301 lines
7.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Muhammad Tayyab Akram
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <SBConfig.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "PairingLookup.h"
#include "SBAlgorithm.h"
#include "SBAssert.h"
#include "SBBase.h"
#include "SBCodepointSequence.h"
#include "SBParagraph.h"
#include "SBRun.h"
#include "SBLine.h"
typedef struct _LineContext {
const SBBidiType *refTypes;
SBLevel *fixedLevels;
SBUInteger runCount;
SBLevel maxLevel;
} LineContext, *LineContextRef;
static SBLevel CopyLevels(SBLevel *destination,
const SBLevel *source, SBUInteger length, SBUInteger *runCount)
SBLevel lastLevel = SBLevelInvalid;
SBLevel maxLevel = 0;
SBUInteger totalRuns = 0;
while (length--) {
SBLevel level = *(source++);
*(destination++) = level;
if (level != lastLevel) {
totalRuns += 1;
if (level > maxLevel) {
maxLevel = level;
*runCount = totalRuns;
return maxLevel;
static LineContextRef CreateLineContext(const SBBidiType *types, const SBLevel *levels, SBUInteger length)
const SBUInteger sizeContext = sizeof(LineContext);
const SBUInteger sizeLevels = sizeof(SBLevel) * length;
const SBUInteger sizeMemory = sizeContext + sizeLevels;
const SBUInteger offsetContext = 0;
const SBUInteger offsetLevels = offsetContext + sizeContext;
SBUInt8 *memory = (SBUInt8 *)malloc(sizeMemory);
LineContextRef context = (LineContextRef)(memory + offsetContext);
SBLevel *fixedLevels = (SBLevel *)(memory + offsetLevels);
context->refTypes = types;
context->fixedLevels = fixedLevels;
context->maxLevel = CopyLevels(fixedLevels, levels, length, &context->runCount);
return context;
static void DisposeLineContext(LineContextRef context)
static SBLineRef AllocateLine(SBUInteger runCount)
const SBUInteger sizeLine = sizeof(SBLine);
const SBUInteger sizeRuns = sizeof(SBRun) * runCount;
const SBUInteger sizeMemory = sizeLine + sizeRuns;
const SBUInteger offsetLine = 0;
const SBUInteger offsetRuns = offsetLine + sizeLine;
SBUInt8 *memory = (SBUInt8 *)malloc(sizeMemory);
SBLineRef line = (SBLineRef)(memory + offsetLine);
SBRun *runs = (SBRun *)(memory + offsetRuns);
line->fixedRuns = runs;
return line;
static void SetNewLevel(SBLevel *levels, SBUInteger length, SBLevel newLevel)
SBUInteger index = length;
while (index--) {
levels[index] = newLevel;
static void ResetLevels(LineContextRef context, SBLevel baseLevel, SBUInteger charCount)
const SBBidiType *types = context->refTypes;
SBLevel *levels = context->fixedLevels;
SBUInteger index;
SBUInteger length;
SBBoolean reset;
index = charCount;
length = 0;
reset = SBTrue;
while (index--) {
SBBidiType type = types[index];
switch (type) {
case SBBidiTypeB:
case SBBidiTypeS:
SetNewLevel(levels + index, length + 1, baseLevel);
length = 0;
reset = SBTrue;
context->runCount += 1;
case SBBidiTypeLRE:
case SBBidiTypeRLE:
case SBBidiTypeLRO:
case SBBidiTypeRLO:
case SBBidiTypePDF:
case SBBidiTypeBN:
length += 1;
case SBBidiTypeWS:
case SBBidiTypeLRI:
case SBBidiTypeRLI:
case SBBidiTypeFSI:
case SBBidiTypePDI:
if (reset) {
SetNewLevel(levels + index, length + 1, baseLevel);
length = 0;
context->runCount += 1;
length = 0;
reset = SBFalse;
static SBUInteger InitializeRuns(SBRun *runs,
const SBLevel *levels, SBUInteger length, SBUInteger lineOffset)
SBUInteger index;
SBUInteger runCount = 1;
(*runs).offset = lineOffset;
(*runs).level = levels[0];
for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
SBLevel level = levels[index];
if (level != (*runs).level) {
(*runs).length = index + lineOffset - (*runs).offset;
(*runs).offset = lineOffset + index;
(*runs).level = level;
runCount += 1;
(*runs).length = index + lineOffset - (*runs).offset;
return runCount;
static void ReverseRunSequence(SBRun *runs, SBUInteger runCount)
SBUInteger halfCount = runCount / 2;
SBUInteger finalIndex = runCount - 1;
SBUInteger index;
for (index = 0; index < halfCount; index++) {
SBUInteger tieIndex;
SBRun tempRun;
tieIndex = finalIndex - index;
tempRun = runs[index];
runs[index] = runs[tieIndex];
runs[tieIndex] = tempRun;
static void ReorderRuns(SBRun *runs, SBUInteger runCount, SBLevel maxLevel)
SBLevel newLevel;
for (newLevel = maxLevel; newLevel; newLevel--) {
SBUInteger start = runCount;
while (start--) {
if (runs[start].level >= newLevel) {
SBUInteger count = 1;
for (; start && runs[start - 1].level >= newLevel; start--) {
count += 1;
ReverseRunSequence(runs + start, count);
SB_INTERNAL SBLineRef SBLineCreate(SBParagraphRef paragraph,
SBUInteger lineOffset, SBUInteger lineLength)
SBUInteger innerOffset = lineOffset - paragraph->offset;
const SBBidiType *refTypes = paragraph->refTypes + innerOffset;
const SBLevel *refLevels = paragraph->fixedLevels + innerOffset;
LineContextRef context;
SBLineRef line;
/* Line range MUST be valid. */
SBAssert(lineOffset < (lineOffset + lineLength)
&& lineOffset >= paragraph->offset
&& (lineOffset + lineLength) <= (paragraph->offset + paragraph->length));
context = CreateLineContext(refTypes, refLevels, lineLength);
ResetLevels(context, paragraph->baseLevel, lineLength);
line = AllocateLine(context->runCount);
line->runCount = InitializeRuns(line->fixedRuns, context->fixedLevels, lineLength, lineOffset);
ReorderRuns(line->fixedRuns, line->runCount, context->maxLevel);
line->codepointSequence = paragraph->algorithm->codepointSequence;
line->offset = lineOffset;
line->length = lineLength;
line->retainCount = 1;
return line;
SBUInteger SBLineGetOffset(SBLineRef line)
return line->offset;
SBUInteger SBLineGetLength(SBLineRef line)
return line->length;
SBUInteger SBLineGetRunCount(SBLineRef line)
return line->runCount;
const SBRun *SBLineGetRunsPtr(SBLineRef line)
return line->fixedRuns;
SBLineRef SBLineRetain(SBLineRef line)
if (line) {
line->retainCount += 1;
return line;
void SBLineRelease(SBLineRef line)
if (line && --line->retainCount == 0) {