Added support for "Easter Bunny Ears" easter egg.

This commit is contained in:
hiker 2015-02-21 11:19:15 +11:00
parent f56fc91d42
commit 359582d0e6
2 changed files with 104 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -606,6 +606,11 @@ namespace UserConfigParams
PARAM_DEFAULT( IntUserConfigParam(0, "christmas-mode",
&m_graphics_quality, "Christmas hats: 0 use current date, 1 always on, 2 always off") );
// This saves the actual user preference.
PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam m_easter_ear_mode
PARAM_DEFAULT(IntUserConfigParam(0, "easter-ear-mode",
&m_graphics_quality, "Easter Bunny Ears: 0 use current date, 1 always on, 2 always off"));
PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam m_weather_effects
PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(true, "weather_gfx",
&m_graphics_quality, "Weather effects") );

View File

@ -206,6 +206,7 @@
static void cleanSuperTuxKart();
static void cleanUserConfig();
void runUnitTests();
// ============================================================================
// gamepad visualisation screen
@ -388,6 +389,66 @@ void handleXmasMode()
} // handleXmasMode
// ============================================================================
/** Determines if Easter Ears should be used
* m_easter_ear_mode (0: use current date, 1: always on, 2: always off).
bool isEasterMode(int day, int month, int year, int before_after_days)
bool ears = false;
switch (UserConfigParams::m_easter_ear_mode)
case 0:
// Compute Easter date, based on wikipedia formula
int a = year % 19;
int b = year >> 2;
int c = int(floor(b / 25)) + 1;
int d = (c * 3) >> 2;
int e = ((a * 19) - int(floor((c * 8 + 5) / 25)) + d + 15) % 30;
e += (29578 - a - e * 32) >> 10;
e -= ((year % 7) + b - d + e + 2) % 7;
d = e >> 5;
int easter_day = e - d * 31;
int easter_month = d + 3;
int easter_start_day = easter_day - before_after_days;
int easter_start_month = easter_month;
if (easter_start_day < 1)
easter_start_day += 31; // Month is April, going into March
int easter_end_day = easter_day + before_after_days;
int easter_end_month = easter_month;
int month_length = easter_end_month == 3 ? 31 : 30;
if (easter_end_day > month_length)
easter_end_day -= month_length;
return (month > easter_start_month || (month == easter_start_month && day >= easter_start_day)) &&
(month < easter_end_month || (month == easter_end_month && day <= easter_end_day));
case 1: return true; break;
default: return false; break;
} // switch m_xmas_mode
} // isEasterMode(day, month, year, before_after_days)
// ============================================================================
/** Wrapper around handleEasterEarMode(day, month, year, before_after_days).
void handleEasterEarMode()
int day, month, year;
StkTime::getDate(&day, &month, &year);
if (isEasterMode(day, month, year, /*before_after_days*/5))
} // handleEasterMode
// ============================================================================
/** This function sets up all data structure for an immediate race start.
* It is used when the -N or -R command line options are used.
@ -637,6 +698,8 @@ int handleCmdLinePreliminary()
int n;
if(CommandLine::has("--xmas", &n))
UserConfigParams::m_xmas_mode = n;
if (CommandLine::has("--easter", &n))
UserConfigParams::m_easter_ear_mode = n;
if(CommandLine::has("--log", &n))
@ -1206,6 +1269,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[] )
kart_properties_manager -> loadAllKarts ();
// Needs the kart and track directories to load potential challenges
// in those dirs, so it can only be created after reading tracks
@ -1292,7 +1356,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[] )
@ -1554,3 +1618,37 @@ static void cleanUserConfig()
if(irr_driver) delete irr_driver;
} // cleanUserConfig
void runUnitTests()
// Test easter mode: in 2015 Easter is 5th of April - check with 0 days
// before and after
int saved_easter_mode = UserConfigParams::m_easter_ear_mode;
UserConfigParams::m_easter_ear_mode = 0; // disable always on or off mode
assert( isEasterMode( 5, 4, 2015, 0));
assert(!isEasterMode( 4, 4, 2015, 0));
assert(!isEasterMode( 6, 4, 2015, 0));
assert( isEasterMode( 1, 4, 2018, 0));
assert( isEasterMode(27, 3, 2016, 0));
// Check days before/after
assert( isEasterMode( 2, 4, 2015, 3));
assert(!isEasterMode( 1, 4, 2015, 3));
assert( isEasterMode( 8, 4, 2015, 3));
assert(!isEasterMode( 9, 4, 2015, 3));
// Check if going to previous month is handled correctly: 1/4/2018
assert( isEasterMode(27, 3, 2018, 5));
assert(!isEasterMode(26, 3, 2018, 5));
assert( isEasterMode( 6, 4, 2018, 5));
assert(!isEasterMode( 7, 4, 2018, 5));
// Check if going to previous month is handled correctly: 1/4/2018
assert( isEasterMode( 1, 4, 2016, 5));
assert(!isEasterMode( 2, 4, 2016, 5));
assert( isEasterMode(22, 3, 2016, 5));
assert(!isEasterMode(21, 3, 2016, 5));
UserConfigParams::m_easter_ear_mode = saved_easter_mode;
} // unitTesting