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AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Andreas Jonsson
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
The original version of this library can be located at:
Andreas Jonsson
// as_generic.cpp
// This class handles the call to a function registered with asCALL_GENERIC
#include "as_generic.h"
#include "as_scriptfunction.h"
#include "as_objecttype.h"
#include "as_scriptengine.h"
// TODO: runtime optimize: The access to the arguments should be optimized so that code
// doesn't have to count the position of the argument with every call
// internal
asCGeneric::asCGeneric(asCScriptEngine *engine, asCScriptFunction *sysFunction, void *currentObject, asDWORD *stackPointer)
this->engine = engine;
this->sysFunction = sysFunction;
this->currentObject = currentObject;
this->stackPointer = stackPointer;
objectRegister = 0;
returnVal = 0;
// internal
// interface
asIScriptEngine *asCGeneric::GetEngine() const
return (asIScriptEngine*)engine;
// interface
asIScriptFunction *asCGeneric::GetFunction() const
return sysFunction;
// interface
void *asCGeneric::GetObject()
return currentObject;
// interface
int asCGeneric::GetObjectTypeId() const
asCDataType dt = asCDataType::CreateObject(sysFunction->objectType, false);
return engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(dt);
// interface
int asCGeneric::GetArgCount() const
return (int)sysFunction->parameterTypes.GetLength();
// interface
asBYTE asCGeneric::GetArgByte(asUINT arg)
if( arg >= (unsigned)sysFunction->parameterTypes.GetLength() )
return 0;
// Verify that the type is correct
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
return 0;
if( dt->GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 1 )
return 0;
// Determine the position of the argument
int offset = 0;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < arg; n++ )
offset += sysFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeOnStackDWords();
// Get the value
return *(asBYTE*)&stackPointer[offset];
// interface
asWORD asCGeneric::GetArgWord(asUINT arg)
if( arg >= (unsigned)sysFunction->parameterTypes.GetLength() )
return 0;
// Verify that the type is correct
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
return 0;
if( dt->GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 2 )
return 0;
// Determine the position of the argument
int offset = 0;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < arg; n++ )
offset += sysFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeOnStackDWords();
// Get the value
return *(asWORD*)&stackPointer[offset];
// interface
asDWORD asCGeneric::GetArgDWord(asUINT arg)
if( arg >= (unsigned)sysFunction->parameterTypes.GetLength() )
return 0;
// Verify that the type is correct
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
return 0;
if( dt->GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 4 )
return 0;
// Determine the position of the argument
int offset = 0;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < arg; n++ )
offset += sysFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeOnStackDWords();
// Get the value
return *(asDWORD*)&stackPointer[offset];
// interface
asQWORD asCGeneric::GetArgQWord(asUINT arg)
if( arg >= (unsigned)sysFunction->parameterTypes.GetLength() )
return 0;
// Verify that the type is correct
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
return 0;
if( dt->GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 8 )
return 0;
// Determine the position of the argument
int offset = 0;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < arg; n++ )
offset += sysFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeOnStackDWords();
// Get the value
return *(asQWORD*)(&stackPointer[offset]);
// interface
float asCGeneric::GetArgFloat(asUINT arg)
if( arg >= (unsigned)sysFunction->parameterTypes.GetLength() )
return 0;
// Verify that the type is correct
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
return 0;
if( dt->GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 4 )
return 0;
// Determine the position of the argument
int offset = 0;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < arg; n++ )
offset += sysFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeOnStackDWords();
// Get the value
return *(float*)(&stackPointer[offset]);
// interface
double asCGeneric::GetArgDouble(asUINT arg)
if( arg >= (unsigned)sysFunction->parameterTypes.GetLength() )
return 0;
// Verify that the type is correct
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->IsObject() || dt->IsReference() )
return 0;
if( dt->GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 8 )
return 0;
// Determine the position of the argument
int offset = 0;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < arg; n++ )
offset += sysFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeOnStackDWords();
// Get the value
return *(double*)(&stackPointer[offset]);
// interface
void *asCGeneric::GetArgAddress(asUINT arg)
if( arg >= (unsigned)sysFunction->parameterTypes.GetLength() )
return 0;
// Verify that the type is correct
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( !dt->IsReference() && !dt->IsObjectHandle() )
return 0;
// Determine the position of the argument
int offset = 0;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < arg; n++ )
offset += sysFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeOnStackDWords();
// Get the value
return (void*)*(asPWORD*)(&stackPointer[offset]);
// interface
void *asCGeneric::GetArgObject(asUINT arg)
if( arg >= (unsigned)sysFunction->parameterTypes.GetLength() )
return 0;
// Verify that the type is correct
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( !dt->IsObject() )
return 0;
// Determine the position of the argument
int offset = 0;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < arg; n++ )
offset += sysFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeOnStackDWords();
// Get the value
return *(void**)(&stackPointer[offset]);
// interface
void *asCGeneric::GetAddressOfArg(asUINT arg)
if( arg >= (unsigned)sysFunction->parameterTypes.GetLength() )
return 0;
// Determine the position of the argument
int offset = 0;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < arg; n++ )
offset += sysFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeOnStackDWords();
// For object variables it's necessary to dereference the pointer to get the address of the value
if( !sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg].IsReference() &&
sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg].IsObject() &&
!sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg].IsObjectHandle() )
return *(void**)&stackPointer[offset];
// Get the address of the value
return &stackPointer[offset];
// interface
int asCGeneric::GetArgTypeId(asUINT arg, asDWORD *flags) const
if( arg >= (unsigned)sysFunction->parameterTypes.GetLength() )
return 0;
if( flags )
*flags = sysFunction->inOutFlags[arg];
*flags |= sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg].IsReadOnly() ? asTM_CONST : 0;
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->parameterTypes[arg];
if( dt->GetTokenType() != ttQuestion )
return engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(*dt);
int offset = 0;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < arg; n++ )
offset += sysFunction->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeOnStackDWords();
// Skip the actual value to get to the type id
offset += AS_PTR_SIZE;
// Get the value
return stackPointer[offset];
// interface
int asCGeneric::SetReturnByte(asBYTE val)
// Verify the type of the return value
if( sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
if( sysFunction->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 1 )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
// Store the value
*(asBYTE*)&returnVal = val;
return 0;
// interface
int asCGeneric::SetReturnWord(asWORD val)
// Verify the type of the return value
if( sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
if( sysFunction->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 2 )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
// Store the value
*(asWORD*)&returnVal = val;
return 0;
// interface
int asCGeneric::SetReturnDWord(asDWORD val)
// Verify the type of the return value
if( sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
if( sysFunction->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryBytes() != 4 )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
// Store the value
*(asDWORD*)&returnVal = val;
return 0;
// interface
int asCGeneric::SetReturnQWord(asQWORD val)
// Verify the type of the return value
if( sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
if( sysFunction->returnType.GetSizeOnStackDWords() != 2 )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
// Store the value
returnVal = val;
return 0;
// interface
int asCGeneric::SetReturnFloat(float val)
// Verify the type of the return value
if( sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
if( sysFunction->returnType.GetSizeOnStackDWords() != 1 )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
// Store the value
*(float*)&returnVal = val;
return 0;
// interface
int asCGeneric::SetReturnDouble(double val)
// Verify the type of the return value
if( sysFunction->returnType.IsObject() || sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
if( sysFunction->returnType.GetSizeOnStackDWords() != 2 )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
// Store the value
*(double*)&returnVal = val;
return 0;
// interface
int asCGeneric::SetReturnAddress(void *val)
// Verify the type of the return value
if( sysFunction->returnType.IsReference() )
// Store the value
*(void**)&returnVal = val;
return 0;
else if( sysFunction->returnType.IsObjectHandle() )
// Store the handle without increasing reference
objectRegister = val;
return 0;
return asINVALID_TYPE;
// interface
int asCGeneric::SetReturnObject(void *obj)
asCDataType *dt = &sysFunction->returnType;
if( !dt->IsObject() )
return asINVALID_TYPE;
if( dt->IsReference() )
*(void**)&returnVal = obj;
return 0;
if( dt->IsObjectHandle() )
// Increase the reference counter
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &dt->GetObjectType()->beh;
if( obj && beh->addref )
engine->CallObjectMethod(obj, beh->addref);
// If function returns object by value the memory is already allocated.
// Here we should just initialize that memory by calling the copy constructor
// or the default constructor followed by the assignment operator
void *mem = (void*)*(asPWORD*)&stackPointer[-AS_PTR_SIZE];
engine->ConstructScriptObjectCopy(mem, obj, dt->GetObjectType());
return 0;
objectRegister = obj;
return 0;
// internal
void *asCGeneric::GetReturnPointer()
asCDataType &dt = sysFunction->returnType;
if( dt.IsObject() && !dt.IsReference() )
// This function doesn't support returning on the stack but the use of
// the function doesn't require it so we don't need to implement it here.
asASSERT( !sysFunction->DoesReturnOnStack() );
return &objectRegister;
return &returnVal;
// interface
void *asCGeneric::GetAddressOfReturnLocation()
asCDataType &dt = sysFunction->returnType;
if( dt.IsObject() && !dt.IsReference() )
if( sysFunction->DoesReturnOnStack() )
// The memory is already preallocated on the stack,
// and the pointer to the location is found before the first arg
return (void*)*(asPWORD*)&stackPointer[-AS_PTR_SIZE];
// Reference types store the handle in the objectReference
return &objectRegister;
// Primitive types and references are stored in the returnVal property
return &returnVal;
// interface
int asCGeneric::GetReturnTypeId(asDWORD *flags) const
return sysFunction->GetReturnTypeId(flags);