2014-10-27 18:43:09 -04:00
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
Andreas Jonsson
// as_tokendef.h
// Definitions for tokens identifiable by the tokenizer
#include "as_config.h"
enum eTokenType
ttEnd, // End of file
// White space and comments
ttWhiteSpace, // ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n', UTF8 byte-order-mark
ttOnelineComment, // // \n
ttMultilineComment, // /* */
// Atoms
ttIdentifier, // abc123
ttIntConstant, // 1234
ttFloatConstant, // 12.34e56f
ttDoubleConstant, // 12.34e56
ttStringConstant, // "123"
ttMultilineStringConstant, //
ttHeredocStringConstant, // """text"""
ttNonTerminatedStringConstant, // "123
ttBitsConstant, // 0xFFFF
// Math operators
ttPlus, // +
ttMinus, // -
ttStar, // *
ttSlash, // /
ttPercent, // %
ttStarStar, // **
ttHandle, // @
ttAddAssign, // +=
ttSubAssign, // -=
ttMulAssign, // *=
ttDivAssign, // /=
ttModAssign, // %=
ttPowAssign, // **=
ttOrAssign, // |=
ttAndAssign, // &=
ttXorAssign, // ^=
ttShiftLeftAssign, // <<=
ttShiftRightLAssign, // >>=
ttShiftRightAAssign, // >>>=
ttInc, // ++
ttDec, // --
ttDot, // .
ttScope, // ::
// Statement tokens
ttAssignment, // =
ttEndStatement, // ;
ttListSeparator, // ,
ttStartStatementBlock, // {
ttEndStatementBlock, // }
ttOpenParanthesis, // (
ttCloseParanthesis, // )
ttOpenBracket, // [
ttCloseBracket, // ]
ttAmp, // &
// Bitwise operators
ttBitOr, // |
ttBitNot, // ~
ttBitXor, // ^
ttBitShiftLeft, // <<
ttBitShiftRight, // >> // TODO: In Java this is the arithmetical shift
ttBitShiftRightArith, // >>> // TODO: In Java this is the logical shift
// Compare operators
ttEqual, // ==
ttNotEqual, // !=
ttLessThan, // <
ttGreaterThan, // >
ttLessThanOrEqual, // <=
ttGreaterThanOrEqual, // >=
ttQuestion, // ?
ttColon, // :
// Reserved keywords
ttIf, // if
ttElse, // else
ttFor, // for
ttWhile, // while
ttBool, // bool
ttFuncDef, // funcdef
ttImport, // import
ttInt, // int
ttInt8, // int8
ttInt16, // int16
ttInt64, // int64
ttInterface, // interface
ttIs, // is
ttNotIs, // !is
ttUInt, // uint
ttUInt8, // uint8
ttUInt16, // uint16
ttUInt64, // uint64
ttFloat, // float
ttVoid, // void
ttTrue, // true
ttFalse, // false
ttReturn, // return
ttNot, // not
ttAnd, // and, &&
ttOr, // or, ||
ttXor, // xor, ^^
ttBreak, // break
ttContinue, // continue
ttConst, // const
ttDo, // do
ttDouble, // double
ttSwitch, // switch
ttCase, // case
ttDefault, // default
ttIn, // in
ttOut, // out
ttInOut, // inout
ttNull, // null
ttClass, // class
ttTypedef, // typedef
ttEnum, // enum
ttCast, // cast
ttPrivate, // private
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ttProtected, // protected
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ttNamespace, // namespace
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ttMixin, // mixin
ttAuto // auto
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struct sTokenWord
const char *word;
size_t wordLength;
eTokenType tokenType;
#define asTokenDef(str, tok) {str, sizeof(str)-1, tok}
sTokenWord const tokenWords[] =
asTokenDef("+" , ttPlus),
asTokenDef("+=" , ttAddAssign),
asTokenDef("++" , ttInc),
asTokenDef("-" , ttMinus),
asTokenDef("-=" , ttSubAssign),
asTokenDef("--" , ttDec),
asTokenDef("*" , ttStar),
asTokenDef("*=" , ttMulAssign),
asTokenDef("/" , ttSlash),
asTokenDef("/=" , ttDivAssign),
asTokenDef("%" , ttPercent),
asTokenDef("%=" , ttModAssign),
asTokenDef("**" , ttStarStar),
asTokenDef("**=" , ttPowAssign),
asTokenDef("=" , ttAssignment),
asTokenDef("==" , ttEqual),
asTokenDef("." , ttDot),
asTokenDef("|" , ttBitOr),
asTokenDef("|=" , ttOrAssign),
asTokenDef("||" , ttOr),
asTokenDef("&" , ttAmp),
asTokenDef("&=" , ttAndAssign),
asTokenDef("&&" , ttAnd),
asTokenDef("^" , ttBitXor),
asTokenDef("^=" , ttXorAssign),
asTokenDef("^^" , ttXor),
asTokenDef("<" , ttLessThan),
asTokenDef("<=" , ttLessThanOrEqual),
asTokenDef("<<" , ttBitShiftLeft),
asTokenDef("<<=" , ttShiftLeftAssign),
asTokenDef(">" , ttGreaterThan),
asTokenDef(">=" , ttGreaterThanOrEqual),
asTokenDef(">>" , ttBitShiftRight),
asTokenDef(">>=" , ttShiftRightLAssign),
asTokenDef(">>>" , ttBitShiftRightArith),
asTokenDef(">>>=" , ttShiftRightAAssign),
asTokenDef("~" , ttBitNot),
asTokenDef(";" , ttEndStatement),
asTokenDef("," , ttListSeparator),
asTokenDef("{" , ttStartStatementBlock),
asTokenDef("}" , ttEndStatementBlock),
asTokenDef("(" , ttOpenParanthesis),
asTokenDef(")" , ttCloseParanthesis),
asTokenDef("[" , ttOpenBracket),
asTokenDef("]" , ttCloseBracket),
asTokenDef("?" , ttQuestion),
asTokenDef(":" , ttColon),
asTokenDef("::" , ttScope),
asTokenDef("!" , ttNot),
asTokenDef("!=" , ttNotEqual),
asTokenDef("!is" , ttNotIs),
asTokenDef("@" , ttHandle),
asTokenDef("and" , ttAnd),
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asTokenDef("auto" , ttAuto),
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asTokenDef("bool" , ttBool),
asTokenDef("break" , ttBreak),
asTokenDef("case" , ttCase),
asTokenDef("cast" , ttCast),
asTokenDef("class" , ttClass),
asTokenDef("const" , ttConst),
asTokenDef("continue" , ttContinue),
asTokenDef("default" , ttDefault),
asTokenDef("do" , ttDo),
asTokenDef("double" , ttFloat),
asTokenDef("double" , ttDouble),
asTokenDef("else" , ttElse),
asTokenDef("enum" , ttEnum),
asTokenDef("false" , ttFalse),
asTokenDef("float" , ttFloat),
asTokenDef("for" , ttFor),
asTokenDef("funcdef" , ttFuncDef),
asTokenDef("if" , ttIf),
asTokenDef("import" , ttImport),
asTokenDef("in" , ttIn),
asTokenDef("inout" , ttInOut),
asTokenDef("int" , ttInt),
asTokenDef("int8" , ttInt8),
asTokenDef("int16" , ttInt16),
asTokenDef("int32" , ttInt),
asTokenDef("int64" , ttInt64),
asTokenDef("interface" , ttInterface),
asTokenDef("is" , ttIs),
asTokenDef("mixin" , ttMixin),
asTokenDef("namespace" , ttNamespace),
asTokenDef("not" , ttNot),
asTokenDef("null" , ttNull),
asTokenDef("or" , ttOr),
asTokenDef("out" , ttOut),
asTokenDef("private" , ttPrivate),
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asTokenDef("protected" , ttProtected),
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asTokenDef("return" , ttReturn),
asTokenDef("switch" , ttSwitch),
asTokenDef("true" , ttTrue),
asTokenDef("typedef" , ttTypedef),
asTokenDef("uint" , ttUInt),
asTokenDef("uint8" , ttUInt8),
asTokenDef("uint16" , ttUInt16),
asTokenDef("uint32" , ttUInt),
asTokenDef("uint64" , ttUInt64),
asTokenDef("void" , ttVoid),
asTokenDef("while" , ttWhile),
asTokenDef("xor" , ttXor),
const unsigned int numTokenWords = sizeof(tokenWords)/sizeof(sTokenWord);
const char * const whiteSpace = " \t\r\n";
// Some keywords that are not considered tokens by the parser
// These only have meaning in specific situations. Outside these
// situations they are treated as normal identifiers.
const char * const THIS_TOKEN = "this";
const char * const FROM_TOKEN = "from";
const char * const SUPER_TOKEN = "super";
const char * const SHARED_TOKEN = "shared";
const char * const FINAL_TOKEN = "final";
const char * const OVERRIDE_TOKEN = "override";
const char * const GET_TOKEN = "get";
const char * const SET_TOKEN = "set";
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const char * const ABSTRACT_TOKEN = "abstract";
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