Fix screen scaling of iOS

This commit is contained in:
Benau 2019-07-14 16:42:45 +08:00
parent 1f826b5ba7
commit 78ff49ced5
2 changed files with 18 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ bool CEAGLManager::initialize(const SIrrlichtCreationParameters& params, const S
dataStorage->Layer = (CAEAGLLayer*)[view layer];
dataStorage->Layer.contentsScale = view.contentScaleFactor;
return true;

View File

@ -173,23 +173,22 @@ namespace irr
@interface CIrrViewiOS : UIView
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame forDevice:(irr::CIrrDeviceiOS*)device;
@property (nonatomic) float Scale;
@implementation CIrrViewiOS
irr::CIrrDeviceiOS* Device;
float Scale;
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame forDevice:(irr::CIrrDeviceiOS*)device;
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
self.Scale = 1.0f;
if (self)
Device = device;
Scale = ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(setContentScaleFactor:)]) ? [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale] : 1.f;
return self;
@ -216,8 +215,8 @@ namespace irr
CGPoint touchPoint = [touch locationInView:self];
ev.TouchInput.X = touchPoint.x*Scale;
ev.TouchInput.Y = touchPoint.y*Scale;
ev.TouchInput.X = touchPoint.x * self.Scale;
ev.TouchInput.Y = touchPoint.y * self.Scale;
if (ev.TouchInput.ID == 0)
@ -247,8 +246,8 @@ namespace irr
CGPoint touchPoint = [touch locationInView:self];
ev.TouchInput.X = touchPoint.x*Scale;
ev.TouchInput.Y = touchPoint.y*Scale;
ev.TouchInput.X = touchPoint.x * self.Scale;
ev.TouchInput.Y = touchPoint.y * self.Scale;
if (ev.TouchInput.ID == 0)
@ -278,8 +277,8 @@ namespace irr
CGPoint touchPoint = [touch locationInView:self];
ev.TouchInput.X = touchPoint.x*Scale;
ev.TouchInput.Y = touchPoint.y*Scale;
ev.TouchInput.X = touchPoint.x * self.Scale;
ev.TouchInput.Y = touchPoint.y * self.Scale;
if (ev.TouchInput.ID == 0)
@ -309,8 +308,8 @@ namespace irr
CGPoint touchPoint = [touch locationInView:self];
ev.TouchInput.X = touchPoint.x*Scale;
ev.TouchInput.Y = touchPoint.y*Scale;
ev.TouchInput.X = touchPoint.x * self.Scale;
ev.TouchInput.Y = touchPoint.y * self.Scale;
if (ev.TouchInput.ID == 0)
@ -797,8 +796,13 @@ namespace irr
CIrrViewEAGLiOS* view = [[CIrrViewEAGLiOS alloc] initWithFrame:resolution forDevice:this];
CreationParams.WindowSize = core::dimension2d<u32>(view.frame.size.width, view.frame.size.height);
view.contentScaleFactor = dataStorage->Window.screen.nativeScale;
view.Scale = view.contentScaleFactor;
CreationParams.WindowSize =
view.frame.size.width * view.contentScaleFactor,
view.frame.size.height * view.contentScaleFactor
dataStorage->View = view;
data.OpenGLiOS.View = (__bridge void*)view;