Two new skin (Ruby and Forest)

Also fix some alignment issue when the multiplayer selection boxes.
This commit is contained in:
Benau 2015-11-14 16:28:37 +08:00
parent 2b0e3b8828
commit 0deb065fe9
117 changed files with 546 additions and 0 deletions

data/skins/Forest.stkskin Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
Forest skin is based on Ocean skin
Ocean skin by Dakal and Marianne Gagnon, released under creative-commons BY-SA 3.0+
Except background.jpg, by elisee
Except stars, by s@f
To make your own skin, I suggest simply duplicating this file and modifying it as needed.
There are two types of images : some will be simply stretched as a whole, others will
have non-stretchable borders (you cannot choose which one you must use, it's hardcoded
for each element type; though, as you will see below, for all "advanced stretching" images
you can easily fake "simple stretch")
All elements will have at least 2 properties :
type="X" sets what you're skinning with this entry
image="skinDirectory/imageName.png" sets which image is used for this element
Most elements also support states :
You can thus give different looks for different states. Not all widgets support all states,
see entries and comments below to know what's supported.
Note that checkboxes are an exception and have the following styles :
"Advanced stretching" images are split this way :
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
The center border will be stretched in all directions. The 4 corners will not stretch at all.
Horizontal borders will stretch horizontally, verticallt borders will stretch vertically.
Use properties left_border="X" right_border="X" top_border="X" bottom_border="X" to specify
the size of each border in pixels (setting all borders to '0' makes the whole image scaled).
In some cases, you may not want vertical stretching to occur (like if the left and right sides
of the image must not be stretched vertically, e.g. for the spinner). In this case, pass
parameter preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" to make the left and right areas stretch by keeping
their aspect ratio.
Some components may fill the full inner area with stuff; others will only take a smaller
area at the center. To adjust for this, there are properties "hborder_out_portion" and "vborder_out_portion"
that take a float from 0 to 1, representing the percentage of each border that goes out of the widget's
area (this might include stuff like shadows, etc.). The 'h' one is for horizontal borders,
the 'v' one is for vertical borders.
Finnally : the image is split, as shown above, into 9 areas. In osme cases, you may not want
all areas to be rendered. Then you can pass parameter areas="body+left+right+top+bottom"
and explicitely specify which parts you want to see. The 4 corner areas are only visible
when the border that intersect at this corner are enabled.
<skin name="Forest" author="Benau">
<!-- Stateless -->
<element type="background" image="forest/background.jpg" />
<element type="achievement-message" image="forest/achievement.png"
left_border="128" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.3" vborder_out_portion="0"/>
<element type="friend-message" image="forest/friend.png"
left_border="128" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0" vborder_out_portion="0"/>
<element type="error-message" image="forest/error.png"
left_border="128" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0" vborder_out_portion="0"/>
<element type="button" state="neutral" image="forest/glassbutton.png"
left_border="13" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0" vborder_out_portion="0"/>
<element type="button" state="focused" image="forest/glassbutton_focused.png"
left_border="13" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0" vborder_out_portion="0"/>
<element type="button" state="deactivated" image="forest/glassbutton_deactivated.png"
left_border="13" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0" vborder_out_portion="0"/>
<!-- TODO : buttons could support 'pressed' state -->
<element type="textbubble" state="neutral" image="forest/textbubble.png"
left_border="13" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
hborder_out_portion="0.7" vborder_out_portion="0.3" />
<element type="textbubble" state="focused" image="forest/textbubble2.png"
left_border="13" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
hborder_out_portion="0.7" vborder_out_portion="0.3" />
<element type="progress" state="fill" image="forest/glasssgauge_fill.png"
left_border="20" right_border="20" top_border="0" bottom_border="0"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" />
<element type="progress" state="neutral" image="forest/scrollbar_bg.png"
left_border="31" right_border="31" top_border="15" bottom_border="15"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" />
<element type="tab" state="neutral" image="forest/glasstab.png"
left_border="75" right_border="75" top_border="0" bottom_border="15"
hborder_out_portion="0.2" />
<element type="tab" state="focused" image="forest/glasstab_focus.png"
left_border="75" right_border="75" top_border="0" bottom_border="15"
hborder_out_portion="0.2" />
<element type="tab" state="down" image="forest/glasstab_down.png"
left_border="75" right_border="75" top_border="0" bottom_border="15"
hborder_out_portion="0.2" />
<!-- Stateless -->
<element type="squareFocusHalo" image="forest/glass_square_focused.png"
left_border="6" right_border ="6" top_border="6" bottom_border="6"
hborder_out_portion="1.0" />
<element type="squareFocusHalo2" image="forest/glass_square_focused2.png"
left_border="6" right_border ="6" top_border="6" bottom_border="6"
hborder_out_portion="1.0" />
<element type="squareFocusHalo3" image="forest/glass_square_focused3.png"
left_border="6" right_border ="6" top_border="6" bottom_border="6"
hborder_out_portion="1.0" />
<element type="squareFocusHalo4" image="forest/glass_square_focused4.png"
left_border="6" right_border ="6" top_border="6" bottom_border="6"
hborder_out_portion="1.0" />
<!-- Stateless. No splitting into 9 areas is done; the image is just resized. -->
<element type="selectionHalo" image="forest/bubble.png" />
<element type="focusHalo" image="forest/glass_iconhighlight_focus.png" />
<element type="spinner" state="neutral" image="forest/glassspinner.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<element type="spinner" state="focused" image="forest/glassspinner_focus.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<element type="spinner" state="deactivated" image="forest/glassspinner_deactivated.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<!-- player name spinner color in multiplayer-->
<element type="spinner1" state="neutral" image="forest/glass_square1.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<element type="spinner2" state="neutral" image="forest/glass_square2.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<element type="spinner3" state="neutral" image="forest/glass_square3.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<element type="spinner4" state="neutral" image="forest/glass_square4.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<!-- This one is a bit special. Only area(s) LEFT and/or RIGHT will be rendered. They will be overlaid
on top of the spinner's background -->
<element type="spinner" state="down" image="forest/glassspinner_down.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<!-- For checkboxes, no splitting into 9 areas is done; the image is just stretched -->
<element type="checkbox" state="neutral+unchecked" image="forest/glasscheckbox.png"/>
<element type="checkbox" state="neutral+checked" image="forest/glasscheckbox_checked.png"/>
<element type="checkbox" state="focused+unchecked" image="forest/glasscheckbox_focus.png"/>
<element type="checkbox" state="focused+checked" image="forest/glasscheckbox_checked_focus.png"/>
<element type="checkbox" state="deactivated+unchecked" image="forest/glasscheckbox_deactivated.png"/>
<element type="checkbox" state="deactivated+checked" image="forest/glasscheckbox_checked_deactivated.png"/>
<!-- are always in neutral state for now. No splitting into 9 areas is done; the image is just stretched.
Note: the body of a guage is the same as for for spinners. -->
<element type="gaugefill" image="forest/glasssgauge_fill.png" />
<!-- Lists are always in neutral state for now -->
<element type="list" image="forest/glass_section.png"
left_border="15" right_border="15" top_border="7" bottom_border="7"
hborder_out_portion="0.0" vborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<element type="listitem" state="focused" image="forest/select.png"
left_border="0" right_border="0" top_border="0" bottom_border="0"
hborder_out_portion="0.0" vborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<!-- Scrollbars. Background and thumb have no state (always neutral state).
The buttons are the top and bottom arrows. Image must be top arrow, will
be mirrorred for bottom. Buttons can be in neutral or down state.
Advanced stretching is not used here.
<element type="scrollbar_background" image="forest/scrollbar_bg.png" />
<element type="scrollbar_thumb" image="forest/scrollbar_thumb.png" />
<element type="scrollbar_button" image="forest/scrollbar_btn.png" />
<element type="scrollbar_button" state="down" image="forest/scrollbar_btn_down.png" />
<element type="left_arrow" state="neutral" image="forest/left_arrow.png" />
<element type="right_arrow" state="neutral" image="forest/right_arrow.png" />
<element type="left_arrow" state="focus" image="forest/left_arrow_focus.png" />
<element type="right_arrow" state="focus" image="forest/right_arrow_focus.png" />
<element type="list_header" state="neutral" image="forest/table_header.png" />
<element type="list_sort_up" state="neutral" image="forest/list_sort_up.png" />
<element type="list_sort_down" state="neutral" image="forest/list_sort_down.png" />
<element type="list_header" state="down" image="forest/table_header_down.png" />
<!-- Stateless -->
<element type="section" image="forest/glass_section.png"
left_border="15" right_border="15" top_border="15" bottom_border="15"
hborder_out_portion="0.0" vborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<!-- Stateless -->
<element type="rounded_section" image="forest/glass_rsection.png"
left_border="15" right_border="15" top_border="15" bottom_border="15"
hborder_out_portion="0.0" vborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<!-- Stateless -->
<element type="window" image="forest/dialog.png"
left_border="7" right_border="7" top_border="50" bottom_border="50"
hborder_out_portion="1.0" vborder_out_portion="0.2" />
<!-- Stateless -->
<element type="tooltip" image="forest/tooltip.png"
left_border="10" right_border="10" top_border="10" bottom_border="10"
hborder_out_portion="1.0" vborder_out_portion="1.0" />
<!-- Colors -->
<color type="text" state="neutral" r="0" g="0" b="0" />
<color type="brighttext" state="neutral" r="0" g="160" b="70" />
<!-- For highlighted items, e.g. in list -->
<color type="text" state="focused" r="255" g="255" b="255" />
<!-- Color used to fade out background when a dialog is shown -->
<color type="dialog_background" state="neutral" a="120" r="0" g="0" b="0" />
<!-- Text field color -->
<color type="text_field" state="background" a="255" r="200" g="200" b="200" />
<color type="text_field" state="background_focused" a="255" r="223" g="250" b="245" />
<color type="text_field" state="background_deactivated" a="255" r="200" g="200" b="200" />
<color type="text_field" state="neutral" a="255" r="138" g="138" b="138" />
<color type="text_field" state="focused" a="255" r="80" g="240" b="80" />
<color type="text_field" state="deactivated" a="255" r="138" g="138" b="138" />
<!-- Rating star image -->
<element type="rating" state="neutral" image="forest/rating_star.png" />
<!-- Font color -->
<color type="font" state="top" a="255" r="60" g="230" b="150" />
<color type="font" state="bottom" a="255" r="80" g="190" b="0" />
<color type="font" state="normal" a="255" r="100" g="160" b="130" />

data/skins/Ruby.stkskin Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
Ruby skin is based on Peach skin
Peach skin by Dakal and Marianne Gagnon, released under creative-commons BY-SA 3.0+
Except background.jpg, by elisee
Except stars, by s@f
To make your own skin, I suggest simply duplicating this file and modifying it as needed.
There are two types of images : some will be simply stretched as a whole, others will
have non-stretchable borders (you cannot choose which one you must use, it's hardcoded
for each element type; though, as you will see below, for all "advanced stretching" images
you can easily fake "simple stretch")
All elements will have at least 2 properties :
type="X" sets what you're skinning with this entry
image="skinDirectory/imageName.png" sets which image is used for this element
Most elements also support states :
You can thus give different looks for different states. Not all widgets support all states,
see entries and comments below to know what's supported.
Note that checkboxes are an exception and have the following styles :
"Advanced stretching" images are split this way :
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
The center border will be stretched in all directions. The 4 corners will not stretch at all.
Horizontal borders will stretch horizontally, verticallt borders will stretch vertically.
Use properties left_border="X" right_border="X" top_border="X" bottom_border="X" to specify
the size of each border in pixels (setting all borders to '0' makes the whole image scaled).
In some cases, you may not want vertical stretching to occur (like if the left and right sides
of the image must not be stretched vertically, e.g. for the spinner). In this case, pass
parameter preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" to make the left and right areas stretch by keeping
their aspect ratio.
Some components may fill the full inner area with stuff; others will only take a smaller
area at the center. To adjust for this, there are properties "hborder_out_portion" and "vborder_out_portion"
that take a float from 0 to 1, representing the percentage of each border that goes out of the widget's
area (this might include stuff like shadows, etc.). The 'h' one is for horizontal borders,
the 'v' one is for vertical borders.
Finnally : the image is split, as shown above, into 9 areas. In osme cases, you may not want
all areas to be rendered. Then you can pass parameter areas="body+left+right+top+bottom"
and explicitely specify which parts you want to see. The 4 corner areas are only visible
when the border that intersect at this corner are enabled.
<skin name="Ruby" author="Benau">
<!-- Stateless -->
<element type="background" image="ruby/background.jpg" />
<element type="achievement-message" image="ruby/achievement.png"
left_border="128" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.3" vborder_out_portion="0"/>
<element type="friend-message" image="ruby/friend.png"
left_border="128" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0" vborder_out_portion="0"/>
<element type="error-message" image="ruby/error.png"
left_border="128" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0" vborder_out_portion="0"/>
<element type="button" state="neutral" image="ruby/glassbutton.png"
left_border="13" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0" vborder_out_portion="0"/>
<element type="button" state="focused" image="ruby/glassbutton_focused.png"
left_border="13" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0" vborder_out_portion="0"/>
<element type="button" state="deactivated" image="ruby/glassbutton_deactivated.png"
left_border="13" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0" vborder_out_portion="0"/>
<!-- TODO : buttons could support 'pressed' state -->
<element type="textbubble" state="neutral" image="ruby/textbubble.png"
left_border="13" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
hborder_out_portion="0.7" vborder_out_portion="0.3" />
<element type="textbubble" state="focused" image="ruby/textbubble2.png"
left_border="13" right_border="13" top_border="13" bottom_border="13"
hborder_out_portion="0.7" vborder_out_portion="0.3" />
<element type="progress" state="fill" image="ruby/glasssgauge_fill.png"
left_border="15" right_border="15" top_border="15" bottom_border="15"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="false" />
<element type="progress" state="neutral" image="ruby/scrollbar_bg.png"
left_border="31" right_border="31" top_border="15" bottom_border="15"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" />
<element type="tab" state="neutral" image="ruby/glasstab.png"
left_border="75" right_border="75" top_border="0" bottom_border="15"
hborder_out_portion="0.2" />
<element type="tab" state="focused" image="ruby/glasstab_focus.png"
left_border="75" right_border="75" top_border="0" bottom_border="15"
hborder_out_portion="0.2" />
<element type="tab" state="down" image="ruby/glasstab_down.png"
left_border="75" right_border="75" top_border="0" bottom_border="15"
hborder_out_portion="0.2" />
<!-- Stateless -->
<element type="squareFocusHalo" image="ruby/glass_square_focused.png"
left_border="6" right_border ="6" top_border="6" bottom_border="6"
hborder_out_portion="1.0" />
<element type="squareFocusHalo2" image="ruby/glass_square_focused2.png"
left_border="6" right_border ="6" top_border="6" bottom_border="6"
hborder_out_portion="1.0" />
<element type="squareFocusHalo3" image="ruby/glass_square_focused3.png"
left_border="6" right_border ="6" top_border="6" bottom_border="6"
hborder_out_portion="1.0" />
<element type="squareFocusHalo4" image="ruby/glass_square_focused4.png"
left_border="6" right_border ="6" top_border="6" bottom_border="6"
hborder_out_portion="1.0" />
<!-- Stateless. No splitting into 9 areas is done; the image is just resized. -->
<element type="selectionHalo" image="ruby/bubble.png" />
<element type="focusHalo" image="ruby/glass_iconhighlight_focus.png" />
<element type="spinner" state="neutral" image="ruby/glassspinner.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<element type="spinner" state="focused" image="ruby/glassspinner_focus.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<element type="spinner" state="deactivated" image="ruby/glassspinner_deactivated.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<element type="spinner1" state="neutral" image="ruby/glass_square1.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<element type="spinner2" state="neutral" image="ruby/glass_square2.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<element type="spinner3" state="neutral" image="ruby/glass_square3.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<element type="spinner4" state="neutral" image="ruby/glass_square4.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<!-- This one is a bit special. Only area(s) LEFT and/or RIGHT will be rendered. They will be overlaid
on top of the spinner's background -->
<element type="spinner" state="down" image="ruby/glassspinner_down.png"
left_border="110" right_border="110" top_border="0" bottom_border="36"
preserve_h_aspect_ratios="true" hborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<!-- For checkboxes, no splitting into 9 areas is done; the image is just stretched -->
<element type="checkbox" state="neutral+unchecked" image="ruby/glasscheckbox.png"/>
<element type="checkbox" state="neutral+checked" image="ruby/glasscheckbox_checked.png"/>
<element type="checkbox" state="focused+unchecked" image="ruby/glasscheckbox_focus.png"/>
<element type="checkbox" state="focused+checked" image="ruby/glasscheckbox_checked_focus.png"/>
<element type="checkbox" state="deactivated+unchecked" image="ruby/glasscheckbox_deactivated.png"/>
<element type="checkbox" state="deactivated+checked" image="ruby/glasscheckbox_checked_deactivated.png"/>
<!-- are always in neutral state for now. No splitting into 9 areas is done; the image is just stretched.
Note: the body of a guage is the same as for for spinners. -->
<element type="gaugefill" image="ruby/glasssgauge_fill.png" />
<!-- Lists are always in neutral state for now -->
<element type="list" image="ruby/glass_section.png"
left_border="15" right_border="15" top_border="7" bottom_border="7"
hborder_out_portion="0.0" vborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<element type="listitem" state="focused" image="ruby/select.png"
left_border="0" right_border="0" top_border="0" bottom_border="0"
hborder_out_portion="0.0" vborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<!-- Scrollbars. Background and thumb have no state (always neutral state).
The buttons are the top and bottom arrows. Image must be top arrow, will
be mirrorred for bottom. Buttons can be in neutral or down state.
Advanced stretching is not used here.
<element type="scrollbar_background" image="ruby/scrollbar_bg.png" />
<element type="scrollbar_thumb" image="ruby/scrollbar_thumb.png" />
<element type="scrollbar_button" image="ruby/scrollbar_btn.png" />
<element type="scrollbar_button" state="down" image="ruby/scrollbar_btn_down.png" />
<element type="left_arrow" state="neutral" image="ruby/left_arrow.png" />
<element type="right_arrow" state="neutral" image="ruby/right_arrow.png" />
<element type="left_arrow" state="focus" image="ruby/left_arrow_focus.png" />
<element type="right_arrow" state="focus" image="ruby/right_arrow_focus.png" />
<element type="list_header" state="neutral" image="ruby/table_header.png" />
<element type="list_sort_up" state="neutral" image="ruby/list_sort_up.png" />
<element type="list_sort_down" state="neutral" image="ruby/list_sort_down.png" />
<element type="list_header" state="down" image="ruby/table_header_down.png" />
<!-- Stateless -->
<element type="section" image="ruby/glass_section.png"
left_border="15" right_border="15" top_border="15" bottom_border="15"
hborder_out_portion="0.0" vborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<!-- Stateless -->
<element type="rounded_section" image="ruby/glass_rsection.png"
left_border="15" right_border="15" top_border="15" bottom_border="15"
hborder_out_portion="0.0" vborder_out_portion="0.0" />
<!-- Stateless -->
<element type="window" image="ruby/dialog.png"
left_border="7" right_border="7" top_border="50" bottom_border="50"
hborder_out_portion="1.0" vborder_out_portion="0.2" />
<!-- Stateless -->
<element type="tooltip" image="ruby/tooltip.png"
left_border="10" right_border="10" top_border="10" bottom_border="10"
hborder_out_portion="1.0" vborder_out_portion="1.0" />
<!-- Colors -->
<color type="text" state="neutral" r="0" g="0" b="0" />
<color type="brighttext" state="neutral" r="255" g="30" b="150" />
<!-- For highlighted items, e.g. in list -->
<color type="text" state="focused" r="255" g="255" b="255" />
<!-- Color used to fade out background when a dialog is shown -->
<color type="dialog_background" state="neutral" a="120" r="0" g="0" b="0" />
<!-- Text field color -->
<color type="text_field" state="background" a="255" r="200" g="200" b="200" />
<color type="text_field" state="background_focused" a="255" r="245" g="220" b="235" />
<color type="text_field" state="background_deactivated" a="255" r="200" g="200" b="200" />
<color type="text_field" state="neutral" a="255" r="138" g="138" b="138" />
<color type="text_field" state="focused" a="255" r="240" g="80" b="110" />
<color type="text_field" state="deactivated" a="255" r="138" g="138" b="138" />
<!-- Rating star image -->
<element type="rating" state="neutral" image="ruby/rating_star.png" />
<!-- Font color -->
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<color type="font" state="bottom" a="255" r="255" g="100" b="100" />
<color type="font" state="normal" a="255" r="190" g="115" b="180" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
friend.png, error.png, achievement.png - Licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 by Magne Djupvik (notification_backgrounds.xcf),
based on cup_gold.png licensed under CC-BY-SA 3+ from Open Game Art (art by, comissionned by Bart Kelsey)
glass_section.png licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported and main_about.png licensed under Creative-Commons BY-SA 3, By yeKcim (Anthony Carré)
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
To view a copy of this license, visit or send
a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

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data/skins/forest/error.png Executable file

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
friend.png, error.png, achievement.png - Licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 by Magne Djupvik (notification_backgrounds.xcf),
based on cup_gold.png licensed under CC-BY-SA 3+ from Open Game Art (art by, comissionned by Bart Kelsey)
glass_section.png licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported and main_about.png licensed under Creative-Commons BY-SA 3, By yeKcim (Anthony Carré)
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
To view a copy of this license, visit or send
a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

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data/skins/ruby/dialog.png Normal file

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data/skins/ruby/error.png Executable file

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data/skins/ruby/friend.png Normal file

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Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More