOCKOPT_ERROR
* added enet_host_random_seed() platform stub
ENet 1.3.8 (June 2, 2013):
* added enet_linked_version() for checking the linked version
* added enet_socket_get_address() for querying the local address of a socket
* silenced some debugging prints unless ENET_DEBUG is defined during compilation
* handle EINTR in enet_socket_wait() so that enet_host_service() doesn't propagate errors from signals
* optimized enet_host_bandwidth_throttle() to be less expensive for large numbers of peers
ENet 1.3.7 (March 6, 2013):
* added ENET_PACKET_FLAG_SENT to indicate that a packet is being freed because it has been sent
* added userData field to ENetPacket
* changed how random seed is generated on Windows to avoid import warnings
* fixed case where disconnects could be generated with no preceding connect event
ENet 1.3.6 (December 11, 2012):
* added support for intercept callback in ENetHost that can be used to process raw packets before ENet
* added enet_socket_shutdown() for issuing shutdown on a socket
* fixed enet_socket_connect() to not error on non-blocking connects
* fixed bug in MTU negotiation during connections
ENet 1.3.5 (July 31, 2012):
* fixed bug in unreliable packet fragment queuing
ENet 1.3.4 (May 29, 2012):
* added enet_peer_ping_interval() for configuring per-peer ping intervals
* added enet_peer_timeout() for configuring per-peer timeouts
* added protocol packet size limits
ENet 1.3.3 (June 28, 2011):
* fixed bug with simultaneous disconnects not dispatching events
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Lee Salzman
Copyright (c) 2002-2014 Lee Salzman
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
noinst_LIBRARIES = libenet.a
EXTRA_DIST = ChangeLog configure design.txt Doxyfile LICENSE tutorial.txt CMakeLists.txt\
$(shell find $(srcdir) -maxdepth 2 -name "*.dox")
libenet_a_SOURCES = callbacks.c compress.c host.c list.c packet.c peer.c \
protocol.c unix.c win32.c \
include/enet/callbacks.h \
include/enet/enet.h \
include/enet/list.h \
include/enet/protocol.h \
include/enet/time.h \
include/enet/types.h \
include/enet/unix.h \
include/enet/utility.h \
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(srcdir)/include/
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Please visit the ENet homepage at for installation
and usage instructions.
If you obtained this package from CVS, the quick description on how to build
If you obtained this package from github, the quick description on how to build
# Generate the build system.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ enet_initialize_with_callbacks (ENetVersion version, const ENetCallbacks * inits
return enet_initialize ();
enet_linked_version (void)
void *
enet_malloc (size_t size)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
AC_INIT(libenet, 1-8-2008)
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(libenet.a, 1-8-2008)
AC_CHECK_MEMBER(struct msghdr.msg_flags, [AC_DEFINE(HAS_MSGHDR_FLAGS)], , [#include <sys/socket.h>])
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to use CRC32)
[ --enable-crc32 enable CRC32 packet verification ],
[if test "$enableval" = yes; then
AC_OUTPUT([Makefile include/Makefile include/enet/Makefile])
@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
#! /bin/sh
# depcomp - compile a program generating dependencies as side-effects
scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC
# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free
# Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
# Originally written by Alexandre Oliva <>.
case $1 in
echo "$0: No command. Try \`$0 --help' for more information." 1>&2
exit 1;
-h | --h*)
cat <<\EOF
Usage: depcomp [--help] [--version] PROGRAM [ARGS]
Run PROGRAMS ARGS to compile a file, generating dependencies
as side-effects.
Environment variables:
depmode Dependency tracking mode.
source Source file read by `PROGRAMS ARGS'.
object Object file output by `PROGRAMS ARGS'.
DEPDIR directory where to store dependencies.
depfile Dependency file to output.
tmpdepfile Temporary file to use when outputing dependencies.
libtool Whether libtool is used (yes/no).
Report bugs to <>.
exit $?
-v | --v*)
echo "depcomp $scriptversion"
exit $?
if test -z "$depmode" || test -z "$source" || test -z "$object"; then
echo "depcomp: Variables source, object and depmode must be set" 1>&2
exit 1
# Dependencies for sub/bar.o or sub/bar.obj go into sub/.deps/bar.Po.
depfile=${depfile-`echo "$object" |
sed 's|[^\\/]*$|'${DEPDIR-.deps}'/&|;s|\.\([^.]*\)$|.P\1|;s|Pobj$|Po|'`}
tmpdepfile=${tmpdepfile-`echo "$depfile" | sed 's/\.\([^.]*\)$/.T\1/'`}
rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
# Some modes work just like other modes, but use different flags. We
# parameterize here, but still list the modes in the big case below,
# to make depend.m4 easier to write. Note that we *cannot* use a case
# here, because this file can only contain one case statement.
if test "$depmode" = hp; then
# HP compiler uses -M and no extra arg.
if test "$depmode" = dashXmstdout; then
# This is just like dashmstdout with a different argument.
cygpath_u="cygpath -u -f -"
if test "$depmode" = msvcmsys; then
# This is just like msvisualcpp but w/o cygpath translation.
# Just convert the backslash-escaped backslashes to single forward
# slashes to satisfy depend.m4
cygpath_u="sed s,\\\\\\\\,/,g"
case "$depmode" in
## gcc 3 implements dependency tracking that does exactly what
## we want. Yay! Note: for some reason libtool 1.4 doesn't like
## it if -MD -MP comes after the -MF stuff. Hmm.
## Unfortunately, FreeBSD c89 acceptance of flags depends upon
## the command line argument order; so add the flags where they
## appear in Note that the slowdown incurred here
## affects only configure: in makefiles, %FASTDEP% shortcuts this.
for arg
case $arg in
-c) set fnord "$@" -MT "$object" -MD -MP -MF "$tmpdepfile" "$arg" ;;
*) set fnord "$@" "$arg" ;;
shift # fnord
shift # $arg
if test $stat -eq 0; then :
rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
exit $stat
mv "$tmpdepfile" "$depfile"
## There are various ways to get dependency output from gcc. Here's
## why we pick this rather obscure method:
## - Don't want to use -MD because we'd like the dependencies to end
## up in a subdir. Having to rename by hand is ugly.
## (We might end up doing this anyway to support other compilers.)
## - The DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT environment variable makes gcc act like
## -MM, not -M (despite what the docs say).
## - Using -M directly means running the compiler twice (even worse
## than renaming).
if test -z "$gccflag"; then
"$@" -Wp,"$gccflag$tmpdepfile"
if test $stat -eq 0; then :
rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
exit $stat
rm -f "$depfile"
echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile"
## The second -e expression handles DOS-style file names with drive letters.
sed -e 's/^[^:]*: / /' \
-e 's/^['$alpha']:\/[^:]*: / /' < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
## This next piece of magic avoids the `deleted header file' problem.
## The problem is that when a header file which appears in a .P file
## is deleted, the dependency causes make to die (because there is
## typically no way to rebuild the header). We avoid this by adding
## dummy dependencies for each header file. Too bad gcc doesn't do
## this for us directly.
tr ' ' '
' < "$tmpdepfile" |
## Some versions of gcc put a space before the `:'. On the theory
## that the space means something, we add a space to the output as
## well.
## Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation
## correctly. Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround.
sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
# This case exists only to let depend.m4 do its work. It works by
# looking at the text of this script. This case will never be run,
# since it is checked for above.
exit 1
if test "$libtool" = yes; then
"$@" "-Wp,-MDupdate,$tmpdepfile"
"$@" -MDupdate "$tmpdepfile"
if test $stat -eq 0; then :
rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
exit $stat
rm -f "$depfile"
if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then # yes, the sourcefile depend on other files
echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile"
# Clip off the initial element (the dependent). Don't try to be
# clever and replace this with sed code, as IRIX sed won't handle
# lines with more than a fixed number of characters (4096 in
# IRIX 6.2 sed, 8192 in IRIX 6.5). We also remove comment lines;
# the IRIX cc adds comments like `#:fec' to the end of the
# dependency line.
tr ' ' '
' < "$tmpdepfile" \
| sed -e 's/^.*\.o://' -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/ d' | \
tr '
' ' ' >> "$depfile"
echo >> "$depfile"
# The second pass generates a dummy entry for each header file.
tr ' ' '
' < "$tmpdepfile" \
| sed -e 's/^.*\.o://' -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/ d' -e 's/$/:/' \
>> "$depfile"
# The sourcefile does not contain any dependencies, so just
# store a dummy comment line, to avoid errors with the Makefile
# "include basename.Plo" scheme.
echo "#dummy" > "$depfile"
rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
# The C for AIX Compiler uses -M and outputs the dependencies
# in a .u file. In older versions, this file always lives in the
# current directory. Also, the AIX compiler puts `$object:' at the
# start of each line; $object doesn't have directory information.
# Version 6 uses the directory in both cases.
dir=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$|/|'`
test "x$dir" = "x$object" && dir=
base=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|^.*/||' -e 's/\.o$//' -e 's/\.lo$//'`
if test "$libtool" = yes; then
"$@" -Wc,-M
"$@" -M
if test $stat -eq 0; then :
rm -f "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3"
exit $stat
for tmpdepfile in "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3"
test -f "$tmpdepfile" && break
if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then
# Each line is of the form `foo.o: dependent.h'.
# Do two passes, one to just change these to
# `$object: dependent.h' and one to simply `dependent.h:'.
sed -e "s,^.*\.[a-z]*:,$object:," < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
# That's a tab and a space in the [].
sed -e 's,^.*\.[a-z]*:[ ]*,,' -e 's,$,:,' < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
# The sourcefile does not contain any dependencies, so just
# store a dummy comment line, to avoid errors with the Makefile
# "include basename.Plo" scheme.
echo "#dummy" > "$depfile"
rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
# Intel's C compiler understands `-MD -MF file'. However on
# icc -MD -MF foo.d -c -o sub/foo.o sub/foo.c
# ICC 7.0 will fill foo.d with something like
# foo.o: sub/foo.c
# foo.o: sub/foo.h
# which is wrong. We want:
# sub/foo.o: sub/foo.c
# sub/foo.o: sub/foo.h
# sub/foo.c:
# sub/foo.h:
# ICC 7.1 will output
# foo.o: sub/foo.c sub/foo.h
# and will wrap long lines using \ :
# foo.o: sub/foo.c ... \
# sub/foo.h ... \
# ...
"$@" -MD -MF "$tmpdepfile"
if test $stat -eq 0; then :
rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
exit $stat
rm -f "$depfile"
# Each line is of the form `foo.o: dependent.h',
# or `foo.o: dep1.h dep2.h \', or ` dep3.h dep4.h \'.
# Do two passes, one to just change these to
# `$object: dependent.h' and one to simply `dependent.h:'.
sed "s,^[^:]*:,$object :," < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
# Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation
# correctly. Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround.
sed 's,^[^:]*: \(.*\)$,\1,;s/^\\$//;/^$/d;/:$/d' < "$tmpdepfile" |
sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
# The "hp" stanza above does not work with aCC (C++) and HP's ia64
# compilers, which have integrated preprocessors. The correct option
# to use with these is +Maked; it writes dependencies to a file named
# 'foo.d', which lands next to the object file, wherever that
# happens to be.
# Much of this is similar to the tru64 case; see comments there.
dir=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$|/|'`
test "x$dir" = "x$object" && dir=
base=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|^.*/||' -e 's/\.o$//' -e 's/\.lo$//'`
if test "$libtool" = yes; then
"$@" -Wc,+Maked
"$@" +Maked
if test $stat -eq 0; then :
rm -f "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2"
exit $stat
for tmpdepfile in "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2"
test -f "$tmpdepfile" && break
if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then
sed -e "s,^.*\.[a-z]*:,$object:," "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
# Add `dependent.h:' lines.
sed -ne '2,${
s/^ *//
s/ \\*$//
}' "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
echo "#dummy" > "$depfile"
rm -f "$tmpdepfile" "$tmpdepfile2"
# The Tru64 compiler uses -MD to generate dependencies as a side
# effect. `cc -MD -o foo.o ...' puts the dependencies into `foo.o.d'.
# At least on Alpha/Redhat 6.1, Compaq CCC V6.2-504 seems to put
# dependencies in `foo.d' instead, so we check for that too.
# Subdirectories are respected.
dir=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$|/|'`
test "x$dir" = "x$object" && dir=
base=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|^.*/||' -e 's/\.o$//' -e 's/\.lo$//'`
if test "$libtool" = yes; then
# With Tru64 cc, shared objects can also be used to make a
# static library. This mechanism is used in libtool 1.4 series to
# handle both shared and static libraries in a single compilation.
# With libtool 1.4, dependencies were output in $dir.libs/$base.lo.d.
# With libtool 1.5 this exception was removed, and libtool now
# generates 2 separate objects for the 2 libraries. These two
# compilations output dependencies in $dir.libs/$base.o.d and
# in $dir$base.o.d. We have to check for both files, because
# one of the two compilations can be disabled. We should prefer
# $dir$base.o.d over $dir.libs/$base.o.d because the latter is
# automatically cleaned when .libs/ is deleted, while ignoring
# the former would cause a distcleancheck panic.
tmpdepfile1=$dir.libs/$base.lo.d # libtool 1.4
tmpdepfile2=$dir$base.o.d # libtool 1.5
tmpdepfile3=$dir.libs/$base.o.d # libtool 1.5
tmpdepfile4=$dir.libs/$base.d # Compaq CCC V6.2-504
"$@" -Wc,-MD
"$@" -MD
if test $stat -eq 0; then :
rm -f "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3" "$tmpdepfile4"
exit $stat
for tmpdepfile in "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3" "$tmpdepfile4"
test -f "$tmpdepfile" && break
if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then
sed -e "s,^.*\.[a-z]*:,$object:," < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
# That's a tab and a space in the [].
sed -e 's,^.*\.[a-z]*:[ ]*,,' -e 's,$,:,' < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
echo "#dummy" > "$depfile"
rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
# This comment above is used by automake to tell side-effect
# dependency tracking mechanisms from slower ones.
# Important note: in order to support this mode, a compiler *must*
# always write the preprocessed file to stdout, regardless of -o.
"$@" || exit $?
# Remove the call to Libtool.
if test "$libtool" = yes; then
while test "X$1" != 'X--mode=compile'; do
# Remove `-o $object'.
IFS=" "
for arg
case $arg in
set fnord "$@" "$arg"
shift # fnord
shift # $arg
test -z "$dashmflag" && dashmflag=-M
# Require at least two characters before searching for `:'
# in the target name. This is to cope with DOS-style filenames:
# a dependency such as `c:/foo/bar' could be seen as target `c' otherwise.
"$@" $dashmflag |
sed 's:^[ ]*[^: ][^:][^:]*\:[ ]*:'"$object"'\: :' > "$tmpdepfile"
rm -f "$depfile"
cat < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
tr ' ' '
' < "$tmpdepfile" | \
## Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation
## correctly. Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround.
sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
# This case only exists to satisfy depend.m4. It is never actually
# run, as this mode is specially recognized in the preamble.
exit 1
"$@" || exit $?
# Remove any Libtool call
if test "$libtool" = yes; then
while test "X$1" != 'X--mode=compile'; do
# X makedepend
cleared=no eat=no
for arg
case $cleared in
set ""; shift
cleared=yes ;;
if test $eat = yes; then
case "$arg" in
set fnord "$@" "$arg"; shift ;;
# Strip any option that makedepend may not understand. Remove
# the object too, otherwise makedepend will parse it as a source file.
eat=yes ;;
set fnord "$@" "$arg"; shift ;;
obj_suffix=`echo "$object" | sed 's/^.*\././'`
touch "$tmpdepfile"
${MAKEDEPEND-makedepend} -o"$obj_suffix" -f"$tmpdepfile" "$@"
rm -f "$depfile"
cat < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
sed '1,2d' "$tmpdepfile" | tr ' ' '
' | \
## Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation
## correctly. Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround.
sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
rm -f "$tmpdepfile" "$tmpdepfile".bak
# Important note: in order to support this mode, a compiler *must*
# always write the preprocessed file to stdout.
"$@" || exit $?
# Remove the call to Libtool.
if test "$libtool" = yes; then
while test "X$1" != 'X--mode=compile'; do
# Remove `-o $object'.
IFS=" "
for arg
case $arg in
set fnord "$@" "$arg"
shift # fnord
shift # $arg
"$@" -E |
sed -n -e '/^# [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)".*/ s:: \1 \\:p' \
-e '/^#line [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)".*/ s:: \1 \\:p' |
sed '$ s: \\$::' > "$tmpdepfile"
rm -f "$depfile"
echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile"
cat < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
sed < "$tmpdepfile" '/^$/d;s/^ //;s/ \\$//;s/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
# Important note: in order to support this mode, a compiler *must*
# always write the preprocessed file to stdout.
"$@" || exit $?
# Remove the call to Libtool.
if test "$libtool" = yes; then
while test "X$1" != 'X--mode=compile'; do
IFS=" "
for arg
case "$arg" in
set fnord "$@"
set fnord "$@" "$arg"
"$@" -E 2>/dev/null |
sed -n '/^#line [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)"/ s::\1:p' | $cygpath_u | sort -u > "$tmpdepfile"
rm -f "$depfile"
echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile"
sed < "$tmpdepfile" -n -e 's% %\\ %g' -e '/^\(.*\)$/ s:: \1 \\:p' >> "$depfile"
echo " " >> "$depfile"
sed < "$tmpdepfile" -n -e 's% %\\ %g' -e '/^\(.*\)$/ s::\1\::p' >> "$depfile"
rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
# This case exists only to let depend.m4 do its work. It works by
# looking at the text of this script. This case will never be run,
# since it is checked for above.
exit 1
exec "$@"
echo "Unknown depmode $depmode" 1>&2
exit 1
exit 0
# Local Variables:
# mode: shell-script
# sh-indentation: 2
# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)
# time-stamp-start: "scriptversion="
# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H"
# time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC"
# time-stamp-end: "; # UTC"
# End:
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
@page FAQ Frequently Answered Questions
@section Q1 Is ENet thread safe?
@section Q1 Is ENet thread-safe?
ENet does not use any significant global variables, the vast majority
of state is encapsulated in the ENetHost structure. As such, as long
as the application guards access to this structure, then ENet should
operate fine in a multithreaded environment.
operate fine in a multi-threaded environment.
@section Q2 Isn't ENet just re-inventing TCP?! What's the point?
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
ENet evolved specifically as a UDP networking layer for the
multiplayer first person shooter Cube. Cube necessitated low latency
communcation with data sent out very frequently, so TCP was an
communication with data sent out very frequently, so TCP was an
unsuitable choice due to its high latency and stream orientation. UDP,
however, lacks many sometimes necessary features from TCP such as
reliability, sequencing, unrestricted packet sizes, and connection
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ packet streams that simplify the transfer of various types of data.
ENet provides sequencing for all packets by assigning to each sent
packet a sequence number that is incremented as packets are sent. ENet
guarentees that no packet with a higher sequence number will be
guarantees that no packet with a higher sequence number will be
delivered before a packet with a lower sequence number, thus ensuring
packets are delivered exactly in the order they are sent.
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ by doing the following:
./configure && make && make install
If you obtained the package from CVS, you must have automake and autoconf
If you obtained the package from github, you must have automake and autoconf
available to generate the build system first by doing the following command
before using the above mentioned build procedure:
@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ is linked in.
@section Windows Microsoft Windows
You may simply use the included "enet.lib" or "enet64.lib" static libraries.
However, if you wish to build the library yourself, then the following
instructions apply:
There is an included MSVC 6 project (enet.dsp) which you may use to
build a suitable library file. Alternatively, you may simply drag all
the ENet source files into your main project.
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@page License License
Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Lee Salzman
Copyright (c) 2002-2014 Lee Salzman
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
@ -34,28 +34,12 @@ portable, and easily embeddable.
@page SourceDistro Source Distribution
You can retrieve the source to ENet by downloading it in either .tar.gz form
or accessing the cvs distribution directly.
or accessing the github distribution directly.
The most recent stable release (1.3.1) can be downloaded <a href="">here</a>.
The last release that is protocol compatible with the 1.2 series or earlier (1.2.3) can be downloaded <a href="">here</a>
The most recent stable release (1.3.12) can be downloaded <a href="">here</a>.
The last release that is protocol compatible with the 1.2 series or earlier (1.2.5) can be downloaded <a href="">here</a>
To access ENet via anonymous CVS, you must use the CVSROOT
:pserver:anonymous\ with an empty
$ cvs -z3 -d login
Hit the return key when prompted for a password.
$ cvs -z3 -d co -l .
$ cvs -z3 co enet
This will create a CVS directory in the current directory, and with
the second command will proceed to check the enet module out of CVS.
Any problems with CVS access or request for write access should be
sent via email to @ref MailingList.
You can find the most recent ENet source at <a href="">the github repository</a>.
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ disconnect event and must be explicitly reset.
printf ("%s disconected.\n", event.peer -> data);
printf ("%s disconnected.\n", event.peer -> data);
/* Reset the peer's client information. */
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ Certain flags may also be supplied to enet_packet_create() to control
various packet features:
ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE specifies that the packet must use reliable
delivery. A reliable packet is guarenteed to be delivered, and a
delivery. A reliable packet is guaranteed to be delivered, and a
number of retry attempts will be made until an acknowledgement is
received from the foreign host the packet is sent to. If a certain
number of retry attempts is reached without any acknowledgement, ENet
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