#define TXT_PARAMETER_CANT_BE_s "Parameter type can't be '%s', because the type cannot be instanciated."
#define TXT_PRIVATE_METHOD_CALL_s "Illegal call to private method '%s'"
#define TXT_PRIVATE_PROP_ACCESS_s "Illegal access to private property '%s'"
#define TXT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_DISABLED "Property accessors have been disabled by the application"
#define TXT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_MUST_BE_IMPLEMENTED "Property accessor must be implemented"
#define TXT_PROPERTY_CANT_BE_CONST "Class properties cannot be declared as const"
#define TXT_PROPERTY_HAS_NO_GET_ACCESSOR "The property has no get accessor"
#define TXT_PROPERTY_HAS_NO_SET_ACCESSOR "The property has no set accessor"
#define TXT_PROPERTY_WITHOUT_ACCESSOR "Virtual property must have at least one get or set accessor"
#define TXT_REF_CANT_BE_RETURNED_DEFERRED_PARAM "Resulting reference cannot be returned. There are deferred arguments that may invalidate it."
#define TXT_REF_CANT_BE_RETURNED_LOCAL_VARS "Resulting reference cannot be returned. The expression uses objects that during cleanup may invalidate it."
#define TXT_REF_IS_READ_ONLY "Reference is read-only"
#define TXT_REF_IS_TEMP "Reference is temporary"
#define TXT_REF_TYPE_CANT_BE_PASSED_BY_VAL "Reference types cannot be passed by value in function parameters"
#define TXT_REF_TYPE_CANT_BE_RETURNED_BY_VAL "Reference types cannot be returned by value from functions"
#define TXT_RETURN_CANT_BE_s "Return type can't be '%s'"
#define TXT_SHARED_CANNOT_ACCESS_NON_SHARED_VAR_s "Shared code cannot access non-shared global variable '%s'"
#define TXT_SHARED_CANNOT_CALL_NON_SHARED_FUNC_s "Shared code cannot call non-shared function '%s'"
#define TXT_SHARED_CANNOT_IMPLEMENT_NON_SHARED_s "Shared type cannot implement non-shared interface '%s'"
#define TXT_SHARED_CANNOT_INHERIT_FROM_NON_SHARED_s "Shared class cannot inherit from non-shared class '%s'"
#define TXT_SHARED_CANNOT_USE_NON_SHARED_TYPE_s "Shared code cannot use non-shared type '%s'"
#define TXT_SHARED_s_DOESNT_MATCH_ORIGINAL "Shared type '%s' doesn't match the original declaration in other module"
#define TXT_SECTION_IS_EMPTY "The script section is empty"
#define TXT_WHILE_INCLUDING_MIXIN "Previous error occurred while including mixin"
// Global variable initialization
#define TXT_FAILED_TO_INITIALIZE_s "Failed to initialize global variable '%s'"
#define TXT_EXCEPTION_s_IN_s "Exception '%s' in '%s'"
// Engine message
#define TXT_AUTOHANDLE_CANNOT_BE_USED_FOR_NOCOUNT "Autohandles cannot be used with types that have been registered with NOCOUNT"
#define TXT_FIRST_PARAM_MUST_BE_REF_FOR_TEMPLATE_FACTORY "First parameter to template factory must be a reference. This will be used to pass the object type of the template"
#define TXT_INVALID_CONFIGURATION "Invalid configuration. Verify the registered application interface."
#define TXT_VALUE_TYPE_MUST_HAVE_SIZE "A value type must be registered with a non-zero size"
#define TXT_TYPE_s_IS_MISSING_BEHAVIOURS "Type '%s' is missing behaviours"
#define TXT_ILLEGAL_BEHAVIOUR_FOR_TYPE "The behaviour is not compatible with the type"
#define TXT_GC_REQUIRE_ADD_REL_GC_BEHAVIOUR "A garbage collected type must have the addref, release, and all gc behaviours"
#define TXT_SCOPE_REQUIRE_REL_BEHAVIOUR "A scoped reference type must have the release behaviour"
#define TXT_REF_REQUIRE_ADD_REL_BEHAVIOUR "A reference type must have the addref and release behaviours"
#define TXT_NON_POD_REQUIRE_CONSTR_DESTR_BEHAVIOUR "A non-pod value type must have the default constructor and destructor behaviours"
#define TXT_CANNOT_PASS_TYPE_s_BY_VAL "Can't pass type '%s' by value unless the application type is informed in the registration"
#define TXT_CANNOT_RET_TYPE_s_BY_VAL "Can't return type '%s' by value unless the application type is informed in the registration"
// TODO: Should be something like "This platform requires that AngelScript knows the exact content of the type '%s' in order to pass by value to application in native calling convention"
#define TXT_DONT_SUPPORT_TYPE_s_BY_VAL "Don't support passing type '%s' by value to application in native calling convention on this platform"
// TODO: Should be something like "This platform requires that AngelScript knows the exact content of the type '%s' in order to return by value from application in native calling convention"
#define TXT_DONT_SUPPORT_RET_TYPE_s_BY_VAL "Don't support returning type '%s' by value from application in native calling convention on this platform"
#define TXT_d_GC_CANNOT_FREE_OBJ_OF_TYPE_s "Object {%d}. GC cannot destroy an object of type '%s' as it doesn't know how many references to there are."
#define TXT_d_GC_CANNOT_FREE_OBJ_OF_TYPE_s_REF_COUNT_d "Object {%d}. GC cannot destroy an object of type '%s' as it can't see all references. Current ref count is %d."
#define TXT_OBJECT_TYPE_s_DOESNT_EXIST "Object type '%s' doesn't exist"
#define TXT_TEMPLATE_TYPE_s_DOESNT_EXIST "Template type '%s' doesn't exist"
#define TXT_TEMPLATE_LIST_FACTORY_EXPECTS_2_REF_PARAMS "Template list factory expects two reference parameters. The last is the pointer to the initialization buffer"
#define TXT_LIST_FACTORY_EXPECTS_1_REF_PARAM "List factory expects only one reference parameter. The pointer to the initialization buffer will be passed in this parameter"
#define TXT_FAILED_READ_SUBTYPE_OF_TEMPLATE_s "Failed to read subtype of template type '%s'"
#define TXT_INSTANCING_INVLD_TMPL_TYPE_s_s "Attempting to instanciate invalid template type '%s<%s>'"
#define TXT_FAILED_IN_FUNC_s_d "Failed in call to function '%s' (Code: %d)"
#define TXT_FAILED_IN_FUNC_s_WITH_s_d "Failed in call to function '%s' with '%s' (Code: %d)"
#define TXT_FAILED_IN_FUNC_s_WITH_s_AND_s_d "Failed in call to function '%s' with '%s' and '%s' (Code: %d)"
#define TXT_GC_RECEIVED_NULL_PTR "AddScriptObjectToGC called with null pointer"
#define TXT_EXCEPTION_IN_NESTED_CALL "An exception occurred in a nested call"
#define TXT_TYPE_s_IS_STILL_USED_BY_FUNC_s "Type '%s' is still used by function '%s'"
#define TXT_PREV_TYPE_IS_NAMED_s "The builtin type in previous message is named '%s'"
#define TXT_PREV_FUNC_IS_NAMED_s_TYPE_IS_d "The function in previous message is named '%s'. The func type is %d"
#define TXT_RESURRECTING_SCRIPTOBJECT_s "The script object of type '%s' is being resurrected illegally during destruction"
#define TXT_INVALID_BYTECODE_d "LoadByteCode failed. The bytecode is invalid. Number of bytes read from stream: %d"