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; AngelCode Scripting Library
; Copyright (c) 2003-2011 Andreas Jonsson
; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
; warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
; damages arising from the use of this software.
; Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
; purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
; redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
; 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
; must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
; this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
; documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
; 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
; must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
; 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
; distribution.
; The original version of this library can be located at:
; Andreas Jonsson
; asQWORD CallX64(const asQWORD *args, const asQWORD *floatArgs, int paramSize, asQWORD func)
; We must save preserved registers that are used
; TODO: No need to save unused registers
push rbp
.pushreg rbp
push rsi
.pushreg rsi
push r11
.pushreg r11
push rdi
.pushreg rdi
push r12
.pushreg r12
push r13
.pushreg r13
push r14
.pushreg r14
push r15
.pushreg r15
push rbx
.pushreg rbx
sub rsp, 050h
.allocstack 050h
mov rbp, rsp
.setframe rbp, 0
; Move function param to non-scratch register
mov r14, r9 ; r14 = function
; Allocate space on the stack for the arguments
; Make room for at least 4 arguments even if there are less. When
; the compiler does optimizations for speed it may use these for
; temporary storage.
mov rdi, r8
add rdi, 32
; Make sure the stack pointer is 16byte aligned so the
; whole program optimizations will work properly
; TODO: optimize: Can this be optimized with fewer instructions?
mov rsi, rsp
sub rsi, rdi
and rsi, 8h
add rdi, rsi
sub rsp, rdi
; Jump straight to calling the function if no parameters
cmp r8d, 0 ; Compare paramSize with 0
je callfunc ; Jump to call funtion if (paramSize == 0)
; Move params to non-scratch registers
mov rsi, rcx ; rsi = pArgs
mov r11, rdx ; r11 = pFloatArgs (can be NULL)
mov r12d, r8d ; r12 = paramSize
; Copy arguments from script stack to application stack
; Order is (first to last):
; rcx, rdx, r8, r9 & everything else goes on stack
mov rcx, qword ptr [rsi]
mov rdx, qword ptr [rsi + 8]
mov r8, qword ptr [rsi + 16]
mov r9, qword ptr [rsi + 24]
; Negate the 4 params from the size to be copied
sub r12d, 32
js copyfloat ; Jump if negative result
jz copyfloat ; Jump if zero result
; Now copy all remaining params onto stack allowing space for first four
; params to be flushed back to the stack if required by the callee.
add rsi, 32 ; Position input pointer 4 args ahead
mov r13, rsp ; Put the stack pointer into r13
add r13, 32 ; Leave space for first 4 args on stack
mov r15, qword ptr [rsi] ; Read param from source stack into r15
mov qword ptr [r13], r15 ; Copy param to real stack
add r13, 8 ; Move virtual stack pointer
add rsi, 8 ; Move source stack pointer
sub r12d, 8 ; Decrement remaining count
jnz copyoverflow ; Continue if more params
; Any floating point params?
cmp r11, 0
je callfunc
movlpd xmm0, qword ptr [r11]
movlpd xmm1, qword ptr [r11 + 8]
movlpd xmm2, qword ptr [r11 + 16]
movlpd xmm3, qword ptr [r11 + 24]
; Call function
call r14
; Restore the stack
mov rsp, rbp
; EPILOG: Restore stack & preserved registers
add rsp, 050h
pop rbx
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop rdi
pop r11
pop rsi
pop rbp
; return value in RAX
CallX64 ENDP
PUBLIC GetReturnedFloat
; asDWORD GetReturnedFloat()
GetReturnedFloat PROC FRAME
; PROLOG: Store registers and allocate stack space
sub rsp, 8 ; We'll need 4 bytes for temporary storage (8 bytes with alignment)
.allocstack 8
; Move the float value from the XMM0 register to RAX register
movss dword ptr [rsp], xmm0
mov eax, dword ptr [rsp]
; EPILOG: Clean up
add rsp, 8
GetReturnedFloat ENDP
PUBLIC GetReturnedDouble
; asDWORD GetReturnedDouble()
GetReturnedDouble PROC FRAME
; PROLOG: Store registers and allocate stack space
sub rsp, 8 ; We'll need 8 bytes for temporary storage
.allocstack 8
; Move the double value from the XMM0 register to the RAX register
movlpd qword ptr [rsp], xmm0
mov rax, qword ptr [rsp]
; EPILOG: Clean up
add rsp, 8
GetReturnedDouble ENDP
2014-03-16 14:44:05 +05:30