Use some diffent value/equation for tonemap

This commit is contained in:
Vincent Lejeune 2014-04-22 02:29:22 +02:00
parent 2aa6676050
commit b0e56ca2b0
3 changed files with 20 additions and 21 deletions

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// From
uniform sampler2D tex;
uniform sampler2D logluminancetex;
@ -9,19 +9,23 @@ out vec4 FragColor;
vec3 getCIEYxy(vec3 rgbColor);
vec3 getRGBFromCIEXxy(vec3 YxyColor);
float exposure = .2;
float whitePoint = 1.;
float exposure = .18;
float Lwhite = 1.;
float delta = .0001;
float saturation = 1.;
void main()
vec4 col = texture(tex, uv);
float avgLuminance = textureLod(logluminancetex, uv, 10.).x;
avgLuminance = max(exp(avgLuminance) - delta, delta);
float avgLw = textureLod(logluminancetex, uv, 10.).x;
avgLw = max(exp(avgLw) - delta, delta);
vec3 Yxy = getCIEYxy(;
float Lp = Yxy.r * exposure / avgLuminance;
Yxy.r = (Lp * (1. * Lp / (whitePoint * whitePoint))) / (1. + Lp);
FragColor = vec4(getRGBFromCIEXxy(Yxy), 1.);
vec3 Cw = getCIEYxy(;
float Lw = Cw.y;
float L = Lw * exposure / avgLw;
float Ld = L * (1. + L / (Lwhite * Lwhite));
Ld /= (1. + L);
FragColor = vec4(Ld * pow( / Lw, vec3(saturation)), 1.);

@ -3,15 +3,10 @@
vec3 getCIEYxy(vec3 rgbColor)
// convert rgb to srgb
vec3 sRGBColor = rgbColor;//vec3(pow(rgbColor.x, 1. / 2.2), pow(rgbColor.y, 1. / 2.2), pow(rgbColor.z, 1. / 2.2));
mat3 sRGB2XYZ = transpose(mat3(
vec3(.4125, .2126, .0193),
vec3(.3576, .7152, .1192),
vec3(.1805, .0722, .9505)));
vec3 XYZ = sRGB2XYZ * sRGBColor;
float sum = dot(vec3(1.), XYZ);
return vec3(XYZ.y, XYZ.xy / sum);
return sRGB2XYZ * rgbColor;

@ -637,11 +637,6 @@ void PostProcessing::render()
toneMap(out_fbo, in_rtt);
std::swap(in_rtt, out_rtt);
std::swap(in_fbo, out_fbo);
PROFILER_PUSH_CPU_MARKER("- Bloom", 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00);
if (UserConfigParams::m_bloom)
@ -699,6 +694,11 @@ void PostProcessing::render()
toneMap(out_fbo, in_rtt);
std::swap(in_rtt, out_rtt);
std::swap(in_fbo, out_fbo);
PROFILER_PUSH_CPU_MARKER("- Godrays", 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00);
if (UserConfigParams::m_light_shaft && m_sunpixels > 30)//World::getWorld()->getTrack()->hasGodRays() && ) // god rays