2014-08-23 00:18:14 +02:00
#ifndef GL_ARB_bindless_texture
uniform sampler2D normalMap;
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uniform sampler2D glossMap;
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#ifdef GL_ARB_bindless_texture
flat in sampler2D secondhandle;
2014-09-19 20:13:07 +02:00
flat in sampler2D thirdhandle;
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in vec3 tangent;
in vec3 bitangent;
in vec2 uv;
out vec3 EncodedNormal;
vec2 EncodeNormal(vec3 n);
void main()
// normal in Tangent Space
#ifdef GL_ARB_bindless_texture
2014-09-19 20:13:07 +02:00
vec3 TS_normal = 2.0 * texture(thirdhandle, uv).rgb - 1.0;
float gloss = texture(secondhandle, uv).x;
2014-08-23 00:18:14 +02:00
vec3 TS_normal = 2.0 * texture(normalMap, uv).rgb - 1.0;
2014-09-19 20:13:07 +02:00
float gloss = texture(glossMap, uv).x;
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// Because of interpolation, we need to renormalize
vec3 Frag_tangent = normalize(tangent);
vec3 Frag_normal = normalize(cross(Frag_tangent, bitangent));
vec3 Frag_bitangent = cross(Frag_normal, Frag_tangent);
vec3 FragmentNormal = TS_normal.x * Frag_tangent + TS_normal.y * Frag_bitangent - TS_normal.z * Frag_normal;
EncodedNormal.xy = 0.5 * EncodeNormal(normalize(FragmentNormal)) + 0.5;
2014-12-05 00:09:15 +01:00
EncodedNormal.z = gloss;
2014-08-23 00:18:14 +02:00